The Heroes of Olympus Glad To Meet You (percabeth)

ATHENAFAN posted on Feb 16, 2014 at 08:31PM
So I'm new here, and I'm not exactly a writer.

Disclaimer: none of these stuff r mine.

This is a forum that everyone can write a chapter. Any characters from the PJO or HoO series.

The plot is that everyone is in junior high, and it's summer. Percy just came to Manhatten and his cousin Thalia introduces him to annabeth. They hate each other at first, but they can't help it to fall for each other.

It's basically PJO and HoH without the demigodDish stuff.

last edited on Feb 18, 2014 at 03:55AM

The Heroes of Olympus 25 replies

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over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
So here we go, this might not be so good:

Annabeth's POV
My alarm sounded and I woke up in my bed and couldn't help feeling excited. It was the first day of school and I couldn't wait to see Thalia agin! I woofed down my breakfast and went to school
Thalia was already waiting for me there! But who is the cute guy standing beside her? Thalia: ANNABETH!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ummmmm. Percy, this is annabeth, annabeth, this is percy.
Percy: Hi, nice to meet u, annie
I stared at him. He had messy black hair with sea green eyes. He was wearing a blue t shirt with jeans. He looked like he just got out of bed.
Me: hi, and please don't call me that.
And I walked away.
I know he's cute, but I couldn't help hating him, there was something in him that felt my mom's old enemy, Poseidon Jackson, the best swimmer in the whole world. My mom was Athena Chase, she was the best architect and according to Thalia's dad, Zeus Grace(the president of the US), my mom was one of the wisest women in the whole world. One day, these group of people wanted to make a company, and wanted either Athena or Poseidon to be their boss. They had a contest, and Athena won. The company is now called "Athens", and builds buildings. Once, Poseidon wanted revenge and brought his girlfriend, medusa, into Athena's company to show off, since Athena was single at that time. Athena was furious, and cursed his girlfriend. Athena and Poseidon has hated each other ever since.

Thinking about my mom made me want to cry. She had died in a car accident three years ago. I still can't get over the fact that she won't be coming back anymore. Poseidon had died four years ago, when his house caught on fire, he was the only one In there that didn't get out in time.

Stop, annabeth, I thought to myself, if u keep this up, I'm sure u will embarrass urself on the first day on school by crying all over the place.

I made sure I was ok, and walked to my first period class. History.

If anyone read this, plz tell me how u think about it. It' my first time writing something, so it might not be good.😄
FantasyLover543 commented…
it's quite creative but annabeth shouldn't have started hating Percy out of the blue just because he resembles her mother's enemy and you shouldnt have revealed that how-Athena-hates-Poseidon story in the first chapter itself as it makes the plot predictable and also sounds childish as if the facts are all jumbled in your head and you can't get it straight over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
maybe you could have written that Percy teased annabeth about something or maybe they had a quarrel about something or he kinda flashed her his troublemaker sarcastic smile or something and so she hated him over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
sorry I take back my comments actually I hadn't read the second chapter then over a year ago
FantasyLover543 commented…
out of the blue^^^ lol. it was unintentional I swear. over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
K, this is my next one

Thalia's POV

So......what just happened? What's wrong with annabeth? First, she was all happy to see me, then she got really angry just because Percy called her "Annie". What's up with that girl? It's Percy's first day here, can't she be a little nicer?

Then it hit me. Annabeth's mom was Athena Chase, the enemy of Poseidon Jackson, Percy's dad. But how could she know that Poseidon was his dad? It's not like she's a stalker or something. I looked at Percy, but it occurred to me that Percy looked almost exactly like his dad, they had the same eyes, the same smile, and the same troublemaker look. Percy looked like he was a swimmer, and he had this smell like the ocean. No wonder Annabeth had no problem recognizing Poseidon Jackson's son. She is a lot smarter than me................

