The Heroes of Olympus Perseus Jackson* Fighter of Eros

FairyWizard posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 09:21PM
Type: Humor, Romance, Suspicion.
Characters: Percy J.
Nico D.
Annabeth C.

Description: Yes, its another Chaos story. Don't be like hating on it. Check it out. Basically its Nico and Percy. I really don't want to say anything, because it goes with the first chapter <_>
Disclaimer: Fuck am not Rick Riordan. And am glad I don't. All the fans wanting to kidnap me <_>
A/N I write faster if you review:)

The Heroes of Olympus 3 replies

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over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Chapter 1

Percy was indecisive.

As he glanced down the narrow entryway, he shuddered.

There would be no turning back. No matter how much he wanted to. He gulped. This was nerve wracking.

He looked wearily at the crumpled piece of paper in his left hand. It was charred and smudged around the edges where fire had touched it. He could still read the words inscribed in bold print.

Meet me in the alley closest next to the first house of Baker Street . Be there by exactly midnight. Come alone. Swear on the River Styx that you will keep this a secret. If you don't, I won't meet you. When you arrive, I will explain everything.

This was all the information that the note contained. There wasn't a name of the sender or any excess info. Percy assumed that whoever wrote this note had been purposely vague. They probably knew that it would spark his curiosity. He would have to come.

He had naturally complied to the note. He was alone in the middle of an empty alley, in the dead of night. Around a remote part of New York. Number one place for crime, kidnapping, and child pornography.

He suddenly heard a sound that disturbed the isolated feeling that reigned in the broken down neighborhood.
He turned around quickly. He uncapped his ballpoint pen. A three foot long sword sprang up. Riptide came into form. His heart rate was speeding up. He couldn't help it. The place reeked of eau de evil.
He raised his sword up. The faint light from the Celestial Bronze material was enough to illuminate the dank alley.
He expected to see a hell hound, or a drunk gangster. He was anticipating the lather.

The creature wasn't any of those things.

Upon closer inspection, Percy realized that it was a bunny. A baby bunny. Percy felt a sigh escape from his lips. It was followed by a mild blush that arose from his cheeks. He had been freaking out about a bunny.
Not just a bunny. A baby one.
He shook his head.
The saluted area was making him paranoid.
He absently lowered his sword, and started stroking the bunny. He noted that its fur was a dirty color. It didn't exactly smell clean either.

“Do you think it has rabis?” a male voice asked from behind him. Percy whirled around. He saw a hooded figure standing a few meters away from him.

A sword was already clutched in his hands. He had instinctively crouched down into a battle pose. He was ready to strike.

The person seemed to have froze.
“Whoa, chill Percy. Its just me.” the voice said cautiously.

It was Percy's turn to freeze.
“Nico?” he asked in a surprising tone. Disbelief was clear in his voice.

“No. I am not Nico. Just somebody that looks and sounds like him.” the son of hades said sarcastically.

Percy wasn't amused. He quickly recovered from his shock. He glared at the fifteen year old that was grinning mischievously.

“What are you doing here?” he said in an unkind tone.

Nico blinked. It was clear this wasn't going as well as he had hoped.

“To talk to you.” was his vague reply. He pointed toward the note that was spread out on the floor. He picked up the note, and gingerly put it in his coat pocket.

“I was hoping you would take better care of the note. Took me forever to write it.” he continued carelessly.

“You wrote the note?” Percy asked.

“Awesome detective work, sherlock.” Nico continued in the same mock tone. Percy was probably the most oblivious person on Earth, but even he could tell that Nico was being sarcastic.

It was taking all of Percy's restraint not to smack him across his forehead.

“So you made me sneak out of camp, in the middle of the night. Go to one of the worst neighborhoods in New York. Swear not to tell anybody. Just to talk to me alone?” Percy asked. His eyebrows were raised over his forehead.

“I'm flattered and all, but I hope you see why that would sort of irritate me. And slightly concern me.” Percy continued.
Nico was about to answer, but Percy started speaking again.
“Are you gay?” Percy asked incredulously.
Even in the faint light you could tell that Nico was blushing. His pale skin had turned a blotchy color.

“What in Hades' gym shorts? Hades no! Eww gross! What the hell? No! Of course not!! Why would you even ask such a question? Eww gross!!” the son of Hades blubbered on.

Percy shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure. Glad you don't. Would have made it awkward between us.”
Nico looked at him with disbelief. “No shit? Like what are you thinking in your twisted mind? Word of advice from a friend? Stop reading those stupid fantasy books that Drew keeps sneaking in your cabin. They are influencing you.”

