The Heroes of Olympus Percabeth!!

Percysclique posted on Feb 17, 2011 at 10:17PM
Hey! Someone suggested we write a percabeth story, so here i am! :P You can write all about your percabeth dreams!! Hope you join!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 866 replies

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over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
okay this is cool i'll post my story later
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Ooh Ooh! Pick me! Maybe like Annabeth is kidnapped and Percy has to rescue her...? It doesn't have to be that of course.;)
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
annabeth pov

mmmmmmmmmmmm i love diner at camp the food is great. plus i have a nice veiw a percy who keeps on making funny faces at me. everone at my table keeps on looking a me funny as i laugh. i try to eat quicky so i can see my awsomesause boy friend percy jackson.
"hey"i said as percy walked over to me so we could walk to the beach.
"hey" he said as he leaned down to kiss my cheek
we stared to walk down the hill that lead to the beach. i ploped down on the sand but percy picked me up bridal style and continued walking to the beach
"what are you doing?" i asked him as he steepedin the water.

okay so what happens
over a year ago Percysclique said…
"I'm taking you on a little adventure," Percy whispered as he waded in to his waist.
"Right, 'cause we never have any adventures." I said sarcastically, winking.
"Exactly." He closed his eyes. He was up to his chest now and I clung to him. "Hang on."
I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath as small waves hit us.
"Relax, Annabeth," Percy said with a small chuckle. "You aren't going to drown."
My eyes flew open and I blushed. "Sorry."
"It's okay." Percy took a deep breath and I could see the power of the water in his green eyes. "Here we go."

Please continue!
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
"wow"was all i could say we swam around for about an hour befor percy made an air bubble around us at the bottom of the lake. once he did he completly attacked me with kisses. i took him 1 min to let me breate. we panted for a few menet and he attacked me again. this cycle kept on going for about 30 minets.
"what time is it "i asked
"10"he replied
"we should probly get going"i said
"fine"he grumbled. he picked me up again and started to swim to the surface.

okay contiue
over a year ago Percysclique said…
Our bubble was fogged up from the heat radiating through us.
I grabbed his hand as we floated up and he locked eyes with me. I could feel the desire pulsing through his body. If we hadn't just spent the past hour making out, I probably would have kissed him again.
Percy sensed my mood, what I wanted and leaned in again. He planted a kiss on my forehead and sighed. "Annabeth?"
"Yeah?" I muttered putting my hands on his chest.
"Ummm..." Percy searched for the most mocho way to say wahat he was about to say.
I looked up. "Yes, seaweed brain?"
He smiled and let out a sharp breath. "I, uh, I love you."
I bit my lip to keep from grinning like a fool. I tried to play it cool. "I love you too."
He pulled me in for a hug and rested his chin on the top of my head.
"Do you ever think about what would happen if something would happen to one of us?" He asked timidly.
Yeah, I had. I tried not to, but whenever you are a half-blood, somethings happen. "Sometimes. But I try not to."
"Yeah, same here."
He pushed our bubble through the surface of the water and steered to to shore. When it hit the sand, it popped and I stumbled forward. Percy caught me and laughed.
I started laughing too, but a voice stopped me.
"Well, well, well, if it isnt Prissy and Annabeth back from their steamy underwater night. Chiron is sooo going to kill you."
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Ha. Haha. Hahahha! ;) clarisse?
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Someone post! (Are we doing my idea, or just going with the flow)? ;P
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
annabethc i think we may as long as we don't KILL annabeth that would stink.

"we weren't doing anything"i said blushing i saw the red in percy's cheeks too.
"oh ya right"she said "you know its past curfee"
"well what are you doing out past curfee?" i asked
"well i was... uuuuu...metting some one"she said
"like who? chris"percy said. we both looked at each oter and knew we had her.
"fine yes"she grumbled
"don't worry we'll keep your secret if you keep ours"
"deal"she said
"deal"i said
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Annabeth POV

Percy and I kissed goodnight, and I headed back to my cabin. And had another stinkinsh demigod dream.

"Oh, dear dear. Poor Annabeth," the voice said. I was completely freaked out. I couldn't see anyone- or anything. It was pitch black. I squirmed, but couldn't get anywhere.

"Oh, yes. We're going to lure your special
Seaweed Brain into a trap. And...guess who we're using this time?"

I tried to fight the sufocating feeling. But I couldn't.

"Oh, yes. We're going to use
you. After all...well, it worked pretty well last time, didn't it dear?"

She cackled, and I wanted to scream.

