The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

POJO45 posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 11:12PM
Okay you don't have to like it but please read this! This is my first time writing so I hope I don't suck! Please enjoy!

Chapter One

I woke up shaking.I looked around confused. It's day? Why would I sleep during the day? Wait. Am I in an infirmary? No way. How did I get here? Whoa. Just wait one second. Who am I? This is trippy. How do I not know who I am? Do you know the feeling when you know something and it's on the tip of your tounge, and it's killing you. Yeah, that's how I feel right now. Only it's ten times worse because it's my name I can't remember. I felt for some reason, that I've been here before. Just then I had a vision appear, crystal clear.

I was wounded and there was a blond girl leaning over me, feeding some type of liquid. She was wearing a orange t-shirt and had grey eyes. So vivid they were almost piercing. She had a hopeful look on her face as if she had been waiting for something and she finally found it. For some reason I felt compelled to her. Then the vision faded.

I blinked just to bring myself back to reality. Just then I noticed a girl in the corner. She eyed me like a poisonous snake. She looked very stern, but in a different way than the blond I saw in my vision. She looked like a person with angst and hatered. The blond looked more soft and loving. "Who are you!" she shot at me coldly. I examined her, then I relized what I was doing and brought myself to say, "I honestly have no idea." "You're lying." she accused with a dangerous tone in her voice. I relized the danger and somehow I popped "Percy. My name is Percy." I had no idea where that came from. I just knew in that moment. I have to admit, I was kind of proud of myself. The girl nodded with satisfactory. "I see." But that wasn't enough for her, "Why are you here?" This time I had no bright lightbulb in my brain. I was blank. "I have no idea, I just woke up a couple of minutes ago." I explained. She looked annoyed. But now she had a certain look in her eye that gave me the feel "get out of her way"."" Tell me" she gritted through her teeth. "I CAN'T!" I can't explain what happend.Just something inside of me snapped. I was getting mad. Nobody accuses me of something I didn't do. Nobody. When I yelled she looked like somebody slapped her. Finally, she charged at me. She pulled out a knife, her face red and slitted two cuts in my skin. Or it least what should be instead the blade bounced off my skin. She was stunned. But she put on a brave face. She raised her knife to my throat and said, "let's try this one more time, why are you here!" she growled. "I don't know!" I pleaded. She looked in my eyes and saw the honesty. She lowered the knife. " Fine." she spit, "but if you are any trouble watch out!" With that she turned and left. I had no choice. Though I still stung from whatever brought me here , I sprinted after her.
last edited on Feb 15, 2011 at 12:14AM

The Heroes of Olympus 242 replies

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over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
I hope you like it!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Loved it
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
I luv ur story! but one thing- how could Percy have gotten cut he's invincible because he bathed in the river Styx
over a year ago POJO45 said…
oh sorry I'll change it!
over a year ago eyal10 said…
not bad pretty good

over a year ago POJO45 said…
thank you!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Thanks for all of your comments! I hope you like this chapter!

Chapter Two

I dashed after her and stopped her with my hand on her shoulder. She slowed down to a hault and whipped around. "Did you just touch me!" The girl snapped. " I have no idea what to do." I pleaded. "Follow me" she ordered. I wanted to disagree because of her being so bossy but I kept my mouth shut. She lead me to a parade of fighting. There must of been it least two-hundred people fighting. "What are they doing!" I asked partly worried and partly curious. "This is what we do here. We train." The girl answered. Suddenly it accured to me that I didn't even know the girls name. So I asked being partly nervous. Though I don't know why. At first she gave me a furious look but then it softend. "Reyna" she said so quietly it was almost a whisper. "Back to the point, why do you guys train. What do you guys train for?" I asked serching for answers to the hundreds of questions running through my mind. "We're demigods. You know part god part human." Reyna anwered like it was obvious. Somehow that rang a bell in my head. Suddenly I clasped my head with my hands. A memory came rushing back to me.

Me and the blond girl talking with a half horse half human and some type of half donkey thing. By the looks of it she was explaining to me the same thing Reyna was. It was in a lush field in daytime. The centar..yes that's what you call it! The centar stroking his beard with a curious yet wise look on his face. When I saw this image I felt warmth. At home. Then I was brought back to the stranger land.

"Are you okay?" Reyna asked with a curious yet I hate you look on her face. "Ya" I lied. Truthfully I felt horrible. I was desperate trying to get back to that field. I felt lonley without those characters in my vision. I can't explain it. I felt connected in a way. Then it hit me. I need to get there.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Please Reply!
over a year ago eyal10 said…
youre doing good
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Chapter Three

Now that I know where Percy is I felt more pain. The Romans are even more harsh than us. What if he can't stand it there? What if he likes it there? What if her forgets me? Then a thought struck me that I couldn't bare. What if he starts a new life there? No Annabeth, don't think like that. I can't afford to think like that. Not when I have a quest. I need to focus on the quest. Of course the quest if kind of all about Percy....

