The Heroes of Olympus Camp Aurora borealis / The Lost Golden Apples Of Youth

Idunn posted on Nov 25, 2010 at 07:42PM
Hi, my first fan fiction. The main character name is Aurora Silver. Sorry for my bad english and the bad story. The story is between "The Lost Hero" and "The son of Neptune."
And if you are wondering, my native language is Norwegian.
Pluss if you have a question or something just ask. Sorry for the poor grammar at the first chapters but it gets better.

Remember a review makes my day.


Hi, my first fan fiction. The main character name is Aurora Silver. Sorry for my bad english and the
last edited on Sep 06, 2011 at 05:10PM

The Heroes of Olympus 133 replies

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over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 1: I think he was trying to kill me

Hello, my name is Aurora and I'll tell you about my life, ok it might be a bit boring so I skip to when it begins to get exciting: Nelly Dilaurits hit me in the head with a volleyball. "Coach, she did it on purpose!" I cried. "Calm down, Aurora," said coach Davis, "Nelly did not mean it." Nelly looked at me and smiled a sweet smile, I know she meant it. It was my turn to serve, I aimed for her head, and hit as hard as I could. "Coach, she dit it on purpose!" Nelly cried. Coach Davis blew his whistle and shout "Miss Silver, the principal's office!" On the way to the principal's office I heard a whimper from the a locker, I opened the locker and there sat Nate, a boy wonder who walk weird and who was crazy about pancakes.
"Nate, who pushed you in the locker?" I asked
"Nobody pushed me in the locker," said Nate, "I'm just scared,"

"For what?" I asked.

He did not answer, I smelled something, it smelled like wet dog. "That's what I'm afraid of," replied Nate. From the boy toilet a dog ,that was as big as a bear, came towards us. " Run!" Nate shout. The dog threw himself over Nate,I stopped running and looked around to find something to fight with. We were not far from drama class, there were some chords (We had about "The Three Musketeers,") and I know they are sharp because ... well, I argued with Nelly. A guy was trying to learn to fight with the chord, I took it, "sorry," i said to him.I ran as fast as I could against Nate, but something was different, instead of trousers he had hairy legs and hooves. "Nate, what are you?"

"Help first, questions after you have rescued me."

"Hey, your wet dog, Leave the man\Donkey person alone."

Unfortunately, it worked, then suddenly he stiffened and all that was left was dust.

There were no other in the hallway,

"Aurora, how do you do that?" asked Nate

"It was not me," I said.

"Hey! They're over here," said a voice.

A boy who had brown curly hair and looked like a "Latino Santa's elf,"
He looked at me and his eyes vident.
"Oh, hello pretty girl,"

"Leo, do not scare the girl," said a girl voice.

Nate sat up and said: "I think he tried to kill me."

last edited over a year ago
Chapter 1: I think he was trying to kill me 

Hello, my name is Aurora and I'll tell you about my l
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
preety good for a first fanfic but it should be longer and you need to be more desciptive
over a year ago HecateA said…
Good for a first time! If you want to check your English, type it first on a writting program of your computer. Spellcheck is a wonderful thing.

I like the name Aurora. Like Sleeping beauty, isn't it?

She kills monsters just like that? Either Hades or mega-charmspeaking Aphrodite chick.
over a year ago Idunn said…
Sorry for the short chapter enjoy!

Chapter 2: My life begins to get exciting!

You know when you've been attacked by a large dog that is as big as a bear, so it fell on the front of you and it just turned into dust.You dont, Well, I know how it feels and it was NOT funny. Now I was in a Flying Chariot with two boys, one that was not so
flirting and still was looking on me , and one bald guy with a rainbow tattoo. A girl who reminded me of an Cherokee actor, Sristan something, Lristan something, Ristan something, no just forget it. And a human\donkey person that I thought once was a just human.
Which meant:

"Nate, now I have saved you, now it's time for answers," I said to Nate.

Nate looked at the others as if he needed help

"Well, you know about the Greek myths and legends?"

"Yeah, I think so," I replied

"There still here and they are have children with mortals and their kids har named demigods."

"And the point is?"

"You are a demigod," Nate said

"How can you know ?" I asked

"If you were not a demigod woulent a hellhound trying to kill you," said the bald guy.

"Okay, hellhound like in Norse mythology," I said.

The others looked confused.

"Norse mythology?" said the Cherokee actor girl.

"You know like Odin and Thor," i said

"Maybe, but we're talking about Greek mythology now," said Nate.

"So... are they still in Greece?" i asked

"No, now they live over the Empire state building," said the Cherokee actor girl.

"Okey so, who are your immortal parents? And what are you" I asked as I looked at Nate.

"I am a satyr, half goat and half man," said Nate, "and Pipers immortal parent is Aphrodite, goddess of love," said Nate when he pointed at the Cherokee girl.

"And Leo immortal parent is Hephaestus, the god of forges and fire," said Nate when he pointed at the bad guy.

"Butch immortal parent is Iris, goddess of the rainbow."

It explained the rainbow tattoo, but not why The leo guy was so weird,
and Piper... Aphrodite and the Cherokee celebrity guy would fit well together i think.

"So who is mine?" I asked

"We dont know yet," said Piper.

Piper was pretty, but not in a "Barbie doll" way.

"Now we going go to the earth, guys!" Butch warned.

I closed my eyes and did not opened them before Piper said: "you can open your eyes now."

When I opened them I was on a beach, the place was full of kids in orange shirts, which say: Camp Half Blood.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood," Leo said.

Aurora in the last two chapters:
last edited over a year ago
Sorry for the short chapter  enjoy!

Chapter 2: My life begins to get exciting!

You know when yo
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
That was really good!!! just wondering English your native language?
over a year ago HecateA said…
big smile
Excellent! Why are you appologising for a bad story?

