The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune Fanfic- My Version

UnoriginalName posted on Dec 07, 2010 at 04:36AM
*Introduction currently under construction*

Title: The Son of Neptune

Rating: C

Type: Fantasy



Synopsis: As camp half blood is getting ready for their voyage to Camp Demigod, Percy Jackson finds himself without any memories, in a camp where he feels in danger. He is soon issued a prophecy, and with the help of Hazel and Dakota, sets off to save the world.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I, unfortuanatly, do not own the PJO or HOO series, or any of the characters

last edited on Apr 24, 2011 at 10:46PM

The Heroes of Olympus 431 replies

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over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Chapter 1
I Try to Get My Sword to Turn into a Chicken (Percy)

I woke up in the middle of a city, with my brain hurting. There were kids, no older than me, looking at me suspiciously.
They were both girls, one had with fierce grey eyes and blonde hair, and the other was absolutely beautiful. They were wearing armor, which was weird seeing they looked about 16, but the weirdest thing was I could not remember anything.
The girl with blonde hair asked “Who are you and where are you from?”
They were fair questions, but I had a hard time answering them. I thought hard, but it was no use. The only thing I could pull out of the void that should have been my memories was that my name was Percy. I started thinking, ‘I saved your butt so many times, and this is how you repay me?’, but those thoughts past. They seemed important, but all I got when I tried to find out what they meant was a bigger headache.
“My name is Percy, but I don’t know anything else.” I said.
The girls started murmuring among themselves. Finally, the blonde haired one said “So you have no memories”.
“Pretty much.” I said, and they murmured some more. I caught the words “Jason” and “Lupa”.
The blonde one started pouring a green liquid that looked like puke, which the other then took. She said “Here honey, why don’t you drink some”, and she looked so pretty, I couldn’t resist. I drank the whole thing, and suddenly, I didn’t feel so good. They giggled, and I passed out.
When I woke up, we were in a river, and for some reason, I felt reinvigorated. The cute one said “He is waking up, did you give him enough?”
The blonde one said “Of course I did! Something must have gone wrong.” rather angrily. The other got me to drink the liquid again, and I passed out again.
When I woke up for good, I was in the center of a great arena.
Standing next to me was a rather buff looking guy, with black hair, and a look that said he would kill me if he got the chance. “Hello, my name is Bobby, son of Mars, and I have been assigned to kill- I mean ‘test’ you” He did air quotes when he said test, which sent chills down my spine.
“What do you mean ‘test’, and who is Mars, the god of candy?” I said, trying to sound confident.
“Well, here in Camp Demigod, we like to test our demigods to see if they are worthy of our time. So we do a lottery for every new demigod we get. You were assigned to be tested by me, so we will duel, and to answer your other question, Mars is the god of war.”
“Duel, what is this, Yu-Gi-Oh?” I said. Part of me wanted to ask if he meant Ares, but something told me not to.
“Oh, a jokester, well in the fight, we will see who has the last laugh. The trivia cabin has put a spell on the swords we are using, so if the sword is about to kill someone, it turns into a rubber chicken. I have to get you three times before you get me once. So my blade will turn into a chicken twice. The blade will turn back in 5-10 seconds”
“You said you had to get me three times, but your sword will only turn into a chicken twice”, I said. I was scared that my hunch was right, but it couldn’t be.
“That’s the point” Bobby said with a mischievious smile. “Shall we fight, or will you simply surrender, and save us both time?”
“Let’s fight, candyman”. I reached into my pocket and got out a pen. Bobby began to laugh, until I uncapped it. Then his expression was a little different.

over a year ago Festus1126 said…
Interesting chapter! Really Liked how percy called bobby Candyman! I guess that would make Clarisse Candywoman! Great hoe you made Bobby difrent than the Bobby's from the other SoN Fanfics!
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
That was great! Better than half the fanfics i've read. i love the idea of the chicken-sword think. creativity! Of course, just a suggestion (which i really shouldn't suggest cuz that would make me a hypocrite) maybe u could make it a bit longer? seriously, u dont have to do it...

Cant wait for chapter 2!

Oh, and is there specific times when ur gonna update? Or just random?
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@Festus Yeah, I tried to make the names different because I know from experience how confusing it can be. @partypony, I may do longer chapters, but I like to write in one sitting so the flow is somewhat the same, so it will depend on how I feel. I am thinking about doing it twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but that is subject to change. It all depends on my homework. This week, however, may be different.

New chapter (hopefully) in an hour.
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
Well, winter break's almost there, and I plan to update my fanfics more since I have more time (maybe u'll do too). And I don't think there's much homework since term one just ended.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@partypony, yes I most likely will.

