The Heroes of Olympus A Summer To Remember

SeaBrat posted on Feb 25, 2013 at 01:26AM
Title: A Summer To Remember
Characters: Annabeth chase, Percy Jackson, others :)
Rated: K for now

If I could change my life, I would right now. So here I was in a large white van with my family driving across the country. There were many reasons I did not want to be here. First off, we are driving. My parents wouldn't take a plane because my brothers got "air sick," that is bull shit! I have heard those two wanting to become pilots since they could talk, but as soon as daddy or mommy came around, no words about planes. I think that they don't like planes because they cannot annoy just me. There are many other passengers that could complain and make us move to economy seating or something. Second reason, the drive. It's not across two states, it was across the whole freaking country. Sure I was able to read my novel I got, but silence will only last for so long. I have tried hooking earbuds to an imaginary iPod, but my idiotic brothers scream so I can "hear" them. Sleeping wasn't a good plan either, I have paid the price for that last time. So my only choices were socializing with dad and my step mom, or secret texting. It's hard to text your friends when your sitting next to eavesdroppers. The third reason I hated being here was why we were driving. My step mom thought we should all bond and get used to her living with us, by us I mean my dad and I. But now that I think about it, dad doesn't count, he's the one who married the woman. The last reason I want to die is, where we are going, New York. I mean sure the Empire State Building is cool and I would love to visit the big apple but how long are you going to last? I mean seriously? You always have a lot of alleyways where thugs and gangs waiting for their next victims. I really didn't feel like being mugged at the moment. So here I am sitting in a car driving away from my only sense of home, California. It's hard looking on the bright side of things when your in my current position. Bobby and Matthew were singing 99 bottles of beet on the wall, while my dad and Susan are talking about their wedding they had years ago, and their "extraordinary" honeymoon. I quickly flipped my head out the window trying to enjoy the view. "97 bottles of beer on the wall! 97 bottles of beer! You take one down and pass it around! 97 bottles of beer on the wall!" I kept myself under control as they screamed at the top of their lungs. At least we are in Kentucky, I thought to myself. Well not much longer I guess...
"78 bottles of beer! We'll... What's the words?... Oh ya!" How silly of them....

"12 bottles of? 12?" Matthew stopped.
"We re at 12? How?" Bobby asked.
"Maybe we didn't count right Bob."
"Ya Matt, let's start over!" Bobby cheered. Wait what?!
"No!" I yelled in an outburst.
"Annie dear, please don't scream," Susan told me. I glared death threats at the back of her head.
"Don't call me Annie," I growled. 97 bottles of beer later...

I look over and smile devilishly, the monsters were asleep. I took this as an opportunity to read and talk to my friend Rose.

(- Annabeth
* Rose)

- Hey Rose, I miss you already!
* Have you even got there yet? :)
- No, almost to Ohio though
* Are you going to make a rest stop at Waffle House?
- Ha ha hardy hat har, no
* well at least your closer than the last time we talked
- ya I guess
* are the twins sleeping?
-yes! Finally!
* hahaha sounds like Annie is cranky
- do not call me that!!
* fine okay truce ;)
- i'm gonna go
- have fun with Jacob ;)
*no comment
I laughed then started reading Romeo and Juliet again...
"Pennsylvania! Wahoo!" My dad tried to lighten the mood. I groaned at him as the twins woke up and started to fight over action figures.
"How about you two play the quiet game!" Susan suggested. I shot a thankful look. What could go wrong with that?
"You are on Bobby!" Matthew challenged.
"Bring it Matty!" Bobby taunted.
"3,2,1, be silent," I counted down. Finally they were silent

My dad decided to stop for the night right by the New York border, how genius! It was a nice hotel with a fairly large pool. The building itself was talk and was a subtle brown with cream windows, giving the place a homie feeling. We walked in my parents in the front, the monsters, then me. An odd arrow. At the front desk we were greeted by a girl about my age. She has friendly features and a wide smile.
"Hi there, welcome to the Holiday Inn, how may I help you?" Her blue eyes shone brightly, her brown hair was tied in a bun at the crown of her head. Freckles were sprinkled across her cheeks, and she wore a ballet pink shirt with the Holiday Inn written across her right breast. Her name tag read Holly.
"Hello dear, we will take a room for four," Susan smiled, making her Asian eyes even smaller then they already were (I'm not being racist I'm part Asian) wait four?!
""Susan there are five of us," I said. Holly was the only one who noticed my outburst and simply looked at me with knowing eyes, almost telling me I understand what your going through. I stared back awed. She winked at me then went back to my parents.
"Alright, you want a room for five, would you like two rooms?" Holly asked.
"How much more are the two rooms?" My dad asked.
"Not much sir, why! I will even pay for it. Yes I will take care of it," Holly's eyes brightened. I gasped. My dad became suspicious, his dark eyes narrowing.

"I'm going down to the pool," I told my parents, I had my own room thanks to Holly. I ran out of the apartment in a hurry and hit the elevator button. I sighed and brushed my blond curls out of my face.
"Hello there," a deep voice cooed
last edited on Feb 25, 2013 at 11:48PM

The Heroes of Olympus 2 replies

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over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Sounds coolio, please post
SeaBrat commented…
Annabeth POV over a year ago
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
I will try to post more