The Heroes of Olympus Naukamura Twins

redhawks posted on Nov 05, 2010 at 01:39AM
So I am taking my crack at writing. WARNING:I don't think it is any good but according to some people it is.

Rating: T-With the adult themes it's about as bad as PJO and if I decide to do more I'll give you a warning.

Type: Some romance, action,fiction......yeah that about covers it.

Characters: Evan Naukamura(OC), Beckondorf, and Nico.

Synopsis: So this fan fic takes place during the fourth book of the PJO series. It's from Ethan Naukamura's Twins POV, Evan Naukamura. Yes, I know similar name but Evan wanted to be in it so he is. So back to the overview. So Evan is trying to get his brother back on the good side. There will be little violence only during the fights with monsters, will be similiar to Rick's descripations of the fights. THere will be next to no romance in here. I mean a little like PJO but not heavy stuff that litle children would not be able to read. (about as much as they put in Dora. I mean I think Dora and Boots have somethin that they aren't sharing.)


A/N: I would like to thank Hecate for the prophcy and everyone who likes my story! You guys are awesome!

last edited on Jan 09, 2011 at 05:20PM

The Heroes of Olympus 55 replies

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over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Chapter One

Ring!!!! RIng!!! Thank God English is over. It's so hard. You see the problem is I have dyslaxia. Which makes reading in English extremly hard.It's been getting worse ever since my 12th birthday. I also have ADHD which makes sitting still and trying to actully figure out what the book says hard to do. I also have to go home to my dad. I mean don't get me wrong he's ok but he's my stepdad so I feel like he shouldn't be in my life, since he isn't related to me. But my mom on the other hand it awesome.

"Evan you should go hangout with your father. You guys could use some bonding time"
"Mom, I already told you how awkward it is. We have literly nothing in common."
"Why'd my real dad have to leave anyways?"I muttered under my breath.
"Evan! I don't ever want to hear you say that again! Take it back now!"
"Ok,Ok. I'm sorry. I take it back."
"Evan, I told you before that he had to leave because he was forced to. He didn't want to."
"Ok, Sorry. Anyways I think this dyslexia thing is getting worse. I can't read anything."
"Oh no,Oh no. Not now please not now."my mom muttered to herself.
"What mom, what's wrong."
"Nothing. Nothing at all. Evan there's this summer camp that your dad wanted you to go to when you turned 12th..... I want you to go pack your stuff up now and we are going to leave first thing tom. morning."
A camp? My dad didn't even know me how could my mom know this?
I went upstairs and found the oddest thing. There was this monster thing in my room. I probably don't need to expain what he looks like because you probably have seen somethinglike it before. He looked like Mike from Monsters Inc. except not as small and green. I was so freaked out I was glad my mom had followed me upstairs.
"Why are you here it's not time yet. I was going to take him tom."
"I'm sorry you can't. There are three hydras about 2 miles away, that we mangaed to hold back for now. But we must hurry.
Since I was so concantrated on the MIke looking thing, I didn't see the other person in my room who looked to be about 15.
"Tyson take him out to the chariot and wait for me to finsih gathering his stuff."
Tyson took me out to the chariot that was parked right out side my door. I don't get how that was possiable but it was. Percy soon climbed in behind me and off we were.
Chapter Two
It was so cool! We were so high I could barely see the target on top of the Target bulidings that seemed to be here. I was shocked at how short of a flight it was. He were almost to New York in six hours. Not bad. Another 30 min. and we were flyig by the Empire State Building. We were so high that I nearly had a heart attack when we were shot out of the sky by what seemed to be by winds and plumeted to the ground. We had a somewhat hard landing that hurt so bad but I didn't die which was a good thing. We got up and brushed ourselfs off and started walking away from the burning chariot. Percy told me we were about 15 minutes away from the camp my mom was talking about. When 5 minutes later we heard a deep growl. All three of us spun on our heels and saw 3 hydras heading straight for us. Percy yelled "Run!" and that seemed to make the hydras run even faster. We were about 2 minutes away when the hydras caught up to us. Percy told me to take the smallest one and he tossed me a sword. I caught the sword mid-air and spun it around and chopped of a head. I was so prud of myself when all the sudden 2 more heads startedto grow back. That was when I remembred the myth. I had to burn the stumps before the heads grew back. Luckly I had a lighter in my pocket. Within 5 more minutes all three hydras had been taken out. We ran the rest of the way back in case there was more monsters coming. We made it to a gate that said Στρατόπεδο ετεροθαλείς and we entered. We walked down a hill and I saw this big house. It had a wrap around porch and it was about 4 stories high. We made our way toward. I saw this old pudgy man in a hawiian shirt playing cards with... Wait is that my Latin teacher?? Ok then. Well, my latin teacher,Mr.Brunner, turned around and said
"Welcome Mr.Nakamura."
over a year ago bernzzbabzz said…
Very, very well done. I loved it. Really nothing bad to see, I just hope you continue on with it.
over a year ago bernzzbabzz said…
Wait. Let me take that back. Haha. Don't worry the story is still awesome, I re read, just some grammer stuff, but I fuss over that stuff insanely so you don't really have to go crazy over grammer checking your stories. Maybe an editor. I could edit if you would want, but it's just an option.
Hope this helped in any way.

over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
that was really good its just that i dont understand how he already knew percy ad how he was not so shocked when all of this happened
other than that it was really good (grmmar does not matter... no one like grammar)
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Hahahaha thanks guys! Grammer is to confusing and on my com. I have a netbook and it has NO SPELL CHECK!! I WAS DEVASTATED!!! I have about no chance of going through an entrie essay without speling mistakes as much as a chance of you going to the bottom of the sea without getting crushed.

Lightning I know I do have some flaws in my story. heheheh
over a year ago redhawks said…
So now that I have some free time here is my next chapter. Hope you like it!

Chapter Three
After I got the load down on all the Greek Gods/Goddesses and how they were all real, I was freaked out for the whole day. I kept thinking that if I said the wrong thing Zeus would punish me by striking me with a lightning bolt. The worse thing that day was meeting the Hermes cabin. I can still see the sad look on everyone's face. Well that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was when Chiron asked me where my twin Ethan was. I hated telling him that he had ran away. I didn't even know where he was going. All I knew was that he was going this cruise ship called the Princess Androma. I heard him muttering about that yesterday,then when I woke up he was gone. Chiron had a pretty sad look on his face, but it quickly fanished.
"Evan! Evan.......... Earth to Evan," said this guy I had met soon after I went into the Hermes cabin. His name was Percy Jackson.

"Oh sorry. Just thinking about what had all happened that day. It's pretty overwhelming."

"Ya. I know the feeling. So we have some free time now you wanna go down to the beach."

"Ya sure.. But do you mind showing me what you can do with water. I mean you being the son of Poisdean and all."
"Ya of course."

When we were walking down we walked past a group of Aphrodite girls and they were all staring at me and gigling. It was really awkward. We walked past the volleyball courts and I saw a good game about to happen but they were short two players and they asked me and Percy to play.

"Sure why not," I said.

