The Heroes of Olympus The Worst Monster: highschool

flamemouth27 posted on Mar 20, 2013 at 10:29AM
Yeah, yeah, it’s just another one of those highschool stories but I’ll try my best to make it different. Piper lived with Annabeth because her dad was filming a movie in England and didn’t want to go to another boarding school by herself. Percy and Jason both go to Goode. Please note: I’m doing the school days and stuff according to my school, there are six lessons in one day, the timetables look like this:
8:30am - Lesson 1
9:35 am- Tutor group (homeroom?)
9:55 am- Lesson 2
10:45am - Break
11:15am - Lesson 3
12:00pm - Lesson 4
12:50pm - Lunch
1:45pm - Lesson 5
2:35pm - Lesson 6
3:30pm - Dismissal

Words with Italics and are underlined are in Ancient greek. The characters may be a tad bit OOC, you may think this is more of a chick-flick or drama sort of story but if will get more into a Percy Jackson adventure-type mystery fan fiction soon. Set after giant war.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Disclamer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the characters except for the other high school and campers.

The Heroes of Olympus 38 replies

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over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
1 - Threatening the slut, slapping the jock, meeting a new friend. Y'know typical high school first-days

Annabeth and Piper groaned at the sight of their new high school. Goode high.
‘At least Percy goes here’ thought Annabeth with a sigh.
“Bye dad.” she said simply as she got out of her father’s car and shouldered her backpack.
“Thanks Dr. Chase.” said Piper with a smile as she stepped out from the back.
“Please, just call me Fredrick.” said Annabeth’s dad, and with that, he drove off.
Of course, being a child of Athena, you’d think that Annabeth would love school right? Wrong. She wouldn’t mind to learn from her mom, or even home-schooled by her step-mum Christine, Annabeth just genuinely hated high schools; especially the dramas. Having highschool drama and to deal with sluts who always labelled her as nerd was distracting enough, as well as the jocks who’d never get the message that Annabeth already had a boyfriend; but she wanted to go to a good college when she graduates so she could study Architecture.
“You ready Annabeth?” asked Piper, the two have become best friends after the giant war.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” stated Annabeth as she forced a confident smile and proceeded to climb the steps that led to the reception. As they entered the school, Annabeth and Piper both noticed a few jocks’ eyes climbing up and down their legs as well as a slutty girl glaring daggers at them. But neither of them spared them a second glance as the headed towards the front desk.
“Ah you must be our new students, you are Ms…Chase am I correct?” inquired the receptionist looking straight at Piper.
“Um…no sorry ms, my name is Piper Mclean, this is Annabeth.” said Piper. Piper cringed slightly at the use of her last name while she gestured to Annabeth who spaced out, studying the architecture. “Oh, sorry about that Ms Mclean, would you like a tour guide?” she asked.
However, before any of the girls could answer, the receptionist received a call.
“Sorry, would you give me a moment? Actually…” began the receptionist as she spun her chair around and faced the hallway.
“Dana! Dana, are you there?” she called.
The students ignored and continued their chatter.
“Coming, coming.” came a annoyed voice from the corner as a girl around Annabeth and Piper’s age came to view.
Unlike most of the girls that Annabeth had seen in the school, the girl wore no makeup at all. Her face seemed to be permanently stained with soot like she’d just witnessed a volcanic eruption but she still had a naturally pretty face. Her electricity blue eyes showed no fear, she wore a black t-shirt that said: ‘Brain loading – 40%” that matched her camouflage pants. Annabeth also noticed that she had athletically tanned skin and with strong-looking arms as she came up to the receptionist desk.
“Girls, this is Dana McDonalds, she’ll be your tour guide for the day.” And with that, the receptionist picked up her phone while blindly placing a stack of paper in front of Annabeth.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t catch your name.” said the girl, Dana.
“My name is Annabeth Chase.” stated Annabeth, secretly analysing the girl in front of her.
“And I’m her friend, Piper Mclean.” said Piper, doing the same as Annabeth.
“Well pleased to meet you both.” said Dana with a smile, placing a hand in front of Annabeth, offering a hand shake.
Annabeth took it and returned the smile. ‘She seems nice, let’s just hope she’s not a stuck up.’ thought Annabeth while Piper and Dana shook hands.
“Okay, first of all, due to the school’s retarded rules, you’ll have to wear these ridiculous name tags.” Began Dana as she handed the two girls two red and white stickers that had one of those banners on it that said: ‘Hi! My name is…’ Both Annabeth and Piper groaned at the sight of this as they reluctantly placed their stickers on the front of their shirts.
“Alright, your lockers are next to mine so that’s convenient.” continued Dana. Annabeth seemed to notice for the first time that Dana was wearing a bronze ring on her right hand with small black writing on it.
“Nice ring.” commented Piper, Dana looked down at the ring for a moment before looking up and mumbling a thanks.
Annabeth swore she saw a flash of sadness and pain in Dana’s eyes but she immediately covered it with a smile.
“Anyways, let me see your timetable…Oh good we’re in the same tutor (homeroom?) and we have most of our classes together.” stated Dana as they made their way through the hallway. Annabeth and Piper both received glares from some girls while the others began to talk about them.
-“Are they new?”
-“Who are they?”
-“Kathy’s followers?”
Annabeth didn’t know who Kathy was, but she had a feeling she’s about to find out as almost suddenly, a girl wearing a mini skirt that were as short as underpants, a tight and low-cut tank top and red high-heels strutted over to the three. The girl wore thick blood-red lipstick with many layers of foundation and coating; she had enough eye-liner to look like a panda as her dirty-blond, obviously dyed hair flowed down her shoulders. Overall, Annabeth and Piper both agreed that she had way to much make-up on as well as the hideous amounts of jewellery which made her look like a Christmas tree, no, scratch that, a hideous Christmas tree. Dana sighed in annoyance with a groan as Ms. Christmas tree came to a stop in front of the two girls. The girl obviously was trying to stare Annabeth and Piper down but failed because – even with 4 inch high-heels on – the two girls were the same height. Annabeth seemed to notice for the first time that there was a nerdy looking boy wearing thick glasses, a checkered shirt with a bow-tie and a terrible case of acne following the mysterious girl. “Well, well, well. Looks like we have another newbie.” said the girl with a sickling sweet tone that could rival with a full-form Epoursa(sorry about bad spelling).
“Who’s the slut?” asked Annabeth to Dana who’s friendly smile and eyes had disappeared.
“Kathy, but you should know that.” said the girl, Kathy.
“I’m sorry but I don’t know any strippers.” snorted Piper. Annabeth raised an eyebrow at Piper while Dana smirked and high-fived Piper.
‘That was quite harsh’ thought Annabeth, but suddenly realisation drawn over her brain when she realised something. Kathy…Percy had told Annabeth about this girl, about how she always flirted with him; Jason had probably told Piper similar things. Annabeth sent Kathy her signature glare as Kathy paled before turning to Dana.
“So, who are your new friends, trash-can girl?” sneered Kathy to Dana.
Annabeth expected Dana to either retort, get angry or punch the girl in the face which she was craving to do so, but instead, Dana looked spaced out and ignored the question. After around a minute, Dana snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at Kathy who was in front of her. “Oh what? Sorry I don’t speak bitch-language.” said Dana calmly in which Kathy turned red with anger and raised an arm to slap Dana; her hand came down fast, really fast that Annabeth thought that Dana was about to be slapped when at the last second, Dana ducked and caused Kathy to stumble over herself and nearly, nearly falling over if it weren’t for the nerdy boy catching her in his arms.
“Wow, it looks like Kathy here has got a new lover!” announced Dana to everyone in the hallway who stopped at whatever they were doing and looked over at Kathy and the nerdy boy.
Nobody laughed but you could tell by their faces that they were highly amused as one even took out their phone and took a picture. Kathy shoved the poor boy away as she huffed angrily and strutted away, nerdy-boy at her heels. Annabeth, Piper ad Dana laughed as the crowd went back to do their things.
“Well, you’re lucky that you didn’t get her as your tour guide.” began Dana as the trio turned a corner and walked down the hallways towards their lockers.
“She’s a tour guide?” asked Piper in a horrid tone.
“Yeah she tries to, well if it’s a girl, to tell or basically threaten them and telling them that she and her twin apparently rule the school, while if you’re a boy, she would try to –depending if you’re ‘hot’ – to make it her weekly boyfriend.” concluded Dana as she came to a stop.
“By the way these are your lockers.” she said, gesturing to the lockers beside her.
Annabeth realised that she as well as Piper would soon become good friends with Dana as suddenly, all the girls in the hallway gasped or sighed, Dana however, just sighed in annoyance. Annabeth and Piper frowned as they peeked over at the end of the hallway and saw them. Him. Percy Jackson while Piper stared at Jason Grace. The two boys were discussing something with their friends causing all the girls – except for Dana – to swoon.
“Who are they?” asked Piper, looking at Annabeth, giving her a play along look.
Annabeth nodded in response.
“Their names are Percy Jackson and Jason Grace, Percy is the Swimming captain and Jason is Athletic field event captain. Their alternative names that are used by all the girls here, are Mr. Hot and Mr. Hot II. And almost every girl in the school has a crush on either Percy or Jason.” said Dana.
“Do you like them?” asked Annabeth curiously, she liked Dana but would hate the fact that she’d also be a competition.
But Dana simply smirked and shook her head.
“Not in that way anyway, I mean sure they’ve both got the looks and things, but they’re just not my type.” Annabeth relaxed at the statement as she blindly emptied out her back into her locker.
“Oh no, I know that look.” said Dana.
“What look?” asked Piper innocently.
“The I’m-in-love-with-either-Percy-Jackson-or­-Ja­son­-Gr­ace look, trust me, every girl here-“ began Dana, gesturing to all the girls in the hallway, “has got that look.”
“Can we go talk to them?” asked Annabeth.
“If you want, just don’t flirt with them, ‘cause they’ll tell you about their imaginary girlfriends in San Fransisco.” stated Dana.
Annabeth and Piper were surprised at the fact that their boyfriends had talked about them to the school but simply nodded as they shut their lockers and followed Dana who had proceeded to walk towards the boys. At this point, all the girls in the hallway were giving Annabeth and Piper glares as Dana stood in front of the two boys.
“Oi Perce, Jas, I’ve got two people who’re dying to meet you.” said Dana sarcastically as Percy and Jason’s group of friends immediately stopped talking and focused on Annabeth and Piper. “ANNABETH?” screamed Percy as soon as he saw her and pulled her in a bone-crushing hug while Jason did the same with Piper.
Everyone gasped expect for Dana who raised an eyebrow and Percy and Jason’s friends who looked a little shock.
“Hey Perce, what about that girlfriend of yours?” said one of their friends.
“Yeah Jas?” said another.
"What are you doing here?" asked both Percy and Jason at the same time.
"What? You don't want us here?" said Piper, faking disappointment as she released herself from Jason's grip.
"What? No, of course not. It's just that I, well we thought you two were still in San Francisco." said Percy simply.
"We transferred here a week ago, ever since the…thing… ended, mother has been pushing me to work on the Olympus designs." stated Annabeth while the others except for Percy Jason and Piper gave her odd looks.
"I"m so glad you're here!" said both boys in chorus as they grasped their girlfriend's face and kissed them.
Gasps were heard from the corridor from everyone except for Dana, Percy and Jason's friends and Suddenly, a two coughs belonging to different people were heard from behind the two couples as the reluctantly pulled apart and turned to the owners of the voices. Annabeth and Percy groaned at the sight of Kathy in front of them and a girl looking equally as ugly with too much makeup on stood next to Kathy, glaring daggers at Piper.
"Can we help you?" asked Annabeth coldly.
"Yes, will you please keep your dirty little fingers, off my boyfriend." snarled Kathy as around 6 or 7 girls with a lot of makeup, though not as much as their two leaders standing behind them, also glaring at Annabeth and Piper.
"Excuse me? First of all, he's my boyfriend, second of all, why not you back off now before someone gets hurt?" said Annabeth, glaring with true hate and anger at the creature known as Kathy in front of her.
Kathy paled before the second girl next to her looked Piper up and down, with a disgusted look on her face.
"And who might this… person be, Jason?" asked the girl, saying person as if it were the most hideous thing on the planet.
Jason glared and was about to retort when Piper put her hand up, signalling him to stop as she stepped forward and were nose-to nose with the mysterious girl.
"Piper, just call me Piper if you wish to talk to me or talk about me." said Piper, glaring at the girl.
The girl paled at Piper's terrifying glare before covering it with a sneer.
"And who might you be?" asked Piper.
"Katie, Kathy's sister." said Katie.
"Oh.. so you're the person Jason's been talking about." wondered Piper aloud.
"He talks about me?" asked Katie excitedly.
"Yeah, he tells me that theres some crazy bitch at school who's been trying to get off with him since he first started at school and still wouldn't get the message that he has a girlfriend."
Katie looked shocked at this, then it turned into a snarl.
"Yeah, an imaginary girlfriend." she scoffed as some of the girls in her and Kathy's posse scoffed as well.
"Really now? Well for your information, I'm Jason's girlfriend." said Piper as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.
Some of the girls in the corridor gasped.
"And I'm Annabeth Chase, Percy's girlfriend." said Annabeth as she continued to glare at Kathy who stared at her in shock, then was enraged.
She glanced up at Percy then her gaze softened and turned into a 'sweet' face that made both Percy and Annabeth wanted to throw up.
"Oh don't worry Percy, darling, I'll get rid of your hideous girlfriend soon, then you can actually discover that you and I were meant to be." she said, batting her eyelashes at Percy who shuddered. "You too Jason dear." said Katie as Jason shuddered and Piper threw Katie one of her you're-glad-there-are-mortals-around-or-el­se-­I-w­oul­d-h­ave­-gu­tte­d-y­ou-­wit­h-m­y-k­nif­e glare at Katie who paled almost immediately.
"I'd like the see you try." mumbled Annabeth but apparently Kathy heard her.
Kathy raised her hand, ready to scratch and slap, Annabeth was about to intercept it when someone beat her to it. A hand grabbed Kathy's wrist instantly after she rose it and slammed it against the lockers. It belonged to Dana who glared furiously at Kathy, causing her to whimper and shake.
"Look here Charles, if you even dare to lay one of your little fingers on my new friends Ananbeth and Piper, I swear, you will never wish you'd been born." threatened Dana.
Her glare was so terrifying that Annabeth may have whimpered underneath those furious eyes.
"Got it?" snarled Dana as Kathy nodded rapidly that Piper and Annabeth feared that it'd fall off.
"Sorry 'bout that." said Dana, a friendly smile appeared on her face.
"I see you've met my awesome friend Dana." said Percy with a smile as the other people in the hallway returned to their own businesses.
"When'd you meet her?" asked Annabeth curiously.
"Oh, she was one of Rachel's good friends when I first came to Goode." stated Percy simply as Annabeth noticed that Jason had Piper pressed up against the lockers and was making out with great passion.
"Okay, well we know that they missed each other dearly." smirked Annabeth as she turned away and faced Dana, Percy and his friends. Annabeth turned to Percy, eyebrow raised.
"Swimming captain? That's cheating." she chided.
Percy looked playfully offended as he shook his head.
"No, of course I don't cheat." he said while Piper turned to Jason as she stared him down.
"Athletics field events captain?" she asked, eyebrow raised. "what kind of events?"
"High jump, long jump, triple jump, shot-put and discus." he blurted as he gave Piper a weak smile. "How can you do shot-put?" she asked. "Well y'know… air currents…wind speed…" said the son of Jupiter, trailing off as realisation drawn on Piper's face.
"You…" but she left the question hanging as Jason looked at her with puppy dog eyes, the eyes that would make any girl (well if you don't count Annabeth or any demigod in a relationship) swoon for him.
"I'm sorry," he began, wrapping his arms around her, "but I swear, Piper Mclean, for high jump, long jump and triple jump, I didn't use any of my father's powers." Piper glared at him, before kissing him, informing him that he'd won the argument.
"Oi Jas, are you gonna be rude and not introduce us to your… friend here?" smirked one of Percy and Jason's friends.
"Yeah Jackson." said another.
"Well, guys, this is my girlfriend, Piper Mclean. Piper, this is Marcus, Dante, James, Troy, Ben and Sam." concluded Jason.
Everyonel said either 'hi' or 'sup'.
'Troy or something….' thought Annabeth.
"I'm Annabeth Chase by the way, Percy's girlfriend." Percy and Jason's friends eyes widened.
"So you're that goddess Percy's been going on about." exclaimed Dante.
Percy sent him a glare while Annabeth smacked him over the head.
"Goddess?" she asked, eyebrow raised.
"Well you might as well be…" said Percy, cheeks flushing while Piper, being a daughter of Aphrodite had a habit of accidentally blurting things said by her mother. "
Aww…that's so sweet." she cooed; but frowned at that statement while Percy and Annabeth stared at her with confusion.
Jason understood though as he mouthed the words 'tell you later' towards his two demigod friends. "Let me see your schedule." stated Percy, before Annabeth could respond, her schedule was yanked out of her hands.
Annabeth Chase

