The Heroes of Olympus Clarisse's Story - KatieK101

KatieK101 posted on Sep 07, 2012 at 12:51AM
All rights to RR!

Clarisse La Rue is a fave character of mine and is in my top 5. But if you ask me, to many people ms-understand her. I am tired of how everyone hates her because she is a jerk to Percy. But even though the books start out like that, Rick does stat that Clarisse do consider each other as valuable friends/allies.

Another thing, everyone is also going on about how mean, ugly, and rude she is. But a couple of weeks ago I was searching for stuff on the MOA when I came across an old chat RR had. In it he told about some of his fave characters he created and Clarisse was one.

He said that he hates how people dont get Clarisse at all. And that it isn't a none face but her mother was never really their and like Annabeth's father, treated her like a freak. And that Clarisse's own cabin gave her ALOT of trouble for a long time. From teasing her to dis-obaying her. Clarisse is also thought to be really ugly. Rick said she isn't ugly at all. And the reason why she can be such a jerk is becouse of the way she was treated.

So anyways, I can't find the website and I'm driving myself crazy looking for it. But I see so many remarks on how people just hate her and the way she acts. I'm sick of it. ANd most of it isn't on FP, but on other websites I'm on.

So one day during math the thought came to me. To write a story about Clarisse's life. So, here goes :)

The Heroes of Olympus 537 replies

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over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago demigod324 said…
Clarisse is my in mybtop five characters as well,so i cant wait too read your story!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
cant wait till u post!!
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Yay! Comments! lol! Getting ready to :3 <--- That is my mustache face :3
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
OK, before I start on the story please read this!

OK so, in my story I am going to have to do some things that will interfer with the PJO books. Like how Chris will be at CHB before Clarisse. I mighty send her on a quest and it say in TLT that no one has been on a quest since Luke. Though chances are they might not be a quest. Things And Clarisse's personality is going to change. Like, she will care if she gets teased or something. She's had a hard past life and really dosen't trust anyone. And her cabin keeps getting ticked off at her and tey cause her ATON of trouble and are really just jerks. But anywho, working on first chap!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Chapter 1: So this is it?

"So this is it?" I asked the... thing standing next to me. Gleason Hudge nodded. "Yep. This is the place." You see, the reason why I called him a 'thing' is because he is not normal. He is part goat. Supposedly called 'Satyer.' But I wasn't the one to talk. I had been chased by monsters ever since I was born. No I don't meen the kind in your closet with 2 heads and 18 eye balls. I meen the kind that will scar you for life. The kind that can kill you just by looking at you. The fun kind. But they've been getting worse and more frequent over the past month. "Clarisse?" Gleason said interpreting my thoughts. I shook my head. "What?" "Well? Let's go!" I looked down. Their was a pine tree and below that a camp. I could see kids running around all over the place doing all kinds of things. Gleason told me he would be taking me to a special camp. For special kids. Since he won't tell me anything ales I've worked up my own idea. He's taking me to a camp full of kids with ADHD and dyslexia. "It's not like that Clarisse!" Gleason insisted. "No? Then what's so 'special' about me or this camp?" I demanded. Gleason let out a sigh. "It isn't my place to tell you just yet." "You say that every time! Yet it's your place to came and kid nap me-" "You meen rescue you." Gleason corrected. "No. I meen kid nap me. I was doing just fine by myself!" Gleason snorted. "Yea. Have fun in juvie." "They can't prove I did anything wrong! Besides, I'm only 13. How do they suspect I did something like that?" "Mortals are very stubborn. If they can't prove something ales started it then they will take you!" "Well I don't care! I don't want anything to do with you or your stupid camp!" I turned around and started to walk off when Gleason yelled "You have no where to go! Your a wanted suspect!" "I'll live!" "What? Are you backing down from a fight?" I stopped.

"That's right Clarisse. Me and you both know that your pride will get the best of you. Just come on now and let's make this easy?" Gleason pleaded. I sighed. I really didn't want to but how could I back down? I was really thinking about it when Gleason said "In a way, it is your fault." That was it. I spun around on my heel and shouted "It was not my fault! I swear I didn't do it!" I felt tears fall down my face and I had to keep myself from sobbing. Gleason clomped over and put a arm over me. "Hey, hey. Sorry, it wasn't my place to say that. But I need to get your attention Clarisse. You need to understand that you have no choice. I know it wasn't your fault. But they everyone ales? Not so munch. Even your own mother doesn't believe you."