We started playing and our team was doing really good until this one player lost his mojo. I was mad all right. As we were walking away,Percy had to drag me because I kept on screaming I want revenge!!!! I lose my temper sometimes and whenever I lost anything or anything bad happens to me I lost it and I always get my revenge.
When we got to the beach Percy showed me some pretty cool powers. He could walk into the water and not get wet at all which I thought was awesome. Then how he could calm the water and make really high waves was even better. I told him though that it would be awesome if I could ask for revenge and always get it. When I told him that he got really worried and had to run off. I had to walk back to the Hermes cabin alone then.
When I got there everyone was out doing there own thing. I heard Percy was at the arena, so I decided to head over. When I was going past the bathroom, I felt the sudden need to go. When I stepped in there no one was there, which I was glad. I hated peeing when other people where in there. I went to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands I saw this glowing sign above me. It was a balance above me. It seemed to be floating in the air above me, like a hologram of some sorts. Then bam! It hit me. I was staring at the symbol of Nemesis. I had just gotton claimed. I was about to run out and tell everyone but and Iris message appeared and it was my mother Nemesis.

"Evan, I know you want to go and tell everyone but you can't. They won't allow you to stay. This is mainly a camp for demi-gods of the major gods."

" But that isn't fair! I want to tell everyone."

"Evan, fair doesn't mean everyone gets the same thing, but everyone gets what they want. I suppose you have heard that before, you know I came up with that saying. I wish your brother understood that before he ran of to the bad side......."

"What!?! What bad side. Tell me!"

"I wish I had more time but Zeus is calling me. Remeber don't tell anyone!"
Chapter Four
I wish I could have asked her more but just then the Iris Message dissaperead. I walked out of the bathroom and ran right into Percy as he was coming into the bathroom.

"Oh. Sorry Evan. Whoah dude what happened. Your face is as white as a ghost."

"Oh it is? Ummm nothings wrong though. I was hoping I would catch you at the arena. I wanted to practice my sword fighting."

"Sure. Ya I can go back just give me a minute."

We walked back together and started practicing. He was so hard on me. I was sweating five min. into it. We started to pretend just for fun that we were fencing. One minute later he won. I was so mad.

"I want a rematch." Oh-oh. Nemesis powers activted.

"Nah, dude I'm tired. I'm gonna go take a nap before dinner."

"No! I want a rematch now!!"

"I said I can't I'm too-I'll do it." Did he just do what I wanted him too? That's so cool.
I won this time which I was surprised by. I relized I was tried to so we both went back to our own cabins and took a nap. When I woke up Connor and Travis Stoll was staring and me and was about to pour shaving cream on my face and then wake me up to tell me it was time for dinner. I woke up but I didn't move and right when they were about to put it on my face; I jumped up and screamed at them to get away. They fell back screaming, but they soon started laughing.

"That was a good one! Maybe you are a son of Hermes." Ya sure, that's it.

"Maybe. Ok I'l get in line after I go to the arena I left something there."

"K, hurry up."
I was entering the Arena when someone IM me again. It turned out to be my mom again.

" Evan are you alone?"

"Ya. What is it? I have to get back soon."

"I just wanted to give this to you. As a gift." Woah she handed the gift to me through the Iris Message. Is that even possiable? It was a sword.

"Thanks mom! It's so cool. It's even well balanced!." I was looking at it and noticed the wrighting on it was in Greek,right on the hilt of the sword. It said εξολοθρευτής δράκων which translates into Dragon Slayer in English. After that unexpected event, I grabbed my bag the orignal reason I left it here and took of to the cabin for dinner.
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow!!!!!!!!!! that was really good!!!!!! I like how he has those confrences with his mom and how she sent him the sword threw the IM
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile

I know! I was trying to add like some intersting things into there that RR never did.

Can you try and spread the word of this fan fic. I'm not getting many comments.

If you have read this and didn't like this please tell me to I can critice my work. (make it better)
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
Ok i will advertize it because its so good
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
i liek it. i git the general story, and its goin well. even if the story is going a bit too fast but thats ok. fanfics tend to be fast. overall its awesome!!!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
Ya I know it's going really fast. Partly because I have so many ideas going on in my head as I write that it all just tends to spill out and for something to make something else has to happen that prob. wouldn't have happened that fast. I prob. just lost a lot of people anyways.....on to the story!

Chapter 5
Dinner was so fun. Well, it always is. The Stoll Brothers are the only reason why I actully enjoy dinner. They played the funniest prank on one of the Aphrodite girls. He said they over heard them saying he was so hot. He decided to ask one of them out a few days earlier. The girl said yes and they were going to sit close to each other. When he showed up he was dressed in this nerd outfit. He had a nerdy shirt tucked into his khaki pants. His glasses had tape to hold them together and he wore suspenders. He looked so nerdy! The girl he asked out just stood there and didn't even look at him. We all ate in peace but the girl kept looking at me trying to see what this was all about. After we had said thanks and given them a portion of our food, we headed back. Travis attempted to kiss him and the girl screamed and called him ugly. That's when he told her he had overheard her saying he was so hot. He got a smack in the face. We were already cracking up and that made us cry we were laughing so hard. He just stood there smiling. Eventully she calmed down and walked back. We did the same.

That light-hearted mood didn't last though. Apparently they had found a way were enemies could get into the camp even with the boundry lines. I finally got the courge to ask Annabeth what all this fighting and bad guys was all about. I was afraid she wouldn't tell me at first but her gaze softened and she told me.

"Well, I suppose you will find out eventully.... Ok this is going to get very confussing so hold all your questions till the end. Got it?"
I nodded yes so she continued.
"So there was this guy name Luke who used to go here. He got this dreams from the Titan Lord Kronas. Kronas told him that his dad ,Hermes, didn't care about him. That made Luke mad at all of the Olympions. He wanted revenge and would stop at nothing. This made Luke very easy to maniuplate. He first got Luke to steel Zeus' symbol,his masterbolt that controls all of the lightning bolts you see,Luke did and got it all the way to New Jeresy before Zeus noticed. Zeus sent all of the best people for the job out to find it. Artemis,Athena,and Hermes couldn't find it but Ares did. Ares took it but Luke planted an idea that Kronas told him to say and that caused Ares to keep it. Ares then magically put it in a backpack and gave it to Percy. When we got to the underworld he was supposed to be wearing flying shoes that Luke had given him but Grover was and that carried Grover to the edge of Tarturas. Percy was suppossed to fly into the Underworld and give it to Kronas. Secondly Luke poisned Thalias tree with something Kronas had given him. Percy,Tyson,and me traveled to the Sea of Monsters and found the Golden Fleece which healed Thalias tree to much. It restored Thalia's life and Thalia was not a tree anymore. There is much more but I will tell you later. Now do you have any questions?"

"Um..... ya. Why is Kronas doing all this?"

"He wants control once more."

"Oh. Why was Percy in all of this?"

"Oh. I forgot about that part. There is this great prophcy that says the next child of the big three who turns 16 will make a choice that decides the faith of the Olympions. Percy was the only known demi-god of the Big Three. Until Thalia was healed that is."

