The Heroes of Olympus Changing The Past

anaklusmus17 posted on Apr 27, 2013 at 07:48PM
Hey guys hows it hangin, good? yea me too. Now some of you may know me from the the past. I used to be one of the authors on here like a year or two ago. But i decided to stop my writing for reason i wish not to share. But i have tried to make some come backs but it did not work out because i was blocked. I couldn't write because i was out of ideas. But i am back now and i have this great idea. Well it's not really my idea, it was one of my friends who couldn't write it anymore and told me to continue it for her, but i never really got around to it. But now i have decided to write it. And instead of continuing it, i will rewrite it. There will be some different things but not a lot of changes. The plot line will still be the same. But things like the pairing and powers given to the characters will be different.

So here is the basic plot, Percy has been done wrong. He has been betrayed by everyone he loves and cares about, and some of the closer ones are dead. But recent events change who he is and he sets out for revenge. He finds a way to go back in time to make sure he never trusts those people again.

That is the basic plot. But like the other story, which the name was Back in Time(Link will be down below so you can check it out), this will be called by the title written above. The pairing will not be Percy and Thalia, or maybe it will. I am still working on that. If it's not perlia then it will be Percy and OC. Anyways, hope you can support this story and enjoy it. Thanks. A chapter will be up soon.

This is the link to Back in Time link
last edited on Apr 28, 2013 at 07:11PM

The Heroes of Olympus 24 replies

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over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
New Story
Changing The Past


After all the fighting and arguing and traveling was over, Percy thought everything was finished. He thought he could get some peace and be able to hang out with his friends and family. After the war with Gaia was over Percy thought his job was finished. He thought he was going to relax and let the next generation take over. But boy was he wrong, a month after the war everything went south. Trouble was coming and Percy was right in the middle of it. If he didn't know better, he would have said people were trying to get rid of him. But he still kept a blind eye and tried to get by. That is until the incident happened that changed his life.

Chapter 1
It has been a week since the war with Gaia finished. Both camps were working their butt of trying to clean up the mess, which didn't take long since the gods decided to get of their butts and help. The clean up didn't take long. Within that week they were able to get everything in order. The gods used their magic to fix the destruction at the camps. The campers were starting to relax and started to fix funerals for the dead that this war caused. There was a lot of good people lost in this war. And some of them were very important to the camps and were part of the prophecy.

One of the was Frank, the gullible shape shifter died trying to protect Hazel, his best friend who he claimed to have a crush on. After that Leo saw his chance and made his move. He became close to Hazel and comforted her, helped her get through Frank’s death.

And that may seem cruel, taking advantage of someone’s death like that, but hey when you’re a demigod you take every chance you get, because you never know. When you live the life of a demigod, tomorrow is never guaranteed, Frank’s death was a perfect example of that.

Another member to die was Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, girlfriend of Percy Jackson himself. Everyone took that the hardest, especially Percy since he was right next to her when it happened and he couldn't stop it. Her death happened after the fight with Arachne, when Percy and Annabeth dove into Hell. There Annabeth got injured, the couple took some wrong turns, and Annabeth was murdered right under Percy’s fingers. The one to do the deed was one of the minor titans whose name was unknown.

After that Percy stormed out of Hell with all his fury clutched inside. And he unleashed all that rage on Gaia and her children. They didn't know what hit them, and they had no chance. Percy’s anger was the turning point of the war. He stormed right in front of Gaia and cut her head off. And with that blow the war was dealt with.

After that everything started to flow on it’s own, like the fates just stopped doing their job. Jason went back to Camp Jupiter, where he regained his full memories and hit it off with Reyna. Leo stayed with him to be close to Hazel. Piper would have stayed but after the situation with Jason she could bear it anymore. She came back with Percy and Nico to camp Half-Blood. The Greeks and Romans mourned their deaths separately. By the time the funerals were taking place, two weeks had passed since the war.

During the time Piper got a chance to formally introduce herself to Percy. They mostly talked about Annabeth and how she was a good friend and girlfriend. Percy liked Piper, she was cool to talk to and wasn't like the other Aphrodite girls, worrying all about their clothes and makeup. They took the liberty of the planning Annabeth’s funeral along with Thalia and Nico.

The family members of the victims were invited to send their child off. But the sad thing was that, most of the body were destroyed or were so damaged that they were beyond recognition. The families cried together and got to know each other.

Percy along with Piper, Thalia and Nico sat with Mr. and Mrs. Chase. They explained what happened and how it was hard but it was going to be okay. After all of that was over, the gods invited the heroes of the war to Olympus. They congratulated them on their victory and granted them gifts. Everyone either got time with their godly parent or some material possession.