If English sin't your bithtongue, I'd be even more surprised at the number of people that dont have English as a birthtongue. Mine's French.
over a year ago Idunn said…
redhawks: My birthtongue is Norwegian.


Chapter 3 Entertainment during dinner

The biggest mistake I make today was to get out of bed, if I had been in bed, I would not been beaten in the head by a volleyball, not been chased by a hellhound and not seen my boring life in the revue. But of course my dad would not let me be home and my perfect sister told me to make the best of it. Sun - Marie is eighteen years and four years older than me.

"She looks older than thirteen, has she been claimed yet?" Asked a blond boy with a scar on his lip.

"No, not yet," said Piper, I could swear that she blushed. She turned to me.

"Is your mother or your father who is immortal, Aurora?" She asked

"My father." I replied.

"Dinner!" said a horse\man person "Welcome to Camp Half Blood, Aurora."

People started to go, Piper came to me.

"Come, I'll show you the way to the Dining Pavilion." She said kindly.

To sit there so she pointed at a table with kids who looked a bit ... suspicious.

"Thanks,for everything," I said to Piper.

"All right, I'm right there if you need me," she said and walked towards a table with many kids who looked like supermodels.

I sat next to a girl who introduced herself as Stella, she had long black hair and light skin. Some girls that looked like elves came with: BBQ, Grapes, apples, strawberries, cheese, and fresh bread. I was not particularly hungry, so I took nothing.

"Bring some food and join me," said Stella.

I render this as she said and went after her towards something like a bathtub with fire in.

"We'll give some to the gods," she whispered, "they like the smell."

It was Stella's turn, "Hermes," she said, and emptied the plate the two flames.

Then it was my turn, "Mother, help me," I said quietly and sat down again.

To the end won the hunger and I took some bread, from Hephaestus table blinked the Leo guy to me. I sent him a cold look, which was colder than I thought, since over him it begin to snow.

"Leo, why does snowing over you?" Asked one of his sisters.

It did not seem as if he had noticed it, everyone started laughing even Leo. All except me. I looked away " was it me?" I thought. I looked at Leo and the snow stopped.

"Okay, who did it?" Said Leo, and all turned to one of the tables with at least kids.

"Lou Ellen," said Leo.

"It was not me," said Lou Ellen.

The mystery remained unresolved, several began to walk away.

"Where are we going?" I asked Stella.

"To the campfire and if are you're lucky, you will be claimed," said Stella

"What is Claiming?" I asked.

"It is when the gods claimed their kids," said Stella.

I still didnt understand the claiming things yet, but I went anyway.
A large fire that just got bigger, was in the middle
of something that looked like a stair that looked like the U. Some began to dance and play guitars and small harps. I have not seen a fire like this since I, my dad and Sun - Marie was on holiday in Norway. The country we came from, my dad went to NYC to forget my mom, he never said it, but it was easy to see.

The whole evening went without that I was claimed, when people began to look tired and began to walk away, came the boy who had a scar on his lip against me.

"Hello, my name is Jason," he said

"Aurora, So the claiming thing did not happen to me, right" I said.

"No, but after the agreement had to clam their children when they are thirteen, so it's going to happen soon." Said Jason.

I nodded, but did not really believe it.

"Maybe your mom is Eos, the goddess of sunrise." he said

"Why?" I asked

"Well, because Aurora is the Roman side of Eos." He replied.

"Aurora, I'll follow you to the cabin," said Stella, she had not gone yet.

"Coming, goodbye Jason." I said

Stella and I went to a cabin that looked a little old.

"Here lives the kids to Hermes, but they have not been claimed also live here," said Stella me.

There were many beds there, Stella pointed to an empty bed, and said: "You should sleep there tonight,"

and it was not long until I fell asleep

Sun - Marie:
last edited over a year ago
redhawks: My birthtongue is Norwegian.


   Chapter 3 Entertainment during dinner
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
That was great!! I love this story it so good.

I can see that actually. Your writing does kinda sound like Norweigean English. Pardon me if that's not a real thing cause I just made it up right now.
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow that was really good!!! Hope you vould write more
over a year ago HecateA said…
Oh my god! Idunn, write more!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 4 I'm rude to a nymph

Sorry for the bad chapter, I'll write a better tomorrow.

I awoke from a sound, my cell phone, I looked around, no one has woken up.
I ran out of the cabin and headed towards the forest, picture of the Sun - Marie was on the screen.
I sighed and held the phone to my ear.

"Aurora?" Where are you? "Do you know how worried we are for you?" raged Sun - Marie.

"Shall I take it in order then: yes, im not telling you and no," i said.

"Dad called you at least a thousand times, why dident you answer yor phone?" asked Sun - Marie.

Has Dadd called me?

"It didnt ring ," I said.

"But I was able to call you," said Sun - Marie

Now it was enough

"Bye," I said as I threw the phone on the ground and walked away.

"You will not get away with this," said a voice.

A girl who was dressed in autumn leaves, even though it was January. Her brown hair lay across her shoulders and she did not look happy.

"I hope that you are an elf," I said.

"Wrong, I am a nymph," she said angrily.

"What's the differents?" I asked

She overheard it.

"It is not allowed with mobile phones, throw trash or be out of your cabin at night," she said, still angry.

"Aww, wish I cared," I said sarcastically

Now she began to get angry, her leaves began to turn red.

I turned and went, after a few yards I turned around, she was gone.

I went back two the cabin, no one had woken up yet.

I lay in bed, but did not sleep. How could Dad have called me, but I have not heard anything.

Stella stood up and said, "fifteen minutes until breakfast!"

No one moved, I stood up first.

"Do you Decide here, Stella?" I asked

She turned to me and smiled.