Maths - Calculus - Mr. Boring
Tutor - Ms. Fitzcherald
Greek - Mr. Richards
English - Mr. Blofis
Architeture - Mrs. Williams
Chemistry - Prof. Collins
P.E. - Mr. Sullivan

Percy Jackson

Maths - Calculus - Mr. Boring
Tutor - Ms. Fitzcherald
Greek - Mr. Richards
English - Mr. Blofis
Marine Biology - Mr. Mackintosh
Physics - Prof. Smith
P.E. Mr. Sullivan

"Oh good… all of us-" he began, gesturing to all the demigods and a few of his friends, "-have the same tutor group, although we only have Greek, P.E., English and Maths together." said Percy with a pout.
"Only?" exclaimed Dana, "you basically have to thirds of the day together, not to mention lunch and break." she said.
Before anyone could comment or retort, James immediately had a worried expression as he seemed to look around for someone.
"What's up?" asked Dana.
"Trouble coming." he exclaimed as he sprinted down the corridor at full speed, which was really fast -Annabeth guessed that he must've been a sprinter for the Goode Athletics team- and came back with a girl in hand.
She was pretty with hazel-brown eyes and dark brown her that was in a pony-tail.
"This is my girlfriend, Melony Collins." he said as they shared a quick 2 second kiss.
"Trouble?" asked Piper, raising an eyebrow at James.
Almost on que, a bunch of muscular guys appeared in the far end of the hallway.
They would make all the nerds and maybe some normal-sized teens look like a wimp, but they still looked skinny and small compared to some of the Ares or Mars kids.
"Hey, I lost my number, can I have yours?" said the guy with dirty blond hair that was obviously the leader, smiling seductively as he walked up to Annabeth.
"Yeah sure, it's 1800-get-out-of-my-face-right-now-before-i­-ki­ck-­you­r-a­ss.­&qu­ot; she said coldly as Percy wrapped an arm protectively around Annabeth's waist.
Suddenly, another guy, also smiling seductively at Piper went up to her while eyeing her up and down from below her head.
Piper looked at his with hatred and was also disgusted as she scooted closer to Jason.
"So Jackson, who's the girl." began the first guy.
"The girl happens to have a name, and it's Annabeth." stated Annabeth, glaring at the guy in front of her.
"Well Anniebell- "
"ANNABETH." corrected Percy sharply.
"-whatever, the name's Trent, so you'll know what to scream when we do it tonight." said 'Trent'. Annabeth looked at his with pure hatred.
She walked up to him, and slapped him-hard across the face.
"What the hell was that for?" spat Trent as he glared at Annabeth while Percy flashed her a satisfied smile.
"For being a perv." she smirked at Trent, who still had his hand over his face.
"Josh Wilson." he said simply as Piper continued to glare at him.
"Piper, Piper Mclean." she said icily.
"Don't hang out with these freaks, hang out with us and you'll be instantly queen of the school for going out with this." said Josh, gesturing to his body.
"Um…no. First of all, these 'freaks' happen to be my friends, second of all, I already have a boyfriend, Jason." she smiled at Jason as Josh glared daggers at Jason.
But before he could retort, the bell rang and Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Jason as well as their friends immediately turned and walked away.
"How'd you know he was coming?" asked Annabeth curiously to James.
"Well Melony signalled me that he was coming." he stated simply.
"Alright, we have Maths with Mr. Boring now, see you guys at break; well except for you Marcus, I'll see you in tutor." said Percy as everyone except for Percy, Annabeth and Dana went their separate ways.
"Mr. Boring?" asked Annabeth. "seriously?"
"Well it's true, his name's Mr. Boring, suits him right as well." smirked Percy as Dana closed her locker, books in hand as well as a huge pencil case.
"We better go before he gives us a month of detention like last time." she said.
Percy nodded in response as he dragged Annabeth towards room 24-the Maths classroom.

"Ah you must be our new student, class, this is Annabeth Chase and she is from San Francisco." said Mr. Boring.
Annabeth waved awkwardly to the class but she noticed that there was a problem with the class. Actually, make that two problems. Katie was glaring daggers at Annabeth. She sighed, This was going to be a long first day.

A/N Hope you liked it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
2. Lunch time chaos
"C'mon, Dana saved us a seat at the back to the room." said Percy.
He led Annabeth to the back of the classroom where there were two empty seats to the left of Dana who seemed to be doodling a drawing of a crossbow.
Annabeth plopped herself down next to Dana and Percy sat next to her. After five minutes into the lesson, Percy immediately fell asleep and Annabeth got bored. Mr. Boring was explaining something about calculus maths, Annabeth had learned this over a year ago. She glanced over at Dana who was now cutting pages of paper in half. Annabeth frowned at Dana but she simply put up her finger and mouthed a word: wait. Annabeth stared at the clock, she still had around forty minutes left of the lesson. Annabeth sighed as she took out her book of plans for Olympus and began to design a temple for Ares.

Halfway through the lesson, she felt a tap on her right shoulder. She glanced over and found Dana, sitting at her desk grinning like a madman (or woman?).
"Whats that?" mouthed Annabeth, pointing to the contraption make of three popsicle sticks, a rubber band and paper.
Dana flashed her a mischievous grin as she took out a pencil from her pencil case and placed it in a tube-like barrel make of paper and drew back the rubber band. She aimed at Katie's head and flicked a stick-like twig from underneath the contraption. Annabeth realised that it was a paper crossbow, but how in Hades did Dana come up with that in twenty minutes? The pencil hit Katie's head perfectly as it stuck out of her hair. Katie immediately turned her head and glared at Annabeth before shooting Dana a murderous look. Katie yanked out the pencil out of her hair, which caused her to mess up her hair. Annabeth could practically imagine steam coming out of Katie's ears as her hand shot up.
"Yes, what is it Katie." said Mr. Boring in annoyance that someone had interrupted his lesson.
"Mr. Boring, Dana shot a pencil at me with her crossbow." she said in her annoying sweet-like innocent voice.
Dana immediately shoved the crossbow into her pencil case and wore an expression the said: 'What? It wasn't me'
"Dana, what's under your table?" asked Mr. Boring suspiciously as Katie gave her a smile that said: 'I win'
"My text book sir, I've been trying to understand more out the… way you are teaching us on how to do the equation." she said simply, showing Mr. Boring her book.
"But Mr. Boring! She's lying, this is her pencil." screeched Katie that sounded more like Alecto's snarl. "Prove it." said Dana, followed by smirking at Katie.
Annabeth had a feeling that it wasn't Dana McDonald's pencil.
"Property of Katie. M. Charles. Now Ms Charles could you please not interrupt my lesson next time? I'm sure you've just accidentally placed your pencil there by accident." he said as he continued to explain the easy (at least in Annabeth's opinion) equation and how to solve it.
Annabeth held back her laugh at the steamingly-red face of Katie as she silently gave Dana a small high-five.


It was during break and Percy, Annabeth, Marcus and Dana sat under a tree outside the school and waited for their other friends.
"Hey guys, you want to come over to my place for a sleepover on Friday?" asked Dana.
After a round of agreements, the four were joined by the rest of their friends.
"Hey guys, what's up?" asked Jason as he sat down next to Percy with Piper by his side.
"We're all going to Dana's place for a sleepover on Friday, you guys coming?" asked Percy.
"Yeah sure, why not." said Piper with a shrug.
"Oh gods, we have English next." moaned Annabeth.
"Wow, I'd never thought that you of all people would hate english." teased Percy as Annabeth smacked him over the head.
"You know what I mean, you hate it just as much as I do as well as Piper and Jason." said Annabeth. "Yeah, I hate it too." agreed Dana.
"Too much writing? I agree." nodded Annabeth in agreement.
"Uh…no. Well, don't tell other people about this because the teasing gets annoying, but I…I can't read very well." said Dana, scratching the back of her head.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
"So do you guys all have my address?" questioned Dana, looking each person in the circle in the eye. "Uh…well…we don't" said Piper, gesturing to herself and Annabeth.
"Don't worry, Percy should know, right Percy?" asked Dana, looking at Percy.
"Uh? What's going on?" he said, suddenly sitting up straight.
Annabeth rolled her eyes and smacked her boyfriend over the head.
"She asked you a question Seaweed Brain, do you know where she lives?" asked Annabeth as Dana and everyone else watched the two with amusement.
"Uh…yeah…you live a floor below mine right?" asked Percy to Dana, she simply nodded.
"So, did Dana make one of her awesome contraptions during Maths again?" asked Marcus.
"Oh come on, they're not awesome, anyone can make my weird inventions." chided Dana, followed by an eye roll.
"Um… have you seen anyone of us doing things that you do in class? Dana, you make both Kathy and Katie Charles, leaders of the cheerleading squad and apparently queen of the school look like a joke in front of everyone and gets away when you used your self-loading spit ball gun last time!" said James as Dante nodded in agreement.
"Yeah and remember that time when you build the tooth-pick firing shot gun? that was epic." he added.
Dana blushed at the complements.
"So what did she build this time?" asked Troy.
"Wait, wait! Let me guess…is it the…pipe-cleaner aeroplane?" asked Sam.
Dana shook her head as Ben sat forward to take a guess.
"The tin-made water pistol?" he asked.
"Nope." replied Dana, popping the 'p'.
"The paper crossbow?" asked Dante.
Dana nodded and Dante pumped his fist in the air.
"What happened?" asked Troy excitedly.
"Well…I borrowed one of Katie's pencils and I used it as ammo." she said simply as Jason chuckled and gave her a high five.
Suddenly, the bell for lesson three rang and the teenagers sighed as they reluctantly stood. "See you guys at Lunch." said Percy with a wave goodbye as they parted off in different directions.

