The Heroes of Olympus Runaways

babbytreegrowth posted on Jan 11, 2011 at 05:20PM
Title: Runaways
Rating: probably a C
Type: Adventure
Synopsis: Rick Riordan has told us a little about Jason and Thalia being siblings and Thalia running away, I guess I'll write about how I think that happened with more details.
Disclaimer: Mostly all of these stories are Rick Riordan's, but I'm adding more details and adding a little bit of what I think happened.
A/N: Let me know if you guys have ideas or anything, because I would really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy!
Title: Runaways
Rating: probably a C
Type: Adventure
Synopsis: Rick Riordan has told us a little a
last edited on Feb 03, 2011 at 02:17PM

The Heroes of Olympus 74 replies

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over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Interesting idea

ill read it and comment and give tips if wanted
over a year ago Apollo4life said…
That would bee great. Maybe you could put stories of Annabeth and Luke in camp like you could find out what beads they have and do stories of them. For example Annabeth says that she had a bead of a centaur in a prom dress. That would be great to read( I had this idea for ages but i didn't post because maybe people would not like it and i get shy and stuff.)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Oooooh, good idea!!! I've always wanted to see how Thalia and Luke met up. ;) And doesn't Thalia mention in the Titan's Curse that she didn't join the huntresses because of Luke, and that's why she and Zoe hate each other? Just some thoughts, and This is an awesome idea!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Okay sounds great I'll see what I can do!

How the Worst Day Ever Turned Great
as told by Annabeth Chase to Athena1 who agreed to let me use the story

I was having a pretty lousy day. I was still settling into camp. Things seemed pretty boring after a year of fighting monsters. Also, I never knew when, or if, I would leave camp again. Just last week, one week after we got here, Luke was officially claimed. He had always known, or it had seemed that way; but he prayed to his father to ask if he would claim him. So Hermes did. I've been praying to my mother to claim me before today. I wanted to celebrate my claiming today, on my eighth birthday. I was tired of bunking in the Hermes cabin. It was cramped, and there were a lot of people who now owned some of my stuff.

I walked into the sword arena and killing the practice dummy with my dagger. I was practicing some new moves that Luke showed me when he walked by the sword arena. When he saw me he stopped and grinned.
"Happy Birthday, Annabeth", he called. He walked over and took the dagger from my hand.
"Here, hold it like this." He said, showing me. Luke showed me an intricate new move, then offered the dagger to me hilt first.
"Thanks", I took it with a grin and tried the new move that he had just showed me. He grinned back as he watched me try the move over and over again.
"You're a natural. You pick up everything I teach you quickly. I have never seen anyone learn to use a dagger as fast as you."
"Thanks", I said, brushing some hair out of my face, and looking at Luke. "You're the best teacher I've ever had." I grinned. Luke has the bluest eyes I have ever seen, I thought. Luke patted me on the shoulder and said with a grin, “I have to go now, I don’t want to be late for archery. See you around.”
I turned around and started practicing harder then ever. I vowed to myself that I would make Luke proud of me. I would be the best I possibly could be. Filled with these thoughts I didn’t realize, for a few minutes, that I had hacked the dummy apart, and it was lying in pieces at my feet. I sheathed my dagger and walked to the dinning pavilion for lunch. When I walked in there the two cabins that were in there, half of the Hermes, and the Aphrodite cabin, started singing ‘Happy Birthday’. I grinned. My day was getting better. I blushed as I slid into my seat at the Hermes cabin. And people handed me a few brightly colored packages. I smiled my thanks as I grabbed my plate and headed to the buffet. I filled my plate with pizza and barbequed ribs, and I scraped a portion into the fire as an offering to the gods, and prayed, like I did every time, that I would be claimed soon.

Later that afternoon I was doing a puzzle that the Aphrodite cabin gave me today. It was a 500-piece puzzle with a picture of all the Olympian gods on it. I was filling in Athena’s face; she was my favorite goddess, and I hoped that she would be my godly parent. While I did it I thought about my day. Something that had started out so badly was turning so much better. If only my mother would claim me. I finished the puzzle and sat back, admiring it. I looked at all the gods; Zeus looked strong and powerful, the look on his face reminded me of the one I used to see on Thalia. Oh, how I missed her. She was so brave, standing there, protecting us, at her final stand. I sniffed and wiped my eyes and forced myself to look at the next god, Hera. She looked like she couldn’t smile if her life depended on it. I shuddered and thanked my lucky stars again, that Hera never had demigod children. I looked at all of the other gods, seeing some resemblances and marveling at them.
But I felt my eyes constantly being drawn back to one goddess, Athena. I marveled at her; to me she seemed even more beautiful than Aphrodite; and her presence was strong, commanding. She looked wise, very very wise. But kind, her eyes held kindness in them, but I could tell she was stubborn. I kept looking at that picture, amazed at it. I only realized how late it was when the conch horn sounded for dinner.

