The Heroes of Olympus Just trying to help

parras2 posted on Oct 27, 2012 at 08:26AM
before I tell you my Ideas I'm going to tell you a little story. When I joined fanpop if you looked on the popular content list there was nothing but amazing high quality stories that left you sitting on your computer for hours waiting for the next chapter to pop up, but now it's just pictures and it bugs the crap out of me. So to try and fix that problem, I started thinking up some story ideas and when I had a few floating around in my head, I started a story, now I'm not the best writer so I got the help of a friend who is but it didn't workout. Then I started one of this clubs first RP's in hopes that it would get peoples creative juices flowing. When I made the RP I was trying to get people to really think about their character make them really go into detale on how their character acts and looks and how they react to other characters, but sadly most people just crated Gary Stu's and Mary Sue's, so again it didn't workout. After those I was afraid to write anything and have been for a while. but I still have a few ideas buzzing around in my head and I haven't done anything with them because I'm not the most talented person when it comes to writing. A thought came to me "I may not be good at writing, but other people are" so I got on my computer and started writing this. Now that the story is over I can tell you what this is about. I am going to give people ideas but not the whole idea just a part of it and if you like it you you can message me, then I'll send you the rest. In the middle of writing this another though came to me "I may not be the only one that has ideas but is to afraid to write it, is not very good writer or simply don't have the time" so if you have an idea and you would like to give it to someone put it's


if it is first or third person(if it is first who's POV is it in):

Summary or plot:

Main characters:

and if you want to, the first chapter:

here is an example

all rights belong to RR not me

Title: After the War

first person: Chiron

Summary/chapter one: The second giant war is won by the gods, and with most the really dangerous monsters in hiding or in Tartarus the seven along with other senior campers eventually leave CHB to start their lives in the mortal world.They still come around every now and again but usually it's only for an hour or two to see how thing are going. Years after their departure they feel something is missing, like something was left undone then they realized that they never properly thanked Chiron, who was like a father to them all throughout the years in camp so one by one they start visiting him to tell him how their lives are going and how it all wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for him.

Main characters: senior campers and the seven

that is all you need to do if you want to submit your story

I have another idea if people want to advertise their stories on here feel free also if there are any beta readers on here that are looking for something to do please post in the comment section saying so

please clarify if you are giving away your story or just putting up an advertisement so there is less confusion thanks

p.s. like I said before I only want to help this club so if you think that this is not just tell me so I can delete this. thanks :)
last edited on Aug 01, 2013 at 06:37AM

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