The Heroes of Olympus The Randomest Son of Neptune Ever...In the Later Chapters, At Least...

RomanGreekDemi posted on Dec 30, 2010 at 06:44PM

Even before I joined fan pop, I've been reading all of the great stories of the son of neptune written by other users. So I thought, why not make up my own version? If this story gets a good response, and good reviews, I'll keep on posting. I'll ditch it if nobody cares about it or likes it. This is my first time writing a story (well, a full story), and I'm a novice at this kind of stuff.


P.S.-Don't expect me to post a lot. It's the middle of the IRP (Independent Research Project) season.
last edited on Sep 14, 2011 at 11:25PM

The Heroes of Olympus 325 replies

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over a year ago wisegurl said…
I'm the 1st person to go on this!!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
a few more revisions...
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
OK. Hope you like it, people who go on here.

PERCY WOKE UP AT THE MOUTH OF A TUNNEL. He sat up. He felt like his head felt like it was wrapped in molten lead. First thought: where am I? Percy thought back and concentrated… what was the last thing he did?
“Okay”, he said to no one in particular. “Who am I?” He didn’t expect anybody to answer, but a voice said right behind him, “Good question.”
Percy whirled around. He found himself nose-to-nose with a pretty, blond-haired girl about his age. He jumped to his feet. Instinctively, Percy reached into his back pocket, and drew a pen. What was he going to do, write on her?
The girl sized him up. “Well?”
“Well, what?”
The girl rolled her gray eyes. Wait. Gray eyes? And blond hair?
Percy squinted at the girl. “Who—” he started to say, but the girl beat him to it. “Well”, she said, tapping her foot impatiently. “Who are you?” Percy frowned, and said, “Percy Jackson. Now may I ask who you are?”
She answered, “Reyna. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?”
“What are you doing outside here in the middle of the night, in a tunnel?”
She snapped, “If that was your business, I would have told you already!” But Percy was examining Reyna again. He murmured half to himself, “You look like somebody I know.”
Reyna’s eyebrows shot up. “And might I ask who?”
Percy looked away. “What is this place?” he asked, deliberately changing the subject.
Reyna tipped her head to one side. “Are you a demigod?” she asked. Percy averted his gaze. “I don’t know,” he said truthfully. Reyna looked at his plain orange T-shirt, and then at the pen in Percy’s hand, which he still hadn’t let go of.
“What’s that pen for? Can you uncap it?” Percy shifted from foot to foot. “Why?” Reyna didn’t say anything, but continued to stare at him. Somehow, Percy found that he couldn’t refuse her. He uncapped the pen.
Reyna’s eyes widened in disbelief as the pen grew into a glowing, three foot-long, bronze blade. Percy blinked at the sword that had just appeared in his hand.
“Come on,” she said to Percy. She went straight up to the tunnel wall, which looked like any old tunnel wall. She shouted something in a language that Percy recognized as Latin, though he wasn’t sure how he knew.
“Come on,” she repeated. Percy decided that it was the better option. Stay outside of a tunnel, or go to a… camp? He wasn’t sure why that popped into his head.
Reyna stuck her head out of the tunnel to look at him. “We don’t have all night,” she snapped at him. Percy shrugged and followed her into the passageway.
