The Heroes of Olympus : The final battle

Riptide11 posted on Feb 02, 2011 at 12:33AM
if anyone still reads this i'm really sorry about not being on fanpop for a while but i just wasn't feeling it with this forum. i felt like it wasn't good enough so i've been practicing on a book this whole time. im gonna start a new forum much better and different.
And if people really don't like my writing ive gotten better.

last edited on Aug 27, 2011 at 09:27PM

The Heroes of Olympus 67 replies

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over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Sounds awesome!! Can't wait to read it!!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Thanks Aphrodite just need two more and I can start
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Hey Ripetide, i chatted with Red and she said it's cool as long as you credit her and her characters. so just one more
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
^Red's a she.

Can I know which character and to what extent? Contact me via wall please because I will forget this :P (my memory...)
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Chapter 1

Jason's POV

-Wake up
-C'mon Jason WAKE UP!
-Ok i thought u'd want to see who's coming back today, but I guess not. said Sally
-Fine Sally but next time dont try this. I said
I changed my clothes and walked outside. Everyone was crouded around two people. One was Hazel, the other was a guy and they were hugging. The guy looked so familiar. Then it hit me.
-No way
I ran in the circle pushing and shoving.At that second I felt like crying
- Hey bro. said my long lost half brother with a sly cocky smile


Percy's POV

Having dreams and being a demigod to me is like fighting a drakon bear handed. Gae was in front of me.
- What do you want. I said
- Be calm young hero and also be ready
- For what?
- I have a surprise waiting for you when you arrive at greece if u survive the way to my position.
- Get out of my dreams
- hurry hero time is ticking
I woke up to Tyson looking down at me.
- Percy had a nightmare? said Tyson
- Yeah tyson, Do you now what time it is.
- 5:00 A.M.
- Im gonna go to the beach.
I put on some jeans and walked over to the beach. I really dont do anything at the beach but think. I started skipping stones and I saw a figure rising up in the water.
- Please dont be bad. I said
A hippocampi came on the top of the surface.
- Come along my lord. said the hippocampi
I dived in the water and folled the hippocampi it lead me to this castle that i recognized as my dads's place. The hippocampi led me through a window iinto the throne room. It looked like my dad got a new throne room because the place looked awsome. It was as big as a college football field. He had flags leading on each side that were hungup that i guess was the previous places the gods moved to. He had statues that were on each side to that were beautiful but the biggest attraction was a new statue in the middle. It was a statue of a guy with a celestial bronze sword and a Camp Half-Blood t shirt. He was controlling water. It was me
- Percy i see that you've seen the biggest attraction. said Poseidon.
- Thanks dad
- Percy I need to tell u something really impotant. It involves the giants

Poseidon's throne
Chapter 1

Jason's POV

-Wake up
-C'mon Jason WAKE UP!
-Ok i thought u'd want to s
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Sorry that its short
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Interesting Start, you grabbed my attention i think this story is good and can't wait for the next chapter
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Damn you got told, btw i was wondering Riptide when do you post like everyday, every friday, every other day, what is it? thanks get back to me
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Aphrodite i post on wendsdays for now on after this Chapter

Chapter 2

Jason's Pov

I was so shocked I was about to faint. You see Sean is my half brother son of Jupiter. In the Titan war he was fighting along side us then when it was over no one could find him. I searched for miles on the battle ground. By then everyone lost hope except for me and Hazel(his girl friend).I tried not to think about the possible things that could have happened to him but sometimes at night i missed him even though I now had Thalia. Now that he was back I couldn''t interpret what i was seeing.The only thing that I could think about saying was.
I ran up to him and hugged him tight and even a little tear came ou tof my eye. As we broke apart our hug he started saying where he'd been. Apparently he'd been drawn to the oracle Teresa. She told him A prophecy that was. After she said the prophecy she fainted and Sean brought her to the infirmary then headed out

Seven halfbloods should answer the call
To storm or fire, the world should fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the Door of Death

