The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune!!!!

GreekRULES515 posted on Dec 23, 2010 at 08:21PM
I've never wrote a story for a lot of people in the world so here it goes.
@everyone read!!! I'll post every time I finish a Chapter please give me some names or any ideas
PLZ POST COMMENTS or than I feel like I'm not good
last edited on Dec 27, 2010 at 03:41PM

The Heroes of Olympus 361 replies

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over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Chapter 1

My eyes opened to bright sunlight. I sat up and looked around. I was surrounded by a land of water. I felt so powerful like I belonged here, wait a minute who am I??? I scanned the ocean for a strip of land. As I scanned I spotted a brown strip land feeling happy I then realized I didn't have a paddle. Great no paddle AND I can't remember my name. I wish I could get there i silently wished. "What the.." I was suddenly moving towards the strip of land I looked around saw the wind was moving me as well as the water towards the land. I saw buildings and kids on the land it looked weird because the kids were in armor I was so hot I couldn't belive there weren't even sweating or in the water. The minute I stepped on the land I collapsed feeling so weak, I felt like I was dying. I heard a scream as I heard the same word in my head over and over again Perseus. Right before I blacked out I saw a girl running toward me.

I woke up in a wide room with beds everywhere. I heard moaning and groaning, I looked to my right and saw a girl with a cut on her arm that was a bit green. I looked on my left and saw an unconscious boy with a big red rash on his head. I tried to sit up when a paw pushed me down? I looked up and yelped right in front of me was a wolf with amber eyes and a caramel coat. Hello my hero may you tell me your name. I heard in my mind "I'm um Perseus I think". Young hero please talk in your mind, this is how I communicate with my heros alone. I don't want other demi-gods hearing our conversation,I heard again in my mind. Um okay I'm Persues but I don't know anything else,I said in my mind. Then I thought wait can she read my mind?What are demi-gods? Oh no oh no oh no, she (or he) can read my mind, don't think. I saw the wolf smile can wolfs smile? My young hero I can only hear your thoughts if you let me also you just let me you need to learn how to block your mind so I can't read it. We will have to work on that. Oh and don't worry I'm a she-wolf and no one can read thoughts but me. I sighed and thought who are you? I heard, I am Lupa the wolf goddess.

I know it is short I will post soon please comment!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood963 said…
big smile
nice start
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya the start is good
over a year ago barogr said…
pretty nice... :) You go GreekRULES
Sorry but no suggestions yet, though I am curious about the girl who ran towards him, guess you alredy have a plan?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I think that u shouldn't have them leave on their quest right away cuz some people did that and then their story isn't as good
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
GreekRules this is great so far. I like how Percy was in the water before he was in the camp. So far so good.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I know this is short.
@everyone I will post short chapters for now but maybe longer after a while
@barogr Your wonderful question will been answered

Chapter 2

"Lupa?" I stuttered out loud. "Yes" Lupa said. I rubbed my eyes because now I saw a beautiful woman. She had caramel skin with the same amber eyes her hair was white that glowed in the sunlight. "I can talk out loud now? How are you a goddess? How are you a woman? Weren't you just a wolf?" I took a big breath about to ask some more questions when a girl who ran into the room and said. "Lupa, Bobby got his head stuck in the toilet AGAIN and we can't get him out" She saw me and glared like I was the reason this Bobby got his head stuck in the toilet. She had light blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was pretty I liked how her hair waved just below her shoulders. I just realized she was the girl who ran towards me before I blacked out on the shore "Well I'll go get him out Gwen this is Persues, give him a tour than I'll test him, also explain demi-gods and the usual stuff" Just when I thought Gwen would start talking she didn't, of corse they are talking in there minds I'm guessing Gwen doesn't want me to hear what she's um thinking. I sensed tension but before I could speak, Lupa said "Do it" Gwen sighed and said "Okay, Persues get UP." I hated the name Presues so I thought of a nickname, "Okay, but can you call me Percy."
"Whatever just come on." I got up and we walked out the door.
"This is Roman Academy, where we train demi-gods this is the main building we call it "Rome's Life" where we have our um important meetings," she pointed to a white building with white pillars and a more modern style like the doors and windows.IT had golden writing on it all around it were words in Latin "It's beautiful" I breathed. "These are "The Buildings of Rome" where we stay and put our things and live with our half-brothers and half-sisters. You will go in the Mercury for now he takes undetermined demi-gods" she pointed to a group of buildings all bright with their own theme. Their doors were all facing north and there were put together in a square shape way.
"Um okay isn't Mercury a god?"
"Crap it's your first day and I forgot to tell you about the gods! Okay so gods are still alive.
"Look you know nature, weather, the world?"
"Yeah you know just because I can't remember anything doesn't mean I'm stupid!"
"Yeah anyways instead of "science" it is the gods, they're still around. They move where the western civilization moves. Get it?"
"Yeah, a little unsure but than more firmly "Yeah I get it but you said "The Buildings of Rome" what about Greek?"
"Wow you know nothing! Okay so long story short Greek ruled first but Roman Gods were more powerful and defeated the Greeks now they rule"
That wasn't right. Nope that was horribly wrong and this was the first thing I was sure of today! But before I could say something a girl came charging at me with a sword yelling "ROMANS!!" I tried to move out of the way but it was like my feet were frozen. Gwen yelled "NO" but it was to late, she stabbed me.

