The Heroes of Olympus Reyna: who IS she?

losthero5 posted on Dec 03, 2010 at 10:05PM
It seems to be general agreement that Reyna is Jason's boyfriend. But I was rereading The Lost Hero and an odd thought hit me. Could Reyna be a sister that disapproved of Jason's relationship with girls? Or maybe something similar? What do you guys think?

The Heroes of Olympus 13 replies

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over a year ago HecateA said…
Oh God, good question...

For the sister thing, I dont think so.

Jason had the impression things weren't goign to work out between Pipes and him.

Either one of them dies.
He knows thye'll get seperated
There's somebody else
over a year ago partypony said…
Hm, well there's a widely supported "girlfriend theory"

Other theories thats possible:
Best Friend
Fave student (like, if he teaches swordplay, then maybe she's a fave student)
Some kid who's dead and it's all Jason's fault (guilt is making him remember)
A figure of his imagination

So yeah. I, personally, agree with the girlfreind one though. It just seems so logical for no reason.
over a year ago Eirene21 said…
Maybe she's a Best friend, but Jason wants her to be something more, but is too afraid to ask , because if she doesn't like him that way back it could ruin there already awkward relationship. Or they got past all that and are dating and now Jason feels really bad cause he's been leading Piper on without knowing it.I don't really support the whole "just friends" thing, because, that's what they all say.
over a year ago HecateA said…
^That makes sence too. Or she's a girl who's liked him for freaking ever and he feels bad because he doesn't like her back, and maybe he ended up kissing her like, right, before he disapeered and he's afraid that she thinks its more. Maybe something like that. But I dont think sister, because I think that 2 children of Zeus/Jupiter/king-god are enough.
over a year ago losthero5 said…
@partypony yeah maybe he was responsible for a death because he liked someone? and the girlfriend theory- wasnt there so much evidence that pointed to Jason's father as Boreas, and yet Zeus was his father? then again you might be right. im just saying
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over a year ago Festus1126 said…
I think taht if you look at the capter in wich he tlks to piper, he almost says bad for us, as in piper and him but ends up saying for ALL of us, wich gives us the idea that Reyna was his girlfriend. I personnaly agree with this theory.
over a year ago partypony said…
^good point.

maybe reyna's just a random girl who jason remembered more for no reason at all. i dont believe this one either. just wanna get it out in the discussion.

over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
I agree with the girlfriend theory.
Maybe the vision he gave piper about them kissing on the dorm roof was actually Jasons experience with reyna on a cabin roof at the roman camp
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
yeah i think that it might be that.
over a year ago partypony said…
but how can piper dream about something jason experienced? unless aphrodite sent it to her... no, aphrodite was shopping when she had that dream.
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over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
the girlfriend theory is probly true(soon to be ex-girlfriend)
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Seeing the pictures of both of them R.R released I choose Reyna cuz she's way prettier than Piper.
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over a year ago sydleader said…
big smile
mayb shes one of the last people he saw. o and how did she know Percy!!!!!!!!!! wonder if it has to do with her parent. and no offense to Rick riordan and piper fans but Im not her fan. I hope she dosent end up w/ Jason cause then if rayna was his girl id end up like the troysian (?) war