* * *
The camp was the weirdest camp that Percy had ever seen. There were normal stuff, like cabins and a campfire. Typical camping stuff. But Percy was pretty sure that regular camps did not have an armory or stables for flying horses. But everybody was asleep. Except for him and Reyna.
Reyna marched straight up toward a big brownstone house. She swooped inside, and motioned for Percy to follow. As soon as Percy stepped inside, he had a wave of nausea. For some reason or another, he felt that something was wrong… the feeling that he shouldn’t be here. A wolf growled through the gloom.
What do we have here?
Percy turned, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized who was talking. “Did—did you just speak?”
No. All demigods can understand my language. But I am not speaking.
Percy blinked. “Well, then, who are you?”
I am Lupa. Activities director of this camp. What are you doing here, son of Neptune?
“Whoa. You just called me… the son of Neptune? What in the name of Poseidon is that supposed to mean?
Awkward silence. Reyna, who had been standing there the whole time, frowned. “What? How can he be the son of the sea god? And why are you using the name ‘Poseidon’? That’s the Greek form.”
Yes… why are you using the Greek form of the sea god? Lupa said. She seemed to frown. Ah, yes, I see…
“See what?” Reyna demanded. Lupa shook her head. No… a foolish thought. That is impossible. But… there is no other explanation. Besides, I swore upon the River Styx and all things sacred never to speak about it…
“What’s impossible? What oath?”
Lupa said in her ‘language’, the boy needs to rest. Reyna, would you do me a favor and take Percy to the Neptune cabin? Thank you.
Reyna muttered something under her breath in Latin, but she took Percy out of the building. Once they were outside, she rounded on him. “How are you the son of one of the Big Three? The only god who ever broke that vow was when Jupiter sired Jason…” Her voice trailed off.
Percy gave a start. A memory had woken in the back of his head. “Jupiter… you mean the king of the gods?” Reyna snorted. “Well, duh, everybody knows that.”
Percy asked, “Who is Jason? Does he have a… sibling, or at least a half-sister?” Reyna got a faraway look in her eyes. “He’s my friend. Okay, fine, my boyfriend. And he does not have a sibling of any kind, full or half. Oh, and here we are.” They had stopped in front of a gray building. The stones were embedded with fossils of sea creatures, sea shells, and pieces of coral.
Reyna pointed at it. “That’s your new home.” She started to walk away.
Percy caught her arm. He needed, simply needed to ask her one more question. “Who was your mom?”
Reyna stiffened. “Does it matter?” she asked.
“Yes,” Percy said, “it really does matter.”
She said, “Minerva. Goddess of war and wisdom.”
Percy winced, and asked, “Athena?” Reyna looked at him as if he had gone crazy. “Why are you, like, totally obsessed with Greek names?” She walked off without even waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, great talking with you,” he muttered. Percy looked up at the door, and opened it. Inside, there were six bunk beds with all of the sheets turned down. No sign that it had ever been used before. The bunk had a lonely feeling, although it that definitely wasn’t surprising.
Percy crashed onto one of the beds. He was so tired that he had no problem falling asleep. That was the good part. The bad part was that he had really weird and chaotic dreams.

