The Heroes of Olympus Welcome to Tavian Wonderland!

8xchristellax8 posted on Oct 30, 2012 at 01:14AM
All righty i got this idea while watching this show called Deadman Wonderland. This story will be similar, but of course a whole lot will be different.

So let me explain Tavian Wonderland first. It's a strict prison where "bad demigods" and the worst mortal criminals go and serve for how long depending on their crime (treason to their camp, killing someone of high authority like a camp leader or something like that). It's located in a newly-built Alcatraz off the coast of California. It was founded by our oh-so-loved Octavian the augur of Camp Jupiter (this is also an alternate universe sort of thing).

The story will revolve around Leo Valdez as our main character. The characters are supposed to be like "replacements" of the original characters of Deadman Wonderland.

There's also another thing to the story. Leo meets some other inmates who have the strangest abilities, not including the inherited godly powers. They try to escape Tavian Wonderland for the sick, gruesome place it is. X)

So . . . hope you enjoy~

ah, almost forgot to warn. This story might have a lot of violence and some language. Some characters might be slightly OOC, and I'll be adding some new people, but they won't really have a big role.
All righty i got this idea while watching this show called Deadman Wonderland. This story will be sim
last edited on Jan 02, 2013 at 08:20PM

The Heroes of Olympus 42 replies

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over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Sounds interesting post soon
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…

I sat at the pavilion, my phone in my hand. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Demigods can't have phones! It attracts monsters! Bad Valdez!"

But this is different. We Hephaestus kids teamed up with the artsy Apollo kids and created an A-list touchscreen phone that attracted no monsters wherever you went and was powered by a different electricity painfully constructed by Zeus himself.

Nyssa walked up to my table. "Hey Leo! What's up?" she grinned. She seemed quite upbeat today, but whatever. Training class starts soon anyway.

"Oh, just watching some weird commercial about some new carnival," I answered. "It's Tavian Wonderland. Looks suspiciously like a prison in the background, though."

She smirked. "I know. It's pretty weird. I wouldn't go there at all anyways. And speaking of not going anywhere, where's Jake?" she asked, looking around.

Jake was our third companion. He usually helped me through the camp because I'm kind of a nut-job, but he himself isn't any better. He's also the counselor for the Hephaestus cabin.

That's when he walked up to our table, right when Mr. D announced dismissal from breakfast.

"OH dammit, missed it again!" Jake cursed, staring as we threw away our food and scraps into the brazier.

"Hey Jake. Woke up late again?" Nyssa laughed.

Jake flushed. "Well I have THIS lazy ass to blame," he said, pointing at me. "He didn't wake me up!"

We headed to the training ground, where the trees were super tall and nearly blocked out the sunlight.

"Sure, at least I know how to operate a freaking alarm clock and you don't," I joked as I went to pick up a sword with Nyssa and Jake.

"Whatever," Jake muttered, grabbing a plastic-looking weapon from the pile.

Class started, and our intructor, Chiron, droned away about how different hand movements affect your strike. Of course I was listening, but something else was bugging me.

"Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies . . ." a sweet voice whispered in the wind.

Man, that song always made me shudder. I knew very well the hidden meaning behind it: the plague and many people falling dead.

I looked towards the cluster of the largest, oldest trees in the forest. I saw a red figure hiding in there, floating.

"What the hell!" I screamed. The class stopped and looked where I was pointing.

The person came to view. They were floating a foot above ground, ugly red robes bellowing around them. Their face was covered with a shiny black mask covering half their face, and I can see a smile below it.

Shards of glass and blood shot out from their hands when they thrust them towards us. Everyone screamed as they were massacred. I only had time to think, "No! What are they doing to us?! Who are they?!"

Then, blackness.


I opened my eyes. There were no sounds. The camp was dead silent. The training class lay around me in blood. I was scared. I started to cry.

Then I saw Nyssa. It was much too dark to see, but I also saw Jake next to her.

"H-hey guys," I croaked. "You okay? Guys--AHHHH!!!"

The murderer, the person in red robes and the black mask was clutching Nyssa's brown hair, her head hanging with no body.Her eyes were wide open in terror and her jaw was hanging limp like it wasn't attached to her skull anymore. The murderer had Jake in his other hand, still in one piece. But the black masked person was squeezing Jake's neck, and he was obviously dead, his face splashed in red and his eyes white.

And I noticed disgusting, bloody things around me. This is a true massacre. And it was horrifying.

"NO!!!!" I yelled. The Black Mask sauntered forward, their smile cruel. I started weeping.

"No! Please, NO--"

He shot a thick, clear shard of glass at my chest, and once again, I blacked out.


" . . . convicted of murdering his class during a training session."

I was in the hospital while I was unconscious, and they treated my wounds. But dammit they're blaming me for killing Nyssa and Jake and the whole class!

"No, I didn't do it!" I begged, tears in my eyes. "No, you can't--"

They handcuffed me. The newly formed Senate of Camp Half-Blood glowered down at me.

"We have no choice," Will Solace said, his voice cracking with anger. "We sentence you to prison until you clean up your act!"

The security guards, Travis and Connor Stoll, started escorting me out of the House.

I pushed them away. "NO! I DIDN'T DO IT! I SWEAR TO THE GODS!"

Thunder clapped so loud it shook the ground of the House.

Everyone looked frightened - except for Will. "You've murdered a class of twenty-plus demigods--"

"No, it was the man in the black mask!" I pleaded. "He got me! He's the one who killed them! Look!"

I unbuttoned the first two buttons of my wrinkly white shirt and showed them the bloody gash that was . . . supposed to be there.

Where the hell is it?! I thought frantically. No. NO!

Travis and Connor took me away and resisted the screams and curses I said. No, I can't go to prison.

No! I'm innocent!

But I don't even know how to prove that.


"Look around boys. This is now your home."

The chief warden glanced at the line of demigods in front of her with a poker face.

"I'm Reyna, Chief Warden of Tavian Wonderland. Built from the ruins of the largest earthquake to hit closely to California and completely destroy Alcatraz. From now on you scumbags will help operate this twisted prison or you die. Understood?"

She glanced at me. "You don't look like someone who'd kill an entire class of demigods," she noted.

I resisted the urge to snap, "I didn't do it!" but I kept shut.

