The Heroes of Olympus Giselle and the (should be) dead: The Missing Chronicles (Book one)

girlybella posted on Feb 20, 2011 at 03:38AM
Name: Giselle and the (should be) dead: The Missing Chronicles (Book one)
Rating: C (I think that’s for children.)
Type: Fantasy
Major characters:
Giselle Pink (Duh. Main character. Daughter of Hades.)OC
John Underwood (Kind of like that boy who you find completely annoying, yet really funny. Young cousin of Grover. Seeker.)OC
Ulysses England (Good friend. Son of Poseidon. Future love interest? Hey, maybe. They’re twelve for now. Wait and see.)OC
Chiron (still going strong at 3,084)
Mandy Million (Best friend. Found during quest. Daughter of Zeus.) OC

And lot’s of others.
Synopsis: When Giselle finds out she is a half blood, she couldn’t be more thrilled. Her entire life has been… Well boring. Sure there were a few attacks from teachers, but she had those like… once every forever. And fairly lame. The only thing interesting that happened were the plays at her community theater. (Even though they were based on pretty lame children’s books.) When she gets to camp she prays of being a simple daughter of the god of theater. No such luck. Now she has to go onto a journey to find the most dangerous book in the entire history of the gods. This all happens after everything calms down about the giants. About twelve years after that war. Everything is back to normal (for demigods anyway) and stay good, until a 12 year old daughter of Hades (with an out of stereotypical love for pink and chocolate.) finds out that she is part of the next big prophecy…
Disclaimer: I ain’t Rick Riordan. I’m basing this book on his. He inspired me. So go and thank Rick Riordan for his amazing books. All these characters are mine, (Except Chiron and Rachel Elizabeth Dare also Grover is mentioned.) but inspired by his. Good bye.
Side note: If you ask me weather or not I based any of the characters after me, I have to say, the best way to write is to write what you know. No meaningless spam please. Only praise, constructive criticism, or ideas.

The first chapter won’t be done for three days at least. Sorry.

First time writing a fanfiction, have mercy.
last edited on Feb 21, 2011 at 11:16PM

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Can't wait! ;)
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
seems really cool!!!!! hope it cums soon!!!!!!
over a year ago girlybella said…
Chapter one:
I get attacked! Isn’t it great?

Our story starts, with a messy desk and an empty chair on the last day of school. I’m not usually one to be late, but this time I was. I was running down the filthy street of Brooklyn, avoiding the honking cars and babies in strollers. I would love to say I was late for school because of traffic or that some demon like thing had attacked me, but no such luck. The reason I was late was my hair. Go ahead, giggle. But three feet of messy brown hair is no small feat to get passable after a long night of studying.

Anyway, I’m Giselle Pink. And this, well this is my story. The year is 2023. I’d love to say mankind has exceeded the old times of 2011, but no such luck. Besides a few new types of phones and cars, we haven’t made any major breakthroughs in science, nor found a cure for cancer. Except for the fact Britney Spears is now the pope, all your favorite book series have ended and the president of the united states it a women, nothing happened at all.

As I was running to school I saw big and scary kids with eyes that flickered from one eye to two. I really need to sleep more. I thought to myself as I slid into my chair, trying to go unnoticed. No such luck. Ms. Conner chewed me out as soon as I sat down,

“Giselle Pink?” she said, “What excuse do you have for us today.”

“I fail to see your logic, because I’m almost never late. So could you please just give me detention and get on with your highly intellectual, yet absolutely boring lecture?” Beside me John coughed, “Uh… Did I just say that out loud?” I whispered to him,

“Way to go, can I have your locker when she kills you? I’ll help plan your funeral.” He said in that evil way of his. I can’t believe he is qualified as my only friend.

“I’m sorry, Ms Conner.” I said.

“Hallway, now” she said, glaring as if I had taken a bite out of her meaty old arm. I followed her into the hallway. She looked around to make sure no one was there watching her abuse me.

“You’ve been a very bad girl Giselle.” She started to morph into an awful creature. If you asked me now I couldn’t explain what she looked like. I was in to much fear. Because she was, She was a,

“A fury,” I said with fear and anger filling my voice. She breathed in as if the name filled her with strength and power. I felt as if I had all the power in the world over this creature, yet none at all.

