The Heroes of Olympus The Tales Of The Next Half Blood

magicgirl123 posted on Feb 22, 2011 at 02:35AM
To start of, I have no idea were this goes. I don't know what the plot will be( or if there will be one.). I am not very good at coming up with a plot eight thena nd there, so it will tale a while.

Title: tales of the next half blood
Rating: C

I don't own most of the characters!!!!!!!!!!!!

The title says all the plot it self.
Now, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!! This has the goddes of light in it, Phobos. She is totally made up. MY creation, so chill.

last edited on Feb 27, 2011 at 08:15PM

The Heroes of Olympus 26 replies

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over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
chapter one.
The day my life goes upside-down.

I was in my old house, just getting in with Anna and Tia, my best friends. Tia and I were thirteen,Anna was fourteen( see was held back in third grade), and it was 'spring break'. It didn't look like spring, 'cause it was raining all the time, but thats what happens in L.A., California. Today we had gotten lucky by just getting in befor it had started to drizzel. I unlocked the door, and walked in with that quick, confident walk I noticed that all my sibling have. I plopped my bagg on the nearby coach, and Anna and Tia did the same.

"Hey, do you guys want a soda?" I opened the fridge and peeked inside.

"No thanks. Soda is way to bad for you." Tia said. I snaped up and staired at her with a raised eyebrow. "What? it is! do you have any of that europian lemonade?" she said . Tia was a geek when it came to health. She had straight, light brown hair that fell just passed her shoulders, with sparkling blue eyes. her lean, tall figure looked great in anything, and she was the best singer ever.

I sighed. " yeah, here." I handded her a bottel of pink lemonade that my dad had found in a store. " I take it you want one too, huh Anna?" I glaned at my other bff. Anna was average height, with hair the color of light tree bark. She had light green eyes, a small figure that made her look smaller than she was. Anna also had a weird leg disease that made her walk funny, but let her wear pants instead of skirts in our school uniform, and she got out of P.E. for life. She got nervous when she was in the city, and she wasnt a big fan of doing class presentations. That's why we alwase did presentations together. We were a team. Little did I know how handy that would come in.

An hour and a half latter, we were sitting in my room, laughing and sharing a bowl of popcorn. We were still in our school uniforms of redish brown shirts and black skirts, and it was about six. It was raining heavely, and I was about to suggest that we change and put on a movie, when I heard a snaky noise outside. I stoped laughing, and waved my hand for the others to listen. Then i heard it again. I felt my hart skip a beat, and I rushed to the window.

"Robbie, what are you doing?" I heard Anna ask, but she sounded like she heard it to. I glanced out my window, and at first i didnt see anything, but then I saw a sight i will never forget. Across the street, I saw four women with scaly, snake-like green legs in what looked like greek armor, arguing and pointing towards my house.

MY house.....

I didn't know why, all i knew is that those snake women were bad, and I had to get out.


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
chapter two
i almost die

I started freaking out. Why did those snake women whant to attack my house? All I knew is that they did, and that I had to get out.

"Robbie, what's wrong?" I heard Tia get up and walk over, followed by Anna. " The-oh." I saw there faces pale,but Anna's a little differently. like she had know this would happen, just not know.

"Ok, we really need to get out.." Anna started, but my ADHD brain had taken controll. When i get scared, you have lost me for further communications. I raced towards the living room, were Tia and i had dumped our jackets, and tossed Tia's to her. Anna was still wearing hers, because she got cold easily. I heard a thudding at the door, like smeone was trying to break in. I grabbed Tia and Anna by the arm. There was the thudding again. Part of my brain just wanted to run, but something told me to stay.

'It's okay, you can do this.' A small vocie inside my ead said. Only problem was, she was a voice in my head, not a reall person. the thudding again, only this tme the dooor gave away compleatly. in its place stood the snake women, three with arow's drawn and one with a sword tht looked like it was mad from a strange type of bronze. they noticed us, and I happend to glance in the eye of one. I saw my worst night mares alive in ther eyes. Dad, Tia, and Anna all burning to death. I saw fire every wear, and the tomebstones of everyone I loved. The snake woman smiled, like it gave her joy seeing me in my worst nightmares. That made me mad. I shouted something at her, probably an insult, but it wasnt in english. The archers took aim, and I closed my eyes and shouted something else in the mystery language. Suddenly, a ball of warmth spread around us, and I held on to Tia and Anna.