Finally, chapter two is here! Took longer than I expected, but that is O.K. (at least to me). I may have a new chapter Friday, btw.

Chapter 2
I Battle the Candyman
Apparently, even though I didn’t remember anything about myself, I remembered how to fight. Bobby started out laid back, as if he never considered that he might lose. He casually I was rusty, and I should have been, I mean, I had absolutely no memories. However, once I got started, things started coming back to me. His style was all attack, I realized. I blocked attack after attack, looking for an opportunity to turn the tables and get a few attacks of my own, but I could not find any. I had to stay on my toes to avoid being slapped across the face with a chicken.
As I thought of this, I began to chuckle. Tip for sword fighting: do not laugh while being attacked. I realized too late that his sword was coming straight towards my chest. The sword seemed to come in slow motion, and I raised my sword to block, but I realized that it wouldn’t be possible to get there in time. I was waiting for his sword to turn into a chicken, but for some reason, it wasn’t changing. I was chanting in my mind “chicken, chicken, chicken”. I started to think about dying, I wondered what it would feel like. But his sword just stopped at my shirt. Bobby stared at me like he was trying to stare into my soul. I casually knocked the sword out of his hand, and that knocked him out of his trance. I put my sword at his neck, and like he said, it turned into a chicken.
“Quis heck” he said, which I believe is Latin, but then again, I didn’t know where I was from.
“I believe you lost candyman.” I said.
I had not realized that people had gathered in a semi-circle around me, and I heard muttering in the language that Bobby had spoken earlier, which kind of annoyed me because I could not understand them. Bobby bumped into me and stormed out the arena, but not before he sent me a murderess glance. Something told me that he wasn’t the first child of Are- I mean Mars that wanted to kill me.
Just then the girl that had brought me here (and drugged, I might add) came in the arena and yelled “Bobby, don’t kill him!” before she realized that Bobby wasn’t there. “Wait” she said, obviously confused, “where is Bobby?”
Someone in the semi-circle said “Oh, just planning his revenge on the new kid, why?”
“Wait, someone beat Bobby? That hasn’t happened since…” and her voice trailed off. There were more murmurs in the crowd, and I could tell that whoever they were talking about must have been popular. I wondered what happened to him. “Well, anyway, I have been given orders to bring him to Lupa.” She motioned to me to follow her. Once we left the arena, I gasped. The place was beautiful. There was a long river on one side, mountains to another, and the beautiful Pacific Ocean on the third side.
“Welcome to Camp Demigod. Hello my name is Hazel, daughter of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom” The girl said.
Again I had the urge to tell her that the god of wisdom was Athena, but again, there was something inside me that told me that correcting her would not be wise. Instead I said “Wow, this is beautiful!”
“Yes, the Gods modeled it after Rome. Unfortunately, they did not model the buildings to look like ancient Rome, now that would be great. The buildings are still Roman style, though.”
The camp was arranged in a kind of triangle. There were 4 cabins on each side, and a different building on each point. On each point was a different building, one had the arena I had just came out of, one looked like a dining place, and one had horses, so I assumed it was the stables. In the center of all of those was a gigantic building, which we appeared to be walking towards. The river seemed to go right into the center building, and I mean into the center building.
The four buildings to the left appeared to be empty, while the four on the right were bustling with noise. I asked Hazel why that was.
“Those cabins belong to Neptune, Jupiter, Juno, and Diana. They are supposed to be honorary.”
I auto-corrected the names to Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, and Artemis. “Supposed to be?” I asked.
“Well, none of them are meant to have children, but Jason broke that streak, he was a son of Jupiter, but now he is gone” She said, and I could tell that Jason was her friend by the way she said it. Before I could comfort her, I noticed something on her arm.
“Is that a tattoo?” I asked a little surprised.
“Oh, this? Yeah. You get one of these” she said pointing to little lines, like a bar code, “for every year you survive camp. This” she said pointing to a tattoo of an owl “you get after you complete your first quest. They used to be quite rare, but after this summer, almost everyone has one.”
“What happened this summer?” I asked curiously.
“Well, this summer was the Titan War.” The Titan War, I thought. I smiled. I finally remembered something. It wasn’t much, but it was something. There was a girl; I could tell she was hurt, yelling at me to give him the sword. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but at least it was something. Now that I think about it, the girl looked a lot like Hazel. “The Titans rose to end the God’s power, and they set their base up at a mountain near here, so we went to destroy it. Anyone who helped got their tattoo. The gods defeated Typhon, and then they defeated the king of the Titans, Kronos, who was trying to tear down Olympus”
“No, that’s not right”
“What do you mean no?” she asked.
Before I could answer, a giant wolf interrupted our conversation.
Hazel silently cursed. “That is NOT Lupa”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
WOW! That was great! Cliffhangers!!!! i luv cliffhangers, but i absolutely hate it!!!! cant wait for the next chapter!!!!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
I know I said chapter on friday, but I lied. New chapter tomorrow
over a year ago partypony said…
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@Partypony Yes,NOW.

