The Heroes of Olympus House of Hades Fanfiction

owllover911 posted on Jan 05, 2013 at 12:57AM
When Percy and Annabeth gets sucked into Tarturus, the rest of the seven has to rescue them. Leo, Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Piper have to go to the House of Hades* and meet the separated two at the Doors of Death.
As Gaea is getting stronger everyday, it contributes to the pressure that the heroes are in. With the Giants still rising, and her minions coming at the rest of the seven, the heroes face many perils and dangers.
Though the trip may cost some lives, it is worth it for the two camps and the gods of Olympus.

Please, do not talk rude or say some NOT GOOD things.
Criticism and advice are appreciated.
I am NOT a skilled writer so expect errors and spelling errors.
Thank You.

*House of Hades: a temple dedicated to Hades and Persephone, found in Epirus, Greece. Many ancient Greeks believed that is marked one way to go into the Underworld.

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago megon4ever said…
First one! Post NOW!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Seconds the best ;P I can't wait start reading! Post soon!
over a year ago owllover911 said…
big smile
hey thx!!!
im trying to redeem my self from my mark of athena fanfic
ill try to post every week
soo.... ya
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I was really starting to hate the gods.
First they start tearing my family apart. They let Bianca and I stay at the Lotus Casino and missed a lot of years in the time-waster-physic-thingy-that-Annabeth-tr­ied­-to­-te­ach­-me­-on­-fo­r-5­-ho­urs­. Then, we go to Camp Half-Blood, Bianca is stolen away from me with the Hunters of Artemis, and is later killed in a quest. Hades (Pluto, take your pick), my father practically hates me and my step mother turns my into potted plants whenever she doesn't get her way. Nice, big, happy family.
Now, I'm expected to lead 5 people that I barely even know to the House of Hades. Really? I'm a 13 year-old leading older, more experienced people. But I have to do it. It was Percy's last wish. His loyalty-flaw lead him to be desperate. He wanted to be with Annabeth.
My heart weighed heavy with the melancholyness and my head spun with thought and doubts. It was hard to focus on the food I was eating.
"Nico? Niiiiicoooo." I turned to the voice that was calling me. I faced Piper, in her baggy pants and choppy hair. Usually, girls would look horrible like that, but Piper, being a daughter of Aphrodite, was pretty in anything.
"What?" I asked.
"So, what do you think of the chances of Percy and Annabeth?" Her voice sounded concerned. She seemed to been willed to have not charm speak me to tell me to way 'It's going to be O.K. I looked around and met the gazes of the 12 eyes. Leo fidgeting with something, Jason pushing away an half-eaten plate, Piper right in front of me, Frank hold Hazel's arm where he thought I couldn't see it, Hazel's face full of worry, and our war-ready, middle-aged statyr, Coach Hedge. He didn't really do much, just threaten to smack us with his baseball bat, yell, sing violent songs, handle the wheel, and ask to kill things. That's all.
"It's bad. Like, really bad," I admitted half-heartily. Most of the faces looked down in disappointment, all, but Coach Hedge.
"But, I have faith in them," I added quickly. The faces looked up, happy and hopeful.
"Those two demi-gods are one of the strongest I know. I almost 100 percent sure they'll make it." They all smiled, ready to find them.
"Well," Leo stood up, "what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!" The rest of the five stood up and departed.
"Nico! Come on! Ya gotta show me the way to the House of Hades!" Leo smacked me on the back.
I could tell he was hopeful and I wished that I could share his excitement, too.

over a year ago owllover911 said…
big smile
here ya go!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Nice :) can't wait to read more
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Basically the best one I've ever read!!! Have a cake!
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
Awesome, post soon ;))
over a year ago owllover911 said…
I felt happy and optimistic as I stepped out onto the deck. The wind ruffled my hair, blowing it into my face.
"Hey, Piper," a smooth voice said. I spun around, meeting Jason's face.
"Oh, uh, hi. Didn't see you there," I said with a smile. He smiled back and walked to the rail, right next to me. I sighed happily, knowing that he was there next to me.
"So, what do you think will happen when we go to the House of Hades?" he asked me, rubbing his hand on my cold arm. A rush of warmth crept in me.
"Well, to be honest, I'm kinda scared. I mean, we don't know what will happen, but I have faith that Nico that he'll lead us there. Safely." I added. Jason laughed.
"Don't worry Pipes, I always be there for you. Promise." I felt my heart beat faster. The same fears that I shared with promises between Jason and me came creeping in. The prophecy pounded in my head.
An oath to keep with final breath.
What if Jason dies, keeping one of his promises? No, that won't happen. I reassured myself.
"Pipes, you okay? You kind of dazed off on me here." Jason said.
"Oh, I'm fine. Just a little drowsy. I'm going to my dorm to take a nap," I told him.
"Okay," Jason replied, letting go of my arm. I headed to my dorm and bumped into Hazel.
"Sorry, Hazel." I apologized.
"No, it's okay. Just, can I talk to you for a second?" she asked.
"Sure, just what is it?" Hazel stepped into my dorm and plopped on my bed. I sat besides her.
"I'm worried about Nico. Ever since he came from Tatarus, he seemed so, broken. And I can't do anything about it. I want to help him but he seems so distant. I really want to assist him with leading us to the House of Hades, but-" Her voice broke, and she averted her gaze from mine.
"But what?" I questioned. Hazel fanned herself with her hand and looked at me again.
"Well, I really don't believe about the whole House of Hades thing. I've never heard of it and I'm not sure if it's real." I looked at her in shock.
"But-but why? You're a daughter of Ha- I mean Pluto. How can you not believe in it?" I stammered.
"I'm sure I'll know it's real after I learn more about it from Nico. I'm sure I can alternate to it since I'm 70 years behind you guys," she said sheepishly.
"But, I also worried about the other Romans. Not Frank, I'm certain that he'll believe in it ,too. But when we have to go through it, we'll probably have to tell it to Reyna, and what if she doesn't believe in us? What about Octavian?" I looked at her. She was right. Hazel and Frank can easily believe that there's a House of Hades, but what about the Romans? What if they totally not believe us?
"I'll think about it. Maybe you should talk to Nico about the House of Hades and then talk to Frank, too. I'll talk to Jason about this ,too. And maybe even Leo. Thanks for telling me this, Hazel." I said. She nodded and headed out the door to Nico. I sat on my bed, in thought. What if this plan goes wrong, completely? How could we bear arms together if we don't believe what each other believes? Many fears and doubts clouded my mind and made me even more uncertain of this trip that we were making,
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago owllover911 said…
there you guys go!
srry 2 keep ya guys waiting!
I'll make to post a new one next week!