The Heroes of Olympus Nicolicious's House Of Hades

Nicolicious posted on Feb 12, 2013 at 01:19PM
So, because I have nothing better to do in life. And because we need to keep administering CPR(Creative Person Resuscitation)to this club, I have taken it upon me to create my own version of the House of Hades.
Enjoy! XP

Synopsis~So, because R.R loves destroying our very ethic of existence, Annabeth and Percy have fallen into Tartarus and the rest of the Argo II are left with a stupid statue that is supposed to stop war between the camps. Plus they have to get to the House of Hades and meet up with Annabeth and Percy before Gaia squashes everyone like ant sized Turkeys.
Read on as I predict what will happen!
Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena
Percy Jackson son of Poseidon
Nico D'Angelo son of Hades
Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus
Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite
Jason Grace son of Jupiter
Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto
Frank Zhang son of Mars
Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus
Reyna NoLastName daughter of Bellona
Gleeson Hedge, Satyr
And many more characters, but they'd take to long to name.
Rating~ T, cause I'm paranoid.
Disclaimer~Sadly, I don't own HoO or anything else to do with it, but don't worry Uncle Rick owns them.

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Here's the first chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Nico pov

I stood there staring out over the edge of the boat. I felt like smashing my head against the railing until I bled. I can't believe I let them go, I could of saved them. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake that recurring image of Annabeth and Percy falling into Tartarus. It was like those Gifs or whatever, where the image repeats itself again and again. That's what it was like. So horrible.

"So..." Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus says, leaning against the railing. "What now?"

"I dunno." I reply, staring off into the distance. "Greece, I guess."

"Where? 'Cause I'm gonna need a direct location." He asks standing up straight. He was chewing the gum in his mouth rapidly and his hand was clenching and unclenching.

"Athens." Jason tells him. Jason was sitting on the bow of the ship. His blonde hair waving in the wind.

"Aye aye." Leo replies simply. He takes a hop skip and a jump and lands by his control board. "This is your captain speaking." Leo says through his Megaphone. "We are going to hit some slight turbulence as we head towards Athens, so buckle up and stay safe! Also please remember that I am not at fault for any arms, legs or hooves lost on this flight. Thank you!"
I roll my eyes at Leo and walk off down the boat.
Annabeth pov

I wake up cold, scared and alone.
My eyes snap open and I struggle to my feet. Looking around I see black. Literally. Black. Nothing else. I stand back and let my eyes adjust to the dark, but even when that happened I could barely see anything. I decide to take a few steps forward and stub my toe on something metal. I bring my hand forward and grasp a pole. I raise an eyebrow and search for more poles with my other hands. I find more, all the way to my left and right. It soon dawned upon me I was caged and alone.
"Dammit Percy." I mutter when I remember everything that happened before we fell. "Why didn't you leave me."

"Because he didn't want to Annabeth Chase. Because we all know 'love' is a strong force." A voice echoes from somewhere beyond my cage.

"Who are you?!" I ask the darkness.

"I am everything around you. I am-"

"Tartarus." I finish for It.


"Where's Percy?!" I ask Tartarus looking around me in vain hope of seeing Percy somewhere in the cage, or at least in another.

"He is not here." Tartarus states. It almost sounded like It was mocking me.

"Then where is he?"

"I don't know. He is me, but alas I don't know where."

"Why am I caged?"

"Because Gaia wishes so."

"So you follow Gaia's orders, huh?" I ask the walls while crossing my arms.

"No." Suddenly the walls start emit a faint glowing, like Percy's sword Riptide does, and a figure encased in black Ancient Greek armour steps towards the cage. "I mealy keep whatever arrives in my cesspool here." I look around the cave and see that it looks like a...well a cave, just black and cold.

"So, I'm caged because of you?" I ask Tartarus, stepping closer to the bars of the cage.

"No. Gaia has caged you. I am just keeping you here in me."

"You have nothing to do with me being in a cage?"

"No. You fell into my darkest recesses and Gaia has decided to cage you, like an animal."

"Like an animal." I repeat.


"Can you help me out?" I ask Tartarus.

"Maybe." He scratches the bottom of his helmet and stares at me. His glowing red eyes boring into mine. I sigh, I knew where this conversation was going. "Long ago, I lost something. Very valuable and very important."

"What was it?"

"A boot." At that I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"A boot? Are you serious?" I ask him, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yes, a boot. A boot of great power and immense destruction."

I sigh again. "Where's the boot?"

"There are two."


"Yes. One is being held by Kronos."

"Kronos has your boot?" I rub my temples with my fingers and sigh. "Great."

"The other is under your feet."


"It is under the earth where you stand."

"But isn the earth you?"


"Then why don't you dig it up yourself?"

"Because this form cannot touch anything if it is missing part of it's armour." I frown and look down at his feet. Sure enough I get to see two very old and disgusting 10 Thousand or so year old feet.

"Right. You need your boots so you can use your psychical form?"


"Then I'll start digging." I say cursing in Greek.
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…

I literally LOL-ed at the "Boot" part. xD

Please, please, please post soon! ^-^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
This is good, I will stick around
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Looks great! Write more
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I totally forgot about this. -facepalm-
i-am-evil commented…
Wow . . . just wow over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Me too lol haha
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Well. I should really finish the next chapter.
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Nice haha BOOT
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Heyheyhey!!! I finally had time to finish Chapter 2. These chapters will probably start really short so bear with me.
Chapter 2

Percy pov

I groan and lift my head from the floor.

