The Heroes of Olympus The Last Song was Perfect

HecateA posted on Jan 22, 2011 at 09:53PM
Before you read you need to read:

The Lost Hero, written by me: link

Jewels: link

(or at least 'Jewels')

This will indeed be the last of this series. The name was picked by my friends and redhawks.

Raiting: C
Type: Adventure, Friendship, Fantasy, touch of romance, touch of sad (you know me)

Sypnosis: Sia Trian is extremely lucky. She has a voice that grades her in the top 10 in every competition she enters, she's one of the most popular girls in her class and nearly above all, the accident she had with a hellhound when she was little isn't haunting her.

But as Sia gets involved in the most dangerous quest of her life, something is haunting her. Something she can't explain, and something she doesn't quite want an explanation for.

OC: Sia Trian, Gwendolyn Miles, Tina Stanz, Kayla Destrummer, Simon Grey, Laurel White, Kimo Akina, Cody, Akantha

Characters owned by Rick Riordan: Annabeth Chasse, Chiron, Will Solace, he mentions Kayla and Austin as children of Apollo, Nico Di Angelo

Disclaimer: I have never met or communicated wit Rick Riordan and am not affilated with Heroes of Olympus. The older campers and Olympian, some minor, gods and creatures have not been created by me.

A/N: This was written on a range of 3 notebooks. I finished around the time the Lost Hero came out.

I'd like to thank all of my friends who didn't steal my notebook at lunch to make me panic *cough* sarcasm *cough*. Especially for not waving it over the trashcan or reading it (I hate when peeps do that). I'd also like to thank my math teacher for not confiscating it even if I'm sure she saw me writting in it (I wasn't even timid- I didn't have the decensy to hide it under my desk while she taught).

I would like to un-thank all of the idiots who touched my book even if I warned them I'd hit them. (I did)

Funny story: I was very proud for Sia's name when I came up with it, but then I randomely googled it and there is an actual person that is a singer that is named Sia. And her album name was exactly the kind of thing Sia would write!
Before you read you need to read:

The Lost Hero, written by me:
last edited on Jul 19, 2011 at 11:30AM

The Heroes of Olympus 254 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 254

over a year ago MoeSimpson said…
big smile
Cant wait for the actuall storyy and im the first to wirtee yayaayya x
over a year ago HecateA said…
(don't get too excited, this is the only chapter where she's narrating)

November 27th

I scooped a dodge ball from the ground and threw it at a girl on the other side. She wasn’t even looking, she was gossiping with the other popular girls and flapping her hair over her shoulder. I was pleased with myself as Brenda Goren made her way to the bench to sit out. The other girls from the hockey clique cheered. Not that she was an important player, but we’d all gotten lunches dumped on us by the popular clique (alias pink squad), or into fights with their boyfriends, and we liked to think of Brenda as Pinkie supreme.
Anika passed me another ball and I whipped it at another girl. I ran to the other end of our field to pick up another ball. I ran and through, my hair waving behind.
-Munroe! The coach yelled. I expected a “no whipping” lecture but the game went on, and I just jogged over to the wall where she was standing. With a nod of the head she indicated me to get out. I didn’t even stop running, but got out of the door, but froze in my tracks. Percy was there.
-Hey Percy, what are you doing here? I asked trying to keep a smile on my face. His look whipped it off.
-Do you have sparks?
-On you know?
-Always, why?
-Get changed, now. He said.
-Why what’s wrong?
-We need to get you to camp, now.
-Why? Is the fox back? Or…
-It’s not safe here anymore. Not for you at least. Percy said.
-Why? Percy, is my dad alright? Percy didn’t say anything.
-Percy, where is my dad right now? I asked. His grim face said so much… Too much…
-Just go please, Annabeth’s outside, she can explain. I tried not to shriek and ran right through the door to the girl’s change room putting on jeans quicker than I ever had, and imagining nightmarish scenes worst then it probably was. I hoped…
last edited over a year ago
(don't get too excited, this is the only chapter where she's narrating)

[u]November 27th
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Whoah, what is this a sequel to something??? :) (It's super good!)
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
over a year ago partypony said…
Amazing as usual Hecate!
At first I was confused about who's narrating (Sia or Lee), but by the time Percy mentioned Sparks, I knew it was Lee. It WAS Lee right?
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
It was Lee. The coach called her Munroe and her name is Leda Munroe. Add sparkes into the picture and you have Lee. (I think, no i'm sure...?) Well, whatever, great job HecateA, lot's of suspense already! Keep up the great work!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
big smile
Wait so lee isn't going to be narratting in this story?
I luv this series!!!!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
AMAZING!!!! i love this book already!
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
big smile
Wow! Good, even in the prologue, what days are you posting??? Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun??? I AM SO EXCITED, LOVE HOW even in the prologue there is danger and suspense, can't wait!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ohhh I can't wait for u to post more!!!!!!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Post. This is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
She will post when she wants AmazingPercy.

@AnnabethC~ She says above in the little info thingy that this is the third and final book. First book, The Lost Hero, written by me. Second book, Jewels. Third book, THIS ONE!

Well, now that I got that taken care of.....Awwww nooo Lee just can't get away from anything!!! Poop
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Oh ok! That wasn't up there when I looked so thanks!
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
not. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
So exciting!!!!!!!! I thought you where just leaving us... I was like acting like a little kid in pouty mode saying "no" over and over again...
that was so good!
If her dad is gone again... that would not be cool... because she just got him back and now she loses him... again... wow... she really does have suckish luck doesent she...
Wow you are an amazing writer... even if it is a proluge like so... all of it is just awesome... like you!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Okay so I read jewels (which was amazing) and earlier today I finished ur lost hero version(which was also really good) and I started this and I have a few things to say:
1.) that was absolutely ah-mazing!! Poor Lee, I wonder what happened to her dad!
2.) I read the characters thing in the box thingy, and it said Nico di Angelo. And if I am guessing right, then that means that he (nico di angelo, whose extremely ah-mazing, may/ might be in it:))
3.) question/ comment: Ohmehgawds!! I wonder what's gunna happen with lee and alex:))))))<3
4.) oh and not giving anything away, but seeing that a certain person almost died in jewels (nit gonna say who, but if u wanna no go read it; it's ah-mazing) but Nico's not gunna die, right? *please say that he will be happily dating someone-me, Jkkkk.....-and he'll do some big heroic thing that will help save the world:)*

Well, I can't wait for the next chappie to come up!! Yay:))

over a year ago Idunn said…
Cant wait for the rest of the story, Amazing as usual Hecate!
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
big smile
over a year ago HecateA said…
Hey guys!
I'm going to try to post on Wednesdays, key?

First chapter: Lee. Don't get too excited, that was a one-time (maybe 2, haven't decided yet) thing.

Nico Di Angelo will be in this but not straight away.

@Lightning and red: No she cannot, yes her luck sucks. :) Zeus did warn her it would...

I have a chapter-name theme going on, prop to whoever can figure it out first :)

Fanfiction awards, we are down to the wire! Top 2 me with "The Son of Neptune" (Jewels wasn't nominated) and "The Continuation of Percy Jackson". Links to voting can be found on the recently upgrated Son of Neptune! Nominations for 2011 start now, with categories such as "best Harry Potter fanfic", "best PJO/HoO fanfic", "best writter", "best overall cliff", "best cliffhanger" etc.