over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
it's a little... long, don't you think? i'd better shorten my chapters.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Good job I like how u started him entering the camp different
over a year ago wisegurl said…
No it's way shorter then hetcateA so ur fine
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
thanx! i got that from the lost hero. remember how jason said that he felt a connection to caldecott tunnel? i figured that that was the entrance to the roman camp.
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
Great chapter. I like how you really jumped into it and how Lupa automatically knew Percy was a son of Poseidon/Neptune. this is almost as cool as Hecate's. Post again real soon!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
i dont like my next chapter at all... its so weird. ive got 8 chapters... well, 7 3/4 chapters ready.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
Whups, i should have included this in the top thingy-- just a brief list of characters you will definetily see

Main characters
Chiron (maybe)

over a year ago PJhero02 said…
that was really good!!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
thanks! i forgot thalia...
over a year ago wisegurl said…
When r u Gunna post next??????
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
NOW!!!!! OMGS, I HATE THIS CHAPTER THOUGH... happy reading!

PERCY WAS FALLING DOWN A CHUTE. He grabbed wildly for anything to grab onto. When the sensation stopped, he was in a similar but totally different place. He was standing in a clearing. He heard that crashing of waves against the shore, and saw a lake in the distance. Long Island, he thought. He wasn’t sure how he knew that.
“Ahem. Percy?”
Percy turned around. Behind him was a… thing. Percy stammered, “You—you’re a satyr.” Percy wasn’t sure how he knew that, again.
“Perrrcy!” the satyr bleated.
Percy said, “Whoa. How do you know my name?”
The satyr rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, Annabeth told me that you probably wouldn’t know me. You got your memory wiped. I’m Grover. You best friend. Is something coming back to you now?”
“Um… no.” Percy said. Grover stamped his foot… er, hoof in frustration. “Whatever. You obviously can hear me, so I suppose the empathy link is still holding up. Do you know what day it is?”
“Um… December 23?”
Grover nodded. “Exactly. Now, I’ve gotta go! Sweet dreams!” The dream began to dissolve. Suddenly, he was in a new place. Crumbling old ruins surrounded the place.
Perseus Jackson.
Percy flinched, and slowly turned around. A sleeping lady was right next to him. “Who are you?” he asked. The lady smiled sleepily. In fact, Percy realized, she was asleep.
I am Terra. The First Mother. Goddess of the earth.
Percy scratched his head. “Gaea?”
That is my other name, yes.
“Where am I? Why are you here?”
You are at Mount Olympus. The first home of the Olympian gods.
Gaea said gods as if it were a bad word. Do not serve the Olympians, my dear boy. You had better serve my children… the giants. Less suffering. Less pain.
A new voice entered his dream. “No, Percy! Don’t listen to her!” Percy looked sideways, and zeroed in on the speaker. She looked like Reyna.
“Percy? Can you hear m—” her voice was cut off. Percy sat bolt upright in his bed, shivering. He felt like the dream had been important… something that had to do with his past. Just then, Reyna poked her head in.
“Oh, good, you’re awake. Breakfast starts in five minutes.” Then she frowned.
“You look terrible,” she started but Percy shook his head. “Nah, I’m fine. What time is it?”
“Dosn't matter.”
“You heard me.” She swept out of the cabin, leaving Percy alone. Percy sighed. Would he ever get accepted in this place?
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Nice good job even if u don't like that much alot of peeps pri do
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
nice chapter!!! i forgot about the empathy link!! i liked how you added it in!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
I'm going 2 try and post every 1 or 2 days. I have 9 chaps, so I need to keep on adding to the story so I don't run out. I don't want 2 keep u guys waiting. I know how it feels like... I'm really glad that u like it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
that was good!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
thanks!!! i knwo how impatient we can get!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
i'm in a good mood today, so...