"Wake up Perseus Jackson." I spin around, crouched on the floor. Looking around the small cavern I was in, I realised the walls were glowing slightly.

"Uh...hello?" I ask the walls. No reply. I slowly get to my feet, trying to evade head rush and stumble forward. I uncap Riptide and walk along the cavern, trying to get my bearings. "Um, hello? Gaia did you eat me?"
A bellowing laugh echoes around the cave and I get the butterflies. No not the 'In Love' butterflies, I get the 'Holy Hephaestus someone is stalking me' butterflies.

"No Perseus Jackson, though soon you will face a pain far greater than being-er eaten."
I grumble at that and continue to walk around the cavern looking for an exit.

"So, who are you?" I ask the voice. I stop in my tracks when an all to familiar voice chuckles.

"Don't you remember me...Percy?"

"Uh..." I start swinging my head around looking for a hairbrush. I curse in Ancient Greek and grip Riptide hard. "What do you want?" I ask him, trying to keep my cool. Yeah wasn't working I was pretty much about to burst.

"Revenge Jackson." The voice hisses and the cave starts to glow red. I ignore the colour of certain death and the mocking laughter that was soon followed by silence and continue to stumble down the cavern.
I find a small passage and follow it for the next ten fifteen minutes, it's hard to tell time down here in Tartarus, and soon come to a new large cavern that was glowing red like the one I was previously in. Oh wait, guess who was in the middle. Yep. Kro-freaking-nos.

"Hey man. Long time no see." I say walking towards him. He was chained to the wall with his scythe was sitting next to him just out of reach. Torture I guess.

"Shut up Jackson! I'll get out of here and kill you!" He roars struggling against his chains.

"Yeah, maybe. Just not today." I snort. I kick his scythe further away from him and smile.

"Argh!" He continues to pull against his chains and spits at me. I stop the saliva mid-air and direct it back in his face. Did I forget to tell you Saliva is basically water? Yeah well it is. Too bad I'm a son of Poseidon eh?
"Damn you Jackson!" I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Blah blah blah. You can't do anything you're chained to a wall. Anyway even if you did break out I destroyed you the first time. I can do it again."

"The only reason you won is because you had a little bath in Styx, plus dear Annabeth was the one to really kill me...or Luke, either either." He retorts. I smile and walk around the cavern, ignoring Kronos rant about the millions of ways he could kill me, studying the black Ancient Greek pillars and shiz. Annabeth would love this place. There we go, I just felt a bomb drop in my stomach. Annabeth...I wonder where she is. I hope she didn't end up with like Arachne or some other Immortal Being that wanted to rip her apart...yeah that's a lot of people.

"Perseus Jackson listen when I am speaking to you!" I sigh and turn to face him.

"Why? All you do is talk about chopping me apart with your Scythe."

"Because it's obviously the best way to kill you. Choking you or eating you just wouldn't work. Your too tough and chewy. Probably a big spicy as well." It was then I noticed the shining boot sticking out of the dirt.

"What's that?" I ask him, walking over to the boot underneath his feet.

"Oh that? It's just some boot our dear friend Tartarus decided to place there. No clue why he just said it looked nice and shiny there." I stare at him for a few seconds before he adds. "He didn't actually place it there. He was kicking his shoes off, the way the mortals do, and one landed in the dirt there and the other landed somewhere else in this unearthly place."

"Right..." I scratch the top of my head and look at the boot. "Should know...dig it up?" I ask Kronos.

"Sure why not?" He rolls his eyes. "You'd have to get past my feet though."

"You could just lift them up or something." I suggest, walking closer to his feet.

"Can't Jackson. I have no control over my legs. I can't move them." I frown.

"But you can move your arms...and everything else?"

"Yeah. I don't understand, some cruel trick by our Tary friend obviously."



"Right...anyways. Could I like move them back or something?" I ask him. I can't believe Kronos, who was around a year ago, trying to kill me and overthrow the gods, is actually having a conversation with me that doesn't involve destroying Western Civilisations or Toothbrushes.

"No. They would just spring back."

"Oh right Neutons three laws or whatever."

"No, just gravity." He gives me this Are you stupid? look and I just shrug.

"Whatever. I've got to find a way to keep your legs back..." I begin to wander the cabin.
Several Extremely Boring Hours Later
So I had found a peg, someone's skull, a soccer ball and a piece of PVC Piping. Yep nothing. It was only when I was drawing cool pictures of stick figure me stabbing Kronos with Annabeth and Grover at my side, when I noticed a rusty chain sticking out of the ground near the cavern wall. I crawled over and started to tug on it using my amazingly awesome Poseidon Demigod Strength.
A few minutes later, I had a three metre long chain and was wrapping it around Kronos' legs.

"This better work." Kronos snorts waving his head around...for some reason.

"It. Will." I grunt tying a knot in the chain and grabbing the end piece, not attached to Kronos, and tie it to the bolt hanging out of the wall that was holding Kronos' arm chains in. After doing that, I had Kronos' legs tied back against his back with his feet touching the wall.

"Hurry up Jackson this is extremely painful." Kronos complains.

"Yeah yeah." I kneel down on the ground and start to stick Riptide into the dirt and use it as a shovel and start digging.

"Ooh my Hamstring!" Oh gods.
over a year ago corrected said…
just started this but its GREAT!
over a year ago corrected said…
Post more faster
over a year ago corrected said…
where r u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????
over a year ago bunnybot2000 said…
Everyone is gone already? Darn it.
last edited over a year ago