The Heroes of Olympus Reyna Smile

8xchristellax8 posted on Apr 19, 2013 at 11:29PM
(Edit: I renamed it "Reyna Smile" after the Chelsea Smile. You can look it up if you don't know what Chelsea Smile means >:D.....Or don't, it might spoil the story for you. Cx)

So I remembered my first forum/fanfic here called "Reyna's Caricature", which was a Leo/Reyna story, and I TOTALLY forgot about it... till now!! So I looked it up and re-read it. I literally forgot what happened in it so I was like, "OOH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!"
Sadly, I hate how I wrote it. My writing's changed a lot from several months ago when I started Reyna's Caricature.

Reyna's Smile takes place after the Giant War. The gods had offered Percy and Annabeth immortality and the other demigods were offered high positions in Olympus. Percy's having a hard time wondering if they should take immortality, and the gods are getting impatient.

This is five years later, by the way. But all in all, Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, and Piper are just kicking back and relaxing, trying to get Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter to bond together. Octavian ended up being the most hated demigod and Camp Jupiter barely pays him attention anymore, so he tries to make friends with Rachel, sadly for her.

Meanwhile, Leo and Reyna start dating, but then after a couple months, she starts to unravel her real problem to the other demigods. Leo, who was previously happy to be in love, gets really frustrated and angry about this secret.

Reyna had been possessed by an evil, hundred-year-old spirit, and not even a son of Hades can help her.

Rated T for language and *shcary shtuff* (based on some of the comments I got on the original forum XD)

Hope you like it~ :D
Btw, fucking hate how Fanpop changed the forums. They all look like the club wall...

Here's A Preview:

Leo's POV~

The sky is black and rain pours hard, but not a single drop falls on Camp Jupiter.

Leo's face is ashen as he glares at the ground. "This is so stupid," he trembles. Tears are forming in his eyes, but he wipes them away. He isn't going to start crying. "IT'S ALL FUCKING STUPID!"

He lets the tears fall then as he glares around him. The forest is dark, like her beautiful eyes. But there's blood.

The forest ground is splattered in blood.

And it's because of her.

"W-Why?" he breathes, grabbing his curly dark hair. "W-Why d-d-do these things h-happen to m-m-"

He can't even speak, so he falls to his knees and weeps quietly. No way are the Roman demigods going to see him act pathetic. That's why he ran to the forest ground.


His eyes snap open and he growls. Her voice gives him chills now. He shakes as he gets up. He looks over his shoulder and shudders.

Her puffy, dark eyes are like two pits of Tartarus. Have they always been so empty? Her black hair is messy and pulled up into a sagging bun. Her skin is pale.

She's crying too. "L-Leo," she cries, taking a step forward with a hand out-stretched. "I'm sorry!"

She's so weak now. What the hell happened? WHY did it have to happen?

"Forgive me--?!"

"Fuck OFF!" Leo sobs, stumbling back. "You're not Reyna! NO! GET AWAY! YOU WANT ME TO DIE?! YOU AREN'T R-REYNA!"

Her own arms are scratched like an animal attacked her. "Leo," she whispers in sobs, her shoulders shaking.

"I don't know what the fuck you are... " Leo manages, his face wincing, "but you're not Reyna. No. You're not the girl I love. You c-can't be... Please don't say you are--"

"I'm sorry," she cries out, alarming him. She stiffens and glares at him, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRYYYY!"

Leo jumps back, his heart racing. He needs to run away right now--

Reyna's eyes roll back so all he sees is white. Her teeth grow long and sharp, so suddenly that it causes her gums to bleed. She screeches an inhuman sound and sprints to him.

Leo screams in complete horror. Before he can run, she pounces on him and strangles him on the ground, her loud screeching louder than his shouting.

Immediately, Percy and Annabeth sprint into the clearance of the forest and use their immense strength to pry the demon off of Leo.

"REYNA! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Annabeth shrills, but Reyna smacks her face, leaving two deep cuts on Annabeth's cheeks.

Frank and Jason run up and pull Leo straight from Reyna's supernatural grasp. Percy struggles along with Annabeth as Reyna tries desperately to control the demon inside of her.

"HIT HER IN THE FACE!" Jason yells, his shirt covered in scratches. "PUNCH HER! Do whatever you can to control the demon!"

Annabeth is really the only one allowed to hit Reyna, her being the only girl there. So Annabeth slaps the other girl several times, her own grey eyes watering. It's torture for all of them but they have to control Reyna.

Then the color comes back to Reyna's face, and they all thank the gods a thousand times in their heads.

They'd been dealing with this for the last couple of weeks. So far it had happened... everyday.

"IT ISN'T MY FAULT, LEO!" Reyna screams, hunched over on the ground. The others are breathing heavily, tired out of their wits.


Reyna keeps apologizing to Leo, but he can't look at her this way.

Leo blinks back tears and bites back a sob. Everything is ruined. Even though they'd won the Giant War... shit is still bad.

