The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

jasongrace97 posted on Dec 11, 2010 at 04:09PM
Yo folks lookin forward to The Son of Neptune?
Well, no one beats Rick Riordon, but here's my view on it-enjoy!!!

Oops, forgot something... don't expect to me to be regular but Il try to post a chapter every Sunday.

Now Enjoy!!!!!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 40 replies

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over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
Hey guys, sorry couldn't get time to write this week cause of exams Il start it from next week
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
Hey guys, here's the first chapter, hope you guys like it and sorry it got delayed.
Il write the next chapter by Sunday, probably. And plz comment


Chapter I

I looked at the scene around me. It was amazing. Hills surrounding me and a glittering creek in which my head was. I had a knife at my neck with a girl shaking me and screaming 'where is he!? Where is he!?'

I pushed the girl back feeling the knife touch my neck. 'What the heck!!!' I yelled. 

The knife was on the ground away from the startled girl. The girl said as calmly as she possibly could, ' You must come with me. Dakota and I need to question you.'

I was getting a little confused now. I could not remember my name, yet I was angry. Why should they question me?

'Why should I listen to you?' I yelled. 'You just tried to kill me, and by the way who are you to be questioning me?'

'I am Reyna Wallace, daughter of Mars. Now you tell me who are you?'
'Oh, you mean Ares? that explains why your so violent, tough girl.'
'Oh, just shut up, will ya? But say, why did you call him by his Greek name? 
'Those are the names I use, airhead.'
'Stop it! You're getting on my nerves!! It will not be good if you continue. Just tell me who you are!'

'Okay, okay. Whatever you say, I'm... I'm... Who am I?'
'You are Perseus Jackson. And you were right about my dad. How did you know how stupid he is?'
'I... I don't know myself'

That was true. I didn't remember anything. I was really confused. Perseus Jackson was my name. I don't know how she knew it. I also didn't know how I knew about her dad. How could he be a God? I just knew I had hatred for him.

'How did you know?' I asked.
'Well... Ever since Jason disappeared Lupa's been giving me all the information.' 
'Oh, great now who's Lupa and who's Jason?'

Reyna looked really gloomy as soon as I said Jason's name

'Was Jason whoever close to you?' I asked.
Reyna started sobbing and scowled 'You just come with me.'

'Sorry.' That was all I could say.

Reyna rushed me to some colosseum thing sobbing all the way. I saw a few things on the way like some weird Chinese houses, a few kids dressed up in armor having sword duels a few Pegasus... Pegasus was I dreaming? There was one lonely looking horse shaped anemoi... A storm spirit, the Greek term. It was all so strange.

'So he's here.' I heard footsteps but saw no one. All of a sudden a kid appeared.
I got so creeped out that I backed into Reyna who pushed me off her and I landed on the ground with a mouth full of dirt just in front of the creep's feet. Her shoes were quite like twirled up snakes and I once again, stumbled backwards.

The ghostly girl started laughing like crazy and Reyna edged a smile. The first I'd seen. She looked so lost for the whole time I'd seen her.

'Perseus, meet Dakota.'
'I prefer Percy.'
'Okay, so Percy, meet Dakota.'

'So then, Percy, do you know about the roman gods being real?' Dakota asked me.
'Are you mixed up? Aren't they supposed to be the Greek gods?'
'Hey, Dakota he uses the old names. He called my dad Ares.' Reyna stated.

'Well, that's strange. Well, since you know about the gods and we are all Demigods I think you'll be able to understand that I am the daughter of Pluto.'

'Hey, do you know where you come from, Percy?'
'No I don't. I barely had a memory of my name, how will I remember where I 

come from?'

Suddenly, I heard a loud clank of swords. I mean really loud. It seemed like my eardrums bursted. Dust flew all over the place. The next thing I knew, there was a sword at my neck. Thats when I met Will Hamish.

'Hey, who's new? Ohhhh it's a little pip-squeak. Let me take him down will ya?'