I didn't answer. It was really UN-like me to cry about something. "Come on Clarisse. You haven't eaten in 3 days and your a mess. Let's go.You'll love this place." I took another look at the camp. Everyone looked happy enough. And I could smell food all the way up on the hill. I had been running none stop for the past 3 days and I wanted nothing more then to just sleep without worrying I wasn't go to live that night.

I nodded. "OK. Let's go."

Gleason helped me stand up and together we walked down the hill. I forced myself to stop crying and to shapen up. I whipped the tears from my face and just hoped I didn't look to horrific. As I entered the center of the camp, kids stopped what they were doing and watched me. I wanted to curl up into a ball but since that wasn't a choice, I straightened up and walked forward. Gleason started pointing things out but I wasn't listening.

I just stared in awe. This place was amazing! And impossible! They had a rock climbing wall that had real lava, kids were shooting basket balls from miles away, and their were kids doing tricks on horses with wings. Yes, this place was very impossible. "See! Told you it was great!" Gleason said. I didn't answer. More and more kids starting staring at me and it was getting kinda of hard to keep the bold act up.

I heard whispers about my parent. I almost spun around and told them to keep my mother out of this when Gleason whispered in my ear: "Not about your mom. About your dad."

I don't know if that made things better or worse. My father left my mom and me when I was born. She didn't have any pictures and I didn't have to many memories. My mom loved him. She told me that he didn't leave us. He went off to war and died. But she was always get a hint of a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes when she said this. Like it was a joke.

Quite frankly I saw this as nothing to laugh at. After all, their is nothing funny about loosing a parent.

Sometimes I would get teased at school about it. That's what made it a hard subject. I always got ticked when kids did that. Of course, that stopped when I changed to my 5th school. No one dared tease me about it when I got into a fight with this kid and almost broke his arm. And gave him a black eye. And a black everything ales.

Don't ask why his parent didn't sue or why I didn't change schools.

Anyways, I decided that I still didn't like it and went to punch them all but Gleason grabbed my shoilder and whispered "It will all make sense soon. Their not teasing" I relaxed some and kept walking. I kept walking till we got to a really big house. It was painted sky blue and had some people sitting around on lawn chairs. Most of the people looked pretty strange or beaten up. But the most strange couple was a man in a wheel chair and another, slightly older man, drinking soda. As we approached them Gleason started straightening his hair.

What's gotten into him?

When we got to the two, Gleason was slightly shaking and started making soft goat noise's.

The man in the wheel chair looked up and smiled. "Well, I see you managed to get her here safely. Well done Gleason." The man looked at the other, whom was drinking soda and staring at cards. "Mr. D? She's here." "Hurray." The man said without any ethuseam once O' ever. The wheel chair guy smiled at me.

"Your going to have to excuse him Clarisse." "How do you know my name?" I asked. The grumpy dude looked up. "Oh please! Your famous. All over the TV. A wanted criminal" My face turned bright red. "I didn't do anyt-" "Yes my dear. I know that. Mr.D just likes to ruff up our new campers." "Who said I'm a new camper?" I asked. Gleason moaned. The wheel chair dude looked at Gleason. "You did well. You may go to the Console now. I'll take care of her." Gleason nodded and for a moment I was sad to see him leave.

I turned back to the two. "Right my dear," the wheel chair dude started, "I believe introductions are in place? I'm Chiron. And you already know Mr. D?" I looked at him. "Chiron? Your named after the hero trainer? Chiron smiled. "Close. I AM the hero trainer." I just stared. "Really? You think I'm THAT dumb?" I demanded.
Mr. D sighed. "Really Chiron must we go over this every time?" "Pay no attention to him. But I assure you, I am the real Chiron." I racked my brain. Greek mythology was the only thing in school that didn't put me to sleep. But being ADHD and such, a ton didn't stick to my brain. Then I started remembering Chiron.

"Chiron has a horse body." I said. This Chiron certainly did not. Mr. D sighed. "Yes, it always ends like this.Young lady please do not scream to loud." Chiron smiled kindly. Then something happened. He started getting taller. And taller. And taller. He's back was brown and furry and... I gasped. "Your... your..." "Yes my dear. I am indeed half horse."