This was a mess. It was breaking his heart. He loves Reyna. He really does. But this spirit inside her... whatever it is... it's destroying them. Tearing them apart.
So... how was it??? <:D
last edited on Jun 29, 2013 at 12:27AM

The Heroes of Olympus 171 replies

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over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said… i can't change the title of the forum? crap....
rainbow_girl commented…
pretty sure u can. theres a edit button at the bottom of the forum post, i think. cuz i remembered changing it before. over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
ohhh.... i kinda thought that only let you edit the description. thanks! xD over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
cant wait for u to post the next chppie
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thanx so much :DD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
no prob.
over a year ago corrected said…
I no like sch carry shtuff
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
it's okay, @corrected. its not for everybody
wait.....didn't you used to read the original Reyna's Caricature? does that mean u think this new one's scarier?
rainbow_girl commented…
what does caricature mean? over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
it's like a portrait of someone but their face is distorted and weird looking. like if you made a caricature of Angelina Jolie, you'd make her lips like, gigantic over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
oh. i see. thnx over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…

I can't find any GOOD Leyna drawings anywhere......not even deviantART.

Which means.......

Oh-ho......I'm gonna be busy with my pencil....>:D

aww but i do like this one XD
(credit: chloisssx3 on deviantART)

I can't find any GOOD Leyna drawings anywhere......not even deviantART.

rainbow_girl commented…
awwww. thats sweet. i like reynas expression in the end. over a year ago
kkw1700 commented…
that is so adorable over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i would try and draw, but im not good w/ ppl and i dont have much time.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
aw. unfortunately for me i have no life so i have a LOT of time to draw xD but i'm pretty lazy too so....yeah lol
i'm itching to write the next chapter for this thing!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
O__O lmao okay i'll write it!!! but still pretty tired.... >_< stayed up till 5 in the morning watching Ellen Degeneres videos on youtube Dx

i'll start it now :D
Phoenix_Stone commented…
OMG I do that too. xD over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
LOL! over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Reyna's POV~

She doesn't know what it is, but... it's definitely a kind of spirit. Is it a demon that possesses her? A normal ghost? Why would it dare to trouble the queen of New Rome?

Percy stands over her as she weeps uncontrollably into Annabeth's arms. The blond girl is whispering assuring things to her, stroking her hair like a mother.

Frank and Jason stare wide-eyed at Reyna, Leo limp in their grasps.

"What the fuck," Frank mutters, glancing at Leo. "She's getting worse everyday."

Jason's lightning eyes shift to Percy. "Hey, Perce?... You think we should... ?"

Annabeth looks up at her boyfriend, her arms subconsciously cradling Reyna like she was a crying baby.

"Percy, we have to get your cousin into this. Right now," she snaps. "You have to go find him today!"

"But I can't!" he protests. "Nico shadow-travels all the fucking time! How can I fucking find him if he can walk around here like a ghost--?!"


"Look, Wise Girl--!"

Reyna suddenly shoves Annabeth off of her and grabs her neck, her nails digging into her skin until she bleeds. "HELP ME!" she strains in a pained voice, her eyes glaring into space. "HEEEEELP!"

No, NO! She feels it, she doesn't know what it is, but it's crawling up her throat. She fucking feels another person making their way up her throat, but when she strangles herself harder... her neck still feels thin.

She starts to gag. Annabeth moves fast and head-locks her. Leo snaps back into reality and holds back tears when he sees Reyna. He is so worried. She just wants to hold him and assure him she's fine. But he's too afraid of her now.

Annabeth and Percy pull Reyna up with as much strength as possible. But the spirit inside her starts to control her mind, her skin paling again.

Annabeth smacks Reyna once more. "SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT!!!!" Annabeth cries.

The spirit inside Reyna twists her limbs in contorting ways. Her arms go around her neck from the back, her legs tangle together. It's scary. Jason and Frank stumble back, but Leo stands his ground, horrified.

Reyna could only control her own neck! She looks up at them and screams in agony, "Help me!"

Suddenly, her feet kicks forward. Percy grabs his shin and yells out, "HOLY SHIT THAT HURT!"

"Reyna, it's going to be all right! We're going to Nico, okay?" Annabeth shouts over the girl's cries, pulling Reyna by her arms. Frank and Jason carry her possessed legs. Percy is too busy complaining about his ankle.

"LEO!" Reyna screams.

The curly-haired boy trembles when she looks at him.

No... Not you too. The one she loves...

"Leo I'm not going anywhere without you!! Let me go!! I want to be with my boyfriend!"

"No!" Annabeth snapped. She breathed out and said calmly, “No."
I want to add more, but idk. People don't usually like long chapters >_<
So how was it? :D
last edited over a year ago
kkw1700 commented…
sometjing about Fr over a year ago
kkw1700 commented…
-ank swearinng cracks me up for some reason idk :D over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
lol :D over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
THAT WAS SO FREAKIN AMAZING!!!! theyre gonna find nico! *squeals w/ delight*
i luv long chapters, just saying. and i cant help but write like 5 pg chapters.
cant wait for more...
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
>//////< thank you~! i'll post again tomorrow probably :D
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Okay, I read the two chapters... and they were AWSHUM! :D

*Excited for next chapter*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thanx ^O^
rainbow_girl commented…
lol. ya welcome. ^_^ over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
D: sorry lol i almost forgot! im starting it right now!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Leo's POV~

Leo, Percy, and Annabeth hadn't been bombarded with monsters... yet. The curly-haired boy sighs in relief when their destination came to view.

"Anybody hungry?" Percy jokes plainly, landing Blackjack behind the yellow-and-red restaurant, Leo and Annabeth behind him.

Leo breathes deeply. "How the hell could he be here?"

"I learned the hard way," Annabeth grumbles, "that 20% of the time, Percy's guesses are right... Let's hope this time isn't the other 80%."

"Come on, guys," Percy waves at them, and they enter the restaurant. The smell of McDonald's food wafts in the air.

