The Heroes of Olympus A demi-god named Elizabeth

loony4luna posted on Feb 19, 2011 at 08:22PM
i am making my first fanfic so if it is any good tell me it is about a girl named Elizabeth and all her friends
Kasi daughter of apollo
Emma daughter of Hades
Katelyn daughter of Posidon
John son of Ares
Grace daughter of Aphrodite
Elizabeth daghter of you w ill find out
Brian son of Athena
Erik and A.J. sons of hermes
tony son of hephestus
will have most of the main charecters in pjo sires
last edited on May 02, 2011 at 03:20AM

The Heroes of Olympus 136 replies

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over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
K liz u can't take John or Brian cuz that's practically their names in my story and same parents so no. I don't give permission to take my characters.
over a year ago loony4luna said…
Chapter 1
i get attacked
my day was pretty mutch the worst in the world. but lets start at the begining. I woke up to my mom calling me to was the last day of school soon i would be done and this time maby make it throug the whole school year.
no luck with that. when i got to school i saw my friend Baily and went to talk to her. then the bell rang and it was time to go to Lit. i walked into the room and put my stuff on my desk and sat down. 40min. of boaring i thought. was i ever more wrong. all of the sudden my lit. techer Mrs. Reagan started to grow fangs and her hair turned to fier. then a kid named Brian jumped up and had a sword in his hand.
he let out a cry that sounded like "for Athena" but i couldnt be. He swung at my lit teacher and with a fianl wail she was just a pile of dust.
Brian turned to me and said"Follow me" so i did the reasonable thing i asked"Where did you get the sword? What was that thing?Who are you?where are you taking me?"
"That was a Furi. I am Brian son of Athena. I am taking you to Camp Half-Blood." he said with a tint of annoyence
"Camp what. Did you say Athena." i asked stepping backward. What was he talking about?
"Ya i said Athena godess of wisdom. I am a demi-god and so are you.Your dad is a God" he said with a matter o fact tone that made his grey eyes go stormy.
"No my dad died in a plane crash he is not a god. he cant be" i said the last part in a soft voice he could barly hear. A reilization washed over me. my mom had said my dad was realy special.
i looked up at Brian and said"take me to camp Half-Blood. I want to know who my father is."
he smield at me and lead me out of the building and we were on our way to camp.

hope you like it please comment if i get more than two people i will post more later but not until then and thalia your first comment does not count sorry
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
over a year ago Avery09 said…
yea it's great!
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
LUv it but lots of mispelled words.

over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
over a year ago loony4luna said…
thalia u of all people know my spelling is terrible but o well.
here is chapter 2
chapter 2
i get some new friends
when we left the school Brian took out a coin that was about the size of a half dolar and threw it into the street. He muttered somthing like"Grey sisters taxi service"and then a taxi appeared.
It was nothing like she had ever seen. The taxi was grey and looked like it was made from smoke.
when i got in i saw 3 old ladies. when Brian got in he said"Camp Half-blood and off we went.
When we go to the place that Brian said was camp i was about ready to puke. the taxi ride was terrable.
when we got to he to of this hill with a pine tree on it I could not belive what i saw. there were what looked like cabins but the were all different. One had grass growing on the roof, another had grape vines going up and down the walls. There was an open air pavilion, a rock wall, an apitheter, a conoe lake, and a giant 4 story house.
once i had taken it all in I glaced over ot Brian. He was smiling and said"i think you should meet some of my friends"
We walked tword the areana there i saw a short girl with long bromn hair to the middle of he back and eyes that looked almost black arguing with a guy that was probably 3in taller than her. He had short red-brown hair and green eyes that had alot f fier behind them. they both seamed about my adge 12-13ish
"wow. John, Emma stop. " The two kids looked up. when they spoted me they just snmiled "so this is the new girl"said emma with a twinkle in he eye.

i no it is short sorry will post more if three people respond
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Your story is good!!!
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Seriously liz don't make it so short peeps are gonna stop replying.
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
K make u a deal if u post up to the point something exciting happens then I will post some more tonite
over a year ago ginnyfreak said…
Great Luna! I love it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Hey. Ginnyfreak- I think I know u. Do u go to a school called st. Alberts?

over a year ago ginnyfreak said…
yes i do dummy
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Thx. Just makin sure cuz what if you weren't what I Thot u were
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Its good but its a bit rushed. more detail would help. i dont want to be mean it is good.
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
I TOTALLY agree with TheMagicWord.