"No, but the head counselors, Travis and Connor, barely lift a finger here."

Then she said a little louder, "do not force me to find the water bucket!"

Several fell out of their beds, Travis or Connor had cabin inspection.

I kept on making my bed, when Travis or Connor came over to me and said:

"Hi, I'm Travis, Head Counselor here"

Stella snorted

"Yeah, right."

Afterwards, we ate breakfast. After breakfast Piper came to me and said that she would show me around the camp .
When we got to the armory, she said that I had to have a sword.

"What if a person sees me with sword?" I asked.

You know what it is so we can just jump to the part the gets weird.
Piper handed me a sword, but I did not get it.
It just fell through my hands.

And in a few minutes, I sat in the infirmary.

The nymph:
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 4 I'm rude to a nymph

Sorry for the bad chapter, I'll write a better tomorrow.

I awoke
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow that was a funnyy ending... did she like chop her foot off or something???
your writing is really good especially since eniglsh is your second language.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Ya that is really good.^^ I love your stories. They are so good!!

Your english really isn't that bad. The only thing wrong is the tense. Like past, present, and future. Most people who have English as their birthtongue don't even get that right. Sometimes I don't and English is my birthtongue.
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 5 I will find out how a skewer feels

If I tell you how I came in in the infirmary, if you promis to not laugh?
Who I am kidding? Of course you're going to laugh! Well, after that sword just went through my hands, I was so surprised that I fell over a stand with swords. And after that I sat in the infirmary with a sword through the stomach. You're probably wondering how I survived, well ... I have no idea, how the sword simply fell through my hands as I was made of mist.
Piper sat beside me, I guess she wondered probably how I survived.

"Does it hurt" she asked, worried.

"No, its okay" I said.

She was even more worrid Than I.
Chiron, the centaur, came into the room after him came Stella, Here eyes wident when she saw the sword through my stomach.

"Welcome to the barbecue party!" "I said sarcastically.

They ignored my joke.

"Turn around," said Chiron.

I turned so I turned back to him, he grabbed the sword and pulled it out, but still I did not fell anything.

"The whole camp is talking about this, right?" I asked although I knew the answer.

"No, of course not," said Piper, she so said it to make me feel better.

I stared at her.

"Well, some people," she tried again.

I continued to stare.

"Fine. Everbody talks about it," she said

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Stella

I nodded, I was just tired.

"Just wait a minute, how did the sword just go through you but you felt nothing?" asked Piper.

"You can go now Aurora," said Chiron.

"Thanks," I said on the way out.

"What?" I heard Piper said

I headed to the beach, it was not weat so I sat down. I sat there for a few minutes, then I heard footsteps on the sand.

"Just go, Leo," I said angrily.

"As you will barbecue," he laughed

I laughed with him, but when he did not expected it I kicked him in the leg.

"Oh, sorry, was it your leg," I said with false sympathy.

A guy came towards us, a comb was stuck in his hair.

"Du you think mess a guys comb is funny?" The guy asked.

"I think every guy who use a comb is funny," Leo laughed.

While the guy yelled and Leo laughed, I walked away. When it was dinner, everyone stared at me and said something about barbecue. When everyone had eaten, we went to the amphitheater. People began to forget about the barbecue food and me. Then suddenly my jeans and shirt was now a dress that looked like that was braided in gold, on the head I got a gold wreath, in my ponytail hung a gold ring. In the belt hung a knife that also looked like gold. A beautiful necklace hanging around my neck.

"Aurora, you are to the daughter of Aphrodite," Piper said happy

"No, she is not," said Chiron.

"What?" everybody said at once.

Who do you think her mother is?

Hint: She is not Greek and not mentioned in the series.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
is she the roman form of aphrodite or the roman from of one of the graces???
anywho that was really good!!!!!!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
That was amazing!! Omg who is her parent!!!!!!!!!! I loved that chapter!!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 6 We get a prophecy via a Iris message

"So, who is her mother?" Asked one of the Hermes cabin.

"Her mother is Freyja, the Norse goddess of love in norse mythology," Said Chiron.

"Norse? Is there anything else you have hidden from us?" Shouted a girl from the Ares cabin.

Chiron did not answer, but gave sign to me to follow him.

I got up, and ignored the looks from the other campers.

We walked towards the main house.

Listen now Aurora," said Chiron seriously, "You were sent here to commit Camp Aurora Borealis and Camp Half Blood, almost like Jason,"

"Camp Aurora Borealis?" I asked.

"The training camp for Norse demigods," said Chiron.

"Do the olympians know about them?" I asked.

"Yes, they know about them, but it's not the point. The point is that you need to find this camp and get them on our side." Said Chiron

"Why?" I asked.

He explained to me that the earth goddess, Gaea, has awakened, and some giant was trying to throw the Olympians of the throne. Actually I dident understand anything og it.

"Okey, so when shall I start?" I asked.

"Not so fast. We must first have a meeting between the head counselors." Chiron said.

A few minutes was all the head counselos around a ping pong table: Jason from Jupiter \ Zeus, Piper from Aphrodite who spoke with Hebes Head Counselor: Bridgit.
Miranda from Demeter and a girl named Lou Ellen from Hecate, Travis and many other that I dident know,and of course Leo, that I tried to ignore.

"Okay, you say that there is a training camp for the Norse demigods,but we have never heard of before?" Asked Travis Chiron.

"Yes, and where is the camp?" asked Piper.

"The gods have never told me, and i swore on the river Styx, to not say anything." said Chiron.

"So ... my mission is to find this camp and get them on our side?" I asked.

Chiron nodded.

"It would be good to have in the war," said Lou Ellen, fireworks came from her hands.

"Your helpers has already signed up," said Chiron.

"Who?" I asked.

"Stella from Hermes and Malcolm from Athena
," said Chiron.