Leo looks around. He hadn't been in a McDonald's in a long time. The place is crowded. The cashiers have big busts, even the guys. Kids are running around with french fries in their little hands.

"He's not fucking here, Percy," Annabeth nudges her boyfriend. "We're wasting our time. We're wasting Reyna and Leo's time!--"

"HEY!" Percy suddenly shouts, staring holes into the back of some kid's head.

Annabeth and Leo look at each other wide-eyed, both surprised.

"He's actually here." Leo blinks. Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"Is this how he plans to get meat on his bones? Bad idea."

The other kid freezes at Percy's voice, a McFlurry in one pale hand and a Happy Meal in the other. Leo can see his skinny shoulders tense under his black skull T-shirt.

Percy confidently walks up to the boy with Annabeth and Leo at his flank. The other kid slowly turns around, like Percy had just caught him doing something he isn't supposed to.

Those intense black eyes take in the three. Nico blows his messy black hair off his face and sighs. "How... in the fuck... did you guys know I was here?!"

Percy snatches the Happy Meal, Nico yelling like a little kid, "Hey!"

"Nico, we know this is too urgent but we need your help," Annabeth explains in a low voice. "Right now. We have to get back to Camp Jupiter."

"I'm busy, can't you tell?" Nico yanks the Happy Meal from Percy. "How'd you know I was here?"

Percy shrugs. "You used McDonald's food the last time you summoned spirits so I just took a wild guess. But we need you to use your powers for something else. Immediately. We have to get back to the camp!"

"If this is about Reyna--" Nico starts. Then he notices Leo.

Leo's spine tingles. This guy always made him uncomfortable.

"Ooh, you brought her boyfriend too?" Nico's shoulders slump. "I hate my life... "

"Please?" Leo begs. "It'll... it'll be quick. She needs your damn help! You're the ghost king!"

"Look, Curly, that doesn't mean shit," Nico says. "I may be Ghost King but I can't help everyone at the same time. Sorry but I have things to attend to!"

Annabeth rubs her temples. When Percy opens his mouth to argue, she hushes him with a look and gazes at Nico.

"We rode on three immensely annoying pegasi just to see you," she says in a dangerously calm voice.

Nico shrugs, but it's obvious he's caught on edge with Annabeth talking this way. "And? Doesn't mean I'll agree to go back with you guys."

~(Regular POV)~

"WHAT THE HADES!" Frank yelps when Annabeth busts open the door of the Praetors' cohort, a knocked-out Nico in her tan arms.

"We've persuaded the Ghost King!" Annabeth announces with a straight face. She puts the boy down as Percy comes in with her, acting strange.

"Uh... are you sure he'll be okay?" Percy stutters at his cousin. "Let's try to wake... him up."

Annabeth looks around the dark cohort and sees Reyna chained down on a crude, wooden chair. She couldn't tell if the girl is awake or not, because her black hair is like a curtain over her face. Her bleeding hands are tied together behind the chair, her heaving chest only slightly moving underneath the metal chains around her. She looks tortured.

Hazel walks over to Nico and shakes his shoulders. "Hey... Nico? Wake up, big brother... wake up."

Nico comes to his senses and rubs his eyes. "W-where... am I? It's so dark... Dad, is that you?" He reaches to Percy. "No, I guess... not."

"Hey cuz," Percy laughs timidly.

"Your girlfriend knocked me out like a bitch," Nico croaks.

Hazel chuckles. "We need you to help Reyna, okay?"

Nico sees Reyna tied to the wooden chair in the middle of the dim room. "What... whatever." He pushes himself up, hastily avoiding Annabeth and her glare, and walks over to Reyna. "Pffffft... You guys hit me pretty hard... What am I supposed to do then? Is she alive?"

Annabeth sighs. "She's possessed by some kind of demon. And she keeps strangling herself. It's horrible. See if you can communicate with the damn thing."

Nico breathes out. "All right." He cracks his pale knuckles and fishes out a small red flashlight from his pocket, poking Reyna.

Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel tense up as Reyna twitches. Then her head slowly moves up, her dark eyes barely visible under the hair over her face. She glares at Nico.

"I saw this on a movie trailer," Nico tells them. Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"Nico," Frank shook his head. Hazel stood next to him, watching her brother.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to check her throat. You said she keeps on 'strangling' herself, right?" Nico asks.

Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel exchange glances.

Nico brushes the hair off of Reyna's face, her glare hardening. Then he says, "Open wide, praetor!"

She glares daggers again but opens her mouth, her tongue lolling out. Nico flashes light down her throat. The others watch anxiously.

"Huh... a few cavities by the way... nothing too bad though." Nico keeps looking, his eyes narrowing. "I don't know why she would strangle herself. Maybe it's just the spirit inside... "

The others instantly freeze when Reyna stops breathing all of a sudden. Her pupils shrink and her eyes go wide as if in surprise.

"Um, Nico--" Percy starts.

"Yeah? Wait--SHIT!" Nico screams when Reyna's eyes try to roll back, her mouth giving out a high-pitched, ear-shattering screech. Her entire body is shaking like a seizure.

Nico melts into his shadow and appears ten feet away, far from Reyna as she screams uncontrollably, trying to grab her neck like something is pushing up her throat.

Percy and Frank spring into action and hold the wooden chair down, keeping the chains from breaking. But Reyna keeps screaming.

"Keep her under control, man!" Nico yells. He uses his necromancy powers and tries to maintain the feisty spirit inside her body, but it's taking a lot of effort.

