The Heroes of Olympus Modern Day Demigods

BeneeVariety posted on Jul 10, 2013 at 06:16PM
i opened my eyes fast. i ran to my balcony and look over the ocean. i nervously look back at my door, and i jumped just as it opened. i fell for a long long time. i hit the ocean and kept going. i swam deeper and deeper until i reached the other side. i climbed out of the water and looked at a hill, with something i couldn't quite make out. i squinted for a better look, the the beeping noise started. it got louder and louder until i couldn't take it anymore. i woke up and slammed my hand down on my stupid alarm clock. i opened one eye and looked at the time. 5:30. am. i jumped out of bed and grabbed my bathing suit and pulled a big tee shirt over it. i went out of my balcony and climbed down the side of my houses ivy covered all. (its very convent to climb on) i walked down to the waters edge and the ocean pushed itself gently over my toes i took a deep breath and dove in. i swam till i could barley touch and just floated on the water. i watched the sun rise and thought about my dream. i often have dreams, but this one felt important i just wish i could have seen more. the sun was up and i swam back to the shore and climbed back up into my room. 8:00. right on time (for once) i quickly changed back into my pjs and climbed into my bed. my mother oped the door "rise and shine, you have a big day and i will not let you waste it by sleeping!" she said as she waled around my room looking in disgust at my dirty cloths and my drawings all over the floor. "I'm awake" i groaned acting like i just got up. "good, Kurt is here for breakfast and" i cut her off "why. i don't want to have breakfast with him." i said angrily "Darling, we like Kurt, and he likes us. deal with it and come down for pancakes. now." my mother snapped at me (talk about attitude) i got dressed in an oversized tee shirt and shorts and thumped down the stirs and un gracefully as i could. "good morning Xena, nice to see you joined us" Kurt said with his discussing voice coated with way to much sugar and a fake smile " you delightful mother made us pancakes, come sit and eat" i plopped down in my too soft chair and put my elbows on the table. i looked at my pancakes. strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, syrup, being rich isn't that bad, its just, my parent. I live with my mom, who used to be a totally different person. she lived in maine in her grandfathers light house and when she was 21 she met an amazing man and they would swim together, and collect shells, them my mom got pregnant and he left. but he showed my mother a place where lots of pearls where found and my mom created a business and sold the pearls and came very rich and it corrupted her. she became selfish and loved her lavish life style. she had made millions and bought a house on the beach in California. she dates all the time and Kurt is her latest boyfriend.
As i chewed with my mouth open and slurped my juice, my mother and Kurt where glaring at me, i smiled sweetly when i had finished with food on my teeth and excused myself. i thumped up stairs and slammed my bedroom door (and locked it) and walked into my closet i crouched down under my show shelf and pulled out an old shoe box. i can remember back when i got it.. (flash back)
the wind blowed in my dark long hair. me and my mother where walking together and i had my hand wrapped around two of my moms fingers and we waked on the beach by my grandfathers lighthouse back in maine. we went to our special place by some rocks that we would often sit on. " i have a surprise for you princess" she whispered in my ear sweetly. she pulled a shoe box out of her big bag and put it on my lap. "open it" she said excitedly. i slowly opened the box and inside where some pretty white sandals. i gasped. we where not rich, and these where expensive. that same day was the day she showed me the pearl mine and the next couple of weeks we got less and less walks together till they completely stopped. Then there was the day. the day i asked to go live with my dad. i walked into her room "mom, i want to see daddy" i said strongly. i was probably 5 or 6. my mom turned around in her chair pulled a cigaret out of her mouth. i was slightly shocked, i had never seen her smoke before. " hon, lets go outside." she said sternly. i was frightened, but i went out onto the beach. " your father does not love you, Xena, he dose not. he left because of you, its your fault he's gone!" she screamed at me. i started to cry and she became angry with me and hit me across my face. i was shocked i looked at my mom with horror in my eyes and tears and i ran inside. i slept in my grandpas bed that night because i was scared, but the next morning my mom was extra kind and i wondered if it was all a dream, but i still have the scar on my foot from when i stepped on a rock running back inside, to this day.
i oped the small tattered box i opened it. inside i had the sandals, rope, and a neckless, it was a sand dollar that i got from the mail man one day when i was playing. he hanned a package to me and told me to 'use it well' i am not shure what it ment, but ive never worn it for fear that my mom would find it and sell it. but today was the day. i could feel it. i put on the neckless and i felt... better. i felt calm, like i was walking in the ocean, swimming. i rubbed it directly down the center line and suddenly a light blue almost white bladed sword with a shell designed engraved handle with dolphins spiraling around the handle. i was shocked but i quickly snapped out of it when my door handle rattled. i rubbed the thumb around the handle and it changed back into a sand dollar neckless as my door opened.

i wrote this myself, i am kinda new to this, comment what you think! to be continued

The Heroes of Olympus 1 reply

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over a year ago satigon said…
big smile
i love it :D i cant wait for more!