The Heroes of Olympus The House of Hades 1

TheIceDemigod posted on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:10AM
So guys, here's the wonderful, the terrible, the one and only IceDemigod!!!! That's right, after a nine month absence, I'm back. This time, after reading the Mark of Athena in twenty-four hours, and ready to entertain myself. So, the first chapter. Oh yeah, side note, totally epicly huomongously terrifying spoilers. So, SPOILERS! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!! ONLY READ IF YOU HAVE READ MARK OF ATHENA!!!!!! Ok, I think that's enough.

Chapter I


YOU WOULD THINK, when falling what must have been a few hundred miles, you might get a few broken bones. I'm here to tell you you're wrong. When we landed, it took so long Annabeth had her ankle healed, and didn't hurt anything on landing.

Then of course, the monsters came. No surprise really, considering it was Tartarus. Think Percy, think, what happened? All I remembered was finally seeing Annabeth, reuniting, then falling, and telling Nico to meet me on the other side of the Doors.

Now, the first monster I saw was Stheno, the smiley gorgon. "Want a Cheesy Weiner?" I sliced her, and as she turned into dust as another monster came behind me.

"Well, hello darling, I haven't seen you in what, almost seven years?" I shivered and forced myself to not turn around, having heard that accent recently.
"You know, I met your son a little bit ago, he's a pretty good sword fighter, Medusa." For that was indeed where the accent was from. She then decided to make her little snakes go all over my hair. "Please, stop it." I complained, because they were really creepy.
"Darling," she drawled," just turn around, don't make me hurt you, my sweet." Then, I heard a thud, and wondered why I wasn't dead. "Wait, no NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
"You thought I'd let you get her twice, Seaweed Brain?" I turned around and saw nothing. "I'm invisible, Moss Boy."
She appeared, and she looked more beautiful than ever. She had dirt in her hair, cuts and bruises on her face, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I did the natural thing. I kissed her.
"How did you get your hat, and why is it working?" That was a pretty good question, seeing as it was last in the ship.
"Oh, Piper mentioned she had been testing it for a while, she must have had it on the deck, and it fell off. Also, I found my backpack, knife, and laptop. We fell right next to them."
"Well, I guess now would be a good time to find our side of the Doors of Death."
"Yes, try not to die, Percy."

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