When it was time to grant gifts to the children of the prophecy, along with Nico, Thalia, and Reyna, the throne room fell silent. Everyone watched as the 7 kids bowed to the Olympians. Seven because Percy decided to just stand there looking at the gods like he was disgusted by them.

“Is there something wrong Perseus?” Zeus inquired curiously.

“No, nothing is wrong uncle. Why do you ask?” Percy replied looking straight into Zeus’ eyes.

“Well I see that you decided not to bow to us. And given the situation I assume you are angry with us.”

“Oh that would be an understatement uncle. But I am trying to get past that. Nothing good comes out of holding grudges” Percy replied as he winked at Nico, who in return smiled along with his father Hades.

“Very well then, shall we move on to the gifts. Reyna, daughter of Bellona and praetor of Camp Jupiter, please step forward” Zeus said and the gift giving began.

Enjoy guys and leave your thoughts. They are really appreciated.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I really like it! I'm looking forward to the next post! I don't know you very well, but I've read dome of your stories and I want to say I'm glad you're back ^-^
over a year ago corrected said…
YESSS! UR BACK. dont even know what this is yet but im reading it!
over a year ago corrected said…
that was great! post soon!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
oooh! that was AMAZING!!!
glad ur back too! i loved ur stories!
cant wait for ur next post!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
I'm touched guys, i didn't know people read my stories even when i wasn't here. Anyways, i'll have the new chapter up soon. Stick around. And thanks it's good to be back
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
I couldn't get the full chapter written so here is a preview of chapter 2 guys. Enjoy

Chapter 2

Reyna left the line up of the eight Demigods and stepped forward into the circle of the Olympians. She kneeled and bowed before the superior beings. “Rise young one. You have served Olympus well by leading the Roman army.

And to show you our appreciation we offer you immortality. We offer you the chance to live and be the praetor of Camp Jupiter forever. Do you accept?” Hera explained on Zeus’ behalf.

Reyna stood there bewildered as she stared at the gods. She, never in her wildest dreams, thought that she would get the chance to be immortal. Before she could answer Zeus added “Of course you will be serving under your mother and will share her powers.”

“Um...I don’t know what to say. I would be honored to accept immortality and serve the gods forever” Reyna replied as she bowed her head.

“Excellent. Shall we begin the procedure” Zeus said standing up and grabbing his bolt.

“Brother, I think we should wait till all the gift giving is over to do this process. It is sacred and we have an audience right now” Poseidon said gently as he remained seated.

Zeus the reason in that and sat back down as he sheathed his bolt. “Of course.”

“My dear, you can go wait with you friends for now” Hera stated. “Of course m’lady” Reyna said and walked back to the lineup. “Next is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto” Zeus called out. Hazel did the same as Reyna, she walked to the middle and bowed to the gods. “We offer you the same opportunity. A chance to be immortal. Do you accept?” Hades said looking down at his daughter. Hazel looked up with sad eyes. She took a deep breath and said “With all due respect m’lords I have my own request.”

the full chapter will be up soon.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
*gasp* whats she gonna request?????
that was awesome! plz post soon!
over a year ago corrected said…
THAT Was great!
too much suspense. post soon!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Here is the full chapter, hope you guys like it.

Chapter 2

Reyna left the line up of the eight Demigods and stepped forward into the circle of the Olympians. She kneeled and bowed before the superior beings. “Rise young one. You have served Olympus well by leading the Roman army.

And to show you our appreciation we offer you immortality. We offer you the chance to live and be the praetor of Camp Jupiter forever. Do you accept?” Hera explained on Zeus’ behalf.

Reyna stood there bewildered as she stared at the gods. She, never in her wildest dreams, thought that she would get the chance to be immortal. Before she could answer Zeus added “Of course you will be serving under your mother and will share her powers.”

“Um...I don’t know what to say. I would be honored to accept immortality and serve the gods forever” Reyna replied as she bowed her head.

“Excellent. Shall we begin the procedure” Zeus said standing up and grabbing his bolt.

“Brother, I think we should wait till all the gift giving is over to do this process. It is sacred and we have an audience right now” Poseidon said gently as he remained seated.

Zeus saw the reason in that and sat back down as he sheathed his bolt. “Of course.”

“My dear, you can go wait with you friends for now” Hera stated. “Of course m’lady” Reyna said and walked back to the lineup.

“Next is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto” Zeus called out. Hazel did the same as Reyna, she walked to the middle and bowed to the gods.

“We offer you the same opportunity. A chance to be immortal. Do you accept?” Hades said looking down at his daughter. Hazel looked up with sad eyes. She took a deep breath and said “With all due respect m’lords I have my own request.”

“Really? Well let’s hear it” Zeus said as he sat up. Before Hazel said anything she turned her head and took a peek at Leo.