I wanted to faint or scream or something! My god I was talking to THE Chiron! "But... but your just-" "A myth?" Chiron finished. I nodded. "My favorite word." Mr. D grumbled. "Well I'm standing right here. If I'm just a old myth then how do you explain that?" Chiron asked. "Simple. I'm dreaming." Chiron said "Then try to wake yourself up." I thought about waking up, I pinched myself, stoped on my foot, I even slapped myself in the face. Nothing worked

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
AWESOME!!!! i luved it!
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Not done yet!
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thanks :) Will work on it later
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
AMAZINGGGGG!!!!! ikr Clarisse is just .... no words to explain . pjo wouldnt be the same without her
love it posttttttttt!!!!!!
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
@ LeoNicoCrazaiii - Yes! Thanks you! And by the way, love the name :)

MONKEY!!! *Tackles in a hug*
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
lol wecom and thnk u ... daydream about those guys way too much, so my name is my fantasy xP
postttttt, will yuh?
over a year ago demigod324 said…
I love this
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Thank you Demigod and L&N! I am finishing the chap as we speak :)
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
and in the lightning theif, was clarisse already the counsler? cuz if she was, then she probably got to camp earlier. cuz she was 13 or 14 in the lightning thief.
im not criticizing, but it just kinda popped into my head.
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
Rainbow - Yea, she was. and I know but for some things to happen I didn't want her to be 7 :) But she got their a couple of months after Annabeth :)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh. i see.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
btw, i posted on my forum.
over a year ago KatieK101 said…
KK! Going to check it out!

The chap is almost done! But since it's almost done I am going to wait till I finsih the chap before I post it :)
over a year ago jberagon17 said…
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Hey everyone! OK so I had to make a new account. You see, my old account (KatieK101) is having problems. It signed me out and wont let me back in. I messaged FP and they said they would work on it, but for the time being I should make a new account... here I am! Its going to suck having to re join everything and fan everyone but oh well. I'll live... hopefully. So if everyone could re-fan me? lol!

I'll be posting the rest of the chap in just a sec!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
hallo again! nice to have u back !
i shall wait
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Yay! And good to be back :) They are trying to figure out what went wroong with my account. When I can get back on it I shall deleate this one! But intil then, let meh post!
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Chapter 1: So this is it?

"So this is it?" I asked the... thing standing next to me. Gleason Hudge nodded. "Yep. This is the place." You see, the reason why I called him a 'thing' is because he is not normal. He is part goat. Supposedly called 'Styer.' But I wasn't the one to talk. I had been chased by monsters ever since I was born. No I don't meen the kind in your closet with 2 heads and 18 eye balls. I meen the kind that will scar you for life. The kind that can kill you just by looking at you. The fun kind. But they've been getting worse and more frequent over the past month. "Clarisse?" Gleason said interpreting my thoughts. I shook my head. "What?" "Well? Let's go!" I looked down. Their was a pine tree and below that a camp. I could see kids running around all over the place doing all kinds of things. Gleason told me he would be taking me to a special camp. For special kids. Since he won't tell me anything ales I've worked up my own idea. He's taking me to a camp full of kids with ADHD and dyslexia. "It's not like that Clarisse!" Gleason insisted. "No? Then what's so 'special' about me or this camp?" I demanded. Gleason let out a sigh. "It isn't my place to tell you just yet." "You say that every time! Yet it's your place to came and kid nap me-" "You meen rescue you." Gleason corrected. "No. I meen kid nap me. I was doing just fine by myself!" Gleason snorted. "Yea. Have fun in juvie." "They can't prove I did anything wrong! Besides, I'm only 13. How do they suspect I did something like that?" "Mortals are very stubborn. If they can't prove something ales started it then they will take you!" "Well I don't care! I don't want anything to do with you or your stupid camp!" I turned around and started to walk off when Gleason yelled "You have no where to go! Your a wanted suspect!" "I'll live!" "What? Are you backing down from a fight?" I stopped.

