The Heroes of Olympus Aeolus's Crazy Weather

snowflakes989 posted on Aug 16, 2012 at 04:08AM
Hey EVERYONE!!! It's me, snowflakes, and this is the forum that Rainbow and I are starting. It's about Aeolus's crazy weather forecasts and changing predictions. This takes place when the demigods are in a time of peace, so they can listen to Aeolus in peace.

EVERYONE CAN POSt!!!!(But most likely Rainbow or I will post first.

CCCC's appreciated.

Shout outs!

And just about everyone else! If they forums, go check it out!

Remember, everyone can post!

The Heroes of Olympus 106 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 106

over a year ago kkw1700 said…
big smile
Oh yay! I found it!

*eagerly waiting post*


over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yay! kkw! ur here!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
snowflakes said that she'll post the intro, but ill give u a small example of how we do it. just need to find some time.
over a year ago ermmmmmmm said…
over a year ago ermmmmmmm said…
o and read my forum plz
over a year ago book-worm said…
Hey rainbow hey snowflake!!! This forum looks epic all it needs now is some posts!!! My forum could use some posts too I should probably go write.....yeah.....
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
^ lol! And mine does too... its blank... fudge you HP!! Lolz JKS... At least im on chapter 8 i think...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ill give u guys an example of how we do it. but snowflakes is gonna start the real thing. heres the example:

Aeolus: "Hello Olympus! This is Aeolus on Channel OW! I'm not sure what Toronto did, but Hepheastus is really pissed off right now. Hmmm, wow. I never knew that Aphrodite would agree with her husband. It's a miracle! Anyways, Poseidon wants to grant florida with nice weather and some sunshine. Wait, hold on. Zeus is happy with Toronto so i suppose some moderate weather up there in the north!"

Katie (Aeolus's new assistant): "Sir! I just recieved a message from Aphrodite that she wants to send every demigod a box of chocolate."


Katie: *turns pale* "Sorry sir. It was Aphrodite's suggestion."

Aeolus: *turns back to camera* "So as I was saying, Apollo wishes to punish oregon. In fact, he wants Boreas there right away. Hold on, Hera wants to spare Oregon, and now they're arguing.......

Meanwhile on Olympus......
Hera: I told you Apollo! Oregon gave me a nice sacrifice. And I am the Queen of Olympus!"
Apollo: But-but
Hera: No buts! *wag finger at Apollo*
Apollo: Oregon stole some of my sacred cows! and killed them! I am the god of the sun!
Athena: Oh dear. Not again.
Artemis: *sigh* You see dear sister? Males. Such a disgrace to the world!
Poseidon: Excuse me?
Artemis: Nothing, uncle.
Apollo: I'm telling you! These mortals killed my sacred cows and ate them for thanksgiving! It's supposed to be turkey, not cows!
Hera: My sacred animals are cows too!
Apollo: But they didn't kill your's!
Dionysus: Oh please! Just shut up so we can get on with forecast. You are seriously going overboard. And crazy.
Apollo: You're one to talk! You're always drunk!
Dionysus: Am not!
Apollo: Are too!
Dionysus: Not!
Apollo: Yes! Always!
Dionysus: Never!
Ares: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Hepheastus: Oh be quiet! *face palm*
Athena: Can someone just shut them up or shut them down?
Artemis: *grin happily* My pleasure. *dusts off hands and grab the guy's heads and smash them together* Done!
Aphrodite: *gasp* dear me!
Zeus: *Lies back on his throne* Ahhh. Some peace and quiet

Aeolus: Oookkaaaaaayy.... Quiet an argument.
Katie: Uh, yes sir. Quiet an argument indeed

how do u guys like it?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
this is actually short, compared to some of the arguments snowflakes and i have done before.
over a year ago book-worm said…
I don't want to be critical or anything but you spelled quite wrong you put quiet(: it was super super awesome
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Love it! :)
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Aeolus- Okay, gods, New York is seeing frost today because a certain fire- breathing giant made copies of Aphrodte's hairbrush. Oh, wait, Poseidon wants nice weather because his son is having a date. Awww....

-On Olympus-

A- No! Mortals cannot experience perfect hair! No matter what Aussie says! No, no, no, no, NO!
P- But my son is taking Annabeth to Brooklyn!
A- Awww..... Anything for l- HEY! WAIT! YOU GET BACK HERE! NO FAIR!
A- Yeah... *swoon*... He looked great doing it, too...
Artemis- *gag*
A- You're doing it again! How dare you dustract me! You little (censored) (censored) (censored)! YOU
CAN JUST GO DIE IN A (censored) HOLE IN THE UNDERWORLD! Oh wait, that's Tartarus...

*This footage has burned itself up do to some very unladylike cursing*

Aeolus- ah, hehe, we'll get back to that later. Meanwhile in St. Louis....

Someone else's turn! I hope you liked! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
haha! that was funny kkw!!
@book-worm: oops. i did not notice that. sorry.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
nice job, everyone. here's how we shall really start, with background info, where, etcetera, etcetera.

*music blares on speakers*
And it's time for the Olympian Weather- the OW! Channel- to begin!!!

