Redwall253 posted on Jul 27, 2013 at 03:39AM
So I decided to choose a old rp and combine all the posts to form chapters into a long story so here are the current charatcters
(more characters will be added on as we go) It's dumb at first but gets better along hopefully
This story is entirely copied from character posts
A few events get interrupted because some people leave (different time zones)

1999jacko1 said…
Immortal parent: Artemis(am an accident)
Mortal parent: Sarah
Powers: am amazing at Archery and fighting knows how to survive can control shadows and fire
Weapons: bow n arrows, Sword
Likes:forests woods and mechanics
Dislikes:the sea and pie
Pet/s[optional]: Pegasi
Story:mother brought me to the camp when 2 and have grown up here since then

crash14 said…
Name:jake kimble
Immortal parent posideon and hephaestus
Powers:fire water shapeshifting
Weapons: anything I can make
Pets:dragon blaze

killer24 said…
you guys look lonely may i join if so
name:Blake nova
immortal parent:Apollo
powers:great at archery,singing,healing,
looks:blond hair,blue eyes,scar on neck
weapons;bow that never runs out,sword,helmet
pet:Pegasus called loco

Jasonfan44 said…
James Mitchell
Ip:Hermes blessed by Hephaestus.
Mp: Maria mitchell
Supersonic speed, can easily steal stuff, prankiing skills great, can build
Dagger that he made
Pranking, running, having fun
No idea, he is new
Jerks, people who kill his fun,
No idea
He accidentally killed his mother and stepdad. He was then blessed by Hephaestus

Name: Kira Elric
Age: 15
Immortal Parent: Hades/Pluto
Mortal Parent: Trisha Elric
Abilities/Powers: Necromancy, immunity to elements, elemental manipulation, Alchemy, Extreme Swordsmanship, Spirit Sight
Weapons: Elements, Twin Keyblades (Light and Dark), Alchemy, Death Note and Shinigami Eyes(last resort)
Likes: Death, Fighting others, killing randomly, Darkness and Shadows
Cohort: Meaghan Cummins, Daughter of Zeus, and Zoey Wilson, Daughter of Poseidon
Dislikes: Light, Cheerleaders, stupid people, annoying little siblings
Rank: Praetor
Pet: Chimera
Girlfriend: Meaghan Cummins, Daughter of Zeus
Story:Passed around from relative to relative, then finally abandonded at a foster home when i was 3. I found my cohorts and now girlfriend, the Daughter of Zeus, Meaghan, and the Daughter of Poseidon, Zoey. we ran away and made it to Camp Half-Blood, where we trained and honed our powers, became best of friends and became the ultimate fighting team. Switched with the Leaders of Camp Jupiter 3 months ago. Became Praetor after the giant Ephialtes was defeated...

Brown shoulder length hair with red streaks, tanned, about 5ft.4,
Kind, calm, speaks her thoughts
2 Gladius and a pilum and spatha
Has power death and shadows
Cohort 4
Has a 18hands baige horse called Coconut

First Chapter:
Jake: I walk up hill "anybody here"

Zeke: me* I run through the forest silently appearing behind you" hi I am Praetor
Zeke son of Artemis and you are

Dalton: (Ican't find his character description): * I jump behind new kid knock his legs out from under him and put my sword on his throat*state your name and buisness and say ti swear on the river styx that I will awnser your questions truthfuly

Jake: I jump back and turn around "I don't know but I have superpowers I have water power then me and my granfather can do fire and I shapeshift what can you do

Dalton: boy I am dalton the youngest preotear ever but I am a greek demigod and I have the same as you except I have power over lightning

Zeke: youll have to excuse Dalton.*I glare at Dalton and using my Hunter speed I appear behind him and then get my new weapon that I use a pilum and a spear rolled into one I knock him down*

Jake: My names jake kimble I'm greek *I flip up and pull out my boe staff* get that sword away from me

Zeke: good what ccohort?

Jake: What's a cohort I think since I control water I'm a son of posiedeon

Zeke: *I keep glaring at Dalton while my spilum as I like to call it(greek spear and roman pilum) is still at his throat*

Dalton: *I stand grab zekeand throw him down and summon invincible chains to tie him down and ask the boy again what his name for there is something extremly familiar about him but I can't put my finger on it*

Zeke: My power is to strong and the chains break easily" man when will you learn dalton I AM STRONGER THAN YOU* shadows swirl around you chaining you down" leave the boy

Jake: I told you my name is jake and I'm a son of posideon. Watch" I spin water around and accidently frezze daltons feet

Zeke: Jake fight me and I will decide what cohort ready-dalton you judge-steady fight*My shadows cover me as I move in with my spilum

Wait .. um... ok.. *I spin water and blast you back several feet and throw fire at you

Zeke: fire blows around my spear mixed with shadows and I charge using the skills Artemis showed me and I knock himdown

Jake: I shoot fire at you spin and shoot ice daggers

Zeke: shadows deflect them and I chain you down then I let my guard down" put all your power into this one shot and fire it at me I wont do anything"