"AGGGHHHHH!" Reyna cries hoarsely. Nico steps back in confusion and anger. Hazel is nearly crying in distraught. Frank and Percy call for Annabeth's help, and she tries to speak to Reyna, holding the girl's head.

Reyna starts screaming words, but it's so loud and fast, nobody can tell what she's saying. Her eyes are utterly terrified, her veins visible in her skin.

"Someone get Leo in here!" Percy shouts.

Hazel's golden eyes widen. "Are you SERIOUS? Is that a good idea?!"

"Just get him!" Frank says, holding Reyna's arm and leg down.

Hazel sprints out and comes back with Leo, who is breathing heavily and biting his lip nervously.

"TALK TO HER!" Nico says. "She might listen!"

Leo stands, scared, in front of Reyna, Annabeth still holding her shaking head. Leo glances at everyone before saying loudly, "Reyna! R-Reyna, LISTEN! Reyna! I know you freaking hear me! Baby, please control it! R--"

Reyna's eyes turn back to normal size and start to water, but she's still screaming. Nico puts a finger to his lips and Frank, Annabeth, Hazel, and Percy stop talking.

Leo's face sweats. "R-R-Reyna? Can you hear me? It's gonna be okay... I know it will be... Reyna?"

Her screams die down as she stares into his brown eyes. A very weak, yet audible, sound comes from her cracked lips: "Leo."

His face is unreadable. He doesn't move. Nobody moves. They feel as though one movement will drive her insane again.
:O so what'd you think of it? comment please! ^O^
last edited over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
i re-read it and it feels really rushed....:/ i spent like a freaking HOUR on this! D:< over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
that was like the best chappie ever!!
cant wait for the next one!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
rainbow_girl commented…
no need to thank. i should probably be thanking u for writing this story. ive been sooo bored lately, and it has been fun reading ur story. over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
:D i'm glad i've kept you entertained C: lol over a year ago
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
That was awshum! ^(^O^)^

-cries for reyna-
rainbow_girl commented…
ikr! over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
you dont mind all the....cussing? cuz u said that was ur pet-peeve and well i re-read this and it has quite a few swearing...o_o more than i remember putting >/////< over a year ago
Phoenix_Stone commented…
I don't mind it in literature, but if someone kept cussing near me in real life, I would smack them granny-style. *Hazel mode* over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
lol okay~! C: over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
TuT im so happy u guys like my story!!!! U GETTING A NEW CHAPPIE. by the end of the day cuz i'm super bored XD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
cant wait... *nearly drooling*
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Leo's POV~

"I know... what's inside her."

Hazel, Leo, Percy, and Nico crowd together away from Reyna as she throws another demonic fit. Annabeth and Frank try to control her, but she's nearly tearing the chains and ropes around her with all her thrashing.

Hazel tries to read his dark eyes. "... What did you see?" she demands. "I'm sick and tired of Reyna going through such pain... please please tell me you know how to fix her, Nico."

"She gets worse everyday," Percy tells his cousin. "She's freaking crazy. She's obviously possessed by a ... a demon. Something worse than, like, a ghost."

Nico shakes his head. "Not a demon. If she'd been possessed by a demon, we'd all be dead by now. None of you probably know how to deal with a chaotic being such as one, and if that's what's controlling Reyna... every single one of you would be--" He moves a hand swiftly across his neck, like he's slitting his throat.

Leo gulps.

"No, it's just a spirit. Still evil, but not as chaotic," Nico says.

Reyna screams again, throwing her head back in a scary angle. Her hands pull so hard on the bonds that the ropes dig into her skin, almost peeling her skin back.

Suddenly, Leo sees something he can't understand. Reyna cries and screeches, then he sees her tongue... no, not her tongue. It's a hand. Leo sees fucking fingers feeling the insides of her cheeks and digging its nails into her bottom lip.

Everyone, even Nico freaks out. Frank and Annabeth jump back, their eyes as wide as dinner plates, but then they both focus on her chains and ropes.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT!" Leo screams, his eyes glued to the thing that's making Reyna gag badly. Saliva and blood is spurting from the poor girl's lips, tears never stop falling down her agonized face.

Reyna eventually swallows whatever that horrid thing is back in, taking deep breaths, her body shaking hysterically.

"Shhhhhhh... " Annabeth croaks, brushing Reyna's messy hair off her face. "Calm down... Take deep breaths... You're going to be okay. Nobody blames you for this... It's okay. It's okay... "

Frank ties more rope around her bleeding hands, but he uses less harsh rope, wiping the blood off with a white rag.

Leo covers his face. He can't take this anymore.

"Come with me," Nico says grimly, approaching the door out of the praetor's cohort. "We need to discuss this. Immediately. This is worse than I thought."

"W-We can't leave just Annabeth and Frank--" Leo tries to argue.

"They'll be just fine," Nico tells them.

"Fine?!" Hazel cries. "Did you just not see what just happened?!"

Nico lifts a hand in the air, and the ground shakes. The wood flooring of the cohort suddenly makes slamming noises from underneath.

Frank's eyes widen. "Whoa, what's with the flo--"

Reyna's arm breaks free and smacks him hard in the face.

Gnarly, dirty skeletons break the flooring instantly, and when everyone starts to panic, Nico yells, "Calm DOWN! They're going to help with controlling her! No worries!"

It was a bit too late for one skeleton when Leo punched it square in the jaw when it got too close. But soon the other skeletons crowd around Reyna, Annabeth, and Frank, and their bone hands hold her down, firmly.

