The Heroes of Olympus Book of Alvin

CrazyTridentSon posted on Sep 06, 2012 at 01:09AM

In year 3000, Kayson was looking for clues to find Shadowcrest, his famous ancestor Alvin Hamilton, famous sword. He have learned, that Alvin, before his dying day, wrote the a book, about his life, and where he hid the book. As, he reading, he's adventuring, to everyplace, his ancestor went, and he discovers the secrets, his ancestor was talking about. He brings his friends, because that what he needed to do.

Characters: Kayson Ewing, descendant of Alvin Hamilton, and son of Amphitrite, Axis Ironheart, descendant of Blaze Phoenix, and son of Discordia, Liam Jones, descendant of Adam Johnson, son of Thanatos, Ella Perot, descendant of Bree Ganis, and daughter of Hades, Jane Everdeen, descendant of Amin Bereal, and daughter of Bellona. Alvin Hamilton, son of Poseidon, Blaze Phoenix, son of Mars, Adam Johnson, son of Hephaestus, Bree Ganis, daughter of Zeus, Mary Aguado, daughter of Poseidon, Amin Bereal, son of Ares. Chiron, The gods, and others.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mythology.

Author's Note:Some of the rights go to are good friend RR, who I do not know, but keep that in my. Also, if you have an Fan Character, you would like to give, then that would be great. If you have an character on this story, then you can write a chapter, about your character, that is in the Book of Alvin. I will not post on weekends, I will be typing 5 chapters that I will post during the week. So that I can post daily. That is all for now.

Chapter Names and Words:
Chapter 1: Finding the Book Words: 448 words.
Chapter 2: How It Started Words: 1,881 words.
last edited on Sep 07, 2012 at 12:44PM

The Heroes of Olympus 47 replies

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over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Chapter 1
Kayson Ewing
Finding the Book

I AM searching for a book, so I can get better hints to find Shadowcrest, a special sword that was owned my great, great, great grandfather. I had a shovel, and I was digging in the sand, seeing, if he buried it on the beach, or near it. I tossed some more sand in the air, and gave up on the beach, because I knew there was nothing there. I walked into the ocean, and prayed to my mom, and my godly step-father for answers, no answer, as always, but then I heard one message Keep looking Kayson, the book is closer than you think, the message had said, but no clues, so I trudged along, back towards my cabin.

Then, I saw something glowing golden, and green at the Poseidon’s cabin, so I walked over there, and I felt a tug in my guts. I opened the door, and it creaked, and I didn’t blame it, nobody really comes in here anymore, I then sat on the bed, which shook, but held me. I looked around to see where the glowing was coming from, but then I stepped off the bed, and realized the glow was coming from the bottom of the bed. I pushed the bed towards the cabin door, opened up the cabin floors, picked up what was under them, and dusted it off: The Book of Alvin Hamilton it read.

I tucked the book under my shoulder, walked out of Cabin Three, and walked over to the beach. I looked over at the water, and did a silent pray, to my mom, and step-father-The godly ones- I opened the book, here because this felt like the right place, where Poseidon would watch over me. I opened the book to page one, and it was in Greek, thank the gods, and I read the page one, excitedly: Hello, future demigod, who Poseidon has led to the book about my life , so you must be an descendant of me, if he led you to this book, that must mean you’re an descendant of me. If you’re not, you would be knocked out by now, but your still reading passes now, so you must are my descendant. Anyhow this book holds many secrets which the gods don’t wish to tell, so one thing. This holds my life, so you must read on and discover what is lost, have friends help, but only a descendant of Blaze Phoenix, because I trust them most, more than anybody I wrote this, of course, and I’m Alvin Hamilton, son of Poseidon. This is the beginning of my life story, and this story, will also show, the middle, and the end.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
over a year ago meredog said…
.... so... u made a story about yourself???? Ok then... lol!!! Y am I NOT in this story?!?!?! *offended* I am ur sister!!!! lol jk!!! I'm not offended!!!! Not at all!!! Lol!!! Anyway nice chapi!!!!!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Oh, I forgot, what's Mary last name?
over a year ago meredog said…
Aguado! That's my last name! But rly! U don't have to put me in the story! I was joking around!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Oh, yeah I forgot to mention, the people in my story, get to write a chapter in the Book of Alvin.
over a year ago meredog said…
^omg that's cool!!!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
You didn't tell me there was a catch.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
another daughter of hades??!!!? OMG!!!! and i thought i was stuck with the emo forever!! XD

great story btw!
over a year ago meredog said…
^HES NOT EMO!!! IF HE WAS HE WOULD CUT HIMSELF!!!! Y does everyone think hes emo???
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
^^^ I just thought about doing that, that's why
^^^^ I thought it was an neat idea.