The hall of the prison was dim. They burnt a tattoo into my arm that said, Tavian Wonderland Inmate. I didn't think it was an actual prison.

Reyna moved away and looked over the others. We were all male, six of us, some middle-aged and others a few years older than me.

"Unless you've been living under a rock, you should know how we do in Tavian Wonderland. Inmates of the facility will perform in a coliseum-styled arena, where there's only to things to do: kill and win or die trying--murderously. The more games we have you perform to the public, the more money we make."

"Any questions?" Reyna said in conclusion, the clattering of her high-heeled black boots stopping when she paused to look as us. Her black hair was pulled back in a curly bun, with a black beret hat resting on her head. She was probably my age, or maybe older. I couldn't tell.

"Then, if there are no questions," she said, "go on to your--"

"Ah!" I yelped when a cart hit me and shoved me down.

A kid my age looked from behind the cart and gasped.

"Shit! Sorry man, I couldn't see where I was going," he said, helping me up. He had messy blond hair hanging over his blue eyes. His prison tattoo on his bicep had twelve bars on it: twelve months.

"Inmate 979," Reyna snapped. "Go on with your cart duty. Do not associate with the new inmate or else."

He blushed. "Uh . . . sorry. But I hurt him," he said, gesturing at me.

"Are you delaying my orders?"

"But I think I badly--"

Reyna pulled out her spear and cut across his face and neck. He screamed and fell back, blood splattering on his dark, purplish prison suit.

I stared wide eyed as Reyna's assistants ran to 979's side and gaped.

"Someone get a medic! Quick!"

Reyna's face hadn't changed. She sauntered to 979's body and stepped on his arm, glaring down at him. "Next time, 979, follow my orders. I'm chief warden in these parts. No one ignores my instructions."

Hope u liked the first post! ah, that was exhausting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it awesome post soon
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thanx!!! but i wish more ppl would read it D:
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Very original. It's good. I'd love to
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
A / N: Someone will be VERY out of character in this chappie XD but the original character's personality is still in this fanfic, it's just not showing yet.


I remembered the time right before my trial. A guy, in his early twenties, with ratty blond hair and harsh blue eyes volunteered to be my lawyer. He didn't even help with proving my innocence. Then as the guards started escorting me out, I snapped and yelled at them.

Shit, they think I'm a murderer!

Then Nyssa's father hopped out of the jury pews and knocked me down, tears in his eyes.

"How could you take my little girl?" he demanded, his voice cracking.

"I-I d-didn't," I begged, cowering on the floor.

"YOU KILLED NYSSA!" he screamed, bashing me in the nose. Blood trickled down my lips. "HOW COULD YOU?!"

Then my phone had fallen out of my pocket, and a holograph video began playing. It was dim, but I saw myself standing there, a smirk on my face.

"Are you kidding?" I said in the video. "You just watch. A whole class of demigods slaughtered? You're on! And they can't do anything to me; I'm a baby! Just sit back and watch those idiots pass me as a poor little survivor of the massacre. HAHAHA! Those jack-asses!"

"Who....who is that?" I uttered.

Nyssa's father was as agitated as ever. He punched me a couple more times.

The guards pulled him away eventually.

My lawyer came up to me. "Ah, had I known someone was video-taping us, this wouldn't have happened!"

"But i really didn't do it!"

"Too late now," he said as he walked out.

*End of flashback*

Tears ran down my cheek. I don't wanna be in this prison. Someone....someone just kill me now.

I felt the metal collar around my neck. All Tavian Wonderland inmates had them. They were kind of heavy and lsightly weighed down my neck, but i had to manage.

Had to survive. But I can't.

"Somebody just kill me now," I whispered, my shoulders shaking.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over me. Startled, I spun around and saw a girl my age with long black hair and snow-white skin. She wore a simple, skin-tight white body suit, her large brown eyes smiling at me.

"You want ME to kill you?" she grinned. She picked up a shovel lying around on the courtyard and swung at me. "I can kill you with one swing!"

I ducked and stumbled back. "AH! What--what are you doing?!"

"Huh?" she said obliviously. Then she giggled. "Silly boy!" Then she swung again, and this time I deflected the hit and sent the shovel clattering out of her hand.

She laughed.

"I don't even know you!" I said.

"So you were kidding when you said that, weren't you?" she asked.

I scowled. "Hey! You calling me a liar?" I snapped.

She bent down beside me and placed a mitten-covered hand over my orange jumpsuit's left pocket. "Yup," she said. "See? This part of you wants nothing to do with being killed."

My eyes softened. "How would you know what it wants? We've never met before."

"Yeah, we have," she insisted.

"But i don't even remember you," I said quietly.

"So what?" she laughed. "Leo and Khione are the bestest of friends!"

How did she know my name?! WTF?

She stood up. "If you don't wanna be killed, don't say so, silly!" she smiled.

I shook my head. "Well if we're best friends, why would you try to kill me?! Friends don't try to murder each other, get it?! JEEZ!"

She frowned. "So you wouldn't kill your friends."

I was taken aback. I thought about Nyssa and Jake and said, "Of course I wouldn't! I never try to hurt the ones I love.....especially my friends!"

I was about to cry. I didn't belong in this hell-hole....

Then a can hit the wall next to my head. Khione looked over her shoulder, and we saw the other six new inmates who came in with me.

The one in the middle, who was a middle-aged man with many scars on his skin, growled at us. "You little bitch. Do all mass-murderers get the four-star treatment here? Or what?"

"I didn't do it!" I squeaked, not meeting their eyes.

"Give the kid a break, man. I mean, look at him. He couldn't have killed a whole class," the second guy said.

"Shut up," the scarred man rolled his eyes. "I know a killer when I see one. Looks can be deceiving."

"Exactly," his friend put in. "Looks can be deceiv--"

The scarred man kicked his gut, and he fell with a thud on the ground, wincing. Then the scarred guy turned to me.

"So, why the hell did you do it?" he said. "Did the other kids bully you? Nobody liked you? What was it like, stabbing all those snot-nose kids in the back? C'mon, tell me."

Khione kicked him between the legs, and he yelped.

"Leave Leo alone! He would never try to hurt the ones he loves. So be quiet and go away!" she yelled.