Jake: I get angry at set myself on fire and. Charge you as a tiger and knock you down then turn human with my boe staff to your neck

Dalton: I escape my binds look at jake and then at Zeke and I watch until I notice some thing in the distanc e and I realize its a crossbow and its aimed at jake and I hear a twang and I get in front of jake and I cut the bolt in half and hear gunshots and instintively spin my blade stopping the bullets and then redirecting them

Zeke: good with my guard down that was all your power I say you are in.......* shadows push you off easily* you were alright so I put you in THE 3 COHORT

Zeke: oh crap not these guys again* I send shadows to scare them and a second later they run away screaming in pain as shadows fight them

Jake: I use my eagle vision and gun up the mountain and literally throw the person of the mountain then pounce on him as a tiger

Zeke: "jake go to your cabin there will be camp half jupiter clothes there"

Dalton: Jake...Zeke, Zane they've already been killed your shadows are attacking monsters they died when there bullets reentered there bodyies

Zeke: JAKE GO to your cabin and get camp half-jupiter clothes on now

Jake: I walk back "fine" I go to cabin and switch clothes then come back and see war games castle thing "can I help
Vulcan kid: are you related to vulcan
Me: you mean hephaestus
Vulcan kid: a greek kid huh let's get him
They chase me and I take fire and blow some of and freeze the rest

Dalton: Jake go now I think I need to talk to you

Jake: "What do you want?"

last edited on Aug 14, 2013 at 02:34AM

The Heroes of Olympus 23 replies

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over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Forever alone
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
So continuing my not so popular tory (I removed a few commets cause they didn't make any sense

Dalton: I grab jake take him to our csbin and I punch him in the face*why did you ditch me alone 7yrs ago rember we where on the run together
Zeke: I Use my hunter skills to listen in
Jake: I get up "I didn't ditch you I was taken in the night by cyclopses" I kick dalton in the balls "why didn't you help I called for you like 200 times and got lost in the city
Dalton: I grab jake and put my sword at his throat no you betrayed me you led me into a death trap I was almost killed by the cyclopse. You are the reason I have no friends I lost the ability to trust people when you led me into that trap
Zeke: I remember the few times I ran away from camp and I think holy crap I come out of my hiding place and says" I ran with you for a few days
Zeke: I back flip and knocks the sword from your hands" leave the kid alone
Jake: I blast him with fire"hey dumbo don't you remember cyclopses micmiced my voice and where you evedropping
Zeke: I blow shadows at you both chaining you up and stopping you from moving" yes I was and do you even remember me I ran with both of you for a few days
Jake: I remember you
Zeke: good I am so glad you don't blame me for what happened but I suppose the gods wiped your memory
Jake: Wait are you the reason why daltons acting weird
Dalton: Why you little I break the chains grab zane and through him into his cabin lock are door and put wards around it stopping intruders from entering*jake I put an enchantment around myself so I could never hear a cyclopses voice and I know I heard yours I tried to save you but when you didn't try to save me I knew this was your doing
Zeke: no I don't think so but if you can even remember a tiny bit about his sister he even doesn't even remember him but we split up you and Dalton and me and her but along the way we ran into some full on Romans because we were all greek there was a giant fight and she was killed before we even got to them I was crying heavily because we were going out and I killed them all you saw it all they erased the romans and the death I ran the night you were taken away I think the cyclopes were coming for me but they saw you
Jake: You see dalton I didn't betray you I don't know what happend but I wouldn't betray when I escaped the cyclopes dad sent me this dragon and blaze has looked over me since
Dalton: oh I remeber alright i ve talked to her she isn't dead she is still alive but you abandoned her and by doing so you betrayed my trust I fight you for this reason
Zeke: what were i she. TELL ME
Dalton: She dosent want to see you but I will tell and show you* I press a button on the wall and a door opens up*go down those stairs and you will find her but don't tell her I showed you this
Jake: So Dalton do you believe me
Zeke: when I reach the bottom she shouts "YOU YOU LEFT ME TO DIE"
I shout back "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, I CRIED FOR DAYS AND DAYS" I run to her and hug her
Jake: I jump down "tell dalton I didn't betray him"
Dalton: I jump down the stairs and stand between them *zeke you lie I tracked you with magic and you never sat down and shed a single tear and magic never lies
Zeke: I whisper Im sorry. YOUR LYING DALTON
Jake: I. Seperate them all "can I say something I'm not sure if it matters but it might"
Zeke: I hold (Jake's sister) in my arms
Jake: The night before I found this place I had a dream about a bullhead titan hyperion and atlas saying that if they don't turn us against each other soon then they're plans to invade camp are usless but if we do go against each other then camp will destroy itself
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
over a year ago parras2 said…
this is a good idea, but you may want to try a closed RP. It may be easier to "write"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Like the Pitt. Oh wait.
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Whats a closed rp?
over a year ago parras2 said…
A closed RP is a RP that has a fixed amount of people that can join, and usually has some sort of plot for said characters to follow.
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Hmmmmmm...I'm good no offense or anything. Hey sorry to impose but have your found your rp that you made here a long time ago?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
In continuation to the last chapter
Zeke: we won't let that happen we have 8 demigods watching atlas looking for any plans. I shake my head and run to the new guy silently I appear behind you and says" hi I am Praetor Zeke, watch out for Praetor Dalton he may try to attack you now to decide what cohort r cabin you will be out in I need you to attack me with all your strangth I won't fight back now do it
Dalton: lNo magic never lies I project images of zeke wandering around and never crying
Jake: Wait so was it real and where titans messing with us and they scrambled our memories
Zeke: Come on Blake attack me
Jake: I appear behind blake" hey I'm jake son of posiedeon the most goddlookin person here what's your name"
Zeke: no your not jake*I say while laughing loudly
Blake: ok man lets dance*attacks zane whith arrows and my sword*
Zeke: Your strongest attack and just on ok Im going to gauge your power
Jake: I turn into an opposum and watch from a tree