"What are you thinking?" I heard Percy say, I've been thinking so much that I didn't know that I was staring at the ground. "Nothing," I said "just about how much homework I'd see these days"

Percy laughed, and I couldn't help but smile. He wasn't only my cousin, but also a great friend. "You know that girl that just left, why was she so angry. Does she really hate people calling her 'Annie' that much?"

I thought about it, and said "I don't know if you know about this, but her mom is Athena Chase. Your dad's enemy."
Percy's POV

"I don't know if you know about this, but her mom is Athena Chase. Your dad's enemy."

I stumbled over those words. Why haven't I seen it earlier? The girl had her mom's blond hair and gray eyes. The look of intelligence on her eyes, and almost everything her mom has.

"So is that why she was so angry?" I asked.

"I guess so, she's kinda smart. And you look awfully like your dad, you know" Thalia said.

I sighed and went to my first period class. History.

Plz? Anyone there?
FantasyLover543 commented…
I like this chapter :) no suggestions required here ;) over a year ago
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
This is good I hope you finish the next chapter soon omg I'm dying to read it :-)
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Thx, it's my first time writing.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Still working on the next chapter.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Hope you complete soon
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Sorry this one was hard, might not be that good
Annabeth's POV

I walked in the history room. And guess what? Smack in the middle of the classroom was Percy Jackson himself. Great. Exactly how I wanted to spend my first period with.
Our teacher, Ms. Ganthar, was writing the seating chart on the board. I walked over and looked at it. Yup. I was stuck was Seaweed brain himself. Since I my seat was in the back, I walked up to Ms. Ganthar and said "excuse me, but I noticed that my seat was in the back. I have some eyesight problems and my mom hasn't gotten me any glasses yet. So can you just seat me in the front until I get my glasses?" I smiled to myself. Ms. Ganthar had no choice but to seat me in the front, far and away from Percy.
"Well, I guess you do have a point. Do you have a parent's note or something to prove it?"
I didn't really think about that."sorry, but my parents forgot to write a note." I said.
"Well, than I guess you're staying in the back, than."
Great. Now I have to spend time with Percy all through history.
I walked to the back of my room and sat in my seat. Percy looked at me from the corner of his eye and said "hey. You're Annabeth, right? The one this morning?"
I nodded my head and continued to keep quiet.
"Look, I'm sorry for calling you annie, ok? Can we just be friends?" Is he stupid? Does he even know about our parent's history together?
"Percy, we can't. Your dad is my mom's enemy. Besides, history is starting and I'm sure your mom won't be happy if you got a bad grade."he shut up after that, and I was glad about it.
After a while, we had to work in partners, and since Percy was sitting beside me, we were partners. "So I guess we have to read the syllables first, right?" Said Percy
"Sure, are we reading it together or not?"
"Um.... Can we read it together? I'm dyslexia, and I can't really read by myself."
"Ok, sure"
I was so glad when lunch finally came. Percy showed me his schedule and we had 5/8 classes together. My luck
I sat with Thalia and wasnt surprised when I saw Percy with her. We introduced him to all our other friends-Grover, Conner and Travis Stoll( super trouble makers ), Charles Beckendorf( but we all call him by his last name ), Piper, Hazel, Leo, and Silena.( I decided not to put some people in there, it might be too crowded)
Grover and percy immediately became friends, and I have a feeling they'll become best friends someday. I was surprised by the fact that no one figured out who Percy's dad was, which made me glad.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Don't worry it's good couldn't write better myself ( actually I can't write anything anything at all let alone better than this)
last edited over a year ago
ATHENAFAN commented…
Thx over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
I am so sorry, I've been so busy at school these days and I had to write an essay and stuff. I'm so sorry. I promise I will post either Tommorrow or the day after Tommorrow
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
There, like I've said, I've been super busy, so who knows if this will be good.