The scarred guy bit his lip and anger and ran at Khione. She sidestepped and punched a weak spot, and his arm went limp. He screamed and tried to punch her face, but she ducked and kicked his nuts the second time.

The scarred man's third buddy hit the back of her head with a shovel, and she fell unconscious.

"Jeez, what's with her?" the other guys grumbled. Then they went up to me and started kicking me while I was still down.

"AH--ah, AGHHH!" I screamed as they kicked at my guts and my limbs. "STOP--AGH! Please, stop it!"

I can't die. Not like this.

I glanced at where Khione was. She stood up for me, even though we've never even met--not that I remembered. I felt anger brewing up inside me, and as the men continued beating me up, fire raced up my arms, and I yelled in aggravation.

Then one of the prison's watch towers broke apart and started crashing down towards us. The men panicked and tried to run away.

I then snapped. Blood poured out of my palms, and i willed it to mix with the fire in my hands. The firey blood hit the falling debris and shot out like an explosion of red and flames.

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled at no one in particular. "SCREW ALL OF YOU! SCREW THIS HELL HOLE!!!!"

*Inside the prison halls*

The alarms blared. The intercom announced, "We have a Deathrow Inmate resisting execution in area D-4. Back-up requested."

Reyna's assistant, warden Drew Tanaka, snapped at the prisoner, "If you know what's good for you, you'd let him go!"

A couple other guards held guns up to him.

The inmate was taking another guy as hostage. The hostage's mouth was taped shut, and the inmate was holding him in a headlock with a knife in his other hand.

"Shut the fuck up! Give me Candy! Or I'll kill him! GIVE ME CANDY!" he cried, trembling.

Drew turned to the Chief Warden. "Reyna, the inmate wouldn't put down his weapon!"

"Has the data on his collar been confirmed?" she said, her voice and face calm.

"Oh, no ma'am."

Reyna turned to her watch and made a hologram appear. "Yes. Inmate 3287. Keep him occupied, he doesn't have much time left."

Drew nodded obediently and turned to the prisoner. "Uhm, so....."

The prisoner screamed, "Give me Candy! I n--need it, please! I can't die now! Give me Candy! I don't have.....anymore...."

The inmate's metal collar beeped every couple seconds, the small red light indicating he hadn't had enough "Candy" and he had little time left.

"Please!" he yelled, strangling his hostage now. "PLEASE! PL--"

The metal collar stopped beeping, and the inmate suddenly started coughing blood. The hostage ran away from him as he sank to the ground, lifeless and his limp face covered in red. His metal collar finally opened, steam seeping out of it.

"I'm sorry, but rules are the rules," Reyna said in her calm voice.

*outside the prison*

The sun began to set as the carnival's intercom blared, "Thank you for visiting Tavian Wonderland! We will be closing shortly. See you soon!"

whoaaaa didn't plan it to be so long O-O anyway hope u liked it. COMMENT! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…

This is AWSHUM!

My favourite character so far is Khione. xD
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
big smile
LOL thanx!!! yeah she's kinda OOC right now, but she wont be as the story goes on :3
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…

I stared at the holographic photo. My office was completely dark except for my laptop's screen as I stared intently at the clear, sharp picture.

I sighed deeply. "Inmate 5580...." I muttered. The new inmate's curly black hair was blown off his tan face. His arm was raised, his face wincing in anger. The picture had a faint white light to it. The tower that collapsed yesterday was crashing down towards the boy.

All around the photo were splatters of blood and red-hot flames. What the hell was going on?


The doctor, Gwendolyn, patched up my arm. I screamed, but calmed down quickly.

"There we go," she nodded, shuffling some papers on the desk. "Now I assume you're a Deathrow Inmate? Number....what is it.....number 5580. Have you been eating your Candy?"

I was out of words. "Candy?"

"It's part of your survival kit. It should have been given with the bag, collar, and your prison suit."

I felt so stupid just then. "Oh....I didn't know," I said sheepishly. "I think I lost it though."

"Well, better find one soon. Or...well you do remember prisoner 3287, don't you?"

"Yeahh..." I uttered.

"Hey, maybe it was my fault. I bumped into you pretty hard," a new voice said.

I looked over my shoulder and saw another kid laying on a hospital bed, his neck and chest in bandages.

I remembered him. He was the guy that the Chief Warden cut for disobeying her orders. I stumbled to him, saying, "Oh, man, are you okay? Gods, I'm sorry--"

"Nah, don't worry about it. She didn't cut any major veins or anything," he smiled. With a strange glint in his sky-blue eyes, he said, "By the way, I'm Jason. Jason Grace."

"Leo Valdez," I said. "So, how' are you?"

He shrugged. "I'm all right. I'm returning to my cell in a couple hours."


"Don't worry about it! It's nothing, this kind of thing happens all the time," Jason said. "The place might be fucking crazy, but you have to adjust....Now, about the Candy...."

"Naw, it's fine," I cut in. "I don't need any right now."

"But if you don't have one now, tomorrow you'll die," Jason explained. "Three days without the Candy, and your metal collar kills you."

I hate my life.

"LEO!" Khione appeared and slammed into me. "LEO!! My best friend!"

"AHHH!" Jason screamed. "Vampire!!!"

I almost burst out laughing. "She's not a vampire, that's Khione. We met yesterday."

His eyes were still big. "Y-yeah, sure."

Khione tugged at my arm. "Leo, are you free today? We should totally go play in the race!"

I looked at her funny. "What race?"

"The one where the prisoners race! DUH!" she laughed. "The dog race, silly! Well, wanna go?"

"The dog race? For a newbie like him?" Jason said. "But--"

"Wait, what's the dog race?"

"It's when all the inmates go to the arena and race. Pretty self-explanatory. Dog. Race. It's part of Tavian Wonderland's way of earning more money. Only one inmate gets to win; the rest of them die during the race, and the winner earns one Candy, a dog race trophy, AND cast points. It's all in the handbook."

"Ohh...i don't read my handbook." I flushed.

"Cast points?" Khione asked. A stethoscope was around her neck backwards.

Jason rolled his eyes. "You too? Okay, listen carefully, otherwise you won't last long in this joint. Cast points are Tavian Wonerdland's form of currency. You buy food with them, and eventually......if you have enough--600 cast points exactly--then you might be able to buy yourself out of here. Might."

