The Heroes of Olympus The Scariest Week Ever

LeoValdez posted on Jan 01, 2013 at 07:58AM
ok before we get all crazy let me say this, I do not own PJO or its characters. This is a fan fiction and will not follow the story line. Now with that said, this story is set after the first kiss and right before Annabeth starts to rebuilds Olympus, and Percy goes missing.

ok well my editor I.E. my girlfriend is asleep so you only get half of the fist chapter but i should have the rest of it up soon..... hopefully she has time to proof reed it when she wakes up.

The Scariest Week Ever

Beep.. beep.. beep.. beep.. CRACK!!!(alarm being smashed)

“Gods, not again. Thats the thirteenth one Percy” said my mom(she was about to drag me out of bed... i was late)

“Sorry mom, not used to this yet.” I said as i started getting up (i was refering to my iron skin..)

“Percy go take a shower”

“but mom I won’t have time to eat, and make it the bus on time if i shower”

“Don’t worry I’ll drive you”

“I’m not going to win am I?” i asked defeated

“Nope” said Paul from the hallway as he walked by



After nice warm shower I followed my nose to the table. Where mom and Paul were eating nice hot blue waffles. (now days she only made blue waffles for special occasions) So I got into the empty chair and started chowing down.

“So what’s special about today mom?” I said between mouthfuls

“O nothing percy.” said my mom, i could tell she was lying but i let it go.

Paul finished his last bite and said “Well see you in forth Percy”

“Alright see you”



so mom dropped me off and i started walking to class.
thats when i swore in greek and sprinted for the gym...
Now before we continue i should say I have a bad history with gym class. They always blow up, and its not my fault!
back to the story, I had a bad feeling about today. but i ran like hades anyhow.
and luckily the teacher was still reading his newspaper, and i was able to sneak past him and into the locker room and change in time to catch role.... but barely

“alright boys todays you have to basketball with the girls as per i have a meeting. so play nice or you're running 50 laps.” he say as he walked out of the room.

“hey did you see the new girl yet? shes so hot. but in a tough, serfer girl way!” said my friend johnny

“Nah man, and you know i’m taken.” i said in reply as we walked into the basketball court.
blam!!!! (basketball hitting me in the face.)

“whfatchthrehegkch?!?” said me instead of What the heck?!..... but hard to talk with basketball in my face

The Heroes of Olympus 27 replies

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over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Oh and constructive criticism welcome.... well wanted really but hey yall get it. =)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
big smile
Sounds pretty good. Post!
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
big smile
thank you.
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
If I get three more replies ill post the rest of the chapter. (mine don't count)
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
I love this story! I wonder who the new girl could be.... hahaha not really! Post soon!
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
sorry for any bad grammar/spelling i misted...

The Scariest Week Ever

Beep.. beep.. beep.. beep.. CRACK!!!(alarm being smashed)

“Gods, not again. That's the thirteenth one Percy” said my mom(she was about to drag me out of bed... i was late)

“Sorry mom, not used to this yet.” I said as i started getting up (i was referring to my iron skin..)

“Percy go take a shower”

“but mom I won’t have time to eat, and make it the bus on time if i shower”

“Don’t worry I’ll drive you”

“I’m not going to win am I?” i asked defeated

“Nope” said Paul from the hallway as he walked by



After nice warm shower I followed my nose to the table. Where mom and Paul were eating nice hot blue waffles. (now days she only made blue waffles for special occasions) So I got into the empty chair and started chowing down.

“So what’s special about today mom?” I said between mouthfuls

“O nothing Percy.” said my mom, i could tell she was lying but i let it go.

Paul finished his last bite and said “Well see you in forth Percy”

“Alright see you”


so mom dropped me off and i started walking to class.
that's when i swore in greek and sprinted for the gym...
Now before we continue i should say I have a bad history with gym class. They always blow up, and its not my fault!
back to the story, I had a bad feeling about today. but i ran like hades anyhow.
and luckily the teacher was still reading his newspaper, and i was able to sneak past him and into the locker room and change in time to catch role.... but barely

“alright boys today you have to play basketball with the girls as per i have a meeting. so play nice or you're running 50 laps.” he said as he walked out of the room.

“hey did you see the new girl yet? shes so hot. but in a tough, surfer girl way!” said my friend johnny as soon as the gym teacher was out of the door

“Nah man, and you know i’m taken.” i said in reply as we walked into the basketball court.
blam!!!! (basketball hitting me in the face.)

“whfatchthrehegkch?!?” said me instead of What the heck?!..... but hard to talk with basketball in my face
then I saw who it was the hit me.... my biggest fear... my biggest weakness... well not physically but still she was here, she was blond, she was strong, and she had a smirk on her face.