After dinner we went to the amphitheater like we do every night, to sing songs around the campfire. After the first few songs Chiron got up to make the daily announcements, one of which, that it was my birthday. When he was finished he disappeared and eager campers pushed me onto the dais and started singing, ‘Happy Birthday’ at the top of their lungs. When they finished, people began calling out birthday greetings and started talking, and just as suddenly as they began, they stopped. I looked around to see why and became aware of a glowing green light coming from above my head. I inhaled a sharp breath, and held it. This was it; I was being claimed! I thought. I slowly lifted my eyes and saw a green owl floating above my head. I released the breath I was holding, emitting a sigh, and my mouth slid into a big grin. I stepped forward and announced proudly,
“I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle.” I felt giddy with excitement, and my smile was so big I feared that it would split if I held it any longer. But I couldn’t stop smiling. Today was the best day of my life.
All around me the campers called out in unison, “Hail, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena!” Then the Athena cabin rushed down to congratulate me. I stood there drinking everything in. Then I saw Chiron, off to the side. He smiled and walked forward towards me, “Happy Birthday, Annabeth, daughter of Athena.” I smiled my thanks, and gasped when I saw what he was pulling on a trolley behind him. A huge cake, so big that I could hide inside easily, was brought forward.
Soon everyone was settled down eating cake and singing campfire songs. After awhile I slipped away and walked down to the beach, where I sat and looked at the stars. It was so peaceful there that I almost didn’t notice the woman who was wearing an old-fashioned ivory colored Greek chiton and also looking at the stars. Her hair was a light brown and beautifully woven into an intricate braid. After a few moments she turned, smiled and walked over to me. As she did I noticed that her clothes flickered from one form to another, first the Greek chiton, the next a pair of jeans and an ivory halter top, then back again. She came and sat down next to me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. She moved with such grace, and her features were so exquisite, that I knew at once that she was no mortal.
“Athena; Mother,” I spoke without hesitation knowing that it was she.
“My daughter,” she reached out and ran her hand through my hair.
“Annabeth, I have watched you from afar your whole life. I was not allowed to interfere, and I am sorry I have never spoken to you before. You have made me proud. Killing monsters, coming up with plans that have saved your life on more than one occasion, your bravery, courage, strength, and loyalty to friends made me more proud of you then you can imagine. I am so very proud of you. You are a great hero. I couldn’t ask more of you.” She smiled. “ I hope that we will meet again, soon.”
Annabeth smiled. “Thank you. I hope so too.”
Athena stood up and pulled a package from her pocket. “Here, take this, it is your birthday present. I hope it might just barely make up for the ones I missed. I have to go now. It seems that, if no one is there to run the place, Olympus would be over run by squabbling gods. Good-bye.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you, for being the best daughter a mother could have. Write to me to tell me how you like them. Use them wisely. The Empire State building, Olympus, 600th floor.”
“I will. Empire State building, Olympus, 600th floor.”
As a bright light started to fill the air I closed my eyes. When I opened them again Athena was gone.
I sat down and noticed the package that Athena gave me. I opened it carefully. Inside was a book on architecture and a NY Yankees cap. I put the cap on and turned invisible. I reached up and took of the cap. As I did I saw my arm. What a cool cap I thought to myself as I tucked it into my back pocket and picked up the book. I leafed through it; I had been interested in architecture in a long time. Ever since I was trapped in a room that collapsed on me, nearly crushing me, in fact, and I wanted to build buildings that would never collapse in millions of years. But that would have to wait for a bit. As I got up to go I looked over the waves and whispered, “Thank you, Mother, I love it.”
I needed to get my stuff and move into the Athena cabin. Then I would book. And find some good uses for my invisibility cap. I would write a letter to Athena too, nice and long, just to talk to her. The Empire State building, Olympus, 600th floor. Soon.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
WoW. That was so good, I can't wait for more!
over a year ago Apollo4life said…
big smile
Really good but the only think is Annabeth got her Cap when she was twelve but apart from that i enjoyed your Fanfic keep Writing.
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
awesome cant wait 4 the next part
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
“Hurry up!” my mom yelled. “Those dishes need to be washed!” She dumped more dirty dishes into the sink and grabbed a bottle of her ‘juice’ from the refrigerator. My mom has blond hair like Jason’s. Her eyes are brown. She’s beautiful and all it’s just she drinks too much and is always looking for attention. She’s a TV actress, so we’re not completely poor. I say completely because she spends most of what she earns on stuff that’s not good for her.
I’m 9 years old. I have short black hair and blue eyes. My dad is Zeus.
She sat down across the table from Jason and me. I fed Jason another spoonful of his macaroni and cheese. Macaroni and cheese is his favorite food. He laughed and said,
“More, more Thaya.”
”Jason its Thalia, not Thaya.” My mom says watching me as I feed Jason another spoonful.
“Mom it’s all right. He just can’t pronounce my name yet.” I said as I fed him the rest of his macaroni and cheese. I went over to the cabinet and pulled out Jason’s favorite sippy cup. I filled it up with some green Hawaiian Punch and screwed the cap on. Green Hawaiian Punch is his favorite kind of juice. I gave it to Jason and he took it happily.
For a two year old Jason looked about as cute as they come. His blond hair was so long his bangs were almost completely covering his handsome blue eyes. The little scar on his upper lip reminded me of how he got it and how he had cried because the stapler was stuck to his lip.
Once he was done with his juice, I put the cup in the sink and grabbed a dishtowel to start cleaning the dirty plates, cups, spoons, and forks.
“Not yet missy, I want to talk to you first.” My mom said.
“Well you just told me to do the dishes, mom.” I replied glaring at her.
She took a long drink from her bottle and asked, “Why do you always give me an attitude? I told you to listen to what I’ve got to say and you have to be a smarty-pants. Don’t worry, those dishes will still be there waiting for you when you get back. Now sit your bottom in a chair and pay attention.”
I sat down next to Jason’s high chair and picked up one of his toys off the ground. He laughed as I handed it to him and he threw it back on the floor for me to get. I reached down for it but my mom said to drop it and listen.
“Don’t ask why, but I think I’ll take you and your bratty little brother,” she pointed to Jason in case I didn’t already know he was my ‘bratty’ little brother. “With me on a ‘family’ vacation.” Was it just I or did she choke up saying family vacation?
“Where and why are you taking us?” I asked, pulling Jason’s thumb out of his mouth.
“I told you not to ask me why, girl. Now go finish those dishes.”


