The Heroes of Olympus 1000 things Leo's toolbelt can do

HecateA posted on Sep 15, 2010 at 07:57PM
1 Read Amphitrite's info on the new article
2 List things Leo's toolbelt can do
3 Let's see if we can get to 1000! At least 100 before the book comes out
4 Try to avoid repeats (just do your best)
1 Read Amphitrite's info on the new article
2 List things Leo's toolbelt can do
3 Let's see if we c

The Heroes of Olympus 64 replies

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over a year ago ngweien said…
Ok, firstly, I would like to strongly suggest that no one put that he can pull any tools out it, because it would eliminate almost all the other possibilities.
over a year ago HecateA said…
1. He can make a paperclip appear and pick a lock!
over a year ago redhawks said…
2.He could pull a torch out to weld a shield together.
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
3. He could pull a screwdriver out for removing door hinges and other things with screws.
over a year ago ngweien said…
big smile
4. He could pull out a glue gun and stick his enemies together! (Joking, but it's true isn't it)
5. He could use his tools and parts to create an automaton army.
6. He could dismantle any automatons attacking them.
7. He could create a weapon for himself.
8. He could make a mini robot to spy on the enemies.
9. He could pull out a tracking device to use on enemies or objects.
10. He could mordenize the camp.
11. He could possibly create a field of invisibility or a force field
12. He could make a gun.
13. Or a lightsaber (I guess)
14. He could use his tools as weapons, after all it is said that anything can kill you.
15. He could create a method of communication, other than through Isis, that won't attract monsters.
16. He could re-enforce the camp barriers.
17. He would trash at chariot racing.
18. He could be the official weapon maker for the camp.
19. He could build a vacuum cleaner to suck up the venti (What? It's possible.)
20. He could build a jet pack, so if Festusand the pagasi is unavailable, they can still travel with Jason
21. He could create a mine field.
22. He just might be able to create a teleportation device. (Just might.)
23. He just might be able to create a disintegrator ray gun. (same as last)
24. He could create a robot to replace him at school should he need to escape quickly.
25. He could create a nuclear bomb

I know that most of these are unlikely and some very far-fetched but they are possible aren't they?
Now we are 1/4 way to HecateA's goal to reach before the book comes out. I have lots more, after all the possibilities are endless.
over a year ago HecateA said…
^I think they're all possible, but the lightsabber, I'm not sure to what extent it would harm a monster, and most of them would take time to build.
Oh, and call me Hecate please :) And the glugun needs to be plugged into something, doesn't it?

26 He could pull out a notebook in case they need to de-code codes, or write an adress or number or co-ordinates
27 He could pull out ANY BOOK IN EXISENCE (which is partially why that thing is so cool) in case they need to research something or he's just THAT bored (which for Leo seems unprobable). Or if he forgets his Eglish textbook in class, voilà!
28 DUCT TAPE for a quick and effortless fix
29 Bandages and stuff like that to heal or repair wounds
30 He could pull out Givenchy perfume (p 170 LO)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ngweien said…
He can take other non-mechanical parts out of his belt?
over a year ago HecateA said…
^ Yup, doesn't Leo rock? Except for magical objects and probably living creatures.
Common guys, 21 or so days only :O

31 He could pull out a lightbulb if a flashlight goes out (ooh, the enviromentally friendly ones! Even better!)
32 If he forgets somebody's birthday present he can come up with something
33 If he's boared he can pull a ball or hacky sack out
34 He can pull out a GPS and find Percy! (except Percy isn't chipped :( )
35 Firewood for when they're camping
36 Do you realise this means no packing? Don't you love this thing?

Except there's probably a limit of the number of things he can pull out at once...
over a year ago Odssey said…
does all his stuff have to affect moster and if it dosent here ar mine
37 leo can and will create a magical microwave incase his food gets cold after a good night of wielding
38 has snow globe that re freezes any drink if its gotten warm
39 pulls out a built in x box with multyplayer
40 can make goggles that can see through the thickest mist about 100 miles away.
41 makes an animal translator( not all demigods can talk to animals like percy and grover)
42 makes a spray from the river lethe( dont ask how he got it)that makes you forget everything
43 pulls out a brew from the flower that makes you remember what you forget.
( i almost forgot about this one )
44. A pouch that has an elf inside that makes leos favorite food.
now that would be awsome to own
over a year ago HecateA said…
^ Just the toolbelt would be fantastic to own! Heck, book's not even out and it's already epic!

We cna still get to 100 you guys!

