The Heroes of Olympus Getting to know Spikegilfer1997

Spikegilfer1997 posted on Apr 28, 2013 at 04:04AM
Le me

I am the British Canadian known as Spikegilfer1997, my real name is Alistair George Andrew Donald. I live in Alberta, which is like Montana but colder (Or so I'm told) which is probably true since we had a six month winter this year. I have two older sister's, much older then I, other has 4 1/2 years on me and the other 6 1/2. I was born February 5th 1997 (Hence the name) and am currently sixteen (If you can't count) and have been on fanpop for almost a year now. I am in possession of extremely long hair for a guy, past my shoulders and just off being black. My eyes are bright blue and commonly seen with a sarcastic glint in them, complimented by a slender 5`10 frame I guess. My personality is that of the oddball who quiet frequently forgets to think and simple says his thoughts aloud. I'm ADHD but the H part of that is finicky at best, mostly just staring into space. I long for the chance for a good along debate and am pretty good at speeches and at times physcological warfare. I've already painted a mental picture of why my science teacher is so passive aggressive Sherlock Holmes style. I do not do normal. I either am extremely hyper or extremely melo, either extremely analytical or mindlessly yammering. I'm prone to conflict because I become very agitated because I like to maintain a strong mental presence. I've been compared to death notes L before and well it kind of fits but only when I have become angered.

My hobbies are day-dreaming and being bored. As for music I can't really say since I've never really had the luxury of possessing a music player so my taste is vague at best. Mostly heavy metal, Lindsey Stirling's dubstep violin, not much else. My favorite food is ginger beef which is actually Canadian and was created in a restaurant not a hour from where I currently sit. Other then that not much comes to mind, other then my hatred for preconceived notions. Also my procrastination.

Bye now

-Alistair George Andrew Donald/Arisutea Akira Takahashi

The Heroes of Olympus 7 replies

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over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
and you know for some reason you always reminded me of Simon Cowell...dunno why...
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago corrected said…
nobody cares
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Oh! Let's play Spot the Moron!

^I win

WhocaresifI'mimmatureI'madaughterofHermesf­org­ods­sak­e- //shot//

You've heard of Lindsey Stirling? She's amazing. I love her video of the elements.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
+50 points to Alexclaw. (This is a thing now.)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Oh yay. My house is going to beat all those Gryffindor assholes~!
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
And no one wants to be a hufflepuff.....