Only if you want to, though.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
i was joking! O_O well, in a first glance if u didnt know him, he'd look emo/scene whatever, and i know Nico - hes far from emo but its funny when he gets mad about it XD
over a year ago meredog said…

^^u can put me in the story if u want but I don't think I could write the chapters.... but u don't have to put me in! I was joking around!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I must not write good chapters, cause nobody asking me to post soon. :'(
over a year ago meredog said…
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Awesome post
This is more popular than my forums, even when I continue them.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
big smile
yeah POST SOON! :D :D
over a year ago meredog said…
Awwww CaT!!! Tell me what ur story's r!!! Ill read them!! Wont we Mary??
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
HoO chat room..... that's the most active. Most of mine end up being abandoned. I'm just lucky I have a co-writer.
over a year ago meredog said…
Ummmm....... Chat room????? I love those!!! Post a link plez!!!!!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
^^^errrr....wut? oh sure :D
over a year ago meredog said…
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I'm typing my chapter right, now, and I won't post on weekends, because I will type 5 chapters, and I will post them each week day. I will try to post daily, or whenever I can.
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I'm also gonna give you the next chapter name and it's then 1,881 words.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
First one to know of this story....last one to know it has been posted....f*** my life... XD just kidding! anyways, awesome
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
We have to write a chapter O_O YOU TRICKED ME!!!!

Next time I should ask -_-

over a year ago meredog said…
^lol!!!!!! I think he said u don't have to..... anyway cool!! I'm in the story to!!!! Omg my brother loves me!! Lol!!! POST!!!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Chapter 2
Alvin Hamilton
How It Started

IT ALL STARTED at Camp Half-Blood, about when I woke up, looked over at my clock, which read: 7:00 A.M., and I groaned loudly and got up. I walked over to the shower, a 15 minute shower, changed into a green shirt, some blue jeans, some blue, grey, and green Nikes, and grabbed my green leather jacket, which I put on. I walked out of my cabin, as the breakfast horn blew, and I ran over towards breakfast, as I always did. Once, I got to the breakfast pavilion, I got my food, scrapped some in the fire, and sat back at my table.

Chiron made the regular announcements, and reminded us, that Capture the Flag was tonight, which reminded me, today was Friday, and we got a lot of cheers after he announced that, a lot from the Ares Cabin and Athena cabin. I ate the eggs, bacon, and waffles I didn’t scrap into the fire. When, I was finished, I walked towards archery, because, that’s where I go first, and when I got over there, I grabbed a bow. I focused, along the path of the bow, and shot out, and it hit two circles above the edge, which was my best shot, because usually I missed the target, and/or hit somebody, with an arrow.

I continued to shoot the arrows, most of them, just barely hitting the target, some of them, nearly hitting the middle, and I wiped the sweat off my forehead, when the class was done, and I ran towards Sword Fighting Practice. I pulled a frost stone from my pocket, crushed it, it became Shadowcrest, my favorite sword. I started slashing at the dummies one by one, them I spun around, and sliced one’s head off clean off. I stopped myself, leveling my sword, as I did so, and then my usual sparring partner Blaze Phoenix, son of Mars, came over and pulled out his red sword Pyro, that was also his favorite sword.

I got in a battle stance, while he charged me, I anticipated his first strike, which could be dodged with a step-side, so I step-sided, while keeping my sword low, then I pulled Shadowcrest up, and it clattered against Pyro. I pushed him backwards, then he replied with more force, pushing me backwards, and I started to lose my grip on the ground, and I used my knee, so I wouldn’t fall all the way. I pushed up once, so he didn’t push on my other knee, then I rolled to the side, making sure to dodge his dangerously sharp blade, then I slashed upwards, behind my back, to hit his sword, but I missed, and he reacted late, but nearly cut my arm. I got up, just in time, to block his next strike, which happened to go right at my shoulder, which then I brought my sword next to my waist, and slashed at the left side of his body.