"Ok. Where is the Sea of Monsters?"

"The Bermuda Triangle."

"Oh ok, I get it now. What are you guys going to do about the entrance into the camp?"

"Well, we are having a meeting later about it. Your not a going to attend but do you want to wear my hat and go there invisably?"

"Yes! Ok so where do I meet you and when?"

"Meet me at my cabin in 20 minutes."

"Ok then, Bye!"

"Bye. See ya later."
That was an intersting coversation. I didn't actully think she would explain all of it. I havn't been getting straight answers at all lately. I had forgotton to ask her how they could get into the camo if it is sealed up. I'll see her later though. I can just go early and ask her. RIght now I'm gonna go clean up my little corner. That took me about 10 minutes. I decided to head over now.
When I got there I heard someone talking. It sounded like Annabeth but I couldn't figure out who the other person was. It sounded familier though. It wasn't like me but I decided to eavesdrop.

"-trust him,'said Annabeth.

"I don't either. Don't jump to conclusions though."

"I know, I know. I don't do that and you know that Connor." It was Connor Stoll!

"Yes. I know but why don't you?"

"Well. I can tell he is holding something back. I think he has been claimed. Percy told me that he made him do a rematch. He wanted revenge our something. I think his godly parent is Nemisis."

"But how do you know he has been claimed?"

"Your powers you get from your parent don't actully start to waken until you get claimed."

"Oh ya. Good point. Oh well,we won't know till later. You don't think he is working for the other side. Do you?"

"Well. Maybe. 2 weeks after he showed up I got a dream saying there was a spy here at camp. I'm thinking it might be him."

"What?!?!? That can't be true. Well, it might. We don't know anything about it."

"Well you need to leave now because he should be coming any minute." Oh wow. She was right it had been ten minutes since I was standing there. I tried to regain myself. It was pretty hard considering what I just heard. They think I'm a spy? I havn't even heard of the conflict till earlier today. How do they know I was claimed. I mean sure I had made Percy change his mind but that isn't a big clue. Right? Well, I didn't have time to think about that right now. I had just entered the cabin. She saw and imediatly started telling me what I was suppossed to do and be quite and remember nobody could see me. Then she put on the cap and I turned invisable. It was the coolest feeling ever! I could still feel how I had substence but when I raised up my hands I couldn't see them. I loved it. We headed down to the meeting and we all got settled in. Clarrise was already sitting down when we got there and Annabeth sat on the other side. They both took turns debriefing everyone of what has happened so far. That was when I got my answer to where the entrance was.

"Luke must have known about the entrance. He knew everything about camp."

The nymph Junniper spoke now,"That's what I was trying to tell you last night. The cave entrance has been there a long time. Luke use to use it."

"You knew about the entrance ,and you didn't say anything?"

" I didn't know it was important. Just a cave. I don't like yucky old caves,"replied Juniper.

" She has good taste,"remarked Grover.

"I wouldn't have paid any attention except ... well, it was Luke,"she said as she blushed.

"Intersting."Quintus, the new sword master said,"And you believe this young man,Luke, would dare use the Labyrinth as an invasion route?"

"Definatly,"said Clarrise.
They talked some more but I kinda zoned out until Annabeth got up to leave. I recalled that they just said she had to visit the Oracle. After that everyone desprised and stayed around the Big House. Like Percy I decided to follow Annabeth. When we got there we both seemed to hear sobbing. We both headed to were it was coming from. What I saw was very disturbing. There was a teenage guy around 14-15 was sitting down with Clarisse.... tending to him. I didn't know she had a soft side. I took of my hat to see a little better forgetting that's what was keeping my invisable. The guy who I had now guessed was the Chris guy they were talking about saw me. He thought I was a son of Poisdean and murmured something I couldn't hear. I slapped the hat back on my head just as Percy turned around. Seeing nothing he left. I figured he was pretty spooked.

About five minutes later Annabeth came back. She was definatly spooked by what had just happened with the Oracle. Chiron asked her what the Oracle had said and she said someting I couldn't hear. I wished I had gotton closer. They all sat back down and discussed who was going. Annabeth for one then they decided on Percy,Grover,and Tyson. Chiron was upset and said something about 3 being the ancinent number and how four people would be to much. Annabeth aruged back and Chiron finally gave in. Looks like they were going on a quest. They headed back to get some rest and they were going to be off tom. morning.

In the morning a few people accompanied the quest members to the entrance to see them off. One of them being me. No one saw me because I was on the other side of Zeus' fist were no one else was. I just didn't want to talk to anyone right now. There were three poeple at this camp who have talked to me so far and two were leaving. The other one being Travis. So as you can imagine, I was pretty upset. The quest members all looked around at everyone and at the sun knowing they weren't going to see it for a while. Then they all stepped threw the hole and they were gone.
over a year ago NaomiKnightt said…
Um... to Chapter 1, Nemesis is Ethan/Evan's mother. His father... well I have no clue.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Great chapter! liked the Chris saying son of poseidon when he sees him!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile

OMG I just relized that. Crap well just umm just pretend I said Father nd there father was talking. OOps

I'm so sorry I didn't post Fri. I was busy. Well.....You get 2 this week.

Chapter 6

Things were pretty calm for a few days, but then the borders started fading fast. During breakfest it was so boring that I decided to ask what was so special about the pine tree. Since it was so quite everyone heard me and stared at me. I was so embarressed. Then luckly Grover saved me and told everyone I was the new kid and had not heard the story. He then told me and I relized why everyone stared at me. I still can't believe that girl had risked her live and ended up dying because of it just to save her friends. Anyways as I was saying the borders started failing and we had to set up a border patroal like they did when Percy went to the Sea of Monsters. We had no idea why they were fading, I mean it was the golden fleece for gods sake. We figured that Luke had something to do with it or something.
I was on watch from 12 to 4 o'clock am. It was really hard staying up but I'm glad I did. This monster got in and I had to get a lot of people up to take care of it. This thing was at least 20 feet tall. Easily. It breathed fire and shot out acid. I was scared and about to pee my pants when the Ares kids stepped in and took charge. It took all fighting campers and Chiron to take it down. We spent at least an hour trying to. I was exhausted and it was finally my turn to go to sleep.
I was told that I would start to get freaking dreams of stuff, but the only catch was it wasn't a dream. They were sort of like telling the futre for a demi-god. Tonight was my night to get one. There was my brother and another guy.... No wait another monster...... and they were walking down this long hallway. It was dark and looked really stuffy. They were talking but I couldn't hear them. I caught only one word though.. Brother. He was talking about me! They stepped out into this large clearing. No they didn't step out into it they had to walk up some steps to get there. I came to the relazations that they must have been under-ground. The dream shifted closer to them and I then could here what they were saying.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't get to my brother in time to tell him to come with me. I fear that he might be at the camp already. He might be lost to that side now..........," said my brother,Ethan.

"I am going to send you on a quest to retrieve your brother,Evan. I will not tell you how to get there because that would defy an ancient law. I am not able to help you during your quest. Retrieve him and take him to Luke."


