The Heroes of Olympus [Fanfic] Time is running out.

Holic_195 posted on Aug 18, 2010 at 09:12AM
Title: Time is running out.

Rating: T.

Type: Mystery/ Thriller/ Fantasy.

Characters: OC.

Plot: A crazy dimwitted evil scientist named Steven Holic realizes that he has possesion over the Half – blood Hill. So he decides to make that place become his new lab. Lauren Fan, a powerful billionare in the filming industry suddenly knocks Holic’s door. He wants to offer Holic a big sponsorship for his projects. “Only if…” Lauren says. “You give me Camp Half – Blood’s ownership first, then you’ll have the 20 million dollars in sponsorship from me!” “It’s a deal!” says Holic. And together, they’ll take down Camp Half – blood! But why Lauren wants to do such a…wacky thing? Let’s find out in my first fic “Time is running out”!

Disclaimer: R.R

Chapter 1: The deal.

Ph. D HOLIC IS ONLY TWENTY YEARS OLD with his diploma bought with only 450$ from a certificate – selling market in…no, I won’t tell you where. (By the way, it’s the factual price at the moment, so anyone who wants to become a Ph. D but have little money to pay the school’s fee, save your money from today!).

Holic has been walking around in the city these days, only to find a job (since he was kicked out of the last company when the manager had realized that his Ph. D was a fake), and to earn back the 450$ he spent on that fake diploma). But nobody wants to take him, because he’s Asian! People in this part of Moscow hate Asians so much, they even kill them sometimes.

So Holic, with his heart emptied out, goes back to his nasty cottage near the small river, apart from the rich people in luxury clothes and car going around there at night.

Now he is cleaning the attic. What a mess! He can’t even see himself here because of… Dust! Dust! And dust! How long had this place been abandoned? Since the Viking attacked England in 851 A.D? “Maybe I can find some pennies here to buy a sandwich, I haven’t eaten anything for 10 days, right now I can eat a whole cow, which some pennies cannot buy, of course…”

The cottage, which he calls, used to be big house. But since the war ended, no one wanted to repair the place which was struck many times by bomb, so they left. And Holic moved there. He has been living here for 5 years, afraid of coming back to face his parents. They never think he can do a single thing right. So he wants to prove that they were wrong about him. But right now, he cannot even prove that to himself. “I’m a complete loser!” says Holic, alone in the attic filled with dust and rats. No, no, even rats cannot live in this place. There’s no food!
He doesn’t even want to clean the attic now, what’s the big idea? There’s nothing here, why should waste your time cleaning, hoping to find something good in this…nasty attic?

Holic starts to cry. Then he hears something coming.

The old fat man, looks like a big boss, knocks the door. He pretends to be happy when looking at Holic, the poor guy in the poor coat. “Hello there!” that fat guy says with a high voice, just to hide the trace of Russian accent in that, he hates himself being a Russian, when he has enough money, sure will he pack and leave this continent. “Hi,” says Holic, looking at the guy curiously. “Whataya want?”

“Leave this place, quick!” says the man. Then he gives Holic the order from the court, it says he must leave the cottage ASAP or will be arrested for intruding a private property of DDA Inc.

“Our company owns this place,” says the man, this time, his English is perfect. “Now, leave, before we take this place down and blow you asshole into dust with dynamite!”

Holic kicks the man in his belly and knock him out with his blow. “I’ll stay here and wait to be blown into dust!”

Well, it’s easy to speak, Holic still worries, he has bad feelings about this. That guy doesn’t like joking for sure, Holic can see it in his voice. So he packs his stuffs in the small old suitcase, then he leaves the cottage. Two minutes later, the nasty, but warm place he used to sleep in is blown into dust with a BANG! Holic bursts into tears later. That night, he knows that he will have to sleep in the park.

Well, or in a garbage dump. The park is filled with white homeless people, who also don’t like Asians. They throws Holic into the street and close the gate of the park. “Sweet dreams, Yellow boy! Ha ha ha!!”

Yeah, see, I told you, garbage dump. Holic goes there and chooses a good spot to sleep. He can see an old fridge near there. Looks warm though. But then the washer “next door” looks even warmer. Suddenly, a thief runs by and snatch Holic’s suitcase. He starts to chase him through the streets of the living night in Moscow. Everyone sees two men chasing each other. But they’ll never help, the Asian guy looks poor and he doesn’t seem to be able to give you something in return if you help him.

It’s been snowing for a while. Pretty cold, yeah, but Holic is still after the snatcher. At this time, he should have slept for a while. He’s not a good runner, though, but the last candy is in there! He wants to have that candy! Thinking about that sweet strawberry candy gives Holic more strength to chase the thief. Too afraid to be caught, the snatcher throws the suitcase into Holic face and run.