“How’s the progress on the boat?” Annabeth was tapping her foot impatiently on Bunker 9’s floor.
“Almost done, Annabeth.” Leo’s voice was muffled, because he had his head partly buried inside the Argo II. He withdrew his head, and exhaled.
“Yup. All done. This baby’s ready to fly!”
Annabeth started to speak, but Jason’s voice rang out into the bunk: “Hey! Annabeth, Leo, Chiron wants you guys for an emergency meeting.”
Annabeth frowned. It had been almost 6 months since her boyfriend, Percy had disappeared. She’d only caught one glimpse of him since then, in a dream.
“Tell Chiron we’ll be there in a sec!” Annabeth shouted back. She grabbed Leo, who was still admiring the boat, and apparently had not heard one word of that conversation.
“What?” he said annoyed.
“Come on, Chiron wants us in the Big House for an emergency meeting!” They raced out into the woods, and tumbled over each other, when they arrived at the Big House, head over heels style. A few of the other senior counselors suppressed giggles, but Annabeth ignored them. She slumped in her seat.
“What do you want,” she grumbled. Chiron, with his face unusually grave said, “It is about Percy.”
Annabeth’s mouth dropped open. “But—but we haven’t heard from him in, like, 6 month!” Except for my dream, she added silently.
Jason sat forward. “I know, but I had this weird dream last night… about my old life.”
He went on to proceed about this girl called Reyna, and seeing Percy practice swordplay with her.
“That isn’t much of an emergency,” Clarisse grumbled. “I had to cut sword class short for this.”
Annabeth sat forward. “I forgot to tell you guys about a weird dream I had around the same time Percy disappeared.”
She went on. “See, I was on Mount Olympus —the original Mount Olympus, that mountain in Greece. On there, I saw Percy talking with Gaea, but… he disappeared before I could say more.”
“Okay…” Clarisse said. “So you see Prissy—er, Percy on Mount Olympus. Why does that matter?”
Annabeth glared at Clarisse. “Well, duh, it obviously means that Gaea was trying to recruit him to the giants’ side!”
Dead silence.
Leo piped up. “But, hey, I just finished the Argo II! We can set sail tomorrow afternoon to try and find him, before Gaea convinces him to join the giants!” Leo hesitated, seeing the glare that Annabeth was giving him. “Well, if Gaea persuades him to join them.
Chiron nodded approvingly. “Well, in that case, we need a quest to go to the Roman camp. You need a prophecy.”
He turned and looked at Rachel. “Well, my dear, the time has come.”
Rachel, who just happened to be the Oracle nodded, and closed her eyes. She swooned. When she opened her eyes, they were serpent green. Green smoke issued from her mouth, and the voice was like a snake talking in English:
Five demigods shall take this quest,
You shall sail through the clouds, flying is the best.
Greeks and a Roman combined as one,
Fly through the monstrous sea to find the ocean’s son.
Friendship or bloodshed, only a dove can decide,
The Roman leads this quest, to show where the camp resides.
The green smoke spiraled back into Rachel’s mouth, and she collapsed. Piper caught her deftly, and laid her into a corner to rest.
Annabeth looked at Jason. “Greeks and a Roman combined as one… are you the Roman?”
Jason shook his head. “I still don’t remember the location.”
Annabeth felt mystified. “Then, who is the Roman? And five demigods? I thought that it was only you, Piper, Leo, and me. The fifth would probably be the Roman.”
Chiron spoke. “It looks like you cannot set sail until a Roman comes to this camp. One that remembers where it is.”
Annabeth stood up. “Well, I guess that we better start packing, just in case. We have a long journey ahe—” She stopped short. Jason just jumped up like he had received an electric shock.
“I’ve got an idea to find out who the Roman is!”
“Who? What?”
Jason stood up. “Give me a sec.” He raced off.
“Thanks for your help,” Annabeth grumbled.
Jason raced back in. “Okay, just sent the message.”
“What message?” Annabeth queried.
“I sent it to Apollo. The Roman Apollo. He’s the dad of one of my friends. He said that he would send the message to her. She’ll be here by tomorrow, at midnight.”
“What friend?” Annabeth persisted.
“Umm… you know, that… person.”
“Another straight answer. Thanks.”
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
awesome chapter!!! i wonder who 'that...person' is......
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
you'll find out in the 5th chapter!!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
That person was awesome!! Hahaha good chapers!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Nice chapter! I might have an idea of who "that person" is but i shouldn't say. It could spoil the suprise.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
i guess i should-- oh, god, if i said that, everybody will know who 'that person' is...
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…


that's the beginning of their name
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
oh! im guessing Hazel!
great job, btw!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
yeah, your right! and, thanx for the compliment!