“Jackson.” was all she said

chase.” was all i said.
“Woh woh woh.... how do you know the new girl!?!?!” said Johny .

“Doesn't matter, A. and B, you don’t stand a chance with her.” i said

“ Why?” said my dim whit friend Johny

she looked him in the eye and said “I’m taken......”

“AWWWW....”said the guys

“by him” she continued saying pointing at me.

as i started walking towards her with the basketball in hand...

the guys, and the girls started chattering but me and Annabeth were too busy talking.... no conversing.... ya conversing.... to notice.

“Ok chase.... your on.” i said as i checked the ball to her.

“you were late” she said as she checked back to me.

the it started..... the most hard core one on one basketball game that the gym had ever seen.... and it was a street rules game. so no rules at all... and she still kicked my ass 30 to 26....

then when the game was finished we started walking towards each other. and the gym was silent. everyone watching, wondering what we would do. then she tried to punch me. but i just grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a deep kiss.



Ok so me and Percy are the talk of school.... shoot me right? anyway when i got to second period (which Percy didn't have, thank the gods... ill be able to do my work.) and i sat next to the nerdyest looking girl, (what i like nerdy people it can’t be helped) and pulled out my advanced calculus book and some paper. Then I sat quietly as the teacher passed out the work. after everyone had the work he introduced me to the class, damn him, now every girl in the class wanted to know how good of a kisser Percy was, i did not want to talk about it. well not with them, because his fantastic kisses are for my lips only.

anyhow i finished the class work in 5 minutes flat and then finished the homework for the week in another 10 and handed it all back in and took out my copy of the Iliad, in greek of course and started reading.

what she didn't pay attention to was the rest of the class. the teacher’s jaw was on the ground in shock at the corrections she gave him on his lesson... and the other students were staring at her wondering how a blond was that smart.
back to the beginning of class.
the nerdy chick

I watched as the new girl sat down. Thinking how is this blond going to even be able to carry much less read the textbook. Then she picked it up with her left hand as if it were nothing.
Then i looked closer, while yes she looked patete from a distance. Up close you could see the calluses on her hands, and the lines of her muscles. You could see little scars all over her if you really looked. this girl was probably tough as nails . but she was still a blond, no way she could finish the work today.

then just as i started the tenth of thirty five problems she gets up with a the stack of paper the teacher just passed out. Did she just say she finished? how the hell did she finish the class work much less all the homework for the week!?!?!

She started reading some book in is that greek? where the hell did she come from. and how did she get my biggest crush in one day... its been 2 years and i'm barely his friend!.....

“how the hell did you finish that fast, and what are you reading?” I said before i could stop my self

“hmm.... Oh... Well i took this at the college at my home town last year. and this old thing is just some light reading, its just the Iliad in greek.” she said going back to reading.

I was so shocked i dropped my text book. i cringed expecting a loud bang from it hitting the ground but it never came. i looked back up as she held up my book saying “You dropped this” without looking away from her book.....

this is one weird chick...

Ok so no more "nerdy chick" thoughts... and again sorry for any bad grammar and stuff if i missed.
And i guess that counts as 3 comments....
oh and i dont know when ill post again but ill start writing.... well typing when i wake up.
Good night, and happy new years y'all.

constructive criticism, and nice comments are my sonic screw driver!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Aaawwwwwsooooommmmeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! You have got to hurry up and post!!!!!! I am already dying because of the anxiety of waiting! Hurry up and post!
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
lol... I'm still writing it....
over a year ago HappyTheDragon said…
Leo's editor here!
Just so you know, he called me at two in the morning last night asking me to read through this. And that WASN'T going to happen. So the next chapter I'll edit.
Sorry! Other than the grammar and whatnot, good job!
over a year ago teamleo said…
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Ok I's sorry but i had to restart the chapter, because i was to change the way the story is told.

I know. I know you hate me and want to send my editor after me for my head.

But fear not you will like the way its written, and how it makes it feel more personal.

And so you don't hunt me down and duck tape me to my chair to finish writing the story I'll give you a bit of the next chapter.
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Chapter Two
_Second period done. Finally. Nothing happened..... Alright, I wasn’t paying attention. _Don’t give me that look. I mean, come on, why wouldn’t they tell me Annabeth was _joining the school?
“Hello Ms.Harrison. Are we still making apple pie today?” I asked as I took my seat in the best class ever: Culinary Arts! Where you get to make and eat food! Every day!

“Hello Percy, would you mind if I paired you with the new student?” said Ms.Harrison.

“Sure, as long as they don’t mess up my pie.” I replied as the rest of the students walked in.
Ok tell me now if you like or dislike the way its written. Or if you like how he talks to you before telling his part of the story.