Stella was no surprise, but I have never heard of Malcolm.

"So is your mom like a Norse Aphrodite?" asked Miranda.

"No, not really. Freyja is the goddess of magic, death, fighting and beauty." i said.

"What about prophecy? Rachel is at school now." Said Travis.

"We can Iris - messages her," suggested Bridgit.

"It sounds silly, but we have no choice," said Miranda.

Lou Ellen made a rainbow with his hands and Piper, who had taken out one large coin and said: "Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept my Offering."

She said something else too, but I did not hear it because I kept on wondering what they meant by prophecy.

A picture of a girl with red hair who sat next to a desk arrived.

"Rachel!" said all at once.

She jumped and turned against us.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
OMG! Awesome! So Chiron, what about Persians, sould we watch out for Persians?

I had a sneaking suspicion about the Norse. Again, awesome like Hades or Pluto or Freya... Wow, saying that phrase will get real complicated real fast.

You rock!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Thanks for stealing my idea. ^^ ugh. hahhahah now we are even kinda

Anyways great chapter!! I love that Norse myths. I have never heard of them before? Hecate, any help?
over a year ago HecateA said…
*hands up*
I have no idea about Norse mythology. I know Thor and I watched part of a movie I can't remember. Idunn, my norse mythology knowledge depends on this fanfic!
Once again your rockyness is absurdly high!
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow that was rally good but i have actually never heard of norse myth
so hopefuly you can help us with more facts
again amazing writing!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 6 I meet my mom, sort of

After Leo told Rachel all that had happened in the past few days, her eyes began to brighten and her voice was like an older woman, it said:

Through the nine worlds you will travel through Hel and through Valhalla.
Beware the wolf of destruction.
The wolf and the Giants will become one.
You should prevent Ragnarok.
Follow the northern lights.

Her eyes were green again and the voice was normal again.

"Rachel, are you okay? "Said Piper.

"Yes, that's okay, but it was not the spirit of Delphi who spoke through me now," said Rachel.

"Who was that?" asked Lou Ellen.

"I think that it was Frigg," I replied.

"Who?" asked everyone.

"Frigg goddess of marriage, families, children , prophecies and the wife of Odin." I replied.

"Okay ... so why did she helped us?" asked Jason.

"I do not know, but who is this Malcolm?" I asked.

"He is the second-in-command in the Athena cabin," said the head counselors from the Athena cabin.

He leaned forward and said: "Hi, I'm Malcolm."

I chose to sleep in the Hermes cabin, even that Piper said that I could sleep in the Aphrodite cabin . I dreamed that I stood on a beach.

"How you doing, dear?" asked a voice.

I turned and there stood the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She was blond and had blue eyes.

"Freyja? Mom?" I asked.

"Yes it's me. I just want to wish you luck with the quest." Freyja replied.

She sat on a stone, if this was how Freyja how do Aphrodite look?
She wore a blue blouse and white jeans.

"So I'm dreaming now, right?" I asked.

"Yes, your dreaming," said Frejya with a smile.

"Why have you not visited me before now?" I asked.

"But I have, you just can not remember," said Freyja "Get some sleep now," she kissed me on the forehead and then evrything went black.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
That was really good!! That prophecy sounds really intersting!
over a year ago HecateA said…
OMGness that is amazing! Idunn, I'm hooked!

So we've got Greece going on, Rome butting in and Norse making an entrance... Who's taking care of the Persians?
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 7 My quest begins

Sorry for the short chapter.

I awoke from a sound, Someone or something knocked on the door, everyone was asleep. So I went to the door and opened it. There stood a black horse or something that looks like a horse, horse or something, he had 8 legs. He let me pat his black fur.

"Is it a new friend?" asked Leo.

"I do not know, he just appeared," I said.

"Maybe it's a gift from your mother." Leo said, " you know, before you were claimed, I thought you were a daughter of Aphrodite."

"Why?" I asked, though I tried to be annoyed, I was flattered.

"Well ... you're beautiful," he said.

"You thought that I was a daughter of Aphrodite and you think I'm beautiful, I'm starting to like you." "I said with a smile.

"Nice" he smiled.

"I can follow you to the stables with ... what are you going to call it?" Asked Leo

"Hmm, he is like Odin's horse Sleipnir, so I think Slippy," I said.

"Slippy," said Leo.

"Yes, that's what Sleipnir means in Old Norse," I said.

After Leo took me to the stables, it was breakfast, Stella did not look nervous Malcolm does not either, but I was. So I went to the stall to say hello to slippy. Some children from Aphrodite and Demeter was there.

"Is it yours?" asked Miranda.

I nodded, they had certainly not seen a horse like that before.

"What is it? And have you ridden it yet?" asked a blonde girl from Aphrodite.

"Slippy and no." I replied.

"So do it." said Miranda.

It was embarrassing to ride, I had never ridden before and when everyone was staring ... embarrassing.

After Slippy had trotted a few minutes he began to run (very fast) to the beach. He ran towards the sea, I closed my eyes, when nothing happened I opened them. He ran on the water! Then he began to fly.

For the first time I could go on sword and shield class, with the new sword that I called Trust, I think it went well.

At three o'clock I said goodbye to my new friends, I'd take slippy and Malcolm and Stella took Pegasus. As we went higher into the sky, I looked down and wondered if I ever would see camp half blood again.

Ok, my first quest I thought.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
really liked the Ragnarok part. I am one of the few who actually know what it is. I also have a suspicion about the wolf of destruction. Great story!
over a year ago redhawks said…
I am hooked!!!! LIke Hecate!! I absoutly love it!!! It is so good!
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow that was really good i am now hooked too
oh my gods i love slippy... its like Leos happy... lol
love your writing hope you can keep doing it :)
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 8 We get a new friend on the quest

After we had flown in about 4 hours we had camped in a forest, there was still snow there, but I could hear a stream nearby. Although there was snow, it was not cold.
Malcolm brought a bag of food, we ate sandwiches.