"That's right Clarisse. Me and you both know that your pride will get the best of you. Just come on now and let's make this easy?" Gleason pleaded. I sighed. I really didn't want to but how could I back down? I was really thinking about it when Gleason said "In a way, it is your fault." That was it. I spun around on my heel and shouted "It was not my fault! I swear I didn't do it!" I felt tears fall down my face and I had to keep myself from sobbing. Gleason clomped over and put a arm over me. "Hey, hey. Sorry, it wasn't my place to say that. But I need to get your attention Clarisse. You need to understand that you have no choice. I know it wasn't your fault. But they everyone ales? Not so munch. Even your own mother doesn't believe you."

I didn't answer. It was really UN-like me to cry about something. "Come on Clarisse. You haven't eaten in 3 days and your a mess. Let's go.You'll love this place." I took another look at the camp. Everyone looked happy enough. And I could smell food all the way up on the hill. I had been running none stop for the past 3 days and I wanted nothing more then to just sleep without worrying I wasn't go to live that night.

I nodded. "OK. Let's go."

Gleason helped me stand up and together we walked down the hill. I forced myself to stop crying and to shapen up. I whipped the tears from my face and just hoped I didn't look to horrific. As I entered the center of the camp, kids stopped what they were doing and watched me. I wanted to curl up into a ball but since that wasn't a choice, I straightened up and walked forward. Gleason started pointing things out but I wasn't listening.

I just stared in awe. This place was amazing! And impossible! They had a rock climbing wall that had real lava, kids were shooting basket balls from miles away, and their were kids doing tricks on horses with wings. Yes, this place was very impossible. "See! Told you it was great!" Gleason said. I didn't answer. More and more kids starting staring at me and it was getting kinda of hard to keep the bold act up.

I heard whispers about my parent. I almost spun around and told them to keep my mother out of this when Gleason whispered in my ear: "Not about your mom. About your dad."

I don't know if that made things better or worse. My father left my mom and me when I was born. She didn't have any pictures and I didn't have to many memories. My mom loved him. She told me that he didn't leave us. He went off to war and died. But she was always get a hint of a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes when she said this. Like it was a joke.

Quite frankly I saw this as nothing to laugh at. After all, their is nothing funny about loosing a parent.

Sometimes I would get teased at school about it. That's what made it a hard subject. I always got ticked when kids did that. Of course, that stopped when I changed to my 5th school. No one dared tease me about it when I got into a fight with this kid and almost broke his arm. And gave him a black eye. And a black everything ales.

Don't ask why his parent didn't sue or why I didn't change schools.

Anyways, I decided that I still didn't like it and went to punch them all but Gleason grabbed my shoilder and whispered "It will all make sense soon. Their not teasing" I relaxed some and kept walking. I kept walking till we got to a really big house. It was painted sky blue and had some people sitting around on lawn chairs. Most of the people looked pretty strange or beaten up. But the most strange couple was a man in a wheel chair and another, slightly older man, drinking soda. As we approached them Gleason started straightening his hair.

What's gotten into him?

When we got to the two, Gleason was slightly shaking and started making soft goat noise's.

The man in the wheel chair looked up and smiled. "Well, I see you managed to get her here safely. Well done Gleason." The man looked at the other, whom was drinking soda and staring at cards. "Mr. D? She's here." "Hurray." The man said without any ethuseam once O' ever. The wheel chair guy smiled at me.

"Your going to have to excuse him Clarisse." "How do you know my name?" I asked. The grumpy dude looked up. "Oh please! Your famous. All over the TV. A wanted criminal" My face turned bright red. "I didn't do anyt-" "Yes my dear. I know that. Mr.D just likes to ruff up our new campers." "Who said I'm a new camper?" I asked. Gleason moaned. The wheel chair dude looked at Gleason. "You did well. You may go to the Console now. I'll take care of her." Gleason nodded and for a moment I was sad to see him leave.

I turned back to the two. "Right my dear," the wheel chair dude started, "I believe introductions are in place? I'm Chiron. And you already know Mr. D?" I looked at him. "Chiron? Your named after the hero trainer? Chiron smiled. "Close. I AM the hero trainer." I just stared. "Really? You think I'm THAT dumb?" I demanded.
Mr. D sighed. "Really Chiron must we go over this every time?" "Pay no attention to him. But I assure you, I am the real Chiron." I racked my brain. Greek mythology was the only thing in school that didn't put me to sleep. But being ADHD and such, a ton didn't stick to my brain. Then I started remembering Chiron.