The sword bounced off me and fell to the ground bent in half. The girl gaped at me. Gwen's jaw was practically on the ground when she realized that, she closed it but then she looked at the sword and the jaw dropped down again. I smiled nervously and shrugged "Sorry?" Gwen seemed to realize she was staring at me and stuttered "Um this-this is-this is um um..."
"Hazel" she said her eyes wide still looking at the sword.
"Hi I'm Percy, do you know what just happened?"
"NO but could you tell me my brothers would fail in our fights if there swords did that" she smirked at the thought of that now looking at me. Now that I could really see her she looked like she was volcano her red hair and bright red eyes looked like it was on fire. She had buff mucsles and looked like she could crush me with one fist.
"I don't know who I am so I doubt I know how to do that."
"Oh well I am the Daughter of Mars so if you figure it out what you can do I live right over there" she pointed to a oval shaped building that was dark red. It had a river around it that was red? I saw alligators in the red river the oval shaped building had heads of animals and blood all over it. "Oh by the way the red river is lava so just yell BRIDGE and the bridge will come down, and theses are meat eating alligators so there is fish on the bridge, feed that to them and they won't eat you." I nodded and she walked to the building yelled "BRIDGE" and disappeared into it where I heard people shouting. I turned around and said "Isn't Mars, Ares?"
"Ugh don't you get it? Ares is the Greek translation but we don't use there terms they died when Roman gods took there places and killed them" Great, Gwen wasn't in shock mode and was in attitude mode. I was about to say that isn't right, but a monster-I think it was a Minotaur-came out behind a building and growled as if to say we meet again hero and now I will kill you. Gwen screamed and Lupa in wolf form ran to us from the main building and turned into a woman she said "This is your test young hero, pass you survive, fail you die, good luck"
"I have no weapon!" I saw the Minotaur preparing to charge at me "Reach in your pocket" she said now urgently. I did and brought out a pen "THIS IS A PEN!!" I yelled but than Gwen said "Click it!". I clicked it and yelped it had grown into a 3 foot long sword glimmering with a gold. The Minotaur charged at me, I glanced at the sword smiled and charged at the Minotaur knowing I was going to die, but might as well die while fighting a monster.

WOW tht was a boring chapter to me!! I think I'll go take a nap plz comment!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
I just got home and read this, and I love it <3 it's a awesome start!
over a year ago omgITSthem said…
I love it! its GREAT so far! i just got back from a trip and read yours LOVE IT!! Can't wait till next one.... i always can't wait! lol
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
OMG that was an awesome chapter, i love:
"Look you know nature, weather, the world?"
"Yeah you know just because I can't remember anything doesn't mean I'm stupid!"

its a good start to your story!!!!
over a year ago tridentbearer1 said…
GGGGGGGRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!hi. that chapter wasnt boring! dont think so badly of yourself! It was really good and action-packed! Plus you should name some random gurl avalon, possibly a random person who can tell the future!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
@tridentbearer1 thx u found my fanfic also i dont get the end of ur comment so
@everyone thx for the great start comments if anyone has any names for an roman orcale tht would b AWESOME

