The Heroes of Olympus The House of Hades

kgirl925 posted on Oct 06, 2012 at 03:49PM
Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus. Nico must lead the remaining five demigods to save them. But how?

Basically everything I've posted on

Rated T just cuz;)

Dedicated to: all my Fanpop friends - MisterPerfect, nicecatch, unknownquestion, precious, percy4forever (tell me if I missed your name :S) and everyone who is reading this.
last edited on Oct 16, 2012 at 04:26AM

The Heroes of Olympus 41 replies

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over a year ago kgirl925 said…

Percy was holding onto Annabeth's hand. It felt like they were falling into an endless pit, like they would never reach the bottom. He knew that he probably made a mistake. The other five demigods in the prophecy would have to open the mortal Doors of Death by themselves. He would have to heal Annabeth's leg first before they could do anything. Kronos would probably lurking around somewhere, as well as the thousands of other monsters they had killed who would be waiting for revenge.

On the bright side, Percy believed that as long as Annabeth was beside him, they were pretty much invincible even without his Achilles Heel. They would find the Doors of Death in Tartarus, which would lead them to Nico and the others. Piece of cake. And - THUD!

"Ow," Annabeth muttered, as they fell to the bottom. Her leg was still attached to the spider silk/string thing so he pulled it apart. It seemed to work.

"You all right, Wise Girl?" Percy asked softly, genuinely concerned for her - not just joking around. Wise Girl just naturally popped up in his head. For a moment, he had forgotten where they were. All that mattered in the world was that Annabeth was next to him, alive. Percy looked around. It wasn't as bad as he imagined. It more or less resembled a gigantic prison that was the size of the earth. There was a very dim light that allowed Percy to just barely see his surroundings.

She sighed. "Yeah, I guess - oh gods, Percy. This is Tartarus? Where's your sword?"

"Umm...I don't know," he said honestly. It was probably somewhere, but half of me hoped that it would reappear in my pocket - if that sort of stuff still worked in the Underworld.

"Well, then what are you waiting for dummy?" Annabeth asked, and she stood up - perhaps a little bit too fast - and tripped, until Percy caught her.

"Geez. I'm glad I came down here with you." Percy muttered to himself, and she didn't seem to hear it. "Well, we better get going before something happens."

"Yeah," she agreed. "I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this..." she sighed, but before she could say anymore he kissed her.

"As long as we're together," he muttered, as they ventured into the endless pit of Tartarus.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…

Dangit, Leo thought. They had just lost two of the best demigods in the world just because of a stupid fortune cookie he had broken. Even though Leo didn't know the Percy guy that well, he could tell that he was very powerful and knew his stuff (even if he was joking around sometimes). But could that be enough for them to survive in Tartarus?

Then came the matter of Annabeth. She had gone through pain, hardship, creepy spider ladies and who knows what to save the big, weird statue that would bring peace (hmm). And now she had basically given all her hard work away to them and sacrificed herself. And now, if anything happened to the Argo II and Leo wasn't there, it was practically doomed. No one else other than Leo and Annabeth knew how to operate the warship (perhaps maybe Buford, he's in love with the ship).

And now to make things even worse. They probably couldn't travel on water, even though the panda dude, Frank, had a teeny-weeny bit of Poseidon or Neptune (whatever!) in him. Still didn't really help. Annabeth was smart. If they were stuck in some sort of impossible situation, the Owl-Brain wouldn't be there to generate a genius plan. The next smartest person was probably Jason, but he was too serious to think outside of the box. Piper - well, she could pretty much get her way in anything. The Nico kid was cool, but he had changed; like something had scarred him forever. Creepy. Hazel and Frank were just...Hazel and Frank. They were good fighters and definitely very strong. That leaves you, little Leo, a voice whispered in his head. Leo assumed it was probably Dirt Lady. Their fate all depends on you. You're very smart with your hands - ah, yes - but great power comes with bad luck. But you know that already, of course. Your fire power is greater than that fortune cookie. A bigger price to pay...I like this. But no matter, for you will die soon...yes. Another great sacrifice to add to our collection. Join us, and perhaps you may get to see your friends again - in Tatarus, she added, cackling at the thought, Leo shivered. Tartarus - not even the gods would go there.

"No," Leo muttered. "There's gotta be another way to do this."

Looking on the bright side, perhaps things had to happen that way. The Doors of Death had to be closed on both sides. So someone had to go to Tartarus anyway. And it's the two most powerful demigods, that couldn't be a coincidence. Maybe the gods accidentally left some good people in there - they could help Percy and Annabeth. Who knows.

Leo looked around. Frank looked like the world had just been yanked under him. Piper and Jason sat together, talking about something. It didn't look like they cared that much. Coach Hedge kept pacing around and muttering. Nico was in deep discussion with Hazel, obviously talking Underworld stuff. The only thing that hadn't changed was the Argo II that was still as awesome as ever - Leo was considering to spray paint "SWAG" on the side. But Leo had a feeling Hazel would have no idea what that meant, considering she was from the 1940's or something like that.

Time passed quickly. Everyone was in a bad mood and the sky was darkening quickly. For the first time in his life, Leo decided they urgently needed a plan.

"Guys, we have to stop acting like those sad meme faces. You all sorta look like that Poker Face one. But anyway, we need a plan." Leo said, breaking the silence.

"Meme faces?" Hazel asked incredulously "What's that-"

"Not important." Nico put in. "I'll tell you later. But Leo's right. We can't be still moping over this. The best we can do is to save them."

"So tell us what to do, Death Boy." Jason said almost sarcastically. The others didn't seem to catch it.

"We've already set sail for Greece. No sea travel - check. No monsters - check. No big bronze jar prison things - check. No -"

"Nico, now you're just jinxing us." Piper said nervously. "Don't say stuff like that. Plus, we seriously need to stock up on nectar and ambrosia - we're running dangerously low."

"And what about your camp - uh, what was it called again? Camp Blood? Camp Half-Blood? Do we have to warn them about, uhh, the attack?"

"Oh, gods." Piper cursed. "The camp! How could I be so stupid and forget about it - "

"We can iris-message them," Leo suggested.

"They would need help," Piper put in. "We saw Camp Jupiter. Its like over twice the size! No, we have to think of something else." Her voice was so powerful that everyone began nodding, like Piper was soooo right, but Jason didn't seem to be affected. Maybe it was because he got used to it, what being Piper's boyfriend. After all, having a charmspeaking girlfriend was pretty dangerous.