"No buts! Just do as I say."

"Yes, master."

I woke with a cold sweat and resolved to tell Chiron about this first thing. I glanced at my clock and it said 7:30. I over slept by 30 min.! I was late to archery!

"Sorry Chiron. I won't be late again......"

"Very well. Grab a bow and some arrows and get in line."

I hated archery. It was not my thing, and I hate losing. Well that is fitting considering who my goldy parent is. I missed the target completly almost every single time. Chiron annoucned that we were going to have a friendly competion. Friendly? Ya, good luck with that. I went 4th and missed the target completly and came in last out of 5 people. I was really wanted a rematch but I couldn't because then that might reveal something to Chiron about who my parent was. I was deep in thought when I suddenly bumped into Chiron. Scared I looked up and I remembred I had to tell him my dream.

"Err... Sorry Chiron! Oh I need to tell you something imprtant."

"Good ahead."

"Well, I would like to do this in private. If that's ok with you."

"It's fine. Hop on and I'll take you to the Big House." I hopped on and we started going incrediably fast that it only took 2 seconds to get there. I followed him into the Big House and told him my dream. When I finished he had a very sad look on his face.

"Evan. First things first. I want you to be armed at everypoint. Two. I want you to be on the look out for either your brother or the monster. Can you handle that?"

"Yes sir. I have been keeping a weapon from the Arena with me ever since I got here. Since the dream I have been on look out but nothing yet." Just then a shadow flickered across the window. Startled I jumped out and Chiron sensed it to. Before either of us could say anything I was swiped into complete darkness. Then out comes my brother, Ethan.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!Can't wait for the next chapter!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile

I'm sorry this is late but I was busy this week. I had 2 big project due, and bunch of make-up work, and a test. Again sorry and without further ado here tis my next chapter(s). Havn't quite figured out how many I'm gonna give you.

Chapter 7

"Ethan! Where did you come from?" I asked.

"I don't need to tell you anything," retorted Ethan.

"Ok.......Then why do you want me?"I inquired.

"This is you last chance to change sides. If you stay on Camp Half-Blood's side then I have no choice but to kill you. Join our side brother and you can do wonders with you life!" persuaded Ethan.

"Give me a sec to think," I said. There was a moment of silence while I thought. "No."

"You dare say no to me!" Ethan asked angrily.

"I say no because I have not gone completely insane."

"If that is your final descion then I have to kill you."

"It is."

"Well, then what is your final words."

"I'm going to kick your butt."

"You make me laugh brother."

After those nice words they plunged into a battle. Evan grabbed his sword while Ethan grabbed his javelin. Evan striked first. Ethan counter-actted with his javelin and stroke Evan in the face. Evan took his sword and slashed of the ends of the javelin. Now, instead of being a 10 foot long javelin it turned into a 5 foot long javelin. This mad Ethan angry. He started jumping and doing flying leaps try to hit Evan again. Only Evan was faster then his brother. He was always at least two steps ahead of him. The fight ended when Evan leaped into the did a round-house kick making Ethan collapse. Evan pinned him down and whispered in his ear,

"Don't think I'll be this nice next time."

He shoved Ethan against the ground for good measure and somehow he disapread into te darkness. Next thing he knew he was sitting in front of a frozen Chrion. Not literally frozen with ice , it was as if time had frozen itself. The only moving objects was him that my mom, he thought. Yes, it was. Nemesis herself in her smaller godly form so she could fit in the room.

"Well done Evan. I am very proud of you. It looks like you got some of your grandfather in you," praised Nemesis.

"And who would that be.... The only fighting god I can think of would be Ares. He can't be my grandfather!" said Evan.

"You are 100% he is your grandfather. Through you dad. You dad was a demi-god. His father was Ares."

"That explains so much."

"Indeed it does."

"So why did you come here anyways."

"I have come to warn you that great danger is coming your way. They are after you. You will be choosen to go on a quest. Pick your partners wisefully. Someone who will not bring you distress and revenge. Someone who may help you figure out your greatest flaw. I want you to achieve the things you were destined for. Please no questions my time is short. I must go now. I love you."

"No! Wait you can't go! What dangers? What are you talking about? My greatest flaw?"

"I'm sorry. I don't have enough time to explain. Zeus is wanting me back on Olympus. I love you." She faded into the background and the world continued.
"What was that! I feel tension in the air. Wait didn't you just disapear?" asked Chrion.

I explained everything to him.

"Well..... I was fearing this but it sounds like it's time for a quest. You must go consult the Oracle."

"What is the Oracle? What's a quest?"

"So many questions. They will all be answered in a short time. We must visit the Oracle first."

We walked to the Big House and went up the ladder into the attic. We stepped into the attic and I looked around. There was a bunch of collectables and trophys. I picked something up and look in the jar. I almost dropped it. It was a giant dragon's toe. I set it down and looked up to be confronted with the most disturbing thing in the world. A mummy. It was almost 2,000 years-old going on 10,000. Then without warning green smoke just starts pouring out of the mummy. It started to form an image but I couldn't tell what it was. Then, the mummy's mouth dropped open and started to speak in a old rasphy voice. I heard Chrion's foot, er I mean hoof. shift. I had forgotten he was there. The voice had stopped when Chrion moved his hoof and it resumed. I heard it speak then everything went black.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Can't wait to see what the prophecy is!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Minnor detail here.............I want you all to pretend Charles Beckondorf died in The Sea of Monsters. It will all make since then. Enjoy my story!

I woke up with a terriable headache. I propped myself up on my elbow and took a look around the room I was in. There was a guy sitting in the room. There was something strange about him. I couldn't place my finger on it. Wait, I know what it is. He had eyes all over his body. I mean litarlly all over him. Other then that the room was pretty normal. I was guessing I was in the infirmary considereing the splitting headache I had and the fact I couldn't remember anything that had happen. The last thing I remebered was green smoke. I'm not quite sure why.

-Umm, I hope I'm not intreputting anything.

-No, no your fine. Come in Nico.

-Ok, well what is the last thing you remember?

-Green smoke.

-Ok, well that green smoke was coming from the oracle. She had a prophecy for you.

-Well, what was it?

-I am not obligated to tell you. I'm sorry. But how are you feeling?

-Well, I'm not feeling 100% but I'm good enough to get up. Let's go somewhere.

-That's actually the reason why I came. We need to go have a meeting.

He helped me get up out of bed and walk me over to the sword arena.

-Thank you all for joining me, said Chrion.

-Did we have a choice. Said one of the Stoll Brothers.

-No, you didn't. Anyways let's continue on with the meeting. You all know you are here because of the propecy. Well, Evan blacked out and never heard it so I will recite it for you all.

The fruit of chaos is now long gong,
if you take on the quest you can bring 2 along,
fail or victory will be picked by one's guardian,
and you will slip through the claws of the eternal barbarian

-Whoa. That was scary.

-I know. Do you except.

-Whoa wait I need to know more before I can except.

-I'm sorry. I can't tell you anymore. First, you need to except.

-Yes I except.

-Ok, now you need to chose two people to bring along.

-I choose Nico. I don't know anyone else.