Reyna thrashes even more.

"They'll be fine, I promise." Nico walks out with Leo, Percy, and Hazel, and they follow him swiftly to the Fifth Cohort.

Leo takes one last look at his girlfriend, or the long black hair he can see amidst all the bones. He holds tears back. What if she never gets better? What if she dies possessed?!

If Reyna ever died before he did... he'd kill himself to be with her. Everytime he looks at her, her eyes are all he can see. They pale everyday. They used to be a luxurious, dark-brown color, but now... her eyes are distilled, glossy, gray.

He's going to save her if it's the last thing he does. He doesn't care about any other thing.

Nico enters the cohort he stayed in and goes over to his bunk. He pulls out a black book underneath his pillow.

"What's that?" Percy says in a hushed tone. They didn't want to break the silence of the cohort, seeing it's rare to have silence with Reyna being this way.

"A book I've been hiding, writing every single thing I need to know to be a suitable Ghost King. Had it for about five years now." He flips through the yellowed, wrinkly pages to a spot marked with a black ribbon.

"You wrote all that?" Hazel asks, peeking into the page.

"Well, the majority of it. Now, says here that during Ancient Greece," Nico begins to read, "when a person dies and his or her body does not get a proper burial, the Ancient Greeks believed that person's soul will not be able to cross the River Styx into the Underworld, ever. The soul... is doomed to wander the River Styx instead."

"What do you mean?" Percy asks. "Like, in the River Styx or by it?"

"They just can't pass through it," Nico explains. "The soul is damned for eternity."

"Happy thought," Leo grumbles.

"So my theory is, the soul possessing Reyna didn't get a proper burial. It must be a really feisty soul too, since it shouldn't be here. It should've gone to the River Styx by now."

"Are you sure it's not a demon?" Percy asks, raising his eyebrows. "That shit back there... that's not just an evil spirit. You all saw fingers coming out of her mouth, didn't you? I KNOW I'm not hallucinating!"

"Look, after that, I honestly don't know what to think," Nico shrugs. "We have to investigate this as thorough as we can. But it's gonna be hard. Percy, you still have the gods to worry about."

Percy slumps. "Their offer of immortality doesn't matter right now. They gave me until the summer solstice to make my decision, which is about a whole week from now."

Nico shrugs again. "You know damn well how impatient--and harsh--the gods get when they don't get what they want when they want. Now you have two things to worry about, both you and Annabeth actually: the gods' second offer of immortality to you, and Reyna."

"Reyna's problem is the most important to all of us right now." Percy looks at Leo.

Leo breathes deeply. "You know a way to fix any of this?" he asks Nico.

Nico's black eyes move slowly to stare into Leo's brown ones. He's giving him a chilling stare, but Leo can't think about that. He needs this opportunity to cure Reyna of whatever she's troubling with.

When Nico is about to answer, all sources of light snap off to darkness.

BOOM. A sound, like a sonic boom, pierces everyone's ears and shakes their teeth. The four can hear screams all the way from New Rome, so the black-out must've been all of Camp Jupiter.

"Holy crap," Percy cries. "What... what the hell happened?!! There weren't any lights out but the sun!"

Leo feels around until he got to the window. A panic is rising inside him. The sun... it disappeared from the sky... how the Hades does that happen?!

He feels something drip down the side of his face. His hand shakes as he lifts it to wipe the liquid. He smells it.

It's blood. The "sonic boom" literally shattered his ear drums.

"The fuck is happening here," he whispers.

All chaos breaks loose outside. New Rome residents and demigods run in the darkness, grabbing their loved ones, trying to gather everyone for safety. Jason, the only praetor in duty since Reyna obviously can't, tries to lead everyone in one piece to the center of New Rome, with Piper using charmspeak to assure everyone it'll be okay.

"Oh my gods... " Hazel whimpers. "Oh my gods... Nico! What's going on?!"

Percy pulls out Riptide and uses the glowing blade like a flashlight. "Come on! We have to go!"

Nico puts his black book back under his pillow and the four run out of the cohort and towards the other demigods.

"We'll discuss this again later!" he tells them as he leads with Percy.


When they get to the middle of New Rome, a few hundred citizens and demigods scream a million questions at Jason, who'd gotten multiple people to lighten up a few torches throughout the city.

"CITIZENS! DEMIGODS!" Jason snaps, the crowd quieting down, but people are still angry and confused. "IT'S SAFE TO SAY WE HAVE NO CLUE AS TO WHAT HAPPENED--"

"The sun fucking disappeared!" Leo can hear Dakota shout from inside the crowd.

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Jason argues.

"Look, everyone," Piper steps in. "We're not sure what happened with our electricity, but the sun is definitely still there. We can't contact the gods either."

There are a couple babies crying in the crowd. Children are fidgeting.

"What're we gonna do now?!"

"We can't work like this!"

Jason and Piper exchange glances. They never had to deal with such a strange situation.

Leo tries not to remember Reyna. Not now. There's just... sooo many things happening.

The people in the crowd closer to where Jason and Piper stood start a riot. People are arguing with each other, punching and kicking. Piper tries to stop the fights breaking out, but no one can hear her.

This is a disaster, Leo thinks. This can't be happening. Not when Reyna's already his top problem.


"Shut it, Grace!" Octavian is heard shouting. "Admit it! You have no idea what to do now, do you?!"

"Octavian, you better shut your mouth before I kick your ass!" Piper suddenly turns on the skinny blond kid. Soon they're arguing too.

