The Heroes of Olympus Camp Half-Blood changed my life (Jason Grace fic)

pjlover447 posted on Dec 18, 2012 at 09:43PM
Title: Camp Half-Blood changed my life

Characters: Jason, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Hazel, Frank, etc.

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I only own the plot, characters and some other stuff belong to Rick Riordan.


Jason Grace is the perfect model student, he's got the looks, good grades, and etc. Unfortunately after a mix up with his infuriating sister Thalia Grace, both Jason an Thalia are sent to Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp/ school for 'problem children' Thalia fits in easily, but does Jason?

A/N: Hello! This is my new story. It's in an alternate universe, so basically everything that's happened in the books, never happened. This is also a Jason Grace story because there aren't many fanfics about him. I hope you read it and comment, and here's the prologue:


"Thalia," I hissed at my sister. "Thalia we need to leave!"

Thalia looked up a bit. Her face contained boredom and annoyance. "How am I related to you?" she asked, "Come on Jace, don't be a party pooper."

I scowled. "I'll be whatever I want to be."

Thalia shook her head, sending her short, spiky black hair all over the place. It looked as though my sister had been electrocouted. "So you want to be an old boring Lawyer like Hera" Thalia questioned. "Or do you want to be the principal of a stuck up school like dad?"

I ruffled up my short blonde hair, thinking about what Thalia had said. True, my father is the pricipal of the most prestigious school in, possibly, the world and Hera, my stepmother, is a lawyer. Also true: I was expected to either take over my dad's job one day. There was no, "If Jason wants to," it's all, "Jason will." Though Thalia was extremely reckless and rash, for once, she made sense.

"Get up here." I growled, stuffing my hands into my jean pockets. Thalia placed a finger on her cheek, pretending to think. "How 'bout no," she said.

With that Thalia walked deeper into the abandoned subway. I bit my lip and made a quick descision; I would go get Thalia, we'd both leave and everythong would be okay.

"Wait up!" I yelled at Thalia. I walked down into the subway and searched for Thalia. It was at that moment I heard the unforgettable sound of the police...... searching for us.
last edited on Dec 18, 2012 at 09:44PM

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
This story sounds interesting. Post soon!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…

CHapter one

Jason's pov.

Before the subway incident, I had never gotten into trouble. I went to Jupiter Academy, got good grades, and was a trustworthy person.

Getting arrested was not something I would do.

Technically, I didn't get arrested. I was going to get arrested but then the police officers looked at me and realized who I was. The son of Zeus, a principal in the best school around. They let Thalia and me go with a warning. At that point I thought, "Okay, everything's going to be fine just don't go on unmarked property again."

Yes, by entering the subway I was trespassing in unmarked territory, and because of that I got a warning from the police. Anyways, how the police found us? You can blame that on Thalia's dumb friends. They ratted us out. Called the police and told them what we were up to.

"Where are you going?" Thalia asked. I jumped a little; we had both been walking in silence for so long I'd almost forgot Thalia was there.

I looked back at Thalia my blue eyes cold, "Home."

Thalia crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. "I thought we were going to the party," she stated.

My jaw dropped. After they had ratted her out, she still wanted to go back? "YOu can go," I said, "I no longer want any trouble." I turned around and started walking again.

"Jason!" I heard after a moment. "Jason, wait up!"

I looked back to see Thalia running towards me. "What do you want?" I asked, "Aren't you going to your party?"

"No." Thalia snapped. After that we both walked in silence. Here was the thing about Thalia and I: we didn't get along. I mean, sure we had our moments when we got along but mostly we barely acknowledged each other. Mainly, I think, because we're so different. If you look at Thalia, a 16 year old girl that's goth/punk, and then at me, you would never believe we were siblings. Thalia's always been the black sheep in our 'perfect' family.

When we finally got back home I kind of wished we had gone back to the party. Turns out, the police had called and told my father what had happened

"What were you thinking?!" My father shouted and I cringed; he never shouted at me.

"I expect this from Thalia but you Jason?" Hera asked as she looked at me, her stern, motherly eyes full of disappointment. I avoided both Hera and my fathers gazes.

We were all quiet and then my father cleared his throat. "I have decided, that when summer comes you will be going to a camp."

Thalia opened her mouth to argue. "No arguments." My father said. "What I say is final. You will be going to Camp Half-Blood, a camp that specializes in children that constantly get in trouble."

"We broke into an abandoned subway!" Thalia argued and I have to say one thing that I've always admired about Thalia is that she's never afraid to speak her mind.

"That is not the first thing you've done." Hera interjected. "You've also shoplifted several times, gotten into fights at school--"

"What about Jason?!" Thalia asked and I froze anticipating the answer.

"Jason is being sent so he doesn't turn out like you." Hera said, "He's being sent so he can follow in his fathers footsteps not in that mother of yours--"

"What's so wrong with my mother?" Thalia questioned.

"Maybe that she was drunk most of the time." Hera answered, glaring at Thalia. It looked like Thalia was going to answer but just then my dad said, "That is enough!"

He turned to Thalia and pointed at her, "Go to your room." Grumbling, Thalia obeyed. "You too." Dad barked at me.