“Yes my dear,” she said with a raspy bird-like voice, “I’m here to take you home.”

“I DON’T WANT TO GO ANYWHERE WITH YOU!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, “GO AWAY!”

As soon as I said that a hole opened in the in floor it swallowed her up and closed just as quickly. Suddenly I felt very tired. The last things I remembered before sitting down and taking a nap, was that there was a gooey green thing on my arm, glowing as if it were sucking my energy and then John ran out of the class room and staring at me as if he realized, just how much trouble I was.

When I was asleep I dreamed something that was only one minute long.

Bring us the book and we shall give you everything you desire.

I don’t want anything from you!

Silly girl, don’t you want your mother back?

My mother died honorably, I have no desire to change that.

Dead, who said she was dead?

I woke up with the school nurse wrapping my arm in gauze and John sitting in a waiting chair reading silverware weekly. When I sat up John stopped reading and asked if I was okay of course I had to say,

“What do you think? Ms. Connor attacked me!”

“Course she did sweetie, she was identified as a kidnapper as soon as we found you knocked out with a gash on your arm.” The nurse said, “Good thing today is the last before summer break.”

“Yeah,” I said, “Good thing…”

“OK, thank you Ms. Connie. I think she’s better now.” He shot me a look like, OK let’s go now. I followed him out the door.

“Is she like Ms. O’ Evil or something?” I asked.

“No, we just have to go now. Come on. It’s a long ride to camp.”

“You mean that camp my mom told me about last year before she died?” I said already knowing the answer, “What’s with that anyway. All she told me was that my dad didn’t want me to go, but that’d be good for me.”

“You’ll find out soon. You’ll find out soon”
Here's a picture of Giselle.
last edited over a year ago
Chapter one:
I get attacked! Isn’t it great?

Our story starts, with a messy desk and an empty c
over a year ago girlybella said…
Hope you guys liked it!

You may wonder why she say "No such luck" so much...

I really don't know. It's kinda how I always say anyyyyyyyyway to get to a differant subject.

Anyway, feedback? Sorry it isn't that good. I'm terrible about beginnings.
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
thats so cool
over a year ago girlybella said…
Thank you Tessa. :D
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I really enjoyed it. Probably one of my favorite fanfics here.
over a year ago girlybella said…
AmazingPercy: Awwwwwww that is so nice! *Feels warm and fuzzy inside* I liked your version of Son of Neptune. :D

Hey guys. I'm gonna post the next chapter because earlier today I got some ideas. Here you go. Enjoy.
Chapter two
Daddy can see dead people
I would love to say that our ride to camp was filled with adventure and mystery. Sorry to bore you, but no. It was a pretty average cab ride. As usual I tried not to touch anything in the cab. (Who knows who sat there?) When we got a few 100 feet away from a big pine tree John told cab driver to stop,

“You sure kids? There’s nothing out here.”

“Yeah we’re sure my um… Uncle owns the farm.” He said, giving the cabbie a crumpled fistful of cash.

“Why, can’t he see it?” I asked as soon as the cabbie drove off.

“Why must you ask such obvious questions?”

“Whatever.” And then I trudged up the slick hill. I’d love to say the reason I blacked out on the porch of the giant colonial house was because a monster had attacked us. Actually I tripped on a tree root and hit my head on a tree stump. After he burst into his weird goat laughter for a full minute, he helped me limp to the large house. When I was laying down on the porch a big ceiling fan circling above me my arm started to hurt a lot more, my head was throbbing and my ankle had swollen to twice its usual size. A boy with sea green eyes and ink black hair hovered over me next a man in a wheelchair with a brown beard. I wanted to stand up and shake their hands, but I was in to much pain.

“Look!” the boy said, “She’s getting claimed!”

“This is not good. The prophecy.” The man muttered.

“Daisies,” I had said, and then I blacked out.