"Chiron has a horse body." I said. This Chiron certainly did not. Mr. D sighed. "Yes, it always ends like this.Young lady please do not scream to loud." Chiron smiled kindly. Then something happened. He started getting taller. And taller. And taller. He's back was brown and furry and... I gasped. "Your... your..." "Yes my dear. I am indeed half horse."

I wanted to faint or scream or something! My god I was talking to THE Chiron! "But... but your just-" "A myth?" Chiron finished. I nodded. "My favorite word." Mr. D grumbled. "Well I'm standing right here. If I'm just a old myth then how do you explain that?" Chiron asked. "Simple. I'm dreaming." Chiron said "Then try to wake yourself up." I thought about waking up, I pinched myself, stopped on my foot, I even slapped myself in the face. Nothing worked.

"Your not doing it hard enough." Mr. D said. He started to stand up but Chiron sat him back down. "You see Clarisse? I'm more then just a old myth. I am alive."

I asked "But how?"

Chiron answered "I am immortal. I can not die." I looked back at the Mr. D. "OK, not saying that I believe this baloney, but if he's Chiron then who are you?" Mr D huffed. "Really Chiron? Do kids know nothing these days." Then he turned to me. "What do you think D stands for in Greek Mythology?

Again I ran names through my head. Demeanor? Diana?Deimos? Then it came to me. The way Gleason got nervous, the soda, the grumpiness.

"Your Dionysus. God of wine?"


"So your a god?"


"A greek Myth god?"

"That is correct."

"You. A god?"

"Do you want me to turn you into a Roach?"

"No thank you!"

"So, do you believe us now?" Chiron asked. I didn't want to admit it but I said "Yea. But it's going to have to take some getting used to. But I have a question. If you 2 are sill alive, then what about the other gods?"

"Yes. They are also alive and on Mt. Olympus." "Lucky leopards!" I stared at the greek god. "My animal? The Leopard? Ring a bell?" "Oh um... yea. Forgot about that. But why are you at a summer camp, while the other are on Mt. Olympus in Greece?"

Before he could answer Chiron said "Their not in Greece. They are on the 600# floor of the empire stat building in New York." "Um... Mt.Olymups? On the 600# floor? Of the empire state building?"


"Their isn't even 600 floors!" I protested. Chiron smiled. "Ah, the magic of the mist." "Miss? What did I miss?" "No, M-I-S-T." "You meen fog? Because it's not all that foggy after the morning." "No my dear. It's a magical force that covers mortals eyes. Why do you think no one ever believe you about monsters?" My brain was going into over-drive. I was having trouble processing all of this. Chiron must have realized because he said "Normally I would assign you an older camper to explain some things and show you around, but you must be tired." I nodded.

"But, before you go Clarisse you must understand one critical thing that will change your life forever." "Isn't me life already changed forever? I just found out the myths out of my textbook are real!" "Clarisse. Do you know what the gods mortal children are called?" I sighed. "Yes. Demi-gods. Or half-blood." What did this have to do with anything?

"This is the fun part." The wine god said.

"Clarisse... do you know what this camp is called?" I thought about it. "No." I fainaily answered. Gleason would never tell me. "Clarisse... it's called camp half-blood."

"So? What does th-" I stopped in mid-sentence. Things started clicking into my head. Gods. Monsters. Going to a 'special' camp. "This isn't a camp is it?" Chiron shook his head. "No. More like a safe heaven." "A safe heaven... for what?" Chiron leaned forward.

"You know the answer to that yourself Clarisse." I didn't want to admit it but he was right. I did. And right now I was terrified.

A safe heaven...

"For the mortal children of the gods. Your saying that I'm a half-blood."

DUN DUN DUN! Next chap coming sooN!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
you gotta post asap
i thought i was on page 1 but then i realized that u just reposted everything again
i thought chiron was a white statiolin dont noe how to spell tht)
but tht was awesomeeeeeee posttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
can u check out my forum ... but u dont have to but id like u too
heres a link : link
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Oh! White! Thats what was wrong. And i'll look
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Chapter 2: I live the life of a freak

The first words out of my mouth were "So I live the life of a freak?" I asked trying not to fall apart. "Yes." Mr D said. "No" Chiron said. "Clarisse, their are tons of kids here just like you. All of them really." "So I can now live amongst my fellow freaks?"