Thalia didn’t say much on the ride there. Jason slept, cried, and passed nasty gas the whole way there. The car stank like a skunk by the time we arrived. But he seemed pretty happy, despite the fact that I had to take him to Hera.

Thalia said, “Come on Jason, let’s go see the pretty building that’s in the middle of the park.” And took his hand and started walking off. I followed for a while, then when we were almost there, I took a deep breath, and thought to myself, oh, gods, don’t make me do this to my baby, he is so young. I’m sorry. So sorry. Then I called Thalia and said, “Thalia, sweetie, I left the picnic basket in the car. Will you go get it for me?” Thalia glared at me like she didn’t trust me. What had I done to deserve this? I needed to try to be a better mother. I handed her the car keys. “Leave Jason with me, I wont let anyone hurt him. I promise.” Thalia stared at me as if my promise was worth no more then a pile of dog poo. Then she turned and hurried off. I picked up Jason and hurried to the building, and ran up the steps. When I got inside I slowed, and calmed myself. I turned the corner and found myself staring up at a ten-foot tall woman. One moment the woman had a black hooded cloak on with a goatskin cloak draped over her shoulder, at her side was a sword.
The next moment her form changed to a woman with long black hair, and a white gown with jewelry all across her arms. On top of her hair was a golden crown. Then the woman changed again. Her form flickered back and forth between the two.
“Hera.” I said. “I mean Juno.” I corrected myself for Jason’s sake because right now Hera wanted to be called Juno and not be mistaken for Hera. I knew better than to make her mad.
“Give me the boy. Zeus has allowed me to claim him and now he’s mine. Hand him over.” I thought about making a run for it, but I knew since Hera towered over me she could easily crush me. I knelt down next to Jason who was sucking my thumb. We tried to teach him not to suck his thumb so he sucked on other peoples thumb. I pulled my now slobbery thumb out of his mouth. He stared up at Juno, not the least bit afraid and asked,
“Who that?”
“Child it’s ‘Who is she’, but I’m sure you’ll learn soon enough that I am not a that, but a goddess. One powerful enough to destroy you and your foolish mother.” I took Juno’s hint and kissed Jason’s cheek.
“Bye Jason. I love you and your sister and I hope you know that. When you get older I know that you and her are going to be great heroes. I love you.” I picked him up and gave him to Juno. My eyes started to get wet with tears. I closed them to prevent them from falling. I heard Hera say “Good bye Miss Grace. I will see you soon no doubt.” There was a flash of light and the last thing I heard was Jason wailing,

I hurried back outside barely keeping myself from collapsing there on the spot. I ran down the steps and finally let loose. I couldn’t keep myself from crying any more. I put my head down on my knees and sobbed as hard as I ‘d ever sobbed. Harder than when Jupiter left me. Harder than when Zeus left me. Thalia found me there a few minutes later.
“Mom the basket is empty… where’s Jason?” she started calling Jason’s name and poking behind trees as if he was hiding behind one of them. She ran back over to me and asked again, “Where’s Jason? What have you done to him?” she shook me as if to get my attention but I was barely listening. She asked me again
“Thalia, Hera has claimed him and he’s as good as dead. We’ll never see him again. I’m sorry Thalia, I truly am!” Thalia stared at me, her face expressionless. Then she looked at me as if I’d completely lost it
“Stop lying to me!” she finally yelled, her voice shaking. Then she ran off trying to find Jason.
“Thalia get back here!” I cried. I couldn’t lose her too. I pulled myself together and ran after her. A few tourists glanced at me but didn’t look again.
I finally caught up to her and I pulled her close to me.
“Thalia listen to me, you’re not going to find Jason. Okay. He’s gone, let it go.” I pulled her even closer and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. She tried to pull away.
“No, I don’t believe you! Let me go!” She broke out of my arms and ran. I caught her by the arm and led her over to the car. I was done trying to reason with her. I unlocked the car and buckled in Thalia kicking and screaming. I slammed the door and hopped into the driver’s seat. As I drove away Thalia said three words.
“I hate you.”
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
ooooohhhhhhh, gods. *breath in, breath out*. wonder what'll happen next.
over a year ago Apollo4life said…
I only have to write 3 words to describe this Chapter

"SO DAMN GOOD"!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
i think that the next chapters gonna be from likes pov. just a guess!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
SoOoOoOo good! Post again soon!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
oh, babbytreegrowth, when u said 'when Annabeth met Thalia and Luke', rr already described that in the last olympian. met them in 'richmond ironworks'. I DONT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST YOU, JUST AN OBSERVATION! PLEAZ DONT SUE ME!!!!!! :(:(:(
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
*Apollo4life- thank you you're too kind
*RomanGreekDemi- What do you mean by likes point of view? When I said that i meant I would add on some other stuff, not really what Rick Riordan put in the Last Olympian. I promise not to sue you and you did catch one of my mistakes. I'm perfectly fine with that.