Just a prieview
over a year ago parras2 said…
My first one or second?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Uhhhhhhhhhh how many did you make?
over a year ago parras2 said…
What is the title?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I think from what my friend told it was called how to make your own demigod or something like that. Sorry
over a year ago parras2 said…
Here is the link to my first one: link
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
How many did you make :O
over a year ago parras2 said…
Three or four
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Could you give me the title?

Next chapter sorry guys

Zeke: sits down waiting

Blake: OK pretty boy *puts my sword in my bow and shoot it hits him in the shoulder*

Zeke: good nice and strong I will put you in th 1st cohort with me

Dalton: Jake I belive you

Jake: Hey how come he gets first cohort and thank you dalton

Blake: cool pretty boy and hi Jake*shoots a arrow between the opossum's legs*

Jake: Fine and do I have to go to school here. *I burn the arrow before it goes

Blake: aw jakey your no fun haha

Zeke: he had a bit of a stronger attack but I now relise that you are 2nd cohort material so you move up one
(A/N: James Mitchel has entered the story for a description go to the summary)

Zeke: shakes hand Hi i am Praetor Zeke now attack me with all your power

James: "I don't have a weapon."

Jake: Build one and zeke you didn't answer my question

James: "Gimmie some metal than"

Jake: No my metal no one uses my metal its straight from the ground and I have to dig it up in dog form

James: "I just meant metal. Not your metal just regular metal."

Blake: dude chill jakey or are you gollum haha

Jake: Shut up blake *I give him some metal* what your name again

James: "Names James. Thanks for the metal." I start building myself a weapon.
~Twenty Minutes Later~
"Done." I hold up a dagger.

Dalton: I give the new kid some more metal

Blake: you like me realy jakey dont you haha

Jake: I make a net and trap Blake and walk away don't call me jakey

Blake: *use a arrow to cut throw the net* im out jakey

Jake: Forget you" I walk to my cabin"

Blake: ah your no fun man
(A/N: new charactes have entered the sotry: Kira Elric, pink-bookworm who's profile I couldn't find, and Letus. Again character descriptions are on the summary)

Kira: lets go kick some tartarus ass!

Zeke: () I play with the shadows in my room and I then walk out to see some new kids" well hello I am Praetor Zeke son of Artemis and I take it you are the new Praetor and*turns to cara*you are the new very powerful camper/legionnaire

Kira: Hey Zeke Ready to kick some immortal hide?

Letus: "Um yeah I am and why did you say I was strong?"

Zeke: you seem strong

Letus: "Oh I am?"

Zeke: I have seen people like you the times I ran away from camp

Letus: "What does that mean?"


Letus: "Oh I'm head of cavalry" holds out hand to Blake "And you are?"

James: "Yo dude you said that you wanted to fight me. You said you wanted to fight me. Are we gonna fight(He's talking to Blake)

Blake: you mean me na i've got better things to do

Kira: *i shake my head* "What exatcly are we disagreeing on?"

Blake: ok well lets do stuff im going to the archery range bye

Kira: Anyone here i can test my strenght against?

Blake: noop no ones here *runs to archery range*

Kira: I guess i'll go back where i came from. *starts chanting* "Gates of Darkness/ Heed my Call/ One shall Rise/ and One shall Fall/ Take me back to my Rightful Place/ Gates of Darkness, Time DISPLACE!" *i melt into the shadows soundlessly*

Kira (again): *melts soundlessly out of shadows once more* "ICE PRISON!" "gotcha Medu...... Oh.. sorry about that. its just you Letus"

kIRA (AGAIN!) "anyone know where Zeke is?"

bLAKE: i have no idea maybe he's in medi bay i shot him remember with a sword)

Kira: You shot him with a SWORD?!?!? how is that even possible...?

(End of chapter) But seriously guys I need a co-wrtier their's like 253 pages in this rp please!)
over a year ago parras2 said…
make your own hero, Make Your Own Hero and Make Your Own Greek Hero were my most popular RPs
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Could I get those tow links please it's one of those I'm positive!
over a year ago parras2 said…
over a year ago parras2 said…
wait, do you even know if it was one of my RPs?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Well my friend told me it was
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
I just checked the link and that's the one! Yes! Finally! Thx have some cake!