And then I woke up. I'm pretty sure. Everything was pitch back, as if I was blindfolded. I'm pretty sure I was gagged. I tried to scream, but no sound would come out.

"Oh, dear, dear. You thought it would be that easy?"


Sorry, it's really short...
over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
Hope you guys like mine.
Annabeth's POV.

I struggled against my bonds, while the woman in front of me cackled some more. I had finally goten a good view of her. She had ragged red hair that looked almost scarlet. She had pale skin, black eyes, and a mouth born to sneer.

"Do you who I am, little girl." I would of given her a smart-aleck comment, except for the fact I was gagged.

"You should know me. You demigods get so much of my area of expertise." She ripped the tape of my mouth, and I gasped from the sudden pain.

"So, who. Am. I?" She said. I glared at her, but I answered.

"Your Eris. The Goddess of Chaos." Eris grinned evilly.

"Why, of course I am. I knew a good, smart girl like you would know who I am." she said, her voice with false sweetness.

"Any particular reason you took me...where ever we are?" I wasn't sure where we were exactly, seeing as the whole background of this scene was just darkness.

Eris just sneered even more. "Now, why would I give away the plan? Evidently, your past foes have not been the brightest. If I reveal what is going on, you'll use that brain of yours to find away to stop it. But you can't stop an unknown foe. Now, sleepy time."
A red blast of lightning came out of her talon-like fingers, stricking me. Fiery pain exploded all over my body. I screamed again, and fell into unconsciousness.
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
This story is starting to sound really good. I want to write a chapter but I'm have to finish a project due tomorrow so maybe I'll add something later. I also like the idea of Annabeth being captured and Percy having to save her. I have one question though. What time period is this happening in. Is it like straight after the last olympian or a year later or something like that. Okay I lied I have one more question. Also do the events of the Lost Hero affect this? Sorry with all the questions but I need some facts.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Hope you guys like this!

This sucks. Even in the unconsciousness of a demigod dream, I have demigod dreams. I dreamed that Percy came, waving Riptide and shouting, "LET HER GO!" but Eris sneered, "Silly boy. That would undermine my and my master's plan. However, we won't steal her just yet--we have bigger fish to fly first," she cackled.

I screamed for Percy to get away, but my voice was silent in the dream, and the gag was in my mouth anyway. I screamed so hard that tears ran down my aching cheeks anyway.

Then Eris turned to me. "Now, you, little miss, don't need to hear the master's plan. No, we like to keep people it's time for you to wake up now! See you soon!" she laughed sardonically.

Oh, I woke up, all right. In a cold sweat. I clutched my forehead and closed my eyes, but the last image of Eris seemed to be branded into the back of my eyelids. Quietly, I climbed down from my bunk, avoiding the stupid creaky rung that one of these days we would fix. I jumped from the last step softly onto the floor, barely missing Malcom's backpack full of his computer ideas. I then grabbed my laptop bag and got back onto my bunk. But I forgot about the rung. SQUEEEAK went the little step. I winced, because I heard Malcom stir.

"You know that I'm not a heavy sleeper, Annabeth," Malcom's voice floated up to my bunk. I rolled my eyes. "Please, you could sleep through a giant scorpion attack," I snickered, because it had been a running joke ever since Malcom stayed up too late studying computer parts and fell asleep during the capture the flag against the scorpions.

"Shut up. Why are you awake, anyway?"

I sighed. If I couldn't trust my brother, who could I trust? I told him about my dream.

I could hear the concern in his voice. "Annabeth, you need to tell Chiron. This could be life threatening. And you're my little sister!"

"I know, I know. I'll tell him tomorrow! Now go to sleep."

I assume he obeyed, because there was silence after that. I smiled and shook my head, then opened my laptop. Looking at Daedalus's designs always calmed me down, so I did it till morning. The second I closed the lid, the image of Eris reappeared, reminding me to tell Chiron about the dream. And Percy. I definitely had to tell Percy.

Hope you guys liked it!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Starlight1o1 idk....I think this is before......not sure. Ask AnnabethC
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
I'm writeing the next chapter right now even though I'm busy but I have an idea that I can't abandon and rapunzeleah123 thank you for trying to answer my question.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Np. Can't get to sleep, so I'm on fanpop haha
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
I know what you mean sometimes I stay really late on fanpop because I can't sleep.

This is the shortest chapter I have ever written but I don't have much time. I hope it's good enough.