Tomorrow I upload my least favorite chapter of all time- look foward to it.

Chapter 3
Everyone can read my shirt except me

“What do you mean that isn’t Lupa, who is Lupa?” I asked confused.
“PERCY, GRAB YOUR SWORD!” Hazel said, with worry in her voice. I did as I was instructed and took out Riptide and uncapped it. The wolf charged me, but I stayed calm. I somehow knew that this wasn’t the worst monster I had faced. I sidestepped, but the wolf anticipated that move. It barreled its head right into me. I fell down, with my head in the water. But the worst part was that my sword fell in the water next to me. The wolf put its paws on my chest, and bared its teeth. But unfortunately for the wolf, I had an adrenaline rush. I don’t know how it happened, but I somehow I forced the wolf off of me. The water seemed to bend to my will, and my sword came right next to me, as if on a pedestal.
The wolf’s eyes widened, as if it was amused, and it appeared to be looking at my shirt. I looked at my shirt and realized that that was the first time I actually looked at my clothes since I woke up. I was wearing a plain orange t-shirt and blue jeans. There were what appeared to be beads on a string in my pocket. I was a bit confused. It was just a plain orange shirt, what was so amusing about that? The wolf came about as close as a wolf could get to smiling.
I started attacking, and the wolves smile vanished. It started attacking back, but nothing touched me. I’m sure the wolf is a better fighter than that. Every time the wolf swiped its paw, it would either stop short, or miss right or left. I praised my luck and started to slash at the monster’s paw. The wolf looked rather worried now. This time it was looking above my head. I looked up, and saw a holographic green trident.
“I will not kill you, Peruses Jackson, because I do not have to. I think your friends here at camp will do a good enough job at doing that.” The wolf said and ran towards the hills. I recapped my pen and put it in my pocket.
“What did that mean, Hazel” I looked around, and was scared out of my mind when I found that Hazel wasn’t there. “HAZEL? HAZEL!” I found myself screaming. I don’t know why, but I felt myself somewhat attached to Hazel, maybe it had to do with that girl in the memory of the Titan War.
“Whoaaa there fellow” Hazel said with a laugh. She was with another wolf, and I felt myself reaching for my pen. “Percy, this is Lupa, leader of Camp Demigod. Lupa, this is Percy- what is your last name Percy?”
“I think it is Jackson” Lupa looked curious, and she too looked like she was reading my shirt. “OK, is there something wrong with my shirt? Why are you looking at it like that?”
“Oh hmmm… What, oh, umm… it just looked like there was a stain on it, but there isn’t” Lupa said. “Anyway, you said you think that your name is Jackson, what does that mean?”
I didn’t comment that there were a ton of stains on my shirt, instead I just told my tale of waking up with no memory, to the part of my battle with Bobby, and finished with the battle with the giant wolf that appeared to read my shirt and knew my name. I told her that there was a trident above my head when the wolf ran away. I didn’t say that it predicted that people at camp would kill me, because I was scared that it was right.
“Percy, I think we need to talk. Hazel, please return to your cabin”
“Yes, Lupa”
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
that was epic. where was reyna when he got attacked anyway? watching? and i AM looking forward to that incredibly-boring chapter. boring chapter usually means that you can get alot of info about whats goin on.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@partypony, well, definately boring to write. It is my shortest chapter, and took the longest to write. I HATE THAT STUPID CHAPTER. I thought about killing myself repeatedly just so I could stop writing. Somehow I finished, though.
over a year ago Me5 said…
big smile
Well glad you are still writing!(of course you are)
over a year ago bookeater said…
NIIIIcee i realllllllllllllly liked it and plz dont stop writing cause i am still gonna read it later
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…

Amazing, It felt like forever ago when I wrote this chapter, but it was only Wednesday. You guys are kind of lucky, because I was planning on writing chapter 6 and then publishing this, but I feel like procrastinating and just giving you the chapter now.

I am (trying) to hint as to what is to come in the next chapters, but not much in the past. But my efforts may be totally off.

Chapter 4
I write my least favorite chapter that doesn’t deserve a name.