JUST A PRVE! Rest coming tomarrow!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
yes u can !
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Getting ready to post!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
btw, u havent been posting on ur other forum.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
^ Yea, I am taking a break from it. Will post again in maybe a week?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
cool! at least ur still here!!
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Chapter 2: I live the life of a freak

The first words out of my mouth were "So I live the life of a freak?" I asked trying not to fall apart. "Yes." Mr D said. "No" Chiron said. "Clarisse, their are tons of kids here just like you. All of them really." "So I can now live amongst my fellow freaks?" I asked still trying to hold myself together.

"I think I won't turn her into a roach for awhile. She doesn't want to be a hero!"

"Something we are not trying to encourage Mr. D." Chiron reminded him. Then he turned back to me. "Clarisse, I'm sure this new information may have sired some new questions you want to ask-" "Dua?" "but for now you need sleep." Chiron snapped his fingers and insistingly I feel asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up and I was in a bed. I meen, a REAL bed. Complete with mattress, pillow, blanket, and sheets.

I didn't want to move. Till I saw Chiron wave me over. Although I was going to hate leaving, I really didn't want to make a 10,000 year old Hero trainer mad. I sighed and got up from my very comfortable bed. As I walked I saw hurt people.... I mean hurt demi-gods (wow. That was going to take some getting used to.) and Styes walking around. it smelled like a hospital. When I reached Chiron I saw he wasn't alone.

He had a hansom Hispanic looking guy with him. Maybe 13 or 14? When I walked up he looked stunned. I turned behind me and saw a kid with a really bloody leg. It was enough to stun me. 'That must've been what stunned him' I thought.
As I walked up he didn't take his eyes off me and since it was kinda disturbing, I just looked at Chiron. "Ah Clarisse," Chiron started. "you look munch better." "Yea, sure. Is that why you made me get out of a real bed?" I asked.

"Your right, she does have an attitude." The Hispanic boy said smiling. I glared at him. "Clarisse La Rue, meet Chris Rodergize."
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
and its gonna by Clarisse and Chris 4ever!!!!!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
awwwwwwwwwwwwww tht's soooo sweeeeeeettttttttttt
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Sorry! My labtop keeps breakign so I cant post so munch!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
aww!! that sucks.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Getting ready to post!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
well then... HURRY IT UP xD
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
Chapter 3: A wanted criminal

I just stared. Chris held out his hand but I didn't shake it. Just stared. Chris smiled and said. "You where right about her not being very friendly either Chiron." I hated this dude already. Though I had to admit, for someone I already hated... he was pretty cute. I shook my head. Snap out of it Clarisse!

"She just needs to get used to camp Chris." He turned his head to me. "Clarisse, Chris is going to be your buddy." I stared at Chiron now and blinked.

"Excuse me? Will I have to do this with all the campers?" I asked.

Chris smiled and Chiron chuckled. "No no. While it would be a easy way to get to know everyone it would take munch to long. Let me explain myself. Chris here-" Chris waved. "is going to show you around the camp. Intill you learn everything then, you ask me or Chris for help. Understand?"

I nodded. I wasn't thrilled that Chris was my 'buddy,' I tried to look on the bright side. And I failed. I really didn't want my 'buddy' to be Chris for my buddy. I don't know why, I just didn't. But before I could say anything some kid ran up.

"Chiron, Conner and Travis hid all the Orrs to the canoes. Again."

Chiron sighed and chuckled. "Those boys. I don't know how Luke can manage them. May the gods bless him. Uh Will, before you go meet our newest camper Clarisse. Clarisse La Rue, meet Will Solstice."

I just nodded. But Will studied me. "Clarisse La Rue? I've heard that name before... on TV? You kinda look framiler to." I was horrorifed.I knew exactly where he saw me from. The news. About what had happened. So Gleason was right. They would blame me.

Or correction. They already HAD blamed me. Will looked like he was going to figure out what I did any second. And he would tell everyone.

I was now a wanted criminal.

over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
i bet after he says Clarisse'll start freaking out and everyone would burst out laughing xD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
will had better keep his mouth shut unless he wants his tongue cut out!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
tht reminds me of hunger games o.O tongue cutting -shivers-