"Even better - we can send off the statue to Camp Half-Blood and maybe it'll do something," Jason said, looking at Nico expectantly.

"Well then," Nico said dryly, "hurry up this ship. We need someone to carry the statue to Camp - we don't have enough time - but other than that, I know where the House of Hades is, but how many monsters there are I do not know. I can lead you to the mortal entrance of the Doors of Death but thats it. You guys can-"

"Why not?" Hazel interrupted. "I just got you back. You're the underworld expert. I - We need you," she said.

Nico just shook his head. "I'm not part of the seven. I'm just here to help you guys and to keep my promise to Percy. I can't interfere with the prophecy. It clearly says Seven half-bloods shall answer the call, not Eight half-bloods shall answer the call, right Hazel?"

Hazel didn't answer. Leo assumed that she had pretty much lived her whole second life (more like chance) following Nico's "Guide to a Second Life". She would probably be pretty shaken up if he wasn't around to tell her what to do.

There was a very awkward silence following after. No one seemed to know what to say, especially Jason and Leo himself who had hurt Hazel after doubting her brother's loyalties.

"Tempest probably couldn't carry a statue that big. We'll have to find..." Jason seemed lost for words.

"I could shadow travel, but I'm too tired now." Nico yawned. "Maybe later."

"Well, uh, I'll get the Argo II moving faster. There's food in the storage room, and it's starting to get late, soo..." Leo said, hoping to lift the mood up.

"THAT'S RIGHT!" Coach Hedge enthusiastically jumped up from his little corner. "Strictly no visiting other cabins after curfew! That's why I'm here!"

Everybody laughed, and Leo walked off. Next time he saw Nemesis, he would make sure she would pay. Because, after everything he had gone through, he decided that he would not let his enemies get away from him that easily. They'd get a taste of Leo Style. And that lady was definitely gonna get it this time. The problem was, would he get a change to see Nemesis again?
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
"I think I'm gonna go crazy," Annabeth muttered. After about two hours of endless walking (probably six hours in the Underworld according to her calculations) it was getting tedious. She started to feel like she was just walking around aimlessly, like she was just stuck in infinity. The only thing that held her to her mind was Percy. His reassuring squeezes and his arm around her shoulder kept her going, they needed to find the Doors of Death. It was the only way they could prevent Gaea from rising - or did she already?

"Wise Girl, look. We're together, and that's all that matters and we've gone through so much. We can do this. I trust you more than my own life," he said with that melting voice of his. "I don't really understand this place, but according to Nico, it's just a slightly scarier version of the Labyrinth." Percy said like it was no big deal.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth whispered. "The Labyrinth is worse enough. We can hardly see in here, there's like no one around, and I feel like nothing is happening."

"'Athena always has a plan'" he quoted. "What happened to that, huh? And don't worry, it's probably just another way to drive people-well prisoners- crazy, I bet this prison stretches across Earth. So monsters would be pretty rare, and they would be probably all centralized around the Doors of Death. We fight our way through the monsters, and then we're free!" Percy said it with so much enthusiasm that she wanted to believe he was right. In some ways Percy could charmspeak - but only to Annabeth, of course.

"But Percy," she started cautiously, "we need to lock the doors both sides, right?"

"Well, duh." he said, picking up the word "duh" from her.

"'s impossible to lock the doors unless there's people on both sides."

"Oh," his face paled. "So..."

"You finally have a brain, Percy. Well yep, you guessed it - someone will have to stay here. Possibly forever, unless there's a loophole," she breathed, and even in the darkness she could tell his eyes widened.

"I have finally found you," a voice rattled in the darkness. "It happens to be Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. How lovely."

Annabeth turned around. That voice was strangely familiar. Like she had heard it many times before. Next to her, she felt Percy stiffen up as well. Apparently he recognized it as well. She saw a faint outline of a snake-looking creature.

"Mrs. Dodds," he muttered. "Alecto?"

The voice cackled in the darkness. "Yes, indeed." Annabeth felt it change forms - from a snake lady to a math teacher and to a guy with a suitcase? Anyhow, Annabeth was somewhat relieved. At least they had dealt business with them before. But why would they be here?

"How-why are you here?" Annabeth managed to get out over her shock.

Alecto neared closer to her, and nodded appreciatively. "Well, this one hasn't lost her mind yet." she said, her voice raspy as she changed back to snake-form. "Indeed, I am here. I can go anywhere I want." she said, her hand waving dismissively. "I am Hades's loyal - well workers, I guess. I can go even to the most dangerous places, even if it is Tartarus. I have jobs everywhere, believe me. I make sure the monsters are in control here - well of course, Hades is too scared to do it himself. Anyways, Tartarus does not have that effect on me because of Hades. Well continuing on, you see how important I am? Couldn't believe it when he sent me to be a math teacher," she scoffed.

"Not doing a great job at it," Percy muttered so low that only Annabeth managed to hear him. She stifled a laugh. "So, you're here. What do you want?" Percy retorted, and Annabeth's heart swelled. She liked him best when he was stupid.

"Why am I here?" she pondered. "That's a great question. Hades has not contacted me for a long, long time. All the Olympians are not communicating with the mortal world. His son has already gone through enough, and I'm afraid his other daughter will too. I can do so much to change the world, or destroy the world. It's actually a great feeling, the fact that the fate of the world lays in your hands," she said dreamily. "One little thing I do can make the gods doomed. Or I could make Gaea lose her head and her right leg."

"Um, important thing here." Annabeth put in. She couldn't deal with the old snake lady talk any longer. "Are you going to help us or not? Because honestly, I don't really care whether Gaea loses her head and her right leg, because we need help." she said.

"Annabeth's right. You're an expert. Help us out here, because if Gaea rises, then your own place in the Underworld will collapse. It'll be ruled by Gaea's minions and she'll instantly have you dead."

Alecto cackled. "This one knows how to persuade. Well, I will think about it. For now, let me tell you one thing - Tartarus is not as inescapable as you think. At least, not for those with I's."

She smiled as if she had made a good joke. "I will leave you two alone for now. I wish you good luck." And with that she disappeared into the darkness.

Percy frowned and scrunched his eyebrows - the cute way he does it - at Annabeth. "What did she mean, those with I's? Does she mean like, I's in a name? That would be Nico, right?"

Annabeth shook her head. It didn't seem right. She couldn't just have given away a life-changing answer like that. And plus, even Nico said that he nearly didn't make it.

"No. She means something else. But I don't get it." she shook her head.

Percy smiled at her and for a second all she could comprehend was his sea-green eyes staring intently into her grey eyes.