If you like loony4lunas story you'll like mine to.



over a year ago loony4luna said…
ya sorry i stopped i had to go some were i will try to slow things down.
here is the continuation.
"Ya my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Liz"i said.
"So what was the argument about?"Brian asked.
"Emma thinks that she can beet me at sword fighting"John said.
"By the way I am John son of Ares and this is Emma daughter of Hades."
"We better get going befor they start fighting"Brian said witha smile like this was all totaly normal.
"By guys see you at dinner" and we walked away and they started to fight again.
We headed to the archery range where I saw two girls. One had elbow legth black hair and green eyes. The other one had sholder legth carmle brown hair and eyes that were almost the same color.
"I will never be able to do archery" the one with dark hair said
"Dont give up your doing great just line up your sights and shoot" the other girl said.
"Hey guys"Brian said"This is Elizabeth. Elizabeth this is Katelyn dauhter of Posidon" he said pointing to the girl with dark hair"and this is Kasi daughter of Apollo"pointing to the other girl.
"Hi its nice to meat you Elizabeth" said Katelyn
"umm you can just call me Liz"i said blushing. i never liked my name but i was always stuk with it.
"Well still it is nice to meet you" Katelyn said.
"We should get back to practicing, see you guys at dinner" kasi said waving good by.

Brian took me to everywere in the camp. When we were through we went back to the cabins.
"you will have to stay in the Hermes cabin untill you get clamied."he said
He led me to the cabin. when we walked inside i saw 20 kids. most of them had the same elfish face and mischevius blue eyes.
Two guys steped up from the croud. They looked exacly the same but one had shagy blonde hair and the other had short blonde hair. other than that they were identical.
"Hey Brian whos the new girl"the guy with the short hair asked
"Liz this is A.J." he said pointing to the short haired guy"and this is Erik" he said pointing to the other one.
"Hi" i said in a shy voice.
"so you are going to be staying here until you get claimed"AJ asked
"ya i gess" i said
"well its almost time for dinner i will leve you guys alone" Brian said and walked out of the cabin.
AJ and Erik handed me a sleeping bag, some toilettries, and jeans and camp shirts.
once i was all settled in it was almost time for dinner. i changed into skinny jeans, an orange camp shirt, and my bright green tennis shoes.
a horn blew in the distence. it was time for dinner. time to find out who my real father is.

hope you like it and i have deciced since i am a taylor swift freek that i will post more tommorow if you answer this question.
what are the words you, with your words like knives and swords and wepons that you use against me to. (hint it is a song on a albub)
over a year ago ginnyfreak said…
wait what does the question mean
album:speak now
over a year ago loony4luna said…
wow ur good but also r one of my best friends so u no my favorit songs and you tell bout your dreams thik i no where you belong think i no its with me. what is that from hmmmmmmmmmm wont post till someone gets it right

try gessing who her dad is to
over a year ago loony4luna said…
I know i said that i would be posting this tommorrow but it is to good to wait. Hope you like it
chapter 3
we walked into the dining pavilion. i was realy nervus what if my dad was a lame god. what if i didnt get claimed. what if... calm down i told myself. i just need to relax. when i go to the Hermes table i sat nex to Erik and a girl named Rose. then a man on horseback came into the pavilion.Wait he wasnt on horseback he was the horse. from the waist down he was a white stalion and the waist up he was a middle aged guy.
"Hello, for all of you who dont know i am Chiron the activitys director here at camp. we have new camper would you please welcom Elizabeth Wite" everyone looked my direction and i felt myself blushing from head to toe. i started to look around the pavilion, there were around 20 tables in all one for every cabin. Some were empty and others only had one person ot it. I saw Katelyn sitting with some other boy at her table. They looked exactly the same. The dark hair, green eyes, and slight tan. it kinda freaked me out.
then a pudgy guy with a hawian shirt on snaped his fingers and nymphs started to serve us BBQ. Before i could start eating everyone got up and scraped a portion of thier meal into the fire and muttered prayers to thier parents. Once it was my turn i scraped some BBQ into the fire and muttered "who ever you are please claim me soon" and walked away.
After dinner it was time for the campfire. When we got to the ampitheater the Apollo cabin was leading the songs.
i sat with Emma and Katelyn. Them all of the sudden there was a screem next to me.
Some Hermes kid had set Emmas hair on fire i am so glad that had not happend to me. it took me three years to grow my blonde hair to be at my waist. Emma looked more than mad her glare was evil like she could kill the person by staring. Me and Katelyn laughed. When i heard someone comming up behind me i turned around to see Erik with a buket of water. he throw it at me and i could feel anger racing through my body. It almost feelt elctrical, but i didnt think about it. I consentrated and lightning struk all around me. Emma and Katelyn grabed my arms. I came back to reality. Erik was just standing there looking shoked. I looked around everyone in the ampitheater was staring at a spot above my head. I looked up and saw a flikering holegam of a lightningbolt. Chiron neeled and said "Hail Elizabeth White. Daughter of Zuse. Lord of the Hevans, King ok the Gods." Everone else bowed and the last thing i remember is getting caught in Brians arms and saying "Liz.Liz.Liz." and then i fell into blackness

