The Heroes of Olympus House Of Hades

SonOfNeptuneJay posted on Jan 03, 2013 at 12:42AM
I don't own anything and I really don't want to
Characters: Frank, Nico, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Leo, Reyna, Piper, Jason and many more i just haven't thought of them yet
last edited on Jan 20, 2013 at 02:56PM

The Heroes of Olympus 78 replies

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over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Chapter 1
The fall was horrible. all Percy could remember was him falling and holding onto Annabeth. Then everything went black as he hit the ground with an soft impact. For a second he thought that he had fallen on Annabeth,until he looked at the ground and was shocked that it was still solid. He wondered why the ground was so soft. then he heard a loud voice full of rage all-around him.
Percy now understood why his fall had not hurt. Maybe Annabeth would have something to say about it. She always has a plan ready for everything. Speaking of Annabeth were was she. Percy scanned the area until he saw an patch of blonde on the ground. Oh God's,---"Annabeth!!"
Percy ran to her side and could finally see her clearly. since those six months separated he couldn't stand to lose her now. With her pretty fade and light blonde hair. even though she was hurt she still looked beautiful.
"Annabeth can you here me.?"
Annabeth opened her eyes and sat up. she looked around like she was just woken from a childish dream.
"Percy? we're are we? Oh no. Tarturus. Ankle. Mom's statue."
"Yes." Percy said." it's true. now we need to find a way out of this place, and most importantly the Doors Of Death. We need a plan."
I hoped you like the chapter it might not be long who knows im writing it on my kindle. geez it's been awhile since I've been on here.
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
This was really an article but im moving it to here thanx
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Chapter 2
Nico was walking back and forth. He hasn't been right every since his painful trip to Tarturus. He just still couldn't bare thethe fact that Percy and Annabeth were gone. Just simply gone. He kind of blamed himself because he had powers. He could've summoned a black bridge to hold him. Even though his powers were not at its best, he still could've made one. Nico' s thoughts were interupted by Jason.
"Hey its ok we all blame ourselves. If we all could go back in time to save them we all would. There's nothung we can do now but to just hope for the best. Plus were all depending in you to lead this quest." Jason told him.
" Why?" Nico asked." Why me?"
"Really dude? You're starting to act like Valdez now. Because for one, you're the only person who knows were the house of hades is. Two, you're one of the children of the "Big Three", witch makes you as strong as me or Percy. and three, is because you made Percy a promise to meet him there."
" O.K i knew number one and three already. I was just playing around when i asked why. And just because im the son of Hades doesn't make me as strong as Percy. Im not trying to be rude but im as strong as you no doubt about it. maybe even stronger who knows.? "
Jason looked as though he had been slapped across the face.
"You? Stronger than me? Ha!! I laugh at people like you."
Then a stench of decaying flesh surrounded Nico and the boat started shaking. Hazel looked ovee and saw what was happening and rushed over.
" We just lost Percy and Annabeth and you two are standing here getting ready to fight each other. What is going through your heads?" She asked.
Both Jason and Nico said "He started it. It wasnt me it was him the wannabe big shot."
"Hey knock it off! Ive had it with you Mr. Lightning."
"Oooo.Am i suppose to feel insulated by that name Death Boy?"
Sparked came off of Jason's neck and flew at Nico. Nico absorbed the strike with his sword and screamed. The sea churned and bones in the shape of swords flew at Jason. Luckily Jason flew up in the air to avoid the attack. Then Hazel willed the celestial bronze to form a cocoon around the two boys.
"What is wrong with the two of you? How can you do this to the rest of us.?!"
The others noticed the commotion and rushed over.
"Hazel What is your problem!? What is going on!?" It was piper who said this.
" Apparently alot of things between these two. They just kind of had like a wizardry duel. With bones,Lightning,and air.( weird huh? i don't know what i was thinking when i wrote this. but i hope it's interesting. enjoy.)
Frank interrupted--" Wow,Bones and lightning huh? The powers of the "Big Three is pretty awesome and powerful."
"Frank!! Now is not the time for nonsense." Leo said.
Everyone was shocked at what was just said. No one expected Leo to say such a thing.
"Forget them for a minute. I just got done with some of the spheres. We have more important things to worry about than two demigods fighting. We need to get to the House of Hades Asap. Now Hazel release Nico and Jason because you're ruining my ship." Leo continued.Hazel did what she was told. Apparently No one was used to Leo giving orders.
" Come on we got some friends to save and some doors to close.
i hope you people liked it. i just like making conflict between Zeus,Poseidon,and Hades' s children.
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
big smile