-The other one has volenteered.

-That would be...........

-Beckondorf. Charles Beckondorf.

-Wait, I thought he was dead. said Connor Stoll

-He is. Well, was. Hades has agreed to let him live as long as the quest is still on. As soon as it is over he must return to the Underworld.

-Ok, I accept him.

-Go get your stuff ready and get some rest. Meet me at the Big House at 5 tommorow morning.

I walked out of the Sword Arena and ran to the Hermes cabin. Travis brought me some things I needed for the quest so I didn't have to do much. I got my sword put it into my pack and went to bed.

I had a nice and peaceful, dreamless sleep. The first one I have had since I got to camp. I woke up around 4:30 and decided to shower. I figured I wouldn't get many of those on the quest. When I finished the shower it was about 4:50 so I started for the big house. I arrived at exactly 5. Nico was there with Chiron and we were waiting for Beckondorf.

-He shouldn't be that long. Chiron said.
Just then there was a little poof and there was Beckondorf. He looked around and sighed.

-Ahhhhhh, I have missed this place.

-Well, the cab is waiting for you guys.
We walked to the cab and got in. The guy with all of the eyes was driving. We set off and soon the only thing I could see was my own fear of this quest.
over a year ago HecateA said…
Beckendorf!!!! Aww, red, thanks for including him! It was super awesome, I'm excited to see what you'll make of the prophecy! Need help, you know how to fanpop-contact me.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
I'm so so so so so so so so so soooooooooo sorry!!! I have not posted in so long! I am extremely busy and I ment to have it out Saturday but I was booked and had no time to write. So well today I am writting since I finally have some free time! I'm going to try and make these chapter extra long for you guys, as my late Christmas/Holidays and New Years present............Enjoy!

My own fear soon subsided to anxiety. I saw my first McDonadls and I was immeditatly happy. I'm back in my own territory, I thought to myself. You can't even began to know what I was feeling at that exact moment. I was relived and feeling quite giddy. I was bouncing in my seat and I got some funny looks from Beckondorf. He couldn't figure out why I was so happy. Finally he snapped.

"Would you stop!"

"Stop what? I'm just extremely happy!"

"That's what I want you stop doing. You should be terrified. Not bouncing around in your seat!"

"Well, maybe I'm different!"

"You sure are." He said a little to quite. I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear it. I was wondering why when it suddenly hit me. Maybe he figured out who my mom was. When we were having our little agrument Nico became invisable.

"Nico! Nico where'd you go!"I screamed.

"Dude, calm down I'm right here. Jeez."He said all a little to calmly. But then I saw him. He just kind of formed right there.

"No, you were a there a second ago."

"I was there the whole time."

"No, Beckondorf you remember him not being there don't you!"

"Yeah, Nico I think when you sit really still you turn invisable."

"Ohmygosh!"He said that so fast it sounded like, Ohsh. Maybe that was just my ADHD brain doing that.
We sat there for the rest of the cab ride as Nico tried out his little skill. The cab ride with Argus the million eyed man was finally over as he dropped us of at the Emprire State Building.

"So where should we head?"I asked. Hoping someone had gotton briefed before we left.

"Well, the prophecy said something about the eternal barbarian,"said Beckondorf.

"I'm pretty sure they may mean the Amazon woman. I'm guessing we go to the Amazon Rainforest, which is were they are now," thought Nico.

"Ok, so how do you guys plan on getting there?" I asked.

"Well, we could fly......No, because Nico's dad is Hades," thought Beckondorf.

"No, Zeus allows me to fly. He likes me a lot I guess," said Nico.

"Well, ok then I guess we better go buy some tickets for South America," I said as we walked towards the airport.
We walked until we finally found a bus station that was headed to the airport. When we got on we went to the very back of the bus and sat down. The bus ride was un eventful as was the airplane ride. People were a little suspicious of us traveling alone. When we landed and got out of the airport did we meet our first monster. I pulled out my sword and looked at Beckondorf and Nico. All three of us knew immeditatly knew what to do. Nico would distract while Beckondorf and I went around on the sides and attacked. This monster was nothing like I have ever seen. It had multple heads and was very dog like. I cut off one head but it immediatly grew back. I relized I fighting a hydra.

"Beckondorf! Do you have any fire on you?"I yelled over everyone screaming and the hydra growls.
I was too late as I relized Beckondorf already had some fire out and there were only two head left. I cut one head off and he immediatly burn the stump. We did the same for the last head. By the time we were done we were all sweating buckets and the police had started coming in site. We bolted from sight and ran to the nearest woods. We found a little clearing and decided to make camp. In no time at all I drifted into a dreamless hard sleep.

Hope you liked it! Again, sorry it took me a while.
over a year ago HecateA said…
Here I am!

Ohsh, awesome! Nico and Beckendorf in one fanfiction, AND Evan... Red, Im sorry but you'll have to shut it down before it explodes of awesomeness!!!!
Amazons in the Amazon :D Super cool!
And duh Zeus likes Nico a lot, who doesn't?

And I pity Argus... Poor cabdriver...
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
big smile
soooooo coollllllll
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Thank you guys for reading my fanfiction!

@Hecate~Appaerntly it's going to be pretty hard. I have Beckondorf and Nico! Way to hard and HINT:There is going to be some drama here.

We woke up right when the sun came up. I had never seen that before. It was as if the sun was fighting it's way through the ground. Once, everyone had packed up we set of for the nearest tourist building. Our plan was to see if they had a bus or something in that nature to take us to the Amazong Rainforest. We walked in silence fore about an hour. Finally Nico spoke up.

"Hey guys, I'm getting really bored. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure. Was you wanna talk about?"I replied.

"I don't know. Girls?" Nico suggested.

"Well, uh, sure I guess."

"Ok then so who do you guys think is the hottest girls at camp?"

"Well, I think it would Silena Beugard," says Beckdonorf.

"Well, no duh you think that,"retorts Nico.
They asked mem but I didn't reply. What I thought was going to be a secreat especially now that I know what Beckondorf thinks. I ignored the question and asked Nico.
"I think Thalia. But hold on! You have to anser. It was your idea question anyways."

"Well, uh, ok. I think Clarrise."

"Dude? Really?"

"Well umm yeah." I had a feeling that they weren't totally convinced.
That ended the conversation pretty quick and Nico didn't try to start another one. We walked in silence the rest of the the way to the tourist building. Someone was standing at the doorway blocking our way in when we arrived.
"Excuse me mis'," I said.

"No, I think you three will join me over here."
Uh-oh, I thought to myself, this can not be good. We walked over to the side of the bulding and stopped.
"I'm going to do ya'll a favor." Then the strange woman brings out a wand and I started to feel a strange sensation. It was like I was traveling at the speed of light and everything went black.
over a year ago HecateA said…
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! Evan likes either Annabeth or Silena (leaning on silena).

Great chapter, red!
over a year ago redhawks said…
So sorry guys for the long wait.(17 days) Oops. Well, at long last here it is! Oh, wait! Hecate one of those guessed is correct.