Chapter 3 preview

I was wandering the camp when Leo ran to me with a troubled expression, now Leo was good at not looking troubled so I was having a bad feeling when he came to me and said,"Hey, where's Jason?"
"Um I saw him in his cabin,why?"
"Well Black Jack just came...
... and we don't know what he's saying. Annabeth is having a breakdown, because there was note on BlackJack and she can't read it because it's in Latin so they sent me to get Jason."
"Oh no, where's BlackJack"
"Down by the Big House"
"Thanks" I ran towards it, when I got there everyone was surrounding Annabeth and BlackJack she was crying into his mane "Hey are you..." but before I could finish, everything went dark.

Ok that was chapter preview I make these so you guys won't die of waiting for the next chapter! If you don't like the previews I'll not do them.
P.S. I won't post till AFTER Xmas so MERRY CHRISTMAS
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Well done again, my oracle suggestion:

Crystal, as in Crystal Meth.
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
i like this story. everything was well done and its not boring. the last chapter in particular was pretty good. cant wait to know what the note says. where's jason? and awwwwwww....
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
@partypony thx!!!! I checked out your story awesome.
@Everyone I decided to post today because its CHRISTMAS SO MERRY CHRISTMAS hav a great vaca

Chapter 3

I was wandering the camp when Leo ran to me with a troubled expression, now Leo was good at not looking troubled so I was having a bad feeling when he came to me and said, "Hey, where's Jason?"
"Um I saw him in his cabin, why?"
"Well Black Jack just came...
... and we don't know what he's saying. Annabeth is having a breakdown, because there was note on Black Jack and she can't read it because it's in Latin so they sent me to get Jason."
"Oh no, where's Black Jack"
"Down by the Big House"
"Thanks" I ran towards it, when I got there everyone was surrounding Annabeth and Black Jack she was crying into his mane "Hey are you..." but before I could finish, everything went dark.

I was in a room it was small and covered in pink, ew. I looked around when I saw someone coming towards me. He had black hair and sea green eyes, he was wearing leather sandals khaki Bermuda shorts and a Tommy Bahama shirt with fish and palm trees all over it. He had tanned skin and wrinkles on his face that showed he smiled a lot.
“Hello Piper Mclean. I am guessing you know who I am.”
“Your um… oh my gods your Poseidon, but what are you doing here?”
“Yes well as you know my son Percy has lost his memory, Hera and I have always gotten along but what she did was horrible. I have come for a favor.”
“But Percy is your son why don’t you ask him?”
“Well he has his own problems so my favor will you do it?”
“Yes I will do your favor” I had no idea why he needed my help why would someone need my help.
“You are a great charm speaker the greatest of the century only you can convince Zues to let us leave the palace. He will not kill you because everybody including your mother will agree with you. I will transport you during the night.
“Wait can’t I bring Jason or Leo because I don’t think I can do this. What if I die?”
“You can bring only one friend but Jason will be the best because he is a Roman child"
“Ok do I just go to the Big House with Jason?”
“Yes but remember you can’t tell anyone where you are going also you will know what to do when you are there oh and tell Annabeth Percy is alright.”
“Ok thankyou”
“Please be there by midnight”
I woke up with a start, everybody was still surrounding Annabeth I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Jason ran to me and held his hand out to let me up “Are you okay, I was coming over when I saw you collapse.” I saw Leo already running towards BlackJack.
“Yeah I’ll tell you later let’s go read that letter”
We ran up to Annabeth I put my arm around Annabeth while Jason took the note. I lied to her saying “My mom visited me and told me Percy is alright nothings happen and he is still alive” when she sobbed harder I felt bad, but I heard a muffled “Thanks”. Jason gasped and dropped the letter his eyes were wide with shock. “We got a finish that ship.” He said. I knew I had to tell him the dream now. “Hey Jason come here”, when he looked unsure I said more forcibly “NOW.” Thats the good thing about being a charm speaker, he would listen.He said "Ok.". We went to the shore and quietly I told him my dream I saw his face go from shock to anger to sadness. “He said okay but what about that note?”
“Say um okay say I need to go to sleep and think for a while and because your tired. It’s 10:30 pm I’ll tell Chiron something so every goes to sleep by 11 pm that way we can meet outside the Big House with one weapon. while everyone is asleep.” Now that I said it out loud I thought it might work.
“Ok see you then”
I walked to Chiron and said “Hello Chiron I got a dream but I can’t tell you but I need everyone asleep by 10 me and Jason…have to do something. I saw him smile and say ”Of Corse” he walked, or galloped outside I heard him say something then the rumble of footsteps going to cabins. I walked out went to my cabin got my dagger and went out as silent as possible. I sat on the steps in front of the Big House looking at the stars. Jason came and sat next to me and we just looked at the stars the night was beautiful. I checked my watch after what felt like 5 hours and saw it was midnight. I got up and said "It's midnight." He stood up and right on time a shmmering light that showed a palace inside of it came a few feet from the steps. We walked towards the light while I thought we were walking to death.