I hope you didn’t want me to dream up some amazing fight between an eagle and a horse, because that’s not what happened. I dreamed of frolicking through meadows of pink poppies and acting in a black and white cheesy 50’s sitcom. Oh and chocolate, buckets of chocolate. The few times I woke up I was being spoon fed something that tasted like chocolate lava volcano cake, only in white pudding form. Hey, life could be worse. I love to sleep. When I finally came to I was laying in bed while John, Green eye boy and beard man (hey, I’m not that good at nicknames.) all talking across the room.

“Look, she’s awake,” Green eye boy said.

“Tell us exactly what happened, young one.” Beard man said.

“Didn’t John tell you? I tripped on a root and hit my head.” Green eye boy laughed, “OK, he’s off my possible friend list. Oh God, John did I say that out loud?” he nodded.

“No, my dear,” Beard man said, “I mean with the kindly one.”

“Oh, you mean the fury,” they all looked like they wanted to strangle her. Beard man opened his mouth but she didn’t give him the chance, “She started talking about taking me home, and I was brave and stuff and said, ‘Go AWAY’ and then the earth swallowed her. And there was goopy green stuff on my arm. Which feels a lot better by the way, thanks ‘bout that. Also, you are fairly rude, because I have been here for whoever knows how long and I do not know your names. Do you expect me to call you Beard man and Green eye boy for the rest of my time in this freaky place?”

“You sure talk a lot,” Green eye boy said,

“Thank you,” I replied.

“Anyway child, I’m Chiron and that’s Ulysses-”

“Heh, Ulysses? What kind of name is that?” I asked sweetly.

“Would you shut up?” Ulysses said.

“Anyway child, that ‘goopy green stuff’ was the drink of monsters. When they can’t eat heroes, that is. It drains demigods.” Beard ma- I mean Chiron said.

“Demigods, no way,” I said, “Are you saying I’m one?”

“Yes, I’m very sorry to say but-”

“That is so cool! So who is my immortal parent? Is it the god of theater? Aphrodite goddess of love maybe, Oh wait… My mom’s mortal so that can’t be it.” I continued listing the gods I thought would be fun to have as parents. Everyone looked at each other like ‘is this chick for real?’

“Sorry to disappoint you, but your dad is Hades, god of the dead” Chiron said, then mumbled to himself, “If only every half blood took it this well…”

“You mean to tell me, my daddy sees to dead people?” I giggled.

“What is with you?” John asked, “Is there anything you hate?”

“Cooked broccoli,” I said, “And white bread, McDonald’s, Strawberry ice cream, teen romance novels, wait I thought you knew this already we've been friends for-”

“Would you shut up?” Ulysses said.

“Is that all you can say? And to be honest I sense that we are so far of topic it hurts for any onlookers was may have gotten attention from.”

“Actually no, I’m pretty sure we’ve covered the basics. You’re a demigod, your dad is Hades and oh yeah I forgot. You have a major sprained ankle, slight concussion and your arm is broken.” Chiron said.

“OK, who is Ulysses dad or mom then? I’m guessing god of limited vocabulary?” Ulysses glared at me then said,

“Poseidon, god of sea, I’m his only child, just like you’re the only Hade’s child. A few years ago the pact to have no more children was broken, but it’s so hard for us to survive because of our strong scent.”

“Okay, know that I know two entire things about you, you are considered my best acquaintance.” She shook his hand with her good arm.

“Stop scaring him Giselle. Can’t you be a stereotypical Hades kid?” John said. I glared at him,

“And what would that be?”

“You know, my life is over, all is dead. The usual thing for 12 year olds everywhere having bad days,”

“You’re so weird. What are you, a centaur, a satyr or what?” I asked.

“A satyr, what is with you and staying on topic?” John said.

“I thought that was on topic. Hmm, perhaps not, what were we talking about?”

“I don’t know,” Ulysses said, “It’s almost as if some weird teen writer has taken over our brains to help introduce our personalities.”

“That’s really a weird thought you know,” I said.

“Have you forgotten I was here?” Chiron said, “Anyway, Giselle I think you need to rest in your own cabin for now.”

“Oh, some Hermes kids stole you a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and a spare outfit.” Ulysses handed her the stuff and a really ugly and plain black T-shirt with camp half blood written in drippy looking letters.