The two of them had gotten really close now. And due time she felt that they could be more than friends. But she still wanted her best friend back. Leo shared her view and realized what she was thinking. He turned his head thinking he was fool for thinking that they could be together. Hazel turned back to face the gods and took in another deep breath. By the look on her face Hades knew right away what she was going to wish for. So before she could say anything he interjected.

“My dear you can’t. You can’t wish for that. I can’t defy the law of nature. What’s gone needs to stay gone” Hades reasoned.

At that instant everyone else in the room knew what she was going to wish for. They looked down in sadness knowing that she wouldn’t get what she wanted. But when Leo heard that his heart jumped. He still had a chance to be with her. He hated himself for living off of someone's misfortune but ‘hey beggars can’t be choosers’. Hazel let out a deep sigh as a tear slid down her cheeks.

“I understand m’lord. Then I would be honored to accept the opportunity to be immortal” She stated as she bowed her head. “Good, and you will see, things will get better. Just know that everything happens for a reason. The fates don’t gives us anything we can’t handle” Hades said with a sad smile.

“Yes father, I understand” Hazel said as she put on a fake smile and walked back to the lineup.

“Leo Valdez, please come forth” Hephaestus called out. Leo walked forward and passed Hazel on his way. She stopped and tried to talk to him. But seeing as how he wouldn’t look at her, she decided not to and walked to her spot.

“Well done son, this was your first real fight and you did very well. I am proud of you. Anyways, the same offer goes for you. You will be immortal and share my powers.” Hephaestus said smiling toward his son.

“Thank you and I accept” Leo replied bowing awkwardly before walking back to his spot.
But instead of walking back next to Hazel, he walked back next to Jason. Jason smiled and patted his shoulder.

“Next up is my daughter and lieutenant of the Hunt, Thalia Grace” Zeus called out smiling proudly. Thalia sort of smiled and walked up from her spot next to Percy and Nico. She bowed to Artemis first before bowing to her father.

“How have you been my daughter?” Zeus asked smiling down at Thalia.

“Some father you are” Thalia said as she raised her to look at her father with a glare.

Zeus smiled disappeared and his expression turned sad. “I understand you’re angry with...” before Zeus could finish Thalia cut him off.

“Look don’t go all sentimental on me, it’s too late for that. And for a gift I already have one in mind. Since I already am immortal, my request is that you take away my phobia of heights and you give your powers over the air like Jason.”

Zeus sighed deeply, and looked at his daughter sadly. “Very well” was all he said before he snapped his fingers. Thalia glowed for a second before a gust of wind filled the throne room. She got what she wanted and started to walk away without saying anything else.

“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry for all that's happened” Zeus called out behind her. She stopped walking but didn’t turn around. “Apologize to all my dead friends and my dead mother” she said with a stone cold voice. After that she walked to her spot next to Nico and Percy.

Hope you guys liked it. Leave your thoughts.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
THAT WAS AMAZING!!! thalia... so harsh... tsk tsk.
anyways, post soon!!
over a year ago corrected said…
THAT WAS VERY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago killer24 said…
Keep writing !! Even though its been 5 months
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago corrected said…
U ASS WHOLE JK POST SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
now i have to read this all over again
over a year ago corrected said…
o and look at wats number 2 on the popular content list and youll see what this club has become
corrected commented…
its called thalia blackmails percy and annabeth and its pretty much written porn......... this place sucks over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
(whoa Corrected calm down the post with come soon, I can't wait you're awesome at this)
corrected commented…
ok sry over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
big smile
Hey guys. Here is the long awaited chapter three. I know you hate me right now but i made the chapter super long so enjoy. :D

Chapter 3
Next to get called up was Piper. She got the same offer as everyone else and she accepted with a smile. As she walked back to her spot, Nico got called up. The process was repeated again but instead of sharing the powers of Hades he got his own position.

“Son I have a suggestion” Hades said sitting upright. Nico didn’t say anything, just turned to look at his father cautiously. Hades took the silence as signal to continue.

“Thanatos doesn’t...well he doesn’t want to hold his position anymore. After the situation with him in the war he is tired. He will sleep and asked me to find a replacement for him. And this is the perfect opportunity to find a reasonable replacement. It’s a hard job but I think you can handle it my son. So what do you say?”

Nico didn’t care what he got as a present, he was tired of all this constant fighting for no reason. He wanted to just get this over with so he can leave. This place doesn’t suit his taste anymore. It’s only a shell of it’s former glory. Olympus is filled with overgrown relics. He wanted to speak his mind but he knew when to hold his tongue. These were immortals he was dealing with after all. He cleared his throat and spoke with a emotionless voice.

“I will gladly accept the position” he stated and then proceeded to walk back to his spot next to Percy. The Jason got called up by Zeus, leaving the best for last.