New York

I let the words spill out of my mouth, syllable by syllable, and the pitches of my voice adjust itself. I was on auto drive, and as my feet paced up and down the stage, I was also on top of the world.
The music ended and I lowered the mic from my mouth. The room burst into applause.
I put the mic back on the stand and walked off the stage, trying not to kill myself doing so. High heel boots in the dark, you try it. Gwen and Tina were waiting for me.
-Sia you were great! Gwen said.
-Thanks. I said putting a hand on Gwen’s shoulder and pulling my shoes off.
-A born performer! Tina said.
-Literally, Gwen said mischievously.
-Thanks guys, what time is it?
-3 pm, your mom’s probably waiting.
-Sweet, let me go get changed because no way Jen would let it go if I got to camp wearing this. I said showing the outfit the show’s wardrobe designer had picked out for me. I rubbed my heel again. Dang those shoes were small! Tina handed me a “Poet’s Banquet’s” bag (Poet’s Banquet is a poetry place she hangs out around).
-We’ll wait by the front door for you. Gwen said.
-Key. I said. I eclipsed myself backstage. I managed to smuggle to a changing room corner, retrieve my magic IPod from the drummer that took it (magic IPod-long story but everyone loves it), say bye to Darren, and get out of the front door without anything happening. My prosthetic leg didn’t even put up a fuss when I had to put it back on.
I walked out of the cultural centre. It was pouring rain. I sighed.
My mom honked the horn and I ran to the car, climbing into shotgun seat.
My mom is the prettiest mortal I know.
Her name is Robin Trian. Her hair is pitch black and curls a little, as it falls on her back, between her shoulder blades. Her eyes are warm and in the shape of almonds and her eyes the precise color of Hershey kisses. Her skin is the color of caramel, but the really beautiful thing about her is how she’s natural. She wears no makeup, doesn’t die her hair or anything to make herself beautiful, she just is.
-How’d it go, songbird? She asked as I buckled up.
-Great mum, can we go?
-Somebody’s exited. Tina said.
-To see Jonathan? Gwen teased.
-Shut it, Miles. I said.
-Jonathan? Who’s Jonathan? My mum asked eyeing me.
-The Son of Hecate. Santina and Gwendolyn here think we’re soul mates. I said, rolling my eyes.
-You are! He so likes you! Just ask Spice!
-I am not talking to Spice; if you want a confirmation, you go for it but I am not hearing any more about my blue strands. I said.
-Pff, not me, it goes nowhere but about my split ends. Tina said.
-Honey, you don’t have split ends. Mum said.
-Now I don’t. Tina said.
-I wouldn’t argue with Spice, she knows what she’s talking about, daughter of Aphrodite. Gwen clarified.
-Ah. Mum nodded.
-Thanks Gwen. Tina said.
-No I mean..!
-It’s okay Gwen, Tina’s messing with you. I said.
-Dear Zeus, I hope weather’s better in New York. I said looking out the window. The drops rolling down the pane looked like tears. For that precise reason, how is rain not depressing?
-Sorry songbird, it’s cloudy there too. Mum said.
-There goes a day of sun-bathing. Tina sighed.
-Stormy weather’s not that bad. Gwen said.
-I swear your immortal’s a weather god. Tina said.
-Or goddess. Gwen said sadly.
Gwen’d been abandoned at camp when she was a baby. Chiron’d sent her to a foster home in the city. She’d gotten adopted by a family in Boston, Massachusetts, where she’d met me, and we’d been best friends since. Anyways, we had no idea whose kid she was. She was 12, meaning she didn’t HAVE to be claimed yet. She had 3 months to go and it was killing her. I hoped she’d get claimed already, because if not by the time she was 13 there wouldn’t be anything left to claim.
-Whichever, weather deity. She nodded and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
-Did you hear what happened to the Stolls? Will told me. Tina asked.
-No. Did Clarisse finally butcher them? I asked.
-No, no. But they tried to break into number 6…
-Ooh… Gwen said.
-Ouch. I said.
-Yeah, except Ananbeth’d seen it coming,
-‘Course. Gwen said.
-Do you want to know or not? She complained.
-Sorry, carry on. Gwen apologised.

