The Heroes of Olympus Percy vs. Jason

PJhero02 posted on Dec 31, 2010 at 03:49AM
First things first:
This is a forum where you can state your OPINION about who you think would win the fight Percy Jackson vs. Jason Grace. Notice the word opinion in CAPS. Even when you gather all the facts, compare and contrast and what not, it doesn't make for certain that that person would win. Plus, this fight may or may not even happen.

Second things second:
It's alright to say that you want Jason/Percy to win, but back it up with a fact or something. No one wants to read a whole page-long paragraph about how much you LOVE this or that person.

Third things third:
No spam.

But other than that, go for it!

[b]First things first:[/b]
This is a forum where you can state your OPINION about who you think would
last edited on Sep 26, 2011 at 07:39PM

The Heroes of Olympus 766 replies

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over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Thank you for following my advice to make one of these. Well, I think that this needs to be broken into 2 sections- with magical powers and without. And THOSE need to be broken into Curse of Achilles and no Curse of Achilles. So, here we go!

1.) WITH GODLY POWERS (aka, Jason's lightning)
a.)No Curse of Achilles- And the winner is- PERCY JACKSON! Let's just assume that the lightning that Jason can use is not enough to kill a human, because that would be really unfair. So, Percy wins BECAUSE, he fights better (well, as far as we know). Let's say Jason uses his lightning- well that stuns Percy, and Jason feels VERY tired (according to the book), Percy is in water (because, you know, he needs water for his Godly powers), so he almost instantly heals. He can stab Jason (because he is too tired to fight), or drown him.
b.) With the Curse of Achilles--- The winner is- JASON! Simple enough, Jason summons lightning, the electricity goes throughout Percy, hits the small of his back, Percy dies.

Meaning the score is 1-1 as we head into round two!

Round two. No Godly Powers
a.) No Curse of Achilles- the winner is PERCY! Because, I think he is a better fighter, although we do not know much about Jason.
b.) W/ Curse of Achilles- The winner is Percy! Because he is freaking invincible.

The final score is Percy-3, Jason-1, PERCY WINS!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
okaay im joining this even though the person who started this doesnt like shopping...=0
okaayy well 1st of all they are both demigods, so im gunna give em each a point for that
percy:1 Jason:1
second, they are both children of the big 3, so pints for both of them
Percy: 2 Jason:2
third percy is an amzing swordperson, so point...and jason....not so great
Percy: 3 Jason: 2
i may be wrong on this cuz im not that great in science, but doesnt water ubsorb lightniing so yeasaaahhhhh,
Percy: 4 Jason:2
yep there yeah goo!!!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Well, actually, I thought of this before, but I ignored it, if Percy is in water when Jason uses the lightning, the effect MIGHT just kill Percy. Electricity, well I don't know the scientific explinations, but when you put electricity (or lightning) in water, the effects can be deadly. If you plug in a toaster and take it in with you in a bathtub, you WILL die. Don't know what would happen here, with demigods. Oh, and don't be so quick to judge Jason's swordplay. He beat the Reaper of Men.
last edited over a year ago
Alvin2442 commented…
Percy beat a BIG THREE GOD and A Giant with his sword and a god statue's head. over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
Well there is always that little fact that water can kind of tone out lightning...
if you are holding that toaster... it is deadly... so only if Percy where holding Jasons hand if would kill him...
also... from what we know... Percys streangth is with a sword... Jasons (from what i remember) is a sphear... so yah
I really dont know what else to say...
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Jason being good with a spear? Where'd that come from? With his coin, he has a lance (a long ranged sword), and a regualr sword. But, hey, I've been wrong before.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Percy would toatally win!!!! Cuz he is so freaking AWESOME!!! And the lightning wouldn't affect him if he's in water cuz in the titans curse Thalia and Percy were fighting and she kept hitting him with lightning but he was in water so he was fine!!! :) yay
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
well said wisegurl!!!! i couldn't put it better myself!!! he just so AWESOME!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
thanks for commenting guys!
over a year ago HecateA said…
Okay, water conducts electricity! The shock goes through water like an electric water, so Jason could easily kill Percy that way.

In Titan's curse Thalia was not trying to kill Percy, the ammount of electricity she put in her charge wasn't a lethal dose, therefore it didn't matter if he was standing in water or not. I learnt it last year is Science. That's why in thunderstorms you're supposed to stay away from water sources if you're outside. Water is a conductant, like gold (Midas, Midas! Deosn't it make sence now that Jason's weapon was gold?)