Percy glared at Nico.
“Mortal Instruments is not stupid!” he said defensively.

When Drew had sneaked the Greek Version of the book, below Percy's bed, he thought that she had lost her mind. All the dangerous chemicals from her makeup had finally turned her brain to mush.
There was no way that he was reading something that she liked. He still remembered Fifty Shades of Gray.

Then the title had caught his eye. And he was hooked. He was currently on book four. When the demon Lilith had forced the vampire to suck Sebastian's blood.

(A/N I love the series so much!! It would probably be my favorite, but I can never dismiss PJO and HOO. Sorry about the weird Percy, I'm fucked up:)
Then a perplexed look appeared on his face.

“Hey, how do you know about those?” Percy asked suspiciously.

Nico suddenly looked busy with his hands.
“That doesn't matter right now. Let me just tell you the reason why I made you come here and go through all those steps.” Nico said.

That got Percy's attention.
Why had Nico made him come all the way here anyway? If he had wanted to tell him something, he could've just done it inside the safety of Camp Half-Blood. There was no reason why he had to go through such extents as to choose such an inconspicuous place.

Nico looked up and smiled. He knew that Percy was hooked.

“Have you ever heard of how the world was made?” he asked him.
The question startled Percy. It put him off guard. He had heard multiple theories. None of which he actually believed.

Percy nodded his head.

“Well, the ones you heard are probably wrong.” Nico said with great conviction.

Percy blinked. That was a pretty bold statement. And Nico sounded totally sure.

“How would you know?” was his only reply.

“Because I do.” was Nico's vague answer. Percy was starting to wonder if Nico enjoyed playing the mysterious card. If he did, it would make only one of them. Percy had never felt so impatient in his life.
“Well, get on with it then.” Percy snapped. He didn't mean to sound harsh, but this was wasting precious sleep time.

Nico looked hurt. He continued on though.

“Fine then. Mr. Patient.” Nico scoffed. “Sorry for trying to make this entertaining.”

Percy rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Just continue. And this better be good.”

Nico broke into a grin. “Oh, it is.” he promised.
“Anyway, the reason why I know is that I did some research on Greek Mythology. And as you know, most of the myths are true. So why couldn't the creation myths be also?” Nico then looked at Percy. As if expecting him to say something.

Percy was about to answer, but Nico plowed on. “That was a rhetorical question. If you didn't know. And the answer is yes. They could be true and they probably are. But so far, I only have one portion that I know is true. Its the part about the god Eros.” Nico stopped there. He looked at Percy expectantly.

He was disappointed though.
Percy's eyes were looking blankly at Nico. It was totally clear that he didn't know what Nico was talking about.
Nico sighed. Percy could swear that he heard him mutter something like, “Should have figured.”

He pretended that he didn't hear that. He gestured for Nico to go on.

“Eros is the god of love.” Nico said. “In the creation myths he was the first one to appear out of Chaos. Chaos is the void. Where everything was created from.” Nico answered before Percy could the question.

“Eros is the strongest and oldest god in existence. And according to the myths he still lives on today.”
Percy stared at Nico. “ Thats all very interesting and all. But you couldn't have told me any of this back at Camp? You made me go all this way to give me a crash course on the creation?”

Nico made an exasperated sigh.

“Well, I had to start somewhere. Apparently you don't know anything about it. I was hoping you've had some level of knowledge about it. But as usual, your clueless.”

“Whatever just continue,” was Percy's smart reply.

“I can't continue if you keep interrupting me.” Nico pointed out.

Percy glared at Nico. “Fine. I won't stop you. If you promise to make this short.”

Nico pretended to think about the deal. Finally, he nodded. He looked satisfied.

“You've got a deal mate.” Nico said.

Percy raised an eyebrow. “Since when did you become Australian?”

“About the same time you started reading Romance Novels.”

“They aren't Romance Novels!” Percy said indignantly.
“Yes, they are.” Nico replied calmly.

Percy was about to say something, when he stopped. A thought occurred to him. “How would you know?” he eyed Nico suspiciously. He had a feeling he wasn't the only one reading Drew's' books.

Nico got busy with his hands again. Before he could up a stupid excuse, Percy cut him off.

“We're doing it again.” Percy pointed out.

Nico agreed. Glad at the sudden change of topic. “Yeah we are. After this, do you just wanna just hang out at McDonald?”

Percy looked at him quizzically. “At this dead hour? Sure, but it can't be tonight. I need my beauty sleep.”