An hour later, Holic goes back to that garbage dump, and sees two fat homeless guys have taken his fridge and washer. So he heads to gas station. Luckily, nobody kicks him out this time. So Holic opens his old suitcase to see if anything missing. Okay, nothing stolen. But something found. It’s a letter. How come he didn’t see it before? He doesn’t know, I don’t know either, maybe because Holic’s just too busy finding a job and have no time to check what he has in his pocket.

Let’s see what’s in it. It’s about an…inheritance! Of Holic! OMFG! He cannot believe it. But hey, where’s this letter from? No name, no sign, no identity. Just the letter informs Holic about the inheritance he will receive and a copy of a…will? From Mr. Howard Sense, a billionare, who died 2 months ago. Ok, now he remembers. Two years ago, he was on the beach, and saved an old man who was drowning. That old man looked rich, but Holic didn’t ask for anything in return and left. But he had told the old man his name. Two months later, Holic received a bunch of letters, mostly from the banks which had lent him money. So he didn’t want to read them and threw them all into the suitcase then closed it. This letter must have been lost in there. The old man must have been the sender, no, shouldn’t say the “old man”, Mr. Howard.

“I knew he was rich!” Holic yells!.

Ok, it says, the deadline for Holic to receive the inheritance is 24/7 this year. So that means a week? But where? Ok, now this is a trouble, he cannot go to American to receive the money…Hey, who talks about money, the letter didn’t say anything ‘bout money, just an inheritance, what if it’s not money? Oh, whatever. He must have it. So then, Holic goes to a phone booth an dials the number in the letter. “Hi, I’m Holic…”

After the conversation, Holic receives a plane ticket to New York. There, he is taken to a big villa. The granddaughter of Mr. Howard is at the door. She says she doesn’t know how much she should thank Holic for saving her grandpa. Because at that time, Mr. Howard hadn’t made the will yet, but after being saved by Holic, Mr. Howard came home and made the will ASAP. Then he was killed by his granddaughter, Ro Linh Sense who receives most of his fortune in the will he had made. But no one knows why Mr. Howard died, except one. Holic kisses her hand and goes into the house.

After talking a while, Ro tells Holic what he will receive. It’s a hill. Camp Half – blood Hill. Her grandpa had owned that place for a very long time, since it was formed by the nature. At that time, there was nothing, but then some people built a camp right there without the permission of Howard, they thought that place was unclaimed. He didn’t care much about that hill, though. But now, since it belongs to Holic, he will have the right to do ANYTHING WITH IT.

“If your grandpa were alive, I would hug him,” says Holic. Yeah, now Holic has his greatest chance to make his parents proud. He will take them to that beautiful hill, let them see what his son has achieved! They soon will realize that he’s not a loser anymore! Actually, he’s never a loser!

“Actually, Mr. Holic,” says Ro. “A pal of my grandpa, Mr. Lauren, is interested in your hill. He wants to buy it with 20 million dollars.”
“What!!” Holic was deeply surprised. If that were 5 years ago, he would sell it right away. But now, he’s more mature, so he will consider this thing a little bit. Maybe…Holic thinks, there’s oil or something valuable in that hill. I must do some inspecting before selling it. But…20 million dollars, that’s a big deal!”

“He also said the price can be 50 million dollars, if you sell it right now!” continues Ro.

“OMFG! What’s in the head of this guy! He’s so mad! 50 million bucks for a small hill? Darn it! I have to hurry! Must find out what’s in that hill soon, maybe it’s even worth more than 50 million dollars!”

Yeah, Holic was right! Camp Half – blood is the only place in the world which is safe for demigods. It’s the place like no other. There will be no other Camp. Just one, one and only Camp Half – blood in the Earth.

Not very far from the villa, there is a huge Gothic castle, in there, an old man with a face like a rat, sitting on a wheelchair, reading a book, Greek Myths. He throws the book into fire after finishing it. “Soon, I shall have my revenge on all the gods and demigods!” He cries.

End of chapter 1.

Hey, guys, I know the idea sucks, so does my writing, but I just want to make a short fanfic. So, enjoy it ^^.
last edited on Aug 19, 2010 at 06:19AM

The Heroes of Olympus 6 replies

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over a year ago redhawks said…
Good Job! But I don't really get that last little paragraph.
over a year ago Holic_195 said…
Well, the last paragraph gives you a little look at Mr. Lauren, who wants to have his revenge on the gods and demigods. If you want to know why that guy curses the demigods so much, wait for chapter 2.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
oh ok and i will
over a year ago RoHeHa_6264995 said…
Oh sorry I don't have time for reading right now... So busy at school. I guess I'll see to it later.

P.S: I thought I told you I never liked both science and fantasy in one book. And I want fantasy to win. So if that Stephen Holic wins, I'll kill you. Mwahahahaha.
over a year ago Holic_195 said…
Oh, the plot I had written above was just a decoy, Holic in my fic is a scientist, but he doesn't do anything scientific, ya know. And the BBG in my fic is not Holic myself, you'll soon find out who.

About the fic, I'll keep it one chapter every other week.
over a year ago Half-A-Pint said…
ok................. i will wait...