Chapter 3
Thalia wasnt even worried at all as she looked at the huge army of romans advancing on Camp Half-Blood. She was very sure that she could take out at least half of their army. She heard that Percy Took out one cohort by himself while he was only playing around. If that is the case then he can at least take out two while he's serious. Then Thalia can take out one and a half while being serious. Not to mention the other hunters of Artemis. She just got a new recruit. She was the daughter of some Egyptian god. It was crazy on how strong she was. Plus we have Tyson and 40 Cyclops guarding and walking around the camp. Thalia wasn't afraid at all. She already came up with a perfect plan. The Hermes cabin was going to spread out through out the woods and pick off the demigods two at a time. While the Apollo cabin will be in the trees shooting arrows. The plan would work. The camp had grown in the last four years. We now had children of rhe minor gods that even Chiron nor Annabeth knew about. While the Hermes and Apollo were spread out the Athena cabin and Ares would take a front on attack. Since the world will fall if we don't work with the Romans then we will aim to knock out, not kill. And we already have an army of plants ready to go to war. The Demeter cabin made themselves a squad of nymphs to protect them in battle. The four wine kids were already deep in the roman army pretending to be roman, but were driving kids mad with their powers from Mr. D. All is going to go well. Thalia thoughts were interrupted by a war horn.[THE BATTLE HAD BEGAN]
I hoped you liked it and if you did can you get more people to read it please and thank you. because i like having other peoples opinion about my story
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Chapter 4
Jason couldn't believe himself. Not only was Percy stronger than him. He comes to finds out that that little boy Nico is stronger than him to."No he cant be. And Percy only thinks he's stronger than me. Piper knows that im stronger than Percy. When we were in Kansas I almost killed Percy. So those stupid Greeks aren't stronger than us the good Romans. Hazel isn't stronger tan me even though she is the daughter of Pluto. Nico is gonna be sorry that he ever messed with the Son Of Jupiter. He of all demigods should know since his father is Hades anyways. He of all People should know that Hades and his children aren't wanted." Jason thought.
His thoughts were interrupted by Frank.
"Man you really should chill out. That Nico kid seems pretty crazy."
" Whatever man I don't trust the guy. I mean he knew about both camps right." Jason stated
" Whatever dude we already went over this about lets see..... 6 days ago. Why are you trippin' you of all people should know that we need Nico to lead us to the House."
"Yeah I know it's just that he said that Percy is stronger than me-- Stronger than all of us. He even said that he himself was stronger than me."
" Well he's right."
" I mean he's right about Percy. I mean come on now just think about it. The man can blow up Volcanoes and summon water from out of no where, I heard that he even stood toe to toe with Atlas, the Piercer, talked trash to Prometheus, beat up Hyperion, and defeated Cro---"
"Alright, alright!! I get that he's strong. I get it. HEY NICO!!!"
Nico looked over and shrugged like he had an attitude, but thankfully he came over.
"Whaddya want sparky?" said Nico.
" I just want to apologize for my behavior just a while ago. And I would want to know if you'd forgive me for trying to zap you with lightning?"
"Of course man. I honestly don't really care either other way. We are cousins. We are gonna fight. If you don't believe me then ask Percy. He had to fight almost a whole army of dead Cyclops and Spartan warriors because he stole my Oreos. And I had to fight a bunch of Armed mermaids and 20 of Percy's pet sea Lepards. Because I took a sip of his blue soda. And your sister geez I had to run for ten days straight because all of the nymphs and sky spirits were after me shooting me with hot heavy rain and lightning. Because i took her for a ride on my... you know what?"
"What is it?" Said Jason and Frank.
"Percy has a Pegasus and you have a Storm horse, While Hazel has a super fast horse."
"Yeah why?" Jason asked.
"Because I also have a friend and he's been dying to meet Thalia's younger brother and Percy."
"Then where is he?" Said Frank
"Hold on." Nico told them.
Nico closed his eyes and bent down and touched the ships' floor. Then a stench of Death and Flowers came to be. Hazel and everyone noticed and rushed over. Hazel tried to make that cacoon around Nico again but before Jason nor Frank could warn her, the gold melted and turned into bones around Nico's feet.( UHH OHH HERE IT COMES NICO'S FRIEND COMES OUT AND DOES SOME COOL STUFF I HOPE YOU LIKE IT PLEASE ENJOY.) Nico stood up and looked around at everyone.
"What? What's wrong, why are you all starring at me?" He asked
"Because we all thought that there was going to be a new fight brewing between you two." Hazel said pointing a finger at Jason and Nico.
Before anyone could respond the air shimmered, the sea churned and even the bones by Nico even started to shake. Then from the air came out a Dark red and Black skeletal horse with huge bat wings that fit its' body perfectly. It was like a Pegasus but not like a Pegasus. Jason could tell that it was something even more ancient than the Pegasus. It kind of looked evil but friendly to. Everyone brandished their weapons when it came close to Nico. The creature wasn't scared at all but it stomped it's hooves and all of the weapons in everyones hands fell to the ground. Nico walked close to it to greet it and scratched its mane.