next 2 chaps are from the point of hazel!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
NEXT CHAP HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPE YA LIKE IT, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After her talk with Jason, Annabeth felt really annoyed. It seemed like no one gave her any straight answers. She stomped back to her cabin and sat on her bed looking glumly out the window. She soon fell asleep. She thought that she could finally have a good sleep without dreams. Boy, was she wrong. First, she felt like she was just sinking into inky blackness, and suddenly, she was in a different place.
She looked around. Although it was very misty, it looked very familiar… like… she had been there before. Then, just as suddenly as she was there, the ground erupted right in front of her feet.
Hello, daughter of Athena. I have been waiting for such a long time.
Yeah right, Annabeth thought. All this seemed it had happened before. With a jolt, she realized where she was. She was on Mount Olympus, the original Mount Olympus. This was where she caught a glimpse of Gaea talking to Percy!
“Who gave you the right to butt into my dreams, Gaea?”
Gaea made a rumbling sound that resembled a purr. She sounded … amused.
You have courage, my dear.
“Is that the only reason you brought me here, to tell me I have courage? Well, maybe you would like to know that I already know that.” Annabeth said.
Ah, don’t talk to me like that. It brings bad luck to your boyfriend.
“Percy? What have you done to him? Tell me!”
Oh, nothing yet. But if you do disappoint me—well, let’s just say that he’ll have a little… accident.
“Don’t you dare do anything to him!” Annabeth said. “And getting back to my question, why did you bring me here anyway?”
Patience, my dear. The reason I brought you here for this…discussion is that I want you to join the giants.
Annabeth stared. “Are you mad? Why in the name of the gods would I do that? Even if I did, what would I get from it? The giants would overrun everything humans have built in the last three millennia!”
That I cannot tell you. All I can tell you is to follow your heart. Would you rather be on the side of the Olympians? Join my son Porphyrion. Think about it. Now, wake. The dream began to fade, and Annabeth woke up shouting quite a few curses at Gaea in Ancient Greek.
“What do you mean, ‘that I cannot tell you?” she demanded.
Malcolm was standing over her. He stared. “Are you okay? You were muttering and tossing in your sleep. Why were you shouting curses?”
Annabeth rubbed her eyes, and said, “It’s nothing. I’m fine. Did anyone call for me?”
Annabeth sat up. “What time is it?”
Annabeth sighed. “I guess I had better get back too sleep. You too.”
Malcolm grinned. “Happy dreams.”
“I doubt that will happen,” Annabeth muttered to herself. But she eventually passed out, and this dream was worse than the last.

over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
wow gaea's recruiting half-bloods now.
and i wonder what gaea's gonna do to percy?
great chapter! cant wait for the next one!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
partypony, tommorow and 1/3/11 are both about hazel! and 2 all my other readers! oh, btw, did anyone notice that today is 1/1/11? YAY FOR 1!!!!
over a year ago partypony said…
yeah!! hazel!! new years!! monkeys!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Yep 1/1/11 and good chapter !!'nbmdhrkvkdhgbisjcjfbsfksjxodkdjijv
Fjdbxkcidbdjdvidjdntkcjdnsleldtdo ( hope u like random letters)
over a year ago Hades666 said…
Hi i'm new and just wanna say that the chapter was realy good
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile

@wisegurl, yes, i enjoyed the random letters very much! I'm sometimes very random myself!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
loved the chapter!!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
only wisegurl and Poseidon3 (did i get that right?) left...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
oh, yes, did i mention that i will accept spam, as long as it doesn't get 2 outta hand?
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
what exactly is spam? i dont get it
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
no but that's good to know!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
everybody gets writers block at some point!! it's jsut apart of being an author i guess! i'm sure that it's go away and you will come up with even better ideas!
over a year ago partypony said…
Yah writers block is annoying. The best way to get rid of it is to think about random thought until u have a flash of inspiration.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
I no!!!!!!!! But it's sooooooooooo annoying
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
no disrespect intended toward u.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
8000! 24!!!! 24!!!! 24!!!!!!!!!!! HA!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
?????? Im confuzzed? 8000 24 24 24?
over a year ago Hades666 said…
yeh i don't get it either
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile

HAZEL KNEW THAT SHE WAS IN TROUBLE WHEN HER DAD VISITED HER DREAMS. I mean, go to Manhattan, the new home of the gods? There was definitely something fishy going on. In Manhattan, that was where the gods were at their strongest. Add that to the gods not mingling with their children, and boom—you get zapped, and you’ll never get up. But when it came to Jason, she knew that she had to dive past the limits.
“Well, I’d better get going,” she said to Reyna quietly. Her pegasus neighed. “Shh!” said Hazel. She hadn’t told anybody about her dream, except for Reyna. It was too freaky.
“I think that you should get going to,” Reyna said in a low voice. “Just be careful! We don’t want anything happening to you.”
“Right,” Hazel said. She leaped on her pegasus. “Hiya!” Pegasus and rider soared out of the camp.
They flew for hours, but Hazel didn’t really worry. She’d left at eight, and Apollo told her to be at Manhattan by midnight. No worries.
* * *
When they finally touched down, Hazel was feeling a little green. Nothing like a long ride with a flying horse to make you want to throw up.
“You want to graze, head to Central Park. But if you hear me call, come back. Okay, boy?”
The pegasus neighed, which must have been a yes. He then soared toward the greenery.
Hazel frowned. Which way was the Empire State Building? She blinked, and suddenly was standing right in front of it. She had barely gotten hold of her surroundings when she heard the voice.
“Are you the one who we’re waiting for?” A girl stepped out of the shadows. Hazel narrowed her eyes, and drew her bow and arrows.
The girl looked at the tip of the arrow Hazel was holding carefully, and nodded.
“Yeah, Imperial gold tip. You are the one who we’re waiting for. Are you a demigod?”
Hazel didn’t answer.
The girl asked slyly, “More specifically, a Roman demigod?”
Hazel doubled over. “How’d you know that?”
“I have my resources. I presume that you took a pegasus here?” Without waiting for an answer, she called out, “Blackjack!” A pure black pegasus soared down from the sky, and cantered down on the sidewalk.
Hazel finally got her voice back. “What—where are you taking me?”
“Camp,” the girl said vaguely.
“Camp? What camp? The only camp is Castra Romanus!”
The girl ignored her. “Just call your pegasus.”
Hazel bristled. “And why should I do that?” she snapped.
The girl turned to face her, her eyes blazing. “Listen. To. Me. Do you want to see Jason, or not?”
Hazel felt her mouth drop. “What?” She called to her pegasus. The pegasus came to her side. “Here. Follow that black pegasus!”
The girl rolled her eyes. “Finally.” Now, let’s fly! She sent her pegasus up, and Hazel did too.
While they were flying, Hazel asked, “What’s your name?”
“Annabeth Chase. What’s yours?”
“I’m Hazel.”
“Great. Now we know each other.” Annabeth said. “Oh, yeah, I’d advise you not to talk to the head counselor of Ares.” She paused. “In your case, Mars. She can be grumpy when woken up in the middle of the night. She’s still pissed off by yesterday.”
They dropped off in front of a huge pine tree. Hazel couldn’t help but to be impressed by its size. “Whoa. That’s big.”
Annabeth’s expression darkened. That’s the property line. There’s a lot of history behind that tree.
“What’s the story?”
Annabeth tensed. They were getting close to a touchy subject. “That’s a story for later. Oh, look, Chiron’s waiting for us.”
Hazel turned to see a centaur waiting at the crest of the biggest hill.
“Chiron!” Annabeth called out.
The centaur galloped over. “Ah, good to see you, child. I’m glad that you and your companion arrived here safely.” He looked Hazel over. “Hello, child of Rome.”
Hazel blinked, and suddenly knew what was happening. “Oh, no way!” She slowly began backing away. “This is the Greek camp, am I right?” Nobody answered.
“Well? Is it?”
With her voice quiet, Annabeth answered: “Yes, it is. And come on now. You wanted to see Jason? I’ll show you Jason. So, are you going to come or not?”
Hazel couldn’t refuse with that. “Okay, fine,” she growled, but after that, I’m getting out of here, and I’m taking Jason with me!”
Annabeth snapped back, “And thats never gonna happen until you help us get to the Roman Camp!” She grabbed Hazel, and hauled her to a big white cabin.

Sorry. 24 is my favorite number, and I typed 8000 words in the Son of Neptune!