"Let's not dwell on it too much. Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going, just keep-"

"Alright, shut up Kelp Head!" Annabeth whispered, in case anyone near a 10-mile radius in an endless pit of darkness could hear them.

"What happened to Seaweed Brain?" Percy said, acting dumb.

Annabeth kissed him in response, and together they held hands and continued to venture into the darkness of Tartarus.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
Great Story!!! POST SOON :{D
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
thanks :)

Reyna, for the first time in her life, felt fear. She would occasionally look in a mirror and find her eyes wide full of worry, and she needed to hide that. As praetor of Camp Jupiter, she needed to have that courageous semblance for others to admire you.

She watched as Octavian dramatically cut open his teddy bears and proclaimed to the campers, “The auguries show that we will destroy Camp Half-Blood!” Reyna wasn’t sure if that was true, but if it was, she felt a twinge of sadness. Jason had gotten used to their ways and looked happier than he had ever been before. She felt anger towards Piper, but she couldn’t let that show. She knew that it probably wasn’t completely her fault, but now Reyna truly felt alone. She had a bad feeling that the Romans would raise Octavian to praetor on the battlefield. But that couldn’t happen, right?

In fact, Reyna herself was actually scared of Camp Half-Blood. Even though Camp Jupiter’s numbers may be double those of Camp Half-Blood’s, she saw how they fought. Percy was a skilled fighter and a true leader, and Annabeth was probably as good as he was. If all of the demigods at Camp Half-Blood were that good, then the Romans were doomed. Not even the first legion could stand against Percy.

She had done some research on the Greeks. They were led by Chiron, and he was well known for his training of heroes. He was even more famous than Lupa, which greatly worried Reyna. They also had countless daughters and sons of Athena and she had found out that the camp was allianced with the Hunters of Artemis (an all girly-girl group from what Reyna could tell). To make things even worse, Reyna also found out that fauns, “satyrs”, are not beggars and they’re very skilled at woodland magic. Apparently they managed to turn a Titan into a tree. Just great.

Deep inside her heart, somewhere, Reyna knew that the Greeks didn’t betray them. It was some giant scheme of Gaea’s and she knew that fighting the Greeks would be unwise. However, she could do hardly anything about it - Octavian was the leader of all of this now.

Reyna looked closely at Octavian again. He looked a little bit less shabby then he used to be, and he had a glint in his eyes like this was what he was waiting for. Of course, all the other campers would not be suspicious of him - this was Octavian, the augury kid who was obsessed with killing the Greeks.
But Reyna knew better than that. Octavian was never like this before - not until his second year at camp. She could clearly see that he was unsettled, but his personality covered it quite well.

Something was controlling him - but of course, even with her years of training at Circe’s Island, she had no idea what.

Since Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo had left camp, the leader automatically became Clarisse. It seemed right. She had been at camp pretty long. She was a skilled fighter (even if she sometimes lost to Prissy, but that was pretty impossible now), and she loved leadership. So she should be happy now, right?

Clarisse is deathly scared. Some of her fellow Ares cabin campers have reported hundreds of demigods camping on Long Island, and they look like they’re about to attack.

Attack where? Surely it couldn’t be Camp Half-Blood. Even as the kid of the war god, she understood the prophecy. They couldn’t fight. It was wrong, and it would only make Gaea rise faster.

They had a meeting yesterday, and since Piper was gone, Drew attended “for her”. It didn’t go well. “Oh sweetie, look at how hot those guys are! And we can seriously give those girls a total makeover,” she would say, and then the total meeting would consist of “Hmmms” and “That does sound pretty good.” The only people who weren’t affected by it was Clarisse and Chiron.

For the first time in her life, Clarisse actually wanted Prissy and Annabeth to be here, to lead the camp. She realized how hard it was and at the same time she realized that maybe Prissy wasn’t as bad as she thought.

“Clarisse.” someone spoke behind her, and she saw it was Chris. His eyes were wide and scared, and for a moment he looked like he had just returned from the labyrinth.

“What happened?” Clarisse asked, her voice as soft as possible.

“I was on watch. And I-I saw,”

“What is it?”

“The Romans. They’re putting on their armor and each are equipped gold weapons I’ve never seen before.Oh, and this scrawny looking blonde kid is leading them. They should be here soon. We need to get ready.”

“Scrawny little blonde kid?” Clarisse asked. “Describe him more. Tell me.”
“Uh,” Chris paused. “I don’t really know anything else, but his name is Octavian. He’s an augur - sort of like Rachel - but he does it a weird way. Someone reported that he cuts open teddy
bears. Do you know him?”

Clarisse looked shocked for a second, and then her face became determined.. “Octavian. You’ll never destroy Camp. Phobo and Deimos, I’ll show you. That punk is gonna go die. Tell everyone to prepare for war.”
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
over a year ago corrected said…
this is amazing!!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
wait so is there a story i'm supposed t read before this??????
please give me the link if there is
over a year ago corrected said…
and y r there like 5 The house of hades forums??????????????????????????????!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago corrected said…
are they all from different povs?
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
Ahh! So awesome (: defeat Camp Jupiters, Camp Half-Blood! Please make them win!!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Thanks, everyone :) Yep, different POVs - they're in caps before the chapter.
@corrected, as long as you've read the Mark of Athena, you're good to go.

Next chapter should be up tomorrow, depending when I post on I usually post there first, so here is the link: link
over a year ago fireyes said…
Awshumness! Lol I saw the one on fanfiction first before this.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
Awsome!!!!! :)
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
This one's a filler chapter.

Piper paced around in her cabin. The Argo II would be landing in Epirus in around a few minutes. After all, Rome wasn't that far from Greece and the Argo II was a big metallic flying bad boy.

Honestly, Piper didn't want to go on this quest. The only reason why she had come was because Jason was going and she felt attached to him - no, the word wasn't attached. She was jealous. She wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong while they were at the Roman Camp. She had also wanted to help Annabeth find Percy - in case his memory had gone and he didn't remember her, at least Piper could hopefully charmspeak to get it back.

Now that everything was fine, she felt like she had lost her purpose. The quest was practically doomed, anyway. They had lost their best and most experienced two demigods (except for Jason). They were stuck with a bunch of newbies like Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank. Nico was a different story altogether - he almost seemed inhumane, like the kid had experienced more than a grandpa, and that's saying a lot.