Time lapse - Lunch
Percy [1p]
English was hard. Does Paul seriously think that Annabeth and I can do 19th century literature? Hades no. Understanding normal english alone was hard, but reading old-ish english was maybe ten times harder. Anyways, I sat down at our usual table with my home made blue-ham sandwich, don't ask me how my mum makes the ham blue. Annabeth had gone to buy her lunch now that my awesome girlfriend is here, she had made my entire school year a hundred times better. Dana sat down across from me with her lunch tray of…something.
"Whats that?" I asked.
She frowned at the gray lump apon her plate.
"Um… I don't even want to know." she said disgusted, pushing her tray away from her.
Annabeth came back seconds later, holding the same disgusting lump.
"Seriously? They make us pay 5 freaking dollars for this?" she said angrily.
Annabeth immediately took a quarter of my sandwich and began to eat it.
"Hey! You didn't ask." I scolded.
She simply stuck her tongue out at me before continuing to munch on my sandwich.
Jason, Piper as well as the rest of our friends joined us moments later. Suddenly, Dana's face hardened and began to glare at someone behind me. I slowly turned around and groaned out loud, not even bothering to think about manners. Kathy and Katie with her posse behind her strutted over to our table, thank the gods, Kathy didn't flirt with me. She turned to Annabeth and asked in her sickening-sweet voice,
"So Annabell, I figured that we went off with the wrong foot. Let's start over, hi me name's Kathy Charles, my dad works here as the principal." she was forcing to smile sweetly but her eyes told it all; they showed full hatred and jealousy.
"Um… hi my name is Annabeth Chase…" said Annabeth awkwardly, while she stared at Kathy in confusion.
Katie did the same to Piper.
"So, Annabeth, Piper, I was wondering like, I'm having this party at my house tonight, you and your friends are all invited." said Katie while Kathy dug through her thousand-dollar looking purse.
"Here's our address, party starts at 6:30pm." she said, handing Annabeth a piece of paper, and with that, she turned around with Katie by her side and strutted out of the canteen.
"Well that was…" began Marcus.
"Weird." agreed Dana.
"She's up to something." commented Annabeth as Piper nodded in response.
"I think they wanted you to go, but they'd know that you wouldn't go without Annabeth." said Jason. "Hey guys." said a voice of a girl. I turned towards the owner of the voice and smiled and waved. Dante, James, Troy, Sam and Ben all went up towards the 5 girls and either hugged or kissed one of them.
"Hey Annabeth." said Meloney kindly as she sat down next to James.
"Oh Lauren, this is Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend and Piper, Jason's girlfriend. Annabeth, Piper, this is Lauren, my girlfriend." stated Dante, gesturing to a pretty girl with caramel-brown hair and emerald green eyes.
"Hi I'm Nickki, Troy's girlfriend." said a girl with flaming-red hair, kind of like Rachel's and sky-blue eyes.
"Anna, Ben's girlfriend." said a blond-haired girl with pale-blue eyes.
"And I'm Emma, Sam's… best friend." said a milk-chocolate brown hair and dark-green eyes.
Of course I knew all of these girls.
"Best friends eh?" smirked Annabeth into my ear as we shared a mischievous grin.
"Oh hades." I cursed as I realised that I'd forgotten my blue cookies in my locker.
"I left my cookies back in my locker, I'll be back in a bit." I said, standing up.
"Do you want me to come with you?" asked Annabeth as she stood up.
"Nah it's okay, I'll be fine." I said, giving her a quick kiss.
"Actually, I'll come with you, I think I still have my lunch from yesterday in my locker." said Dana.
I nodded simply and walked out of the canteen with Dana by my side.
"So… you like Annabeth?" I asked.
"Yeah, she's awesome, now it's understandable why you turned down Kathy the first day you got here." she smirked as we opened both of our lockers that were two lockers from each other.
"Yes! It's still fresh." smiled Dana, pumping her fist in the air as I shut my locker, cookies in hand. "How do you know?" I asked, eyebrow raised.
"It smells fresh anyway." she said with a shrug.
I was suddenly thirsty so I ran to the nearest bubbler and took a long drink.
"I'll head back first alright?" informed Dana.
I responded with a smart: 'yhhh' that was meant to me 'yep' but my mouth was full of water.
She smirked before walking away.
After my long drink, I headed back towards the canteen, but, just my luck, Kathy with posse following her like lost sheep suddenly appeared and began to walk towards me.
'Oh what joy' I inwardly groaned as I forced a smile. But she didn't respond as she suddenly pushed me towards the lockers.
"Oh Percy, you don't have to act anymore, I know you fancy my as much as I do. Your girlfriend isn't here so you can drop the act." she said, smiling seductively at me as she placed her hands on my chest and started rubbing my stomach, making my hugely uncomfortable.
"Um… I never acted, I really like Annabeth and I don't just act to be with her." I swallowed, taking her hands off me.
Her huge amounts of perfume was about to knock me off my feet as she began to lean in. I turned my head but realised that there was no escape since my back was still pressed up the lockers. I prayed to any god or goddess out there that god help me out, suddenly, like a miracle, a hand grabbed Kathy by the shoulders and roughly shoved her backwards, causing to fall over. Kathy's own posse was too shocked to act as an very angry Dana stood over Kathy.
"Didn't you hear? Percy already has a girlfriend, now f*** off before I make you."
I've only ever heard Dana swear twice before, and that was when she was really absolutely furious. Kathy tried to look tough but failed epicly as she nodded immediately and rushed off towards the girl's bathroom; but not before screaming: "Lesbian!" in Dana's face.

I knew for a fact the Dana was straight. She turned towards the direction Kathy went as said some very, very, colourful words at her. I was about to thank her when a teacher came out of her classroom.
"Who on Ear- DANA MCDONALDS! FOR USING SUCH ABUSIVE LANGUAGE TOWARDS A STUDENT, YOU HAVE DETENTION FOR THE REST OFF THE MONTH!" screeched Mrs. Oliver. Now you see, Mrs. Oliver was a grouchy little old lady that always wanted the principal's attention so she could get a promotion, but to impress him, she'll have to….let's say protect his daughter from apparently 'rude' students. Dana groaned as she mumbled a: 'Okay ma'am.'.

Dana and I were about to head back towards the canteen when Mrs. Oliver huffed and stalked off. "Spoiled kids these days…" she muttered.
Unfortunately for her, Dana heard her and she immediately spun around and glared at the direction Mrs. Oliver went in.
'Oh no. This isn't going to end well.' I thought.
Something you must learn about Dana: she get very touchy about her family, I never knew why because every time I'd ask her, she'd just blow me away and walk off, saying she has to go…somewhere. Suddenly, Annabeth appeared at my side and I scooted closer to her in playful fear; well, partly playful anyways.
"Perce? What's wrong?" she asked softly.
I pointed at the furious Dana, who was still glaring at Mrs. Oliver down the hallway, hands twitching. You see, you never, ever, want to deal with a furious Dana, it's like teasing Thalia about her mum when she's already pissed at you; it's suicide. Dana's glare turned from furious, to down right murderous as she stormed down the hallway, nostrils flaring and grabbed Mrs. Oliver's shoulder and forced her to face the angry eighteen-year-old girl.
"Alright listen here you old hag, I don't give a freaking shit about you giving me extra homework and detentions, but this time, you've crossed the line. If you ever, ever insult my family again, I swear, I'll rip your head off your neck with my own hands and then I'll…" but before she could continue her violent thought, Mrs. Oliver screamed that sounded more like a screech that would make Alecto jealous. She screamed at Dana's face and ran down the corridor like a helpless little girl after she saw Frankenstein for the first time. Mrs. Oliver ran straight into the principal's office. moments later, Principal Charles came out of his office and faced Dana; Mrs. Oliver whimpering behind him.
"Dana McDonalds, can you please step into my office for a moment?" he asked.
Dana sighed in annoyance as she slumped her shoulders and walked into the principal's office.

After what seemed like eternity, she came out with a grim expression on her face.
"I'm suspended from school for 3 days for threatening a teacher, this is just wonderful." she said sarcastically while she opened her locker and stuffed the note into her bag.
"You staying or…?" asked Annabeth but Dana shook her head.
"Nope, I'm sorry but he's sending me home now, probably worried about her…little baby girls Kathy and Katie." said Dana, disgusted yet annoyed at the same time.
"Don't worry, are you going to the party?" asked Annabeth. "
Eh, I don't know yet." she shrugged.
"DANA, I TOLD YOU, YOUR SUSPENSION STARTS TODAY." came the principal's gruff voice.
"Yes I know, I'm coming, jeez." grumbled Dana as she headed towards the exit.
"Well, if you feel like going, just come to my apartment by 7 alright?" I said.
"7? the party starts at 6!"
"Yeah I know but we don't necessarily have to be on time." I said with a shrug.
Dana simply smiled before turning her head and walked out of the school.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
3. The Party
The rest of the day after the incident at lunch was uneventful. It was boring during P.E., we had to sit and listen to the coach rant on about doing something different in class; he spent to whole lesson explaining, that we didn't get time to actually do anything at all. Percy offered to walk me home while Jason did for Piper.
"So…where do you live?" asked Percy as he took my hand and led me outside.
"Well… my dad is only here to make sure I have an apartment and things, so he'll be leaving in a few days back to San Fran. I actually share a car with Piper as well as an apartment, I live across the hall from your place." I grinned at his shocked-looking face.
"So you're the new neighbours! I tried to come over and say hi but mum wouldn't let me." he said.
I simply shrugged as we went up towards the staircase that led to our apartment building. I turned and Jason and Piper were only a few blocks behind us, hand-in-hand. I smiled at the couple and headed towards the lift with Percy next to me.
"Okay, come to my apartment by 7 tonight alright?" he said.
I nodded and gave him a quick goodbye kiss.

Time Lapse - 7:00pm

I walked up in front of my mirror and stared my reflection. I normally wouldn't really care less about what I looked like, but Piper insisted me to. She had picked out my clothes for tonight, and thank gods, it wasn't a dress. I wore a simple sea-green glittered shirt with my swimmers underneath (I've been told that it's going to be a pool party) that Piper said would bring out Percy's eyes. I mean seriously, who cares about how they look? Christine always tells me that normally, girls should care about how they look, but there's one thing my stepmother never understands: I'm. not. normal. The only thing I really care about is: Percy, camp, and how I'll survive everyday without getting killed be a monster. Anyways, I heard Piper's voice come from the doorway,
"Annabeth! I think we should go now." she announced.
"Alright, coming." I said, picking up my knife and slipping it in my socks.

We knocked on Percy's door about six times before Sally came rushing to the door and yanking it open.
"Why hello…oh Annabeth! Piper! How lovely to see you two, it's been so long!" she smiled with a twinkle in her eye.
"Hello Mrs. Jackson." greeted Piper as the three of us hugged.
"Oh please, just call me Sally." she chided.
"Percy and Jason are up in their rooms, they should be down soon." We nodded in response and sat down on the couch. Jason lived with Percy now since his mum's dead and Thalia was off with the hunters. Moments later, The two boys rushed down the stairs, when they saw us, their jaws dropped. We chuckled and we walked towards our boyfriends.
"Close your mouth Jason, or else you'll catch flies." chuckled Piper, finally, Percy and Jason closed their mouths and managed to stutter out a word: "W-w-w-o-o-o-w-w-w…"

Percy was the first to recover from his shock.
"Wow, you look gorgeous Annabeth." he said, still gapping at me.
"Percy, we're only going to a party, not year 12 formal," I huffed. "you don't look too bad yourself."
He smiled at this as I subconsciously stared at his grey shirt that seemed to match my eyes. "Checking me out, wise girl?" he smirked.
I snapped out of my thoughts on my architecture class from earlier today and glared at him. He simply smirked, suddenly, the doorbell rang.
"I got it!" came Sally voice from the door.
"Oh hello Dana, you're looking nice today, are you heading to the party with Percy, Annabeth, Jason and Piper?" questioned Sally as Dana stepped into the lounge room.
She wore a black shirt with the Batman logo on it, though on the logo were green scribbles and a smiley face on the face of the bat, underneath wrote the words: 'the Joker was here'. She still seemed to have soot in her face in which I didn't understand why she had it.
"Hey Dan." said Jason while Piper flashed her a smile.
She smiled back and jangled some car keys.
"Hey guys, ready to go?" she asked.
We nodded at the same time and we headed out the door.
"Wait Dana," said Percy, grabbing his car keys. "I can drive us."
"Nah, Perce, I owe you a ride from a few weeks ago." she said.
"No, I think we need 2 cars because we'll be picking up a few friends." said Percy mischievously, Jason, Piper and I knew exactly what he meant and smiled as well when Dana stared at us in confusion.
"Um…okay… who are you exactly bringing to the party?" she asked.
"Oh you'll see, I bet you'll love em, well, maybe not the Stolls at first but you'll get used to them."

Outside the Charles' residence

"The music's so loud!" complained Katie.
We had just picked up Leo, Travis, Conner, Katie and Lou. We asked several other campers to come but most didn't want to be associated with mortals, Lou wanted to hex some mortals and Percy and I may have… allowed her to hex 4 particular people at the party. Leo wanted to party and Travis and Conner wanted to… try to makeover the Charles' house and Katie had to be there to keep them in line; though Percy and I reckoned that Travis was secretly glad that she came with him.
"Please, I can make speakers the size of my watch louder than this." scoffed Leo as he rolled his eyes.
"Well it's no biggie since you're a son of Hephaestus." said Lou.
Luckily, Dana, Jason, Piper and Conner were in Dana's car and wasn't hear to hear the god's name. "Okay guys, when we get to the party, you cannot, under any circumstances speak of the gods or using any… unusual abilities, clear?" I said sternly, eyeing them each in the eye.
"I'm speaking to you Leo."
He nodded in annoyance before taking out some nuts and bolts and began to fiddle with them. As we stepped out of the car, Leo bent down and placed on the ground a metal spider, it scuttled into the sewers, but not before giving me a long stare. I let out a small yelp and backed away from the sewer opening.
"Relax, I just sent it to my dad 'cause I needed some parts for a new car."
"Then why did it look at me?" I asked.
"Well I can't control what he thinks about or his attitude against other people." he said, putting his hands up as if surrendering.