"So Malcolm, why did you join in the quest?" I asked.

Malcolm looked toward the woods, and said: "Well, I would not let my sister get all the credit."

"Annabeth?" Asked Stella.

Malcolm did not answer. There was silence for a while, no one said anything.

"Malcolm," Stella said finally, "What do you think the prophecy mean?"

Malcolm shook his head "The nine worlds? I do not get it."

"The nine worlds are: Midgard, Álfheimr, Svartálfaheim, Vanaheimr, Jotunheimr, Niflheim, Asgard and Hel." I said.

They stared at me.

"Okay, but where should we start?" Asked Stella.

"I think Midgard, because we are there now," I said.

"Are we?" Malcolm asked, confused.

"Yes, the earth is the human world," I replied.

"Wonderful," said Stella.

We turned when we heard a sound, someone walked through the woods.
From the forest came: Nate.

"Nate?" What are you doing here? " I asked.

"Sorry, I just had to join," said Nate tired, as he had run the whole way.

"Why?" Asked Stella.

"I did not talk to you after you arrived at Camp Half Blood. Sorry." Said Nate.

"Okay, now we are four people on a quest to prevent Ragnarok," I said.

"What is Ragnarok?" asked Stella.

"Final destiny of the Gods," I replied.

"And ... what does that mean?" Asked Nate.

"The world's destruction," I said.

It was quiet for a while, it was getting late and I was getting tired.
I lay down on my sleeping bag and closed my eyes. I dreamed of a wolf and awake from a howl.

"Hello, niece." said an unknown man's voice.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Really interesting ending! You let me shocked on who said the last sentence in the chapter! keep writing!
over a year ago HecateA said…

That is a omgnessthatwasamazing face.

Slippy! You rock Slippy!
over a year ago Idunn said…
I didnt expect everybody to love Slippy so much. Enjoy!

Chapter 9 I meet my uncle

I stood up and saw all the snow around the camp was gone, the sun was shining too. A man sat on a bench. Hey, wait a minute, what bench? It was in the middle of the woods and it was not there when we came here. The man looked like Freya, he also had blond hair and blue eyes. Stella, Malcolm and Nate was still asleep.

"Niece?" I asked confused.

"I'm Frey, your mother and I are twins." he explained.

"Who is he?" Said Stella, who had just woken up.

"Aurora, whats going on?" Asked Malcolm tired.

"He is my uncle: Frey." I said.

They nodded to him.

"Why did you come here?" I asked.

"To tell you about what you have in store," said Frey.

"Is it something bad?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Yes," he replied

"Exactly what I thought," said Nate,

"I'm here to tell you about Fenrir," said Frey.

"Fenrir?" Asked Stella.

"Fenris giant wolf, Odin took it home to Asgard, but then it began to grow and became bigger. The gods bound him with a link forged by the dwarfs, and when he breaks loose, Ragnarok shall rise ." Frey said.

"But... our quest is about to find the norse camp," said Stella.

"Yes, Camp Aurora borealis. Okey, if you check that the wolf are still there, im gonna tell you where the Camp is," said Frey.

I looked on my friends, both of them was nodding.

"Deal, but, wait why cant you do it?" I said.

"The gods are not allowed to go there," Frey said.

Then i remembered something important.

"Where is the wolf?" I asked.

"Svalbard," said Frey.

"Must we fly there?" Asked Nate.

"No, off course!" Said Frey.

Everybody sighed.

"I have a friend, that can help you," said Frey and smiled.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
wow that was really good!!!!! I hope you can write more... where is Slippy... i know they flew on him but he could not have dissapeared of the face of the earth...
Well, anywhoo... love your writing and hope you and do more of it
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Graet Chapter! Go Slippy!!!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 10 Who is (not) afraid for the big bad wolf?

So Frey has a friend, I hope it is a good friend.

"Look behind you," said Frey.

We turned, but there was nobody there.

"What ...?" I began.

But Frey was gone.

"Hello," said a female voice.

We turned, again. There was a woman with blonde hair, she wore a robe of fur. The snow was back.

"Who are you?" Asked Nate.

"I'm Skadi, the Norse goddess of winter." Said Skadi.

"Are you Frey's friend?" Asked Stella.

"No, not a friend like that," laughed Skadi.

"So you shall follow us to Svalbard? Asked Malcolm.

"Not quite," she said, snapping her fingers.

The next moment we stood on a snow-covered mountains.

"Welcome to Svalbard. This way," said Skadi and began to walk, or ride away.

It was not until now I noticed that I sat on Slippy, Malcolm, Nate and Stella sat on the Pegasus, and the strangest: Skadi sat on a polar bear.

"So what is your relationship with Frey?" I asked.

"I am his stepmother, or I was." Sa Skadi.

"Oh," I said.

"It's not as famous as the Harryles guy," muttered Skadi.

"You mean Hercules?" Asked Malcolm.

"Whatever, will you hear the myth or not?" Asked Skadi,

I had not noticed that her skin was almost white and that she was wearing a blue dress under the rob.

We nodded.

"Everything started when my father was killed by Loki. I wanted revenge, but the gods said that I could choose a god that I could marry, but I could just look at their feet. I chose Njord by accident." Said Skadi.

"Who?" Asked Malcolm.

"The god of the sea, and the father of Freya and Frey. I would stay on the mountain, but he would stay by the sea. We divorced and I married Ullr. And before you ask, he is the god of hunting and sports." Sa Skaldi, then she stopped.

"We are there," said Skadi.