When I was in my room I did the only thing I could think of. I called Reyna. Reyna is my best friend and lately maybe even a bit more. We’re both on the executive board for our school. I’m president and she’s co president. Yeah, co president. Not vice president.

Both me and Reyna had run for President and gotten the same amount of votes, so I compromised that we both be presidents. I guess we could have done another voting or something but I’m glad I did what I did. It’s great to work with Reyna.

@Teamleo Thank you! XD
over a year ago seaistruth said…
This sounds great. Great chap
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Jasper forever!!!!!! Jeyna for never! Great chapter!!!!!! I am confused though, are they demigods or not?
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
@teamleo no.

@seaistruth Thanks! :)
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Please POST!!!!!
I can't wait to see what happens!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Sorry. I was on vacation so I didn't have internet. Plus I had a case of the writers block. (stupid writers block


Chapter two

I sat in the passanger seat of a red ferrari. In the drivers seat Hera was scolding me about how she expected more of me and Thalia was in the back with her shoulders slumped.

"I'm dissapointed in you Jason," Hera told me. In the rearview mirror I could see Thalia roll her eyes and mock Hera. "I'm dissapointed in you, Jason" Thalia mouthed as she waved a hand around, dramatically

Unfortunately for Thalia, Hera also saw her in the rearview mirror. "Thalia Grace," her stern voice said, "I do not find that funny."

Thalia didn't answer instead she stared out the window. Silence fell upon all three of them untill they got to camp. "We're here." Thalia said, without any emotion.

I looked out the window and saw nothing. "What do you mean?" I asked, "I don't see anything."

Thalia got out the car and said, "It's ontop of the hill, dummy."

"Oh," was all I could say to Thalia's logic. Well, that and: How do you know that? But I wasn't really going to ask Thalia that.

I glanced at Hera who was glaring at the hill, as though it was her long life enemy. "Bye," I mumbled,getting out of the car.

After Thalia and I got our bags, I watched helplessly as Hera glared at the camp one more time and rode away, taking my old life with her. "Come on," I said turning to Thalia as soon as Hera was gone.

Together we walked up the hill.


Camp Half-blood was.... interesting. As soon as we walked inThalia and I were greeted by a girl with curly blonde hair and grey eyes, a guy with jet-black hair and green eyes, both about our age. "You guys must be new." The girl said, "I'm Annabeth."

"I'm Thalia," Thalia answered, "and this is my brother Jason."

"Nice to meet you guys." Annabeth said before she pointed to the guy next to her. "And this seaweedbrain--"


"is Percy," Annabeth finished. "We're suppose to take you and some other new campers to on a tour,"

"Where are the other campers?" I asked.

Percy smirked, "Not here yet."


"So," Thalia said, "Why are you guys here?"

"I've been kicked out of way too many schools, way too many times." Percy answered. "And Annabeth's having.... family problems."

Annabeth glared at Percy and I wondered what he had meant by 'family problems.' "Yeah, family problems, " Annabeth said bitterly, "What about you two?"

"We were both trespassing on 'owned property'" Thalia said using two fingers to make quotation marks, "Meaning we were inside an abandoned subway and got caught by the police. Not much of a big deal."

I'd dissagree. I mean, first we got in trouble with the police and now we're sent to a camp for delinquints. I'm not a delinquint.

"Hey!" Annabeth called, "That looks like them."

I turned to see two boys and two girls walking up the hill together. All four looking deep in conversation.


Hope you like it! And any ideas for when Jason meets these four people?
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
I love it! Keep writing!

Hm... Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper

just a guess xD
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
I agree with Katie.That was an awesome chapter!! Please post soon!!!!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Thanks guys! I'll have the next chapter up maybe tomorrow? I dunno. if not tomorrow sometime this week.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Please post! That was awesome!!!!
But you have to include LEO!!!!!!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
I definitely agree with you ;P Im a big fan of Leo's to, so don't worry he'll be in the story :)

I'm still working on the chapter but I decided I'd give you a sneak peak. I don't know when I'll have up the whole chapter.

Chapter three

I, along with Thalia, Annabeth and Percy, watched as the four teens made their way up hill. When they were finally at the top, Annabeth said, "Hey! You guys must be the other new campers."

"I guess," one girl said. Up close I found that not all of them were my age. The girl that had spoken, one with curly hair, surprisingly golden eyes, and dark skin, looked about thirteen or so. I wondered what she had done to go into this school at a surprisingly young age.

Annabeth smiled, not bothered at all by how the girl was far too young to be a delinquent, "My names Annabeth. This is Percy. Over there is Thalia and Jason. They're new like you guys." What's 'new?,' I thought. Why were we new, and not them? Did they really come every year?

Another girl smiled, a dazzling smile that rid my mind of thoughts that weren't directed at her. She was absolutely beautiful. Yet, she didn't strike me as the 'pretty girl type.' This girl didn't wear any makeup or anything, actually it was as if the girl was trying not to be pretty. "I'm Piper," The girl, Piper, said, "This is Hazel, Leo, and Frank."
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
YES! CallEd it! Lol. Please write more!