Percy's POV:
I met some friends at lunch, today. I really liked Grover and Beckendorf. That Silena girl is so hot, but I'm pretty sure Beckendorf likes her. Annabeth was still being mean at me, and I don't know why she has to do that. Who cares if our parents weren't friends? They're both dead and I'm pretty sure they don't even care! Whatever. Girls are so annoying sometimes.
"So what do you have next?" I turned around and saw Thalia staring at me.
"Oh, um...... Let's see. Greek Mythology."
"So am I! Your gonna love it! I mean. It's lots of fun and everything, and the teacher is real nice, so I love it, you might not. But I do."
"What? Thalia likes a subject? Now this is interesting......"
"Oh shut up."
We walked in the classroom, and most of the people were in their seats. We quickly sat down at one of the back tables, and started to listen to the teacher.
"Hi. My name is Mr. Brunner, and I'm your teacher for Greek mythology."
I looked at Mr. Brunner. He was a man in this wheelchair that kept making these weird noises. "So that's the teacher you were talking about? What happened to his feet? Why can't he walk?" I whispered to Thalia.
"You do know that is really rude, right? Just barging in and start asking why people bust ed their legs?"
"It's fine, just that he's like a father to me. When I got to this school, I didn't have any friends and he helped me through hard times. Like once, we had to go on this super high tower thing, and you know how I feel about high places. Anyway, he told the staffs that I couldn't go up their cause I twisted my ankle, and I didn't have to go." It was true. Thalia was VERY scared of heights, and what Mr. Brunner did meant a lot to her.
I noticed that Mr. Brunner was looking at us, so I quickly shut p and motioned Thalia to, too.

over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Hmm keep posting:-D
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
This is pretty good. I can't wait until you post the next chapter.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Thanks! It's my first time writing.

Guys, I won't be posting very fast, but I promise I will post. I'd be REALLY busy for the rest of the school year, but I WILL post.😃
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Glad to hear that.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Ok, there you go.

Grover's POV
I met this guy called Percy Jackson today. Apparently, he's Thalia's cousin and the son of Poseidon Jackson. Well, he didn't tell me who his dad was, but I just had that kind of ability, and he REALLY looked like his dad. Anyway, I thought we might be able to become friends, cause we're already like, best buddies now, even though we haven't even met for one day.
I looked at Annabeth, and saw her glaring at Percy. No wonder, she must've figured out, too. That'll explain all the glaring and name calling between them.
"So, how was summer?" I heard Beckendorf ask.
"Awesome! My dad brought me to this national park and there was this HUGE nature trail thing and everything! Oh! And I met this girl called Juniper, and she was so nice! Like she was just all into nature! Just like me! Except she dosen't come to this school, and..........What?" I looked around and saw that the Stolls were trying not to laugh."I'm not the only one here who likes someone, Travis." Travis had a huge crush on Katie Gardner. Katie was a super nice girl that the Stolls prank almost all the time, I've started to feel sorry for her. Travis's crush wasn't really that obvious, but like I said, I just had an ability to know.
Travis blushed, and the Stolls immediately shut up. I turned my attention to Beckendorf, and asked "So, how was your summer?"
Beckendorf started blushing, and I knew this had something to do with Selina. Beckendorf stuttered"Well, um......I went to watch the forth of July might've with me......on a ........on a"
I laughed, and said "And........"
"­ght­'ve­...­...­...­um.­...­...­...­kis­sed me on the cheek." Beckendorf looked like he wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it.
"That's great, man! So you guys are official now?" I said, trying not to laugh at the expression on Beckendorf"s face. "No! Of course not! It was just a. Little peck........."
I laughed and stopped torturing the poor guy, and fixed my attention on Annabeth.
"So, what's your next class?"
"Algebra" She replied
"Oh, I have English. I was hoping we had the same class. See you at break."
I walked into English, and got the biggest surprise in a long time. Standing beside Mr. Lee, was Juniper.