Nico was about to say something, no doubt offensive about Percy and his beauty sleep, when they heard a soft cough.
They both turned around. Stygian iron in the hands of one man. Celestial bronze in the other.

The little light that was surrounding the alley died down. All the shadows seemed to be coming together to make a shape. A mysterious wind blew toward Percy. You could hear something that sounded suspiciously like an arrow being notched.

Then all became normal.

Percy's sword shined dully again. The eerie silence came back.
There was one thing unusual though. There was now a girl standing right in front of them. She was about the same height as Percy, maybe a little bit shorter. She had dark, way hair and blue eyes.

With a start, Percy realized that she was pretty. He found it weird that he thought that. Most girls looked the same to him.
“Close your mouth Percy. You'll catch flies.” Nico muttered into his ear.
That snapped Percy out of his reverie.

“Umm..” was the only thing he could think of saying.

The girl rolled her eyes. “He's the one that we have to recruit? Is our need for fledglings that dire, that we are stooping so low as to be receiving idiots?” she looked at Nico for a response.

Nico nodded solemnly. “I am afraid so. But give him a chance. Percy isn't that bad. He might be a bit dense, but he would be a valuable asset to our army.” he continued.

Percy had the feeling that they had forgotten he was there.

He waved his hands around wildly. Catching their attention. “Hello. Still here. The guy your talking about. Remember me?”

The girl turned and glared at him. It suddenly made him uncomfortable. Only one person had a glare that deadly. And she was sleeping soundly back at Camp.

He didn't flinch though. He had enough practice with standing Annabeth's gaze.

She actually smiled. “Welcome to team Love Muffin, Perseus Jackson.”

Percy thought that he had heard wrong. He needed to get his ears fixed. “Its Percy.” he said. “And did you just say Love Muffin?”

“Yes. We did Perseus Jackson. I suggest you get your ears checked. It seems that you are kind of deaf.” she stated slowly.

Perseus got the impression that he didn't like her very much. “Isn't Love Muffin one of those brand names?” he asked her.

Nico snickered involuntarily behind her. Her hawk like gaze was immediately pointed at him. Percy was pleased to see that he flinched. He look guilty at his black converse.

She turned to Percy again. “No. It is not a brand name. Love Muffin is the organization that we call ourselves. We are an elite team of heroes. The best of the best. We venture into the deepest parts of Chaos. We maintain order and justice. And our commander wants you to join us.” She paused. “For reasons that are far beyond me.”

Percy's eyebrows raised so high, that it looked like they might fall off. “And you expect me to believe all of this?” He asked slowly.

“Yes. Yes we do.” the girl looked indignant.
“Its all the truth.” Nico chirped in.

Percy looked at Nico. It was an odd expression of confusion and betrayal.

“How would you know?” he asked him.

“Because I am a member.” was Nico's firm reply. He looked Percy dead in the eye. As if wiling him to start drilling him with questions.

Percy just looked shocked. “Since when?”
“About last week?”

Percy looked to see if he was joking. His expression told him that he wasn't.

“How?” his voice echoed the question that was going through his head.

“Do you recall how I went missing last Thursday? You guys had started panicking and searching for me everywhere.

Well, the truth is that I was on my way to the underworld. For reasons I will not say. Its where I ran into Veronica.” he added.

Percy assumed the girl's name was Veronica. His observation skills were amazing.

The girl named Veronica nodded. “The imbecile wanted to try and bring somebody from the dead. Someone named Frank, if I remember.”

The expression on the boys' faces were pained. The memory of Frank's death was still fresh. Even after a year. It was mixed with a lot of guilt. Percy placed the entire blame upon himself. He should have stopped Frank when he had the chance. But he was too late. Just like Bianca. He would never forgive himself.

Veronica must have have realized that she had hit a painful subject. She immediately started talking about Love Muffin.

“He's in training right now.” she said. “He is a fledgling, which is what is known as a newcomer. He will spend the next two years developing and sharpening his skills. We leave for New Zealand tomorrow. And you will too. If you accept the position.”

“Why New Zealand? And why include me?” Percy asked. Call him crazy, but he got the sense that Veronica didn't think he was qualified enough to join her group.

Veronica shrugged. “I don't know. Thats what I have been asking myself. I know that we need Nico. Why we need you? Am just as clueless. I asked the commander, and all he said was that he wanted you to. There is a vacancy that demands to be filled. The two soldiers just recently passed away.”

Percy couldn't help but ask how.

“Stabbed in the back by some comrades.” Veronica said shamelessly.

