The Heroes of Olympus The Hidden One

seaistruth posted on Dec 09, 2012 at 12:18AM
This is a story of a one mixed with a Heroes of Olympus story

* there will be Percabeth
* Jiper or Reyna whichever you prefer I haven't really figured it out yet
* story eventually turns into Mark of Athena- like story
* the first few chapters r only ok but it's gets better I just needed to get the beginning stuff written

* I love suggestions!!! And constructive criticism! Trust me I'm really hard to offend I live in NY and I deal with teachers that think ur either perfect or trash so even some harsh stuff is cool w me just no like "ur crap"

* enjoy



I peeked at Annabeth on the bed next to mine, she looked terrified and worried like she knew what would happen next. She did. They came every night, the spiders overwhelmed both of us, clawing, but you could say (and I did) that I got the worst I it. I floated in the air unfortunately, so did the spiders. I never understood why sometimes air and spiders didn't bother me much, but others they did. Although, every night when they came I was terrified of both. They were consuming me, biting e and Annabeth until we fell asleep, covered in cobwebs. That morning we again tried to convince our stepmom the spiders were real, instead of helping, she screamed at us, thinking the cobwebs were a sceme, because the bites always faded. Then she would sho us and pamper her kids. That night she was having a dinner party, her children would be displayed and ohhed and Ahhed at, while we were locked in our room. That night she must have been showing the entire house because we heard voices outside our door. All they heard was "both retarderd," and "send the away." We weren't dumb, we knew they were talking about us. So we packed our bags, we had wanted to get out for a long time and this was the needed logical excuse. Later that night at 7 years old, we stepped into the darkness walking together away from the house, not looking back . My name is Taylor Nicole Chase. My mother is Athena, my sister Anabeth Chase.

And I am a one.
last edited on Mar 15, 2013 at 12:23AM

The Heroes of Olympus 31 replies

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over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
OMG I love it!!!! Post soon I will post a link on my forum later.
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Btw this is an amazing twist on all prior beliefs for annabeth background
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Thanx so much oh and yay if u post a link ill post the rest tomorrow
over a year ago yumalicious said…
WHOA!!! I am loving this!!! Please post soon :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
u r so on!
over a year ago seaistruth said…

I sat down in a corner of the Brooklyn bridge and continued watching the passerby. I did this mainly to escape my 13th foster home, I usually would have ran away already, but I loved Manhatten, everything so close yet out of reach. I sighed. I missed everything, everybody, and I wondered if I would ever be able to go back. That place was my real home. I drifted away from the present and back into my memories.
It was a week after we had run away. We had fought three monsters which as a demigod doesn't seem like much, but the two of us together were incredibly smart. It was like this: she was the dictionary and I was the encyclopedia, she was the smart I was the clever. Together we tricked 7 monsters into not fighting us on the first week. Let me guess you are thinking " not bad for a couple of 7 year olds," we'll no kidding we were awsome! There was a brilliant blast of light and there stood Athena. "Taylor come with me, Annabeth you will find a boy and a girl, trust them, goodbye." " No! I don't want to leave Annabeth!" I screamed as she took my hand, we shot upward like a rocket leaving a crying, screaming Annabeth behind. I stood a scared, angry, 7 yer old girl with an attitude in the middle of a throne room all 12 Olympians staring at me. "Small for a great hero isn't she?" Area grumbled. "That is my daughter and you will respect her." Athena scolded. "Like you respected Annabeth? Your full of it!" I shouted suddenly angry. Looking straight into each gods eyes I eventually become less angry and more scared as commen sense took over. "Where am I?" I asked suddenly in a mix of being terrified and defiant. "You are on Olympus home of the gods" Poisiden said kindly. "I don't understand, nothing makes sense. This isn't logical! What gods? Who are you? Where's Annabeth? What I the meaning o life? Why am I here? How are you so tall? Why do I feel like I've been given the answers before? Wh..." "I was cut off by H Hephastes saying " She's a mouthful isn't she." "Hush, who will explain what's happening to the girl?" Hesita asked. "I will," said Hermes. "Well..?" I said once again miffed. "Ok so.." He began.