And again reviews and help full criticism are my bread and butter!!!!
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
I'm still writing it... but if 3 more people reply I will post what I have.
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
I like it all! Except for
The part where... YOU DIDN'T FINISH POSTING!!!!!! Hurry up and post!!!!
over a year ago HappyTheDragon said…
I am after your head. But not because you aren't writing.
Those underscore's are driving me nuts. Because I think your screen is bigger than mine, and....
We should change it to three *s or something. Then we won't have to worry about screen sizes.
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Ok y'all I'm back from a day of much awesome winsomeness, and amazing cold(Texas cold, so 50 or so.), and now im back with a big cup of muchness wakefulness. So in sort im back and i am going to stay up all night and write till my fingers bleed.... well no just till I pass out out at 4 to 8 in the morning.

but anyhow hope y'all had fantazmic day of muchness and funness. =}
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Chapter Two

Second period done. Finally. Nothing happened..... Alright, I wasn't paying attention. Don’t give me that look. I mean, come on, why wouldn't they tell me Annabeth was joining the school?
“Hello Ms.Harrison. Are we still making apple pie today?” I asked as I took my seat in the best class ever: Culinary Arts! Where you get to make and eat food! Every day!

“Hello Percy, would you mind if I paired you with the new student?” said Ms.Harrison.

“Sure, as long as they don’t mess up my pie.” I replied as the rest of the students walked in.

“Ahh, Ms.Chase, you will be sitting with Percy. Percy raise your hand.”said Ms.Harrison. “Oh and I advise you to not messing up his pie.” she finished with a straight face.

“Yes ma’am.” said Annabeth as she took a seat next to me.

“Okay, one, if you mess up my pie its going in your face. Two, why didn’t you tell me you were transferring?”

“I take it I wouldn't be the first?” she replied, trying (unsuccessfully) to smother a smile. “And, because I wanted to surprise you, silly. Plus, Goody High is closer to Olympus.”

“Of course not, the first one was Johnny.” I said smiling.

“Oi that ain't funny!” said Johnny at the next table.

“And oh.” I continued, as I started making the dough for the crust. “Can you peel and slice the apples?”

“Sure, were is the, um... the thing? ” said Annabeth.

“Here you go.” I said as a passed it to her, trying not to smirk at her lack of knowledge in the kitchen.

So Percy has no excuse to not make me food when I want it, because he is a fantastic baker. The pie was almost good enough to die for. He has to bake more often. Anyway, back to pie.

“Hey, Seaweed Brain, save some for me!” I protested as my boyfriend inhaled half the pie. He had a knack for doing that.

“Koinvsidhavn0earhvb;dfhbbug,” replied Percy. No clue what that meant.

“DAMN IT, PERCY!” I said as I punched him hard in the face, snatching up the few precious bites the idiot hadn’t inhaled. “I’ve only had one bite.”

“MS.CHASE WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!” Ms.Harrison nearly screamed, rushing to our section from the other side of the room.

“Yeah, what was that for?” said Johnny. I glared at him as he tried to pick up my now unconscious boyfriend off the floor. He must be related to Echo or obtained the same curse at some point. Geez, this kid was obnoxious.

“He was about to eat the last slice. Anyhow, that’s nothing. The both of us have been hit harder than that.” I said to both Johnny and Ms. Harrison in a dismissive tone.

“And you get up you wus.” I said to Percy through my mouthful of pie, nudging his foot with mine.

“You.... didn’t..... have to...... hit me.... that hard...” he said as he struggled back into his chair, ignoring the looks of shock on the rest of the class.

“Ya but you were pissing me off.” I replied, taking the last bite.

“Better to be pissed off than pissed on.” he said with a smirk.
And thats when I hit him so hard that he flew into Johnny and they both fell to the floor unconscious. And, I got my first detention. At Goody High anyway. And it was with Mr. Blowfis, Percy’s step dad. He always had a soft spot for me. He said it was because I put up with Percy more than anyone should.

Percy....... Pppeeerrrcccyyyy........

“Percy!” said Johnny as he slapped my face.

“Hmmm...... five more minutes mom.” I replied still only half awake.

“You want to make it to lunch or not? And I’m going to ignore the mom part, you've had too much brain damage for one day for me to hit you without feeling bad,” he replied smoothly.

“Wait..... but today is pizza day!” I said, now fully wake. I jumped off the bed so fast I almost took out Johnny. Again.

“Why am I in the nurse's office?” I asked, taking in my surroundings.

“Your girlfriend can throw one hell of a punch.”

“Tell me about it.” I said rubbing my face.

“So I know I’m your friend and all, but I’m hungry so let’s go eat.” he said, walking out of the nurse’s office.


“Hey there, Wise Girl.” Percy whispered in my ear. I, being engulfed in my third book of the day, nearly jumped out of my chair.