Over in Camp-Half Blood----
Percy- Hey Annabeth, wanna catch the forecast with me?
Percy-So....It'll be like a date, right?
Annabeth-Thought you'd never ask.

Over in Camp Jupiter-----
Octavian-Time the forecast to begin!!!
Larry-Stop singing opera, Octavian!
Reyna-Just listen to the forecast!
Larry-Yes SIR!! Er....I mean ma'am, ma'am.

Over on Olympus
Zeus-Hey! The forecast is on!
Apollo-Dude. It's always on. Every twelve minutes.
Zeus-*blush* Oh yeah. Right.
Artemis-This just shows to you how stupid males are.
Athena-I totally agree.
Dionysus-Oh, go jump off a cliff!!!
Hades-How did you know that? Did you steal our IQ scores?
Poseidon-Whoa. Calm down, my brother.
Zeus-*whispers* But, but, she knows that my IQ is like 20!!!
Poseidon-Really? Wow. Your IQ is lower than Apollo's....
Zeus-I know!! *starts wailing like a little girl*
Hera-Well, it certainly fits him.

Over at the fortress
Aeolus-That's right! It's me Aeolus! With weather every twelve.

That's the beginning/demo! So basicly, you can choose where you are, but you can switch back and forth, or just stay on one setting. Enjoy!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
haha! that was funny snowflakes! i cant believe zeus's IQ is only 20!!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
^ LOLOLOL You have some talent, chica!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Yep! Zeus's IQ is 20! Oh wow! Oh and I usually comment at 2am or something well its because im in China for the whole summer. I have to go to China every summer. I will be going back to Canada real soon though.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
cool! u live in canada? we went to toranto over the summer. we saw the niagra falls. it was pretty cool.
and i go to taiwan every summer too.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Thats cool! I live in Toronto!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I go to Montauk every summer :D
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
maybe u can try to see which cabin percy lives in, kkw!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Lol! Its not that big, really...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
o. r there really spiders in the cabinets and sand in the sheets?
sorry. just a bit curious.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Well, me own a beachhouse in a complex thingy so there's only sand in the sheets if you have sandy feet :)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ah. i see. so who wants to post?
over a year ago tristain714 said…
big smile
I fell so speacial i got a shout out ypu guys have such great ideas this forum is so fun !!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yeah, well it was in our emails, and snowflakes decided to make it into a forum. u wont believe how many emails i have from her in my inbox right now. and i already deleted half of them.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Dude rainbow. I have like 700. And you know I delete most of them.
And at Tristain glad ur here too! I give you another shout out-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey who's gonna post? I kept my end of the bargain and so did rainbow. Now its you guys's turns!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i have in total about 1300 and about 7/8 is from u. and i deleted a bunch already.
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
I would post but im not a good writer.
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Aw, we dont judge! Go for it!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its just for fun! just throw in any funny comments u can think of. even if u think its not that funny, still post. we might think its funny, even if u dont. oh. and u can add arguments from the camps or pranks on the gods, etc.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
yes what they said. I would totally support you! In fact, i bet $50 that i will have a spit take on my itouch after you post. (well, I'm not actually going to bet. I dont support gambling)
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
^ lol! But im sure Gabe does... er, did, that is. ;)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yeah. or dionysus.
over a year ago tristain714 said…
big smile
Aeolus:we are going to start are news wit
*gets a call on a waccetalky*
Aeolus:what do mean you cant see! Im right here
Katie: the green sceen isnt on ,sir so they vant see what your talking about
Aleolus: we will be back with your news momentarely
* comercial about petuinua the nymps river water , while aeolus and katie fix the screan*
Katie hands a remote to Aeolus, he presses dotton to change sceen
Katie : um... sir those are penguins om the screen
Aeolus : urggg get the tenchnecal prouduser katie
* two mins later katie returnes with karl*
Karl: whats the seems to be the proublem here
* the on air botton flashes*

Back at oplylus (sorry i spelt that really wrong )
Zeus : what are they doing there live
Posiden : arew those dolphins on the screen

Back at the studio
Katie: no ,no ,no you have to put the- uh were on air again
Karl: fixed!!!
Aleolus : and we are are back
* a timer goes off the signifies that they are out of time*
Aeolus : ugh we are back and out of time we will see you in 12
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Haha! Penguins! LOL.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
haha! lol! penguins and dolphins. nice touch to that!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Thanks guys! Awesome chapter tristain714!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
A-And in Miami... Oh sorry... whatever you call people who live in Miami, youre having a freak storm courtesy of Hera because somebody lit a pomagranete stand on fire.
Nope. Nno one is arguing. Now onto Washington.
Uh oh, Hephaestus iz going to his forge this weekend, so scorching temps!

Ah, and Columbus,.Ohio gets sunny skies because Apollo is in a good mood.

We wokll see you back in rwelve minutes, here on OW!
over a year ago tristain714 said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
totally awesome!!! keep on posting, guys!!! lets get this onto the popular list!!!
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
But its gone... D''':
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Yeah...i just noticed that. What happened to it?
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I dunno... baby come back...
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its wierd.......
over a year ago tristain714 said…
Who started school today
over a year ago wisegirl778 said…
i did