4 hours later we were in New York. The city’s traffic, the noise, the crowds, it was all familiar. Tina, Gwen and I were all starring out the window as the city passed, and Mum even passed the Empire state building for us. Gwen’s expression was priceless.
We got out of the city and drove. I could see the outline of Thalia’s pine tree, reflected by the fleece, in the distance. Mum stopped at the bottom of Half-Blood hill. I took my backpack for the week out of my bag and of course my guitar.
Mum gave me a hug.
-You have a nice week okay? And don’t get used to missing out on school for this. She said.
-I won’t. I said.
-Be nice, I don’t want you turned into a shrub.
-I will not transform into any form of vegetation. I assured her.
-Good. Stay safe too.
-I will.
-That means no driving.
-Mum, you know just as well as me I’ll do it anyways. She sighed.
-Relax, it’ll be fine.
-Last time you said that there was a Titan/god war in New York City. She winced.
-No war. I assured her.
-Better not. Have a good time, you two. She told Tina and Gwen, as Gwen hugged her (my mom’s Gwen’s “mom”).
-Thanks Ms T. And for the ride. Tina said.
-It was nothing, honey. Good luck Gwen.
We stepped out of the car and into the rain. We ran towards the big house to tell Chiron we’d gotten here. Only when we climbed the porch did I hear mum drive away. Tina knocked and the centaur answered.
-Hello. He said.
-Hi Chiron! I said.
-Your journey went well? He inquired.
-Yes, no monsters. Gwen said.
-This time. Tina grunted.
-Yes, well, we all have to deal with them. You can join your cabins, curfew’s early; we are playing midnight capture-the-flag. Gwen, cabin 11 again, and you two, well, it hasn’t changed has it? Try to get some sleep though I am not foolish enough to think that’s what either cabin is doing right now.
We thanked Chiron and ran back in the rain, separating at cabin 11, as Gwen went in and we continued towards cabin 7.
We pushed open the door. The twins, Kayla and Austin De Strummer, were sitting on the top bunks, Kayla was strumming her guitar. Simon Grey was playing the song on the keyboard and Taylor Elymon and Jenifer Shaw were clapping along the rhythm. Valerie Nickels and Adam Jensen were dancing a complicated-as-Hades hip-hop choreography and Will was sitting on the corner bunk trying to read a medical school textbook. Not so sure how great that was going.
-Oh perfect, vocals! Kayla said when she spotted me. I smiled and picked up the song. I knew this one; Kayla’d had it stuck in her head the whole dang summer. I dropped my bag on my bunk. The song ended with a repeat of the chorus. Kayla was such a good player it scared me.
-Woo! Somebody said. I looked around the cabin, a smile already plastered on my face.
The walls were painted gold, and that’s where the light came from. Framed posters of bands and singers with at least one child of Apollo, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, ACDC, Taylor Swift (I love her!) etc., were hanging on two walls. One of the walls also had the door to our recording studio. Gods, we’d had fun in that…
On another were scrolls and paper, original, epics, poems and book samples written or printed on. We had the original Iliad and Odyssey, half a dozen Jean De La Fontaine fables; a few pages of Romeo and Juliet and, well you get the idea… And Simon’d hung up a Ron Weasley poster (because we wouldn’t let go the Hermione one, but its true- he thinks Emma Watson –who plays Hermione- is hot)
The last held duplicate of paintings. Van Gogh was the main artist. There was even one of his originals, a painting of the camp he’d know (yes Van Gogh was a demigod, you thought he’d cut his own ear off?) There was a door there too, to the art studio and supply room (but Taylor-the only permanent camper who panted- never set foot in there, she painted outside or in the main area, every stain has a story)
The bunks were made out of light wood. There were two parts of the door, the door itself, and the screen. There was also a mail slot. A keyboard was in a corner and a guitar support for 6 in another, except instead of guitars it held antique instruments, some of the ones Kayla made and owned.
Home sweet home, I thought.
Oh, and if you haven’t figured, my father is Apollo, god of music, medicine, archery and art.
-Welcome back by the way. Jennifer told Tina and me.
-Thanks. I said plopping down on my bunk, right under Kayla’s. I had 3 things tapped to the top. A picture of my mom squeezing my shoulders, standing on the stage at Disney’s Hollywood studios. We were both wearing costumes.
My mom used to be a performer, but after I was born she decided she’d had enough. So she settled in and taught drama and music at a downtown Boston High School, but she used to work for Disney. Played princess Jasmine (the girl Aladdin hooks up with) for one of the shows. Well, she didn’t want to give performing up completely, so during the summer, and whenever she gets more than a few days off, she goes and plays in shows there. She’s especially a dancer in their “Beauty and the Beast” show.
At some point the girl playing one of Arielle’s sisters (“The little mermaid”) got sick. It was the one girl of the group who had to be a singer, not a dancer, but a singer. So mom offered me up, and I sang a solo for 2 shows at Disney world. That was the biggest thing I ever did.
The second was a copy of the Python myth in Ancient Greek. I practically knew the story by heart, but I kept it on anyways. The third was an article entitled “Boston’s girl Sia Trian wins first at Massashutess Vocal 2010”, a picture of me sitting on a stage with my trophee besides it.
-What’s with the eyeliner, though? Kayla asked. I brushed my eyes with my fingers.
-Styx, I thought I’d taken it off…
-You had a show? Taylor asked.
-Competition. Tina said.
-How’d you do? 5 people asked at once.
-I don’t know, I left right after I performed.
-Aww… IM your mom tomorrow and check. Jennifer said.
-Sure, but you owe me a drachma.
-Fair enough
-Guys, we should try to sleep. Get some sleep before midnight. Will piped up.
-Gods, Will. You’re so anti-social. They just got here, Sia’s been in like 3 competitions, Tina’s published in a newspaper and the only time you pay attention is to tell us to sleep! Jenifer complained.
-Studying. He said waving the book. Just because I can already do what professionals can doesn’t mean they’ll give me the medical degree just like that. Will said, snapping his fingers.
-Whatever. Jenifer said as we settled in. I rolled up the right leg of my jean and took off the mortal prophetic and put on the one Hephaestus cabin had made. Much more sturdy, held on better and overall worked better when I had to move.
-No offence, Sia, but that keeps freaking me out. Kayla said.
-Still freaks me out. I said pulling the fabric of my pants back down.
-Goodnight. Tina said.
-Ditto. A few people said. Slowly the walls grew dark as the light in the room dimmed.
My dream was messed up. It was like a slideshow of people. Girls, guys, different skin types, different time periods by the looks of their clothing. Then I heard a scream, an ear-splitting scream, one so alarmed it couldn’t have been anything but a demigod before the final blow.
Kayla shook me awake.
-It’s midnight. She said. I shook the rest of my siblings awake and we scavenged for our armour and weapons. All of us are archers, so by weapons we mean various sorts of bows and arrows (mine’s Olympic-style) and by armour, we mean only the obligatory, and even that’s extra light.
Other common features include sun-kissed skin, blue eyes and a talent for ticking off the Ares cabin.
We all had quivers strapped onto our back when we stepped into the dark. It was going to be a tough game. Tonight’s game plan included archers a lot, and none of us were night people. Annabeth insisted we’d be fine. Hopefully having Poseidon, Hades and Athena on our side would help.
Hestia, Hermes, Iris, Eris, Hypnos, Persephone, Boreas, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Athena, Hades and Athena were already outside, so was a big part of the other team.
Taylor yawned.
-Why midnight? She questioned.
I was about to say how great of a question that was, but Patricia cut.
-If I ran an arrow through you would it wake you up? She asked.
-No, what if I manage to get one through your big head? Jen said.
-I’m not sure your arm’s strong enough to make any real damage. The daughter of Eris said with a mean smile. Jenifer trembled with rage.
-Go away Patricia, nobody wants to hear it. I said.
-Oh, I’m sorry; you probably don’t want to hear about how much your talent is influenced by the gods either, do you?
-Shut up Patricia, Sia’s got more talent in her little finger then you possess. Simon said in that big-brother way he sometimes got about me.
And I couldn’t help but question the truth of her words as she walked away.
-That little…
-Relax, Jen, Patricia’s a git, end of story. Simon said.
-Don’t you listen to any of that bull, your talents are your own. Taylor said. That seemed to calm Jen down.
-I know she is, but one of these days…
-I know, me too. I said. The two teams separated, in a matter of seconds the red team was gone. We listened to Annabeth explain the plan.
-The stream is as always the border, along the creek, that’s where the archers will be. When you guys see a camper coming try to shoot them right there, if it’s a big part, send a luminiscious arrow up. There are backup teams who wait at the flag that’ll come to deal with them, make sure there are always at least 3 people at the flag, plus Will. Half of the team’s in charge of that. Annabeth said.
The other half, Hermes, Boreas, Hestia, Persephone, Hypnos and Iris, you guys are going to try and go in and get the flag. To go in, Laurel, Jason, you guys go on either side, Eris, straight on. Then the others go where there isn’t a fight, but be careful, even Clarisse wouldn’t have a few people hiding. If your cabin isn’t doing that, you’re either a permanent guard or a back-up team. Everybody understand? Lee knows where to put the flag, Will knows where the archers go, Malcolm, Jane and Craig know the teams, blue on 3; 1, 2, 3…
-BLUE! We all yelled. We broke into teams, and Will showed us where to perch ourselves, about 7 feet from each other.
I climbed the tree with a monkey-like ability and scampered up to the highest branch. I could see Zeus’ fist.
-Sia, pay attention! Will called. I climbed down and positioned myself where I had a clear view. Well, as clear as it gets at MIDNIGHT. A series of lanterns flashed on, illuminating the creek.
-Heroes you know the rules. No intentional maiming or killing, flag must be clear in sight! I heard Chiron’s familiar voice say.
I notched an arrow on my bow.
- Boundary is the creek, on my signal… Go! Chiron yelled somewhere to my right.
Immediately a phalanx of red charged from behind the trees. Two figures zoomed on either side of my tree like acrobatic planes, as more balls of light, like burning balloons, were released into the night sky. As Laurel and Jason zoomed over the tree tops 6 more figures zoomed up. They split in two 3 campers per sibling.
12 figures charged from our side of the creek as well, a loud buzzing noise seemingly radiated from them. 2 red warriors collapsed at once. The rest were in battle. A few of them smuggled out, protected by a second soldier and crossed the creek. A particularly huge camper was coming towards me. I raised my bow, let my fingers slip and let the arrow fly. It nailed him in the head and he was knocked out. Thumper arrows: got to love them. After I shot 2 others, the two at my right and left shot about the same amount, they discovered our positions. In one synchronised movement, spears flew upwards. I dodged one coming my way but I heard someone swear and another scream before something hit the ground
-COVER! Austin yelled. All of the blue team but Eris curled up in balls. An arrow glowing gold across the dark, screeching as it zoomed across the sky, the air rippled, the accompanying sound mimicking the loudest guitar solo you could imagine, played by the worst guitar player.
As if it were a shockwave, most of the warriors either collapsed on the spot or clutched their ears in pain. Eris were the first to get back up and pounce on the remaining red warriors, unaffected by the chaos caused by the noise.
Something rose above the treetops. It went straight up, and then zoomed our way. Millisecond later more 6 more followed, and they were gaining. The archers started cheering and our side understood. We retreated and the hoplites started cheering too.
Jason, Piper clutching his arm with one of hers, holding the flag with the other, landed, Laurel closely behind. The archers who hadn’t fallen climbed or jumped down from the trees to congratulate them.
-We won! Piper baffled.
-You bet, Lily! Leo said running from the midst of battle.
-Thanks for picking me up, flying Ace; no way I would’ve made it back on foot. She said, kissing him on the cheek.
-No prob. Laurel, you okay? Jason said.
-Yeah, but Ajax –stupid idiot- got my leg. She said. She let go of the tree she was propping herself on, and would’ve fallen if a gust of wind wouldn’t have pushed her back to her foot. Jason slipped his arm under her shoulder.
-It’s just my ankle, sprained I think.
-Chiron’ll fix it, common. He said. The wind picked up. He jumped, landed on a wind that caught him, hauled Laurel up and they were both swept away by the wind.
-Will! Will! Somebody yelled. It was Jen. Will ran past me and I followed. Tina was lying on the ground, a bloody gash on her arm.
-You got caught by Ares? Will asked kneeling next to her examining the wound.
-Yeah. Stupid, eh?
-Was not, Sherman’s arm isn’t half-bad when he wants to. Could be a decent archer. Jen said.
-I do not want him at the range. Tina complained.
-Relax Tina, let Will do his thing. I said.
-It’s actually not that bad Tina, he said. I can just cover it with a bandage, rub a little bit of ambrosia and you’ll be good in no time. Will said. Somebody else called him. He threw a brownie at Jen and sprinted off, leaving us to bandage the wound.
-I stink at healing, you do it.
-I’m not good either!
-Losing blood here. Tina said.
I rubbed a piece of brownie I broke off the bigger chunk across the wound and wrapped it as best as I could. I sang a quick hymn to Apollo, which is how I get away with my healing, and Tina could at least get up. Better than my usual healing.
-Will can double-check it at the big house, common. I said.
Most people were finding their way out. The anemoi children were flying around with lanterns, leading the way out.
I stumbled on a wounded Janus camper. I told Jen and Tina to go ahead without me and I knelt by her side.
The girl was out cold. I took off her chest plate; my fingers felt an edge to the pierced bronze, as if it’d been pushed outwards. Outwards, not inwards. Odd. Only an extremely tough-tipped arrow or sword piercing her from the back could do that, but that wasn’t the case.
Her side was soaked with blood. Something for Will, Tina, Adam, Austin or Chiron to deal with. I took a luminous arrow from my quiver and shot it straight up. A few feet above the treetops it exploded into gold fireworks. I launched another and knelt back to try and cover the bigger cuts.
Jason landed besides me.
-Hey, I found her like this, she’s really hurt, have to be moved gently.
-Gentle? Not my strong. Marla from Zephyros might be better. She’s up there, shoot another one.
I did. Marla- a tall girl with a gracious frame and black curls- landed and took the girl – that Jason identified as Gretchen once I’d whipped some of the blood away- and he took me back to the big house. After I’d told Chiron what’d happened and waited for Tina to finish her “midnight capture the flag is the most dangerous thing here” speech again, we walked back to the cabin and plopped down on our beds, falling fast asleep, armour and all.
Hey guys!
I'm going to try to post on Wednesdays, key?  