I glanced at the metal collar below my chin. Turning to Khione, I nodded, "Okay, let's do it."


On my way to the locker room for the dog race participants, I ran into Reyna, the Chief. She still had that emotionless face, but her assistant Drew was grinning next to her.

"Hey. 5580, have you read the sections in your handbook?" Reyna asked, her hand firmly gripping her sword at her hip. "Page 30 to be exact? All prisoners must memorize the handbook, and by the looks of it, you haven't read a word, haven't you?"

I nodded and lied, "No, I've got it all...memorized. Yeah." I was sweating into my shoes. This lady could shish kabob me easier than Jason. I wasn't so thick.

"Good," Reyna said. "Now get going. Or else."

I ran off to the locker room, bumping into Jason.

"Ew, what's wrong? You're so sweaty," he said in disgust, leaning away from me.

"It's nothing," I blushed, pushing past him.

"Wait, Leo!" he called, grabbing my sleeve. "I have something for you."

I looked at him over my shoulder. "What?"

When he opened his mouth, another voice sounded.


A large, potbelly man lumbered into the locker room. His nose was naturally bashed in, his eyes small and beady. Three other mean-looking guys trailed in behind him, pushing the other prisoners out the way.

"No way," Jason said. "That's Gabe Ugliano. Ever watch those Vegas shows, Leo?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Um, no. Who is that guy?"

"He's a world-known gambler. Makes millions each time his show comes on. He was sentenced to jail for beating down his ex wife last Sunday in New York," Jason said.

"ALL RIGHT!" Gabe said in a loud voice. "All you selfish little assholes move out the way when I'm coming down! Nobody stands in my way or I'll make you swallow your own dick! And about that dog race--"

He stopped and shoved a guy into a locker. The poor guy spit out drops of blood.

"Anybody who survives--give me your cast points!!! And the winner gives me their prizes, NO EXCEPTIONS!" he cackled, his belly bouncing.

When he stopped and saw everybody was just staring at him, he made my stomach lurch when he turned towards us. He grabbed Jason, threw him on the floor, and stomped his large foot on his chest.

NO! I thought. Jason yelped, but he didn't try to escape.

Gabe laughed again. "I'm boss around here, got it?" he yelled. He looked around once more, and his eyes narrowed at me.


Behind him, his buddies beat down a guy inside one of the cubicles, laughing loudly. Blood smeared at the sides of the cubicle, muffled screams can be heard.

"These guys are animals," I said under my breath.


I faced towards the voice and came face to face with Gabe. My heart raced violently.

"I believe i heard you make a comment about us," he said in a low voice. "Did you call us animals? You mean the party ones, right?"

I backed away, but some of his other friends got a hold of my arms. Jason was still down, sputtering.

Gabe raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

After two minutes of silence, I started nervously laughing.

Gabe seemed to be slightly satisfied with my answer, then he punched me in the gut, and I fell to the ground, holding back tears.


Khione appeared behind Gabe, cookies in her mitten-hands. "Leo, look, I got us cookies!"

She stepped on Gabe's foot as she came up to me. "Hey, Leo? What are you doing? Is your tummy okay?"

"You little bitch!" Gabe hollered.

"Hm?" Khione said obliviously, looking over her shoulder.

Gabe's face was red with anger. "Those big eyes," he grumbled, raising a fist. "Just like the stupid bitch that put me in here!!!"

His fist swung to Khione's face, ready to hit her.

Then a slender hand grabbed Gabe's fist, a sword's blade slashing his chest. Gabe stumbled back and looked up to see....Reyna.

"555, when will you finally decide to stop this silly behavior?" she said, putting her sword away.

"After I get a piece of that fine ass," he cooed, smirking.

Reyna, clearly unfazed, put her hands on her hips. "Well, you can make a move--if you're ready to die."

"All participants of the dog race," Reyna announced, "OUT."

We all came out to the arena. It was a coliseum-styled arena, the seats completely filled with people, cheering and yelling. In front of us were obstacles: HUGE swinging axes, plastic owls aiming guns down at us (curse you, Athena!), platforms hanging from the ceiling over a pit of wooden, jagged stakes, and a lot more nightmare-ish stuff.


The audience roared. Gun fire shot.


I ran, instantly, for my life.
there ya go. this was a slight cliffhanger xD comment, tell me how you thought it was!!!!

over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…

Amazing chapter! :D

LOL when Khione unknowingly steps on Gabe's foot. xD
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thx u guys! and i hadnt been on, if u noticed ._. but im back!!! ^-^
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…

Right after the marathon obstacle-course started, two participants already died in the swinging axes. Oh gods. And the audience were sick enough to cheer the race on.

I panicked and yelped as I tripped, one of the axes swinging down towards me. It cut my back slightly, and even after all that's happened, I was still shocked I'd already gotten hit.


I looked up just in time to see one guy get sliced straight thru the middle, blood bursting in the air like red fireworks. My eyes widened, thinking, "Holy crap."

I got up quickly. I sprinted to the next obstacle. The plastic owls shot sharp-pointed arrows down at us. Several stuck on some guys, and they bled as they fell off the side and got impaled in the pit of spikes below.

Khione was right behind me, laughing. How the hell could she be laughing right now?

Her long black hair swayed. "Move faster, Leo!" she yelled, bumping her waist against me. I narrowly dodged a few arrows. "Go go go Leo!"

"Khione!" I complained as we climbed up a rope ladder. "You're gonna make me fall! Stop it!"

She laughed and climbed up faster. She stood at the top and pulled me up with her.

"GRAB THE WRONG ROPE AND YOU FALL ALL THE WAY DOWN!" the announcer said through the intercoms.

We looked over the side. The last guy who jumped off was now at the bottom, blood seeping out all around him. The rope he'd strapped on was cut and frayed in the middle.

I shook. I was about to piss my pants. But Khione strapped me up.

"NO! Khione just stop--AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as she pushed me off the side. I shut my eyes and waited for the hit, but instead the wind stopped, and i found myself bouncing just a couple feet off the ground. Khione landed on her feet next to me.

She's crazy, I thought. She's gonna get us both killed.

The next obstacles were harder. I nearly slipped in the spinning tunnel and almost fell off the side. Then I ran crazily through a minefield of knives that shot at you at random times.

Khione kept pushing me around, laughing like she was having the time of her life. Well it technically was, seeing as our lives could end right now.