The Worst Mother Ever
"Thalia! Come on down its dinner time. Your food will get cold!" I called. Ever since we went to the Wolf House, Thalia hasn't spoken to me. She'd started to spike her hair and wore punkish styled clothes. I'd let her because I still felt bad for not telling Thalia the whole reason we went to the Wolf House.
"Come on down!" I tried again. No answer.
Fine, I thought. She can spike her hair and wear insulting clothes, but she listens to me when I call her. I started running up the stairs. When I reached Thalia's room, the door was cracked open and I could hear Thalia talking.
"-my mom has done something with my 2 year old brother, Jason. I don't know what because she won't tell me the truth." there was a pause. "Yes I'm nine. Thank-you, bye."Thalia hung up and turned around to see me standing in her doorway with my hands on my hips. I was too shocked to speak. After a few moments I gathered my thoughts and asked Thalia.
"Thalia who were you talking to?" Thalia wouldn't meet my eyes.
"None of your business you big meanie."
"Don't you dare talk to your mother like that. I love you and you know it."
"I can talk to you how I please. A real mother wouldn't lie to her kids and get rid of one of them because she didn't want it anymore. If you loved me you'd be a lot nicer. Where's Jason?" She asked that with such fierceness, I almost got scared. I looked at her and saw so much of Zeus in her. The way she stood tall as if she wasn't afraid of anything. And the way she always looked at me with that stubbornness in her blue eyes. I could have gone on forever except I knew that I would break down and cry.
"I asked you a question... mom." she said mom as if it was the worst possible insult she could think of.
"I told you Ju... I mean Hera claimed him." Thalia was too mad to see that I almost said Juno instead of Hera.
"You've been drinking again, haven't you?" Thalia looked me straight in the eye when she said this.
"No I haven't. I've been trying to stop and you know it."
"Well it doesn't matter because I'm leaving." In the distance I could hear sirens wailing. No, I thought. She wouldn't...
"Oh by the way," Thalia said in a sweet voice. "I called the cops since you can't seem to be able to tell your own daughter the truth." She turned around and grabbed a few things that were laying on her bed a shoved them into her bag. She put on a jacket and put a bronze dagger in her waistband.
"Where do you think you’re going?"
"I'm gonna go somewhere that's far away from you!"
"I won't let you leave." I closed the door and locked it. I put myself between Thalia and the door., blocking her escape.
"Hmmm..." quick as lightning, Thalia pulled out her dagger and pointed it at me."Get out of my way." I knew better than to argue, but I couldn't lose Thalia too. I won't lose her. I had promised that myself when we left the Wolf House.
"You wouldn't harm me would you Thalia?" my lower lip trembled. I knew by the look in Thalia's eyes that she would hurt me if it meant getting away.
"I'm gonna find Jason someday." She promised herself. "When I do I don't care if you're alive or not." It seemed pretty harsh. I couldn't help it. I started crying.
"Thalia I love you!" I sobbed.
"Really? Hmmm... did you love Jason? I hate you and I always will. You've messed up Jason's life and my life. Step out the way and let me pass." She stuck the dagger out farther in my direction and took a step closer to me. I looked at the girl that used to be my daughter. A few days ago she was Thalia Grace, loving sister and wonderful daughter. Now she was Thalia, daughter of Zeus and the hating daughter of her mother. I sobbed harder as Thalia pushed her way past me and unlocked the door. She stepped outside into the hallway and then she was gone. I had a feeling that I would never see her again. I collapsed on the floor, still crying.
A few minutes later the police started banging on the door. I stood up and wiped the tears out of my eyes. I smoothed my shirt and pushed a strand of blond hair out of my face. Let’s see what they think about sitting down and having a drink, I thought. Then I would come up with a sob story about my husband leaving me. Maybe that would soften them up.
I didn’t care about Thalia anymore. I pushed her image out of my mind and walked downstairs. I didn’t have time for a daughter anyway.
Running away wasn’t as easy as I thought. Monsters follow me everywhere. I wished I’d stayed with my mom, I thought. No! I don’t want to see her again!
It wasn’t long before I met a boy about 11 yrs. old.
I was fighting off a hydra in the woods somewhere, when he came up from behind it and lit a strange green fire. Within seconds the hydra’s essence had returned to Tartaurus. I turned to thank the boy but he was gone. Sure I knew that I wasn’t the only demigod out there, it’s just I didn’t expect to see one so soon. It was only one week after I’d run away and I was roughing it. I didn’t really know anything about camping or fighting monsters.
But I was determined to find this mysterious boy and see if he’d help me. I ran through the trees until I saw a clearing up ahead. I saw three shapes standing in the middle. One of them was the boy. The other two were 7 foot tall Cyclopes with ripped muscles. One of them had a hand clamped around the boy’s neck. The other stood in front of him talking.
“So… it looks like we have caught the legendary bandit of the Wild West.” Ugly #1 said. (He’s the one standing in front of the boy.) He had a red bandana tied around his neck and he wore the biggest cowboy boots I ever saw. His clothes weren’t that much better. He wore jeans with holes and stains in them. His shirt was a plaid baby blue one with buttons down the front. He looked like a tough cowboy. To top it off he had a cowboy hat on his head.
Ugly #2 had construction boots on. He had side burns that went down to his jaw. His hair was bright red and he was munching on a toothpick. His shirt had all the characters from Sesame Street and said ‘All My Homies from the Street.’ His jeans were baggy and he seriously needed a belt. I could see his pink ‘I love Mama’ underwear all the way to where I stood, hidden by the trees.
“Bruce!” the boy said as if they were good old friends. “Where’s your horse? Oh shoot I forgot!” he said snapping his fingers. “The last time you rode him to find me I stabbed him with my sword. Oh how is he by the way?”
“He’s in Tartaurus because of you!” Bruce the cowboy yelled. “I aim to kill you by squeezing your lungs out. Then when Pinkie Pie gets out of Tartaurus I’ll feed ‘em to him!” the boy’s face turned purple as Mama’s Boy squeezed his neck.
I knew that I needed to act quickly so I snuck up behind them and stabbed Mama’s boy in the back with my dagger. Bruce looked at me when Mama’s Boy disappeared with a shocked look on his face. The boy grabbed his sword out of Bruce’s hand and stabbed him. Now that the monsters were gone I looked at the boy. He looked at me and said thanks.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ahhhhhhhhhh awesome!!!!! Post more now!!! Please!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Apollo4life said…
Thanks for the mention babbytreegrowth i loved that chapter. best so far and lol loved this part (Ugly #2 had construction boots on. He had side burns that went down to his jaw. His hair was bright red and he was munching on a toothpick. His shirt had all the characters from Sesame Street and said ‘All My Homies from the Street.’ His jeans were baggy and he seriously needed a belt. I could see his pink ‘I love Mama’ underwear.) Post soon peace out