First chapter: Lee.  Don't get too excit
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
GOOD JOB! Loved it! Amazing! Aww poor Gwen....
over a year ago Idunn said…
big smile
Same as redhawks, and much more
over a year ago MoeSimpson said…
That was amazinggg =]
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
LOOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
AMAZING!!!! luv the pic too!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
ohmhegawds!! that wa sah-mazing!!!! i luh-ved the chappie!! and holy zeus, nicos gunna be in it!!! yaaayyyyy!!! hehe:]
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Hecate, that was truly fantabulous!!!! I loved it!!!!!!! So ah-mazing!!!!! Can't wait until next Wednesday!! (ugh, that seems so far away!!!)
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
it seems so nice and normal for a change.
you know, rather than complete non-stop battle.
not that i don't like that. i luv it.
just a change is good
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
^I like action!

Thank you guys, this is a short one, but if I made it any longer it wouldn't make any sence.

I've also upgrated the Son of Neptune forum, I'm done with that story, the sequel is next.

Here comes the sun
It was about 5 in the morning and everyone was up to something. Kayla was sanding a new guitar she was making, Austin was rehearsing a script for something that sounded either Shakespearean or Latin (I have difficulties making out the two), Will was still studying and Tina reading over his shoulder. Jen was doing stretches for her arm waiting for daylight and the permission to get on the archery range. Valerie and Adam were stretching too. Simon was helping me practice for the following round of the song competition in case I made it (which everybody said I would). And with all the noises, Kayla plucking a cord from time to time, Simon at the piano, me singing, Tina and Will checking pronunciations of types of cancer or whatever it was and Austin reciting classical texts; everybody got their thoughts clear.
-I know I’m not Perfect, but I keep trying
‘Cause that’s what I said
I would do; from the start…

The sound of the door opening and closing silenced us all. Taylor, who’d managed to paint her nose completely purple completely by accident in the 20 minutes she’d been painting, picked up what’d been pushed through the mail slot. A piece of paper wrapped around a key ring.

“Only 2, 1 licensed driver, not a scratch” She read.

-I’m the second! I dibbed.
-I’m the driver! Simon said.
-So am I! Jen complained.
-Are you licensed?
-I’ve got a learner’s permit.
-Yeah but not the licence itself. He said pulling his wallet from his pocket and showing his licence. He’d been a pain about getting his licence, last winter.
-Why Sia?
-Well it ‘aint going to be you with your busted shoulder.
-Me? Taylor asked.
-My nose isn’t purple. I said.
-Whatever, Si’s only here for the week. And I’ve got the keys. He said plucking the keys out of her hands.
-You went last week. Will said in a half-hearted attempt at peace.
-Just, someone! You guys are going to be late. Adam said.
-Sure, common Si. Simon said.
-Sweet. I put on my coat- we’d be going where the camp’s borders or the car’s heat not present- picked up my bow and slipped my quiver on my shoulder. I followed Simon out of the cabin. We banged on the door of Hephaestus’ cabin. Leo Valdez –early riser- answered.
-We need to go to Alberta.
-Alright then, 10 bucks for service.
-Not funny Valdez.
-Not joking, Grey.
-Alright, alright. He said. He used the teleporter to get us to the parking lot of a tanning salon.
-Where’d he park? I asked.
-Geez, I wonder. Hey, it might be that overly priced not-available-in-America Italian Sports car over there. Simon said. I hit him in the arm. I followed him to the car.
-Should we change it? I asked.
-Definitely, no clue how to drive that, look at it. He said pointing through the windows at the panel.
-Into what?
-How about a blue Ford Anglia? He suggested.
-Stop it with the Harry Potter references.
-Common, please?
-Well it doesn’t matter what you think, I’ve got the keys. He said. He pushed the panic button on and there you go: flying blue ford Anglia, driver’s side on the right and everything.
-You suck. I said climbing into shotgun.
-I get that a lot. He said starting the car. We took off.
Simon’s got brown hair that’s a little too long but he refuses to cut it. His girlfriend in New York apparently loves it (Jenifer think she might’ve gotten hit by a bus but we’re not sure what’s wrong with her for dating Simon). He has blue eyes which is one of those stereotypes we’re stuck with but can’t shake off. Sometimes someone will wear contact lenses but we’re always blue-eyes.
Simon’s an incredible pianist and he composes. But he doesn’t stop at piano, he can also play the flute, piccolo, violin and trumpet. But he sustains he can’t sing. He smiles most of the time.
-Simon, we’re way too high. I thought you’d done this before. I said, annoyed.
-Gods, talk about a backseat driver. He said even more annoyed.
-I’m in shotgun technically. I protested.
We were over North Dakota now. A bolt of silver nearly ran into us, and would’ve if Simon wouldn’t have braked in the exact moment he did. He stuck his head out the window.
-Watch it! He yelled. The sled pulled up besides us. It was silver and pulled by deer, I groaned when I saw it.
-We get priority at this altitude, buddy! Thalia said.
-I told you we were flying too high. I said.
-Shush Sia, don’t talk to them or look them in the eyes. Simon said.
-We much rather talk to her. The blonde hunter said.
-Sorry guys, my brother, he can’t drive. I’ll watch him. I said, as the window rolled up. I didn’t feel like dealing with the hunters.
-How am I supposed to know what altitude it is? Simon grumbled, stepping on it.
-You look at the control panel. I suggested.
-So? It’s not their altitude.
-Yeah it is, look at the little silver arrow on the…
-Oh you shut up. Simon pouted. He put up the music to a good station, but seeing as we moved it was hard to keep a channel for more than an hour.
-I never said I liked having the hunters flying around. I said to break the silence.
-I realised that after the mid-air fight. I blushed.
-That Phoebe chick started it! And Thalia wasn’t there.
-We still got in trouble.
-Nobody got hurt!
-Thanks to Aunt A. Simon said.
-Shut up. I pouted. But now we were tied up and we could go back to laughing around.
You’d think driving the sun chariot would get boring after a while. It doesn’t.
Between fighting with Simon, looking at the valleys, cities and everything else passing below us- nicest view in the world I swear- and waving to planes (which we’re not technically allowed to do, but we were hoping dad and Zeus weren’t paying attention), it was fun.
At some point the song was “here comes the sun” and we just burst out laughing. Eventually we calmed down enough to sing along.
“Here comes the sun (du dn du du)
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's alright”
Finally we got to NYC. It’s as far as Zeus lets us travel (he doesn’t trust us). We landed in the parking lot of a tanning salon (again).
-Where do we leave the car again?
-The spot over there. I said. We parked at the spot near the dumpsters and got out.
-Better turn it back to an Italian sports car. I said.
-You’re right. You know any Italian sports cars?
-No, why would I?
-Excuse me. Someone said. I spun around gripping my bow and resisting the instinct to raise it. Simon pressed the tip down.
A police officer was walking towards us.
-Oh Styx. Simon mumbled.
-Yes officer? He asked.
-Your vehicle is illegal. He said.
-What? Simon asked.
-The driver’s car is on the right. I said with an inner slam on the forehead.
-Correct, do you have a licence for that vehicle?
-Umm, yes. Simon said. I stared at him. He took his wallet out and handed the officer his licence, he snapped his fingers and the sharp, distinct sound echoed in my ears
-This is just a driver’s licence. But at least you have one. He offered.
-Oh, sorry, it’s in the glove compartment, Sia common.
-Keys please. The officer said. Simon handed them with that “oh now I’m dead” look. I followed him.
-Stupid blue ford Anglia! I muttered at him.
-What now?
-I have no idea, this never happened!
-I’ll check, the car is magic. Simon said.
-He has something around his neck. I said.
-Fantastic. Simon said.
-It’s a leather cord.
-Quite starring at the cop’s neck! Simon said.
-He’s crazy buff…
-Or his arms…
-His eyes… Simon, I think he’s a child of Ares. I said.
-What? He said.
-Well, look at him! I said.
-You want to test that theory? Simon asked.
-Actually, yes. I said.
-Oh, gods, Sia…
-Better idea, genius?
-Then bye. I went back to see the cop.
-Umm, I’m Sia Trian, he’s my half-brother Simon Grey, and we’re children of Apollo, and Sim’s a Harry Potter geek so he wanted to change the car into the one from the book and it went with the England thing too. I said. And that sounded like a horrible explanation.
-At least you said so. He sighed. Marcus Trench, son of Ares.
-Oh yes! I was so hoping I had it right! I’m Sia, the idiot’s Simon.
-I heard that! I have ears you know. Simon said, shutting the car door.
-Yeah, I know, perfect pitch, me too go figure. I said. Marcus Drudge handed Simon the keys.
-Try to keep your dad’s car in legal vehicles.
-Will do, sir. Simon said. He clicked a button and the car switched back to the car it’d been before.
-Thanks. I said.
-Welcome kid. He said walking back to the police car he’d come out from. I hit Simon as soon as the cops were gone.
-Owe, what was that for?
-You know what that was for! I said. It was a streak of friggin luck he was a son of Ares, Simon!
-But he was, relax, breathe air. I’ll get some cash for the taxi from the car, and leave the keys on the tire, and nobody will ever know!
We took a taxi all the way to the camp, convinced the driver to leave us in the middle of nowhere in the dead of the night, and hiked back the hill after Simon paid him.
We crept in the cabin and I crashed as soon as my head touched my pillow.