Chapter 9

Of course I ended up not telling Percy anything because as soon as I stepped out the door I was greeted by none other than Eris.
“I told you I would see you soon didn’t I?”
I was just about to pull out my knife when I remembered that I had stayed up all night and hadn’t grabbed it before coming out. Out of all the dumb luck. I decided that screaming for help was the best thing to do but before I could say anything. Eris clamped her hand over my mouth.
“Oh there’s no need to do that. I can’t possibly take you now. No you have to suffer a bit first, though I would behave yourself if I was you because I could change my mind at any second. Don’t you know that goddesses are a bit unpredictable.”
I tried to struggle against her arms but she was surprisingly strong. Think Annabeth think! I didn’t have any weapons with me. Maybe a stray camper will find me. Nice thinking Annabeth nobody wakes up this early except for the Apollo kids and they’re probably practicing archery.
“You’re thinking of escaping aren’t you? Normally I would do something horrible to stop you but I need you here for just a tad bit longer. Oh don’t look so sad you’ll get to see me soon. Now let’s put a little curse on you so that you don’t mess things up for me. Even a goddess like me needs some fun every now and then. Be honered that you get to be my amusment Annabeth not a lot of people get that honer. Oh I just thought of the perfect one. If you try to tell anyone about me than you’ll blurt out one of your most embarrassing secrets and lose one person you love. Now that’s a fun one.”
Oh no now I really needed to get out of here. I felt something strange. Ah Hades the curse is already taking effect. As soon as I thought that Eris disappeared and I fell to the ground.
“Have fun now.” said Eris’s voice ringing in my ears.
This was bad really bad. How was I going to tell Chiron about Eris if I was under some stupid curse? There had better be someway to reverse it. Wait a second. I already told Malcolm about the dream so maybe I could get him to tell Chiron about it somehow. I was just about to step back into that cabin when I heard a scream coming from half-blood hill followed by the roar of some monster. And everything was going so great in my life right now. Not.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Thats okay, mine are never very long but I post a lot. Here goes:

You've got to be kidding me. Now is the worst time for a monster! Then again, Eris...Discord...aka annoyance....aka large pot of sewer water...anyway. I ran back into the cabin to get my dagger and armor. Shoving them on as fast as I could, I sprinted to the hill. Good thing I trained with the dryads.

Then I neared the hill, and wished that I hadn't trained with the dryads.

The entire camp was at the top of the hill, fighting--well, I wasn't sure. I ran to the top, and sure enough, there was nothing there.
"What are you fighting!?" I yelled at Katie Gardner.
"I don't know!" she yelled back.
WHAM!! I was on my back. But what had knocked me over? I grabbed my invisibility cap out of my pocket (thank the gods that always is with me no matter what) and jammed it on my head. Immediately I felt the tingly sensation of turning invisible. And sure enough, I could see the monster! At least twenty feet tall, the scaly drakon turned on its heel, prepared to run into me again.

However, I had a different plan.

"Hey! Stupid! Mr Fang!! Over here!" now that the monster couldn't see me, he had to rely on his nose. While he did that, I yelled for Clarisse to put the cap on. She had had the best experience with drakons.

She looked at me in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I'm a Red Sox fan, wise girl!"

"PUT THE FREAKING CAP ON, IDIOT!" She complied. By now the drakon had sniffed me out (luckily they have terrible hearing) and it was headed toward me. I could hear the enormous footfalls. I shouted at the Apollo cabin to shoot at it. They all loaded poison arrows in their bows. Clarisse hacked at the drakon's side, I could tell by the large gashes opening up. As the arrows hit, the drakon screamed in agony and finally fell down dead.

I breathed a sigh of relief and yelled for Clarisse to give me my hat back.

"Glad to get it away, wise girl. The Yankees suck."
I looked for Percy in the crowd. There he was. I pushed my way toward him and gave him a kiss.

He looked surprised. "What was that for?" "For being alive, Seaweed Brain. Now I gotta ask Malcom to tell you something."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Okay! Ready when the next person is:)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Wait! At the end of my chapter, instead of telling him about the dream she tells him that Malcolm will. So scratch out and replace the end of my chapter :)
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Good job with that chapter. I can't write the next one because I don't have an idea and it's 10 minutes to midnight.