over a year ago PercyJackson7 said…
keep on posting this awesome!!! your the best
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
Thanks I'm glad to know you like it! I'm gonna continue from where I left off in my last post.


I didn't know what to make of the boy. For starters he was at least 11 years old. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He wore tattered jeans and a light green polo shirt. His once white sneakers were caked with mud.
“So why did you save me?” he asked. “And how did you find me?”
“Um well when you lit that hydra on fire, it disappeared and I wanted to thank you but you’d gone off. I ran through the woods looking for you and I saw this clearing. I had a hunch that you were the same boy that had helped me. When I saw your situation I decided to help.”
“Hmmm…” he studied me up and down. “So you’re a demigod?”
“Yeah I’m a demigod.”
“Let me see. I’d say that you’re a daughter of… Zeus. That’s it Zeus.”
“Yep he’s my dad. How’d you know?”
“I’m awesome like that.” He replied as if that explained everything. “Hey kid what’s your name?” He kicked a stone back and forth between his feet. I was so busy watching him that I almost didn’t notice that he had asked me a question.
“Oh my name is Thalia.” I shoved my hands into my pockets.
“That’s a nice name, mine’s Luke.” He stuck out his hand and I almost didn’t want to pull my hand out of my pocket to shake but I didn’t want to be rude. I shook his hand. I had to hand it to him, he was handsome, but I was sure he wouldn’t like me as much as I liked him.
There was a rustling sound behind us and we turned around, our weapons raised. A hellhound leaped out of the bushes and charged us. I almost cowered in fear, because I hated hellhounds. But the way Luke stood up as if he would take on this beast with his bare hands gave me the courage to fight.
The hellhound got closer and leaped up intending to knock both of us down.
“Duck!” Luke yelled. I ducked and the hellhound flew over us. Before it could turn around we were on it slashing and stabbing until it was a pile of dust. Luke scooped up some of the dust and took out a tube from his pocket. He dumped the dust into the tube and handed it to me. He produced another tube and scooped more dust into it for him.
I was about to ask him why he was doing this when he said, “Follow me.”
I followed him through the woods still holding my tube of monster dust in my hand. After a few minutes we arrived at a stream that later met up with a river. He emptied his tube into the stream and motioned for me to do the same. I did. I decided to ask now.
“Why are we doing this?” I asked as I emptied my tube.
“Well a monster never truly dies. So when it comes back it always reforms wherever it’s dust is. I like to make it hard for ‘em. I dump their dust remains in a river or stream so it takes them longer to reform. And when they do reform they’ll be surprised to know that they’re floating in water. That’s one of the reasons why Bruce and Brice were after me. 1-I stabbed Bruce’s horse. 2- I killed their brother Bruno and dumped his remains in a river. 3- I stole a bunch of things from them. Anyway I would have loved to do the same with Brice and Bruce’s dust, but monster dust’ll disappear if you wait too long.”
I nodded. “Well that explains it I said.
“Mmmhmm.” He agreed. “Say you’re a pretty good fighter Thalia. How would you like to join me? You and I could stick together and fight monsters.”
“Sure!” I said. I tried to keep myself from hugging Luke , but I couldn’t help it. He laughed as he tried to pry me off of him.
It was a sunny day, but I swear I heard thunder rumbling right over our heads.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ahhhhhhh! Zeus is not happy Teeheehee !
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
luke and thlia would make a good couple, if she didnt join the hunters
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Yeah, maybe. But Luke's dead so it couldn't happen even if she didn't.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Unless *lost hero spoiler sorta* he rises through the doors of death bwahaha! *crosses fingers(not about the couple though, Thalia's too loyal to Artemis) *
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
Sometimes being different can really change you. I know it sure changed me a lot.
“But Dad I didn’t mean to. Okay it was an accident. How was I supposed to know that that was gonna happen?” I asked trying to control my temper. My dad and I were arguing in the hallway just outside my room.
I swear he doesn’t understand me when strange things happen like what just happened a few minutes ago. Some person dressed up as a monster; at least I thought it was a costume, came to our door and tried to break in. The costume looked like a tall guy with one eye in the middle of his forehead. The moment I saw him I knew it was a Cyclopes, because I had read a lot about mythical creatures in my free time. Even though I’m only seven I can read as fast and as good as any adult out there. Even my goody two shoes stepmother had to agree that I was smart. Not that I really cared for her opinion anyway.
“Annabeth, I don’t want to hear it. Do you understand me? Just because you live here, strange things happen that threaten my life and my wife’s life. She’s got kids on the way and she doesn’t need to be stressed out. You are making it worse. I can’t believe that your mom would just leave me with you. I don’t understand why she had to leave me. I don’t understand why she couldn’t take you with you were ever she was going, but hey. I guess she had more to deal with than me. She left me with you, the worst possible excuse for a daughter.” He breathed in and out slowly and closed his eyes.
I could feel the tears threatening to spill out onto my cheeks. Dad looked up at me and whispered that he was sorry. It’s what he always does. He yells at me and says harsh things, and afterward he calms down and tries to apologize. I could see that he was genuinely sorry, but I didn’t want to think about that. I didn’t feel sorry that mom had left him. I felt sorry that mom had left me.
I let one tear fall from my eyes to let him know that I didn’t believe him. He looked ashamed. A moment later, my step mom, Lucinda, walked in and saw that my dad had started to cry. She knew at once what had happened as she always did, but chose to blame me every time. She rushed to comfort my dad and he tried to protest and say that I was the one that needed comforting but she said no.
As tears spilled out of his old fashioned aviator goggles, he tried to hug me. I wiggled out of his grasp and ran into my room. I slammed the door in his face, and wished as hard as I could that I wouldn’t have to see him again.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Sorry the last chapter was short, but I'll continue now.