However, she still didn't completely trust the Romans (and she was sure they didn't completely trust the Greeks). Frank and Hazel tended to stick together, like they had some secret or plan they would just bust out at any time. Hazel actually creeped Piper out a lot - random gold nuggets or diamonds would pop out of the ground like she was some sort of magnet. To make things worse, she claimed that they were cursed. A cursed magnet? Piper shivered. She still wasn't clear of Hazel's past, but it seemed like she had done something that had helped Gaea. Not good.

But she dwell on that, nor give up. Jason had promised that everything would be fine, and she was determined to believe it. They would have to save Annabeth and Percy and drag them out of Tartarus. They would close the Doors of Death and prevent Gaea from rising. They would stop Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood from fighting before both camps destroyed each other. But how?

Piper walked out of her cabin and onto the deck of the Argo II. Gods, the scene was beautiful. There were mountains everywhere and rivers separating them. Little houses were situated on them and it almost looked like one of those storybook pictures. And it looked like where Tristian McLean filmed a section of the King of Sparta, she thought. It was probably just a coincidence.

"Where should we land?" Leo asked to no one in particular. "There's mountains everywhere. We'd wanna land close to the House of Hades, so, Nico?" he prompted.

Piper turned around. The poor kid was sitting in a corner like he would die if he moved.

Nico winced. "Sorry. It's just that you know, traveling in air is scary. Especially since I'm a son of Hades, especially scary. Gods who knows what Zeus would do. One flick of his finger, and I'd end up like fried chicken. Umm...oh, right. The House of Hades. It's in Zagori. Should be pretty easy to spot. Least inhabited region in Epirus."

"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about." Leo said. "Just point where."

Nico stood up tentatively, and looked around. "Can this ship land on water?" he asked, and surprisingly Frank laughed.

"Don't you know yet? This ship can do anything. So of course it can, right Leo?"

"Yep," Leo said proudly. "Next, I'm aiming to make a built-in automatic kitchen - like, if you ask for pizza, it just makes pizza itself without us having to do anything. An automatic homework-doer would be cool, too."

"Um, Captain? Steering please," Jason said, and it seemed to work. Leo immediately snapped out of his imagination and he steered the Argo II towards the river Nico pointed to. His voice became serious again.

"Guys, we're gonna stay in the air for a while. I have a feeling that there will be plenty of monsters down there, and I really need to upgrade the ship and make a few new handy weapons-"

"With the sphere thing?" Hazel interrupted, and Leo nodded.

"Yeah. I have to figure out some of the scrolls, it should take less than an hour."

"An hour," Nico whimpered. He had retreated back to his little corner on deck.

"Yeah, an hour." Jason said, speaking up for the first time. "What's wrong with it? It seems pretty good to me. An hour, and in exchange we all get awesome lasers, bazookas-"

"Sounds great." Frank said, nodding. "I don't see why not."

"Well, I'll get to work now. You guys just stay here, hangout, enjoy the scenery - you know. I mean, you don't get to go to Greece everyday." Leo said, and with that he hurried off to "The Admiral's Quarters." Well at least that was what Leo called them.

"Nico," Piper asked cautiously, adding a little bit of charmspeak in her voice.. "Why are you so nervous? It's just an hour, I'm sure it can't hurt."

"Many-reasons-" he said, and Piper noticed that he had started to fall asleep again. "More time in Tartarus. Monsters. Everywhere." and he dozed off.

"He's got a good point," Frank pointed out. "That's all true. I mean, we have to hurry. After all of this, we still have to save the Greek camp from burning up."

"We'll be fine." Jason reassured with determination in his voice. "Plus, together, we're all unbeatable. Gaea will get a nice taste of my sword,"

Before Jason could even flip his coin, a voice - no, many voices - cackled from below.

"Take your words back, Son of Jupiter."

And with that, the first arrow flew up into the sky and landed straight next to where Nico was sleeping.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Lol it was you who posted that first on! Glad your back! Where hath thou been?
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
@precious211, omg I know! I've been gone for like forever.

Percy was tired. He tried not to show it, but he was. He could tell that what Alecto had said was bugging Annabeth but he decided not to question her about it.

In reality, it wasn’t even that long. Fifteen minutes, perhaps twenty. They had to at least survive another two days in Tartarus. And within that time, they had to find the Doors of Death. Piece of cake.

Meanwhile, he was humming “Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going,” (after Annabeth had insisted they weren’t swimming around in Tartarus) from Finding Nemo. It was really stupid and annoying, but at least it lightened up the mood a little bit. Playing dumb was Percy’s specialty.

“You know, Tartarus isn’t half that bad. I just feel like me. Like, I’m not going crazy or anything yet.” he said, and Annabeth shrugged.

“Well, you know, Tartarus only affects those with a brain. So it would affect everyone but you,” she said, and Percy nudged her with his elbow.

“Hey! Well, it’s probably a good thing anyway. My kelp head works better in Tartarus than yours, Wise Girl.”


“Uh huh. But anyway, how are we supposed to find the Doors of Death if we can’t even see where we’re going?"

Annabeth looked like she was deep in thought and was about to answer but a voice interrupted them.

“Percy Jackson. You will never find the Doors of Death. But you. Will. Die. Now!” and the figure continued to advance closer and closer to them.

It was so dark that Percy couldn’t see who it was, but he definitely recognized that voice and it didn’t bring good memories. Even Annabeth looked stumped, because apparently she didn’t know who it was either. Then it clicked. That face with a bunch of snake things sticking out...definitely Medusa. Or her sisters.

Annabeth was still hurt very badly. Percy knew that. She was in no fighting condition. He had to get her to safety otherwise she (might) get creamed. Percy whispered, “Get your dagger and hide."

“Who? Who is it?” Annabeth said, her voice dreary.

“Medusa. Or her sisters. I don’t know, but it definitely isn’t Stethno otherwise she’d be offering free samples by now. Probably Euryale, because last time I remembered Medusa turned into a statue.” Percy reached into his back pocket and he sighed with relief. He uncapped his ballpoint pen and Riptide assumed its true form. At least he wouldn’t lose Riptide while he was in Tartarus.

“Don’t have my dagger.” Annabeth muttered. What? She lost her dagger?! That was...well, impossible. Annabeth never lost anything. But the time for questioning wasn’t now.

“Then stay safe.” Percy could tell Annabeth was too weak to protest. Her ankle was still broken, and she still had trouble walking. Her bubble wrap cast had come off and it didn’t exactly help in the first place either.