*I changed the pick because it really wasn't Simon it was Bobby and i couldn't shake the image out of my head. So picture the new guy younger and happier
last edited over a year ago
^I like action!  

Thank you guys, this is a short one, but if I made it any longer it wouldn't mak
over a year ago redhawks said…
Wow! That was amazing! Love love loved it! I love how Sia is a child of Apollo. I like that idea. Also I love the Flying Blue Ford Anglia! Nice thouch with the son of Ares.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
ahhhh i loved it!!!! great chapter!! can't wait for more!
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
i thought that was bobby!?!? i love it so far. hope to see more of lee and alex
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
... hi... cant post mush...
love it!
also love ron weasley!\ fave character ever!!!
wait... Hecate love your writeing... born with true talent
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
I'm feeling kinda poetic right now; so here's my poem about this chappie:
Ahhh!!! It was so flippin fantabulous!!!!
Holy Zeus, that was wonderful!!!
Magnificent, bravo, woohoo, three cheers!!
Absolutely awesome!!!
Zainy, that was very zainy, zainys good right?
I luh-ved it, can't wait until the next chappie!!
Nicely written, well done!!
Great, ah-mazing, and all of the above!!!

Yep, it spells ah-mazing!!! Haha, well, I can't wait until Wednesday!!! Keep on writing:))
over a year ago partypony said…
That was amazing!
Lolz I love the car (very creative) and Sia and Simon and everything else!
over a year ago HecateA said…

Sorry I'm late, internet connection is :P

@sugarcubes28 - It was, but I had no better picture but since I couldn't get the mental pic out, I decided to change it. Picture that guy wiht a cocky smile and younger.
@Nico - *stands up and claps*
@partypony - The flying blue Ford Anglia is an HP referance, not mine.

Little adds of the weak:
I just had the worst snow day ever.


Check it out guys! I'm very ecstatic, thanks to everyone who had a part in this!

I'm posting a new fanfiction on Friday, the Rebel Soldier, on the same forum as "The Son of Neptune"

Anybody got a guess for the theme the chapter names have? It has something to do with Sia's character.

And while I'm saying this: funny story. Last week, 11 at night I bolt up in my bed and say "Songbird!" That's what I should have called this fic! but I'm buying into the name really well, and it got nominated for most original name at the fanfic awards so I'm guessing you guys like it too, so it's all good.

All I Have to do is Dream

You know what’s odd? Since I’m little I’ve had dreams. Odd dreams, not the kind of things Gwen or Tina dream. They don’t show the present or just torture me, they tell me something. The summer before the last I saw visions of the gods fighting the first Titan war- which was before even my dad was born for once, when I was kidnapped I saw visions of what the Anemoi thuellai who’d did it had already done (because that helped) and when I was in a singing competition, I saw all the other performers perform, heard all their songs and realised a girl had chosen to sing my trademark song- If I die Young- and her best friend my all-time favourite- Perfect by Hedley. So last minute I changed songs (literally- Gwen took a CD, told me to sing If I die Young by the Band Perry and ran to the music room when they called on the girl before me) and that won me the title. So sometimes they help.
This one was different though. For one, everybody spoke Ancient Greek so it was a scramble to understand what they meant.
I was on a beautiful island. Vines were growing, carrying the ripest and juiciest looking fruits I’d ever seen. There was music from a well-strum lyre floating in the air. Small children were running around laughing, looking healthy and happy, with no exception. It was like a family reunion, everybody all together. I thought I might be in Elysium! (Though I pride myself not to have ever seen it- thank Apollo, all I’ve heard is rumours)
Only two people weren’t socialising.
A guy that looked freakishly like Simon, the look on his face a little more gathered and cocky, and his sister, her hair tied back in a high ponytail, her eyes silver. She was a source of gossip amongst the island’s inhabitants, probably because her chiton was just under her knee instead of past ankles. Both brother and sister carried bows and had loaded quivers on their backs.
-It is quite beautiful. She said.
-Yeah I know, the blonde girl over there is cute. Her brother approved.
-Oh Zeus, you’re such an idiot! I’m talking about the island in general. The one that’s about to be destroyed !
-Oh. Yeah, nice place.
-Stop starring at the girls, Apollo, this is serious! Besides, they are all rude and snobbish, yet I still sustain the fact that no girl has ever done something so wrong to deserve you.
I realised I was watching my dad and Aunt Artemis. It was weird seeing them in Ancient Greek clothing, and the same age too. Aunt Artemis as a teenager… Creepy…
-Yes, I’m focused. Still don’t get why you want to save this one. A whole lot of other places are destroyed.
-Yes but there is something about this island. Look at it! She said. A guy walked past, he stopped, looked at Artemis and flexed his muscles for her. Her eyes flared and he spontaneously combusted.
-‘Mis! Apollo reproached.
-He wanted to get to know me. I bet he knows I’m Artemis now. Aunt A said.
-Bet Hades knows what happened to him too. Apollo muttered, but he didn’t argue too much. A little boy ran between them, a girl chasing him. A few feet away she tripped and cried as her knee scratched the ground.
Artemis strode up to her, swift and graceful, and knelt by her.
-Where are you hurt? She asked kindly. The child whimpered and pointed to her knee. Artemis put her hand on it and when she took it off, it was good as new.
Artemis picked her up and put her to her feet. The girl hugged her leg (which was all she could reach) before running back off.
-Sis, you’re a natural with kids! Apollo said walking up to her.
-Don’t go there. How can we convince father to spare this land? The people on it can be taught manners and humility. Those two children they could become wonderful and great people! Artemis said.
-Do I look like Athena to you? Thunder rumbled. Athena’d heard that.
-We could ask her. Artemis suggested.
-Brilliant, out of here. Apollo said. He poofed away.
-So lazy… She said before imitating him.