“Good thing I packed a suitcase before I came here.” I said, “It’s over in the corner.” She pointed to the oversized pink suit case bulging at the seams in the corner.

“You’re weird.” He said.

“I’m prepared.” I replied picking up my heavy suitcase and followed him to the Hades cabin.

The lord of the dead? Couldn't her life be y'know. Almost normal?
Here's a picture of Ulysses (I know, it's Percy. Let's just say it's the family look):
last edited over a year ago
AmazingPercy: Awwwwwww that is so nice! *Feels warm and fuzzy inside* I liked your version of Son of
over a year ago girlybella said…
Feedback, anyone?
OK guys, I'm going to show you the prophecy that Giselle won't hear until after it happens,

Daughter of dead, Girl of lightning, Son of sea,

Friends against their parents wishes will be,

The traitor, the friend and the purest of pure,

Turned gods, rising kings and more they shall endure,

One shall die of their father's will all to set things right,

All that suffuring of death, only to bring back to life.

(Sorry guys, I'm really bad at prophecys. Any ideas to make tis better would be great.)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
no it's perfect

first line Giselle, Mandy (who will be found) and Ulysses
all their parent made them do this quest to determine the next hero of the prophecy
I'm just guessing (have no idea whatsoever) Mandy
Everyone will be sad
Maybe Giselle will die but her father will bring her back
Last line kinda goes with he first

If Giselle is the one of the prophecy then it makes Hades look important and more like the family again
good idea

If I can explain the prophecy It works keep it.I get the story

When does this take place?
over a year ago girlybella said…
Oh, the prophecy I just showed is the so called "great prophecy" it'll happen when they all turn seventeen. I decided to give them all the same birthday (Febuary 29, leap year.)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago girlybella said…
Hope you guys like this. :D If there is anybody reading this. Heads up: chapter four is capture the flag and chapter five she gets her first quest. Exciting.

Chapter three
I smell like sugar cubes, and death.

On my bed last night appeared a lipstick tube. I opened it only to find a wickedly sharp black sword with a pink tip. There was a sticky note attached that said, “From, Dad” boy, I had no idea The Lord of the dead could know so much about his own daughter. I put its cap on then put it on my nightstand and went to sleep on my grey, cold bed.

But hey, guess what? I get to train today. I’m going to have to do everything with Ulysses, because all the other campers are afraid of kids who have to big three powers. Whatever, at least I can beat him at capture the flag tonight.

So anyway I was walking (OK skipping) to the stables when I overheard a really strong girl say,

“Can you believe that is the daughter of Hades? Who was her mother Miss I’m a total wimp of the year?” That got me so mad I snapped my fingers and a skeleton popped out of the ground next to her and started poking her arm like there wasn’t a thing more important in the entire world to do. Guess what happened next? Yeah she freaked out. I feel so proud.

When I got to the stables I practically fainted from excitement. I walked up to a Pegasus that was grey and the she backed away so fast you could have thought there was a Fury behind me. I looked behind me. Nothing.

“She says you smell like death and sugar cubes, but mostly death.” And I saw the Ulysses was brushing a brown Pegasus with white wings. I sat down on a barrel of hay and sighed,

“Of course, could you tell her if I can ride her I’ll give her some sugar cubes?”

“Fine,” he started talking to the Pegasus, “She says if there is no death in the sugar cubes.”

“Aw, way to ruin the fun, by the way, what’s her name?”

“Rain.” He said, and then continued brushing his horse. I handed Rain a sugar cube and started to brush her. I told her what a pretty horse she was and how strong I bet she is. I hope she could understand me otherwise I’d look really weird. My horse looked at Ulysses and neighed something. He started to blush. I bet she told him that his hair was sticking up in a really weird way. (Because it was, ha-ha it looked like devil horns.)

“OK, now just… Get on her like you would a bike.”

“Don’t you need a saddle?” I asked dumbly.

“No, Greeks are used to riding without one.” Whatever, I gave Rain another sugar cube and got on her. I patted her neck and asked Ulysses,

“OK, what next?”