" Calm down, it's okay really he's my friend kinda like you and Arion. His name is Zelo. He's originally my fathers'. But he told me that he hasn't appeared to a son of Hades in a long time. He said that he is mine now but is still my fathers'. He has a sister that is beautiful. She also is mine I mean literally she's mine. I created her myself. After my dad taught me how to do it. Ahhh, here she comes and don't draw your swords on her. She's kinda like me with the same powers.
Where the watter was churning a White and Light red one that looked exactly the same as Zelo came out of the water. And galloped to meet her master.
"This one's name is Zela. she is such a beauty huh?" It wasn't really a question but Nico said It anyways.
Truth be told even though that was a creature from the underworld made by an underworld kid it sure was beautiful.
"Yeah it is, but you only need one so why do you have two?" Jason asked
"Because this beauty here,( he said rubbing Zela) Zela will go down to the underworld and help Percy out. Makes sure that he stays alive."
Everyone looked shocked at what was just said.
"Don't worry about it Zela and Zelo's home is in the underworld but the journey into the underworld all the time. Plus don't we have to get to Greece to stop the Giants. Lets not waste anymore time.
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Great story. ^-^
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
YOU GOTTA POST OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
Ya, I'm a little hyper right now.
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
big smile
hey im gonna post later on cuz i have to do something
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
hey everyone im sorry but im traveling im gonna post later today if not thenthen tomorrow for sure. im at a McDonalds so please bear with me im sorry just coming back from the new years
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
its fine as long as you post!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
umm comment on wich person should i write about next and then ill choose one
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Please write about Piper! I think that would be cool. Or maybe Jason.
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Leo. Definitely Leo
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Yeah! Actually, scratch what I said earlier. I support Leo now!
Woohoo Team Leo!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
hey i posted the story but it messed up so i have to write it again itll be done n like an hour or so
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
big smile
haha sorry for the wait.
Chapter 5
Leo was pacing the deck of the Argo 2 and was suddenly thinking about the choice of words that Hazel used to describe Nico and Jason little squabble. " Woww im starting to become the nutcase that my old foster mom used to call me." Leo thought." Squabble?? Really?? Im just like Hazel except wizard duel wouldn't be my first choice of words and neither would SQUABBLE." Man the powers of the " Big Three" were awesome. I mean Percy could control water. Talk to horses and many other things he was like PRINCE of the ocean. he always reminded Me of the little mermaid but in boy version. Jason had the whole wind a sky at his command. He was like PRINCE of the air kingdom. Then we had Nico who was all Behold i am The " Underground Prince." ( YEAH FOR ALL OF YOU HARRY POTTER FANS OUT THERE WHO ARE READING THIS. ITS JUST LIKE THE HALF- BLOOD PRINCE.) He Pretty much had most of the Underworld under his command. And plus he had that what was it? Horse thingy? Mann that guy was cool. ( You'll find out that things name later. and were it came from. i havent thought of a myth yet to match it.) Man only if I could be in one of those categories. Which one would i choose.?" Leo asked himself. his questions and thoughys were interupted by Nico.
" Hey man wazzzup. bro!?" Nico asked him.
" Huaaaah nothing much just chillen you."
" Nahh man just living the life bro."
"OK CUTT!! Lets cut out all the California skater talk mann its giving me the chills." Leo shouted.
" Ok so we are gonna go over the plans soon for when we get to Greece. I think that it'll take maybe a week or two. Yeah, i just sent Zela down to watch Percy and Annabeth. I think Percy can talk to it since its really like the first horse." Nico told him.
"Speaking of her what is she??" Leo asked.
" Hmmm. My dad said that it was a dygianmth. Its what Hades made for his use of travel Once he was free from Cronus stomach. Legends say that he rode off on it to go and hone most of his powers."
Just as Nico finished explaining the sea exploded. Everyone came aboard deck brandishing swords. Then they heard a voice. The voice of the Earth Goddess.
Will the demigods best this monster or will die trying. come on they cant die right.
and im sorry fans for the long wait. ill post more often. now my family issues are over.l
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
woww . i have to go to sleep
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
tomorrow im gonna do Annabeth then Reyna
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Coolio. Awesome post!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
woww i cant go to sleep
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
SamehereIt's12:20whereIliveandimtohypertog­oto­bee­d!n­eed­mor­esu­gar­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!( if u can read that I will give u a gold star)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Ares2002_ said…
Wow! Great story! Post soon! Can you also read mine?