At the second to last obstacle, I tripped over a big bump. I fell on my face. Suddenly, I didn't even want to go on. I didn't deserve to get stuck here and go through all this! Why....why me?

Khione, who also tripped over the bump, fell on my back. I flinched, and covered my face in shame and humiliation.

"Why?" I said to her. "Why do i have to go through all this pain? I didn't even do anything wrong," I muttered, my voice cracking.

Khione slipped off me and stood up, brushing her hair off her face.

"This place is messed up. No doubt about it. But why does an innocent kid like me have to be here? WHY?"

Khione smiled. "Life isn't the sweetest thing you can get. But at least after the dog race we can get food! Cookies are sweet!" she said. "Sometimes I have a rule where I make myself eat just one cookie a day. But sometimes I forget it and eat as many cookies as I want."

"I don't have that kind of luxury," I said sadly. "Whatever comes my way, I have to overcome it. I need to fight. But....but why HERE? Why in this fucking hell hole? I promised myself once that I'd protect Nyssa and Jake.... but look at me now!!!! They're gone and I didn't even try to protect them!!!"

I looked down and held back tears. "I have to do this. For Nyssa. For Jake.....for everyone else that I loved and lost. I can't back down. Damn, I have to do this....yet I know that I can't..."

Khione stared at me. With one of her mittens, she wiped across my face, and then did I realize tears were running down my cheeks.

"That must be YOUR personal rule," she grinned, helping me up.


She pulled me closer to the next obstacle. "See, rules are supposed to be followed, so you follow your rule. But I sometimes ignore my rule. I know, I'm kind of silly!"

Finally, as they other guys were electrocuted to death or were maimed by the moving Greek statues, Khione and I arrived at the last challenge. It was a huge platform of squares. A girl in a very short Greek dress stood at the middle, holding up a black ball with a gold Omega painted on it.


Next to me was a third survivor. Gabe glared at me as the announcer called out the rules, and the crowd in the coliseum bleachers cheered.

Then the gun shot fired, and we ran forward. The girl in the Greek dress tossed the black omega ball in the air and disappeared. Gabe caught the ball first, and as he slid along the tiles of the arena, the tiles he'd touched glowed and fell down. I slid across the floor and caught the ball when it slipped from Gabe's butter fingers and almost fell with one of the tiles. When I knew I was safe, I looked over the edge, where one tile fell off. At the bottom, underneath us, was a pit of silver spikes and massive hellhounds, ready to rip us apart if we fell in.

"Wow. I underestimated you. Didn't really realize how much bad ass you had in you. But really, why are you trying so hard to win?! Huh?" he snapped, jabbing a thumb in my chest.

"Because I didn't kill anyone!" I said. "I don't deserve--"

"Don't lie, and i don't even give a shit if you really did anything or not!" he cut in. "Just listen to this--die now so I get the cast points and other good shit. Got it? You're not even compatible for the dog race, so just fucking drop the act and die already so I won't have to kill you myself."

I didn't answer. I listened to the loud screams of the crowd.

"I SAID, GOT IT?!" Gabe said a little louder.

My anger got to me. I kicked Gabe in the face, and he staggered back. The Omega ball fell out of my grasp and rolled away. Khione ran after it.


I was breathing hard. Gabe screamed in anger and tried to clobber at me. Khione yelled something at me and held up the black ball, but all I can think about was avoiding Gabe. I ran towards her, jumping over empty tiles. Gabe, who was much less agile then me, slipped and fell off the side. His scream was heard as he was impaled, blood splattering the edge of the tile he slipped off of.

I set my eyes on Khione as the tiles below my feet began to fall. Shit, run faster Valdez!

Then, right about when I almost reached her, the tiles Khione stood on fell. Still holding the ball, half her legs latched to the remaining tile.

"NOOO!" I cried.

"Leo, CATCH!" Khione laughed, throwing the ball at me.

Seconds passed as I stared at the ball. Then I looked at Khione. Her bodysuit was clearly bloody underneath. She smiled even though she was covered in bruises and red smears on her face.

Forget the stupid ball, I thought. The Omega ball sailed past my head, but I didn't care. Right when Khione fell off the tile, I grabbed her arm and held tight. I wasn't gonna lose another friend.

She stared in shock at me. The ball fell into the spikes and popped.

"Leo....the ball...." she reminded me.

I pulled her up on the tile with me. "I don't care," I said with a sheepish smile. "At least we're still alive right? We still get cast points and Candy. And this whole race sucks anyway."

She then smiled. We sat there, ignoring the big screen saying, "NO WINNER" or the jeering, angry crowd that threw garbage down at the arena.

I think I might have learned something today.
and that's a conclusion for this post! ^-^ hope you liked it. SO COMMENT! :D
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Loved it post soon!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
Amazingly awesome post! I didn't know Leo could be so vulgar! LOL xD

Please post soon! ^-^
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
LOL sorry xD he was angry then. i mean, he just lost his friends so he went vulgar on Gabe xDD but Gabe deserved it!

and thx guise :D random pic! XD
LOL sorry xD he was angry then. i mean, he just lost his friends so he went vulgar on Gabe xDD but Ga
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
well...Thanksgiving pretty much sucked. I didn't do anything special except I watched some Deadman Wonderland and listened to some music ^-^ now....since nobody's commenting (phooyie ;__;) i'll just post another chappie!


Jason sat inside the nearly-empty cafeteria of the prison with a few other inmates, but he sat at a separate table by himself, drinking some iced water. Since there as nothing else to do, he tuned his ears to the other guys' conversation.

"Did you watch yesterday's dog race? DAMN, all that carnage-" one said.

"-and nobody won the race," another finished. "Can you believe that?"

"I know right?" a third guy said. "I mean, so many guys entered, all of them slaughtered like it was a simple game of tag. So much blood everywhere and . . ."

'Right', Jason said in his head, staring at the styro-foam cup of water in his bruised hand. 'That race yesterday . . . they kicked the rating so high. But why?'

He remembered how the new kid Leo and his pale friend Khione actually reached it to the end. How the fuck did they manage to survive through the whole thing?!

'They probably made it so much more violent because of that kid,' Jason thought. 'That's probably it. This place is just sick. Glad I hadn't entered the race. I'd be . . . I'd be dead by now.'