Oh man, was I mad. I threw him a Punch, he dodged it easily and then sent me flying to the ground. A pen fell out of my pocket as I fell. I didn't know what I should do with it. Write on him? Na. Anyways, I uncapped it and it grew to a meter long sword. Riptide. The name was at the back of my head. I leaped up and started the duel.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RickJackson98 said…
wow that was very good but one thing he can't bleed and he should be able to stay on his feet because remember his Achilles spot but it is still very good
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I agree with Rickjackson b/c since Percy bears the curse of achilles then that would render him invunurable therefore making it impossiable for him to bleed. Hey this is just a random thought but since Percy for some reason is really mad at the moment he could like use his awesome power in the sword duel just a thought though:D
over a year ago partypony said…
^great idea.

that was a good chapter. and one minor mistake was the blood thing, but otherwise its good.
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
Thanks for reminding me, I forgot about that, il change it.
Thanks for the idea calypso
over a year ago HecateA said…
Hey jg (can I call you jg?)

So I try not to read other SoN fanfics so my ideas dont change, but you requested so here I am.

The description of the second camp was amazing! I liked how the action started right off the bat, and I like how it did. But I dont see a daughter of Mars actually crying in public, but that's a discussable point.

It was amazing, keep writting jg!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
You are welcome jasongrace97
@Hecate when you call jasongrace97 jg it makes me want to call her jpeg sorry but it really does:D
so can I call you jpeg, jasongrace97,ppplllleeeeaaaasssseeee??????­?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
^lol jpeg. no idea how u came up with that.
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
Yo! I don't care what you call me but tell me if you like it and if you don't, where to improve. Thats all.
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…

                Chapter II

'Will, don't!!!' I screamed loud. He was the toughest kid at camp, bulky and muscular. My brother from my dad's side of the family. I could not let him beat up someone who looked as puny as that new kid, Percy.
'Hey, sis. Shieldin your new boyfriend?'

I got mad and sad about that and was about to tell Will to face me instead of that kid until I saw the pen that had fallen out of his pocket grow into a gleaming bronze sword. Something told me my bulky airhead of a brother was about to be creamed.

Percy jumped up at Will and slashed but only got the armor. Will decided to stab Percy in the stomach, and to all of our surprise, the blade bounced off Percy. All Percy had to do was to stab Will before he recovered from his shock, but he just pushed Will to the ground, and for the first time had the sword at someone else's neck rather than his. 

'Why didn't he stab?' I thought to myself. That shows a sign of fear. Lupa won't except him if he does that. The way he fought was different. He didn't use a disciplined pattern and he had surely had a sword fight before. He kind of reminded me of Jason... I didn't want to think of that or of his fate.

I had a power that is very annoying- everyone around me would get aggressive. When Mars contacted me for the first time, I was about eleven he told me about it and it was a blessing for something really important and somehow I knew percy was involved.

I needed time to process my thoughts so I asked Dakota to show Percy around. I hoped she'd do alright. She can be a little demotivating.

I went to the forest to look for Tempest. I was sure he was missing Jason too. That little Ventus. The three days had gone by so slow 
since Jason was gone. I went to Tempest's favorite sleeping place in the woods. He was not there.

I was so disappointed that I ran to my cabin and immediately passed out.
The dream I had was horrible.

'Mom, let's go to ride the camels in the stables! Please mom, please?'
'Reyna, why do you like camels so much?
'Clarisse and I like to enjoy a ride on them together.'
'Okay, let's go. Have I taken a picture of you two on a camel together since we moved to Phoenix? You two twins would look so cute! Il go get the camera and you two little 5 year olds can leave but be careful!'
'Okay mom!'

I went along with my twin sister, the last time I would see her. We pulled onto our favorite two hump camel and the most mysterious thing happened- I fell through the hump.

I woke up with a start. The dream I dreaded the most. I used to have the same dream a long time ago. Lupa, the she- wolf goddess told her three years ago, all that happened at that time. She told me 

Juno meant to separate Clarisse and I for a reason she had sworn not to tell anyone. She said that Clarisse's memory of me had been wiped out by Juno. I hated Juno ever since.

I went outside and climbed onto the roof of the Mars cabin and longed to see Jason. He would help me get over bad dreams. 

To my surprise I saw Percy on the roof of the Mercury cabin. I jumped across the cabins to talk to him and ask him about the tour but I slipped and fell into the gap between Mercury cabin and the Venus cabin. To my luck, Tempest flew below me and I landed on his back. You might not think Il be able to ride a storm spirit but Jason told me Tempest was special.