over a year ago oracleofdelphi said…
great story
i'll be waiting for the next chapter. it will come soon right?
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
AWESOME!!! Can't wait for more..;))
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
yea peeps dont worry ill write more as soon as i clean my room its a mess. and yea i am evil i can read it sooooo i need my gold star haha
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Chapter 6
. "Since when did Percy ever say that we needed a plan?" Annabeth thought to herself. " Oh wait. He has. Every since we were twelve. Huh akward i couldnt remember." So she steadily thought of a plan. First she needed to take alot of ambrosia. Then make Percy summon some water and let her drink some. That away she would have her ankle fixed. It was a simple thing for seaweed brain to say. We are in Tartarus!! There is no plan in this dump babe. This is a one way trip. She even knew that there was a slim chance of them making it out alive. It all didn't matter to her. She was sort of trying to keep her faith up in the gods. But every since the war with the Titans last year she was starting to think that the gods wouldn't win this war. Olympus would fall. Zeus would be chopped into pieces and then made whole again for eternity. While gettiing struck by lightning that could actually hurt him. Then be chained to a rock and let the hell hounds tear at his stomach. That would happen for all eternity. Poseidon would be drowned while being atacked by his former sea animals. Then the water would heal him every knight. Aphrodite would be turned ugly and Gaea would make a dashing man to break her heart for all eternity. Ares would constantly be in a war that he couldnt win. While his lower half would feel like hot boiling oil. Hades would get his soul ripped from his body over and over. While the dead tormented him. Athena would be made dumb. while she constantly opened scrolls that contained meaningless words.
Her thoughts were interupted by Percy.
" Soooo day dreamer. Have you come up with a plan yet.?" He asked her.
" Dont be silly seaweed brain. We don't need a plan. were in tartarus."
" Ok so come on. lets hurry up and find the Doors so thataway we can get out of here." He told her.
" Yeah i agree but first Percy. Summon some water."
He did as he was told. When the water appeared right by his head it turned a real bright green. It was dark so it seemed to make a type of light.
" If you need me to heal your leg than i can do it." He told her. She simply nodded and he put the watter on her ankle. It felt like it was washing away all of her dread away. When she thinks about it Percy is waaaaay better than Jason. I mean come on if Piper was hurt could Jason heal her. Ha!! What would he heal her with. AIR!!! Jason was pretty much a joke to Annabeth. Like trying to take charge. It was awkward. Her thoughts were interupted by a sudden movement in the area. The next thing she knew was a Horse thingy trotting towards them. OHH DEAR GODS IS THAT A DYGIANMTH.?? Percy brandished his sword, ready to attack. But sudenly put the sword down.
" He says," a sigh fom the horse thingy." Sorry SHE says that Nico sent her here to lead us to the Doors." Percy told her.
" You can communicate with that thing." She asked
" Umm Annabeth i wouldn't call her a thing if i were you. but yeah she said that she knows were the Doors are. Lets not waste anymore time. Nico and the whole world are depending on us." He ordered her.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!Nooo cliffy! How dare you!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
hahaha sorry ill post later on in a few hours
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Here you go peeeeeeps. Reyna' s time to shine.
Chapter 7
Man these guys are strong. No wonder Percy was so strong. She immediately spotted the Dyionus kids. She issured them that she meant no harm and to not go to hard on her soldiers. Then the Horn rang and they took of into the woods leading alot of soldiers. She knew that they were doomed. They would either be killed or knocked out. She kind of felt sorry for them. She then shouted,at her soldiers to follow her. She ran and blunt arrows just came from out of nowhere. the knocked out only a little of their soldiers. Because the three werent trained well enoigh. The rest of them ( Including Reyna) locked their shields and kept on running. Then out of the trees came out nymphs in wooden armor with armed satyrs came out from behind the trees and charged. while the rest used there woodland magic from the top of the trees. On that thought if all goes well we are going to train the fauns to fight. Woww camp half blood sure is strong. Then she heard it. The strike that Jason always made when he summoned lightning. It sent chills up her back to no that this camp had a child of Jupiter. Well Zeus in their case. Wonder if she's as strong as Jason. Or Percy. i doubt it. Percy was strong. She kept on charging and she realized that the camp was large. Not larger or as large as Camp Jupiter. But it was peaceful. She felt a connection. Like she was in a world exactly opposite of hers but exactly the same.Then she saw her. She was rushing towards me. I hopethat i am not gonna die. She had black hair and punk clothes. And she used a spear as her weapon. Reyna knew she had to fight her up close. Then the girl shouted.
" Leave Romans i have no intention of fighting you. But if you would like to i wouldnt mind."
" Yeah yeah Greek who cares what you want.!?" Someone from Reyna' s Squad shouted. Withnher eyes still on Reyna she raised her hand in the direction of the voice and lightning struck the boy. Poor Huey. He was a nice boy. That got the Romans furious. It was a bad move for improvision. They all charged the girl. To Reyna's surprise she charged back. All by herself. She tiped her spear and rushed into the crowd of Romans. She wasnt playing any games. She was slicing and dicing and sliding. It was as if she was a female Percy. If Percy fought with a spear he would fight just like her. Then one Roman grabed her spear and snapped it. She touched something on her wrist and and shield with the head of a Gorgon poppedout. All of the Romans backed up and she kept on charging. Bashing two over the head with her shield. He crumpled to the ground. Reyna couldnt believe it. Was the Romans this weak to the Greeks.....