I woke up and sat up straight, hitting my head on the bunk. I chocked back a swear word. Alright: obviously the past. Why? I untied my hair and passed a hand through it, fingers sprawled out like a comb. Why? What? I plopped back down. I felt like putting on some music but my IPod was in my coat pocket and I’d wake someone up getting it (light sleepers- you wouldn’t believe how sensible some of our ears were). Dang…
I put my head back to my pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep, passing through the words of ‘Perfect’ through my head.

Now it was at the singing competition- the very one where someone’d nicked my song. I was backstage pacing back and forth nervously. I was wearing skinny jeans and high boots, like I always do to hide my prosthetic leg- you wouldn’t believe the looks I got, and it wasn’t an accident I could exactly explain to mortals. I had a white shirt with thin, horizontal black stripes and a grey, longish, jacket over. My hair was swooped in a ponytail over my shoulder and I paced back and forth nervously. Gwen appeared.
-Si! That chick’s singing “Perfect”!
-I know! I can’t sing it now!
-What else do you sing? Gwen asked.
-My mind’s a blank Gwen, I hadn’t planned anything else! This is top 6, I can’t lose it now! I said. Gwen took my IPod- which I’d trusted her with- from her pocket and scrolled through he playlist. She showed me the screen.
-I got it; Sing this. Gwen said.
-No way! I couldn’t sing that.
-You’ve listened to this song 120 times over the past week you have it graved in your memory admit it. She said. I couldn’t lie to her brown eyes.
-Gwen I can’t sing this in public. I said.
-She’s hitting the final lines of Perfect, I’ll run to the music room, get them to play that and you sing it and win the prize we both know you can get.
-Gwen! But Gwen was already long gone. A tech guy brought me the mic.
-She’s done in in less than 30 seconds. Julio’s going to talk to her a bit, they’ve got a short intro like they always do and while you get off they’ll project pictures. Then the music will start and you go for it. He said.
-Alright. I said trying to calm myself, the way Maggie Jean’s always gotten me to.
-‘Luck. I’m betting on you. He said.
-Thanks. I said as the guy walked away. I hummed a quick warm up that was conveniently a prayer to Apollo. The girl ended, the crowd clapped loudly.
-Audrey Selmer everyone! Alright Audrey, get over here. Nice performance, but before you get to go offstage until the crowning of the victor, can I just get to know why you changed from your usual style to “Perfect”?
To nick my song, she knew I was singing it. I thought.
-Umm, you know I just went on a hunch, Julio. I felt like trying something new and I think I pulled it off. She said smiling.
No she didn’t. Audrey Selmer didn’t have the voice or energy in her to pull off a song like that. She stuck to quiet songs. Perfect was so much more…
-You did, congrats and good luck.
-Thank you. She said. And after she was ushered offstage by the host – Julio Semone- he hushed up the crowd.
-Our next contestant for the 2010 Massachusetts Vocals is from the tea party town where we brought you the top 10. Immediately some people cheered.
-So most of you know who she is but let me finish my line, I worked hard on it. 14 years old, she’s a singer and songwriter. She can play guitar and the piano but her voice is what we’re looking into right now. She’s got the whole package we’re just waiting for a recording deal for her that should not take too long at this stage. Singing Hedley’s “Perfect”, one of the biggest talents Boston’s got to offer, Sia Trian! He said.
I walked offstage to perform in front of the biggest crowd I’d ever sung in front of, my fingers holding onto the mic.
Don’t drop it, Trian. I told myself. I positioned myself in centre stage, where I wanted to be and waited for the music. Had Gwen made it to the other end of the building on time? Probably not. Oh no… Well, if I could do this song better than Audrey, I could still get points but the judges wouldn’t be impressed, or the audience or anyone. For all things good, please let Gwen make it…
The music turned on and I nearly screamed because it was soft guitar strums. Yes!
- If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
oh oh oh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother
She'll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

And I kept it together, I sang with everything I had and when it ended the crowd roared. I couldn’t keep it together, I felt my eyes water up.
I looked at the first row and I found my mother’s eyes. She must’ve started crying at “I’ll shine down on my mother”. I looked at her and she nodded. She mouthed something that I instantly knew as; “You’re my Songbird and you always will be”