“The Earth Mother has ordered me to capture two demigods, one that I happen to know.” the voice continued on. “Percy Jackson, it is time for my sweet revenge. Stethno may be too dumb to even realize you won’t take her free samples, but I’m not! For today, I shall avenge my sisters. Even though Arachne was too stupid to even realize you had cut off her string when you landed, I will succeed. You will make beautiful sacrifices to wake the goddess!”

Percy smirked. “You wish. You’re not ugly enough. You don’t even have Medusa’s powers.”

“Gah!” Euryale said. “You demigods, rubbing it in my face. Mother always said I was uglier, and thats all that matters.” she said, like she was trying to comfort herself. “You will be sorry for your actions, demigod!”

He did the natural thing. He charged at her. He was busy fighting - slashing and stabbing, a combination of both Greek and Roman styles, and Annabeth shouted something to him but he wasn’t quite listening. He was too busy fighting, and fighting in the dark was a lot harder than he expected.

Percy noticed Annabeth sneaking behind Euryale while she was trying to stab Percy (“Hah! Take this!”). He noticed something familiar in Euryale’s hands for the first time - Annabeth’s dagger.

He felt anger. Somehow, she had taken her dagger. He slashed and fought with more ferocity, and the best Euryale could do was to dodge Riptide.

She chose the right moment. Euryale had bent down to dodge Percy’s sword, and Annabeth snatched the dagger out of her hand.

“No! My dagger!” Euryale cried.

“No, my dagger, dummy.” Annabeth snapped, and she stabbed Euryale in her gut. Holy Hephaestus, she was amazing.

The monster somehow managed to disintegrate (Percy had no idea how) and vanished. Percy capped Riptide and put it in his pocket.

“Gods, Annabeth, that was amazing.” Percy walked over and hugged her.

“I know.” Annabeth sighed as she looked at the dagger like she was considering a possibility. She looked so lost in her thoughts that Percy tried to change the subject.

“The dagger’s a lifesaver,” Percy said.

“I know,” Annabeth said again, and she leaned on his shoulder when a voice cackled from the earth. Annabeth immediately stiffened and Percy uncapped Riptide.

“Oh, demigods these days. So stubborn. This is just the beginning of the Game."

"Gaea." Percy cursed, and soon enough they noticed that Euryale was reforming.

"Monsters can't die in Tartarus, you silly demigods! Oh yes, they can also escape to the mortal world, but only with the Earth Mother's help. But now that you two are here, I guess all the monsters that died will stay in Tartarus. Right, goddess?" she asked, but Euryale didn't wait for a reply. She advanced towards Annabeth and Percy grabbed her.

"Run!" he hissed but she didn’t move. Percy could tell that she was in pain. He immediately carried her and together, they ran away from the shrieks of Euryale and Gaea's cackles. They needed a plan worthy of Athena. Like right now.
over a year ago percy4forever said…
Do you remember me ;)? I read your totally amazing SoN story. Thank you so much for posting tgis story. It's amazing :)!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
omg of course!! ;) haha yw I'm gonna try and finish the story this time :D
over a year ago precious211 said…
Lol that was awesome! And out of sheer curiosity, do you remember mwah?
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
great! post soon
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
big smile
@precious, of course I do! You were my WoWP buddy ;P

enjoy the next chapter!

Leo was excited and worried at the same time. Finally, maybe he could have a chance to access to the scrolls and the magic they had inside them. He could install the sphere and upgrade the ship. If he could decipher the codes inside and if he could understand them and if he could make them, then Gaea was gonna her own butt. But that was a lot of ifs, a nagging voice inside him said. If, if, if. Are you sure it’s worth it?

“Shut up,” Leo complained, as he opened the scrolls and frowned. They were blank.

Holy Hephaestus. All that work for nothing - opening the fortune cookie, sacrificing Percy and Annabeth, just for a bunch of blank scrolls. Leo cursed himself in his mind. He should’ve realized it earlier. He never should’ve trusted Nemesis. Nemesis herself was just a messed up woman - why couldn’t he realize that earlier? No one gets their child to sacrifice an eye. That was just totally messed up.

He looked at the scrolls closer. Leo put both of his hands to feel the paper. He felt his hands heat up as flames danced across the paper.

He had just burned the greatest discovery he had ever made.

“Oh, gods!” Leo shouted, worried. He needed to find water, before a fire started. He clearly remembered what Hephaestus campers had told him before he had told them of his fire power. Usually, they bring great destruction. And that wouldn’t be good.

Leo turned back hesitantly to look at the scroll - to see if the scroll and the sphere had truly been destroyed because of his stupid fire power.

He gasped. Nothing was on fire. Instead, little words began forming on the scroll, the fire spreading to the edges as if some little invisible hand was writing on it with fire.

There was only one explanation. Archimedes must have been a son of Hephaestus. Leo gingerly held the scrolls in his hand. The handwriting on each was so tiny, Leo could have spent a whole week just reading them.

Leo’s main goal of obtaining the scrolls wasn’t just for the quest, or to defeat Gaea. His main purpose had been to find a way to save Festus. And surely somewhere in these scrolls contained some ways of building a new control disk for his friend.

Leo rolled up the scrolls again. He didn’t have time for that now. He had to install the sphere first before anything. That was the most important thing and perhaps even their key to defeating Gaea.

Installing the sphere wasn’t a problem. Leo just had to pop it up in his control panel he had - yes, he controlled the ship with a control panel - and he assumed that BAM! Awesome features would pop up, maybe something like an awesome Pizza Hut restaurant on deck.

But nothing happened. It was still the plain old Argo II. Well, not plain old, but still the same. Nothing appeared. Everything felt the same.

Leo was just about to take the scroll out when he heard what sounded like war. He ran out of his room and on deck. Arrows were everywhere. The ship had somehow managed to stay afloat. A bunch of snake ladies - Leo didn’t even know what they were, but they sure didn’t look too friendly.

“Dracanae.” he heard Piper hiss, and he thought Wow. This girl can’t be a daughter of Aphrodite.

“Revenge for our masssster! Revenge is sssweet. We ssssshall avenge Kronossss and help the Earth Mother rissssse!” they chanted, as they kept throwing arrows and occasionally a few spears.

The dracanae themselves weren’t much of a problem. Jason summoned lightning and a few unlucky dracanae got fried. Frank went down and turned into some kind of animal and chased a few dracanae away. Piper tried to charmspeak, but there was so much chanting that no one could hear her. Hazel helped Nico summon skeletal warriors to help the fight. Leo figured that the skeletal warrior was a Hades/Pluto type of thing. But the problem was their number. They just kept on endlessly coming, like an army of infinite dracanae.