The front door was already opened so we just decided to head right in. Nobody really paid us much attention but maybe the occasional guy or girl staring at either Jason, Piper, Percy or me. We met Dante, Marcus and the others with their girlfriends outside in the spa.
"'Sup guys……and hey…um… Percy and Jason's friends." greeted Marcus from the spa.
After around of 'hellos' and introductions, Lauren spoke up.
"Um… guys, are you sure that Kathy will be fine with you bringing…plus fives?" she asked.
"Eh, she said all of our friends are invited, as well as the fact that the front door is open for anyone to come in." I said with a shrug as I slipped off my top, revealing my slivery-grey one-piece swimmers. Other than our other friends, there were only a few other people chilling in the spa so we decided to hop in.
"I'll see you guys…around, we've got to go somewhere." said Conner as Travis grinned mischievously. Katie glared at the two of them before saying:
'Don't so anything too big or else I'll make you cut out all wild weeds on the roof of our cabin." warned Katie, giving the twins a stern look.
"But…but…but… you cabin's roof is literally covered with wild weeds!" complained Conner.
"FIne." huffed Travis before he stalked off with Conner by his side with a large duffel bag full of…stuff strapped over his shoulder.

I turned my attention to Dana who wore a black with a single blue stripe one piece as we sat down in the spa.
"I never got a chance to ask you, but why is there…um… soot on your face?" I asked in the most least offensive way as possible.
Dana smiled sheepishly before turning towards the others so they could hear.
"Well… I…um… this morning, I went to chemistry tutorials because I had to go and we were told to heat up some chemicals using the bunsen burner. I was about to strike the match and my desk partner in the tutorial turned on the gas, but Professor Collins gave me a quick 5 minute talk about keeping the holes closed before I light the gas. Unfortunately, I forgot that the gas was still on and by then, the gas was already everywhere in front of me and when I just made the tiniest spark…it kind of went…" Dana made an explosion gesture with her hands as everyone stared at her in shock.
"So that's why the Lab 34 was closed today!" exclaimed Sam as Dana gave his a sheepish smile. "Did anyone get hurt?" asked Katie.
"Well… my lab partner was talking to Prof. Collins at the front of the room and the others were way too far away from my bench to get burnt. I don't know why but the flame did't seem to touch me even when I was standing right next to it." she concluded with a shrug.
Percy looked a little thoughtful for a moment before he was snapped out of his thoughts by a sickening sweet voice.

"Hey Percy, glad you could make it." said Kathy as Katie (Charles not Gardner) winked at
Jason from beside her. The lunch time 'friendship' was now forgotten as Kathy and Katie once again began to flirt with Percy and Jason. Piper and I turned to glare daggers at the two as they finally noticed us the the rest.
"Oh hey Annabeth! Piper and friends…" They said as if nothing was wrong. We continued to glare at them as the turned away.
"So, you guys want anything to drink?" asked Katie.
"Uh… I think we're fine thanks…" said Marcus, trailing off.
"I'll have an apple cider." I said while Percy nodded.
"Yeah I'll have one too." he said awkwardly before quickly turning away from them and turned to me.
I noticed that Dana was still wearing her bronze ring and was about to ask her about it, but Katie and Kathy had already returned with the two plastic red cups, filled with strange yellow-foamy liquid that certainly did not smell like apple cider.
"Um…thanks…?" mumbled Percy as he sniffed his drink.
"Is this apple cider?" I asked Lou, being a daughter of Hecate, she could tell these things.
She sniffed the drink and made a face.
"I don't know Annabeth, there's trances of apple cider in it, but it's also mixed with high amounts of beer and something else I can't quite put my finger on…" she said, trailing off.
I looked at the drink with disgust before tossing it into a bush nearby. Percy handed his cup to Lou and this time, she coughed before tipping the cup out completely in the drain that was next to the spa. "This has no apple cider in it at all, it's plain spirit!" she exclaimed.
Everyone eye's widened as Percy's face turned into a scowl.
"So she was trying to get me hopelessly drunk?" he exclaimed angrily.
"Me too." I sighed.
"Alright, that's it, I'm going to go-" but before Percy could continue, an ear-piercing scream filled the air as we turned towards the owner of the voice. Kathy was hopelessly trying to stay afloat above the surface of the water, she was in the deepest part of the pool which was 2m deep.
"Help! I'm drowning!" she screamed.
Percy did the thing that was typical for a son of Poseidon: he jumped in to rescue her.
over a year ago seaistruth said…
big smile
Omg awesome! I love it, keep posting this story is great
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Awesome story! Please keep on posting
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
4. The Plan
After Kathy and Katie invited them to the party during lunch
Perfect. The Annie-girl accepted the invitation, now I just need a plan on how to make Percy mine during the party tonight.
"Maybe we can get both of them drunk and pull them away from each other?" asked Katie.
I nodded as I scribbled into my hot-pink notebook.
"Wait…Percy is a swimmer right? We can just say it's a pool party, and I'll pretend that I'm drowning so he can save me." I said cheekily.
"And get him to do the 'kiss of life' on you!" suggested Katie.
"What about Jason?" she asked. I rolled my eyes at her,
"We can sort you out at the next party, this party's all about Percy and me."

Back to the present

I felt strong arms pull me up above the water and placed me on the ground. Of course, I wasn't actually drowning. I stayed still and held my breath.
"Quick! I think she needs CPR!" I heard someone yell, probably Katie.
I heard a light annoyed groan and a girl's huff before I melt warm lips against mine. I smelt the ocean as I stayed there for a few seconds before I opened my eyes and kissed back. The person immediately pulled back and I was face-to-face with shocked-looking sea-green eyes. Everyone except for Percy's friends and that Annie-girl cheered while Katie flashed me a success smile. I glanced over at Anniebell and she looked furious, I shot her a sneer as she glared at both Percy and me.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. Percy bent down to do breath-to-breath to the 'unconscious' Kathy Charles on the ground. After about 5 seconds, Kathy sat up and began to kiss him back. Who does she think she is, kissing my boyfriend? Percy immediately pushed away and looked at me with pleading and sorry eyes. I glared at the both of them while Kathy sent me a sneer. Piper and Jason as well as all of our other friends glared at Kathy while Percy scrambled up and hurried in front of me. "Annabeth! I'm so sorry, but it wasn't me, I was just trying to save her and then she started kissing back." he explained.
I knew Kathy's plan, she wanted to seem like Percy wanted to kiss her then we would break up, but I couldn't help that fact that Percy did lay his lips on her dirty ones.
I ignored Percy's apologies and stormed up to Kathy who was grinning with triumph. A voice in the back of my head told me that I was strong, and I could easily take this girl down, but another voice told me that I was a child of Athena, that I didn't have to settle this with just violence. Now that Kathy wasn't wearing her ridiculously high heels, I was taller than her. I stared her down and she attempted to do it back but all I got was a weak glare. She tried to look tough in front of everyone who came to the party (mostly the popular people) but her eyes showed it all: fear. I slapped her-hard across the face, leaving a red hand-print that also caused her to stumble backwards. She growled a growl that could rival with a hellhounds' before she lunged at me.

There was always one thing I've always hated: manicures. Christine got me to get one but I already chipped my 'perfectly made' nails after I fought a dracanae in an alley later that day. Kathy obviously had thousands of manicures because her nails were like vultures. She grabbed a hand full of my hair and tried to rip it out, but I bit her wrist and she let out a small scream. She crawled my skin, leaving red scratch marks while also kicking me. But I wasn't really that injured. I suffered something a hundred times worse down in Tartarus. I wasn't exactly fighting back, more like defending myself from the blows I could see coming. Finally, I snapped, I punched her- hard in the jaw and pushed her off me. I stood up while also glared at her. Her jaw looked dislocated and she had a blood nose. I felt Percy's hand on my shoulder and another on my hand.
"C'mon, let's get out of this hellhole." I said aloud.
I stormed towards the front door with Percy and friends trailing behind me. As I grabbed my clothes from a bench near the pool, Percy placed his hand on my shoulder and forced me to turn around. I met his sorry-looking sea-green eyes that were also full of guilt. "I'm deeply sorry Annabeth, but I didn't want to kiss her, she just kissed me back when I was doing CPR." he stated.
I studied him under my glare for a moment, I could see that he was truly sorry so I nodded stiffly, before storming out the door.

4 days later (Thursday)

Things got a little awkward between me and Annabeth, nd by saying little is an understatement. We hardly talked to each other since the incident at the party. I mean, I seriously didn't want to kiss Kathy, but I had to save her from drowning. But I'm beginning to think that she faked it, seeing as she didn't cough out any water. Mortals are too wicked, now I see why Zeus despised them so much. Dana was finally allowed back to school, thank the gods, maths was way too boring without her and tomorrow was the sleepover. I've never actually been to her house before but I've known that she lived below my apartment was because I ran into her in the elevator. I have a suspicion that she was a demigod, then again, she did mention that she had both parents…

Flashback-a year earlier, before giant war.
I had just finished killing off a hellhound that had been hanging around my apartment building for a while. It was near midnight when I heard it's growl. I was only two steps from the front door to my apartment building, when I heard something above me. I looked up, gripping the Riptide in it's pen form but I realised that I didn't have to; Dana was sitting on the roof of the building, drinking a can of coke. I glanced at my watch, 1:50am. What was she doing out there at this time of the night? I headed into the building and took the lift up towards the roof. When the door dinged open, I saw Dana, still sitting there gazing up at the stars.
"What're you doing here at 1:50 in the morning?" I asked her.
She turned around and smirked.
"I could ask you the same thing." she replied.
"Wouldn't your folks be worried?" I asked.
Her face seem to darkened before she shook her head.
"My folks don't really care about me, I could be out killing somebody, and they wouldn't care." she said, her face showing no emotions.
"What about yours?" she asked.
I shrugged.
"I was just going out for a walk." I said plainly.

End of flashback

Dana said that her parent's didm't care about her. But she did have parents right? If she didn't, she'd probably be a daughter of Hephaestus or something. I sighed as I closed my locker and began to look for Annbeth. I finally found her in the library (wow, big surprise there), reading a book on architecture. "Hey." I said, sitting down next to her.
"Hey." she replied, not looking up from her book.
"Ananbeth, look, I know that you're still a bit upset about what happened at the party, but really, I'm very sorry." I said sincerely.
"Yeah I know you are." she replied, still not looking up from her book.
"No but Annabet-" she cut me off by looking up and shooting my a pointed look, I'd realised that I had been a bit loud and I found several other people shushing at me.
"Sorry." I whispered and she nodded and turned back towards her book and continued to read.
"Look Annabeth…I…well…I don't know why you're not forgiving me still, the kiss didn't mean anything." I said.
She looked up and glared at me. She placed down a bookmark on the page she was reading and placed it down next to her.
"Yeah? Well why did it look like you enjoyed it?" she huffed.
I said nothing. Of course I didn't enjoy it, Kathy's lips tasted like a horrible combination of raspberries and chlorine as well as the kiss was gross because it was Kathy.
"Exactly." huffed Annabeth before standing up and headed towards the exit.
"Wait!" I called, standing up and jogging over to her.
"What Percy?" she asked, I could see her grey eyes looked a little watery as if she was daring to cry. "It didn't mean anything because I love you." I said, then I realised what I had said. I love you.
But I meant it. I had wanted to say that ever since we came back from Tartarus. Her eyes widened. "W-what?" she stuttered, looking shock.
"I love you Annabeth Chase." I said again. She smiled and kissed me, but unlike all the other kisses we shared, this one was felt ten times better as well as more passionate.
"I love you too Percy Jackson." she whispered.
And I knew from then on, nothing would break us apart, not even some slutty mortal who thinks she's got it all.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
5. Truth or Dare
Today was Friday, the night of the sleepover. Piper was quite excited because she'd never actually been to a sleepover before. She was in Greek with Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Dante and Dana. And she was also bored out of her skin. She wanted to pick French, seeing as she was a daughter of Aphrodite, but picked Greek instead because Jason picked it. Jason was disappointed because there wasn't Latin but he did know some ancient Greek from spending time at Camp Half-blood.
Percy was snoring away on his chair while Annabeth sketched a drawing of Aphrodite's old temple and seemed to be adding in new features and making new adjustments. Dana was building a tiny paper-ball firing cannon, the Dante seemed to be trying to say "Hello, how are you?" In ancient Greek but it came out as: "Hello, I'm a poo." Instead, in which Piper stifled a laugh. This was basic Greek so Jason knew most of it. Piper was bored so she decided to have some fun with this lesson. She poked Jason in the ribs and he looked at her, eyebrow raised.
"Watch." she whispered before sitting up and putting her hand up.
"Yes Ms. Mclean?" asked Mr. Richards.
"Could you please step out of the room for a second?" asked Piper, flashing him her most beautiful smile while also pouring in huge amounts of charmspeak.
"O-of course." said Mr. Richards in a daze as he stumbled out of the room and closed the door.
The students seem to be also under Piper's charmspeak except for Percy, Annabeth and Jason who watched her in amusement (except for Percy because he was still sleeping).
"Katie, could you please stand up in the front of the room please?" said Piper.
Katie was unfortunately in their class, on the bright side, Kathy chose Spanish because the third hottest guy in the school chose it. Katie stood stiffly and marched towards the front of the room.
"Jack, could you please go over and stand up next to Katie?" she asked using charmspeaking yet again.
Jack, the school's biggest nerd and computer geek nodded as he stood up in a daze and stood next to Katie.
"Now kiss like the world's ending." said Piper finally.
And they did. It was quite disgusting to watch actually. Jason handed Piper a camera and they took a picture. The flash made everyone come back to reality except for the two 'lovebirds' in the front who were passionately making out. A few people stared at them in shock while Dana failed to hold back her laughter and was rolling on the ground laughing along with Annabeth by her side. Katie immediately snapped and pulled away, realising what she's doing. She screamed and was about to punch Jack in the face when the door opened.
"Ms. Charles, what are you doing? Were you trying to harass a student? Detention!" said Mr. Richard angrily.
"But…but…but.." began Katie,
"Dad will know about this." she grumbled before plopping herself down on the seat.