"Oh my gods... " Nico looks around at all the chaos. "Camp Jupiter has lost it... Someone go check on Reyna--"

Then, before anyone can say another word, a loud, very high-pitched scream cuts through the air from the praetor cohort. Leo stumbles back, his already-bleeding ears shattering some more.

It was Reyna's scream. But... louder, sharper. It hurt everyone's ears and they all stop fighting.

It's then followed with another BOOM!... and Leo's ears feel like they're getting ripped off the sides of his head.

Then, he loses conscious from the immense pain in his ears... and collapses. Blackness surrounds him.
So? How was it? That was my attempt at a cliffhanger XD hope you like it C: please comment ^-^
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
whats happening!!!!!!! ahhhhh!! plz plz plz plz post sooooooon!!
i need to no whats happening next...
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
hehe you'll see soon :DD and im planning to post every day, dont worry ^-^
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ok! so happy!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile

That was amazingly awshum! (>^O^<)

Please post soon! :D
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
thank you! ^u^
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Leo's POV~

Leo's eyes snap open at the throbbing numbness of his ears. All he sees is white. His entire head was bandaged, except for his face.

He's in an infirmary.

There's yelling and screaming outside, but something tells him not to worry about it. He winces as he sits up, gripping the sides of his head.

"H-...Hello?" he calls out. What happened again?

He remembers Reyna screaming... a loud "boom"... his ears hurting badly....

He looks out of the nearest window. It's pitch black. Everyone outside has a grim look on their faces. Torches light the city weakly.

Percy and Annabeth are outside, arguing. Annabeth is glaring and screaming at him, while Percy stares hard off into space, refusing to look at her.

Leo feels like he'd been knocked out for a week! He fumbles out of bed and runs out, tearing off the bandages on his head and holding back a cry of pain. He glances at a mirror quickly... He still has his pointy ears, but they have dried blood all over them.

Right when he emerges from the infirmary, he sees Nico standing near the Praetor Cohort, as if he's guarding it.

"What's going on?" Leo demands. "How's Reyna?! I gotta see her--"

"Leo, that's not a safe choice," the other boy says firmly. "She's more unstable now since that mysterious 'sonic boom,' whatever the hell that was. It's safe for everyone, including you, to avoid her."

"Dude, I don't care! I need to see her!" Leo yells.

Nico has a tight grip on his Stygian iron sword. "NO. Get your ears checked instead or something. You're not going in there."

Leo can hear Piper and Jason inside, dealing with a screaming, crying Reyna.

His brown eyes are getting foggy, but he doesn't cry. "Please! Please, just let me in! I have to see my girlfriend!"

When Nico doesn't answer, he goes on, "Please! I beg of you! You've gotta let me through! She needs me and I need her! C'mon!"

There's a large crack noise from inside. Jason shouts something angrily, and he emerges from the door.

He stops dead in his tracks when he finds Leo.

"How is she." Leo doesn't ask it like a question.

Piper comes out of the doors too. Leo tries to peek inside but it's pitch dark in the cohort. But before Piper slams the doors shut, Leo catches a twitching, red-smeared hand in the darkness, a rope around its wrist.

"She's not doing so well," Piper says, locking the door with a celestial bronze padlock. Her and Jason exchange a look.

"There's something more to her possession than you might think, Nico," Jason tells him.

Nico raises his eyebrows. Leo bites his lip hard.

"Oh?" Nico says simply.

Jason breathes deeply. "From now on, no one is allowed to touch or go near Reyna. It's freaking dangerous. She developed some sort of control over anyone's spiritual sense. I don't know what happened. Piper just started acting weird. She backed away, and... "

Piper almost starts to cry. "I-I'm sorry, Jason. I didn't mean to. I can't explain it either too, okay?!"

"Okay, just give me a simple explanation on what you think happened," Nico cuts in.

Jason shrugs in utter defeat. "Reyna was going insane, Piper and I tried to calm her down. We tried to talk to the spirit like you told us to, but then something grabbed Piper by the neck. It was strong. Gods, I thought it was gonna strangle Piper to death. I couldn't even do a single thing--"

"What grabbed her?" Nico asks.

Piper smooths her hair off of her face in distress. "Her hands were tied back the whole time but I swear, another hand just gripped my neck and starting choking me. Her face was right in front of mine so I have no idea where the hand was coming from--"

She stops when Leo blinks at her. Nico understood too. The two boys look at each other.

The hand that came out of Reyna's mouth earlier. The hand grabbed Piper.

"It wasn't me," Jason puts in quickly. "And I was trying to stop whatever was hurting Piper but the torches just blew out and I couldn't see a damn thing."

Reyna's POV~

I can feel pain that I'd never felt before. It's like another head trying to squeeze up my throat, fists punching on my ribs and heart. The chains around my chest are digging into my skin. I'm surprised the wooden chair hadn't collapsed from all my thrashing.

My mind is spinning. There's a buzzing in my ears. I've been screeching for hours... or is it days? Weeks? Years? I don't know! I'VE LOST IT!

I give out another scream. I'm in so much pain. Tears don't stop streaming down my face. My hair is a mess.

Why do these horrible things have to happen.....? I wonder..... How do my people think of me now? Of their leader? Surely they hate me....