We went into the Big House, and from the second I stepped foot in the house, I felt nervous. I had been feeling nervous since I got to the camp, but I assumed it was that I was in fights. But now I knew that that was not it, I was safe. I think it is the camp that was wrong. And the discussion with Lupa just confirmed my fears.
“Hello, Perseus, do you know where you are?”
“Camp-Demigod, a place to train half-bloods”
“And do you know who you are?”
“Ummm… I’m Percy Jackson, but that is all. I don’t belong here do I?” I took out the beads in my pocket and played with them absently. There were 4 in total. One had a picture of a golden sheepskin, another had a picture of a maze, a third had a picture of a trident, like the one that appeared above my head, and the fourth had a picture of a huge building and some writing. It clearly was not English, but for some reason I felt like I could read them.
Charles Beckendorf
Silena Beagaurd
I felt like I should have known those names, but my blasted memory was empty. I realized that I was not paying attention to Lupa.
“Percy! Percy!” Lupa said while smirking.
“Oh, sorry” I said very quickly.
“I do appreciate if you pay attention to me while I am talking to you. Anyway, I was just commenting that you were right” I was thinking she knew that I thought I knew Charles and Silena, then I realized that would mean she could read minds. “You do not belong here. But unfortunately, I cannot tell you what that means, as I have sworn that I shall never tell. And to partly answer my other question, you are a son of Neptune, or as you would better recognize him as, Poseidon.”
“Oh, thanks for giving me such great information, I am sure that I will be able to use that for the rest of my life.”
“I wouldn’t insult me like that boy, I have been known to eat heroes that I do not like.” She showed her teeth, and I could tell she was not lying. “But, for now you will have to stay here, at the Neptune Cabin, in Camp Demigod.”
“OK, but why are you making it sound temporary?”
“I’m sure that you will be going on a quest soon, and for another thing, you just spoke back to me in fluent Greek.” She looked greatly scared. “Do you know how you got here?”
“Some girls drugged me and dragged me to camp?”
“They drugged you? Gods, they will be punished for that. We used to drug our new recruits so they would be disorientated for their test, but then we changed the test to fighting, and we wanted to give every advantage to the newbie, after all they have had no training. But that is not how you got here. Juno, or as you would know her as, Hera, sent you here.” I felt angry when she said Hera, but I did not know why.
“Go to your new cabin, and in the morning, you will begin your training. Good luck Perseus.”

over a year ago partypony said…
well, that was... interesting. the truth? boring. yeah you were offence. i stand corrected. much was going on. but i got the hints, i think. i think the chapter title pretty much described it all. looking forward to the next one.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@partypony Remind me to comment on the comment you made today tommorow, because I will probably forget, and there was something I seriously want to say, but I'll wait.
over a year ago partypony said…
um sure. theres a 97.3254% chance i have no idea what ur saying, but ill remind u.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
W-O-W that was so awesome I love the chicken thing! And how Bobby was a son of mars oh and you were right about the last chapter being a little bit boring (no offense) but thanks for the great read can't wait for the next one

Oh and don't forget to comment on partypony's comment!:)
over a year ago partypony said…
@unoriginalname, what was it? i think its tomorrow now, unless there's a time stop going on in your country.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
OK, here it is. I kind of BS ed about leaving lots of hints of what was to come. I left two hints, that arn't really hints. I just wanted to see what the human brain would come up with.

I am still procrastinating about writing chapter 6? No seven, wait, never mind, it was chapter 6. I started writing last night, and only typed about 100 words so far.
over a year ago partypony said…
^lol. i think the next chapter's chapter 5.
over a year ago WiseGirl97 said…
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
LOL, i agree more chapters!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
2 things, no, make that three things.

1. No new chapter today
2. I need a name for the Oracle in the camp
3. I am thinking of doing a "12 Days of Fanfic" type thing. Basically, Starting on Christmas, I would upload a chapter every day for 12 days. What do you think?


I may update late, and understand I am under PST. Also, I may not update every day. If I do not update, I will try to update 2 chapters the next day.
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
*singing* On the first day of fanfic, UnorigianalName gave to me...........*stops singing* Well, it isn't the first day of Fanfic yet.
But I totally agree with the 12 days of fanfic
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
I totally agree with the 12 days of fanfic idea!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
The 12 days of fanfic sounds awesome great Idea and I have a name suggestion for ya how bout Novaleen? I don't know what it means it just looks and sounds really cool
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that is a great idea!!!!!, u should do it
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
OK, I will do it, but that means I will upload no new chapters 'till Christmas. My Goal- 6 chapters written (but not uploaded)by Christmas

ALSO, this is listed 3rd on popular content, behind two of my favorite fanifics- HecateA and WiseGirl23!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I KNOW!!!! i've noticed that too you're such an awesome writer unoriginalName!! can't wait for Christmas!!!! I get another Christmas present! :D
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
So far I have 2 names.