That was the phrophecy given to The greek camp i thought.
- I wanted to get out of camp to find these 7 and then find out the evil in the prophecy but didn't find anything but that it has to do with terra.
- Oh we really need to fill you in on whats happening here.
Me and Sean headed to his cabin though Hazel didn't seem to happy that i had Sean all to myself. i told him the whole story starting from Me and Percy being switched to the point where he came back but cut I out some details about Piper and Reyna.
- Whoa
- Yeah whoah
- I think im not gonna talk about all that until i get the facts strait. So whats goin on at camp. We on for capture the flag
- Of course its your favorite thing at camp. Lupa announced that we were... OMG i forgot to tell Lupa.
- Im sure someone already told her any way we'll stop by to talk to her
- Im just glad your back man


Percy's Pov

- Percy the giants are undefetable unless the gods and demigods work together to defeat them im sure u found that out
- Yes i have
- good because you are going to have to call on us to defeat them
- i know father
- Percy i need to tell you something else
- Yes
- how u defeat gia as she rises you will need to know because even gods sometimes dont know what will happen
- thank you father good-bye
I was pretty strait forward with my dad because seeing him on his throne like that freaked me out. My dad all high and mighty part of the big three. I wanted to ask about Tyson because he left for the forges last summer when i really needed him but i just couldn't build up the courage to ask my father so i just waved the currents to rocket me out of the water and land on the ground i ran to my cabin and acted like i was there the whole time.
- I'll tell them on the quest. I thought

Cabins at greek camp
Aphrodite i post on wendsdays for now on after this Chapter

Chapter 2

Jason's Pov

    I was so sh
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
this one short too
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
that was good!! i cant wait till the next one!! you have me guessing about whats goingto happen!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Yea that's what keeps making me read, it's very unpredictable, but Great Chapter

P.S post every other day Plz? Unless your busy
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
i guess ill post fridays, days off,wenedsdays and thursdays
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
That was amazing, your better than me!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
this is a really good story, skipping to the end is a great idea!! OMG you used my name LOL!!!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
What the heck im in a good mood today!:)
Aphroditekid-thanks for the help on the powers for Sean and Sally

Jas55jar- thanks for the compliment

Chapter 3

Jason's Pov

The rest of the day was pretty descent, but the only thing that I was exited about was capture the flag because with Sean we could finally win again. The children of Minerva were seriosly getting on my nerves with their little schemes.
It was time to gear up. I always had my coin with me and even got a ring that turned into a sheild from the Vulcan cabin. I got it because it reminded me of Sean because he had one.
-Silence. said Lupa
Everyone in the dining pavolon was quiet.
- everyone get set for capture the flag meaning set up traps, planning, and putting on gear.she said
-Sean you ready
- yeah
- why haveyou been so queit
- What do you mean
- i know i havent seen you in awhile but im pretty sure i know you well enough that you like to joke around a lot.i said
- i've been thinking about things...
- What things
- promise you wont tell anyone. Its so important that i havent told Hazel and im not sure i should tell her
If Sean doesnt tell Hazel something its really impotant and if he's asking me to help him its even more important.
- im here for you bro
- Ok so theres something ive been holding back after the titan war i went to the underworld because i was thinking about how im sopposed to survive so long with no protection so i did something you may or may not like.
- Sean tell me you didn't do what i think you did.
- Unless its me bathing in the River Styx and bearing the curse of Achilles no i didn't.Sean said
- Sean Percy Jackson the guy i told you about before bathed in the river Styx because he was only doing that because he had to fight the TITAN lord Kronos that also had the curse not to survive in the wild.

Sean looked hurt and then made me feel bad so i said that id make sure no one would get him with a sword so that was that.

-thanks bro
-no prob now lets go kick some butt

Jason's and Sean's coins

What the heck im in a good mood today!:)
Aphroditekid-thanks for the help on the powers for Sean and
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Just like Percy, I can't wait till the 4th book of mine, ALL my fans will go crazy
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
WOW amazing that cool I LOVE PERCY haha
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
big smile
hey guys sorry but im not posting today but i will give you some information.
Reyna's part of the 7 and that means someone's gotta get kicked out or maybe not!

over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Check out my new forum Piper vs Reyna
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Really GOOD!!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Really good for u man
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Sorry guys but im gonna need to post on Saturday's only because iv'e been having some problems with my computer.