“Well we go outside and let them fly.” He said. After half an hour of riding tips and ways not to fall off we set for the skies. It was so much fun I wanted to scream, “THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!” but I’d probably swallow a bug with my luck. When we got back down to earth I realized that I was so dizzy I would either have to sit down or fall down.

“I’m guessing you’re not going to take up riding?” he asked.

“No that was the most fun I’ve- one second” I snapped my fingers and a skeleton popped out of the ground with a bucket. I held my hair back and I don’t think you need to be told what happens next. I told the skeleton guy he could go, and the earth swallowed him. I realized Ulysses was staring at me,

“How did you…?” He asked.

“How do you speak to horses? Ask my dad.”

“Well I guess we should get to sword fighting. And find you a sword,” He said.

“Already have one.” She pulled out her lipstick tube, he snorted,

“That-” he stopped. Because by now I had twisted of the cap and a 2 and a half foot wickedly sharp blade (with a pink tip) was held in my hand as simply as if I were holding a stick.

“Gift from dad,” she explained, and then twisted the cap back on. When they started fighting ten minutes later, I realized that I was pretty good. I actually won most of the time. If I ever got tired she would just step into the shadows and I would be feeling reenergized in seconds. Of course I won the last one because I really was getting tired and hungry. So I cheated, no creatively used my resources to summon 10 undead with plastic swords. The rest of the day I found out I stank at canoeing, killed strawberries if I got within three feet of them and could hit an Apollo kid in the pupil of his eye a mile away with an arrow. I still preferred my sword. If anybody asked me in the future I'd say because archery hurt my arms more. But the truth was fighting with my sword made me feel like there was a softer side to Hades. And that I was part of that softer side.

When it was finally time for food I was the first one in. I saw everybody whisper something to their glasses. Well I whispered,

“Um, Oh I know pink lemonade!” instantly my glass filled with pink liquid. Before I took a sip she looked around. Everyone was taking their plates to a fire. I couldn’t think of what it was called but I remembered the gods liked to smell. I got in line and waited. When it was my turn I threw in like half my meal,

“Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, is there a god of chocolate?” I continued listing all the gods I could think of, then somebody behind me coughed and said,

“Just hurry it up already.” Hey it was the girl from earlier. And the skeleton was still poking her arm,

“Oh sorry about that,” I waved my hand and the skeleton melted away.

“You did that? You little-”

“Goodbye,” I said. I just smiled and waved her goodbye. I sat down at my table and started to eat. A guy who looked like a Cherub started to talk,

“I hope you all have a chance to meet Giselle Pink,” He looked over at Chiron as if waiting for something,

“Sorry to disappoint you old friend, but that’s her correct name.”

“Oh, well okay, her father is Hades and blah. Can I go and eat now?” everybody started whispering. Like being a daughter of Hades was a bad thing. I shrugged and started to eat my carrots while John sat down at my table. I then said with my mouthful,

“What’s wrong with being a daughter of Hades?”

“Oh nothing,” I raised my eyebrows, “Okay, just some prophecy about Daughter of death, girl of lightning and son of sea. The usual,”

“Great,” I said with another mouthful of food, then I swallowed, “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen for awhile.”
Sorry this one is bad, I had to find a way to get her that sword. The next one should be better. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago girlybella said…
OK guys, I want you to tell me the truth:

Is this story good for a thirteen year old writer? I mean I've seen worse... But is it good?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago girlybella said…
Anybody? Hmmmm...
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
yea, this story is totally good!!!! it's awesome!!!!
over a year ago girlybella said…
Thank you!

Sorry anybody who reads this, I have this huge term paper to write and won't be posting for awhile. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
term papers are a lot more important
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago girlybella said…
Yeah they are. It's almost done.

Ahhhhhh, I'm going through creative writing withdrawl. *Gags*
over a year ago girlybella said…
Chapter 4

I’m naming this chapter chocolate, because I want to.