Before us was a large ice shelf, attached to the ice shelf was a chain of iron, and that was around the neck of a large wolf.

"He is still there, can we go now?" Asked Stella, but Skadi was gone.

"Hello!" I cried, then I realized that I was not cold.

"Are you cold?" I asked my friends.

They shook their heads, maybe Skaldi gave us a blessing.

I nodded and said: "I shall go," and without waiting for an answer, I went over to the wolf.

He got up and started to snap at me. I went to the ice shelf and took hold of the chain and started dragging it. The continued firm, but the iron was rusty. I began to back away from the animal.

"Good job, Aurora!" Congratulated Stella.

Some clapped.

"Very good," said Frey.

"Why did Skadi abandoned us?" I asked.

"I've said it: we are not allowed to be there." Said Frey.

"You mean here," said Nate.

"Have you seen where we are?" Asked Frey.

We stood in the woods again, the same forest.

"Someone has sent you help," said Frey, pointing to the forest.

Something stirred in the forest.

"Who ...?" I started.

He was gone, again, he must really stop doing that.

Skadi almost:
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 10 Who is (not) afraid for the big bad wolf?

 So Frey has a friend, I hope it is a good fr
over a year ago HecateA said…
You know what you have to stop to do? Clif endings. Once again, amazing Idunn, great job!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 11 Valkyries VS Hunters

"Thalia?" Asked Stella
the girl who just came from the woods, she had black shoulder-length hair and she wore a parka. Behind her came several girls, several of them had bows and arrows.

"Stella, what are you doing here?" Asked Thalia, she gave signs that the girls would put away the arches.

"My first quest," Stella smiled.

"Hey, Malcolm," Thalia said, it did not seem like she cared about him, she looked at me.

"And who are you?" Asked Thalia.

"Aurora," I answered automatically.

A spear flew through the air and landed in front of Thalia.

"Who threw that?" She asked angrily.

"I did," the voice came not from any of the girls.

Thalia turned, the girls too. A girl with light brown hair, stood leaning against a tree. From the woods came several girls with spears and shields. These girls looked older and better trained than the others

"Who. Are. You?" Thalia asked outraged.

"Edda, the leader of the Valkyries." She replied with a smile. She was wearing jeans and a fur coat.

"Who?" Asked one of the girls who belonged to the first group.

"We are Valkyries, we decide who should die in battle, bringing the warriors who are worthy to Asgard." said Edda.

"And what are you doing here?" Asked Thalia.

"We got a message from Lady Freya, that we should bring them to Asgard." Said Edda.

" What with Freya?" I asked.

" She is our leader," said Edda "So you are Aurora, the daughter of Lady Freya."

I nodded.

"And what are you doing here?" Edda asked Thalia.

"We got a message from Lady Artemis, who said that we had to find you," said Thalia.

"Why?" Asked Edda, it did not seem like she cared.

"We do not know," said Thalia.

"Bye hunters, come on Aurora and the rest of the team." Said Edda gave signs that we should follow her.

"Wait," said Thalia "we do not give up the quest because of you, Valkyrie."

Valkyries picked up from somewhere swords.

"There is no good idea to get in our way," said Edda.

"We take the chance ," said Thalia.

It was getting dark and the wind blew.

"Can you road to Asgard, Thalia?" Asked Edda.

"What? And How do you know my name?" Asked Thalia.

"One dead hunter told us," said Edda "right Zoë."

The hunters gasped, and looked at a girl with black hair on the front line.

"Zoë?" How? " Thalia asked shocked.

"She was brave and we asked if she would be a Valkyrie, and she said yes," said Edda.

The girl named Zoë smiled.

last edited over a year ago
Chapter 11 Valkyries VS Hunters

"Thalia?" Asked Stella 
the girl who just came from the woods, sh
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Really good Chapter! Really liked how Zoe Appeared again! Keep Writing!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
hahha those were amazing chapters!! i loved them.
over a year ago HecateA said…
Holy Styx i-i-i-i-t's Zoë!!!! Hi Zoë, sup Zoë, have you read Idunn's awesome fanfiction yet?

I loved that chapter! Face off between the girl power hunt clans! Tuh-tuh!
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
omgs Zoe is evil!!!!! noooooooo she is not evil!!!!!! why!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!
LOL sorry but i do love the story
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 12 A dead hunter is our guide in Asgard

"If you must, hunters, follow us," said Edda.

Edda held her shield against the sun, and a beam of light came out from the shield and it went up to heaven and back to the ground, but as a rainbow.

"Step on board," said Edda, pointing to the rainbow.

I step up on it with Slippy, and began to ride on the rainbow, the others dis the same.
It looked like Slippy, has benn there before, because he did not look nervous as the Pegasus.

" Be calm, be calm," said Stella to her Pegasus, it seem very nervous.

The Valkyries rode on something that looked like Pegasus, but they were bigger and stronger. Like the horses that dragged sleds in the old days. The hunters rode on normal Pegasus.

"This rainbow is called Bifrost, right?" I asked.

Edda turned and smiled: "Well, you know something about Norse mythology,"

"What will the gods with us?" Asked Stella.

"To speak, of course," said Edda.

Thalia stopped in the middle of a sentence, and stared at the sky, I followed her gaze.
A beautiful castle hung in the clouds , and only Bifrost band the castle and the earth together.

"Good day, Heimdal," said Edda to a man who was dressed as a warrior.

The man looked at us, and sent Edda a: "Shall-I-kill-them-look.

It looked like she was considering it, but then she shook her head. She stept down from the Pegasus, and said to the other Valkyries: "Take their horses to the stables."
Valkyries led all the horses, including Slippy, to the stable, but Zoë didn't go.

"Follow me," said Zoë, and began to walk toward the gate.

"Who was the man who stood at the bridge?" asked Malcolm.