You cant say Jason isn't a good swordsman. He beat the Reaper of men. Percy holds the title of best swordplayer at camp, and Jason is a praetor and consul, 2 positions of high power in the Roman empire, he needs a high level of skill to have gotten those jobs!

Both of them can also make-do VERY well with what thye have in a fight, so a point for both.

And Jason has more experience then Percy, face it! He was at CCS since he's 2, he probably started training when he was 10 or eleven, and his training was probably more intense or at least his mythological knowledge. By logic, point Jason.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
you've made a good point but i am still siding with percy!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya me too and at Rome ( like 2000 years ago) they started training at age 7, and they fought til death, and once they were old enough the remaining would join the army...

And cuz Percy is supposed to get the trust of the roman camp he will pri get in the 1 st legion and be as good as Jason.

But since i like Percy better.... Percy would totally win!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
sure jason has been training longer but percy is just as good as him anyway!!!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Percy bathed in the River Styx. There's no way Jason could beat him, he's the best swordsman at camp half-blood. I like Jason and he's good, but I have to side with Percy. Percy ftw!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
he has way more power with water than jason has with lightnign and stuff....he can summon much more water before tiring!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
OK, so he can summon water without being tired- BUT, he has to be by water. Jason, on the other hand can summon lightning- which is more deadly than water. The water can only drown Jason (unlikely), or distract him. Lightning could go throughout his body, and touch the small of his back, which would kill percy. And, if Percy is in water when Jason summons lightning, there is NO way that Percy would survive.
Watch this video link
and imagine the bugcatcher is Jason's lightning and the fish are Percy. That is what would happen if Jason used lightning when Percy was in water.
over a year ago partypony said…
Here's what I think:

Percy has the Curse of Achilles. That makes him invincible and better at fighting. So then, Percy would win.
But that can also be a weakness. Say Jason got a blessing from his father (Zeus/Jupiter's blessing is good luck, according to TTC), so then Jason can have good luck and hit Percy in his Achilles spot.
But without any help from either parents, I THINK Percy would win. He can just control the water (if there's water) and drown Jason before Jason can summon any lightning.

Jason can summon lightning. He can shock Percy, and the electricity would spread in his body and shock his Achilles spot (im gonna call it AS from not on), so then Jason wins.
But say Jason misses and Percy survives, so then Jason would be too tired and Percy can easily beat him in melee combat.

Percy has water powers. He can drown Jason, so he gets killed.
But water can be volatile if its in electricity. If Jason puts electricity in the water while Percy's in it, then Percy die.

Those are my thoughts so far.
I'm not siding with anybody. I'm just putting my thought there.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
now everyone is just assuming that jason knows where his achilles spot is!! and remember that percy CAN summon water without being around it! remember in battle of the labyrinth!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Yeah! I agree with PJhero, Jason wouldn't know his Achilles spot. Only Annabeth knows other than him and she'd never tell Jason!
over a year ago partypony said…
i mean, electricity can spread throughout your body, so then, percy's AS being part of the body, the electricity WILL hit the AS, therefore killing him.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
well percy's just gotta drown him before jason hit him with lightning!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
what has everybody got against jason???
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
I think that since Jason dosen't know where Percy's 'AS' is then there is no way he could beat Percy.
Also,Percy is a natural at swordfighting and his style is Greek and therefore better than Jacon's coz, in my opinion, slashing and cutting is easier and quicker than stubbing.
Last but not least, lets not forget that Poseidon is not only the sea god but the storm god and the earthshaker as well!!!! Which means Percy has way cooler and more useful magical powers than Jason's lightning and flighing...

So, yeah, I'm with Percy <3 <3 <3
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
i just think percy is WAAAAYYYYY more AMAZING!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya but y would they be fighting to the death?? Cuz I don't think they would get that pissed at each other?!?!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Got nothing against Jason,he's awesome. Just think Percy would win. They are probably gonna be friends,but still.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Yeah, but we are just doing a 'what if' scenario.
over a year ago partypony said…
@wisegirl, this is just to know which one is better in fighting :)