And what can I do? Leo thought miserably, as he watched the others fight. Percy would’ve been good with a sword here, and Annabeth - with her brains and her dagger - would be just as good. It was all his fault.

He could try to set the land on fire. But what good would that do? They would just destroy everything, possibly including the House of Hades as well as the mortal Doors of Death.

Leo shook his head. How stupid was he? The Argo II was here, and it was fully equipped - cannons, Greek fire, awesome weapons, and everything. He could just go activate those.

He ran into the control room (yes, he also had a control room - the panel wouldn’t fit that many operations). Pull a few lines, press a few buttons, and wait.

Leo waited. His heart was thumping, racing. He was getting impatient.

Generally, it took the Argo II about twenty-three seconds to operate WAR-MODE. But time seemed to slow down as Leo waited anxiously as the sound of war chants outside drained and the seconds slowly ticked.

Three, two, one. Please, it has to happen now. Leo thought, as he strained his ears to hear at least the sound of cannons outside.

Nothing happened, yet again. Leo counted another five seconds. Still nothing.

Slowly, Leo came back to reality. He no longer heard the chanting of the dracanae, or the worried shouts of the demigods who were defending.

Leo hesitantly walked outside, afraid that he had totally ruined something. What he saw shocked him.

Showers of yellow mist formed as all the dracanae disintegrated, their souls going back to Tartarus.

“Aw, yeah Leo!” Jason shouted as the guy gave him a pat on the back.

“What happened?” Leo asked totally confused, as three seconds ago he had been pretty sure all of them were doomed.

“You saved us all!” Hazel said, maybe a bit too energetically, because Frank gave Leo a death look, but it didn’t exactly quite work - the guy just looked like a cute panda who had gotten irritated because there was no more bamboo.

“Leo, what did you do with the ship? That was totally AWESOME!” Piper said. “The cannons didn’t fire or anything. But then suddenly, out of the blue, a fire just formed and all the dracanae died. Did you use your fire powers?”

Leo suddenly felt his face grow hot. He hadn’t done anything. All he wanted to do was activate some cannons and throw out some Greek fire. Not to start another fire that would spread through Europe.

“Um, no.” he said, embarrassed. “I must have pressed a few wrong buttons in my control room, because, you know, there’s so many buttons?” he said, almost like asking a question. Jason raised an eyebrow but Leo waved his hand around dismissively. “It was probably just one of those secret emergency weapons that I installed just in case the ship was in a terrible emergency.”

“Oh, right. Because the Argo II could do anything, right?” Frank said. He seemed to take up the impression of the Argo II could do anything type of thing.

“Yes, thats right!” Leo said, seizing up the chance.

“Um, Leo, how are we going to stop the fire?” Piper asked, and Leo looked down, horrified. The fire had spread rapidly only in a matter of seconds.

“Uh, can you charmspeak to the fire? Or like, get the water from the river to douse the fire.” Leo asked stupidly, but Piper didn’t object and she tried.

“Umm, water, can you douse the fire?” she said, and her words floated over Leo. Like, Sure lady. But my name’s not water

Piper had turned back to Leo with her head down in defeat like there was nothing she could do, and Leo felt horrible. He shouldn’t be here. All he did was cause trouble.

“Piper, you’ve done it! You can charmspeak the elements!” Hazel gasped, and Leo snapped his head back.

The fire was gone. The landscape looked slightly black and singed, but hey - at least it was better than a raging fire.

“Pipes, you’re a lifesaver.” Jason told her, and hugged Piper hard.

Piper looked like she was just ready to faint, but Nico broke everyone out of their happy state.

“This is only the beginning, guys. We’re going to go through a lot more than this when we reach the House of Hades. We have to hurry. The longer Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus, the more danger there is.”

“Well, obviously.” Leo said, not helping himself. But he felt like the guy had more to his words than it seemed. “But how?”

Nico studied him with those dark eyes of those. Leo shivered. That kid still gave him the creeps.

“Every monster we kill - no matter what it is - gets sent to Percy and Annabeth.” he simply said, and Piper managed to choke out,

“So you mean - mean all those dracanae we killed - they get sent to -”

“Yep,” Nico said flatly, “Percy and Annabeth will have to deal with them in Tartarus.”

Without saying a word, Leo went to steer the ship down. They needed to move their butts and stop messing around. Like now.

Please comment and let me know what you think, thank you! :D
over a year ago percy4forever said…
Really good :D. But they are ALL going to die because they have stupid Jason leading them. I really want to know what's happening with Percy and Annabeth! Post soon... Again :)!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
please post soon!
i no im a bit late, but could u read my mark of athena?
over a year ago precious211 said…
Lol that was awesome, but their all like gonna die with Jason being the leader. Lol awesome post! And I feel so loved!1<23
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Amaziiiing!!!!! Great story I have to say so far one of the best House of Hades fics I've read so far and Piper controlling the elements!! Wow! Must take some very powerful charmspeak to do that.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
This was horrible. They were screwed. They couldn't kill any monster while they were in Tartarus. The best thing they could do was just to run for their life.

Percy was slowly tiring. Luckily he didn't have his Achilles Heel anymore, otherwise he'd be napping every two hours which wasn’t necessarily a great thing.

“I think they should have lost our trail,” he panted.

“Get some rest, Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth ordered, even though she was pretty tired herself. “I’ll keep watch.”

Percy slumped against - a wall? - and quickly fell asleep. His previously worried scrunched up eyebrows were now at ease, and his facial features relaxed.

Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn’t have any nightmares - it was probably some happy dream about blue cookies and cake.

Time seemingly stopped. Nothing happened. Everything was Is this really what Tartarus is? Annabeth mused. Just a black hole, with occasionally a few monsters popping up here and there?

Annabeth scooted next to Percy and sat next to him. He still strongly smelled of salt water and she felt safe next to his warmth. Soon enough, she found herself asleep.


“I see the girl has awoken,” a voice cackled in the darkness. “Should we tell her the thing?”

Another equally horrid voice said, “The thing. The thing, thing, thing. Should we tell her the thing? The thing is quite a surprise.”

A third voice came further behind. “Tell her. There’s no point hiding the thing any longer, since our lord has ordered us to help.”

The first voice sighed in exasperation. “Fine. Very well. Since they are friends with the boy, and I have grown quite fond of him.”

“What is going on here?” Annabeth muttered, and she tried to take a step forward. She found herself floating - it couldn’t be...

“This one is smart. You were right, Alecto. We should tell her about the thing.”