'Hey, Reyna what're you doing jumping over cabins?'
'Bobby, boy am I glad to see you. How did Dakota do with the tour? Did she actually trust someone for once?'
'Well, yeah. Better than I would have. You know that kid, Percy is quite a fellow. He canoed across the creek amazingly killing those stupid monsters who keep on attacking. Well, good thing Tempest saved you. I'd better go look after the stables. See you around.'

Wow. I expected good stuff from this kid and look at what I am getting. Bobby is definitely smart and can decipher people's feelings pretty easily, after all he is a son of Minerva. He loves pegasi and stays up quite late. I went to go see Percy climbing onto the roof again.

'Hey, how was the tour? Can't get sleep?'
'Well, the tour was okay but I can't get over the dream I just had. You were in it with someone who looked similar to you. I know her but I don't know where from.'
'Did you have the same dream as I had?'

'What was that?'
'Did I fall through a camel's hump'
'Yeah, but Reyna, I wanted to ask you something.'
'What is that?'
'Have you always been so soft? I expect children of Mars or Ares to be cruel. Kind of like Will.'
'Well, I don't want to talk about it, but it was a hard lesson that taught me that being cruel just makes people dislike you. Even after what I experienced. It's still not right.'
'I think I better go back to my cabin. Hazel would be mad if she finds out I was up here.'
'Okay. You really remind me of Jason except you have more of a sense of humour.'
'Everyone's talking about this Jason. Who is he? Your boyfriend?'
'Well, yes. I've hated talking about him ever since you had come. Mainly because he disappeared when you appeared. Goodnight, I'l tell you about him some other time.

I watched Percy go back to his cabin. I thought I had better do the same. When I got back I even managed to get to sleep.
over a year ago partypony said…
^that was great! looks like clarisse has a sister! omg i did not expect that. great job. great start to my morning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
nice suprise like jason and thalia roman and greek and all that stuff.
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
big smile
Really good. It would make sense that Juno erased clarrise's memory, but, how could they be twins and have 2 different fathers. I mean ones greek and ones roman. Not to be rude anyway. Its good though
over a year ago polux1002 said…
big smile
great chapters in all but im wondrin how can clarrise and reyna be twins if they hav 2 diffrent fathers? or maybe clarrise is ROMAN...
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
well dont thalia and jason have two different fathers? but they are still brother and sister, right?
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
but these guys are twis. not just bro and sis
over a year ago partypony said…
true. twins. did i say im not expecting that? reyna and clarrise are so different. clarisse is sort of meaner, and reyna is softer. weird. hey does that mean reyna's last name is la rue?
over a year ago jasongrace97 said…
Hey guys, can't write this week cause of my family vacation.

over a year ago tessa34567 said…
keep going
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yes, keep going!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
wowo this has been a long week...
over a year ago percy__jackson said…
great story! please post soon
over a year ago PercyJackson7 said…
keep going I love it
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
big smile
Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know why you should post? because I said you should.
( please don't consider this spam ).
I love the whole twin sister thing......... Again can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago bookeater said…
big smile
i <3 the sister thing 2 lol btw AWESOME NAME
over a year ago neha4ever said…
big smile
Please post soon!!!!!!!!!I really want to read the rest!!!!
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
when u posting??? like it so far!!
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
How long dose it take to post?it's like been 2 weeks. =C
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Oh this Is so so good can't believe clarissa had a twin sister !!!!!!!!!post soon
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Pleazzzzz post I really like this so much
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Post pooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssstttttttttt­!!!­!!!
over a year ago PJORulz said…
Please post soon
over a year ago Csk214 said…
big smile
I'm going to explode from all my Scotland if you don't post soon. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Sorry my iPod is weird. When I said Scotland I meant excitment (if that's how you spell it) Sry
over a year ago percyrulz said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post i love the story
over a year ago precious211 said…
hello jason somebody (sorry cant remember your screen name) i have read over fifty different fanfics, and i got to say yours is in the top ten, along with HecateA, Calpsoo, Wisegirl ect.
over a year ago precious211 said…
please post, am dieing here!
over a year ago vbdlovesu said…
i love your story post sooonnn.