“Oh, sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” he said with a smirk as I gave him my best death glare. But apparently its not so scary when I'm blushing.... Damn him and his attractive-ness.

“The look is cute but I like your normal face better.” he said smoothly as he sat down.
(A.N. If I did that to my girlfriend she would kill me, just ask her. She might kill me just kill me for saying this. =l ....)

I was just about to reply with a witty comeback when there was a huge earth-shaking explosion that sent bricks everywhere. Fortunately, Percy's head stopped one from hitting me. Unfortunately, it hit him too hard, and was now probably too dazed to fight the fire breathing chihuahua that just strolled into the cafeteria, wagging its tail happily.

“Damn it all to Hades. Not that stupid thing again.” said Percy. He has a thicker skull than I realized... Or I’m stronger than I realized...

“Percy! Annabeth! Go get my car and run!” yelled Mr. Blowfis.

“But it will attack the mortals!” replied Percy.

“Look again, Seaweed Brain. It hasn't taken its eyes off of you. It’s here for you.” I finished as Paul tossed the keys to Percy.(I guess that means school is out for the day)

“Fine. Annabeth you ready for a good fight?” he asked as he put something on his head and vanished. Gah! My yankees cap! How did he get that?

“Took it when I sat down,” he said as if reading my mind.

“Shit! Damn it, Percy, way to worn a girl!” I screamed as I dodged a fireball, which destroyed the wall behind me. I needed to get this thing into the open. But how...

“Oi, you!” yelled Paul as he threw a chair at it.

“RAWWWR.” screamed what used to be the chihuahua as Paul ran out of the door to avoid the now very angry chimera.

“Thank the gods for you.” I directed towards Paul as I ran outside to save him.


“Annabeth, get in!” I said as I pulled the shotgun out of the back seat.

“What about Paul?” she said as she ran.

“Just get in!” I yelled, taking aim at the chimera’s face.

“Just shoot it!” she demanded, slamming the door shut.


“That had to hurt.” I said more to myself as the chimera’s left cheek exploded.

“Oh shit.” I said as I frantically put the car into gear and slammed the pedal to to floor.


So Percy drives like a maniac.... Granted he was driving for our lives. But geez, man. Right side of the road. The lines are there for a reason. Somehow we made it out of the city and were close to camp before it started getting close enough to kill us with its fire-breath.
“Call camp, and warn them that we are almost there... and that we have a very very angry chimera on our tail.” demanded Percy as we flew around the last corner.

“We have five more miles until camp, try to shoot its legs or something now that there are no other cars on the road for you to hit when you miss. but after you finish telling chiron about our problem,” he said as I was pulling the prism out of my pocket.

“Wait, when I miss?” I raised my eyebrows, after I had finished my very staticky call with Chiron.

“Yeah when you miss.” he said with straight face, right as I missed my first shot. Damn him and mortal devices. Give me a crossbow and things would be much better.

“YES!” I screamed as I finally hit it in the chest with my tenth shot. What? I had to reload it once.

“You hit high to the left” he stated smoothly. How did he know I was aiming at its left leg? Damn him again.

“There’s camp, we.....”

insert evil laugh....

And as always reviews and helpful criticism are the peanut butter to my underwater war cry.
over a year ago teamleo said…
Wow! I LUV IT !!!!!! This forum is really showcases the percabeth love!!!!! Plz post soon!!!!
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
lol wait for the next one.

you will both hate every thing about me and love me at the same time

I'm writing the forth chapter... but the third chapter needs to be edited.... and my girlfriend just went to be.... and i don't want to die just so she can edit it.... so... ya
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Ok..... I wont post the rest until tomorrow but here are some teasers.

“Gods, please make it” I told her unconscious, and maybe dead body. as I put her over my shoulder and ran like hell.
I did my best cab whistle..... But Blackjack never came....
So I went back and picked up Annabeth again...... But i dropped my sword.... But i didn't have the energy to pick it up.... I could already see black spots.... And they were getting bigger.
But again. I had to save Annabeth, even if it killed me.... so took one more step.....

and all i remember after that is someone screaming.......
and that's when i saw Percy take one last step after pausing for a second. then he crumbled under the weight of something..... then I saw the something was a very, very managed Annabeth Chase.
Well i don't know what a chimera is but from the way the goat guy screamed I could tell it was bad. So I sprinted after him.
I know. I know. You hate my guts.
over a year ago annabeth0 said…
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Wow...umm that was hard to understand. But plz post soon!
over a year ago LeoValdez said…
Yall are going to kill me but I'm taking a break from writing..... I just dont have the time and energy to put into it..... I just have allot of stuff going on in my life sorry yall.
over a year ago teamleo said…
Ahh dont worry about it!! As long as it is just a break and not a permant leave. When you are off your break though, POST!!