P.S. rapunzeleah123 since you're new here you prbally don't know that to edit something after you have posted something in a forum right beside the posted (number of minutes or hours) minutes ago are three symbols. If you click on the pencial than you can edit your post. Sorry if it's a bit confusing.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Cent write now, but this is looking awesome!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
No I get that, but last time I tried to edit something I ended up deleting it altogether.....sho I don't exactly have the best experience....I'll try it again if I mess up though
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
I would but I can't right now... So someone post!!!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
I posting! Just hold on a few minutes.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Ok! I was finishing my algebra homework so I didn't write, plus I didn't want to do two in a row;)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Annabeth POV


"Why?" Percy asked stupidly.
"Cause it's...really important...and...I can't tell you."
"Why can't YOU tell me?" he asked.
"Percy, just trust me, OK? Go ask him." He nodded, gave me a light kiss and walked off to go find Malcolm. I walked toward the beach, trying to figure out how I was going to get myself out of this mess I'd made.
As I walked along the coast, I gripped my knife. (Yes, I'd gone back and picked it up.) And then I heard it. The same evil sounding chuckle from my dream.
"You thought it would be that easy?" it hissed. I spun around, gripping my knife. And then, the whole beach went black.
"You thought I didn't see through the "hole" in my plan. You are so predictable, daughter of Athena. Now that he knows, he's only going to rescue you more!" I realized how stupid I'd been. I waved my arms in the blackness in front of me, and they were grabbed and tied behind my back. Again, stupid. I struggled as I was gagged. Wow, THIS wasn't familiar.
I tried, as I'd been taught, not to panic.
"This time, it's for real. You're coming with me, dear," she hissed, "And trust me, that is something you don't want to do." OK, now I was panicking. Someone- or something- jabbed me in the back, causing me to fall in the shallow water. As I touched the water everything disappeared, and I could only assume I was being kidnapped.

Probably the worst thing I've ever written...Oh ,and disappeared like she was being transported...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
@Rapunzelleah- Are you posting next? ;)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
No that was good! And it took a surprising turn! Ok I think I'll post in a few hours if nobody does by then, if that's ok:)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
You can post now if you want! (but of course you don't have to!)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I'll wait a bit, and if somebody comments and says they want to do the next chapter, then they can, but if nobody does, then I'll write, is that ok?
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Fine with me! :)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Oky doke..... It'll be ready in about 45 minutes, so leisurely pass the time by posting only wall, or even read Forbidden and tell me what you think! I wrote the next chapter.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
I'll go check it out!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
It's awesome! (yah I'm a really fast reader)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Me too! Reading is my hobby:)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
And thanks:)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
You're welcome! (it's mine too) ah, this is my favorite board- I can't wait!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I woke up later, and the first thing I noticed was that I was still bound and gagged. I rolled my eyes in spite of myself. As a goddess, Eris should at least be able to come up with something better, like magic handcuffs or something.
Then I noticed where I was.
A dark and gloomy cave, filled with spiders (ugh), dirt, and probably a few snakes. In the corner was a small tree branch with a few golden apples on it. Of course. The stupid golden
apple from the garden of the Hesperides that Eris stole, trying to start a war. Congrats, Eris, cuz you succeeded!

Just then, Eris herself walked in, looking sour and a little hurt. Then I noticed that against the white pallor of her
cheek was a red welt. I wondered where it had come from.

Then Eris glared at me. "I don't suppose you know where you are?"
"Oh yes, this is a hard one. Hmmmm let me see...Olympus?" I replied, causing Eris's sneer to turn into a frown. "Sarcasm isn't permitted here."
"And I suppose air fresheners aren't either?" I couldn't help it. I was just hysterical.
"So help me, daughter of Athena--"

Just then, some black thing stepped silently into the room. Don't ask what it wwas, because that'll come later.
"Eris," it rasped.
Eris was on her knees. "Yes, master?" I could hear the submission in her voice, maybe even fear, and a little bit of--hurt?
"You will not harm the daughter of Athena. She is important to lure Percy Jackson here. If you do, you will be punished."
Eris flinched, and I finally realized where she had gotten the welt on her cheek. I prayed to all the gods I could think of, except Eris, to let Percy know that he wasn't to come here. But I hoped that I could escape, somehow.

Okay! Continue, and sorry that was so short, I had to go eat dinner:)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Thanks! U gonna post next? You always have really good stuff:) *adds as afterthought* so does everybody else :)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ach, REALLY BAD wether here, I'll try but not now... You can post again if ya want!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Nah, I want you to! Could you do it at the first chance? I want to see what you're going to write after that! Besides, I don't own this forum, I like to let other people do it :)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Ok I'll try!!! UPDATE: I'm writing!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Okay! *sighs in relief because Leah also didn't know where she would take it from here* yes I admitted it! But all those other reasons were true too so I wasn't lying;)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Oh and would you please :) put on my wall when you're iPod isn't always so good about alerting me, even when I check my email for the updates. Thanks that helps a lot!
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
@ rapunzl- By the way, you write Annabeth SO well!