Nothing big happened for the rest of the day after Greek. There were a few rumours going around that Katie and Jack were going out. Kathy and Katie continued to hit on both Percy and Jason even when they tried to tell the two girls that they were taken. Dana got into a fight during lunch involving the twins again and had detention for the rest of the month. Piper soon found herself in her room, packing things for her sleepover later that night.
"Okay girls, I need to head back to San Francisco tonight for a meeting at work tomorrow, you girls behave yourselves, Piper, I know you're 18 but I promised your dad that you wouldn't be ‘borrowing’ anything and I also promised Chiron to keep you safe. Annabeth, goodbye sweetie, come visit me next time you come to San Fran alright?" he asked.
Annabeth nodded and hugged him. The relationship between the two had been better ever since the end of the giant war.
"Bye dad." said Annabeth.
"Thanks for letting me stay with you before, Dr- I mean Fredrick." smiled Piper.
Dr. Fredrick Chase gave them one last goodbye before heading out the door. "Ready?" asked Annabeth, entering Piper's room, only to find clothes sprawled out everywhere in the room.
"I can't find my knife." said Piper while she digged through another draw.
"Um… it's already in your duffel bag." said Annabeth.
Piper looked embarrassed before mumbling a: 'whoops'. Annabeth simply chuckled before heading out the door with Piper right behind her. The boys had just walked out of their apartment as well and together, they headed towards Dana's apartment a floor below.
"Hey guys." greeted Dana when she opened the door and gestured for them to enter. Marcus, Dante and Lauren were already there.
"After Troy, Nikki, Ben, Emma, Anna, Sam, James and Melony gets here, the party shall begin!" exclaimed Dana excitedly.

The others arrived shortly after and Dana's apartment was now a little crowded, but that's understandable, considering there were 16 fully grown most of which were already 18 year old adults.
"Alright, do you think we can cram in 16 sleeping bags in here?" asked Annabeth.
"If we move that lounge chair over there, and if someone sleeps on the couch, then we'll be able to fit them all." stated Dana.
"Who wants to sleep on the couch?" she asked everyone.
Nobody volunteered so she sighed.
"Fine, I'll sleep on the couch." she said with a sigh.

"What should we do first?" asked Jason as everyone settled in a circle.
"Truth or Dare!" suggested Marcus while Dante and Troy nodded rapidly, both having mischievous grins on their face.
"Alright." agreed Dana.
"I'll go first, Troy, truth or dare?" asked Marcus.
Troy looked a little uneasy before deciding: "Dare." Marcus grinned evilly but Dana spoke up before he could.
"And if anyone can't do a dare or doesn't tell the truth for truth, you'll have to take off a piece of clothing and also run outside to the corridor, dance the hocus-pocus while singing to it out loud." everyone nodded in agreement, though it was a rough punishment.

"I dare you to go next door, knock on the door and scream: "Eat my poop." he said.
Troy paled for a moment before nodding and stood up. Everyone watched him as he went outside to the hallway and did as he was told. Dana's neighbour gave him a weird look before muttering something about 'kids these days' and slamming the door in his face. He came back, looking very embarrassed before turning to Sam. "Sam, truth or dare?" he asked.
Sam pursed his lips,
"Truth." he mumbled.
Troy's face fell a little bit before its wicked glim returned.
"Who do you like?" he asked.
Sam looked up at Emma, who seemed to have spaced out and was staring at her palms.
"Emma." he whispered.
Piper, Percy and Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him.
"What did you say?" asked Troy.
"Emma." said Sam yet again, louder this time and going redder by the minute. Emma's head snapped up.
"What about me?" she asked.
Everyone chuckled at her obliviousness.
"We asked Sam for the truth of who he likes, and we still don't know who it is because we can't hear him." explained Troy while Sam blushed even more.
"Who is it?" asked Emma curiously, you could see a tint of jealousy in her eyes. "Emma." he said in his normal voice.
Emma and Sam’s faces went brighter then tomatoes as Annabeth chuckled at their reactions.

The rest of the game went by uneventfully but it did include Ben getting pelted by eggs from the neighbours. Finally, it was Piper's turn.
"Jason, truth or dare?" she asked.
Jason puffed out his chest as if to look brave before answering: "Dare.". Piper gave him a look that he knew she was up to no good. He paled at this.
"I dare you to go up to the roof and yell: "The ocean is way better than the sky, and exaggerate the 'way'" said Piper cheekily.
Jason paled even more. Everyone except Percy and Annabeth gave a questioning looks while Percy and Annabeth attempted to hold back their laughter.
"No…Pipes… you can't-"
"It's that or running around with your shirt off and dancing to the hocus-pocus." she chided.
Jason looked very nervous before going up to the roof and screamed: "The ocean is better than the sky!" Jupiter must've been in a bad mood because when the mortals weren't looking, Jason got zapped with lightning. Piper knew that Jupiter, being his father, wouldn't kill Jason, he would just put him in immense pain. When they all got back to Dana's apartment, it was Jason's go.
"Percy, truth or dare?" he asked.
"Truth." he said.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow, she'd expected him to be all 'big man' and say dare, but if a half-blood asked you that question, you'd pick truth just to be safe.
"Was Annabeth the only girl you've ever kissed? Oh and the incident with Kathy doesn't count since…you know, since she kind of forced you too." he asked. Annabeth shot him a glare for asking such question, in which Jason paled a little. "Um… Rachel kissed me before the first…thing, but since she's…y'know…" mumbled Percy awkwardly.
Annabeth had heard this before but it still hurt to hear the fact that Percy kissed another girl. She tried to hide the small jealousy building up in her but failed because she felt strong arms wrap around her waist and kissed her on the lips.
"But I loved Annabeth and I still do." he said, and to prove it, he kissed her again, but much more passion and love. It was about to turn into a full-on make-out session, when someone coughed and James said: "Get a room!". Annabeth and Percy both glared at and Annabeth rested her head on Percy's shoulder.
"Dana, truth or dare?" asked Percy.
"Um…dare." she mumbled.
"I dare you…to kiss Marcus on the lips." he said cheekily.
Marcus turned a little red while Dana seemed to be a little…flustered?
"Why?" she asked.
"Well…seeing as you two are single…" said Percy, trailing off.
Dana sighed and stood up, but instead of kissing Marcus, she took off her pair of socks and opened the door. What she did surprised everyone in the room; she began to dance the hocus-pocus and singing loudly to the dance. When she came back, Marcus gave her a pointed look.
"You could've just kissed me and you wouldn't have to do that." he said with a slight huff.
But Dana shook her head.
"I can't, because that would be cheating." she said plainly.
Her eyes then widened when she realised what she'd said and hoped that no one heard her, unfortunately, everyone did.
"Cheating?" asked Percy curiously while Jason raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah… um… I have a boyfriend." muttered Dana. Percy and Jason's eyes widened as well as the others who began to ask her questions.
"Why haven't you told us?"
"Who is he?"
"Do we know him?"
"Does he go to our school?"
"Is he Trent?"
Dana looked at who had asked the last question, it was Dante who shrugged,
"Hey, it’s possible." he stated.
Dana rolled her eyes while she took a deep breath.
"Okay, first of all, I never told you because it never came up, you won't know him because he doesn't go to our school, and no, I don't think any of you know him." said Dana.
"Alright, this game is getting boring, what should we play next?" asked Jason as Annabeth nodded in agreement.
"How 'bout… If I had to say…?"
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
6. Clash of the titans…with a bit of demigod commentary
"Alright, I'll go first, we can go around the circle and everyone has to make up a question for everyone to answer, and everyone has to answer the truth because if you don't, we will find out, you'll have to do the same punishment as before except you'll have to dance the chicken-dance." I said.
"If you had to say…what's your favourite book? Mine's the Architecture of the Ancient Structures." I stated.
"Finding Nemo." said Percy, that was the only book he fond interesting because it was about fish as well as it was quite easy to read, even for a boy with dyslexia. Lauren and Piper chuckled at this before Jason piped up.
"The Odyssey." he smiled as if remembering the book.
"Pride and Prejudice." said Piper.
"The Eyre Affair." said Dante.
"Perks of being a wallflower." said Lauren.
"Hurricane gold." said Ben.
"Dracula." said James.
"The first Hunger Games book." said Emma.
"Harry Potter and the deathly hallows." said Sam.
"The Hobbit." said Marcus.
"Top 100 most awesomest inventions of all time." said Dana.
"Oliver Twist." said Anna.
"Frankenstein." said Ben.
“Stormbreaker.” said Troy.
“The Magician.” said Nickki.
“Oh! Me next.” said Percy who was seated next to me with his arm around my waist and the other waving around in the air like a little kid.
I chuckled and nodded.
“Your favourite food. Mine’s my mum’s blue cookies.” he gestured to me to go next. “My dad’s homemade cheesecake.” I answered, recalling the sweet taste of the dessert.
“The Cabonara pedachini(sorry I can’t spell this correctly cause it’s Italian) from La Porchetta.” said Dana, a little wistfully.
“My dad’s brownies.” sighed Piper.
“The olive pizzas from camp…um I mean the other camp.” stated Jason.
“Camp?” asked Dana.
“Yeah there’s a summer camp that we all go to, in fact, that’s where I first met Percy. Piper and Jason go to the camp too but Jason went to a different one before until we kind of….erm, ran into each other I guess? Yeah, ran into Jason and Piper at the Grand Canyon and convinced Jason to stay at ours.” I said while Jason, Piper and I chuckled at the memory.
“Can I come?” asked Marcus.
“Uh… no sorry, it’s…it’s really hard to get in…you need to have ADHD and dyslexic, because our camp specialises in helping kids with that.” stuttered Percy.
Marcus Troy and Ben slumped their shoulders while Dana piped up.
“I’m dyslexic and ADHD.” she said. I stared at her and frowned slightly.
Was she a half-blood? She certainly had all the signs and such.
“Um…Dana, I know this may seem like a question out of place, but I’ll need to ask you this if I can get you an…application into camp. But do you…have both parents?” I asked.
Dana suddenly looked away.
“Erm…I guess.” she mumbled.
“You guess?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I mean yes, I do have both parents.” she said, still not meeting my eyes.
“Oookay…” I said, dragging the ‘o’.
“Well then, I’m sorry but I don’t think you’ll get in then.” I informed her.
She gave me a confused look.
“So kids or teens who don’t have both parents get in? Is it like an orphanage?” she asked.
I nodded slightly.
“This game is getting boring…what should we do next?” said Marcus.
Dana glanced at her watch.
“Well…it’s 8:25, you guys want to get some dinner?” she suggested.
We all nodded slowly and Dana stood.
“Alright, I’ll go make something, you guys can pick out a movie to watch while I’m at it.”
“I’ll help.” I volunteered while also standing up.
Dana looked at me gratefully for not having to make dinner for 16 people alone. “So…where you’re parents? Don’t tell me they bought you a house already.” I smirked, making it sound as if it were a joke.
But Dana didn’t laugh, she merely let out a strained smile and smirked slightly.
“Nah, my folks live in Florida now, I wanted to stay here so they left me their apartment and moved. Here’s a picture of them.” she stated, handing me a picture of 3 people that was stuck on the fridge.
I studied the picture; it was of Dana who looked a few years younger, she must’ve been 15 or something. Behind her were 2 other people, but they were much older. The man looked around in his mid-fifties, while the women next to him were the same age as the man. They both had light-brown hair like Dana’s, but the eyes didn’t match, Dana’s eyes were electricity blue, while the man had light-blue eyes and the women had dark green eyes. But I guess, Dana didn’t necessarily have to look exactly like her parents.
“Cool.” Was all I said as I handed the picture back.
She gave me a small smile before turning back to the pantry shelf where she was going through.
“Alright, I’m thinkin’ a large tub of mac ‘n’ cheese.”
I nodded and turned towards the cabinet under the bench to look for the pasta. “So…do you have any siblings?” I wondered.
Dana didn’t reply for a while, I looked over and she was staring at the boiling pot of water in front of her.
“Um…hello?” I said, lightly tapping on her shoulder.
Her head snapped up and spun around.
“Oh what? Sorry I spaced out,” she said sheepishly, “you were saying?”
“Do you have any siblings?” I asked, yet again.
Dana’s face seem to darken a bit, before she turned away towards the stove.
“I had a brother.” she said.
“Had?” I asked.
I knew I was pushing a little, but I wanted to know more about her.
“Yeah,” she answered in a quiet voice. “he went missing when I was 8.”
She gazed at me with a sad expression.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
“It’s okay, he was 5 years older than me. His name was Terry Fle-I mean McDonalds.” She almost slipped something…’Fle’ something, was she hiding something? I hated not knowing things, but I decided to let it slip.
We soon finished making dinner and we now sat around the TV.
“What are we watching?” I asked Percy as I looked up into his deep sea-green eyes that I tend to get lost in.
“Clash of the Titans.” he replied, with a trace of humour in his voice.
As soon as the shot of Zeus popped up, Percy, Piper and I immediately burst into a fit of giggles, while Jason was just rolling on the ground, laughing his head off. Our other friends gave us questioning looks.
“Nothing, just an inside joke.” I sniggered, waving them off.
When the shot of Olympus and the Olympian council came on the screen, Piper and I could just barely hold back our laughter, while Percy and Jason was laughing so hard that there were tears in his eyes. This time, our friends frowned at us.
“I can see how you’re such close friends, you’re all crazy.” exclaimed Dana with a smirk as Percy ad Jason sat back down and tried their best to stay calm.
Hades suddenly appeared on the screen and Percy was laughing quietly next to me. “Look….just…look at his…hair…” he gasped between giggles as I sniggered with his.
“Oh my gods, we have to show this to my dad.” said Jason suddenly as Percy nodded rapidly in response.
We tried our best to stay still and calm throughout the movie, but it was difficult, since the mortals had everything wrong except for some of the story lines and things. Percy and I were silently discussing on how the movie was wrong in sooo many ways.
“Medusa doesn’t look like that.” I commented silently, so only Percy could hear. “Yeah, I don’t recall her having scaly snake legs with wings.” whispered Percy. “Perseus so did not kill the Kraken, he killed the Cetus and save Andromeda,” he whispered.
I simply nodded and focused back to the TV.
“Heh, I could’ve killed that with a flick of my hands.” he boasted as the Perseus in the movie held up the head of Medusa.
I scoffed.
“Well, if we do ever face Cetus, I’d like to see you try and do that.” I replied.
He was silent and I chuckled lightly.
“Hey, hey, but you’ve got to admit, when he jumped into the water to save her, I could’ve done that a hundred times faster, and she wouldn’t fall unconscious and what-knot.” He had a point so I shrugged.
Soon after, the screen showed the ending credits and I yawned; all that laughing and staring at the TV for 2 hours left me feeling very tired. I noticed that most of our friends were asleep except for Piper, Jason, Percy and I.
“Considering that this movie was filmed by mortals, I’ll admit that this was a good movie.” I said and we all nodded.
“But it was hilarious though.” commented Jason as we shared another round of silent laughter.
“Alright, it’s getting kind of late, I’m gonna hit the hay.” said Jason as Piper rested her head on his shoulders and shutting her eyes, but not before sharing a quick kiss with her boyfriend.
I sighed as Percy wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned into his chest. I shut my eyes, but I felt his gaze on me. I looked up and found his sea-green eyes staring down at me as he stroked my hand. I smiled at him.
“Good night Wisegirl.” he whispered.
“Good night Seaweed-brain.” I said with a light chuckled; and, for the first time since the end of the war, I felt safe in his warmth as I fell into deep slumber.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Sorry for not posting lately!
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Nice post
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Yay, u posted!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
u hafta post soon again!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
umm this is really exagerated
none of this really happens in highschool ,, this is so stereotypical
and r u british? u say mum not mom, lift not elevator, and other stuff weird too
other then that this is okay
rainbow_girl commented…
r u kidding? i really like this, even if its exagerated. i mean, these r demigods were talking bout. like percy and annabeth! nothing would be normal when theyre around over a year ago
i-am-evil commented…
What's wrong with being British, eh? over a year ago
flamemouth27 commented…
Dude, I'm Australian, and if you've read other PJ highschool stories you'd know that some of them are even more exagerated then mine. People have different ways to write their stories, not everybody has to write the same way or use the same kind of spelling/words. e.g. Some people spell the word 'color' with an 'o', but I spell it as 'colour'. over a year ago
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
7. Afterschool ambush
5 weeks later
So far, if you didn’t count Trent’s flirting with Annabeth and Kathy and Katie’s flirting towards Jason and I, school had been going…better than my old schools. I had only caused 3 havocs within 5 weeks, my personal best; probably Annabeth being here settles me down a little. And with the girls only living across the hall from us, we would meet up almost every after school to go out for a cup of coffee or a game of laser tag. It was Friday today and Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Dana, Troy, Marcus and I all had P.E.
“Listen up cupcakes, we’ve already done field events and swimming in the first semester, so from now ‘till the middle of next term, we’ll be doing something special.” he began.
Annabeth and Piper rushed in shortly afterwards, looking out of breath and worn out. “Ah ladies, have you finally decided to join us?” teased the coach.
Annabeth glared at him, fists clenched.
“I’m sorry, sir, but we were held up in the change rooms because the…the soap dispenser exploded and we had to clean it up.” she began and clicked her fingers, I knew this move, she was manipulating the mist. I frowned at her and she shot me a look that clearly said: ‘I’ll tell you later.’
“Hmph, fine, but next time, you’ll kiss 2 hours of your time afterschool goodbye because you’ll be getting a week of afterschool detention.”
Annabeth sat down next to me and sighed.
“What happened?” I asked.
“A hellhound and an empoursa, she was just this girl in my architecture class.” she replied and I nodded.
“Quiet! Anyways, as I said before I was rudely interrupted-“ began the coach as he glared at Piper and Annabeth, “-that we’ll be doing something different, from now ‘till week 6 of term 4, we’ll be doing…sword fighting!”
The four of us looked at each other with large grins on our faces while the class buzzed with excitement.
“Sword fighting? Awesome!” said Dana with a grin.
“Alright, we’ll be having a sword fighting teacher with us. Please give a warm welcome to…Blake Dawson!” he said.
Wait what? Blake Dawson? I’ve heard that name before…
”Hello, I’m Blake, and I’ll be teaching you sword fighting for…as long as the coach says.” began a teenager who had just entered the gym that had dark-brown hair and a grin that showed that he was always up to no good.
“Percy? Annabeth? Piper? Jason? Since when do you guys come to Goode?” asked the 17-year-old son of Hermes that was one of the early half-bloods that were discovered before the gods had made their promise.
“You know them?” asked none other than the idiot, Trent.
“Why, yes! The four of them are one of the best sword fighters at our camp, well Annabeth and Piper uses knives while Jason can use a spear.” said Blake with a shrug.
Then Blake got us to grab a wooden sword from the box, except for us half-bloods because he said we could use our own weapons, but he sent us separately since if we all went all together, it would seem a little suspicious.
“Okay, can I please have a demonstration? Percy? Annabeth?” he asked, looking at our direction.
We smiled in response before walking up to the front of the class. Annabeth had her knife while I held my Riptide. I heard a yawn from the class and a few sniggers. I rolled my eyes, probably just some of Trent’s friends. Annabeth just stood there, waiting for me to strike but I stood there just as well. Finally, my ADHD got the better of me and I lunged forward. Annabeth chuckled as she easily dodged my swipe and began to jab, causing me to go on defence. I felt the class behind me stiffen at our duel while Blake chuckled.
‘Just like camp…’he muttered to himself.
I was determined to win as I caught Annabeth’s knife in mid-air with my sword and an arm wrestle of a sword and knife began. I twisted the Riptide in an attempt to flick Annabeth’s knife away, but she knew this move; she twisted the other way and slammed her knife into my sword. The force was so strong that it knocked it a few metres away. She aimed her knife at my neck while placing her strong grip on my shoulders.
“Dead.” she announced.
The whole gym was silent except for Blake who was clapping. Soon after, Dana, Marcus and began to clap and cheer as well.
“Well done, Annabeth. Now, who would like to give it a go?” he asked.
But before anyone could say anything, the coach, who had been watching from a corner stepped forward.
“I’ll choose. Dana, get your ass over here.” he said.
He must be wanting to please Mr. Charles by getting the girl who punched his daughter to fight a professionally trained monster slayer. Dana paled slightly but did not seem to bother to object. She walked towards Annabeth with her wooden sword in her right-hand. Dana lunged first and swiped blindly at Annabeth’s head in which she easily dodged. Annabeth swung at Dana’s sword, hoping to disarm it, it was a fast move, but somehow, Dana managed to deflect it. But after 5 minutes of dodging, ducking and swiping, Annabeth had already disarmed Dana and had her knife pointed to Dana’s neck. But just before Annabeth could announce her ‘dead’, Dana suddenly raised her right-hand quickly and grabbed Annabeth’s sword arm by the wrist, she twisted it, and Annabeth dropped her knife in surprise – straight into Dana’s left hand. Dana continued to twist Annabeth’s right arm until it was in a painful arm lock with her knife pointed at her neck. Nobody clapped or cheered. Both Blake and I were too stunned, the rest of the class stared at them with wide eyes while the coach huffed in annoyance. After around half a minute of silence, Dana dropped Annabeth’s knife and let go of her arm.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry about that, I just got a little defensive.” she began.
But Annabeth stood with a smile on her face.
“Sorry? No, you don’t have to be sorry, that was awesome!”
Dana grinned while they shook hands. Finally, Blake snapped out of it and started clapping.
“Good job Dana, but you could work on aiming your swings better.” Dana nodded in response as Annabeth went back to her seat, which was right next to mine.
“So…the great Wise girl was finally beaten?” I teased.
She punched my shoulder – hard.
“I was going easy. And I wanted to see what she would do next. I think she’s a half-blood, but she has both parents though.” I shrugged.
“Could be, I’ve suspected that ever since I first came to Goode and met her, but I’m confused with the parents part, maybe she’s a quarter blood?” I wondered.
Annabeth shrugged as Blake began to demonstrate basic defence movements that I’d learned since my first day at Camp half-blood.