Selina's POV
I was sitting there in Drama, daydreaming about the day I kissed Beckendorf. He had looked at me like he was having the greatest time in his life, and I really couldn't hold it back anymore. I kissed him on the cheek. His cheek was surprisingly soft, like an angel. He had smiled, and I felt a spark between us. I don't know, maybe......maybe it's is real love...........
"Selina!" I heard my sister Piper say, "Stop daydreaming!"
I quickly snapped my eyes up, and saw the whole class staring at me. "Sorry"I said. Daydreaming in drama really wasn't my style. Being the child of the beautiful actress Aphrodite, I really loved drama. I inherited my mother's looks and love for drama. So of course I wouldn't daydream!
"Selina, I had expected more from you. I never thought I'd catch you daydreaming in class." said Mrs. Homer.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Lots of people snickered, but I kept my head up and out on a smile. I would not let some stupid people ruin my day.
I glanced beside me and looked at Piper. Piper was my twin, but we didn't look alike. She had choppy brown hair and "colorful" eyes. Her eyes change color when you look at them in different angles. Piper tries her best to not draw attention to herself. She never puts on makeup, and she cut her hair uneven on purpose. She NEVER wore designer clothes. And me? Sure I put on makeup and all those, I try to let people notice me. I have blond hair and blue eyes, and I wear designer clothes. See? We're totally different and we still get along with each other.
"Silena? Can you read this part so everyone can know how to do it?" Mrs. Homer said
I stood up and begin.
ATHENAFAN commented…
There u go, hope u like it over a year ago
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Ok, there you go.

Grover's POV
I met this guy called Percy Jackson today. Apparently, he's Thalia's cousin and the son of Poseidon Jackson. Well, he didn't tell me who his dad was, but I just had that kind of ability, and he REALLY looked like his dad. Anyway, I thought we might be able to become friends, cause we're already like, best buddies now, even though we haven't even met for one day.
I looked at Annabeth, and saw her glaring at Percy. No wonder, she must've figured out, too. That'll explain all the glaring and name calling between them.
"So, how was summer?" I heard Beckendorf ask.
"Awesome! My dad brought me to this national park and there was this HUGE nature trail thing and everything! Oh! And I met this girl called Juniper, and she was so nice! Like she was just all into nature! Just like me! Except she dosen't come to this school, and..........What?" I looked around and saw that the Stolls were trying not to laugh."I'm not the only one here who likes someone, Travis." Travis had a huge crush on Katie Gardner. Katie was a super nice girl that the Stolls prank almost all the time, I've started to feel sorry for her. Travis's crush wasn't really that obvious, but like I said, I just had an ability to know.
Travis blushed, and the Stolls immediately shut up. I turned my attention to Beckendorf, and asked "So, how was your summer?"
Beckendorf started blushing, and I knew this had something to do with Selina. Beckendorf stuttered"Well, um......I went to watch the forth of July might've with me......on a ........on a"
I laughed, and said "And........"
"­ght­'ve­...­...­...­um.­...­...­...­kis­sed me on the cheek." Beckendorf looked like he wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it.
"That's great, man! So you guys are official now?" I said, trying not to laugh at the expression on Beckendorf"s face. "No! Of course not! It was just a. Little peck........."
I laughed and stopped torturing the poor guy, and fixed my attention on Annabeth.
"So, what's your next class?"
"Algebra" She replied
"Oh, I have English. I was hoping we had the same class. See you at break."
I walked into English, and got the biggest surprise in a long time. Standing beside Mr. Lee, was Juniper.