“My son, you have done praiseworthy actions. Made hard decisions, and kept fighting to save and protect whats important to you. And for that you will be gifted generously” Zeus bellowed excitedly. The excitement in his voice shook the throne room. Jason simply smiled and humbly bowed his head.

“Thank you father for your kind words. But i can’t take all the credit. I’ve had a lot of help from my friends.”

“I have decided you shall become an immortal and represent the power of lightning and rain. You will be know as Jason Grace the God of Rain and Lightning” Zeus stated his proposal, not even looking at the other olympians for their permission on his wishes.

“I would be honored to become an immortal and serve Olympus for eternity” Jason replied smiling as he bowed again.

After that he walked back to the line while Poseidon called up Percy. Poseidon’s voice was filled with pride and joy but also sympathy. His son has done great things but he has more than he won. Out of all the demigods present, no one bore a bigger burden than his son Poseidon thought as Percy walked up, bowed and kneeled at his fathers throne.

“Rise Percy, you have done great. You have brought us victory once again. And for that you will be rewarded greatly and I will not have you refuse this time. But considering the fact that most of your friends are already immortal, there is no longer any reason for you to deny our offer” Poseidon spoke gently.

“I will accept whatever gift the council has to offer” Percy replied without a care in his voice.

“Excellent. Now do you any of you object to my son not being worthy of immortality” Poseidon inquired the council before he continued. When no one objected he proceeded. “Percy you shall be made immortal and will represent…” Poseidon stopped when Percy interjected.

“Is it within my domain to suggest my own powers?” Percy asked raising his head to stare at his father.

Before Poseidon answered he glanced at Zeus. When he obtained the nod of approval, he continued. “Go on Percy, what would you like to suggest?”

“I will like to represent Battle, water and I mean any form of water, and weapons” Percy finished off his list and waited for the judgement.

“Those are strange choices my son. Before we give our verdict, would take the time to explain your choice of battle and weapons” Poseidon inquired furrowing his brows as he stared his child.

“Well I want to represent battle because I never want to lose a fight, ever. And weapons because I want to leave my mark on my enemy in many ways, not just a cut from a sword” Percy explained as the most sinister smile crawled on his lips.

Seeing that smile sent chills down everyone’s back. And in that moment everyone in the room questioned Percy’s sanity and wondered what happened to him in the underworld. It is a dangerous realm that turned people crazy. Poseidon started to worry about his son but continue on.

“That’ interesting. I guess we can allow it. Zeus?” Poseidon said not wanting to disappoint his only child.

“Yes that’s acceptable. Now that that’s done we shall continue on to turning these immortal. But first everyone in here that was offered a gift must swear an oath of loyalty to Olympus” Zeus demanded. He played off Percy’s request without concern but he too questioned what happened to the boy in his brother’s realm.

Everyone continued to do as Zeus demanded and swore loyalty to Olympus. But when Percy swore, he stated his in a way that gave him more freedom than the others.

He stated “I swear on the River Styx to serve Olympus, if it shall need my service.” This statement allowed him to do whatever he wants and not be bothered by Styx. He knew whatever the case was, Olympus wouldn’t need him because it just obtained a whole new bunch of strong soldiers. Percy smiled to himself when no one noticed and proceeded with the process of turning them to immortals.

After that was done, the party started. Everyone partied until dawn of the next day. Everyone except Percy, who decided to test his new abilities and teleported himself to his mom’s apartment. His mom knew he was on Olympus with the camp. He told her that he wouldn’t be home until tomorrow. Hearing that saddened her but she decided to rent a movie for tonight to help pass the time.

When Percy flashed in he appeared in the kitchen. He noticed that his parents were watching tv in the living room. Sally must have saw the flash of the light because she paused the movie and walked into the kitchen with Paul trotting behind. When she saw the figure of her son she ran up to him with a strangling hug.

“Mom I survived the war but now you’re going to kill me” Percy squeezed out as he returned his mother's hug. He inhaled in the smell of his mother and realized how much he has missed her.

“I am sorry Percy. It’s just that I really missed you” Sally said wiping her eyes of lose tears.

“I missed you too mom. And you to paul” He replied as he turned to his step-father and stretched his hand out for a shake.

Paul accepted the shake and pulled Percy in for a hug. “Welcome back Percy.”

Percy welcomed the hug and replied “Thanks Paul.”

“Alright Percy I put coffee on, let’s start from the beginning” Sally stated pulling Percy to the couch in the living room.

Percy smiled at his mother’s actions and followed her to the couch. He began from when he went missing and continued on all night, telling everything that happened detail by detail. He finished his narration when the Olympians finished their party.
over a year ago killer24 said…
That was really reall cool!, can't wait for more