"Heimdal, the gods protecter," said Zoë.

Inside the castle, it looked like inside an office, a lady stood behind a computer, she dressed as secretions, she looked a little Spanish, but she had pointy ears. She stood up when we arrived.

"Welcome to Asgard," she said with a Spanish accent.

"Back to work, Dana," said Edda, without looking at her.

"Edda, you should pick up some dead warriors to Asgard!" Dana cried out to Edda.

Edda began to run towards the stables in a hurry, and said to Zoë: "Give them a tour in Asgard."

"Follow me," said Zoë, she started walking towards the door, it opened up when she came close to the door.

"Zoë, dos Artemis now about this?" Asked Thalia.

"Yes, it was she who sent me here," said Zoë.

"It's something I do not see," said Stella "You are dying, but you are allowed to fight,"

"Yes, it is complicated, you fight, then you die, then you fight, they can do fight forever," said Zoë.

"They?" I asked.

"Yes, the dead warriors," said Zoë.

She followed us to a garden, the garden was beautiful and it looked golden, a door stood in the middle of the garden.
Zoë opened the door, we went inside. Now we were in a throne room.

"And I thought Olympus was beautiful," Mumbled Thalia.

last edited over a year ago
Chapter 12 A dead hunter is our guide in Asgard

"If you must, hunters, follow us," said Edda.

over a year ago HecateA said…
AWW! Sweet last line! I lvoe it!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
That was sooo good!! I loved how Zoe came back. Forgot to mention that in my last post.

How do you manage to post so ofton. Jeez.
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 13 Oh my Æsir

Sorry for the short chapter.

Throne Room was made of crystal mixed with gold. It was fifteen thrones, but it was only fourteen gods there. I've never seen them before, but I knew who they were. To the right sat a man with black hair, but he had only one hand, the war god Tyr. Then there was a man with red beard and hair, Thor the thunder god. A man who looked like Thor, but without a beard, sat next to him, Vidar the force's god. Besides Vidar sat
the man named Heimdal.
And beside him sat Frey, and next he was Njord, god of the sea and Skadis ex husband, with black hair and beard. Right next to him sat Ull, Skadis husband, it did not look like Njord cared. In the middle sat Odin, king of the gods with one eye, beside him stood the empty throne. A young lady satt next to the throne, but ... she could not be Frigg, she looked too young, in the throne next Frigg sat my mother, she smiled at me and whispered something to the woman who sat next to her. The woman had hair made of gold, Sif goddess of the fields. A woman who had blond hair sat next to Sif, the goddess for Youth, Idunn, she comforted the woman who sat on the throne beside Idunn. Nanna, goddess of fortune, she had tears in her eyes.

"Welcome to Asgard," said Frigg, although she looked young, she still seemed like a mother.

"Why are we here?" Asked Thalia.

"We thought to give you a deal," said Frigg.

"No, Frey has not yet told us where the camp is," said Stella.

"Which camp?" Asked Thalia, the other hunters also looked confused.

We told the hunters about what has happened.

"Impossible, I've never heard of them," said Thalia.

"Tell me Thalia, how did you come here?" Asked Frigg.

"Artemis sent us a message," said Thalia.

"No, it was not Artemis, it was me," said Freya, with a smile.

"Impossible," said Thalia.

"We can also change shape if we Want too," Freya said, "but now the agreement, Balder has disappeared, Frigg and Odin's son and Nanna's husband, and we think we know where he is."

"Where?" Asked Malcolm.

"Helheim," said Freya gloomy.

"Persuade Hel to give him back, then I can tell where the camp is. Deal?" Said Frigg.

I looked at my friends, they didnt look so happy for this , but nodded.

"Not to be rude, but why is Balder so important." Asked Stella.

"He is the god of peace and justice, without him we can not win Ragnarok," said Nanna, and tears rolled from her eyes.

last edited over a year ago
Chapter 13 Oh my Æsir

Sorry for the short chapter.

Throne Room was made of crystal mixed with
over a year ago redhawks said…
That was so good! I love it more and more each day.
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 14 The road to Hel

"And hunters, either go one of you or none of you," added Sif.

"I'm not going to go to the underworld or Helheim, or whatever you call it," replied Thalia, she thought a while, then she said, "but I know of one that can go."

"Thalia you do not think about ..." Malcolm started.

"Do you have a phone I can borrow?" Thalia asked.

"Fulla" Shouted Frigg, and a young girl who was dressed as a maid, and looked about sixteen, with brown hair with a golden ribbon in her hair, came into the throne room.

"Yes, ma'am?" Asked the girl.

"Get Gna, dear," said Frigg, Fulla bowed and ran out of the room and came back with a black-haired woman, she looked older than Fulla, about eighteen.

"You asked for me, ma'am," said Gna.

"Yes, dear. Thalia here, would like to send a message," said Frigg, and nodded in the direction of Thalia.

"Of course," said the Gna, and gave sign that the Thalia would follow her.

"Do you know who she is going to call?" Stella asked Malcolm.

"Maybe," replied Malcolm.

Frigg stood up and said, "Well, the meeting is finished, you can go now."

All the gods, except Freya and Frigg, disappeared.

Freya took out a brush and started brushing her hair with it and Frigg smiled at us.

A while later, Thalia came back, without Gna.

"Where's the Gna?" I asked,

"She's coming soon," replied Thalia.

After a few minutes came Gna with a boy I've never seen before.
He had black hair and was wearing a leather jacket and some black jeans.
He looked around in the throne room.

"'Was there anything more, ma'am?" Asked Gna.

"No, you can go," said Frigg and waved her away.

"Thalia, what's going on? I was on my way to dinner when a woman appeared, and now I'm here," he said.

"Sorry, Nico, but we have a mission to you," said Thalia.