Selina's POV
I was sitting there in Drama, daydreaming about the day I kissed Beckendorf. He had looked at me like he was having the greatest time in his life, and I really couldn't hold it back anymore. I kissed him on the cheek. His cheek was surprisingly soft, like an angel. He had smiled, and I felt a spark between us. I don't know, maybe......maybe it's is real love...........
"Selina!" I heard my sister Piper say, "Stop daydreaming!"
I quickly snapped my eyes up, and saw the whole class staring at me. "Sorry"I said. Daydreaming in drama really wasn't my style. Being the child of the beautiful actress Aphrodite, I really loved drama. I inherited my mother's looks and love for drama. So of course I wouldn't daydream!
"Selina, I had expected more from you. I never thought I'd catch you daydreaming in class." said Mrs. Homer.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Lots of people snickered, but I kept my head up and out on a smile. I would not let some stupid people ruin my day.
I glanced beside me and looked at Piper. Piper was my twin, but we didn't look alike. She had choppy brown hair and "colorful" eyes. Her eyes change color when you look at them in different angles. Piper tries her best to not draw attention to herself. She never puts on makeup, and she cut her hair uneven on purpose. She NEVER wore designer clothes. And me? Sure I put on makeup and all those, I try to let people notice me. I have blond hair and blue eyes, and I wear designer clothes. See? We're totally different and we still get along with each other.
"Silena? Can you read this part so everyone can know how to do it?" Mrs. Homer said
I stood up and begin.

Plz tell me how u think. THANKS
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Ok, there you go.

Grover's POV
I met this guy called Percy Jackson today. Apparently, he's Thalia's cousin and the son of Poseidon Jackson. Well, he didn't tell me who his dad was, but I just had that kind of ability, and he REALLY looked like his dad. Anyway, I thought we might be able to become friends, cause we're already like, best buddies now, even though we haven't even met for one day.
I looked at Annabeth, and saw her glaring at Percy. No wonder, she must've figured out, too. That'll explain all the glaring and name calling between them.
"So, how was summer?" I heard Beckendorf ask.
"Awesome! My dad brought me to this national park and there was this HUGE nature trail thing and everything! Oh! And I met this girl called Juniper, and she was so nice! Like she was just all into nature! Just like me! Except she dosen't come to this school, and..........What?" I looked around and saw that the Stolls were trying not to laugh."I'm not the only one here who likes someone, Travis." Travis had a huge crush on Katie Gardner. Katie was a super nice girl that the Stolls prank almost all the time, I've started to feel sorry for her. Travis's crush wasn't really that obvious, but like I said, I just had an ability to know.
Travis blushed, and the Stolls immediately shut up. I turned my attention to Beckendorf, and asked "So, how was your summer?"
Beckendorf started blushing, and I knew this had something to do with Selina. Beckendorf stuttered"Well, um......I went to watch the forth of July might've with me......on a ........on a"
I laughed, and said "And........"
"­ght­'ve­...­...­...­um.­...­...­...­kis­sed me on the cheek." Beckendorf looked like he wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it.
"That's great, man! So you guys are official now?" I said, trying not to laugh at the expression on Beckendorf"s face. "No! Of course not! It was just a. Little peck........."
I laughed and stopped torturing the poor guy, and fixed my attention on Annabeth.
"So, what's your next class?"
"Algebra" She replied
"Oh, I have English. I was hoping we had the same class. See you at break."
I walked into English, and got the biggest surprise in a long time. Standing beside Mr. Lee, was Juniper.

Selina's POV
I was sitting there in Drama, daydreaming about the day I kissed Beckendorf. He had looked at me like he was having the greatest time in his life, and I really couldn't hold it back anymore. I kissed him on the cheek. His cheek was surprisingly soft, like an angel. He had smiled, and I felt a spark between us. I don't know, maybe......maybe it's is real love...........
"Selina!" I heard my sister Piper say, "Stop daydreaming!"
I quickly snapped my eyes up, and saw the whole class staring at me. "Sorry"I said. Daydreaming in drama really wasn't my style. Being the child of the beautiful actress Aphrodite, I really loved drama. I inherited my mother's looks and love for drama. So of course I wouldn't daydream!
"Selina, I had expected more from you. I never thought I'd catch you daydreaming in class." said Mrs. Homer.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Lots of people snickered, but I kept my head up and out on a smile. I would not let some stupid people ruin my day.
I glanced beside me and looked at Piper. Piper was my twin, but we didn't look alike. She had choppy brown hair and "colorful" eyes. Her eyes change color when you look at them in different angles. Piper tries her best to not draw attention to herself. She never puts on makeup, and she cut her hair uneven on purpose. She NEVER wore designer clothes. And me? Sure I put on makeup and all those, I try to let people notice me. I have blond hair and blue eyes, and I wear designer clothes. See? We're totally different and we still get along with each other.
"Silena? Can you read this part so everyone can know how to do it?" Mrs. Homer said
I stood up and begin.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Tell me how u guys think. THANKS😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
You posted the same thing thrice.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Oops, sorry. The thing kept on gliching, and I thought I didn't post it.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
My iPad is acting weirdly these days, so I might post the same thing lots of times by accident
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Hi, I guess I'm back again. So there you go.