It was the strangest thing I have ever felt. My whole being felt like it was being ripped apart. I hated it. It hurt and when it was finally over and we had landed on a cool stone my whole body ached. I could barely move for a few minutes. I glanced over at everyone else and it looks like they were having a harder time then me. They were looking like they were on the verge of vomiting and their faces were a sickly shade of green. I had to lie back down or I feared I might become green in the face too. Many questions popped into my head after that. Who was that lady? And most importantly where were we? I was feeling a little better so I propped myself up onto my elbow and looked around. It was as if we were under Hogwarts in Professor Snape’s class. It had the same depressing feeling, look, and all of the cauldrons were in place for the students. It was a little strange if you ask me.
“Guys, does this place look familiar?” asked Beckondorf.
“Nah, man. Just any ordinary dungeon,” replied Nico.
“Guys, do any of you read? Cause if ya do then this is Snape’s dungeon at Hogwarts,” I explained.
“Explains why I don’t recognize it….,”Nico said.
“Oh! I see that! That’s why there’s a desk over there. And look! There is the cauldrons all lined up!”
Wow, way to go Captain Obvious.
“Exactly! This place is giving me the creeps lets go.”
“Same” Nico and Beckondorf said at the same time. We found the door and walked out only to find ourselves right under a hole in the ceiling. We all looked up and saw a bunch of rocks. Wait? Is that? No, no…I couldn’t be….Well, maybe. But, then that must mean we are in the…..No…That’s imposable….But, the other guys seemed to be thinking the same thing…
“Guys, I think we should go that way.” I said pointing to a large opening. We walked towards it and all peered in. It seemed to be another cave/dungeon room. It had pictures of the Greek gods covering the wall. I backed up immediately and ran straight for the hole in the ceiling. Don’t ask me why I did it, but I had a gut feeling. I pressed a triangular looking shape and a ladder descended down. I climbed up and the guys followed suit. Soon I found myself facing a very familiar looking pile of rocks.

**EDIT** Aye! This is shorter then I thought it would be....Oh, well hope you liked it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
Oh. My. Gosh.

Are they at Hogwarts? If so I will fake being a child of Nemesis uniquely for the shot of going to Hogwarts.

And was that Hecate? The HOgwarts/Hecate thing makes sence... AH Red! Why? Why make us wait??? D: *is so devastated might not reply to you on Meebo*
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
You are lucky Hecate. I wasn't planning on writing TWO chapters for you guys. Well, here it is!

I looked up and saw the girl I had seen earlier. Juniper. No way. We were back at Camp Half-Blood. I think that witch person sent us into the Labyrinth.
“Nico! Beckondorf! Evan! Why are you guys here?”
It was pretty hard for me to wrap my head around this and I think Beckondorf saw that.
“We were at the tourist station in Brazil so we could go to the Amazon Rainforest when we met a witch who zapped us into that place.”
Oh, so that’s what happened.
“Guys, you just came out of the same tunnel Percy and them went into. That witch sent you guys into the Labyrinth. I also have a pretty good guess who that witch is.”
My mind was going completely berserk. I was supposed to be the leader, but I had no idea what they were talking about. I was so completely lost. No clue what so ever.
“I think you should go see Chiron.” We obeyed at trotted of to the Big House. Chiron was waiting for us on the porch. I assumed Juniper had warned him ahead of time.
“Come in and sit down.” Again, we obeyed and I chose to sit down on the seat farthest away from Mr.D. “Explain your story please.” I gave a full recount of what had happened. Chiron did not interrupt me once and seemed actively aware of what I was saying.
“I can give you an answer has to who that witch was. Her name is Hecate. The goddess of magic. As to why she sent you into the Labyrinth I have yet to know. I think it has something to do with Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson. Or maybe you were supposed to meet someone….”His eyes flashed over my face and we made eye contact. “I have a feeling Evan here knows what I am talking about. Evan why don’t you explain to Beckondorf and Nico.” I explain all about it. The dreams and that one moment when I was talking to Chiron and time it’s self froze. They seemed pretty shocked by the news and once the shock had warned off they had a scared expression. It only lasted a second and then they covered it up. Chiron must have sawn to.
“Boys, why don’t you explain to Evan why this may be worrisome to you?” They explain all about Kronos. I was getting pretty mad at them, but then I remembered I hadn’t been all that open to them either.
“Well, what do you think Evan?”
“I think that Hecate may be working with Kronos so we would meet this person. Whom I have reason to believe may be Ethan. I think it has nothing to do with Percy and his group. On the other hand, Hecate may still be working for us and sent me in there to stop Ethan from reaching Kronos. But, what does this have to do with my quest?”
“Ethan may have exactly what you are looking for. I say you guys go back in there tomorrow night after you get some rest and start searching for him. He may lead you to the Apple of Discordia.” With that final note we set of to our cabins. I parted from them at the Hermes cabin. I plopped down on the floor and fell into a dreamless, restful sleep.

over a year ago tessa34567 said…
Soooooooooooooooooo goooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Wow THAT WAS SWEET!! Glad you told me about it RED!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
Hahahah thanks guys! You rock! Well, I should have some more up soon. If it isn't up in a few days someone bother me about it. I tend to forget....
over a year ago redhawks said…
I remembred! Whooo! Hahah well, thanks guys for the compliments. It makes me feel special!

I woke up feeling rested. I hadn’t felt this good in ages. That feeling lasted all about 5 seconds until I remembered why I had gone to bed so early. It quickly went from a good day to a bad day. I had to retreat back into Labyrinth. Not what you call fun. I finally got out of bed and took a shower. I then got my clothes on and headed out for breakfast. I walked into the building and every head and eye turned towards me. Luckily I was used to this. I was the “popular” guy at the school. Not that I really cared. Almost every girl had a crush on me even with the dyslexia. People can be pretty mean about it. When they were it didn’t bother me in the slightest. I could care less what people thought of me. Well, anyways every head turned towards me and I just continued walking to the Hermes table when Connor and Travis Stoll called me over. I walked over to them expecting to be pranked. Boy, was I wrong.
“Hey, Evan my man! Come sit with us!” said one of the twins.
“Sure, guys whats up?”
“Nothing dude! Why do you ask? Can’t three guys sit together and just talk.”
“Yeah, sure they can. Whatever.” Exactly what I thought. They didn’t care about me. Just wanted to be seen with me. Oh, well. Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl I didn’t recognize get up from the Aphrodite table and was walking over to me. Great, I thought to myself. Another girl asking me out.
“Hey, umm Evan…”
“Yeah?” I thought Aphrodites where supposed to be confident.
“Well, would you mind meeting me by the lake later?”
“Well, yeah sure.” Eh, why not? Just then Beckondorf caught up with me when I was walking out.
“Evan where are you going with Silena?”
“What are you talking about? That isn’t her.”
“Yeah it is. Aphrodite gave her a complete make up last night. I hear she hates it.” That explains so much.
“So where are you going?”
“To the lake. I don’t know why. She wants to meet me there.” Beckondorf walked off with a pretty sour looking face. He was about to walk out of the building when he turned around and gave me a death glare. I was pretty sure he had the hots for Silena. I walked down to the lake and saw her waiting for me.
“Hi Evan!”
“I want to get one thing straight here. I in no way shape or form and like any of my other sisters. The stuck up ones. I also hate this new look Aphrodite gave me.”
“Oh ok. Thanks for telling me. Is that all?”
“No, why do you have to go somewhere?”
“No, no. I’m good. Continue.”
“Well, I was wondering if you would like to umm go out with me tonight. We could sit with each other at the camp fire. I also want er see you off.”
Wow, I couldn’t believe she was asking me out. Oh, man. What is Beckondorf going to do? He will be so mad! Well, I don’t care. It’s my decision.
“Yes, I would love too! Thank you so much for asking. “
“Er, oh ok. Your welcome!”
I walked back to the Hermes cabin practically skipping. I was walking past the Hephaestus cabin when I heard someone cursing and throwing furniture around. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt so I cracked open the door and someone shouted “YOU!” They could see me, but I couldn’t see them. Then all of the lights turned out.