“You’re the Fur- Kindly Ones!” Annabeth stuttered, backing away from them. If she had to fight all three at once, there was no way she could defeat them. Her ankle was still horribly broken and her hands were shaking.

“Indeed.” the Alecto cackled, coming closer to Annabeth. “You see, Lord Hades has sent us a message. He wants us to tell you about the thing -”

“The thing has not been spoken of in centuries!” the other Fury interrupted - she was probably Tisiphone.

“I know,” Alecto said, annoyed. “But we cannot disobey Lord Hades.”

“I thought you were working for Gaea!”

The third Fury - Megaera - flashed Annabeth an angry glare. “We do not work for anyone. We work with people. Which is why we shall work with Lord Hades.”

“Stop interrupting me, you two.” Alecto said with a hint of command in her voice. “Anyway, about the thing - yes, the thing has not been told to any god, demigod, or mortal -”

“Just say any person!” Megaera shouted.

“Not just any person, anything!” Tisiphone wailed.

“She gets the idea.” Alecto said, turning her head and giving her sisters the death glare. They immediately backed up slightly. “But you see the point, right daughter of Athena? This -”

“The daughter has a name. Her name is Annabeth. What is this thing, anyway? Are you just messing around with me? Because if this is a dream, it’s a pretty lame dream.” Annabeth angrily said, tired of people referring to her as the girl, or the daughter of Athena. She had a feeling that the Furies were just messing around with her head.

“Do you want me to get to the point or not?” Alecto said, staring straight at Annabeth. Annabeth almost felt like she was staring straight into her soul, drawing on her deepest worries and fears. But she shouldn’t be able to do that. Annabeth willed herself to nod slightly.

“Very well. I will just explain it shortly. This is real.” Alecto said, starting slowly. It seemed like she had doubts telling others about “the thing”, too. “Annabeth, Tartarus is an endless pit. It’s impossible to do anything, see anyone, you’re just by yourself. You still have all your thoughts to yourself, but other than that, nothing goes on. You’re just there.”
“But-” Annabeth said, and the Fury raised her hand.

“I know what you will ask. I’m getting to that. Anyway, this whole conversation is real - it’s happening right now, in the real Tartarus. The place you were before you slept was your dream.”

“But that’s impossible! I felt everything - I got my dagger back, and it’s right here with me.” Annabeth pulled out her dagger as proof.

“Demigods.” Megaera scoffed. “Always unbelieving. Always big-headed.”

“It’s true.” Alecto muttered quietly, and for the first time Annabeth heard softness in her voice. “This is the real Tartarus. It’s feared by everyone because of the things it can do to your brain. It is after all an endless pit. And I’m afraid that’s definitely accurate.”

“Aren’t we falling right now, in that case?” Annabeth inquired, and Tisiphone laughed.

“Smart one here. Maybe she can do it. No, girl, it’s called the Underworld for a reason. Things happen differently here, especially in Tartarus. You’ve been here before, am I correct? Have you noticed our Lord’s palace?”

“It’s exactly the same as Olympus,” Annabeth muttered.

“It’s not the same. It’s the opposite.” Tisiphone said. “The palace in Olympus is white. Here, it is black. People who are in the regular world are alive. Here, they are dead. Same with nearly every single kind of thing.”

“So...there’s no gravity?” Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow. The idea of zero gravity sounded quite ridiculous to her, especially the fact that it’s happening on earth.

Tisiphone smiled. “Maybe. I can’t be sure. But I believe Meg and I will take our leave, and perhaps visit that friend of yours.”

“Don’t call me Meg!” Megaera protested, but she still followed her sister and they vanished in the darkness.

“They’re going to tel Percy as well?” Annabeth whispered.

“Of course. It is, after all, Lord Hades’s order. And since it is the first communication in a while, we believe it must be important.”

“I see.” Annabeth said. “Keep going with the thing.I want to know more,”

“Oh yes, the thing. This is reality. You’re stuck here in this void of endless darkness. In your dream - where I appeared to you - that was reality, as well.”

“I don’t understand.” Annabeth muttered, for perhaps the first time in her life. She never “didn’t understand” anything.

Alecto said something so low that Annabeth couldn’t here - maybe a curse - but none the less continued on. “In the regular world, the dreams that you have. You can still do stuff, correct?”

“I guess.”

“So, it’s the same here. Unfortunately, that dream messed up my explanation - if you two ended up somewhere else, it would have been so much easier to explain all of this.

“In my dream, then. I was in Tartarus as well?”

“Yep. And you two were so ignorant, as well. Did you notice something at all, Annabeth?”

Annabeth frowned. Noticed anything? Last time she checked, that Seaweed Brain was slumped against a wall -

“There were walls. It’s different from here.” she realized, and Alecto laughed humorlessly.

“That’s right. You know walls mean? It’s close to something important.”

Annabeth cursed herself in her mind. They were stupid. “We were so close to the Doors of Death.”

“Exactly. But now, since you’re awake, you can only travel around in your dream. Who knows, next time you might find yourself in the mortal world, maybe even at In-N-Out Burger. It all depends.”

“Will I ever see Percy again?” Annabeth realized with a jolt. She couldn’t bear it if she didn’t. Yes, she sounded like a usually stupid (with the exception of Silena and Piper and perhaps a few others) stuck-up daughter of Aphrodite.

“Oh yes, unfortunately you will. You two fell together, right?”


“Then you’ll see him in your dreams.”

“Oh...right. Because things are opposite here. But then does that mean - that,”

“Your thoughts and feelings don’t change. It’s just the state of things,” Alecto offered, and Annabeth smiled. Maybe things weren’t as bad as she thought.

“I’ll leave you to some ‘rest’ now. May your next dream find you quickly,” Alecto said, and she vanished into the darkness as well.

This was not good.

Yep, so it might sound a bit confusing :O
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hmmm..... interesting. it reminds me of inception.
great chapter though!
over a year ago fireyes said…
I don't get it.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Tatarus is in your head. If you fell in the pit and go to sleep then you enter it. It's the complete opposite of what happens on the surface. So it's in your head and no gravity. Get it now?
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
^^^ yeahh :D

cuz a lot of people have been telling me Tartarus is an endless pit :P
over a year ago precious211 said…
I visualize Tartarus as a circular cavern shaped pit, with different layers. Lol to me it makes more sense since in the third book of PJO Artemis said that Athena would be checking the cages of the monsters that were kept there, but that is just my opinion.
Lol that was kinda confusing but good so post soon!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yes. post soon!!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…

Reyna was mad. A new anger had ignited in her when she had evaluated through the facts.