Annabeth POV

I sat beside Luke during Algebra. Luke is my........friend? Neighbor? Crush? That doesn't seem to describe it, more like......... a piece of me, a very small piece, but still a piece. That doesn't make sense, does it? Welcome to my world.
Luke has been my friend since I was seven, and he had slowly began to grow into my life. His family moved next to ours when I turned eight, and we started going it the same school. He was one year older than me(I know that's not how it is in the book, but oh well), and he has beautiful clear blue eyes and blond hair. He's been with me under every circumstance, when I got my first tooth out, when I got my first B+, and even when my mom died. He was just part of me, and I started crushing on him when I started fourth grade. It's alittle complicated. Don't think about it for now.
Mrs. Dodds was our math teacher, she was mean and awfully old. For some reason, she hates me ALOT, every time she looks at me, he eyes contained pure hatred. I guess she is one of the only teachers that hate me, most of them love me because I'm just brighter than most kids, probably from my mom.
I felt a pencil jab my elbow, I looked around, and saw Luke stuffing a note to me. I took it and looked at it
R u busy after school?
I quickly wrote down"Nope." And gave it to him when Mrs. Does wasn't looking.
He read it and wrote something I couldn't see. But when he was giving it to me, I heard a voice say"Mr. Castilian, do you have something you would like to share with us? come up to the front of the class and read that note you were trying to give ms. Chase"
Luke stood up, and slowly walked up to the front of the class. Slowly, he read"Are you busy after school? Nope. Do you think you have time to come over to my house? We can go for ice cream?"
I heard people snickering and whispering "Ooooh, annabeth, wanna go on a date?"
My face started to grow hot, and I pretended I was working on my workbook. Luke came back to his seat, looking as embarrassed as I felt, and muttered "Sorry."
"There's no need to be sorry" I mutter back.
Algebra was silent after that
~~~~~~~~~~~~(ya, algebra's over! woohoo!)~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked over to my locker with Luke, finding Thalia standing there already waiting for me. "How was algebra?" She asked
"Horrible, don't even try to talk about it" replied Luke.
"Lemme guess, you guys were caught passing notes AGAIN."
Yes, I'll admit I was jealous of Thalia, she and Luke always had a thing together, and I couldn't figure out what. It was as if they liked each other, but then, they never really talked like it.
Percy came over the second I open my locker
"Hey, guys. Greek mythology was awesome."
"Like We don't know." Luke, Thalia, and I said at the same time.
"I think we need some introductions......." Percy said eyeing Luke.
"Oh, right. My name is Luke and I've been friends with these two for forever." Luke says "oh, and I was at detention in lunch. Caught drawing a monkey on mr. Lee's white board, and you must be percy, Thalia,s cousin?"
"Ya," replied Percy "and what's the story about the monkey?.
I laughed" Luke has this thing with Travis and Conner, so they're basically a trio of trouble makers."
"Hey!"cried Luke" I wasn't troublemaking, I as just drawing, and that monkey was REALLY cute."
"Certainly not as cute as I am?" Thalia said, smiling.
"Certainly a lot cuter than you are!" Luke said, laughing.
"Hey!" Thalia cried.

There you have it.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
Wow, I took a long time.........oh well.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…