Tell me what you think. I'm pretty proud of this one.

***EDIT*** Can you tell me exactly what you liked and what you didn't?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Great as Usally
over a year ago 11evan11 said…
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
so so so good
over a year ago HecateA said…
Okay, anger management in Hephaestus man!
But I am obliged to feel Beckendorf's pain because the girl he loves has given up on being with him even if he has. That has to hurt :(

I love it red!!!!!

I can't believe Silena asked him out!!!

Hecate is so bad :P I love her :D
I bet once she doesn't get the short end of the deal she gets better. If not I still love her.

Labyrinth! HO!
Thank you red :))))
over a year ago redhawks said…
Hahah your to smart for me. I had to read your comment 5 times for it to make sense to me. :P

There shall be many surprises to come. I am about to start writting the next one pretty soon.

Oh, if you see any grammer mistakes. Like major ones can you tell me?
over a year ago redhawks said…
Ok! I'M SO SOOOORRRRRYYYY HECATEEE! You will hate me so much! But, don't worry I will help you. ;)

So thanks guys for reading it!

Here it is! Enjoy.

I woke up in the infirmary with the same 1,000 eyed guy who drove us into New York watching me. He appeared to be half asleep and half awake. As half of his eyes were close and half were open. I felt well enough to sit up and just when I was about to Chiron walked in and asked me for a recount on what had happened. I told him what had happened. Choosing to start after what happened at the lake. When I finished he had a strained expression. I don’t think he likes the story very much.
“I am going to take Argus out of here and I want you to talk to who I think may be the masked figure. If anything happens scream. I will be right outside of the door. OK?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” Chiron walked out with Argus and in comes Beckondorf? Wait, no it couldn’t be him. Well, he did say he like Silena. What if he saw her and me at the lake? This could not be good.
“Hey umm Evan.”
“Hey, how’s life right now?” As soon as I said it I knew I shouldn’t have. His face got all red and his eyes turned into little beads.
“How could you say yes?!”
“Yes to what?”
“Don’t play stupid with me.”
“Ok,ok. Well, I liked her. She asked me and I said yes.”

“You knew I liked her!”
“Not necessarily. You only said she was hot. Not that you liked her.”
“Shut up. I’ll beat you into a pulp you little weasel. Gods…why him…?”
“You couldn’t if you tried.” He was getting on my nerves. Everyone liked him over me. Even Nico. He always turned to him not me. Everyone was asking Beckondorf what happened. Not me. Now, that Silena likes me he gets so mad. I beat him at one thing and one thing only. Now, was my time for revenge.
“You wanna bet. Get up right now and we can see.” I slid off the bed. I was feeling so strong. I wanted revenge and revenge I would get. He attacked first. The only thing he had was his fists and a short little sword. I had my sword, a very long and stealthy looking sword. I blocked and lunged at him. The cycle repeated. Each of us getting a feel for each other’s style. Finally, I did the unexpected. I took my sword and put it away. He stopped looking extremely confused. That’s when I unleashed my power. I thought of what I wanted to happen to him. What would be so unfair. I cursed him so he could never return to the Underworld and would be forced to wonder the earth. I knew deep down however that I didn’t want this to be temporary. As I unleashed my power at him I could feel it wasn’t very strong. He let out a terrible scream and Chiron came running in with some sort of gas that made me and Beckondorf to fall into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
First, who likes my new icon? Second, I think I'm startting to post every day now. So just be on the look out for it.

I woke up and the stars were shinning. Either it was early morning or late at night. I crawled out of bed and started pacing my room. I had forgotten what had happened last night. All of a sudden the memories came flooding back to me. I had gotten into a fight with Beckondorf and then Chiron came in? Yeah, that’s right. Chiron came in and I think he gassed us. Then I guess he dragged us into our rooms since I wasn’t in the infirmary anymore. I opened my door and I ran into an invisible shield. I couldn’t get out. I was stuck in the Hermes cabin! I ran over and woke up Connor.
“Dude! Get up this is important!”
“Travis? Is it time for the prank? Are you sure Evan isn’t going to get mad at us?”
“No, I’m not-Wait? You were going to pull a prank on me? Oh, never mind. It’s Evan. Get your lazy butt up! I need help!”
“Oh! Evan! Hey…er sorry bout that. So what do you need help with? Are we going to prank Travis? “
“Connor! Stop with the pranks this is serious.”
“Then why’d you come and get me? Go ask someone from Athena’s cabin.”
“That’s just it. I can’t get out. There is a shield blocking me.”
“Whoa! No way. That’s a pretty good prank.”
“Stop.With.The.Pranks. This is serious! Go see if you can get out.”
“Ok, ok. No need to get feisty.” He walked over to the door and opened it. He paused for dramatic purposes and then walked out. Easily. I tried to do it again and this time I got zapped.
“Ouch! Dang it! That stung.”
“Dude, I think Chiron put a block so only you get stuck in there. What happened last night. I saw him drag you in, but he wouldn’t answer any questions. He just turned around and went out. Well, he didn’t actually come in. He kind of threw you in.” Explained why my head hurt.
“Well, Beckondorf and I got into a fight. Then he gassed us and most have put me in here. Wonder if Beckondorf is stuck too?” Connor just bit his lip and walked back towards the end of the cabin where he bent down a consulted Travis. One, thing good came out of that shield. I didn’t get pranked. The one good thing. I walked back to my bed and lied down. I tried to sleep again, but I couldn’t so I just lay there watching everyone get ready for the day. Finally, when the last person left Chiron rolled in on his wheelchair.
“Evan…..Why did you put that curse on him?”
“What curse sir?”
“Don’t play dumb. I know you’re a child of Nemesis and I know you put that revenge curse on him.” Whoops. Guess my cover is blown.
“How’d you know? I put that curse on him because he was making me mad and I wanted revenge on him.”
“You are supposed to use your powers for good. Not bad like your brother. I knew because your mother contacted me and convinced me to keep you here.”
“It was for good! He got what he deserved. He was better at most things so he needed his “luckiness” to be weighed out.
“He didn’t diserve. At all. Now go to bed and rest up again. It’s almost time for your quest.” I obeyed. I lay down onto my bed and fell asleep right away.
over a year ago HecateA said…
Aww! C'mon! Why? He wants to be alive! He knows Silena will never be his and he envies you Evan and I am talking to a fictional character over the Internet, aren't I?