No one
“Where should we head to now?” asked Piper.
Annabeth, Percy and Jason walked next to her through the halls of the now deserted school.
“We should head to the mall and get smoothies.” suggested Percy.
“Nah, too far to walk, and we already did that two days ago.” said Annabeth.
“Well, we should—“
“Wait!” came a voice from down the hall.
The four of them turned their heads and found Dana running towards them, looking out of breath.
“Hey, I don’t have detention today so do you mind if I join you guys?” she asked. Piper shook her head.
“Not at all, we were just deciding where we should go now.” said Annabeth.
“Oh! I know this place that’s only a couple of blocks from our apartments, it’s a brand new coffee shop that just opened yesterday.” she suggested.
The four of them nodded in agreement as they walked out of the school building; little did they know that there was two people following closely behind them.
“I love the smell of coffee beans.” commented Percy as the intoxicating smell of coffee enveloped the 4 half-bloods and Dana when Percy pulled open the door.
“Hi! What can I get for you today?” asked the girl behind the counter who was smiling seductively and sweetly at Jason and Percy.
Annabeth and Piper both glared daggers at her while Dana spoke first.
“Hi, I‘ll have a milk chocolate frappe please.” she said and the girl typed the order down on the computer.
“I’ll have a medium flat white.” stated Annabeth, rather coldly.
The girl, who was oblivious towards Piper and Annabeth’s glares looked up and Percy and smiled yet again.
“I’ll have an ice chocolate thanks.” he said with a small smile, also oblivious that the girl was trying to get his attention as he wrapped his arm around Annabeth’s waist. The girl glared at Annabeth in which she returned one with a smirk.
“A regular sized ice coffee please.” said Jason.
“I’ll have the same.” said Piper, and after shooting the girl one last glare, Annabeth and Piper proceeded to sit down with Percy, Jason and Dana at a booth.
The five of them talked for a long time, from topics such as ‘how boring school is’ to ‘what you normally do on Christmas’.
“I would be at home with mum and Paul, eating blue cookies.” said Percy as he took a sip from his drink.
“I would probably be dragged outside by my half-brothers and have a snow-ball fight.” chuckled Annabeth.
“I would be at camp and most likely be pelted with snowballs by Clarisse.” said Jason.
“And I would be there to watch him.” smirked Piper as the four of them laughed. “What about you Dana?” they asked.
Dana didn’t meet their eyes and muttered something under her breath.
“Um… I would probably just be at home watching funny movies or something.” she said in a rather quiet voice.
Annabeth seemed puzzled by this but didn’t comment and just nodded.
“Wow, it’s nearly 6, I better get home before mum gets worried.” said Percy and we all nodded in agreement.
As they walked outside, Annabeth couldn’t help but feel as if they were being watched, suddenly, from the corner of her eye, someone, or something moved in the that they’d just walk pas. She stopped at her tracks and turned to face the alley. Percy, Jason, Piper and Dana stopped as well and Dana frowned.
“What is it, Wise girl?” asked Percy.
“Um…I thought I saw…never mind, it’s probably just a—“ but a growl suddenly caused all of them to grab their weapons.
Percy took out the Riptide, Piper had her knife as a pocket mirror (it was enchanted by Hephaestus when they began at Goode high so there wouldn’t be any suspicions). Jason took out the gladius in its coin form while Annabeth took out her knife that was disguised as a ruler.
“Um…guys…what…why have…” began Dana with a frown.
“Okay Dana, we have to tell you something, the things you’ll see in the next 10 minutes will probably be very weird and impossible, but I need you to stay behind me, understand?” said Percy.
Dana frowned but nodded slightly. But before anyone could even move, 2 dracaena suddenly appeared in front of the 5. They both had scaly and smelly green skin with celestial bronze chest plate. They held two spears that were at least 2 metres long with very sharp tips. The four demi-gods drew their weapons and Dana’s eyes widened as she took a step back from the deadly weapons.
“Ah! I wassss justttt assssking for a sssssnack.” hissed one of the dracaena woman as its sister snarled at them.
“Good offer, but I’d prefer the one where I slice your heads off.” said Percy, acting like he was thinking.
The two dracaenas snarled but didn’t charge, instead, the shadows that surrounded the 4 half-bloods and Dana thickened as 4 hellhounds the size of Mrs. O’ Leary, maybe even bigger walked out of the shadows. Percy gripped his sword tightly as the hellhounds lunged at the half-bloods, leaving Dana to face the two snake women.
Dana was frozen in shock and terror. Her four friends were holding medieval-like weapons and were fighting those massive dogs or hounds as it tried to bite them. She looked at the snake women in front of her. These monsters shouldn’t be alive, they were all myths. Was this a dream? A Dream… thought Dana. A wave of sadness washed over her as she recalled a certain event that happened earlier in her life that she’d thought it was a dream. But now it was otherwise. She pinched herself – hard on her arm but nothing worked. The two monsters were advancing her quickly and she had to think of something – something fast. The first one jabbed but Dana saw it coming somehow. Her years of martial arts training kicked in as she sidestepped from the spear and turned her back towards her opponent. Dana grabbed the spear with her hands and yanked it straight out of the first one’s hands, sending her sprawling into the nearby dumpsters.
“Puny half-blood!” snarled the second one as it hissed in anger and jabbed as well. But Dana used the spear in her hands and it collided with the second dracaena’s spear. Dana used all her force and pushed the spear out of the way, she aimed straight at the snake woman’s face and jabbed. It immediately exploded in yellow powder which Dana thought was strange. Ugly number one was already getting back up so Dana thought of her last option, she was never good at throwing or aiming things, but she threw the spear like a javelin anyway, and it pierced straight through the dracaena’s heart. Dana sighed in exhaustion as she looked around her. Piper had just stabbed the last of the hellhounds and Dana looked at them in shock and terror.
“W-what were those things? And why did one of them call me a half-blood?” she asked.
Percy sighed as he used a pen cap and tapped his sword. Dana watched in bewilderment as it shrunk back into a normal 3 dollar ballpoint pen you could easily buy in your local supermarkets.
“Dana, have you ever heard of Greek gods?”