“ Don't look so horror struck. We probably killed the traitors by now.” she said, seeing the horrified look on their faces. She had forgotten to tell Nico that tiny detail.

That didn't exactly reassure them.

“What kind of sick thing is this?” Percy said furiously. He whirled his face at Nico. “And why in Hades' name would you join this?” he asked angrily.

Nico had the decency to look embarrassed. “Thought I would be saving innocent lives.” he mumbled to the ground. He looked like an ashamed little kid. While Percy looked like a disapproving father.

“ You are saving innocent lives! By killing and destroying the ill mannered or are unpure at heart. People who have done an evil deed in their lives.”
“But thats a lot of people.” Nico said.
Veronica nodded. “Yeah it is. Why do you think so many people are dying so much? According to science, we kill three people per day. Isn't that wonderful?” she said dreamily.
“You actually kill people.” Nico asked stunned.
“Yeah. We do.” she answered.
“I want out.” Nico announced. He couldn't believe that he had joined up for this willingly.

“Well, too bad for you then. You already made the oath in the underworld. And the oath is binding. You swore by the River Styx. Even though you didn't know it. You are bound to the oath forever.” Veronica said unblinkingly.

Both boys stared at her. A mixture of hatred and revulsion.

“You mean, I'm permanently part of your sick cult?” Nico's voice shook as he was saying it.

Veronica smiled pleasantly. “Thats right! Think of how much fun we will have! Bringing justice to traitorous demigods and egotistical mortals.”

Nico looked like he was about to be sick. “Please tell me that you don't kill them most of the time.” he said pleadingly.

Veronica looked disgusted. “Where's the fun in that? No. We kill them always. Sometimes when we are feeling forgiving, we just throw them in cellars. Let them die their own ways. Usually by sickness or starvation. We mean business and are totally righteous in our cause. We want to teach all awful sickos their lessons.”

“Not even the gods do that anymore.” Percy said hoarsely. “And even when they did, it wasn't as harsh as this. And it wasn't as unfair as this.”

Veronica waved that argument aside. As if she was fanning out something unpleasant.

“Whatever. So are you in, Perseus Jackson?”

Percy's eyes blazed a dangerous color. You could hear a loud roar coming from the ocean. It was yelling in defiance.

“If it isn't obvious, I'm not in. In fact, your organization just acquired a new enemy. And am not letting you take Nico either.” he said.

To his amazement, Veronica threw her head, and laughed. It was a mocking and heartless bellow.
She sneered at Percy. “Thats funny. You actually think you have a choice. Well, I've got news for you. My commander stated specifically, that we could use any type of force necessary to get you. And even though I don't want you, I'm prepared to go through any means .”

“So much for Eros being good,” Nico muttered. Unfortunately, she heard him.

“Oh, that spineless jellyfish? He isn't our commander anymore. We got rid of him years ago. For good. He made our job boring. Kept trying to lecture us about the importance of forgiveness and love. Irritated all of us. Thank the gods that demigod over threw him. If we had to hear about loving your neighbor as yourself, we were all going to blow.”

“You destroyed Eros?” Nico asked horrified.

Veronica rolled her eyes. “You really are a slow one aren't you? No matter how weak he is, he's still a god. He's immortal twit.”

Before Nico could say a retort, she continued.

“And yes gods can fade. But unfortunately, he can't. His legacy still lives. As strong as ever. So he still lives. Well, barely. It really sucks for him. I pity him.”

“Not enough to help him though.” she added thoughtfully. Seeing the hopeful look on their faces.
“ I don't want that softy back in control. Besides, its more fun to watch him struggle with his condition.”

“He's stuck in a state of starvation and not being able to die. Its been a few years since he's had nectar and ambrosia. He's in such a pity position, that we allow him to roam around the base freely. He knows he can't do anything. And if he does. We'll take it out on innocent victims.”

Percy and Nico was frozen in shock. Veronica took that as her advantage. Like a cat leaping for her prey, she jumped up at them. Quicker than possible, she had both of them in a headlock. Giving them no time to react or even struggle.

The darkness seems to collect and thicken around them again. A door way filled with light appeared out of nowhere. She dragged both of them into it.
Percy had just enough time to stutter, “What the hell?” Before darkness overcame them, and all went black.
over a year ago djpjkjPERCYfan said…
Nice story YO i really liked it! U should make other stories
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Dude thanks. I have an MOA sorta on here. Though I hate it.Am digging your profile pic btw. I Know this is random, but are you black? We need more black people on here xx
last edited over a year ago