For the rest of the afternoon, I lay on my bed and thought about what had happened. I thought about why my mom left. Was it because I was different? Was it because I just didn’t look like the type of kid that she’d want? Was it because she didn’t have time for me? Was it because Dad scared her away? Was it because I’d scared her away?
That last thought scared me so much that I grabbed at my ears and screamed into my pillow. It wasn’t because of me was it? No surely it wasn’t. I’m sure that she just had to leave unexpectedly. There that’s it. I tried to persuade myself that I wasn’t at fault.
Downstairs I could hear Lucinda calling me down for dinner. I didn’t move. I didn’t want to be anywhere near them. Then I heard my dad calling my name. I still didn’t move. A few seconds later I could hear him running up the stairs. I walked over to my door and locked it a split second before he turned the knob.
“Annabeth! It’s dinner time! Come on down!” he banged on the door. “Open up! Honey I want to talk to you.”
“Well I don’t want to talk to you!” I yelled. There was a long silence. Then footsteps going down the stairs.
Finally, I thought. I got dressed into my pajamas. I laid back down on my bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up a few hours later lying with my cheek covered in drool on my pillow. I wiped spit off my face and walked over to the door. I glanced at the clock on my desk. 11:00. Perfect.
I ran over to my closet and grabbed a sack to put my things in. I stuffed snacks and other necessities into it. I pressed my ear against the door leading to the hallway. Silence. Good, that meant I could leave. I slipped over to my window and opened it silently. I looked around at my room one last time before jumping outside.
Thalia and I got off to an okay start. I couldn’t help but notice that she watched me intently. I tried to teach her how to use a sword and she seemed to like it a lot better than her dagger. Anyway I had to teach her to use a sword, because both of us had lost our daggers in battles.
One day, Athena herself visited us. We were sitting in a broken tent I had found in someone’s trash. I told a joke to Thalia and she laughed. Her voice sounded stronger than usual and I was wondering why, when I noticed that a little girl was sitting next to me. When the girl saw that I had noticed her she grew in form into a woman with a helmet tucked under her arm. She wore a light brown, plain dress that showed no sign of modern day fashion. Strapped to her waste was a pouch. I knew at once who she was and got Thalia’s attention so we could bow. Lady Athena nodded and motioned for us to follow.
She led us outside of the tent. Thalia looked around fearfully, because she didn’t want to encounter any monsters. Athena saw her and spoke.
“Do not fear child. As long as I’m here, no harm will come to you.” Thalia relaxed a little and we both faced the goddess.
“I am here to give you gifts that the gods see necessary for you to have if you are going to continue fighting monsters.”
“What choice do we have?” I blurted out and before I could stop myself I continued, “It’s not like the monsters will leave us alone if we don’t want to fight. It’s not like you gods have been helping us.”
Athena looked at me, not with anger, but with a curious look in her grey eyes. “Ah, but we have been helping you, on many occasions in fact. We made sure you two met up and we can certainly take you apart again.” Thalia grabbed my arm and I hugged her close.
“But, that is not the gods’ wishes, at least not for now. As I have said before I bring gifts. Please use them respectively and with honor. Thalia Grace,” Thalia flinched when Athena said Grace. “I bring you an exact replica of your father’s shield Aegis, only less scary, because the real Aegis is powerful to kill any mortal that looks upon it.” From her waist pouch she brought out a small silver bracelet and handed it to Thalia. Thalia took it and slipped it around her wrist. She looked at the charm that had a picture of a shield on it and did something strange.
She held her arm at arm’s length and pointed her hand down, so that the silver charm was sticking out. She looked like that’s what she thought it did and that every time she did that she had a shield protecting her. I almost laughed out loud.
Athena smirked and said, “No child. You tap that charm right there.” Thalia pulled back her arm and looked for the charm. She found it and tapped it. She stepped back in alarm when a shield spiraled out. Even though she couldn’t see what the shield looked like I could and I almost wet my pants. The shield had an engraving of Medusa’s head and was so horrifying that it looked like the shield had Medusa’s real head glued to it. It was so realistic that I swear I froze.
Thalia looked down and saw her shield. She let out a shrill shriek and Athena flinched ever so slightly. “Thank you lady Athena.” Thalia sputtered. She quickly tapped her wrist again and sighed in relief when the shield disappeared. Athena turned to me.
“Luke Castellan, your gift is a dagger.” What? I thought. Thalia gets that cool shield and all I get is dagger. I bet it wasn’t even from my father too. Even though I was mad, I held my thoughts in and took the dagger politely. I looked it over and to me it wasn’t any different than any other dagger I’d seen before. It was bronze and the hilt had leather wrapped around it. It was about ¾ of a foot long. I must have let my face slip, because Athena was talking.
“I know you were expecting something a little bit better, but that dagger is very important. That dagger will either save your life or let your life go. When the time comes, you may choose to give the dagger away, or you may not. Whatever you choose, one will aid you through and hold a promise to your last hour.” While I was still trying to figure out what she meant, Athena said good – bye and instructed us not to look upon her as she disappeared, because her true form was powerful enough to burn us to ashes.
After she was gone, Thalia asked me the one question I hoped she wouldn’t ask.
“Luke what did she mean by your last hour?” I was still trying to figure that part out and for a while I was silent. I gave up trying to figure it out , because I knew I wouldn’t find out until my last hour.
“I don’t know, Thalia. I don’t know.”
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
over a year ago Piper123 said…
This is the best fanfic i have read so far im not afraid to say your better than HecateA(sorry Hecate)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Okay so after that last chapter you know that Luke gives the dagger to Annabeth and they become the best of friends only to have him turn evil and then he dies in the last book, blah, blah, blah. So I’m going to skip over that and write something that happens afterward.