He got up and tossed the cup into the trash, then headed to his cell to find Leo sitting in there, a remorseful look on the kid's face.

Jason couldn't help but feel hatred for the baby-faced Latino. He thought back to a couple days ago, when the owner of Tavian Wonderland called him into his office and proposed a deal.

Octavian, the leader and founder of Tavian Wonderland, was a cheerful man, but he had a twisted view of life. Like Jason, he had blond hair and blue eyes, but his hair was straw-like, his blue eyes bright and eerie. He called in Jason, a totally random inmate, and asked him to watch over a newcomer.

"There will be a new inmate arriving soon. Are you up to keeping an eye on him for me?" Octavian asked with a smile, handing Jason a card loaded with cast-points.

Jason had shrugged. "Depends. How much cast-points are in this?" he asked the man, waving the card in the air.

"Oh, that's got the most cast-points a card can store in this facility! About . . . 2 million cast-points, AT LEAST. Now, about the deal-"

"Whoa, you've got to be kidding," Jason said, his eyes wide at the card. "No way does this have 2 million!"

"Well, it does. Having being the founder of this prison/carnival, I can rack up as much cast-points as I need," Octavian said. "Now, will you watch the newcomer?"

"What's his name? Is he a demigod or a mortal?" Jason asked.

"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus," Octavian grinned.

Now, in present time, Jason approached Leo, his hand in his pocket. "Hey, bro. Got something for you. I was gonna give it to you before the race yesterday, but . . . you remember what happened," Jason said, extending his hand. In his palm was a small round candy, wrapped in a plastic wrap striped with red and white.

Leo's brown eyes widened. "Wow. Is that . . . CANDY candy?" he asked in bewilderment, taking it in his hand. "For me?"

"Yeah. You need it, remember?"

Leo latched on the happy thought that he was able to survive another three days. "Oh man . . . THANK YOU JASON. I'm forever in your debt, man!"

Jason turned so Leo wouldn't see the smirk on his face. 'Well, it's not like I have no other choice.'

Leo unwrapped the candy itself, which was perfectly round and was a deep orange color. He popped it into his mouth hungrily and forced it down his throat.


Jason spun around and saw Leo gagging at the Candy. "Whoa, man. You okay? I understand it tastes nasty but you don't have to make such a scene about it," he joked.

Leo managed to stuff it down. He gasped, "I'm all right."
aww crap i couldn't sneak some action in......:( well next chapter, IT'LL BE KICK ASS!-hopefully!

comment with your cute little fingers now! tell me if you like it, hate it, whatever! :D
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Haha Leo Loved it! Post soon!
I have a question how many of the seven are gonna be in the jail?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
big smile
hmmm.... well, all of them probably ^-^ i already know what roles Percy, Hazel, and Frank will play. i'll find a way to squeeze in Piper and Annabeth :D

and YESH somebody finally commented! ^o^" i thought this story was getting abandoned like my other one did .__.
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
hmm....... just from looking at the creepy pictures... im not going 2 read that. Though i think Reyna/Leo happens.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
WHAT?hell no dont even jump to conclusions when ur not even gonna read the fucking story! and besides im getting sick of Reyna/Leo pairings, so theres none of that in here.....
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile

Lol xD The poor guy was starving and all he got was some nasty candy. xD

(Sorry I disappeared) :P

Please post soon! ^-^
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
i know i hate reyna/leo pairing.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
ah thanx phoenix :DDD hahah yeah poor leo xD

and Lt what made u think there was gonna be a ReynaxLeo pairing here? ._.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
all right, here's the next chappie :DDDDD


I took Leo to the shabby courtyard of the prison. It sat in the middle of the hexagon-shaped building and was dotted with snack bars and vending machines. Skimpy trees rustled in the light wind every thirty feet.

"Here, you don't have to pay for anything," I said, handing him a chocolate flavored ice cream cone with sprinkles and oreo chips.

He took it with a shocked expression. "Wow, really? Well.... thanks again!" he grinned, wolfing down the ice cream.

I really don't get it with this kid. He killed a whole class of DEMIGODS? This puny guy, skinny as hell with probably no real self-esteem, man-slaughtered a class of half-gods and was sent to this bloody, crazy prison for the baddest criminals in the world? Sure, seems legit.

I watched him lick his dumb ice cream. He moved like a kitten. What the hell... it's impossible this kid truly is a killer.

Then he stopped eating and the gleam in his eyes disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh?" he perked up. "Oh, I... I was just thinking of the last time I had ice cream... man, I've never been so nostalgic. I used to hang with my half-siblings Jake and-and Nyssa... before they..."

I waited for more, but he didn't say anything. "Yeah, well, now you're 5580, an inmate just like the rest of us in this freak show," I mumbled, my hand in my pocket. I touched the card Octavian had given me. Jeez, all those cast-points in that card. And it's all for watching a stupid kid who's my age but acts wayyy younger.

"Yeah, it sucks balls," Leo agreed.


Octavian sat in his plush orange rolling chair. His office, full of dancing mechanic flowers,stuffed bird dolls, and other babyish things, was his sanctuary. Sometimes he ripper one of the stuffed toys open and he'd hear voices that tell him the future - or what's close to it.

Yeah, people think he's nuts.

His phone rang. His ringtone was some Ke$ha song, another reason he's viewed as crazy by the others. He answered and snapped, "Make it snappy... WHAT? The entire system had been cut off line? That means... no, no, you have to try and start up the Mother Goose system up again... It had? WELL HURRY, DAMMIT!"

Octavian ran to his personal elevator and pressed the lowest button. It didn't lead to a basement or anything. The deepest level of Tavian Wonderland went right down to the sewer pipes, where they had all the wires and cables of their advanced technology run through.

Gas and fog filled up the sewer-pipe-deep ground. The glass wall of the built-in system operator was broken, and the guards were running all over the place, trying to reconnect the signal.

Octavian glared at Don, one of the guards who ran the Mother Goose system. They all had gas-masks, but Octavian never bothered to put one on.

"I'm sorry, sir," Don stammered, his afro sticking outwards from his gas-mask. "Th-there was an error when we checked the maintenance, and all of a sudden we were cut short! The Mother Goose system-"

"Shut up! Just fix it already, you dumb ass!" he snapped.