"Not until you tell me whats going on," he said.

We told him about the quest, the Norse gods and me.

"And you Want Me to follow you to Hel ?" asked Nico.

We nodded.

"If she is not worse than Persephone, there is no problem," smiled Nico.

"Huh?" I asked, did he know Persephone?

"Yes, I forgot, I'm Nico Di Angelo the son of Hades." he said.

"Time to go," said Frigg with a smile, and disappeared.

"Hunters, where will you be positioned?" Freya asked.

"Positioned?" Asked Thalia, the hunters began to glow, then they disappeared.

" Shall I transport you to Helheim?" Freya asked, without waiting for an answer, she snap with her fingers, and than everything went black.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
big smile
AWESOME! Can't wait for the next one!
over a year ago HecateA said…
Me neither!

When Thalia went to use the Gna I held my breath for Nico and THERE HE WAS!!! *hugs Idunn (the writter)* You're jsut awesome, you!
Me neither!  

When Thalia went to use the Gna I held my breath for Nico and THERE HE WAS!!!  *hugs
over a year ago Idunn said…
Chapter 15 I Shall Never say the word hell again

We landed in a forest, or I landed on Stella.

"Can you please get off my back?" Asked Stella.

"Sorry," I said when I got up.

"Where are the others?" Stella asked as she brushed dust off her clothes, she had stylish clothes, mostly black.

"Um ... Can we get some help here?" Asked Nate.

The three boys were stuck on a branch about 15 feet up.

"How can we help?" Stella asked as she tried to hide a laugh.

"Do you think this is funny?" Asked Malcolm.

"From here it is," said Stella.

"Wait, I can maybe help you," I said, I closed my eyes, and lifted my hand. The tree began to shake, and 15 meters of the tree went down in the earth, just enough that the three boys could jump down from the branch.

"Aurora, how did you do it?" said Stella.

"Freya is the goddess of magic," I replied.

"Good, but your mother need to work on transportation," said Nico.

"So Helheim is here?" Malcolm asked and looked around.

"Well, there is a tunnel there, shall we?" Stella said, pointing to a tunnel under a tree.

"I think we most." Nate sighed, we went to the tunnel, when a dog blocked the tunnel, and it was no ordinary dog, he was as tall as a dinosaur.

"Holy Styx," Stella gasped "He's bigger than Cerberus."

"But ... He has only one head," said Nate.

"Oh joy," said Stella sarcastic "Malcolm, a plan?"

"I have one, one of us distract him and the others run into the tunnel," he said.

"Whitch idiot would do that?" Nate said, we looked at him.

"The same idiot who said it." he muttered, and began to run, and the dog followed.

"Come on," whispered Nico, and began to run towards the tunnel, so did I, Malcolm, Nico and Stella.

"Nate!" We cried, "You can come now!"

Nate was at full speed towards us, with the dog after him.

"It's easier said than done!" Shouted Nate, he got into the tunnel, the dog tried to get in, but it was too big.

The tunnel was wider and deeper inside, we started walking, it felt like we walk in an eternity. It shone from several holes in the roof. In front of us began a line, several people who were wearing white robes, stood in line, I realized who it was, Ghosts. We stood in line, with Nico first. A lady who was dressed as a flight attendant, asked the dead a question and wrote on her list and opened a gate. It was our turn:

"Your name and job, please," she said without looking up from the list.

"Nico Di Angelo and I have no job," said Nico.

"Okay, Mr. Di Angelo," she said, she looked at us for the first time.

"You are still alive," she said confused, the sign on her uniform said Modgud.

"Yes, we survived the dog," said Stella.

"Interesting," muttered Modgud "Well, you can pass if you say your name and your job."

"Aurora Silver, and
I have no job," said I, and Modgud wrote it down.

"Mr. Di Angelo and Miss Silver you can pass," said Modgund, and opened the gate "Your friends are coming soon."

Nico and me went through the gate, behind the gate there was a bridge of gold, which does not match with the black walls, under the bridge there was a river, the river was so cold that I felt it on the bridge.

"What is the name of the river?" Asked Nico, the walls began to turn into ice.

"This river is named Gjoll and bridge is named Gjallarbrú," I replied.

"Wait!" Cried Stella, Nate, Malcolm and Stella rushed toward us.

Bridge ended, we came to a town that seemed built of human bones, this is Hels city. The city was a ghost town, literally. There were ghosts in the streets, in houses, there were shopping too, but one thing was not normal, everything was so quiet, not a sound. To be honest I thought it would be tourtur instruments and screaming here, but it was not a sound.

"This is not as Hades," Mumbles Nico.

We walked past the shops, there were ghosts in them. At the end of town there was a castle, also made of bone, no one guard the gate. We entered the castle, it was not so cold in the castle like in the city. We went into a throne room, there sat a woman in the dark, she was wearing a black robe so we did not see her face, she wore a black dress. It was Hel, the goddess of death, and she stared at us.

"It's not often I get a visit from the young people, what do you want?" she said.

"We want Balder back," I said as bravely as I could. Hel rose from her throne.

"Why should I give him back?" Have the gods ever done something for me? No, they havent. Because of a prophecy, I was thrown down here, to rule over the dead. And while I was here I began to rotten, half my face rotted! " Hel shouted, she took off her hood, half her face was rotted, you could almost see the bones.

This did not go well, she's not going to give Balder back.

"Why do I have a such a bad reputation among the gods, I do not punish the dead, I do not torture them, just because I am the daughter of Loki,everybody hates me" she said calmer this time.

"I give you two options, number one you can fight and die or number two you can be killed volunteer ," said Hel and smiled a evil smile.

last edited over a year ago
Chapter 15 I Shall Never say the word hell again

We landed in a forest, or I landed on Stella.