That's the end of the chapter. Sorry for both of them being short. Adios!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Da fudge? Thats why it aways seemed as if Annabeth was an only child (born from Athena)! ?If u dont mind me saying, i think Annabeth would demand a better excuse and Athena would permit onethough. On a happier note, AWSHUMM CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!! POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Yea ur rite I was thinking about that but I didn't exactly know how to put it in the scene but she is goin to be on a plane (even though she hates planes as much as Percy ull see later y) twice were I'm going to to a bunch of memories that will clear up the whole Annabeth and friends thing along with some Athena/Annabeth/Taylor convos actions that will sorta work things out ish. But thanx for the review/comment !
over a year ago yumalicious said…
I love it! Post soon
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Sorry I haven't posted here is a preview.

"We are the 12 Olympian gods, me-Hermes god of travelers,thieves,trickery, Poisiden- god of sea, Zeus-god of sky, Hades- god of the underworld, Apollo- medicine,music,sun, Ares-war, Dionysus-wine, he's got this weird thing with sayters,dolphins,and off limit dryads nobody understands, um and Hephestes-fire mechanics." Hermes states. "That was about the worst description of the gods I've ever seen", remarked Zeus. "Weird dolphin thing? What the heck?" Dionysus complained. "Ok the Dionysus thing is true," Hephestes laughed. "So there aren't any female gods? How sexist is that?" I asked angrily. "Let me finish, Hera-marriage, Aphroditi love and beauty, Demter-agriculture, Artemis- moon, hunt, Hesita- hearth, Athena-wisdom,battle. Every 8 millionia a great hero becomes a one, they stay the same until they die, then they are plopped into the river leathe and reborn." "You cut of 2/3 of all of our titles!" Hera said obviously mad. Everybody ignored her. "That's totally not confusing." I said sarcastically. "But why happened in my other life? What made me great?" I continued. "You were Atlanta" Hermes said matter a factly.

End of preview, Ill post the rest soon, please comment/suggest ciao
over a year ago teamleo said…
Hold up, when did she find out that she was reborn? Just to help i would like to suggest you explaint that. If you don't want to thats fine because...THIS CHAPTER PREVIEW WAS GRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!! XD I am sorry if u don't like my criticism and if u want me too i will stop.
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Today there was a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. Bless them it could have been somebody you knew and cared about or yourself. Keep them in your hearts and remember this. Violence is stupid. I don't care who said what to who cuz they did what to your favorite band. Don't fight and don't bring innocent kids into your fight because you think violence is the answer. The streets of heaven are to crowded with angels tonight.
Today there was a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. Bless them it could have been some
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Good chapter! :) yes, I heard about the shooting! How terrible! ;( 26 innocent people! It just isn't fair!
over a year ago seaistruth said…
So sorry I haven't poste but I have a chapter done and its really long and it will start to explain things more so ill try to post it soon
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Sorry I haven't been here in forever! Please post soon!

YEAH! (^_−)−☆
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Please post!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Oh wow I can't believe i haven't left a comment in a while. Huh, well POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I agree. POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
See? No threats this time!
over a year ago seaistruth said…
big smile
"Leo, please we haven't done this since Santa Monica I hardly remember". "I do, come on you act like this isn't in your blood" "I'd be much more great full if you could name something that actually isn't in my blood". "We both know you'd end up learning and excelling at what're ever it is anyway". "Least I don't put 6 demigods and an avenging angel on a warrior metal dragon called Happy to save the world!" "That's just how I roll " "King James" Percy says as I whisks past them with Margret. "Come on we will never get passed this part if our quest if we don't impress him and you need to become besties with Isabella so?" "Besties really? Oh well just wake me up when September ends" "Interesting especially since the band hasn't been born yet, neither have the inventors of their instruments. Remember where you are". "Watch yourself buddy, I know what it's like here, around 25% of my lives have been in this time period lets just get this over with". "Happy energy much? Lets tango"