Gods... the Mother Goose system was shut off for five minutes already. That's just enough time for IT to escape and go on a killing spree.

In the courtyard~

After Leo recalled the good old days at Camp Half-Blood with Nyssa and Jake, he immediately slipped into the memory of the Black Mask. Fuck, he still wanted to pursue that bastard for what he'd put Leo through, for framing him and putting him in this prison.

Suddenly, right when the large London-styled clock installed on the prison's north outer wall stroke twelve o'clock p.m, Leo staggered forward. He screamed in agony, his chest filled with he icy, sharp pain he felt when the Black Mask stabbed him on day one.

"Whoa!!! Hey, what's wrong, man?!!!" Jason cried, rushing forward.

Leo looked over his shoulder and glared at the big clock. Where the Roman numeral of 6 was painted stood a dark figure in tattered, bloody black robes. A shiny black mask covered the tall-framed person.

"That's him!!!!" Leo screamed, the pain in his chest worsening. "That's the Black Mask!!!"

The Black Mask smiled cruelly. That smile was the only thing that really stuck to Leo. It was the only humanly thing he saw of the Black Mask.

"That asshole!!!" Leo cried in pain and anger as the Black Mask burst like a pile of snow getting kicked. Then he reappeared at the courtyard. Three-feet-long shards of glass and ice shot out at all directions. The other inmates screamed and were slaughtered, their very blood spraying in the air. A strong current of wind spun into a thin, mini tornado.

"NO!!!!" Leo cried as a gust of wind blew and brought more ice and blood. He saw Jason stumble back with a yell. "No, not Jason too. NO!!"

Jason was in just as much shock. "What the hell is this? A tornado? A hurricane? No, what the HADES IS GOING ON?!"

Leo glared at the Black Mask. "No, you're not gonna take Khione and Jason from me too," he muttered, standing against the strong, icy winds that threw icicles and glass at him. He wanted to kick that guy's ass. He wanted to murder him! "No, not-fucking-again!!!" Leo screamed. Without his knowledge, his blood burst out of him and moved at his will. Fire popped in his hair and down his arms, mixing with the red, oozy liquid.

Fire against ice. Leo made tight fists, causing more blood to seep out.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Jason screamed over his shoulder.

Off in his office, Octavian watched the surveillance on the courtyard, staring as 5580 and the blood around him. "He's summoning his branch," Octavian whispered, his tone mixed with mad-man excitement and pure hunger for gore. He knew that he was supposed to stop this from happening, but he had to watch.

Leo screamed and cursed like a crazy, psycho dragon of fire. He thrust his hands out--in a very manly way, mind you--at the Black Mask, shooting thick, white-hot flames and blood out.

The compact hit the smiling Black Mask straight in the gut, but he didn't budge. The crater under him cracked and sunk another level, the tornado winds dying down slightly.

The Black Mask quietly laughed, then descended to the roof of the prison in a blink of an eye.

"YOU COWARD!" Leo yelled, running toward where his enemy had been standing a second ago. "You son of a... I'LL KILL YOUR ASS SOME DAY, BLACK MASK! DON'T FUCKING DOUBT IT!"

"What did he just do? What just happened?" Jason muttered in a shaken breath.

Octavian watched intently, then a guard yelled, "The Mother Goose is back on line! We've connected her to the source!"

Octavian laughed. "YES!!!! Oh gods, wait till Hephaestus sees this!!! This is the birth, the christening of a brand new member!!!"

Down in the courtyard, Jason sputtered as he sat up. His whole body ached. He glared at Leo, who tripped in the crater and was lying face-down on the ground, his babyish face dirty and bloody.

"Just watch the kid huh?" Jason grumbled in anger. "The hell with that! This is way too crazy for me! Summoning big guys in black suits and throwing blood around like it's magic... fuck that! This kid's a monster!"

Octavian's face lit up as he stared at 5580, his small body limp on the ground of the courtyard. "Yes... this is what I'm talking about. THIS is the true face of Tavian Wonderland."
well what'd ya thiiiiink? :D it wasn't all that great, but I tried to be as descriptive and creative as possible ^-^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
I like it post soon
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile

Octavian is so scary... o.o

...and poor Leo. :(

Please post soon! ^-^

(Sorry for replying so late. I had exams and stuff.)':
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thanx u guys ^3^
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
long time no see guys! wow, totally forgot about this forum ......xD
anyways, heres that new post i promised myself to make


Leo opened his eyes and saw he was lying in a hospital bed. Khione was sitting in a chair next to him, a bag of extra-hot Cheetos and chocolate chip cookies on a tray on her lap.

"Oh...hey. So I ate your snacks and felt bad about it, so...yeah," Khione grinned, handing Leo the bag of Cheetos, which was more than half empty.

He pushed the bag away. "No, it''s fine...." he said quietly. His head was racing, trying to remember the last thing that happened before he passed out.

Oh yeah, the Black Mask. He saw him and tried to kill him on his own, but failed miserably like the wimp little Valdez was.

"I can't really remember what happened, Khione," Leo mumbled sadly. "I....remember summoning the fire, but there was blood too. A lot of it....but how? What the hell happened? And how did I manage to do that?!"

"They're saying a terrorist broke into D Block," Khione laughed.

"What's so funny?" Leo asked.

She flushed. "Erm, nothing. NOW EAT THE CHEETOS."

Leo took the bag again, but he just blankly stared at it. He tuned his ears to another injured guy's conversation, hoping to remember more.

"....I saw him too. He was big, at least six feet tall wearing all black and a black mask on his face."

"It's gotta be him."

"But where'd he escape to? Jeez, he just comes in and tries to kill everyone then disappears completely?"

"I heard they got him on solitary lock down in G-Block, wherever that is...."

Leo grimaced, his fists clenching. "G Block?" he muttered.


"Yes. Terrorist bombing, it looks like. But we hadn't caught the perpetrator yet. And it seems as though Octavian had let it happen, ma'am."

Reyna growled. "Shit, he's definitely trying to piss me off, isn't he?"

The guard continued. "We tried to question him, also, but he said the case was closed."

Reyna gripped her dagger. "Well, whatever he's trying to pull, he won't get away with it. And it's likely he's gotten an inmate involved in this too - Leo Valdez."