-Wow. Oh my, wow. Sia come here. Julio said. He gave me a hug and I had to hug him back.
-So Sia, last minute change of song, here. “If I Die Young” by “The Band Perry”, right?
-Yeah. I said.
-Alright, so obviously a sad song but why is it this one that makes you cry? Julio asked.
-Umm… I thought about what I was saying as Julio hushed the crowd for my answer (16 year old TV host vs. crowd of over 5 000, it took a while)
-Let’s just say it hits close to home. I’m crying, my mom’s crying, my friend’s probably backstage close to crying... I said.
-Aww… Ms. T, you proud of your kid? He asked finding my mom in the first row (how, I had no idea we look positively nothing alike, people think I’m adopted). She thumbs upped.
-Does it strike close to home? Thumbs up again.
-Sia, why this song then? Why sing it? What is it about this song?
-Umm… Because its simple truth right there. Nobody deserves a short life and if I’ll have one I… I choked up and Julio patted my shoulder.
-Great job Sia that made everybody want to curl up in a ball, make some noise if you’re about to or crying. Julio said. Much noise.
-Make some noise for Sia Trian amazing solo! More noise as I smiled and walked offstage. Backstage I got locked in Gwen’s arms and we both cried; happy, sad, because we knew the song could apply to us any second, I don’t know. But it felt good to have 2 people in the building who knew why this song hit close to home and one that actually understood how horrible it was to be looking over your shoulder on bad days.
-Thanks Gwen, for making me switch. I said.
-What are friends for, Si? You help me out in music class and give me a place to sit at lunch; I help you win State’s music awards. She said. I laughed and she dried my tears.
-Common, there’s a room they want us to sit the last presentation through before the announcement.
The last was a guy called Matthew Nursegham who sung “Welcome to my Life” by Simple Plan. He and Audrey were going to be my biggest competition. I decided. Matthew for talent, and Audrey for her ego –excuse me- confidence. While the judges decided on a winner, we waited in agonising silence in the room they’d chosen for us and listened to the music they put on while waiting. Everyone had brought a friend backstage, Gwen sat beside me and drummed on her thigh, couldn’t stand still.
-Will you shut up? Audrey snapped at me.
-What? I asked.
Audrey had brown hair curling slightly that fell to her mid back and a superior look to her. Her eyes were chocolate red but cold as chocolate ice cream. She was 16 and she wore gladiator sandals, a black dress, a brown leather jacket with elbow-length sleeves and golden necklaces and bracelets.-You’re singing along with the music. Adrian said.
-Really? Sorry, it’s a nervous habit, I don’t realise I do it. I said
-Sure. She rolled her eyes.
-It’s true! Gwen said.
-No Audrey, it is. The punk girl called May- with pink strands in her black hair, freckles on her nose, a lot of eyeliner; the one who’d sung “Sk8er boi” said. Audrey rolled her eyes but turned on May and I. I shot her a thank you look.
-Well, we’re all singers here. I don’t see why we aren’t singing. Matthew said. Someone came to get us.
-We want you all onstage holding hands while the judges make their statements. They’ve all got 2 of you to talk to about. Let’s go people. We got up and filed onstage and the crowd cheered. Julio was on a corner holding an envelope getting his hair fixed before we were back on live TV. The crew pulled back.
-And we are back with the Massachusetts vocals 2010! I’ve got here in this envelope the overall winner! We have 6 extremely talented people. Audrey Selmer, Matthew Nursegham, May Hilton, Sia Trian, Bradley Dell and Adrian Edelman. Before we read let’s go talk to our judges. Julio said.
The camera turned towards the judges.
-This is Eddy Joel, artist, Eddy your turn. Julio said.
-Alright. May, I’ll start with you. Your energy and aura for this style is amazing and it’s a hard style to pull off, great job on that. May muttered a thanks nobody heard as the crowd clapped.
-Adrian, soft guy, sweet song, I think about 100 girls in the audience passed out thinking “Just the Way you are” was for them. The crowd laughed.
-You’ve got 100% going for you, but I think you need some more confidence in yourself to really show the crowd what I know you’re made out of. Good luck to everyone; I was amazed by the talent in here. Eddy said. The crowd cheered Eddy or booed at his statement.
-Alright, thank you Eddy. Moving on to Jessie Kael casting director for this show. Cheering because ea crowd just can’t keep quiet.
-Hey guys. Alright Matthew I’ll start with you. So “Welcome to my life”, full of energy and if you’re singing this song you’ve got a lot to say, true? Matthew nodded.
-And I knew. I’m not asking you to share here, but you put the soul in the song, you hit the energy level square and the crowd here went wild. The crowd approved by cheering.
-Bradley, you sung “Thunder” from Boys like girls, am I right? Yes I am, what a sweet song, I’m still wondering who the thunder is. I could see the girl in your eyes, the memories, how your eyes shone. You picked a perfect song for who you are. The only thing I wish I’d have seen was a tad more volume, but all in all, excellent. You were all amazing. The crowd cheered.
-Next up we have Lina Harrow, producer for Hot Red Records. Julio said. Take it away Lina.
-Thank you Julio. Guys wow… Wow, wow, wow… Audrey let’s start with you. The crowd cheered and Audrey smiled.
-Audrey I got to meet you backstage and I’ve heard a lot of you, I YouTube’d you before getting here and you’re really confident, always head up, always knows what you can do. So you’ve always had a sweet, soft, melodious voice. So I don’t understand why you wrecked your chances by singing a song that your voice style cannot pull off at all. Audrey frowned.
-I’m sorry but you know your limits and I think you really hurt your performance. This wasn’t being daring or trying something this was just a bad choice. The wrapping was nice but the box was empty. Next year, because I know you’ll get back here again, go for something more in your league. Lina said.
The crowd was a mix of booing Lina and approving her statement.
Ouch, harsh. Well it wasn’t like it wasn’t true, and I knew Lina could tell why the song had been sung and by the reaction- so could a lot of the crowd.
-Sia… Sia Trian, Sia Trian… The crowd cheered right then.
-I nearly did not vote for you because it is your fault that my mascara was running. She said. I smiled.
-This song came from your soul, I don’t know where exactly, but it’s from somewhere in your soul and that’s how you know that’s the right song. Your voice is just so unique. I can’t describe it and it’d take someone with damn talent to do it. Last minute change from “Perfect”, and I didn’t think you could create that effect with a song other than that one, but I’ve obviously need to keep a closer eye on you from now on. You and I- we’ll talk later. She said. I smiled bright and the crowd cheered some more.
-Alright, thank you judges. You’ve all come down to a final decision for one winner overall. Julio said.
-Contestants, good luck. He said. We took it as a cue to hold hands. Julio opened the envelope.
-And the winner of the 2010 Massachusetts Vocals is… He glanced down at the sheet of paper.
-Sia Trian! The crowd went wild and I had to put a hand to my mouth. I was smiling like those kids on the posters a dentist has in its office. May hugged me and so did the others and I smiled and thanked them for the congratulations and complimented them until Julio called me over for my prize.
That was the best night of my life.

Listed songs and youtubbe links (no swearing and the videos are ok I checked)

If I die young: link
Perfect: link
Sk8er boi: link
Welcome to my life: link
Just the Way you are: link
Thunder: link

*Gwendolyn Miles (imagine her hair black)

Sorry I'm late, internet connection is :P

@sugarcubes28 - It was, but I had no better pic
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! i luved it!!!!! i knew all those songs too!
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
omg so amazing
over a year ago partypony said…
Amazing as always.
I like the Apollo and Artemis bit. Apollo still immature (duh), and Artemis still the guy-hater (obviously).
And yeah I know the car was in HP, I just didn't expect it to be in this fanfic (and to be used like this. So similar).


Yay Sia won! She does have an amazing voice (not that I have heard her sing).

That's pretty much what I have to say.
over a year ago redhawks said…
Wow! I loved it! Go Sia! Whoooo
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
big smile
Amazing!!! Can't wait until the next time!!!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Ohmeegosh!! That's was soohh good!! My commentary:

1.) I loved the whole Artemis Apollo scene, really really good:)
2.) congratulations sia!!
3.) that's was such a fantabulous chappie
4.) ah-mazing:)
5.) I have if I die young stuck in my head now
6.) I luh-ved it, and can't wait till next Wednesday:)))

Oh, and thank u haha, I'm not really a very poetic person, but thanks;)
over a year ago Idunn said…
Loved it!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
So amazingly awesome!!! Sucha sad song..
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
omg, I LOVED the song if i die young........
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
i personly <333 "sk8er boi" so good, just like ya chappie!!!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Ohemgee!! I think I might have figured it the chappie names it parts if songs? Yah no, daughter of Apollo, singer, the last SONG was perfect? I dunno I may be way off, but I thought that I should at least guess:)

Can't wait until Wednesday<33
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
I love this story!... Sia is soooo cool!
I love children of Apollo!
YOU KNOW THE SONG IF I DIE YOUNG??!!... I thought i was the only one who knew about it!
Love that song!... love the fact that she sings it!
I cant wait till your next post!
over a year ago HecateA said…

I listened to the song "If I Die Young" like 30 times on Youtubbe during a PD day. I had that song in my head for so long it was horible, and I sing really badly so I always feel guilty about singing it. It's not one of those songs everybody sings and its cool- I leave it to people with at least some talent.

I'm glad you like Sia! I was a little scared, with the switch from Lee... (I love Lee and Sia!)

And so we get this straight, in my head its pronounced s-ee-a, not s-eye-a if anybody has it that way.

And Nico won! The chapter names are all song titles or lyrics or whatever. Yeay! I O U a prop! Congrats, and they are all song names!