After we met Annabeth we felt sure that nothing could take us apart. Luke and I weren’t sure if we could trust her at first, but we decided that her coming here was the gods’ doing and they wanted us to keep it this way. Annabeth was always curious and wanting to know everything there was to know about fighting monsters. I had a feeling that since Athena had visited us only a couple of weeks before; she had something to do with Annabeth.
As we would sit, wrapped in blankets in our little huts we made for shelter, Annabeth would tell us stories about the dreadful Mrs. and Mr. Chase. She would exaggerate what they were like at first, but then she would explain what they were like in reality. She was so cute and I was surprised she could read as well as she could. On several occasions we would walk, or run depending on how fast or slow the monster was, and she would take one look at the building and know exactly what material the building was made from and would know every possible tidbit of information on the architecture it had.
Of course Luke and I knew that she was a demigod, otherwise she wouldn’t see half the things she saw fighting monsters. She just seemed extra special and we knew that we wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Annabeth took an immediate liking to Luke and follows him everywhere. One day something strange happened.
Well you know that monsters were following us everywhere and chasing us too. We had just started fighting a pack of hellhounds. They just kept multiplying and we knew that we were gonna have to do something quick. Our lives were getting shorter by the second, but don’t worry, we’d been through this a dozen times before.
“Hiyaah! Eat your own heart out… mine is perfect the way it is. I don’t need you reshaping it for me.” I said to the hellhound I had just kicked. It was seriously ugly, though most hellhounds were, but I could tell it had never heard of mouthwash. Or a toothbrush for that matter.
“Annabeth!” Luke yelled holding off at least three at a time. “I need a plan. Quick.” He added punching a fourth hellhound. I whined and lifted its leg. It never got to relieve itself because just then Annabeth was there slashing and hacking like never before. She seemed to be thinking hard and I knew the drill. I was supposed to keep all other distractions away from her so she could find a plan.
“Well if we found the source of where they’re all coming from we could stop it and they would stop coming. Or we could just keep fighting until we’re dead or the hellhounds get dead…”
I laughed. Luke sighed unhappily and said, “I’m going to need something better than having us get killed.”
Annabeth nodded and said, “I agree. We could-“
Woosh. Annabeth gasped. “What!?” I yelled. I risked a glance in her direction.
It all happened so fast. Just by looking away, a hellhound seized the chance to pounce on me. The last thing I saw before the smelly inside of the hellhound’s mouth was a strange girl pulling Annabeth into the shadows. Annabeth wasn’t even fighting back. She looked my way and screamed.
No. I told myself. I will not let Annabeth see me this helpless. I will make sure she’s safe. They need me.
With a burst of energy I concentrated. Concentrated harder than I had ever concentrated before. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion, but I held strong. I could feel the sharp teeth closing around my waist and I let loose.
SHZZZZZ. Crack. Fur rained down on me, mixed with gold dust. I felt wet; I was covered in dog drool. I think I passed out, but I saw one thing before doing so. Blue sky. Beautiful blue sky.
“Hey Thalia!” I screamed. I squirmed out of the mysterious girl’s grasp and ran towards her. “Thalia! No Thalia!” I ran as hard as I could, but I knew I would never make it in time. Thalia turned her head and our eyes locked, just for a moment I saw everything Thalia couldn’t say into words. She said she was sorry. But just then her head was covered as the hellhound opened its mouth.
“No!” I screamed. I tripped over a fallen branch and crashed to the ground. My leg burst into fire, or so it felt like it. It hurt so bad that I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. I looked up into the blue sky and prayed to every Greek god I knew that Thalia be saved. I closed my eyes and heard Thalia screaming. Oh no, I thought. I must have missed a god. But then I realized that the scream sounded defiant, not like she was just swallowed. There was a loud buzzing in my ears and I could barely hear anything.
I tried to stand up and finally had to just prop myself on my elbow. Suddenly Luke was by my side, blocking my view of Thalia. I tried to push him out of the way, but he shook his head. I could see tears escaping from his eyes and racing down his cheek.
“Thalia! Luke Thalia!” But nothing I said moved him. The strange girl that had told me to follow her earlier walked over to us. She started to set my leg, like it was broken. I didn’t even cry out in pain, because all I could think about was Thalia. I knew I had to be strong in case there was a chance she had survived. I knew that the chance she had was tiny compared to the chance that she had died.
The girl asked Luke a question and he nodded. I was sure that she had asked if I was a demigod, because I was an ace at reading lips. Then she made me drink from a canteen and instantly I felt better. I heard screams of girls fighting, but the only thing I saw was Luke and blue sky. Blue sky.