This was just another teaser cuz that huge chapter I worked forever on was lost along with like 9 other chapters sorry guys! But I'm back, better and full if great ideas!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Aww I was gone for so long the people of this forum disappeared, please don't leave me. " crazy dance moves that are so entertaining you all come back"
over a year ago seaistruth said…
over a year ago seaistruth said…
"Test Time!" Said Athena gleefully. "Wait you can't just say I'm Atlanta and then make me take a test.Well you are gods but it isn't right and don't you even try to be fair? Wait considering that one dark creepy god is sitting on a stool like a punished kindergartner I'm guessing being just isn't your number one priority." "See I told you she was smart" said Athena to Artemis smugly. Artemis just nodded, impressed."I'll explain, you were the great Greek female hero Atlanta. You could run like the wind and something many people don't know she was on Jason's ship TheArgo. You were a secretive female fighter that nobody knew about you were humble and just undercover as the obnoxious runner you helped the gods and saved our children multiple times you were humble and great enough to become qualified to be a one. A one is a demigod who receives two patrons and specializes with the strengths and powers naturally, but they get the powers of all the Olympians but you have to work harder than most to be good.You have many lives and will live in different time periods that will help you master your skills often in your lives you will be a demigod but sometimes you are a mere mortal. You will risk your life to save others and die often but then you will go into another life you may die in your favorite lives but that is the sacrifice. Now it's time to take the tests to see who your patrons will be." Said Hestia in a kind voice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago seaistruth said…
"Wait you forget to ask the question" said Poseidon with a smile. "Maybe I'm not the best person for the job, I'm not strong or brave all I have is my wit" " I agree, NEXT" barked Ares. " It doesn't matter what you think man, she is the prophesied one and more importantly there are no (nexts)" Artemis huffed. "Whatever" he grumbled."Do you want to be a ONE?" Said Hestia For some reason I felt I should say"Yes" "Good, now you shall ..... BEGIN" Zeus boomed. That is the last thing I heard before I started falling.

Sooooo who do you think will be her patrons?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
I'm back too!!! It's been a while! No worries though. Sorry it took me so forever to check it but I thought you left and hadn't seen this updated in a while. Well let's let bygones be bygones. Awesome chapter(s?)!!! Please post soon!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Ill try to post tonight or maybe tomorrow, welcome the people in crazy potatoe land have missed you
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Potatoes huh? Interesting.
over a year ago manyseanames said…
Omg I'm an absolutely terrible person! I just moved so I haven't had a chance to post and I forgot my password + my email isn't working so I had to make a new account! Ahhhh ill try to post as soon as possible
over a year ago manyseanames said…
Darkness incredible darkness the kind that makes you question if your alive or dead. The kind of darkness where time seems to pass so slowly and at the same time it feels like no time at all. You can't tell if your up or down or alone or surrounded by millions. This darkness I was envolped in as I was falling or flying it almost made forget everything I believed in. Then the most pure and beautiful white you have ever seen glowing and incredibly white yet not painful. Perhaps I was in an angels wings i did not know. Gradually the white turned to a beautiful green like fake Easter grass green, plop oomph.Ow I landed in something huge, I looked down and burst out laughing. "Seeds you put me in a pile of flower seeds, ha haha" I stopped laughing when the walls became windows and the one I assume
is Demeter glared at me with a predators gaze."Grow" she simply said. "What? You want be to be taller?" "No nitwit, turn the seeds into crops and flowers" "Right how do I do that exactly?" " Impossible, here's water, soil, and sun, start" "um ok,"I had no idea if thus was some sick game and they were serial killers even though memories of being Atlanta were slowly coming back to me. But I figured I should play their game and at least be able to stall before somebody finds me. I dug a hole in the soil with my hands while listing to the whispers among the Gods, "she's not complaining about her nails, shocking" I believe that came from Aphrodite. Many other similar comments were spoken. Then when I dug and planted the seeds I looked up at them waiting for something. After ten minutes I screamed"tall people!" "Disrespectful" Hera huffed."Right, lovely gardening thing there moving on" Nothing happened. "Now is where you
over a year ago manyseanames said…
Jump into the seeds again" Athena said kindly. "Oh" and then I jumped
over a year ago manyseanames said…
Ok so the same thing happened again incredible darkness, bright white, dead or alive bla bla bla, then the Color of rusty metal. Owww!!!!! That hurt a lot what the heck? Did I just land on a hammer. "You have got to be kidding me. Tools? A pile of tools what genius thought 'gee ill build a landing pad out of rusty,pointy,old tools. That won't hurt' come on!"
"I kinda like this one, reminds me of Percy" Poseidon whispered. "Great like we need another on like him" Zeus growled. "Hello, still here so what so I do next serial killers?" "
Did she just call us serial killers?" Artemis questioned "Right,let me explain" Hephestes started when a loud noise stopped h