1. Bella (As suggeseted by UnoriginalName)
2. Novaleen (As suggested by Calypso_)

If you do not want one of these names- submit them BEFORE the 2nd day of Christmas, as that is when I will first mention the name.

Remember that this is NOT a democracy, it is a dictatorship. I will have final say, but you can sway me one way or another with your comments.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Sure it's not a monarchy?
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…

In a monarchy, the head of state is usually the descendant of a specific noble family that earned the allegiance of other noble families and established a dynasty (the recognition sometimes came as a result of one aristocrat earning allegiance through warfare or marriage). The rise of the middle class (unevenly applied across different countries) help shift the power from an absolute monarchy (total power within the king or queen) towards the constitutional monarchies found in England and other countries today. These monarchs serve as living symbols of the past heritage of indivdual countries.

Dictators generally arise from the lower classes or the military and assume power outside of normal political processes. Sometimes, dictators become kings to establish a degree of legitmacy and with the hope of establishing a new dynasty (Napoleon is a great example). All power is concentrated in the dictator, but dictator do use legislative bodies to rubber stamp their initiatives. Hitler did not disband the Reichstag when he assumed power. Stalin was "elected" to his post (with no opposition of course).

Yep, I wrote all that...

But anyway, dictatorship vs monarchy in fanfic, I have no idea. I like the idea of a dictatorship better because then i would let people fight it out after I die, not just pass my account down. Also, I like to think of myself as someone who took this position by force, not just having it passed down to me. I am about to read what I copied/pasted from yahoo answers- I mean wrote- and see if I contridicted myself anywhere.

Is that how you spell contridicted?

MORE NEWS! Sorry if anyone thought that this was a chapter, I kind of went long, but back to the news. I NEED NAMES FOR THE ORACLE BY DECEMBER 26th!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
I know a dictatorship better describes it I was just trying to pull a tiny joke........ it didn't work out very well apparently... sorry

oh and you don't have to necessarily take it by force to be a dictator for example Benito Mussolini had march on Rome where he gained the support of the military and then the King at the time surrendered his position to Mussolini but you can take it by force for example Josef Stalin and his purges where he basically went around and if anyone didn't support him they would mysteriously disappear in the night.. so my point is that you don't necessarily have to take a dictatorship by force... yeah....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
big smile
ok can you guys get back to the story not to be mean but i love reading your son of neptune.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
UnorginalName is not posting another chapter till Christmas
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
ok i understand
over a year ago athena_02 said…
ur fanfic is really cool. if ur oracle is like the mummy in the House's roof( before Rachel), i would say Shiasa. if she's alive, but not really enthusiastic but hot, Sasha. if she's enthusiastic and cute, April or Kyoko. i think an Asian looking girl is quite fun in this situation!
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
i know right
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
hi i'm new; and how about niasa? i don't know what it means but it sounds cool.
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
can't wait till' christmas...............
and if not niasa how about riana, navreet if indian, victoria if mean, Quartney if nice, or arianne, and lastly arianna...
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
i'm going. see you 12 days from christmas............
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
OK, I decided to end the ability to submit a name for the oracle at 12:00 Noon PST Monday, December 20th. At that point,I will asign each name a number, and go on, and see what the name of the oracle will be. Similar names, such as Arianne and Arianna will be entered once, and if they win, I will asign a number to both and see what the name of our new oracle will be.

So, I lied about this being a dictatorship. This is more like the Greek way of choosing the supreme judges- by a lottery.

New thought: Should I put it up to a vote?

If so I would have to end it earlier because I need to write a chapter with the oracle in it VERY soon.

Also Calypso, your comment brought up that idea in my head, and I wanted to share my newfound knowledge. It was not that you failed at a joke, it was that I was curious.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
the only reason I told the 'joke' was to share MY new found knowledge wow what a co-winky-dink weird.:)

oh and I don't know about the name thing the random thing would be good cause then it would be FAIR, like completely but I think I like the vote better, ahh I don't know!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
Sounds interesting!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
3 hours before I close the option to send in oracle names.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
1 minute

45 seconds

30 seconds

3... 2... 1... AND CLOSED!

Using and this format.

1. Bella
2. Novaleen
3. Sasha
4. April
5. Kyoko
6. Niasa
7. narvreet
8. victoria
9. quartney

And the number is... 9. QUARTNEY! As suggested by AnnabethCrazed! Now I can finish chapter 7!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
lol Quartney. nice name. kinda weird but nice.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
thats a weird way to spell courtney LOL...i like the name!!!!