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
OH. MY. GOD. You have to post. Another cliffy? What is this madness? NOOO HOW DARE YOU!!!!!
I read and enjoyed. :D
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
srry but i always like to leave readers thinking about what will happen next its my side job
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
That was FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
im gonna post later so can you give me ideas on who to write on next
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I think you should stick to Reyna. I want to find out about who wins because you gave me a cliffy!!!!!!!!
HOW COULD YOU????!?!!!!?!???!!?
The only way to make reparations is to post!! SO POST!!!!!!!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Reyna had no choice. She charged the girl. To her surprise the girl disarmed her and kept on fighting like she had never come across her at all. She kept on knocking out most of her soldiers. Then the eagles came and zapped her with lightning. She turned to look at them and nodded her head. Reyna was shocked when two of the eagles came and perched on the girls shoulders. She then put up her hand. No lightning struck but she shouted.
" Romans!! We are your friends. Believe me we are not your enemies!!! My name is Thalia Grace.I am The daughter of Zeus!! On my father's behalf I swear to the river Stynx that we mean no harm. The real enemy is The Earth Goddess herself and her children. Please i beg you not to advance on your attack. We have the water spirits ready. They have been trained by Percy and Poseidon themselves. So i ask you please. What good is it to fight over meaningless things?" The girl said.
Then Octavian came out with most of the Roman army and shouted "CHARGE!!!WE SHALL NOT BE BESTED BY THESE TREACHEROUS GREEKS!!!"
And with that All of the Romans charged. It was like the Doors Of Death were being opened again. It was going to be a massacre. Reyna felt bad for this camp. It seemed so peaceful. Then that is when all went wrong for the Romans side. The big lake exploded and hundreds of Neriads came out shrouded in watery armor. It was a terrifying site. Even the Romans knew that the water spirits weren't violent. So when the show up to fight, It was serious. But of course stupid Octavian made the Romans charge. No one from Camp Half Blood charged. Because the Neriads charged before them. They crashed into the army of Romans with a war cry of fury. The Romans were putting up a very good fight. But Reyna had to think. These guys were like minni Percys. They fought just like him. Then she remembered that Percy trained them. They used the water as their defense. They used the water from the lake to pick up most of the Romans. And dumped them in it. This was it The Romans were anouts to be defeated by a bunch of Greeks. All was turning horrible until she heard another War horn. It sounded Familiar.