@daughter-ofzues thanks for your comments
@Aphroditekid21(Sean) thanks for your support too
This is going to be a flashback Chapter
Chapter 4

Percy's POV

I barely got any sleep last night so it was anoying to wake up in the morning.
-Wake up Seaweed brain.
- Huh what?
- We need your powers with the water filtering on the boat. said Annebeth.
- Ok wisegirl im coming.
I got dressed and was walking outside when I saw that Tyson had left a note that said that he left to go to the cyclops forges and when he came back he would help make things go BOOM.

- Tyson left again? said Annebeth
- Yeah.
- Did it say when he'd come back
- Nah he said that when he came back he'd make thing's go boom.
We both started to laugh and then walked to the boat.
I remembered when me and Jason swithced back to our home places Greek and Roman. I never got to meet the guy but i got to know his friends. I got here by Blackjack finding me and telling me of Jason and his horse Tempest. Blackjack and Tempest both agreed to returning each other to our homeplaces. That's how I got back here.

Chapter 5

Sean's POV

I was so scared that someone was going to find out about the curse.
I knew someone would probably find out and then Lupa was going to rat me out for it. Besides that everything was going great for CTF
Trivia and Pluto were working together great with the traps. Me and Jason planned out the attack. Me and Jason were gonna charge against all enemy's torward's the flag while Sally got around and took the flag. Your probably thinking " How could you send a little girl out like that" but trust me u dont know Sally. Hecate and Caleb would guard the flag with traps and if some how they still got the flag Me and Jason would be half way to they're hideout and we would intercept them.
Yeah i know overkill because of all children of the Big three on one side but never underestimate the Minerva kid's. They also had Bellona so i wasn't so happy about that.
It was finally time to start.
- Everyone it is time. said Lupa
- All preperations should have been made so it is time. On my count.
- Fight.

Sally winked at me just before we started and then me and Jason charged.
- FOR JUPITER. We both screamed at once.

Sorry guys but im gonna need to post on Saturday's only because iv'e been having some problems with m
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
big smile
For now on my chapter's will be longer

and if u want to know where i got Sean from read the child of Roma written by Aphroditekid21.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Awesome chapter!!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
that was good!! i liked it, cant wait for more!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Thanks for the credit of my character haha great chapter can't wait to see ctf
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
guy's im going to post tommorow
Sorry for the wait
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Really good!!!! Love it! Sally rocks!
( \ ( )
( |_| )
( UU )o
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
guys I decided to change this forum a little bit. But if i do I have to start from chapter one give me some advice please
its about this new kid who joins the seven
It is still the final battle but the new kid is telling the story and he is really special
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
I guess im just gonna write then.

Chapter 1
School to city!

Hey guys. My name is Jason Chasse not Grace not Chase its Chasse. I'm not going to scare you by saying:
- I didn't ask for the life of a halfblood with the training, fighting, and monsters.
And yeah I said monsters. Guess I scared you anyway. So lets cut to the chase with the story.
So I was in school like a normal person until that day. I was in 8th grade geography which was my favorite class at that point. Ancient Greece and Rome were the civilization's we were focusing on. I think I was the only person on the class that liked this subject besides these two other people named Tyler and Aundrei. Tyler was my rival. I pretty much wanted to much wanted to take him and push him into the middle of a highway. Aundrei was my best friend, but he would do wierd things once in a while. Like he would pray every time lighning came in a storm. He would curse in Latin Which I had no idea how i could understand. He was getting weirder by the second.
- Ok class its time for the test. Lets begim.
She starte dto pass out the papers> I didn't study So I was really worried, but when i looked at the questions the answers just came to me. It was a really wierd feeling. When I finished I handed it to the teacher and waited for the other students.
When the last person handed in their test something happened that changed my life. There was a weird runbling and then a sort of black wind shaped like a man morphed from Tyler. The only other feutures he had were golden eyes and it had electricity coursing through it. Then Aundrei took out a quiver of arrows and a bow. He started to shoot at the wind or whatever it was.
- Jason get behind me!
Instead of taking action like a hero would do my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. In the corner of my eye I could see Aundrei shoot one more arrow; then I passed out.
I dreamt about a dirt woman.
- hello Jason
- who are you
- I am mother earth known as Gae
- You mean Terra
- hero i need your help with...
- Ok Im hallucinating a little to much.
- listen hero i need your help
I bolted out of bed and woke up to Aundrei staring at me.
- Where am I
- Your at Fort Rome.
- whats that?
Its a place for demigods. We live and train. This is your new home.
- Very funny Aundrei seriously where am I.
- I guess I have to show you. This is the Apollo cabin. He is the god of the sun, phrophecy, music, and healing. Also twin of Diana. Ring a bell.
- Sounds familiar but that doesn't prove a thing.
- Ok remember in sixth grade when we went into a park and that guy almost lit the whole place up with a fire.
- You remember when you said that he had fangs
- yeah
- You were right.
- Then Why didn't you agree with me when the cops asked us questions.
- Because it wassn't time for you to find out about all this.
So many flashbacks ran through my head. Finally I gave in.
- Ok i believe you, but this is a lot to take in.
- I know but we have to you a sword so you can see Lupa.
- Lupa as in god of wolves.
- Yeah thats her.
- Ok lets go.
We headed to the back of the Vulcan cabin. Nothing suited me their. So Aundrei told me to choose a different cabin. For some reason I chose Pluto. We went into the storage and I spotted my weapon or should I say weapons.
They were pure black. Each of them had 3 and a half foot long blades.
- Those are the ones
- You sure
- Definitly
I took them and swung them around. They were awsome no doubt.
- Do you want to make them enchanted.
- whats that
- Its when your swords turn into other objects and then you do something to make them turn back to swords.
- cool
- I'll take that as a yes.
We went back to the Vulcan cabin and Aundrei told this kid Alex to enchant my sword.
The guy took a look and waved his had over it. He said to think of what you want it to be.
I decided to make them into a ring. In a split second the swords turned into a two black rings. Each on a different hand.
- Just flick your rist to turn them back and forth. said Alex
With that we headed to the Wolf house to see Lupa.
last edited over a year ago
I guess im just gonna write then.