Sorry if I left you hanging, but I’ll finish it when I have another chance.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
I have to agree with Piper123, these are awesome, keep going!
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
Yeah it's awesome. Keep going. It's so cool. I just want to ask: Is the strange girl Zoe?
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Obviously, I'm not the author bit I think it is :)
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Please finish your story! It's great!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
When are you goin to post again?;)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
soon I hope, my thing is acting up and it won't let me post chapters.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ok I can not wait!!! What's wrong with it??
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Please Post!!!!!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
^what she/he said

over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
okay I'm trying, but maybe tommorow or something...
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Yay!!! I understand, I just love your story:)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Your welcome...:)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…

I was worried about Thalia and Annabeth. No one had told me where they were, since they took them both to their camp. Zoe Nightshade, a charming girl by the way…not, left me where we fought the hellhounds and went off with the Hunters.
Later a small girl, no older than 5 came back and took my hand. She led me to the camp, but didn’t speak to me at all. She wore the same clothes as the Hunters, so I guessed she was one of them.
Now here I am lying on a cot in a tiny tent waiting for the Sun to come up. Nightmares had traveled into my brain all night long and I could not sleep anymore. In one I dreamed that Annabeth was ripped apart by hellhounds. In another Thalia was being inspected by the Hunters, when suddenly all the Hunters turned into cannibal giants that ate Thalia. Each one was even more terrifying then the one before.
Wait, there was a knock… Oh it’s just Zoe. Ick. I don’t get why she’s so mean. Its like just living on the same planet as her makes her mad.
“You there…Uh…”
“My name is Luke.” I said.
“Yeah whatever, but Thalia wishes to speak to you.”
“What about Annabeth?”
“We have given her medicine that will heal her leg while she sleeps. How long she will sleep is unknown. But she will wake when she is ready.”
“Fine.” I grumbled, as I pulled my boots on. I followed Zoe silently to a tent on the other side of the camp. It was bigger than mine, but you could hear murmurs inside that made it seem like the inside was a lot bigger than the outside looked.
We got inside and I had to keep myself from laughing out loud. The whole inside was pink! All of the furniture was hot pink. The walls, well of the tent, were a powder pink. Everything was a different shade of pink. It was outrageous! I must have said something, because Zoe was glaring at me.
“This is the tent for the younger girls. Their little…uh…leader is Amanda, and she is obsessed with pink. Amanda is the little girl who came back and got you and brought you to camp. She has a soft heart and always wants to help.”
“Why did you bring me here?” I asked.
“Well to let you see your friend Annabeth. Of course!”
“Well where is she?” my eagerness to see her was beginning to show in my voice.
“Right over here.” She said pointing to the bed next to where I was standing. She raised her eyebrows as if she couldn’t believe I couldn’t see Annabeth. The truth was that I just didn’t recognize her.
I remember seeing Annabeth as a little girl who was always wore the same clothes. She usually had dirt all over her, and her blond hair was always a mess. But now looking at her I could see that she was a whole lot cleaner than I would ever expect to see her.
Her hair was neatly braided, but I could still see the shine in them because they were so much cleaner than usual. She wore silvery clothes and jewelry. Her skin was clean and didn’t have a speck of dirt on it.
She looked so pretty, but brainy all at the same time. There were small girls around her bed folding clothes and tending to her. They fed her food, even though Annabeth had her eyes closed and she wasn’t moving. I immediately sat down on the edge of her bed and took her hand in mine. The girls around her, looked up alarmed and ran to the farthest corner of the tent.

Sorry I’ll continue soon…
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
WOOOOO awesome
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
When are you gonna post? :)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Pretty soon, hopefully sometime this week. Don't worry I'll make sure you're the one who knows first. You know it really makes me glad that you guys care so much about this. I love it when you compliment on my stories. It makes me as happy as Annabeth is(was) with Percy. Thanks a lot!