Fact 1: They had taken Jason away for 8 months. And they were so close to getting together, too. That stupid Greek camp had ruined it all.

Fact 2: They had changed Jason. It was as if he had drifted off, and Reyna almost felt like he was no longer Roman.

Fact 3: Percy had turned her down because of Annabeth, the Greek. Stupid, stupid greeks. And Annabeth had destroyed her home. She had destroyed Circe's paradise, which forced her and Hylla to lead a hard life and go their separate ways.

Fact 4: Romans were generally better than Greeks.

Fact 5: They weren't supposed to get along, anyway. They were destined to be enemies, destined to be separated. Why not go along with it now?

Reyna was getting more and more impatient. As Camp Jupiter kept setting up new bases closer to Camp Half-Blood, she couldn't help but to notice Dakota's complaints.

"I will NOT attack a strawberry farm! Do you know how bad Kool-Aid tastes without strawberries?"

"The Fifth Cohort will not join if you continue with this, Reyna! Percy got us all these awesome weapons and he restored the Golden Eagle. Why should we attack his home?"

Soon enough, many of the Fifth Cohort (the strongest Cohort in the legion now, by the way) started to agree with Dakota. If Camp Jupiter lost the Fifth Cohort, their chances of destroying the Greeks once and for all was dim.

The Greeks are bad, a little nagging voice reminded her. They caused you all this trouble.

Reyna frowned. Her instincts were taking over her mind. If she supported this, and the legion won - it would mean that Octavian would be raised to Praetor on the battlefield.

If she didn't, however, and managed to contain her anger - and the Greeks managed to defeat them - then that would only just increase respect for her and her judgements.

Reyna walked over to Octavian. "Octavian, go burn your bears. I want to know what will happen."

Octavian gave her a look of absolute loathing and he started to walk away but he turned around. "Just wait until I become Praetor. The Greeks will be destroyed and Rome shall prevail."

He stalked off, and Reyna rubbed her temples. Go burn your bears. That was exactly what Percy had said before he had left on his quest.

Reyna's face softened a little. Perhaps not all Greeks were bad. She needed to make the right choice - not just for Camp Jupiter, but for the world. And then she knew.

Octavian could not become Praetor. The Greeks could not be destroyed. As Praetor, Reyna knew she had to somehow stop this now, or there would be big trouble. And their biggest problem was Octavian.


"Where are the Romans now?" Clarisse asked a girl from the Hermes cabin.

"They're advancing steadily. In fact, they're setting up a new base every day." she reported, and Clarisse nodded her head.

"Tell Chiron to call the hunters to set up traps around the perimeter. Tell the Hephaestus cabin to make some new weapons and have a ready supply of Greek fire. Tell the Hermes cabin to contact with our allies - Grover, whoever you can find. Tell the Apollo cabin to make sure they have enough arrows. Tell the Aphrodite cabin to stop messing around with their the Hypnos cabin to wake up and immediately report to me. Make sure everyone is prepared for war within the next few days, understand?"

The girl furiously scribbled everything Clarisse had ordered on a notebook. "wake up - report - prepared for war." and she was about to leave, but then hastily added. "within the next few days."

Clarisse nodded her head in approval. "You'll do good, punk."

Once the girl had left, Clarisse walked back to the Ares cabin and laid down on her bed for the first time in two days.

"Octavian. Octavian, Octavian, Octavian." she muttered, and soon enough she found herself dreaming.


It was during her search for the Golden Chariot. Prissy had not yet found her - she hated to admit it - struggling when Phobos had showed her her worst fear.

"Please! No!" Clarisse screamed.

Phobos - to be more precise an Ares wannabe - laughed. "I am not your greatest fear yet, girl. For you will face your greatest challenge and worry later!"

She saw a steady army of demigods advance towards Camp Half-Blood. They were hopelessly outnumbered and even their endless amount of traps and arrows didn't stop them from coming. It was like they were invulnerable - and leading them was a blonde scrawny looking kid and alongside him was a girl that had many medals that decorated her armor, but she showed a face of fear and worry.

"Are you the Greeks, our greatest enemy?" the blonde kid asked in a jeer. "Oh, look how small it is. I feel so sorry for you."

Behind him, many demigods nodded approvingly and their eyes narrowed.

"Why are you here?" Clarisse asked. "We have done nothing to you."

"We will destroy the Greeks once and for all! We will burn this ground until nothing remains. I will become Praetor, Percy Jackson and Jason Grace will no longer have their place!" the blonde kid screamed again.

"Octavian, this is not a good idea-" the girl next to him warned.

"Silence, Reyna." he simply said, and then out of nowhere he took out a teddy bear and burned it with a matchstick. He waited for a while, as if he was waiting for a sign, and he nodded. They all charged.

Clarisse snapped back to reality, but Phobos just chuckled.

"See, sissy? You're too weak to do anything. You can't even defend your camp. You can't even defend your friends!"

Clarisse woke up in a sweat, panting. This couldn't be happening. If what Phobos showed her was true - if that would really happen - she needed to change fateright now.

"Clarisse," one of her siblings asked her tentatively, "are you all right? It's the middle of the night, and you've never woken up like this. Nightmare?"

Clarisse looked around and noticed that all the Ares were looking at her quizzically, as if she had just dropped from space. Clarisse never ever showed fear. This, she came to a conclusion naturally, would be a first for them.

Clarisse grunted. "I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

A few campers raised their eyebrows but went back to their beds. Others considered her for a while, but quickly looked away when they saw Clarisse glare at them.

Clarisse was going to defend Camp Half-Blood even if Prissy and Annabeth weren't here. They had left the camp in her charge - and she was going to make sure that all her friends were protected.

And eh, I think I'm going to stop with the chapter-title thing. It got too annoying to keep updating it xD
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Post NOW! It was great. CAKE!
over a year ago chia123 said…
hey..i just joined fanpop today after reading MoA and urs is the first story that i hav read and it is just amaziingg!!i just loved it!!
can't w8 for ur nxt post....plz post soon :))
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
that was amazing!!
post again!!
btw, PLEASE READ MY MOA!! even though i no its a bit late, but still read it!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago annabeth523j said…
big smile
that is amazing!!!!! plz post again soon!!! also I want to compliment you on you tarterus, most people aren't very descriptive or tarterus isn't as scary as it should be. also they make it so they can kill monsters in tarterus! how is that even possible! you did a great job with the idea! plz post again soon!!!