Chapter 1 
School to city!

   Hey guys. My name is Jason Chasse n
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
I love the picture too.
I liked your last story but this 100% better, no offense but I like this POV!!!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
thanks Emily
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Welcome! Can't wait until you continue!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…

Chapter 2
Meeting the wolf Goddess

- You rady? said Aundrei
- Yeah im good.
- I need to tell you some things before you go in there.
- Ok.
- Keep your sword ready when you go in there and no matter what don't show fear.
- Why do I need to do those things Im just doing talk to her right?
- Just do as I say ok.
- Yeah I got it.
I walked inside the wolf house not noing what would happen. I didn't see anyone inside until something emerged from the shadows.
It was a she-wolf. It had silver eyes and her coat was a warm chocolate red. The she-wolf didn't talk but it had movements of communication life curling her lip and wiggling her ears. She sensed that I didn't understand then she morphed into a human. I've seeen enough weird things today to know that this wasn't a suprise.
- I am Lupa and your name is...
- Jason Chasse.
- No it is not.
- Yes it is.
- That is not the name your father gave you.
- what are you saying?
- Nevermind hero. Here at Fort Rome you prove yourself or you die.Then she turned back into a wolf.
I suddenly noticed the bones on the floor. Lupa pounced at me but I side stepped. She tried clawing me but I dodged. I could sense Lupa was holding back so I took advantage. I rolled under her when she pounced and tried back slashing her paw. She was to fast and easily dodged. Lupa tried something new, She waited for me to attack so I charged her.As soon as i got to her she jumped in mid air and clawed down were I was standing. I stepped backwards just in time.
- I've had enough problems today and now I'm angry!
- Let me see your strength. said Lupa
I yelled and the weirdest thing happened.
Water came from the right and splashed Lupa in the face.
Then lightning came from the sky and electricuited her.
Then the bones on the floor gathererd then turned into skeletons and attacked Lupa.
I fell to my knees and the skeletons turned back back into bones.
- No, this is impossible. NO NO NO.
- Whats wrong Lupa?
- We will dicuss this later.
- Ok.
- You are now part of the city and need a legion. Follow Aundrei and he will know what to do.
- Ok.
- One more thing Jason.
- Yes.
- Don't tell anyone what happened here not even Aundrei.
- I understand.