I stood up and looked around. I was in my cabin. Everything looked so peaceful. That was a method I use so when I get stressed I can just come back here and relax. On my bedside was a lamp, book and, and picture of me and Percy. I snatched the picture away and stuffed it under my materess. I can't bare to look at that picture. In the picture we we're both smiling, having a great time. Annabeth felt a tear drop from her cheek. That's it she thought. No more of this Annabeth. You're tough. Now go and strategize. Just like old times.

I walked out of the cabin and sprinted for the Hepheastus cabin. I wanted to know how the boat was doing. Annnabeth approched Leo. "Hey" I said casually. Leo must of jumped three feet. "Holly!"
Leo exclaimed. "Oh it's you Annabeth. I thought I was getting jumped!" I chuckled. " "Hows the boat doing?" I asked. "Oh we're making great progress, I think it will be done in a couple of weeks." Leo gloated. "Awesome! So... I think we need to talk." I whispered with a stern look on my face. Leo's grin dropped.


I know I should be happy we know where Percy is but I can't help but feel like he's replacing me. I mean I know that I kinda belong here now but I can't help but feel a connection. Like I was the Roman leader. And now Percy will be. I relized I was clenching my fists. I decided to put my personal thoughts aside and check to see how the boats doing. I barged into the Hephesteus cabin seeing Leo with a beyond shocked face and Annabeth with a sad but hopeful face. What in the gods is going on?

Sorry I know it's short!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
Hope You Like it!
over a year ago Avery09 said…
wow this s really good! great job!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
over a year ago hero100 said…
wow just read yours and its great. keep posting :P
over a year ago eyal10 said…
i like this chapter and how you write like if annabeth was writing awsome.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
thaks! I'll write the forth chapter tonight!
over a year ago blackjack-son said…
wow i love it
over a year ago POJO45 said…
I dedicate this chapter to Avery09, eyal10 and to everybody who commented on this.

Chapter Four

That night I just laid down in my bed pondering how I would get to that place. Of course that was after hours of me debating with myself if I was crazy wanting to find a place that I don't even remember, or know what it's called. Maybe I am crazy. Insane. But I don't care. I pieced this together and I figured that if I felt so connected to the field it must be part of my past. Right? That's reasonable. I figured to keep all of this a secret. Reyna doesn't need to know. I mean, come on, I barely know her! That's the worst part, she's the closest person I have to myself right now. Crazy? Right? As might thoughts drifted, I did the same.

I had a dream.

I was in the field I saw in my vision. I saw the blond girl with a guy who was extreamely shocked. Was he her boyfriend? That made me mad, for some reason. Then a boy walked in. Blond, tan and a scar on his lip. At first he looked hopeful, eager. Then he transitioned to confused, worried face. "I can't..." The boy defended. The blond girl looked down disapointed. "Please, for me" she pleaded. The boy's expression changed to empethetic.

My eyes opened and I gasped. I need to talk to Reyna.


I gasped. What is she thinking? This plan will never work. "Please" Annabeth begged "for me" . Then I had second thoughts. "Okay." I sighed. Please don't screw up Leo, I thought to myself. You can't afford to mess up. Not on this.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eyal10 said…
big smile
nice but a little confusing but still very good
over a year ago POJO45 said…
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
Sorry about all of the confusion.

Chapter Five

I know what I was thinking before, but I think it's time that I told Reyna. I was shaking, what from? I have no idea. The dream? Confusion? Nervous? Probably a combination of all of the above. I need to tell Reyna about my dream. What I've seen and experienced.

I ran up to her and pulled her aside eagerly. I was almost excited for what she might say to me. Advice she might tell me. I mean she seemed wise and experienced. " What are you doing?" Reyna asked quite adgitated. "I have to tell you something important" I said with confidence. Reyna looked suprised, almost impressed. "What?" she asked with smile on her face. I was baffled. But in a good way, so I smiled. Almost immedietly she wiped the smile off her face and asked again in more of a powerful way. "I saw something," I explained. "OOO something!" Reyna exagerated sarcasticly. "Any more specific!" she demanded. " I wasn't finished!" I exclaimed. " I felt connected to it in a way, and I think that may be where I'm from!" I shouted. "Wow!" she said. But I wasn't done. "And there was this blond, I think she's also from my past!" "Percy! That's amazing!" She hugged me. It felt nice, like I acctually knew somebody.

"Come with me," she said as she pulled me with her hand. " I want you to meet some people." I followed, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
Hope you guys like it!
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
wonderful writer
over a year ago POJO45 said…
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Sorry, I know I'm writing a lot. I'm already on chapter six. But my chapters are very short!

Chapter Six

Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all...