I care so much for this city. But most of all I care for Leo. He acts like a burden without me. I cannot see him this way any longer... We need each other badly. I never thought I'd say this, but... I love that boy. His face holds a look no other boy had ever given me... a look of care, honesty... a look of love. I don't even care how cheesy it is. I love Leo. I have to stay strong for h--

Bitch! Better stop thinking those thoughts! I'll rip your face in two and tear your tongue out of your sinful mouth! I'LL KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU! JUST WAIT FOR IT, MOTHERFUCKERS!

I can't help but to sob harder. The voice is screaming at me again... I try to make it stop. But it's no use...!

I'm going completely insane.


I must see him... But he probably doesn't want any part of me now, does he? He must hate that I left him and let myself become controlled by this evil monster...

It isn't till the doors close that I realize someone is here with me. In desperate luck, I cry out, "LEEOOO! LEO HELP ME! L--"

My cries are cut when the being inside my body tears at my uvula at the back of my throat. I squeeze my eyes shut at the agony... my own blood streams like red rivers down my chin and form ghastly puddles on my torn, purple dress and the floor.

"Reyna..." a disgusted voice growls in front of me.

Shit. It can't be. NO!

I force the evil being in my body to shrink down my throat. I don't move at all but my flaming eyes shift up and glare... glare at the last person I'd want to see right now.

Octavian has a knife in his hand, his ugly blue eyes ablaze.
Yeah... Tell me what u thought of this one :O I feel like it isn't the best... but i tried. Next one... I hope it'll be better! ^O^
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
*gasp* *utter silence* OH. MY. GODS.
cant wait for next chapter!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…

Awesome post! :D

Please post soon! ^-^
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
you guys.....thanks SO much for liking this, honestly i've been really down lately but you guys liking this story just makes me a little happier. ehh, i know its kinda sad but i dont care. but im very, very sorry i can't post today....really sorry!!! i just feel like shit! i promise you i'll have a chapter tomorrow, k?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
its fine. not a lot of ppl can post as often as u can.
take ur time. ill be looking forward to tomorrow!!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Leo's POV~

He couldn't see a damn thing... It's quiet, so quiet it's scaring him. He clenches his fist... What the Hades? His hands... they're wet...

He grimaces in the dark and smells his fingers hesitantly... It's oil...

He breathes out deeply and gets up, his feet splashing in a puddle. A colored light washes over him, and he looks up to see a stained glass window depicting Zeus... No, Jupiter. There's Latin carved all over the stone walls as the light brightens up the room. He's in Jupiter's temple, but there aren't any stained glass windows in Camp Jupiter... That's a church thing, right? Whatever.

The whole place is empty. He looks to the center of the temple... and cries out.

At first, he can make out another person sitting crouched on the puddles a few feet away. The multi-colored light from the windows move to the person, and Leo sees it's a dark-haired girl with her back to him...

Reyna. She's got her knees up to her chin, holding her legs close to her tightly. He can't see her face under her messy hair.

"R-Reyna?" he trembles, staring at her.

When she doesn't do anything, he calls out louder in alarm, "Reyna! REYNA!"

Finally, she lifts her head slightly so he sees her eyes. They're bloodshot and pale. Her skin is no longer tan, it's deathly white. She looks anorexic, unhealthy.

She croaks in a quiet voice, "... What are you doing back here...?"

He outstretches a hand. "Reyna... Are you okay? What's going on? Please tell me you're okay... Please..."

She twitches, her eyes wide and glaring at his hand. She scuffles away in a pathetic crawl: "No!"

Leo nearly screams when her knees move away from her face and chest.

Reyna's body is brutally cut open in many places. But her neck and chest have it worse. Leo could feel himself get nauseous as he sees the huge, bloody tears on her body. He can see her bones, ribs, livers. Her heart is lying off to the side, still bleeding out. How the hell is she still moving if she looks like this?!

Reyna's face... oh, her face... Her jaw is dislocated, her mouth flooded with her blood. Incisions were made in the corners of her mouth so it looked like she was permanently smiling, like a Chelsea Smile.

But she looks like the Joker.

Reyna stares at Leo like a wild animal with light flashed in its eyes. The girl is drenched in red, her wet dark hair slicking to her deathly white face. Her large eyes are so pale, Leo could only see her black pupils.

Leo tries to form words, but no sound comes out. He's horrified, wondering... what the hell is this shit... Leo covers his mouth. This has to be a dream, he pleads. No... Reyna, no...

Reyna's jaw is hanging open. Leo's eyes get foggy, and he wills himself to look into her mouth--

He turns away quickly, choking back a sob of utter fear. He saw fingers reaching out to him in her throat, and a smiling face.

Leo digs his nails into his face, getting oil on his skin. WAKE UP! FREAKING WAKE UP!

Reyna's making jerky movements, breathing heavily like she'd just run a marathon.

"Reyna," Leo sobs. "Why did you leave m-me? This wouldn't have happened... If we just stuck together, protect each other...REYNA NO!"

Reyna screeches and stabs Leo in the head multiple times with a knife she'd torn from her stomach, her screams drowning out Leo's cries of agony.

There's a searing pain in his head. He can't feel a thing.

"REYNA NO PLEASE!" he shouts, closing his eyes. He can tell when the blade cut through his brain. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

He can't speak. He's confused, there's chaos between the two. It's evil, demonic.

It's over. Reyna's going to kill him. Leo feels like he's been crying for a million years. Everything hurts, it's pain like you'll never know.

Leo eventually accepts his fate.

'I'm going to die... I'm going to die, oh gods...'