He jumped up, slashing his blade to the side, pushing my down, then he landed on it, and I moved it face up, and pulled up, cutting his shoe. He jumped back, fire all across his sword, leaping with excitement, which I coated my in water, and charged him. I held my sword in front of me, but pushed it back, towards my side, then I stabbed it into the ground, using it to push into the air, and I slashed downwards at his head. He brought Pyro up to block the strike, just like I wanted, cause Shadowcrest caught just on the tip of the blade, so I twisted, and slammed it down, but he pushed up, and both of are blades went flying, so we charged each other, his fist covered in fire, mine with ice, we punched each other fist, and we grinned and laughed” Nice battle” we said to each other, then went to pick up are swords.

Then, we both heard a scream from the forest, so we both picked up are swords, and charged towards the frost. I kept running, being faster than Blaze, I got there first. The scream came from Jace, who was a son of Hecate, had multiple cuts and bruises, and I growled, picking him up, after I turned Shadowcrest, back into a frost stone. Whatever monster got him was strong, because he wasn’t a puny son of Hecate, and was good at magic, along with using his daggers.

I started walking towards back to Camp, towards the infirmary” What do you think got him?” I asked Blaze, and shrugged” Beats me” He said, while shrugging and I walked out of the forest, seeing how we didn’t go that far in. I ran towards the infirmary, which was a 30 yards away from us. I quickly ran in there, then gave him in to the hands of an Apollo kid, and I walked out, where Blaze was standing, playing with a flame. He put out his flame when he saw me, then he walked towards what he had next, while I did the same.
I walked to Greek Mythology with Annabeth, tried to listen, without the ADHD being enough, to not pay attention. After that was done, I walked towards the forge, because Adam, a son of Hephaestus, was supposed to be making me a shield. When, I got there- which took about 10 minutes- I asked Leo, if he was done with my shield, and he nodded, giving me the shield, also getting the image right- which was in the background Atlantis, and in front of it, Poseidon, his wife, me, and Triton-I smiled at the image . I walked out of there, after the shield, turned into a bracelet that had a watch on top of it.

It was just in time to capture the Flag, as I walked up to the forest, then Blaze, Adam, and Bree came up behind me.” Alright, so we got, Zeus, Poseidon, Hephaestus, and Ares. Against Hermes, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, and Athena” I said, as we reached Zeus’s fist, and climbed it. “Adam, and your guys, set up traps around the flag, and be at the bottom, creating a border, that’s 5 feet apart” I told the Hephaestus kids” Blaze, you and Clarisse, fight your way, and leading the other campers away from the flag” I told them” Me and Bree, will stay here, till the center is clear enough, so we can get the flag. “Everybody nodded and agreement. I waited till the horn blew, and everybody charged, and I stood 10 ft away from the flag, just as Bree did.
I waited till Blaze and Clarisse, had pulled 10 campers from the center each, and I charged through the center with Bree, she shot arrows past me, to block people coming at us. I pulled the timer setter on my watch, it turned into a shield, I then grabbed the frost stone out my pocket, crushed it, and it became Shadowcrest. The running felt great, I dodged things that flew past us, when I crossed the creak, and I threw my fist in the air, the creek exploded, and shooting out in all directions. I saw their flag, with 4 guards, so I looked over at Bree” Ready” She nods, so I smile and charged ahead of her, holding Shadowcrest in a attacking position.

The first guard, had a spear, trying to use the range, but I got in close, after I slashed their spear in half, which my sword cut through it like it was butter, and I knocked the dude out with the butt of my sword. I spun around another person, slashing, hacking wildly, till I clashed against another weapon, then I saw Percy flash by, with Riptide, holding the person I was battle off, and Bree was fighting one and my sister, Mary was fighting another, I wondered where they came for before Percy told me to go, and I charged at the flag. I picked it up, and then turned around, placing Shadowcrest in a sheath, I held my shield just right, and charged back towards the creek. I pushed my sword forward, the creek blasted out in a straight line, then split, washing over the trees, hitting opposite team, without hitting my people.