Capture the flag started pretty soon. When I got into the woods it was starting to get dark. It really was freaking me out because 1: I hate the dark and 2: The dark was following me around as if hugging my legs. When I finally caught up with everybody else Chiron was finishing saying something like,

“No maiming or killing is allowed and all magic items are permitted.” That was really cheerful. I was on the blue (Athena’s) team, a bunch of good-looking blonde kids with stormy grey eyes. One older looking boy asked what I did best and I had said,

“Well I can sort of summon dead… And my dad gave me a sword and I’m pretty decent at it.”

“Sort of…?”

“I’ve summoned ten at once before… I could try for fifty, I guess” His eyes widened,

“That’d be cool, really. Just try that then go wherever we need help.” That was a good plan, so I said OK and waited for everybody to get the game started. I went to the other side of the creek and thought, fifty with swords fight for the blue, please, fifty. They started to show up and my eyes started to flicker on and off, as if I were blinking really fast. Three from the red team came and stared at me, then the undead and then me. I realized after forever that one of them was Ulysses and he looked really mad,

“Why did they tell her to do this? Don’t they know fifty exceeds even the highest limits?” he squinted at me, “You could die like that you know, stupid.”

“My idea,” I murmured, than blacked out.

“Giselle, are you there?” a man’s voice said. Then the scene faded in. I was in this creepy yet amazing palace. There, was a greasy man on a big thrown wearing a funny looking robe, I knew this was my father,

“Daddy,” I asked like a little girl. I am a little girl, okay and this is the first time I saw my father, in a dream or not.

“I suppose, child. Although calling me that seems...” I then cut him off,

“Dad,” I ran toward him and gave him a huge hug.

“You know this isn’t only a dream, and that you just hugged one of the most powerful gods in the universe?” he asked,

“Yes.” I said simply.

“I think I might like this one, dear.” A woman had said.

“Oh, my gods, you’re Persephone! Spring is my favorite season you know, wait why are you here, isn’t it summer? Don’t you think cereal is overrated...?”

“Yes, she is my favorite.” Persephone said.

“I thought she would be, that’s why I asked you to visit. Anyway, child we don’t have much time. The Chronicles of the gods has been stolen. And I might be accused of stealing it. The Chronicles is a very dangerous book, because it has so much knowledge anyone who reads it could have the power to take down Olympus without more then ten soldiers. We need you to get it. And bring it to the Olympians as a piece treaty. And whatever you do, do not open the book. Only one mortal in the entire world can read it and if anyone else tries to read it they’ll go insane. Ask for a quest. ”

“You really are the devil’s angel here.” Persephone said.

I woke up with Chiron feeling my forehead and a member of the blue team holding a flag.

“Dream… Quest… Chronicles… Cereal… Persephone thinks I’m okay… Devil’s angel…”

“It’s alright child, we’ll talk of that tomorrow.” Chiron said,

“Fifty, really, you should’ve been out for a week. I can’t believe Manson-” Ulysses said at the same time John said,

“Your life aura was almost gone! Although now it’s almost back to that annoying neon…”

“Could we talk about my dream, not about how stupid I was? I mean I just met my father!” I said.

“Not now, we’ve had enough excitement for today. And it’s plenty past curfew.”

“Does curfew apply to me? Being like the daughter of dark himself and all…”

“Yes it does, one because you’re deathly afraid of the dark and two,” Ulysses pointed to my legs which looked like they were clay getting hit by smoky balls the size of toddlers’ fists, “The dark likes you to much.”

“How did you know I was afraid of the dark?” I asked,

“You were screaming the sentence ‘Too much darkness’ over and over like it were bloody murder!”

“Sounds pretty normal to me,” I shrugged.

“Could you be more stupid?” he asked.

“Whatever, off to sleep” I fake yawned.

“I agree.” Chiron said.

Sorry it's a very lame. I had writers block this week.

Here's a better picture of Giselle:
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 4

I’m naming this chapter chocolate, because I want to.

Capture the flag started pret
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
really good
over a year ago girlybella said…
Hi, anybody who ever read this. (Probably no more then three people...)

I don't know why, but I can't feel what to do with the story anymore. If you want to take it over, fine by me. But my muse has moved to other ideas, and left this story as a suitcase with a fly coming out of it. Sorry. But almost nobody read this, right? It won't make a differance. XD