Dana was taking it surprisingly well. Instead of saying: ‘Oh c’mon, this has to be some sort of joke’ or ‘Haha, very funny, can I wake up now?” like from the other half-bloods we discover, she was curious and asked some questions. Suddenly, I felt a presence of another other than the 5 of us.
“Perseus Jackson.” said a voice behind me.
I froze and slowly turned around. There, standing at the opening of the alley, blocking our exit, was Katie Charles. But she looked different. She had one donkey leg and one bronze leg, the colour had drained out of her face and two vampire-like teeth were sticking out of her blood-red lips.
“What is that?” asked Dana in a horrid tone.
“That is an empoursa, it stalks males as its prey and tricks them into kissing her, then she bites them.” said Annabeth.
“And you remember that explosion in the band room a couple of years back?” I asked Dana, while I unleashed the Riptide once again.
I stole a quick glance at her and she nodded.
“Well it was because of them.” I said, gesturing to Katie who snarled at Dana.
“Oh Katie! There you are-wait WHAT THE HELL?” shrieked Kathy as she backed away from the empoursa who hissed at Kathy.
“Are you one too?” asked Annabeth in a deadly tone.
Kathy shot her a confused look.
“What are you talking about? Oh Percy! Save me! Save me from this…this monster that took my sister away.” She whined like a little kid.
I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that this probably was her sister. Then something hit me, I remembered that Kathy never had a sister before the beginning of year 12, so the existence of Katie Charles must’ve just been a mist effect. Katie lunged at me at a surprising speed and I only managed to dodge at the last second. She hissed and was ready to claw me, when she exploded in yellow dust. A very angry Annabeth stood over her with a knife in hand.
“I love you.” I said.
“I know.” she smirked and I kissed her.
It was cut short when Kathy huffed and said: “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?”
I sighed as Annabeth glared at her.
“Did you see her colourless face and donkey leg?” she asked.
Kathy scoffed.
“How could you not see it?” she said as it if were the most obvious thing in the world. Gods, she was so annoying.
“Do you have both parents?” I asked.
Annabeth looked thoughtful and glanced at Dana but Dana didn’t meet her eyes. “No, my mum left me when I was a kid, I don’t remember her much.” said Kathy. Dana didn’t say anything but if a dracaena said she was a half-blood, I guess there’s no harm in bringing her to camp.
“Everything will be explained at camp, I’ll give my mum and Chiron a quick IM and then we’ll go.” I said.
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Australian awesomeness! ( I'm basically just saying it was awesome)
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
so is kathy also a demigod? did katie never exist before? AHHHH!!! PLZ POST SOOOOON!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
look guys i didnt mean to offend anyone
nothing wrong with british i was just wondering
and im just saying that this is like the stereotypical highschool
but its still good!
flamemouth27 commented…
Don't worry, no offence taken. Thanks for reading my story anyways! over a year ago
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
8. Remembering the pain
"So, where is this camp?" asked Dana as the she stepped out of her car that had been following Percy's.
"Just over that hill with the large pine-tree." answered Annabeth as Percy grabbed her hand and the two of them with Piper and Jason began to walk towards said place.
Dana frowned slightly.
"There aren't any pine-trees around but just that one though…" she wondered.
"It's a long story, don't worry, it'll be explained when you get a tour of camp by your cabin leader." said Annabeth with a sigh.
Meanwhile, Kathy was complaining about walking with her heels over a hill but no one paid her much attention.
"Children! It's so good to see you here again." greeted Chiron with a kind smile when the half-bloods walked over the border.
Dana caught her breath.
"Wow." she said, amazed.
"EEKKK! It's a dragon…AND A CENTAUR!" shrieked Kathy, causing everybody within a 100 kilometre radius to cover their ears.
"I'm assuming you haven't explained it to her yet?" sighed Chiron, looking a little exasperated.
Percy shook his head, suddenly, Kathy glowed, and when the light faded, she was wearing a white dress with perfect makeup, making her - even though Dana hated to admit it - prettier.
"All hail Kathy Charles, daughter of Aphrodite." said Chiron, lowering his head and bending his front legs slightly, as if bowing.
Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper and a few half-bloods bows reluctantly, while Dana just stood there, looking confused.
"Ah! And you must be Dana McDonalds, welcome to Camp half-blood." he said warmly, but he looked a little uneasy. Dana gave him a small smile, the name of the camp sounded familiar, but she didn't dwell on it. Everybody including Chiron seemed to be stealing glances at Dana's head and quickly looking down, Dana raised her eyebrows slightly at this.
"Um…it there something on my head?" she asked Annabeth.
"Oh, no, it's just the claiming. The you godly parent will claim you eventually, my mum's Athena and Percy's dad is Poseidon. You see, the gods made a promise around a year ago to claim their child after they turn 13, only finding out that you are a half-blood at 18 years old is quite rare, but you should be at least claimed by now…oh well, I bet your…erm…parent will claim you at least by campfire tonight," she said with an reassuring smile. "and why did you tell me you had both parents?"
Dana's smile melted off her face.
'Oh well, no use in hiding it anymore." she thought.
But just as she was about to tell Annabeth the truth, Chiron galloped over and stood in front of Dana. "Dana, can you please meet me at the big house?" he said, Dana nodded and he galloped off.
Dana frowned but went towards the big farm house that was painted sky-blue.
"Hey, when you're done, knock on that cabin over there and I'll show you around." said Annabeth, pointing towards a cabin of wood and stone that strangely reminded Dana of a library. "Okay." she replied.

"Um…hello?" said Dana as she stepped into the lounge room of the Big house.
Chiron was staring at the fireplace. His head was touching the ceiling and his gaze had a faraway look in them. Dana took a step towards the old centaur with caution, was something going to pop up? A monster perhaps? she thought.
"Fletcher." said Chiron suddenly.
Immediately, Dana stopped at her tracks, her wondering stare turned into a glare.
"How'd you know that name?" she said in a quiet but deadly tone.
Chiron turned and stared at the 18 year old a few metres away from him.
"Your real name is Dana Fletcher isn't it?" he said.
Dana balled her fists and gritted her teeth.
"I don't use it anymore." she growled.
"So it's true, your mother was-" began Chiron.
"Don't say her name." she yelled angrily, her vision going foggy because of the tears that were daring to fall. "-Donna Fletcher." A tear escaped Dana's eyes at the mention of her mother's name. After seconds of just silence, Chiron spoke up.
"Dana, your mother was one of the greatest heroes of this age." he said.
"Oh really?" began Dana angrily, breathing hard.
"Well what kind of 'great hero' leaves behind her 8 year old child alone? With nothing, no money, no relatives. Leaving me with nothing but this…this STUPID ring?" she yelled, she yanked off her bronze ring and threw it towards the fireplace.
Chiron could only gaze at her sadly as she stormed out the door.

Dana stormed outside to the now darkened sky of the night. She wiped away her tears but she was still angry yet pained on the inside. She walked around Camp half-blood, hoping to find a quiet place to hide and sulk, but everything seemed open…open except for the dark woods. She glanced at the cabin Annabeth had pointed to earlier and had said to meet her there, but Dana decided that she would go later. She turned towards the woods, pausing just on the edge to admire the 30 metre tall trees before walking in.

Transparent women - wood nymphs – occasionally wondered about the forest. The tall trees made ghostly shadows surrounding the demigod and she heard the occasional growl of a monster, but she didn't care. Finally, she found a tree larger than the rest, enough to hide her from others, so she sat down and leaned her back against the trunk. Percy's earlier question still rang in her mind: What do you normally do on Christmas day? Mostly, everyone on the planet would be with their families or either celebrating the holiday, but not her. She would be alone in the apartment left by her 2nd foster parents for her and would be watching comedy shows just to distract her from her pain. Christmas day…the day I lost everything. She began to cry silently as flashes of that one night years ago replayed in her mind.

Flashback - December 24th, 2003
"Mom! Dana stole my watch!" came a shrill yell of Terry Fletcher's voice.
"What? It was just lying there…" mumbled 8 year-old Dana, hiding the watch behind her as her mother walked into the room.
"Dana, please give your brother back his watch." she chided.
Little Dana pouted.
"But… I've never seen it before." she said.
"But mum, it's that watch." said Terry.
"Now." commanded Donna.
Dana huffed and handed her older brother back his watch, little did she know it would sprang up into a celestial bronze shield tied with thorns if you pressed the 'mode' button.
"Dana, it's bedtime." said her mum.
"But I'm not tired." said the little girl, stomping her foot.
"Now, now, if you don't sleep, Santa won't come and you won't get any presents." she said.
Dana's eyes widened as she ran to her room and jumped into her bed.
Donna chuckled lightly as she entered her daughter's room. After tucking her in, she ruffled her hair. "Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite."
"They won't bite me! Because mummy will kill them before they do." said Dana.
Donna flashed Dana one last smile - the last one she'd ever get - and walked out of the room. As soon as she shut her eyes, Dana fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Dana woke suddenly when she heard a loud bang somewhere downstairs, and the sound of glass being smashed to pieces. The 8 year old glanced at her alarm clock beside her – 12:30am. She was tired and drowsy, but another sound of a plate breaking woke her up, she clutched onto her teddy bear tightly as she tip-toed downstairs. She peeked around the corner and saw her mother and her brother. They looked tired and 3 piles of yellow dust lay on the ground; and the living room looked pretty much ripped apart.
“How did they get in here?” she heard her mother ask.
“I don’t know, maybe they somehow bypassed the spell?” wondered Terry.
Dana was confused, didn’t Terry want presents from Santa as well? “
Well, we have to see Chiron.” said her mother.
Chiron? Who was he?
“But what about-“
“Don’t worry, I’ll put in an extra layer of the spell on the house, they won’t be able touch her as long as she stays in here.” answered Donna.
Dana yawned tiredly, thinking this must’ve been her imagination and headed back upstairs.

The next morning, Dana was excited to tell her mother and her brother about the ‘dream’ she had, but when she got downstairs for breakfast, the normal warm and inviting smell of frying bacon wasn’t in the air. She walked into the living room and it looked normal, no broken glass, no yellow dust. But there was an absence in the house.
“Mum?” she called.
No answer. She ran to her mother’s room and found nothing, nothing but a bronze ring – the ring that her mother never leaves home without it, but everything else was gone. Her mother’s clothes, the stacks of paper all over her desk, everything, had disappeared. Dana ran into her brother’s room and found that the same thing, except he left nothing, no ring or anything. And it was right then, when Dana realised that her brother and mother would not be coming home.
--End of Flashback--

"Dana? Dana, you there?" said a voice.
Dana's head immediately snapped up and she brushed the dirt off her shorts.
"Hey Annabeth." she said as casually as possible.
"Hey? We've been looking for you for hours! We thought you left." chided Annabeth.
"Yeah well…I just went for a walk." said Dana slowly, carefully choosing her words.
Annabeth didn't look very convinced, but shrugged anyway as she ushered Dana towards the path that led back to camp.
"Well, you shouldn't be out in the woods at night, especially without a weapon." she said as a familiar sight of Camp half-blood came into view.
Dana nodded in response.
"It's dinner time now, you'll have to sit with the Hermes table, since you haven't been claimed by your…um…"
"Dad." replied Dana.
"Oookay…by the way, you still owe me an explanation." said the daughter of Athena, pointing a finger accusingly at Dana.
“Later.” she answered, waving Annabeth off, she had enough of grieving for the day.