Haha I love cliffhangers.
over a year ago percabeth4ever said…
big smile
the Romans have something called the Sibil (i think i spelled it right) she get's visions and writes it down on papers/leaves, basically anything u can write on. (usually leaves) the Romans only consult the ancient prophecies/visions in a time of need. they r very accurate. i hpe this helps
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Oracle could be named crystal because crystal ball...haha yep so anyways just found it I love it, but cliff hangers make me upset, urrrgghh >:P but it was really great so thanks <333
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Haha I thought of crystal for a different forum(and for the same reason)
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
i think crystal is a good name too. btw luv luv luv the story . it's awesome. keep writing. the story is awesome awesome awesome
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
big smile
Yeah, you really do love cliff hangers... Oh, this story is just so nice! pleaz update soon, I wanna know what happens next!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Crystal it is!!! HURRAY *confetti falling down and balloons*
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Yay if we r partying I'm bringing the imaginary cake!!! (Luv ur writing tho)
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
your doing great!!!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Okay a q. for yall the I finished a chapter but its a little short so shud I post now or make it longer and post Tommarow btw THX for the love
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
@wisegurl THX for the cake is it chocolate??
@Calypso0 I love cliffhangers yes I know I know I’m awesome at cliffhanger*grins* CLIFFHANGERS RULE!!!!!!
@Nico (may I call u that) The name Crystal is a great name for my fanfic I am using but you will have to read to see when I use it *smirks*

Chapter 4
I charged at the monster feeling the wind in my face. I saw the monster charge back at me and remembered something; When he sees us, he’ll charge. Wait until the last second, then jump out of the way—directly sideways. He can’t change directions very well once he’s charging. Do you understand? As he came closer I thought, might as well try it, I jumped out of the way. He ran right past me and almost slammed into Gwen, but thank goodness, she jumped out of the way with a scream. He turned around and came back charging at me. At the very last moment I jumped of him when he ran past me he charged into a tree his horns got stuck in the tree. I knew this was a great time to kill him; I ran towards him and slammed my sword down onto his back he froze and disintegrated before my eyes. When I looked down I saw gold dust. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was all over. Gwen ran towards me with her mouth open. I glared at her,”Are you going to talk or just keep your mouth open like before?”. She shook her head and said” Sorry it’s just we have NEVER seen a demi-god defeat a Minotaur that fast, well other than Jason. It felt like the whole atmosphere dimmed at the mention of Jason, I looked around and saw about 50 kids around me some had their mouths open and some were just sad with Jason. I even saw a kid on the ground fainted. “Um, who’s that on the ground?” I expected Gwen to say something but instead a girl came to me and said,” Oh that’s Bobby he is such a baby, I’m Hazel daughter of Minerva nice to meet you.”
“Hi, I’m Percy something”
“Ok hi Percy something”
“No I don’t remember anything but my name. By the way who’s Jason?”
She acted like she didn’t hear me and said,” Oh that makes total sense you don’t know anything.” She made it seem like she heard this every day,”What’s that on your shirt?”
“What shirt?” I said stupidly.
“It’s on your shirt that you ARE wearing you moron.” She pointed to my shirt, I looked down. I realized I didn’t even know what I was wearing, I was wearing a orange shirt with words upside down and jeans, but even though it was upside down I couldn’t read it. When I looked up again I saw Bobby get up again and brush off the dust on his shorts. Who knew Bobby fainting was normal. Then he looked above my head, gasped and fainted again. I looked around and saw people were staring above my head; I looked up and saw a disappearing holographic sign that looked like a blue and green trident. When I looked back around, everyone was kneeling and Lupa too. Hazel stood up looked at Lupa for approval Lupa nodded. Hazel said,” Kneel down to Percy…Something; I glared at her, ”Son of Neptune God of Sea.” She kneeled down, when an arrow hit my knee. I felt another arrow hit my arm I fell to the ground.