$orry thats all for right now. But guess who the horn belongs to. and yes snow another cliffy. i have to do that because the camp wars is gonna be long and i need to write about other characters. srry but ur still a good reader and fan of mine. he he
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
i have a guess.
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
I bet it's ze party ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
hahaha who ok knows
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
*frowns* AWW MAN!!!!
Maybe the Hunters of Artemis?
Eh I dont care as long as you post!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
hey im srry but my grandfather just died so thays y i havent been posting. sryy. but ill post soon i promise
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
OMG. That is sooo sad. I'm very sorry. I dont know what to say, but I give you my condolences.
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Welll Peoples im BACK ill start posting soon with better emotion and things. trust me it will get u hooked and ull talk about it with ur other fans its gonna be good. ill start tomorrow
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
You're back so cake!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
srry i couldnt getbto it was busy but ill do it after i get back from the road
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
No problem, bro.
But you gotta post sometime!
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
Mwuahahahahahah im am like so sooooo back. Ha take that srry i had to catch up on some of that death the kid. It was just like sooo interesting. like geez The kishin won over Crona. geez such evil is befalling the world now. haha hehe well take this im n a happy mood.

Chapter 9

Nico was suddenly in a good mood. Zela had finally reached Percy. That much he could tell. Percy was surely going to find the doors of death now. On the other hand Nico was worried abot camp half blood. He hoped that the Romans werent attacking and winning. Nico had faith in the camp. Theywere the elite in this generation. Some of them were trained by Luke. While the rest were trained by Percy. The two best swordsman in this generation. Plus they all had there own powers. They were good. It was always known that the Greeks were better fighters than the Romans in the olden days. In fact Nico just might message Thalia later to ask how the battle is going or how it went. But for now he needed to eat some food. Being trapped in a bronze jar with out any food for a week but seeds was pretty harsh on his body. He went over to the Table. Sat down by Jason and thought of Raw steak with some blue soda just to remind himself of Percy. It appeared. With a whole bunch of strange looks from the others about the raw meat. He looked at every one and said some like." What". But nobody answered. They all looked away in disgust.

"Its not like im gonna eat it like this. I have to do something. Hazel pleaze make some dirt right about here." Nico asked
She did what was asked and made the dirt. It was tainted with red and yellow like it was made from the gems living in side the ship.
" Now if you dont like the dead then you mist leave right now." Nico told everyone.
Of course nobody moved. They were all waiting to see what Nico was going to do. Instead of doing the usual Nico made a grayish kind of fire and set the meat ablaze. It smelled of Cow with strawberries and wine being cooked together. It was a smell that Nico liked. So he put it in his mouth. It was so so tasty that he had ro have another one. He thought of another one and it appeared. He cooked it like the other one and ate that one to.Man It was the best thing Nico had tasted since Percy' s Blue birthday cake. He ate three more and turned to the group who were staring at him in a weird way. Then someone finally said something.

" DUDE You can summon fire just like me eh? Votos Locos Forever Homes."
Everyone started cracking up. Leave it to Leo to Break the ice. Man why wasnt he in the war with the titans last year. Luke would've loved this guy. Any ways he needed to get the party going.

" Ok guys If Percy and Annabeth were here then they would tell you what im abouts to do." Nico told the crew.
Then he snapped his fingers and skelletons came from out of nowhere and started digging a huge whole in the dirt. Then he summoned three Large cokes sodas and poured them into the whole. He started chanting.
" Let the dead drink again. Let them taste our newest generations soda.It is your favorite."
Then he summoned some ice and four burritos. and threw them into the soda filled pit.
" I hope you liked this to man."
Then he poured alot of pepper and a little salt into the pit and started chanting in the ancient language of Greece. Until all that was left to say was.
" Come forth Luke Castellian. Come and drink once again. Come and Eat once again. Enjoy this."
Hope you liked it
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
OMG, awesome! You hafta post again sometime!
Yeah I can tell you're in a good mood....
But thats a good thing:)
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
haha u were like waiting for this for a while huh
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Freaking.Awesome! But why Luke?
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
well i dont know. I mean come on even though Luke was evil it was kinna messed up how it ended for him so i wanted to use him again. I kinda feel like Rick dropped him