The Heroes of Olympus The Son Of Neptune

hero100 posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 04:25PM
hi guys first time posting and ive read nearly all fanfics and i got into it so i decided to write my own as i need to do something coz i cant wait for the next book to come out.

Disclaimer: i do not own the rights to the PJO or the HOO series nor will i ever claim to have

enjoy and tell me what you think post SAP



Perseus.... wake now Perseus.

A black haired, green eyed boy of sixteen woke to bleary pitch black surroundings,
he sat and wiped the sweat from his eyes and rubbed the base of his skull were moments ago it was
on fire and and now had dulled to a steady throb. he looked at himself only to realize that he was wearing
a dirty old orange and ripped t-shirt with a pair of combat shorts wich were equally torn, he had no shoes
or socks on his feet. Despite all this he still felt slightly warm even though the frost coating the ground and
wind blowing through the trees made it below freezing.

Then it hit him " were on earth am I" but then it got worse because he could't remember his name, his family,
even if he wasn't sure he had one or any thing else for that matter and all that he got from trying to remember is his head flaring up again.
He jumped up frustrated to find himself who knows were. it looked as if it had been raining the
night before and there was an old, long reflecting pool half full of dank, murky brown water, and behind it was
a run down, delapidated mansion. he started to walk over and put his hands in his pockets
for warmth when his hand touched a peice of card, he pulled it out to find only two words written on it.

'Percy Jackson'

His head felt as if it were splitting open with pain as a memory came flooding back to him.

He heard the sound of a woman chuckling softly as she said "here you go percy, have some cookies and there blue, just the way you like them" he never say her face clearly but something told him that it was his mother.

The memory went as fast as it came but he could still hear the echoes of the woman chuckling, he found himelf kneeling on the floor with his hands pressed to his head to lessen the pain but it soon went as he realised that he did have a family... somewere.
but even more comforting was that he now knew his name. "Blue cookies" he laughed thinking how absurd that would be untill he realsied he liked blue cookies he just didn't know why. "Well" he thought to himself, no point in worrying about something you can't help. He got really hungry at the thought of food and set off to look around when he heard the snapping of twigs behind him.

first chapter is short but ive got plenty more to come!!;D

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