That can only be a sign of a great chapter, red :D
over a year ago HecateA said…
Chapter 2: I'm with Chiron on this one, even if it weren't Beckendorf I'd have to agree with him, but since it is Beckendorf I'm resisting the urge to go put up a "I agree iwth Chiron about Evan-not-using-his-powers-for-evil" spot here. Kidding, I'm not that life-less.

Nemesis really does care!
I love the "guess my cover's blown"
I can't stay mad at Evan :( He's like my mom. (well in the can't-stay-mad-at-way)

Excellent chapter red!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
OHH that was good i was about to just go to the next page to read when i noticed that was the last one!! DANG IT!!
any way AMAZING i love it.
over a year ago redhawks said…
Dank you guys for the compliments! Well, here is your next chapter!

I woke up feeling refreshed. I was starving though. I got out of bed and stopped. I remembered I couldn’t get out of the cabin. I tried just in case and I walked out fine. I figured my punishment was over. I walked down to the dining hall and I heard a loud chatter. I guess it was dinner time. I sat down at the Hermes table and started eating. Boy, was this food good. It was delicious. I ate and ate. I ate as much as I could because we were going to set off on the quest after the campfire. Oh! I had a date with Silena tonight. I couldn’t wait to find her that I started wolfing down my food. I finished early and found Silena. She was waiting for me by the lake. I walked down there and sat next to her.
“Hey Evan.”
“Look, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Is it about the fight?”
“Ok, shoot away.”
“Why did you and Beckondorf fight? The only thing anyone knows is that it was a fight.”
“We were fighting over you.”
“Me? But…why?”
“Don’t you see. You’re so pretty and your everyone’s friend. Beckondorf like you and so do I. I like you a lot. So does Beckondorf.”
“He does? You do?”
“Yes, he attacked me as soon as we left the lake. Then in the infirmary we got into a big fight. It was all over you.”
“Oh, I see….”
“Well, go on say it.”
“Say what?”
“Well, aren’t you going to break up with me for Beckondorf.”
“Hades no! I would never”
“Good. Cause I like you. I like you a lot.” By that time everyone was filtering out of the mess hall and making their way to the campfire. A few of Silean’s sisters shot me a few dirty looks. I ignored them.
“So, should we make our way down there?”
“Yeah, sure.” I got up and offered her my hand. She took it and I pulled her up. She was standing barely inches from me. I leaned down and kissed her. Right on the mouth. I stopped kissing her and we just stood there for a few long minutes. I finally looked up and saw everyone’s eyes on us. Including Chiron and Beckondorf. Uh-oh. Her face got beat red. We turned around and started walking hand in hand to the campfire. T
The Apollo kids led us in one more song and then everyone departed ways to their cabins. I got up and walked towards the Hermes cabin to grab my stuff and Silena followed. We were the first to arrive. I had been there for a few minutes gathering my stuff and talking to Silena when Connor and Travis Stoll walked in.
“Hey love birds. You guys can’t be in here alone.”
“I was just grabbing my stuff guys. Chill.”
“Ha, that’s what they all say.”
I finished packing and we walked down towards Zeus’ fist. Beckondorf was already there along with Nico. Chiron was waiting for me.
“Ok, Beckondorf, Nico, and Evan. Do you guys understand what you are doing?”
“Yes, we are too go down there and find Ethan. Then if our intel is right we should be able to then locate the Apple of Discordia.”
“Correct. Now, you may say your good byes.” I turned around to Silena and whispered good bye and then I kissed her on the cheek and gave her a quick tight hug. I then turned around and walked right up to the hole. I took one last glimpse of the sky and dropped down. The others followed and we were off on our quest. Again…..
over a year ago HecateA said…
Wow way the not-rub-it-in Beckencorf's face.
Oh well, great chapter red! Is it safe to send Beckendorf and Evan with the only thing standing between a massacre poor little Nico? I mean... Never mind, Chiron's probably figured it out, can't wait to find out how it all ends up!
over a year ago 11evan11 said…
im not fictionl
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
AMAZINGGGGG i loved it cant wait till the next one
over a year ago redhawks said…
No Evan you very well aren't
RJ~dank you
Hecate~ You see I was trying to put the ~ and then I put the !. Why doesn't anything in this world make sense? Well, anyways HI.

Here is your new chapter guys! Thanks for all of the compliments.

We walked for a while and every time we hit a fork or a tunnel that branched off we would stop a listen for any noise and took the quietest one. We didn’t talk at all. I was pretty sure Beckondorf was still pretty mad at me and Nico just didn’t seem very comfortable standing between us and was too scared to bring up and conversation. Fine by me though. The less talk the more I could concentrate on our purposes down here. So, my main goal was to find Ethan and convince him to come back to the good side. My second goal was to, capture him and bring him to Chiron. My third and final goal was to find the Apple of Discordia somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest. How on earth would I do that?
“Evan! Evan! Listen up dude! Hello! Earth to Evan!” I had kept walking and not even realizing it when the rest of the group had stopped. Nico was yelling my name. I came to a halt and spun on my heels.
“Whoa! Sorry guys. Hmmm? What do you want?”
“Well, Beckondorf was just about to tell you how sorry he was weren’t you?”
“Yes, yes I was. Dude, Evan I’m sorry. I was acting like a big jerk. You deserve to date Silena and I’m not going to stop you.”
“Hey man, thanks!”
“No prob.”
“Look, guys I need to discuss a few things with you.”
“What kinds of things?” Nico was looking pretty nervous.
“Ok, there are a few things I haven’t told you yet. One, being my godly parent...”
“Wait! You know who your godly parent is?”
“Yeah, first day I came. Got an iris message.”
“Then, why aren’t you in her cabin.”
“Cause she’s a minor god.”
“Wow, really?”
“Yeah it is.”
“Then why are you still staying in the Hermes cabin?”
“If people knew they would throw me out and I would be attacked by every living monster.”
“Well, true…”
“So my mom made me swear not to tell anyone.”
“So do you have any powers?”
“Yeah, that curse,” I acknowledge Beckondorf who had been quite the whole time,” was an example of my powers. I wanted revenge on you so I used my powers to give you what I thought you deserved.”
“Oh… ok.”
“Anything else?” Nico seemed pretty excited. Probably happy to have another outcast like me.
“Yeah, I can force people to do whatever I want as long as it involves me giving revenge or getting revenge.”
“Wow! That’s pretty sweet! You know…now that I think of it…You never told us your last name…” Before I could answer a big giant monster popped out from of the tunnels. Scared me half to death and then it lunged at me.
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
OHHHH nice!! hahah
ohhh pooor Beckondorf, i feel so bad for him he was one of my fasvorite minor character.
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
AWESUM!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

wouldnt even be like 15 and selena like 17/18?
over a year ago tessa34567 said…