Reyna continues to stab him. She's screaming and weeping... she's turned into such a hideous, bloody mess. She's flinging her insides as she stabs him, shrieking until her throat seems hoarse.

He stops screaming--it's no use. The pain is numb now. He's not even conscious anymore...

There's that buzzing again. He feels nothing, but hears a ringing in his ears.

He's fucking done for.


Leo wakes up with a start. His head is spinning, his heart racing in his chest. He's in his cohort bunk, all alone. It's still dark outside...

He can't do this anymore. That crazy dream... it drew the line...

He gets out of bed and barges outside, ready to bust into the Praetor Cohort. He might be insane after that dream, but he doesn't care--


Piper's holding back a huge crowd of Roman demigods crowded in front of the Praetor Cohort. Everyone's trying to see inside.

Then Leo notices. The doors are wide open, the smell of blood again in the air. There's a big fuss.

"What's happening?"

"I heard Octavian screaming--!"

"... Reyna okay?!"

Leo pushes past the crowd and shoves Piper out of the way without knowing.

"LEO! NO!" Piper growls.

Leo's heart stops.

Reyna's large, wild eyes lock into his. She half-escaped the wooden chair's chains and ropes. There's that metallic smell once more.

Jason and Frank are holding her down, and she'd been thrashing until Leo came. On the other side of the cohort, far away from Reyna, is a terrified Octavian, his shaking, skinned hand holding a bloody knife. He looks like he'd been raped and forced to watch a Twilight movie, his eyes horrified.

"Leo, get the hell out NOW!" Percy orders. Him and Nico are standing in front of Octavian, both boys' swords at his throat.

Leo ignores him and runs to Reyna.

He's fucking crazy, he knows it.

He hears everyone yelling at him to back away, but in his state of anger and worry, he manages to push everyone off and grabs Reyna's bloody face....

She's murderous, but he steals a chance to hold her. If he were to die, it's fine if it was by her hand.

He's seriously lost it.

He tries not to scream when her slippery hands grasp his arms tightly. His face heating up, he burns the ropes off and smashes the chains.

Adrenaline drives him to free her, screaming things he doesn't remember. Adrenaline, and--dare he says it--love.

Reyna drips blood from her mouth to his shirt. He doesn't care.

But what he doesn't see... is the wicked smirk ripped out on Reyna's bleeding face as he hugs her, his tears drenching her shoulder.
Okay, I lied... I couldn't leave this story for a day ;u; I feel a bit better now, but still pretty shitty. Although that doesn't matter. How was this chapter?

now im still trying to change the original into this version.... it's hard though. I didn't even finish the original. Everyone abandoned it, hahah.

also...does Leo's change of mind about coming close to Reyna seem too sudden? i feel like this whole story is rushed.... but idk. please tell me if it's too rushed on some parts. AND BE HONEST PLZ!

(: Your thoughts~
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
plzzz i need to no what happens next! plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
i'm still not sure how to continue this!!!! so many ideas but idk how to fit them in....
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
big smile
Dude like omg I forgot about this forum too but I'm so glad it's back! Thank you for reviving it! Of course, I've only read the blurb at the top with the summary and stuff and it is creepy, but in a food way xD I can't handle scary movies, but I'm eager to read this so I'll go do that now. Btw, is that you in your profile picture?
8xchristellax8 commented…
AW THANX :D and yes, that's me....but i dont have blue eyes XD over a year ago
kkw1700 commented…
so? youre still über pretty! im not jusy saying saying that i mean it over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
C': why thank you!! ^O^ over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
No, it's not too sudden. It tells Mr that he really cares no matter what. I'm very interested in seeing how this turns out. And its ok, I just won't sleep tonight, because that hand thing was so effing creepy. But the Twilight part and Octavian made me laugh a little, even when I probably should t have :D
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
^hehe thanx xD
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ikr! when will u post?
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
OMG im sorry D: i'm still brainstorming for ideas....i was gonna start a new one today but nothing just seems right!!!! i'll try to put one up tomorrow ^-^ i promise!!!

also, omfg, i gotta share this with you guys, i'm like obsessed with this new anime show called Attack on Titans :DDDDDD i watched the first episode like a few minutes ago....and oh my's AMAZING!!!! but it was in japanese so i had to read the subtitles....which bugs me >:( but still....if you like this bloody fanfic of mine....i guarantee you'll like that show a whole lot more *O*

see, this is the kind of anime that people overlook -__-" it's not all flowers and happy faces and high-pitch-voiced girls....this show is violent, bloody, and BADASS AS SHIT!!!

off to brainstorm some more now~
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yayay!!! its ok. i dont wanna rush u. take ur time
omg! do u no soul eater? its a good anime.
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
OMFGOMFGOMFG YES. i ship Crona and Maka so fucking hard :3 (i know its weird but i love them. dont hurt me Dx)
last edited over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
lol. i watched that like 3 yrs ago, so i dont remember much. isnt maka the girl? whos crona again? over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
Crona's the adorable pink-haired kid ^3^ over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
btw, do u no avatar, the last airbender?
8xchristellax8 commented…
Who doesnt?!! :D over a year ago
rainbow_girl commented…
lol. i ship zutara! over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
lmao i dunno xD i just do i guess :3 over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
big smile
Idk I was thinking a "true love's kiss" ending but that would be kinda cheesy for this type of story but you can add your own twist maybe with the hand thing idk hahha it's your story and it was just a suggestion....II'm looking forward to the next post!!
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
^thanx lol :D im working on the post right now~
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…