Hee Hee I wonder who hit Percy with the arrow?? Hmmmm guess you’ll have to wait HAHA!!!! P.s. I would like you to guess who it was because it will be super funny to read your ideas and how close you get.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Ohh that was good and I can't wait to see the crystal part, hahaha!! guess will be....the oracle, Crystal! Haha I dunno why I guessed her but noone else was coming up in my mind so I just guessed the new oracle. Hehe, oh a d since Perseus Jackson bears the curse of Achilles, what will happen hmm

over a year ago Someone14 said…
big smile
Post post post......
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
agree with Someone14... post post post! just imagine the Romans' faces when the arrows bounce of Percy... And who the hell tried to kill my favorite hero???
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over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
read the last sentence again i have to change something
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
I luv it. But who hit Percy? I think it's Crystal. Cause she's the only one missing. O and I luv luv luv luv luv luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the story.
Plz update soon. You are an amazing writer
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
not sure???
right more
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
OOOH! OOOH! ITS THE HUNTERS OF (JUST REALIZED CAPSLOCK IS ON, GUESS I WILL STAY WITH IT) ARTEMIS, WHO ARE TRYING TO KILL PERCY BECAUSE ARTEMIS HATES GUYS (Seriously, that was my first thought. I know my brain is messed up). Oh, wait no, it is the hunters of Diana, because they would not know about Percy, actually, they are hundreds of years old, so they could know about the Greek camp. And you know what I just realized? That girl, you know, the Hunter of Artemis, the one that got killed by Atlas? To lazy to check up her name, well she is hundreds of years old, so she would know about the two camps, right? Unless her mind got wiped. Hmmmm...
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Her name was Zoe.... And I hope this isn't spam so don't blame me!!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
no i allow spam ill give u guys a hint bc ur all terribly rong she is a roman and her name starts with a D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
nice story! and i love the cliff hanger <33 i geuss i'll have to wait! love the story!
question: how can he black out or get hurt if he swam in the river styx?
p.s. you said it was roman girl, so it is either dakota or the godess diana (artemis)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
no no he just fell to the ground i didn't say he blacked out
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
My new guess I'd Dakota!!!! Haha I was waaaayyyyy off on Crystal the oracle!! Oh wellz!! Oh and plleeeaaassssseeeeee POST, POST, POST!! POST, POST, POOOOSSSSSTTTTT!!!!!!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Well, if it is Diana, than that means that my guess of the hunters of Diana isn't too far off...
If it is Dakota, then I was WAY off.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Hey, Greek, you gave Nico credit for coming up with the name when I said, and I quote


As in Crystal Meth."

Now you give me Credit or the next time I see you (I probably won't ever see you) I will bring Thantos with me.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Wats thantos???
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Oops, make that Thanatos. Look up Hypnos in the lost hero.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Oooohhh ya now I remember....
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
NICO y didn't u tell me it was this kind Unoriginalnames idea of Dakota u r a notty notty person(unless ur a dog)
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
whoopssieess!!! im so sorry!! i didnt even see her write sorry i give credit to unoriganalname!!! my apoligies!!! <33
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Thank you, that makes me feel warm and cozy inside.
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
hehe good!! and im truly sorry, i honestly did not get that idea from you! =]
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
And that idea did not come from me. It came from wisegurl, who posted it on my fanfic. But no one besides everyone that reads this fanfic needs to know about that.
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Gooooooooood job! Love it. oh and, ps WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!! lol
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
cant tell youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu but do you guys want me to post whts happening with Piper and Jason goin to the gods or Percys attack
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Ummmmmmm... tough call... Percy's attack??? I realy wanna know who the bi-Whoops, sorry, I mean: 'the female Dog' (please note that, yeah, that's a capital D) who dared shoot is...
last edited over a year ago