We ran into a huge cabin filled with campers. " Percy, meet Hazel. Hazel meet Percy." she said Percy like I was an alien. Hazel stuck her hand out infront of her and smiled warmly. " Welcome to the camp Percy! Nice to meet you!" Hazel said it with suck enthusiasim. I figured she was a very kind, bubbly person, which is a pretty nice change. "Hey!" Wow. "Hey" that's all I can come up with? She's all sweet and nice and all I can say is "Hey". I'm such a loser! I finally got snapped back to perspective when Reyna kindly said "Ya, he's some weirdo that just appeared in the infirmary, he can't remember anything." I was pretty shocked that she didn't tell anybody what I told her based on that kind summary of our relationship. " Thanks." I muttered. Reyna rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever. Anyway, Hazel is our oracal." That sounded familiar...

A girl, redhead, sloppy clothes, looking sucessful and proud of herself.

I came back.

Reyna was staring at me like a freak of nature. Hazel was staring at me in a concered way. Hazel had light brown eyes and hair. She had a soft voice that almost melted whoen she spoke. "Sorry" I covered myself. I'm positive that I blushed. "So what do you guys want to do?" Hazel asked. "We have to see Lupa." Reyna asked mischeviously.

I'm sorry it's soooooo short!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Oh ya sorry if Oracal isn't the right word for Romans. I forgot the other term!
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
its all good.
love how i should bemore worried about my SAT.....
but your a good writer POJO45
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
thanks...o your american
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
yeah im american!!!!
used to live in canada though
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
over a year ago POJO45 said…
I'll being posting 2 chapters tomorrow~!
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
hoping you would
over a year ago eyal10 said…
very good
over a year ago POJO45 said…
thank you! :)
over a year ago percyrulz said…
its really good
what did anabeth ask leo?
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
wish i new...
ugh feel so sick not at skool
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
I'm gonna say in the next chapter tongiht!
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
you guys are like the family i wishi had.....
over a year ago POJO45 said…
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
yeah u guyz are da best.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Thanks for all of the comments!

Chapter 7

My plan is simple for me to comprehend. Me. You see, I must get Leo to create a blade that contains basilisk venom. Why? Because Piper and I must fly to Cyprus to visit the temple of Aphrodite. She was born there. A basilisk is guarding her temple because Zeus put it there so nobody can contact her. She's not in the temple herself, but you can contact her through it. A basilisk was chosen, if I have pieced this together correctly, because they are hideous. If you look at them you die. Instantly. I've defeated Medusa, but this is different. Not even stone, just death. That's how ugly it is. I wanted to talk to Aphrodite because she can change my appearance to look as if I'm a Roman. A specific Roman. That way I can get into the camp. That's where Piper comes in. Aphrodite is her mother. That will make it more persuasive. That's probably why Leo cares so much.

"Okay" Leo caved. I smiled full with joy. "What is going on?" Jason intruded. "Nothing" Leo and I said simultaneously trying to cover. If Jason knew Piper was coming on this dangerous quest, he'd freak. Jason put a suspecting look on his face as if we were murderers and he was a cop trying to find out who committed the crime. Leo and I sneaked past Jason in a casual way as if he and I were going to the campfire.But really we had to talk to Piper.

As I explained the plan, Piper looked more and more intrigued. After I was done, a wide smile spread across Pier's face. "Let's do it!" she encouraged. We told her about the Jason incident. "Okay.. " she agreed with a shiver in her voice. " You okay?" I asked concerned. She nodded her head. She didn't take anything negative about Jason lightly.


I worked the next few days on the blades. Basically the whole time I was shifting back in forth if I should continue. But I made a commitment to Annabeth and Piper. They would be so disappointed if I just quit. No, I'll do this and finally, FINALLY! I finished. I jogged to Annabeth at the campfire with a mild grin on my face. As she saw me, her face lit up with hope and excitement. This is it.


I watched as Leo approached me. I stood up. My stomach leaped. I swear I was bouncing with excitement. He handed me the package. I almost felt the power it had. I had intended to walk but instead I ran to Piper. She saw what was in my hand and jumped two feet with excitement. I looked her in the eye and somehow she understood what I was saying. Our quest starts tonight.


Annabeth looked at me. We had a connection, I understood what she was saying. Our quest begins tonight.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
Oh yes and thanks!
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
good chappie!!:)
over a year ago eyal10 said…
very good awsome
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
ps don't describe the basilisk as the one in hary potter 'cause they r not snakes and she should realy have just taken an mirror (thats an true fact) the basilisk well die if it looks at itself and they smell horrible they r spider like with feathers and rotting stuf red eyes and have an voice that is more powerful then charm speaking it controlls u mesmerizes u but theres no buety in its words they just make u obey it also they sleep basicaly 24 7 untill something wakes it up.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
okay then. i read they're reptile snake things and when you look at them you die but sure.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
just go with the flow
over a year ago eyal10 said…
yeah go witth the flow go witth the flogo witth the flow w go witth the flow go witth the flow go witth the flowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww­www­www
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
ya, eyal10 knows where it's at! Your're awesome!