next taylor swift riddle:you gave me roses and i left them there to die. what song is it (hint in speek now album)
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Name: sparks fly
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
I know! it's back to December. I know every word to every Taylor swift song. she is like my favorite singer.
over a year ago loony4luna said…
Hey will post later tonight
over a year ago loony4luna said…
Agreed Taylor is the best
over a year ago Hermione-freak said…
so cool keep posting or i will kill you on tusday love u izzy
over a year ago loony4luna said…
Don't use my name. Y tus. Where r u mon
over a year ago loony4luna said…
Might not post today sorry
over a year ago ginnyfreak said…
u need to post and quiz me more on taylor swift
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
liz i posted more photos!!
over a year ago loony4luna said…
heres a had one
cuse i have to wake up smell the break up. fix my heart put on my make up. (hint ginny,hermione,thalia you brtter know this one)
Hint this is my sig it is always written on the back of my hand.
haha that was another line
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
I heart question mark
over a year ago loony4luna said…
dang u ginny wanted that one
k soooo hmmmmmmmmmm here we go
hit me with those green eyes baby as the lights go down
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Is it a speak now song?

Poo I know!!

Sparks Fly!!
over a year ago loony4luna said…
yeppo will post tonight if 4 people post
over a year ago loony4luna said…
here is liz
here is liz
over a year ago loony4luna said…
chapter 4
i see my sister
After i fainted i had a strange dream. I was in a forest. It looked like i was north of the mid-west. Maby Montana. Why Montana? Befor I could think on that a girl came rushing out of the woods. she had chopy black hair, was wereing a silver parca, a Death to Barbie t-shirt, and combat boots. she had a bow slung acrost her back and seamed like she was being chased. when she turned around i saw that she had blue eyes exactly like mine. she drew her bow and said "Artimis help me".
i woke with a start. i was in an all white room that i recognized as the infermory. there were two people arguing. One of the people i emediatly recognized as Brian. the other was a girl i did not recognize. she had long blonde hair and the same grey eyes as Brian. There were others at my bed. Katelyn, Kasi, Emma, and John. "She can not be a daughter of Zuse. it is not posible" said the girl.
"well she is Annabeth"Brian said
i tried to sit up but fell back imediatly.they all turned thier attention on me.
"well sleeping buety awakens" said john sarcasticaly.
"ya i gess. i had this weird dream" i said
i told them my dream. when i was done they all had worried expresions.
"well who was that girl."i said to break the silence.
"the girl you saw was your half-sister Thalia." Annabeth said slowly.
No way that was my sister. it just was not posible.
"it seemed like she was in trouble"Katlyn said.
"we need to find out what happend. we should contact Artimis"
with that she left. this must be pretty big that they had to caontact a goddess. Who do you contact a goddes?

kk know it is a cliffhanger. someone besides me post.
there u r on your knees begging for forgivness beggin for me just like i always wanted but im so sorry.
that is the your ts quote
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Lik it even tho I read halh of it beforehand
over a year ago loony4luna said…
so what 3 peeps need to comment befor i post again
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Me!!! I'm one 2 more peeps comment!!!
over a year ago ginnyfreak said…
heyyyyy im apeep peeps commetn now! if u post i post
over a year ago Hermione-freak said…
hay post now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago Hermione-freak said…
hey add me as your friend and read my story
over a year ago loony4luna said…
anyone gana post on here
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
We got 3 comments no post. Come on luna it has been 5 freaking days
over a year ago mcsdoctor said…
I like your story <3. and ur Hermione picture!!!! <3 H.P
over a year ago loony4luna said…
K guys will try to post but I have surgery tomorrow so it might be a little difficult. Thank you for finally posting I can finally post yay so try to post tues love yal

o and for the record Taylor swift is the best singer ever o and here is my quote: cuz u no it's never simPl never easy never a clean break your the only thing I no like the back of my hand
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
The song name is breathe.

over a year ago loony4luna said…
ok i am soooooo sory i had di every night this week i will try to post 2 or 3 chappies this week.
here is the ts quote: caus i cant help it tif you look like an angel cant help it if i wana kiss u in the rain so come feel this magic iv ben feelin sinse i met you cant help it if theres none else mmmmmm i cant help myself
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
Hey Stephen!
over a year ago Talkitiv4Thalia said…
It has 14 days!!!! Now post seriously!!!