"But ma'am!" Drew exclaimed. "He's just a kid! How could you suspect him."

"He's in this prison, isn't he?" Reyna said. "And besides, you all know damn well that looks can be deceiving. Many criminals don't look how you'd expect them to at first. And to venture in this accusation even further, I'm beginning to suspect he'd gotten his sticky hands on some sort of high-tech weaponry, by Octavian's permission, even. Look at these photos of him on his first day......"

Reyna showed a holographic image of Leo with his arms up, fire and blood everywhere. There was that faint glow to the photo.

"But wouldn't it be--" Drew began.

"Impossible? Absolutely," Reyna cut in.

The guards and Drew stared at her in confusion.

"Then why accuse him of--"

"It's impossible, unless the boy is the weapon himself," Reyna replied. "Tavian Wonderland is a facility that strictly maintains order. Put the entire prison on lock-down and bring me that boy!"

"Wait," a female guard trembled. "Don't tell me you're letting IT out again...."

Reyna glared at them. "This operation will be run through smoothly and with no interruptions. Do I make myself clear?"

"YES MA'AM," they all answered in unison.

"But, WAIT!" a guard cried. "If we let it out again, it'll kill triple the prisoners from last time! It's gotten stronger!"

"Your point?" Reyna snapped. "It's the kid we need, and there's no telling if he'll try to escape. It's better to do this."


Reyna looked down on the female guard from before. "Excuse me, Beauregard?"

"He's just a little boy! This isn't a good idea!" she yelled. "I'm not cooperating!"

Reyna jumped down off her platform behind her desk and ran her dagger into the guard's chest, twisting it around then yanking it out, blood dripping down her own arm.

The guards stared in horror or shut their eyes tightly.

"I'm getting to the bottom of Octavian's game, and nobody stands in my way! This has gone too far! Octavian has gotten me to a point where I'm beyond pissed!" Reyna yelled. "Now go!"

"Y-yes ma'am," they answered, shuffling out.

Reyna sat back down and turned on the intercom. "Code 93-1289 SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS. THIS IS A LOCK DOWN. I REPEAT, THIS IS A LOCK-DOWN."


"All prisoners and staff report to your cells or quarters and remain there until further notice!" blared the intercom. "Also, 5580, please report in at once!"

Octavian grinned in his office, the teddy bears and other stuffed toys grinning along with him. "Leave it to Reyna to blow things out of proportion," he laughed. "And what about you? How do you think of the new inmate, Jason?"

The other blond frowned. "How the fuck am I supposed to babysit a monster like HIM?"

"Please calm down. And now that Mr. Leo's a new member of the true Tavian Wonderland, I'd like him to not die today, 'kay?" Octavian said. He slid a heavy amount of Cast Point cards towards Jason, bribing him even more.


"5580 please report in at once!"

Leo and Khione ran fast. The prison was being put on lock-down, and they were in a hall that had no cells to go into, not that Leo would actually do that.

"That's me!" he exclaimed. "Why are they calling me in?"

"Leo! Slow down!" Khione called out.

Suddenly, metal walls a foot thick started sliding down ahead in the hall.

"NO WAIT!" Leo screamed, but the metal wall closed down when they reached a dead end, not knowing where to go. "Dammit! What now?"

"Welcome to Tavian Wonderland - on lock-down."

"Jason!" Leo said. "What are you-"

"Listen, you have to report in RIGHT NOW or else!" he warned.

"But I can't!" Leo said. "It's the Black Mask. I found out where he is and I'm gonna find him. You gotta understand! He's the bastard who got me in this mess.....he's the one that killed my class at my camp! He killed all of my friends, the people I cared about!"

Khione's black eyes shifted to him. "....all of them?" she said quietly.

"Wait, hold up," Jason snapped. "You mean he went on a killing spree, escaped, then came back? Leo, just stop it and get to Reyna's HQ. Or she'll.....well you remember what she did to me," he said, gesturing to his chest where Reyna slashed at him.

"But I know where he is! He's at G-Block, and we're heading there right now."

Jason stared blankly at them. "G-Block?"

Leo nodded.

He snorted. "There's no such place."


Jason walked to the nearest map of Tavian Wonderland. "See? Six blocks, A through F, and then there's Reyna's HQ smack-dab in the middle. There's such place as G Block cuz there's no space for it."

Leo's fists shook. "But..."

"G-Block?" Khione butted in.

Leo looked at her.

"If that's the place I think you're talking about, then I know where to get there," she offered.

Leo screamed, "Really?! Then what are you waiting for?! Come on, take me there!"

Khione stepped back and pouted. "Maybe I don't wanna."

"HAHHHH?" Leo cried. "Why're you getting all pouty, man?! C'mon, Khione! Just spit it out, tell me where G-Block is!"

"I don't wanna......"

"GUYS!" Jason yelled.

Leo and Khione turned to see a Hydra slither forward and through the prison halls.

Leo's eyes widened. "The hell is that!"

The Hydra screeched. Then it's middle mouth opened and spit a massive ball of fire.


Jason pushed Leo and Khione out of the way. The fireball shot a hole through the wall like the wall was paper.

"We have to go now!" Leo yelled, his hair singed. His fire powers were weakened, so he figured the Hydra wasn't spitting actual flames.

"Try doing that fire-blood thingy!" Jason shouted.

Leo raised a hand and tried to do it, but nothing happened. A spark lit up, but nothing more.


The Hydra spit fire again, dead-center at the three of them.
and thats all for now :D comment and tell me how it was X)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…

...but awesome post! xP

Selena died again?! *continuous crying*
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
:O that was a great chapter please post soon I loved it but why a Cliffhanger :(
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
LOL sorry guys but i had to leave and stop the post right there....and its not that bad right?! <:D
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Lol xD

More people need to read this... there's only, like, three people here. o.o
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
awwww thanx! :DD and i think i'll start the next one, if i have time
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Woah this is freaking me out. But it's a good story, so keep on posting!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Snow: YAY! NEW PERSON! (>^O^)^


-clears throat- ...anyway, Welcome to Tavian Wonderland! xD
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol, thank you!
Hi Festus!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
lmao thanx @snowflakes X))

and Phoenix: LOL xDD
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Thanks very much!
Sry whats lmao?
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
It means "laughing my ass off" xD
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol okay! Thanks.