That was the weirdest thing that happened all day and I'm pretty sure Lupa hasn't seen someone come to this cxamp like me before.
- How did it go? said Aundrei
- It went well.
I was sure that Aundrei knew that nothing went well, but he laid off.
- Ok lets go to the Sword arena for some practice. I may be A son of Apollo but i am pretty good with swords.
- We'll see.
We sparred a couple of times and stopped so we could get on with the tour.
- You are really good. said Aundrei
- Your pretty good your self.
- Thanks.
We toured the cabins and when we headed to the dining pavolon because it was dinner. We met a guy named Sean and a girl named Sally. Sally was a daughter of Neptune and was in the second legion. Sean was a son of Jupiter and weas second in command in the first legion. They told me there was another guy named Jason and he was a son of Jupiter like him and maybe we wwould have one more in the Jupiter cabin. Sally kept asking if I had a phone so she could call her boyfriend. She said his name was Nico di Angelo a son of Hades.
Then we said good bye and continued going to the dining pavolon.
I sast on the first legion table. We didn't have time to decide what legion i would be in so I just sat with them. There was Bobby, Reyna, Aundrei, Hazel, and lastly the other Jason. They said that this girl Gwen was also coming back to camp the next day. When we gave part of our food to the gods I prayed that I new what I would find my god parent and talk to him or her about my mom or dad.
Earlier today I found out I was adopted. So I was planning to find my real parents sooner or later.
I sat back down and Lupa called me back up to announce that I was new.
- Everyone this is Jason... Chasse. He has not been claimed but he is to be respected as if he was a child of the big three.
Next it was time for the campfire.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great i love it i have a theory and ill tell you guys if its correct of whats happening to jason chasse
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
I would like to here your theory eyal 10
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I think Jason is a son of Pluto
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Um... is it possible he
A) has 3 different souls/brains that are each a son of the big 3
B) is a son of all 3
C) is a GOD!!! (cue angel music, "ahhhhh")
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Amazing Percy no not quite because he used lightning and water.
emily is cool none of those are right but the one that says that he is a god is a really good idea
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Thanks,and yeah, I don't have very possible theories. So, naturally, here's more:

A) he is a son of Kronos and therefor inheirits his sons (Poseiden, Zues, and Hades) powers.
B) is a son of Rhea and and therefor inheirits his sons(Poseiden, Zues, and Hades) powers.

Or something along those lines, but if they are right then I think A because no one really uses Rhea. But if they are wrong I try again, I know I am stubborn. He-he!

But the Roman way, oops, forgot that!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
nope none are right emily but two chapters more and then you will find out.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
What did they all have sex with one girl? idgi(i dont get it)
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
guys im gonna post maybe today
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Pls post I cant wait!!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Really sorry for the wait guys!

Chapter 5

Everyone gathered around the campfire and we sang some songs. I didn't thin singing songs in such a happy way would be the Roman like thing to do. While we sang a lot of people were staring above my head. I guess Aundrei saw my confusion so he told me that a sign was supposed to appear above my head. I stared above my head and waited. Then a flickering image of a trident showed above my head.
- All hail Jason Chasse son of Neptune god of the sea.
Everyone bowed. I could see that they were all fed up with getting children of the big three. Aundrei told me that
something really big was happening and seven halfbloods were involved and every time a child of the big three comes its a debate who should go. Right now the seven are Jason Grace, Gwen Jacobs,Sean, Percy Jackson, Leo, Piper Mclean, and Annebeth Chase. I wondered if they hated me for being a big three child.
Everyone stared at me.I just stood there doing nothing.
- Lets see some what you got mr. tough guy.
It took me some moments to realize that he was telling me to show my powers. I felt a tug in my gut but this time a really big one.
Then a black wave with electricity formed behind me.
- What the hell? said the kid who asked me the question.
I finally caught on. I understood why Lupa was freaking out at the wolf house.
Everyone started to gather to one side if the campfire and me and Aundrei on the other.
- Lupa who is this guy? said Jason Grace.
- I guess it is time to tell the campers.People Jason is a son of Neptune but there is something about him that makes him have the powers of the other big three's Children.
- Well how is he able to do it then. said Jason which was the only person not getting freaked out by this.
- We don't know but he will find out on the quest on the Argo II. said Lupa

-But Lupa it was all ready...
- Jason I can sense that his blood is amazingly powerful and he must go on this trip plus Pluto sent me an Iris message so he must go on.
Jason looked at me hatred and said to Lupa that someone needed to be replaced.
This just gets better and better I thoght.

Ill post tommorow guys
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
Ill finish that cahpter tommorow guys.