"-And we have a two new campers joining us today, please give a warm welcome to…Kathy Charles, daughter of Aphrodite and Dana Fle-" Dana coughed loudly and glared at Chiron. "Erm…I mean Dana McDonalds who is yet to be determined!" he concluded.
The campers cheered and the Hermes table welcomed Dana.
“Hey, I’m Travis-“
“and I’m Conner.”
“And we’re the cabin leaders of the Hermes cabin, so basically, you know our dad as the god of messengers and stuff right? Good, so Hermes welcomes anyone into our cabin, and luckily for you, we have a spare bunk for you, we’ll show you after dinner.” said the two boys who looked the same, except one was a little taller than the other.
Dana nodded with a smile and sat down on the edge of the table. She was about to dig in, when everybody in the mess hall (Dana heard of the name when a camper mentioned it) stood and walked towards a small bon-fire made of green flames.
“We give sacrifices to our parents, so basically, we throw in the best part of our meal ad chuck it in the fire.” said a girl around a year younger than Dana.
As an example, the girl stepped forward and threw in the juiciest grapes.
“Hermes.” said the girl.
Dana gulped before picking up the least burnt part of her pie and chucked it into the fire.
“Father, who are you? I’m not asking much but…can you at least tell me about what happened to mum and Terry?” said Dana in her mind.
The fire seemed to grow a few feet and turned into a bright shade of orange, before going back to its original green colour of Greek fire.
Dinner was soon finished and Dana found herself next to Annabeth, walking around camp. She spaced out on Annabeth (She didn’t mean to, it’s just the ADHD) until Annabeth mentioned: ‘Climbing wall’
“Wait, what?” said Dana, stopping to look at Annabeth.
“I said climbing wall, with lava falls too.”
Dana smiled slightly at the thought of rock climbing – she used to go all the time with her mum before…’No. No more grieving’ she mentally scolded herself. They had reached the beach and sat down under the moonlight.
“So…you still have to tell me.” began Annabeth, looking straight into Dana’s electricity blue eyes. Dana sighed as she began her story, slowly and carefully choosing the right thing to say. But she stopped when she got to the part when she went downstairs at midnight.
“I should probably tell you this first…” began Dana, but she hesitated…could she tell Annabeth? Surely…she may have a chance of knowing who her mother was…
“My real name is Dana Fletcher, my mother’s name is Donna Fletcher and when I was woken up, I went downstairs and saw my brother who’s name is Terry Fletcher and they were surrounded by yellow dust, just like dust the snake-women burst into.” she said.
Annabeth’s eyes widened.
“D-did you just say…Donna and Terry Fletcher?” she stuttered, looking shocked.
“Um…yeah? Why?” asked Dana, confused.
“Did you know her?” asked Dana in a very serious tone.
“Does Chiron know?” asked Annabeth.
“Yes, now did you know her?” asked Dana yet again, in a more demanding voice.
“Donna Fletcher used to be a legend when I first came to camp, everyone around me, they talked of the great heroine, Donna Fletcher. Campers said that she favoured any gods and goddesses and worked very hard, risking her life for them most of the time, she was made lieutenant of Olympus but wasn’t made immortal, because she wanted to raise her two children who’s father is unknown normally. Her children Terry, and another unknown. She was also saviour of Olympus back when she was Percy’s age, she saved the Olympians from a threat back in the 80s, I don’t know what threat it was, but it was big. But she disappeared 10 years ago, Chiron never told me why, not even after I’ve begged him ten thousand times. Ever since then, her name faded out, no one liked to talk about her anymore, it was too painful for the older campers; nowadays, if you ask the new campers, even campers like Percy, they’ll give you a blank look and look at you confused, only campers who’d stayed as long as I have would know.” concluded Annabeth, finally.
‘Really? Did mom really do all that?’ thought Dana.
“Then what about my brother?” she asked.
Annabeth’s face darkened a little.
“Last year, Manhattan was put to sleep by Morpheus because of the second titan war, it all began when Zeus’ lightning bolt got stolen…”
Annabeth began to tell Dana of the whole war and its events.
“-and so, Luke had created his army. Now you see, your brother was never claimed by your dad, so he got angry and was one of the few who joined Kronos.” said Annabeth finally.
Dana was silent for a while,
“Is he still alive?” she asked quietly.
Annabeth was paused, before finally speaking up.
“Yes, he is still alive, but the gods don’t want him to be; he’s hiding, running from the wrath of Zeus just like the rest of the half-bloods who survived the war that was on the enemies’ side.“
Dana was silent, she was embarrassed yet slightly mad at her brother for joining the enemy.
‘But are you sure Camp half-blood's not your enemy?’ said a little voice inside her head.
She shook it out, Camp half-blood is now her family, and she didn’t care what kind of stupid decisions her brother made; she was going to stay here, and wish that it wouldn’t leave her like her old family. “C’mon, it’s time for campfire, hopefully, your dad will claim you then.”
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Ahhhh shocking events! Amzingful chapter
over a year ago thanathos13 said…
this is an awesome story keep it up
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Nice post
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Do u have a calendar for posting, like a chapter every day, or is it just random?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
anyways, that was AMAZINGGGG, as usual.

i agree w/ halo. u should set up a schedule, so we would no when to expect a post, so CANT WAIT FOR UR NEXT POST!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Post soon or I shall release the starving weasels I bought at the donut shop after u!!!!!!!!! Oh, how much blood there will be . . .
rainbow_girl commented…
haha! lol. but i agree! POST NOW... or else.... over a year ago
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
Please post soon!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
WHERE R U?!?!?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
I'm here. Sorry for not replying. So I'll post every Sunday and let's hope I won't forget.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
10. Time for the Truth
Dana walked into the rec room of the big house, what she saw wasn’t what she’d expected. Instead of a large wooden table with black office desk chairs around it with campers on it looking serious, there was a ping-pong table with white-plastic chairs with campers either sleeping or mucking about on it. Chiron, Percy and Annabeth weren’t there yet, but all the other campers were; there was Leo, who’d Dana met the night before who was tinkering with screws and bolts, Lou Ellen making a ping-pong all float in mid-air with just her finger, Miranda, the second-in-command in the Demeter cabin changing the colours of the flowers on the windowsill, Jason and Piper talking, Clarisse polishing her knife, Conner and Travis setting a pencil on fire, Butch shoving up ink-cartridges up Clovis’ nose who was dozing off in a corner, and a few other campers Dana couldn’t remember the name of. She spotted Will staring into space while humming a tune to a song played the night before.
“Hey.” she said while giving him a kiss and sat down on an empty seat next to him. “Hey, are you allowed in here? This is a council meeting so only cabin leaders are allowed.” he said.
“I was actually invited here by Chiron.” she stated.
At that moment, Percy and Annabeth rushed in with Chiron right behind them; Percy’s hair was more messed up than usual while Annabeth’s ponytail was now falling apart, they both had red, swollen lips and a lot of sand sprinkled over their orange Camp half-blood t-shirts.
“Uh… Perce? You have a hickey, right there.” muttered Jason, pointing to his neck. Percy blushed and covered it with the collar of his shirt and the others smirked at the blushing couple.
“Alright, let’s get down to business. I’ve invited Dana to this meeting because, ever since her arrival, there has been some…old matters that had faded years ago but was now brought back up again. Now, Dana has said that her mother was Donna Fletcher.” began Chiron.
Almost immediately, Clarisse dropped her knife, Conner and Travis dropped their lighter and Will snapped out of his daydream and stared at Dana, eyes widened; the others including Percy looked confused.
“No way!” said Clarisse, still staring at Dana in shock.
“I thought she was…” began Travis, but luckily, Will covered his mouth just in time. “Who’s Donna Fletcher?” asked Jason, confused.
Chiron sighed.
“Donna Fletcher was the heroine of Olympus back in the 80s. She was the slayer of the Orthrus, second one to slay it after Hercules. Slayed Diomedes when it threatened to over-throw the gods. Retrieved the Ceryneian Hind from Agrius who stole it, slaying him in the process. She done many things, simular to Percy. Some of you may know Terry Fletcher, Donna Fletcher’s son and an undetermined demigod in the Hermes cabin years ago who turned to the dark side with…Luke.”
Chiron looked nervously at Annabeth when he said Luke’s name, but she merely sat in her seat without moving or bothering to defend him in his name.
“I had a dream, well more like a nightmare last night.” said Dana in a small voice. Everyone’s heads spun around to look at her. In which she felt uncomfortable. She explained her dream, leaving out the part about rock climbing with her mum and how her mother was still alive. When she finished, Percy stood up with a horrified look on his face.
“Atlas escaped? How? The last time I heard was that he was still holding up the sky, but if he isn’t…then he must’ve somehow got someone or something else to hold it up instead. But who else would do such thing? I doubt even his minions would want to take on the burden of the sky.” he said, grabbing onto a strand of his hair that was grey; Dana had often wondered why Percy at nearly 18 would have grey hair.
“He must’ve forced someone to.” said Annabeth, grabbing Percy’s hand and gestured him to sit down.
There was silence when Chiron finally spoke up.
“Alright, I think that’s enough worrying for a day, this meeting is now over, you can go back to your activities.” he announced.
At once, everyone except for Dana and Chiron left the rec-room. Dana and the thousand year old centaur sat in uncomfortable silence when finally, Dana stood. “Look, I better go, Annabeth still needs to get me a weapon.” chuckled Dana awkwardly as she headed for the door, but Chiron stopped her.
“There…there is something you must know. About your mother and brother; you may want to take a seat.” he said kindly.
Dana stared at him, but sat down in the nearest plastic chair anyway. Chiron went and closed the door first, before his lower body disappeared into a weird plastic container-like wheel-chair with a pair of fake legs attached to it.
“You must be still wondering about why your mother and brother had to leave that night.” began Chiron.
Dana controlled her emotions and continued to stare at him, ushering to get the topic of her mother over with.
“You see, Dana, your mother favoured Hecate, the magic goddess, in return, she had promised to protect your family with a powerful spell that wards off monsters. That was why your house was never attacked. But that night, two hellhounds and those snake-women you saw in the alley, dracanaes, had appeared and passed the barrier, looking for you.
“Your mother fought, but she was getting old, and the older a half-blood gets, they tend to lose their energy and strength in battle, so you brother helped. And I should probably tell you this before I go on. Your mother was a half-blood, but she was also a legacy of Zeus and Athena. Her mother, who is your grandmother was a daughter of Athena and you grandfather was a son of Zeus. He was born before the Big three made their oath so he was allowed to…erm…be alive I guess. Zeus’ offspring used to know a rare form of travel, and it is called lightning travel. You call the lightning to you and you can travel faster than the speed of light. But eventually, it was banned because of mortal suspicions and the modern offspring of Zeus wouldn’t know how to lightning travel. But your grandfather knew how to, and so did your mother. She knew something was wrong, so she wanted to come to camp, but you were too young and the little you knew about monsters, the better. She only wanted to come for a short while and return in the morning, but she had to take Terry and I understand you lived in Chicago before?”
Dana nodded and gestured him to go on.
“She couldn’t travel very far with two people, so she said she’d arrive a few kilometres outside of camp. We sent two satyrs and a half-blood to collect her and your brother, but when they were just around a kilometre from camp, they were ambushed. None of them returned for hours, until they finally did; the half-blood and your brother barely made it out alive, one of the Satyrs were dead and the other was badly injured. And your mother…”
Chiron stopped and looked at the fireplace with sad eyes.
“So? What happened to her?” asked Dana eagerly.
“I was told she was captured. We sent out search teams of three to look for her, but they would either come back badly injured or only one would return. When we ask them about what happened, they would go crazy and Mr. D would have to heal them by erasing their memories of the things they saw that made them go into such state.” “What about Terry? I heard that he joined Luke and survived the war.” asked Dana. “About that…” mumbled Chiron.
“Terry was angry. He pestered me for months, trying to go look for his mother as well as take you here to camp, but he couldn’t to collect you because he was only 14 at the time and was underage to take you from your foster home. But he did go looking for you mother. When he returned from his journey days later, he ended up like the rest of the half-bloods that went. He refused Mr. D to heal him, he would wake up I the middle of the night, screaming bloody murder, he was vicious in sword-fighting; he sent campers to the infirmary with large-bruises and sword cuts. He even nearly stabbed a son of Hermes one night before Travis knocked him out. We strapped him to his bed so he wouldn’t kill anyone, but as soon as we turned our backs, he escaped and disappeared into the woods. Luke was 15 at the time, and was on a quest to retrieve the apple of immortality. When he came back, your brother also reappeared and acted as if he was just fine, and he would be like he was before, whenever he was around Luke. When Luke tried to kill Percy and left, Terry left a few days after and joined the titan army, during the titan war; he was spotted fighting with the titan’s army. He was taking on the Hephaestus cabin and every time he slain a child of the god, he was grin like a mad-man and yell in a language only used by the titans. He was last seen when he fled with the monsters when Luke fell.” concluded Chiron finally.
Dana sat there, shocked.
“Oh, I have something for you.” said Chiron, somehow managing to climb up the steep wooden staircase and disappeared upstairs.
He came back with a tattered and old cardboard box; a fine layer of dust laid apon the flap of the box.
“From your mother.” he said as he handed Dana the surprisingly heavy box.
“And this ‘stupid’ ring, was your mother’s prized possession. It will always return to its owner unless it is unwanted, just like Percy’s pen-sword that I’m sure you’ve seen.” Chiron handed Dana the ring that she’d throw in the fire pit earlier. Dana began to notice for the first time that those black letters engraved in the band of the ring were ancient Greek letters.
“Theristis.” muttered Dana, she didn’t realise she was saying it in ancient Greek. “The Reaper.” said Chiron.
“Put it on and tap it twice while thinking of the name.” he instructed.
Dana did as she was told and suddenly, the ring grew, it got bigger and bigger until it was a celestial bronze sword with a 30cm blade and a pointy sword butt and a leather-bound grip. It balanced in Dana’s hand perfectly, as if it was built for her. “Thank you, Chiron. I think I should go now.” said Dana, with the box in hand as she headed out the door.
She went outside and looked around; wondering where would be the best place to look inside the box, the Hermes cabin? But Dana remembered that Hermes was also the god of thieves…then, her eyes landed on an opening of a cave on a hill just behind the Pegasus stable, next to the South Woods. Curiosity took over her and she headed towards the cave, with the box and the Theristis in hand.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
is dana gonna go on a quest? i cant wait for the next chappie!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
FINALY!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
just wondering, but is the story gonna revolve around dana for now on? or is it gonna go back and forth between percy, annabeth, jason, and piper?
flamemouth27 commented…
No not really. This story is kind of about Dana but it's more like a leading up story to the next story I planned after this that is about over a year ago
flamemouth27 commented…
Percy and Annabeth, but there will be Dana's P.O.V in some chapters over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
ok! ur writing another story? YAYAY!! cant wait till ur done w/ this to read the next! over a year ago
over a year ago misty2239 said…
(To late for one more I can be a roman demigod?!)
flamemouth27 commented…
What do you mean? over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
she probably thought u were taking characters made my us(ur readers) over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
*by over a year ago