45 He can pop out
46 If he's eavesdropping a conversation he can tape it with a tape recorder (like the Kanes! sorry)
47 A lighter if he ever needs to destroy something
48 He cna pull out "The Lost Hero" and tell all of us who kidnapped Percy!
49 If ne ever needs to fix Festus (which I think is the main reason he's even on the quest :( )voilà!
50 Sonic screwdriver! (if you don't watch Doctor Who it's this epic thingy V)
^ Just the toolbelt would be fantastic to own!  Heck, book's not even out and it's already epic!

over a year ago Shadowsign said…
51. (Fact) He can pull out breath mints.
over a year ago goddessoflife said…
52. (Not possible but...) Birthday cake! Yum! lol.
over a year ago HecateA said…
53. Take out a screwdriver and built an automaton to go tell the Roman cmap to hold it and not kill the new kid.
over a year ago Hermione-Fan361 said…
54. He could pull out a bucket of water and become Fire-Man Leo.
over a year ago partypony said…
55. Pull out some extra- gigantic doggie biscuits for Mrs. O'Leary.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
56. A copy of "How to be a Fire User"
over a year ago mrcobra66 said…
58. he can pull out greek fire grenades
over a year ago partypony said…
59. Miniature robot than can make awesome tacos (vegetarian or otherwise)
over a year ago HecateA said…
Yeah I think Festus is too big...

60. Solar-heated blanket
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
61. take out lightbulbs to help them go threw dark places...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
62. Pull out a pocket translater and talk to the Roman campers in Roman (I mean Latin, I am and idiot, I know)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
63. pull out a hammer and use it as a weapon
64. any type of food he can think of
over a year ago HecateA said…
65 PEN! He can put a Riptide imposter! Or, uoi know, actually use a pen...
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
66 a coin like Jasons or just a regular coin of any currency
67 pencil
68 eraser
69 sharpener
70 battery
71 flashlight (even though he has no need)
72 mini metal detecter
73 monster locater
74 iPhone/iPod touch
75 mirror for the beauty queen ( Piper)
over a year ago wisegurl said…
big smile
76~ he could pull out cloth and be a fashion designer
77~ he could pull out wood and make a cool carving to go on someones mantel
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
78. It will always have money. Mortal or otheriwse.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
79. He can pull out pipe cleaners and fiddle with them when he is nervous.

80. He can build an automaton that drives the ArgoII.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
81. He can pull out a small hammer and use it to hit Jason's head really hard and bring back his memories.
82. He can pull out liquor and set it on fire to protect himself when Jason tries to kill him for hitting him on the head.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
big smile
83~he could pull out sand and make it into glass
84~he could take out a calculator and cheat on his math test
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
85~he could pull out a wad of cash to pay for lunch
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
86. He can pull out a computer and waste time writing a fanfic for Harry Potter

87. Using the computer he can read books online.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
big smile
88~ he could pull out a microscope and find a cure for cancer
89~ he could get a magnify glass and dress up like a detactive:)
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
90. He can join a free demigod dating service and get a pretty girl.

91. He can pull out the computer and find Gaeas secret weakness.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
92~he could pull out an iPod and go on fanpop
93~he could get a ball pump and blow up a basket ball
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
94. He can pull out a fake mustache as a disguise.
95. He could pull out a blanket so he can keep Jason and Piper warm(even though he's a fire user.)
96. He could pull out a laptop so he can use mapquest
97. He can pull out a printer so he can print out some directions from mapquest.
98. He could pull out a fashion magazine so he can no all about the latest fashions, and defeat the monsters because of his amazing sense if fashion (?)
99. He could pull out a volleyball so he can play with it
100. He could pull out a watch so he can no what time it is
101. He could take out the book The Son Of Neptune and post it on his new laptop so we won't have to wait 10 MORE MONTHS fir it to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Yay!!! We reached 100!!!! And 1
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
1 tenth of the way!!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
haha i didnt want to stop at 100 so i went to 101 hehehe
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
but i totally mean the 101th one!!!! that would be sooo awesomne
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
that a good idea
over a year ago wisegurl said…
102~ he could get pink nail polish and paint his nails a pretty pink!!!
over a year ago nymph_tonks said…
103. pull out a phone and tell rick that theres a fangirl that will be there with an axe if son of neptune doesnt come out soon enough...
104. pull out packs of silly bands!
105. pull out a laptop so i can kidnapp piper and email him, " bring me jason or the beauty queen dies"
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
106. Pull out a coke for a refreshing drink
107. take out some rainbow pony stickers and stick em on himself so he can look gorgeius and manly(?????)
over a year ago wisegurl said…
big smile
107~ he could pull out PEPSI to get rid of the coke taste
107~he could get some paper and scribble on them
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Wisegurl, that was 108 and 109, so
110.He can pull out sleeping pills to give to Gaea
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Srry I musta hit the wrong number!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
111. can pull out snow and start a snowball fight

i don't knwo if someone did this already or not...
over a year ago wisegurl said…
112~he could pull out wood and make a campfire
113~ he could pull out electric tape and shut pipers mouth so she doesn't make him do something
114~ he could get a map of Wisconsin and not get lost
115 he could get oil and dowse someone and light them on fire!!!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
116- he can pull out an ipod and listen to music
117- can pull out some makeup and let piper give him a makeover
118- can pull out a juicy couture sweatoutfit and give it to me<3
119- can pull out a tv and watch the real houswives of beverly hills
120- he can pull out a cool keychain with his name on it so he doesnt forget his name