Annabeth POV(Are we gonna do a Percy??? It doesn't matter to me, but I prefer writing Annabeth)


After they left, I tried to get a bearing of my surroundings, and to not panic. I saw some spiders, and tried to scream, but the gag stopped me from making much sound. Wait...would they have gagged me if we were in a remote location? Probably not, which meant...there was a chance someone might hear me if I could get the gag off! After working on that for a long time (Im not sure quite how long) I gave up, defeated. I'd get it off later, though- I was sure of that.
I tried to work on getting my wrists free, and after that my ankles, but soon found it hopeless. Again, I'd work on it later, and next time I knew I'd succeed.
But right now, I had bigger problems. Like, for example, how I was going to get Percy to stay away from...wherever I was.
I was jolted out of my thoughts as a snakelike thing- a dracnae of course- came to my cell door. I lifted my head.
"Erissss Wissshes to seeee you," she hissed. She jerked me to my feet, untying only the rope around my feet. She blindfolded me again, and I didn't struggle, knowing if I did- no matter what Eris' "master" said- they might kill me. SO I came obediently as she led my down what I could only assume was a hallway, and through a door into an equally dark room, where (after my gag was removed and my gag left behind for "future use") I saw- surprise, surprise- Eris. The door slammed behind me.
Eris turned toward me, smiling evilly.
"What do you want with me?" I snapped. She smiled, and in the dim light it was creepy.
"My dear, if we want Percy to hurry, he needs an incentive, dear." She must have seen the confusion on my face.
"We're going to make a dream for him," she giggled, "and you're going to co operate!"


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
That was so much shorter than I thought it would be! Someone post!!!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Percy's POV

Why me? WHY ME? Why did the gods steal the girl I love?

"You know, I don't think she's dead."
I turned, and there was Grover. He came and sat down by me.
"I just miss her so much. She actually made being within a forty mile radius of Clarisse bearable."
Grover smirked. "Where do you think she went?"
I sighed. "I don't think she left on purpose."
He looked at me strangely. "Still think she was kidnapped, huh?"
I looked at the ground and grabbed a handful of sand, then let it gradually fall through my fingers. "Well, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't leave without letting us know. That's not like Annabeth."
"Well, you're right about the fact that she isn't dead," a new voice replied, and Nico came and sat next to me.
"Good." I chucked the rest of the sand into the water. "That solves all the problems! Now we can just relax and forget about that Annabeth has been missing for the last three days." I got up, brushed the sand off of my pants, and sprinted back to my cabin. I sat on my bed, looking out the window which overlooked the beach. Nico and Grover were still sitting there silently.
I had just begun to doze off when there was the sound of the door opening, and Tyson came in and plopped down on the oversized camp bed that Annabeth had designed for him.
A few minutes later, I heard him sobbing.

"It's okay, buddy, Annabeth will come back." Even I didn't believe it.
Tyson sat up, wiped the tears that were flowing steadily out of his one big brown eye, and looked at me.
"Yes, probably, brother, she came back last time."
We both lay down.
More sobbing.
But this time, it wasn't Tyson who was crying.

Of course, I had a dream. Annabeth was bound and gagged on a small wooden chair, and tears were running down her face as she screamed through the gag. I could barely make out what she was saying.
She was crying my name.
I tried to reach out to her, to tell her that everything was okay, but my voice wouldn't work.
Just then, a redheaded--and I mean redder than Rachel's--woman came in. She had pale skin, too, but that was all I could see.
Until she looked straight at me.
Oh yes, she hissed. He will come. He loves you too much not to, daughter of Athena.

Then the dream changed.
This time, Grover was connecting to me through the empathy link, but some random part of me knew that it was
raining, so the connection was bad. "Percy.....know"
I tried to remember if I had ever seen that lady before. Then, I remembered fro my first time in the attic with the old Oracle, and in the corner of the room, a picture laid, face up. It showed a pale, choppy red-haired woman with black eyes and a sneering mouth. And in Ancient Greek, below that, lay the caption.
"Eris. Goddess of Chaos and Discord." I said, surprised at how much I remembered.
"What?" I yelled, because his voice was getting farther and farther away.
And then I woke up. And it was morning.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I think I like writing from Annabeth's POV better too...but we can do whichever we feel like. That's the beauty of writing:)