and yeah, whats everyone got against jason?
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Umm i got to go with Jason i love Percy but Jason is far more better fighter he is Prator to the first Legion which means that he is the general to the best squad of Roman Camp half blood and Roma is known for there miltary sterngth becasue they trained there soilders for Years i belive when your 8 you train for war. so i love Percy but Jason is a much better fighter
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I think if they were just fighting for fun Percy would win!!!! But if they were fighting to kill each other Jason would win cuz he could easily lightning Percy and Percy would die:(
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Have I mentioned I hate lightning? No? Well, I HATE LIGHTNING!!! and, come think of it, being all invincible and stuff doesn't mean deflecting lightning? So, Jason has to hit Percy right on his 'AS' to kill him. And he doesn't know what that is, so, yeah, Percy'll kick Jason's sorry behind all the way to Hades/Pluto/whatever.
Yay! GO PERCY! <3
over a year ago tracytracy2000 said…
May I join this guys? I would like to side with the amazing incredible Percy but I really have a strange feeling in gut that Jason could win. Did anyone miss out on the fact that Jason could fly?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
Aphroditeskid21, ive got to agree with you. yes, the first legion is the most well trained soldiers in the ancient roman (and possibly roman camp) army, and the praetor was like the leader of the whole army or something.
over a year ago partypony said…
@CalypsoO, you make a good point actually.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
all of these are good points but i still believe that percy would win.... and i refuse to believe that he wouldnt'!! i feel that percy is more confident in what he can do
over a year ago partypony said…
more comfident huh? *cough*lost his memory*cough*
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
yeah!! why are they mad at eachother? why would they be fighting
over a year ago SonOfApollo97 said…
Percy ftw(: Jason's awesome but I still think Percy will win
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Nico we r just debating who would win if try were fighting

over a year ago iLuvBook said…
big smile
Haha I think that we are forgetting that Percy can make hurricanes
over a year ago partypony said…
yeah. he could blow away jason before he could make a move.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
...and if Jason attacks Percy while on land, Percy can shake him off his feet with a little earthquake.... And lets not forget that he doesn't need to be in water to be srtonger or use it...
and some of his abilities that would help him in a fight are that:
-he is a naturally talented swordsman, often able to hold his own against larger, stronger, and more experienced opponents, even the god of war, Ares, the tital of light, Porphyrion,
-he possesses incredible physical strength as he tore a horn off the head of the Minotaur, and was able to bear the curse of Atlas
-he is nearly invulnerable except in one weak point and the river Styx also granted him highly increased strength, speed, and endurance,
-when near water he gains a disproportionate amount of strength, combat skill, and speed,
-he can control large volumes of water with great force (hydrokinesis),
-he can create seawater with little effort with things that used to be in the sea (such as petrified seashells, as in the book The Battle of the Labyrinth). With effort, he can also do this without any derivative [which is way cool if you ask me...]
-he is very resistant to burning,
-he can summon water from bodies of water that are vast hundred of miles away from him,
-he can summon hurricanes, as he did in The Last Olympian, since his father is the god of the sea and storms [as I've already mentioned],
-he can cause water to form stronger-than-normal hydrogen bonds on the molecular level (or something like that) to form shields,
-and he can summon earthquakes as he does at Mount St. Helen's in The Battle of the Labyrinth, since his father is the god of earthquakes.
And what can Jason do? fly, throw lightning (but with great waste of his energy) and fight like a legionare...
Have I made my point clear? PERCY WINS! (Again!!!)
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
awesome argument!! those are a lot of good points!!! and i guess you can't really count the memory loss thing because they both lost their memory...
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Wow calypso u wore alot!! And now I'm totally convinced that Percy would kick Jasons ace
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
i was convinced anyway but that just made me 100% more positive!
over a year ago partypony said…
Wait!!! What this about molecular bonds and hydrogen levels and shields? I've never read that. And the earthquake thing... Sorry, but I've never seen him summon earthquakes, I think. In botl, he summoned a wave, and that collided against the lava, creating pressurized steam, shooting him out of the volcano. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. I just checked.
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
sounds good to me
over a year ago iLuvBook said…
Lol but it will make sense if he can create earthquakes cause his father is poseidon
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
anyway Jason Is a Practor of the Roman camp that is like the General of the all Legions he is the best sword fighter he can control winds (not fly move winds) so he could just push percy away and lighting strike and slice and dice and Percy has had training when he was 12 jason has had it sin he was 8 So bam! with sword fighting second earthquakes that drained percy and he pasted out so cool lol and hurricana i don't remember so i can't comment but It's Roman's on this man sorry but Romans just are Better BTW I'm 100 percent Italian lol
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
What calypso was saying about " molecular bonds and hydrogen levels and shields" was (I believe) in the Last Olympian (when he meets the two rivers), but I have no freakin clue what she meant about earthquakes. She might be assuming that because Posiedon is the earthshaker, Percy will have earthquake powers (oops, read her comment again, partypony, youre point works better than mine. Oops, but he may have other powers he doesn't know about- because he doen't have any siblings to learn from, so it would be cool if he met a more experinced son of Neptune in the Son of Neptune, who can teach him about his powers.).