Get to Sleep

When I woke up for real the next morning, Will, Adam and Tina were gone. I rubbed my eyes as my siblings woke up.
-Where did Adam, Ti and Will go? Valerie asked.
-I dunno. Taylor shrugged. We got ready for breakfast, like we always did. Maybe they weren’t feeling well and went to the infirmary.
Half-way through the meal they joined us, the three of them looked about ready to pass out.
-Where were you? Jenifer asked. Tina, Adam and Will crossed glances.
-You guys won’t tell, right? Valerie asked. We told them we wouldn’t and they made us swear on the Styx. Some secret.
-At like, 1 in the morning, Rachel started spazing out and we don’t know why. We don’t know why but she wasn’t even awake. Chiron tried to treat her but it didn’t work; he called us but we couldn’t do anything. 2 hours later she stopped and we’ve been watching her since. Will said.
-She kept “again, again, must warn them, again.” Adam said.
-What’s going to happen again? Austin asked.
-We don’t know. Will said.
-Another war? Kayla asked.
-Oh gods, please no. I said.
-Anything the oracle of Delphi has ever predicted. Tina said.
-So pretty much anything. Taylor summed up.
-Yeah. Will confirmed.
-What was it? Was it a prophecy in her sleep?
-There was none of the smoke, no voice change, nothing. Adam said. She was just screaming and spazing in her sleep.
-So it’s like a dream? I said.
-That’s what Chiron, Annabeth and we were thinking. If you look over there some of Hypnos and Morpheus’ kids aren’t there. Like a synchronised machine we all looked at the two tables. I saw 3 of Hypnos’ kids were sleeping on their plates and the other was wide-awake with too much energy as usual.
Morpheus’ kids had that long-lost look on their faces and the Stolls were taking turns to go up to one of them and poking them to see what’d happened. Eventually one turned around, raised a palm at them- fingers sprawled out- and they froze and got that same dazed look- daydreaming.
The 3 eldest of each were gone.
-Can Mr D help? Jenifer asked.
-He wasn’t here last night; he was at a wine opening in either Australia or Canada. Will said.
-How can you mix the two up? Valerie said. Will made a face. His eyes were red and puffy and seemed to weigh a ton. Tina wasn’t better, and Adam’s eyes were half closed and his head tilted.
-You guys looked exhausted. Kayla said.
-You should go rest. You can miss first activity. Austin said.
-Nah its archery. Tina said.
-We can switch with Athena; they probably won’t mind having archery today if we take theirs tomorrow. Jen said recalling the range’s schedule (she memorises it).
Will, Tina and Adam agreed. Kayla went to talk to Annabeth (who was here because her school’d had a problem in the building’s ventilation system and they had had to dessert it for a while). Kayla came telling us Annabeth had agreed and we were off to the sword arena.

Now what you have to understand is that we all rather be archers then hoplites in a battle, meaning none of us enjoy sword practice with Percy. Jen was excused, she was archery teacher and that was where cabin 6 was.
Percy’s eyes were worried and he seemed preoccupied. Probably because of Rachel, Annabeth had probably told him. She was his friend after all.
-Sia keep your guard up, Simon’ll nail you one of these days. Percy said. He wore a few pieces of armour over his camp clothes, which I supposed was all he needed.
-That day will come soon. He said.
-You wish. I said blocking his attempted strike.
-That’s it Sia. Percy encouraged. The more pressure Simon put on my blade the more I felt my arms shake. Simon smirked his cocky “you gotta love me” smile. That annoyed me so much it’s not even funny. A burst of strength ran through me and I pushed back. He tripped and as he regained his balance I knocked the sword out of his hand. He fell anyways and I got my sword on his neck. I stood there panting thinking “Styx how’d I do that?”
-Not bad, sis. Simon said.
-Not bad? Sia that’s the best you’ve ever done! Percy said. I pulled my helmet off and whisked the bangs out of my eyes.
-Thanks. I said.
-Simon, better get at it if your little sis’ beating you. Percy teased. Simon bumped my shoulder with his arm.
-So you’ve been practising in your mom’s backyard? He asked.
-No, you’ve just gotten worst. I said. He hit me in the arm and I hit him back.
Simon was my closest brother. He was incredibly cocky and annoying, but could still read me like he reads music sheets. I knew him since I was a little kid.
I sat on the benches at the sidelines and Percy’s voice brought me back to reality.
-Kayla focus on your opponents!
We watched pair after pair fight, Percy giving constructive criticism.
Next we had Ancient Greek where Annabeth and Will, Tina and Adam caught up with us.
Cabin 14 and 12 had joined us. Alex Budding (still on crutches from his accident- he’d snapped a knee or something but he was nearly able to walk on it), Pollux Freed and surprisingly Lee Munroe.
I didn’t know why she was at Camp; she’d gotten here the same day as Tina, Gwen and I apparently.
Something bad must’ve happened, her eyebrows were drawn together and her teeth sunk in her lip. Her eyes were red from sleep loss, filled with worry and looking down, and her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, covered by her baseball cap. There was a bump in the fabric of her T-shirt, around her waist, that I figured had to be the whip she carried around. I noticed something on her camp necklace, it was a bronze charm shaped like a goaltender’s hockey stick (Adam would be so proud I remembered that). She looked like she always did, but something was worrying her.
I think Alex noticed it because he elbowed her slightly and I could tell he was doing the calming-people-down thing children of Dionysus do. She looked up at him thankful. He nodded but worried about her. Gods Lee, open your eyes!

Our teacher- Annabeth (duh) had that same worried look as Percy as she went through the god names in Ancient Greek for the millionth time.
The day went on as usual. At our free-period, we hit the archery range except for Adam and Tina who went to check on Rachel and Taylor who’d gone to paint. I wanted to go practise my solo again even without Simon, but I figured I might as well train while I could. We were shooting straight into targets, while the Aphrodite girls sat on the sidelines and looked at Simon like he was hot (delusional Aphrodite girls) and the Ares cabin called us show-offs with good aim. Jenifer showed them good aim when one of her blue-tailed arrows ran right through the top of one guy’s cap. Will broke it up thank gods.
Two Eris girls came by. They insisted they’d lost a contact lens somewhere in the range and insisted we hold fire why they looked, in case we missed the target (I heard Jenifer’s teeth grind together and I was at the other end of the range-incredibly creepy).
-Right now you two are the targets, get the Hades out of here, and I know neither of you wear contacts. Will said to the eldest, Patricia Chiotac, head of cabin. His voice was angry, like he only gets when you mess with either his university books or the range.
-It’s near here I know it, and Kelsey does! Patricia said. And arrow zoomed through the air and hit her in the side.
-Bull’s-eye! Jenifer cheered.
-Owe! That hurt!
-See that’s because of the tip. You’re lucky that one is only semi-pointy. Will said.
-Now get the Styx Hades out of here. Austin finished.
They did.
10 minutes later it started smelling really bad. Like a time a squirrel had died in my mom’s attic after sneaking in through the window.
-What is that? Jenifer asked pinching her nose.
-Clarisse must be nearby. Simon said.
-No seriously. Jen said. I recognised the smell.
-Aw dang! The Patricia kid planted a stink bomb behind the target! Will said. I was brave (Simon calls it stupid) enough to go check it out. An empty washed out peanut butter jar filled with smoke, connected by a plastic tube to a filter was duct-taped with an industrial quantity of that stuff to the back of a target. How had they managed to
a) Make it
b) Duct tape it there without anyone noticing?

-It’s a stink bomb. I said. Other campers were noticing the smell.
-That’s nasty! Kayla grimaced.
-How do you shut it off? Tina asked.
-I don’t know.
-What if you shoot it?
-No do not shoot it.
Most of the cabin was behind me now, starring at it.
-They had one like this in Boreas the other day, Laurel told me. Tina recalled.
-Really? What did they do with it? Valerie asked.
-The temperature dropped and something inside it froze and cracked. She said. The thing was seriously stinking now, and it was starting to give me a headache.
-Well unless we can heat it to its own destruction I don’t think we… Will started.
But we all fainted that exact second.

*Sia's bow if you care

I listened to the song "If I Die Young" like 30 times on Youtubbe during a PD day.  I had th
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
Amazing job as usual Hecate.
I forgot to comment on the last chapter, so sorry!

Awesome looking bow ^_^
And that was awesome... I'm speechless (kinda)...
I don't really have anything else to say now... so yeah...
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
I totes totes totes toootesssss love itt!!!!!! i kinda thought that theyed use a more traditional wood bow, not a crazy machine gun bow. [yeah, machine gun]