Then something curled up my leg, stayed in place, and tripped me, so I crashed onto the ground, flag still in my hand, and I landed on my shield. The plant picked me up, swinging me in the air, then I realized who did it, and I used my shield sharp edges, to cut myself down. I landed on my back, but I got up, and kept charging the way I should go. The creek was 5 yards away, if I could just… BOOM!!!, something beside went and flew into me, throwing me towards a tree, which I crashed into, and I thought I cracked some bones.

I groaned, and then stepped onto my feet, which didn’t hurt much, I was worried more about my ribs, but I took a deep breath, and walked to the creek. I stopped near the creek, threw some water on me, and then jumped over it, the water healing my ribs automatically. The flag changed appearance, becoming a trident, with a dolphin, a horse, hippocampus, and Poseidon himself. I then stood in the creek, while Chiron came in, announced that Blue Team had won, so I charged the rest of the way, to where our flag was.

I laughed, then the shell blew, and I charged to the dinner pavilion- charging was faster which got me there in half the time- I got my food, which was barbecue chicken, some macaroni, and green beans, which I ate half of, and then dumped the rest in the fire. Poseidon, I thought, when I did so, and I went towards the camp fire, because that’s where you go next. While, I waited for everybody else, I played with my watch, time passed by quickly, and so soon, everyone else sat down. When everyone came, Chiron made some announcements, then he told the Apollo Cabin to lead us off in a song, but I ignored them, and got up.

The song was over, so I walked to my cabin, then my ribs starting hurting again, but I ignored it, and created some water, which I applied to my skin. I nearly walked into Cabin 3, but I saw it just in time, and jumped onto the perch. I opened the door, sat on my bed, twirling my finger, controlling water that was on the ceiling. Percy came in, put Riptide under his pillow, and went to sleep, and then Mary came in, placing her trident under the bed, so I followed there example, and found a sleep full of dreams.
So, how was it?
Did you like?
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Awesome post soon
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I won't be posting any more chapters, till Monday, cause I work on chapters Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
over a year ago meredog said…
Yay!!! We won!!!!!! Where did Percy and I come from......???? Cool!!!! But its weird that I don't even know where I came from!!!! Lol!! Jk!!!! Yay!! I have my trident!!!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Yeah, it's pink!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
cool post!!! LOL Mary XD
over a year ago meredog said…
Omg Yay!!!! I luv pink!!! I've always loved pink!!! I have my pink trident!!!! Imagine this: I'm facing a scary monster dude. He sees my trident and laughs

"What u gonna do with a pink trident huh?! Poor up a dress for me?!" The monsters says

"No!! I hate dresses and makeup!!! That's for the Aphrodite kids!!!" I blast him to peaces with my pink trident "hows that for a girl with a pink trident?!" I laugh and walk away.

Yes!! I shall be the scarest girl with a pink trident ever!!!!! Lol!!!!!!!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Nice, nice, and why don't you get on meebo meredog????
over a year ago meredog said…
Cuz I don't know what the heck meebo is.... wtf is that??? Should I know what that is?? Cuz I don't......
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Turn your instant message on, so you can talk to the people, you've fanned and they've fan you back, or they fanned you and you fanned them back.
over a year ago meredog said…
Ooooo!!! My IM should be on!! Crap!! Hold on.....
over a year ago meredog said…
big smile
Yay!!! Its on now!!!!!
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Your still not online meebo.
over a year ago meredog said…
Stupid thing.....
over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
Ehh, it'll probably kick in tomorrow-ish. Ehh, what's up doc?
over a year ago meredog said…
What's up doc??? Isn't that... ummm... the bunny dude???
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I'm there...damn I got the ambassador duty...
Ambassador duty: 3 campers from each camp must go to the other camp for a week.

Just to help cause I'm from Camp Jupiter and this takes place in camp half-blood

over a year ago CrazyTridentSon said…
I will start chapter, when I get back from school, yeah, then I will be typing all five chapters for the weekdays.