Then we wernt in my living room any more. I opened my eyes, and saw ht we were standing on a hill, the sun had jut set so you could still see everything, and it wasnt raining. There was a tree in front of us, and on one of it's lower branches was what looked like a golden rug. Under the tree was a purple dragon, but i had seen enough of weid things that day to worry about that. I felt like I had just run a three mile sprint. My head hurt, my legs were sore, and my heart was beting so hard I could barly breath. i stummbeled forward, but Anna and Tia caught be. Tia layed me at the base of the tree and checked my pulse and temperature. Anna had turned to the dragon, and said something to him in the mystery language i had spoken. He seemed to reconise her, and turned towards one side of the ountain, and blew a huge ball of fire that was so loud I couldnt hear anything for the next ten minutes. people started pouring out of cabins that I hadn't known were there, all running up to this hill. i looked back at Tia and Anna, and found that Anna had taken off her pants. But instead of human legs, I saw goat legs, compleat with hooves. i looked quizzically at her but she just looked sheapishly at me. Then all the people reched us, and i realized that they were all kids. Some my age, some older some yonger. it was a swarm of people untill a man riding a horse came up. he had a long, dark brown beird and kind eyes. For some reson, I couldnt see the horses head, like the man was sitting in front of it. A boy with back hair and green eyes cme up to him and started talking, motioning towards me. The horse man frowned, and turned to me. He walked over and the horse knelt in front of me. I didnt see why He just didnt get off of him. The man put a hand on my forhead, mummbelded a few words, and I passed out, one last invountary thought going through my mind.
'I told you you could do it..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG that is really good, its awesome!!!!!!!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
cant wait till ya post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
capter three
I have a weird dream

when I passed out, I was suddenly back in time, to the memory of when Dad was teaching me ancient Greek myths. he showed me paintings of Greek gods: Zues, Posidion, Hera, And my personal favorite, Hectate. She never looked the same in any of the pictures. Sometimes she had gold hair, others a rusty red( like mine) , but most of the time her hair was black. her face was alwase the same, though. A small nose, bright blue eyes, a small, well defined chin, and an expression that sometimes said ' I know something you don't, haha' or ' I am really ticked off, so you are going to die.' I'm not sure why, but she was my favorite. I alwase loved the fact that she was the goddess of magic, and since my Dad was a teacher of Ancient sivilisations at the community collage, I had a first class education in that subject.

Then my memorie changed, and I was standing on the bottom of what looked like a the sky? I could see a huge city busy and noisy below the mountain, and a lone skyscraper directly underneath.

" Mount Olympus, it's over New York city." A voice said next to me. I turned, and saw a woman sitting directly at the edge, with her legs dangling over. She was wearing a black leather jacket and skinny jeans, with her back to me. Her black as night hair was pulled into a high pony-tail and she was staring out at the city.

"It is a beautiful sight. I alwase came up here when Apollo starts making his way across the earth." The woman turned around, and Looked at me. " Train hard, Robin. You will need it." I tried to gasp, but my voice wouldn't work. The woman looked just like the goddess Hectate. Then I felt like i was falling backwards,and when i hit the floor I woke up.

I was in a room with white walls and a huge window facing a hill, a hill with a sigal pine tree at the top.

Oh my god!
everything that happened last night came back to me. Anna, her goat legs, the gold rug, the purple dragon, the man on a horse.....My head was ringing. I was suddenly very affraid of all this stuff I didn't know. a door to my right opened a little, and I screached, jumping up so that I wasnt laying under the sky blue sheets, but standing on them. my hands felt clammy and bare, like I was suposed to be holding something tightly. I squeezed them into fists, to dull the fealing. Then i heard people running towards the door, and i subcounsiosly put one leg back against the wall so the heel of my shoe was pressed on the head board of the bed. i listened, and i heard the distictive sound of a horse running. that was strange, since horses dont generally come inside, unless it was a house trained pony or something...

But just then three people enered the room, and the man on the horse with them. Then suddenly i realised he wasnt on a horse, but from his waist down his boddy was smoothly crafted into the neck of a white stallion. he was with Tia, Anna, and a pudgy looking man with flushed cheeks and was waering a purple hawian shirt. Tia rushed forward, followed by Anna, who still had goat feet,and they pulled me down from the backboard( i had steped onto it when they all came running in.), all the while telling me how glad they were to see that i was okay and alive.

"W-why are you part horse," i pointed to the horse-man, then to anna." and why are you part goat? is that the reason you had a leg disease? 'cause your a goat?" i stared at Anna, who sighed with releaf.

"alwase the one to ask the questions, huh robbie? Well, yeah. It was. I'm a satyr. I was sent to your school to protect you two from monsters."Anna explained. Well, you did a great job of that, I thought. Then tia hugged me, and then pulled back, smiling like she just won a million dollars.

"Oh, Robie, we have a lot of explaining to do.' she said as she ushered me inside.

And I couldn't agree with her more.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
please read ch. one and two again, because i made some changes....
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Awwww, please post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 4
She wakes up

I quietly tried to open the door to the infermary to see if Robbie was okay. Everyone was super worried about her. When she had some how shouted ancient Greek and transported us here, she had passed out and hadn't woken up yet, one day later. When I turned the knob to the door, though, there was a loud shreak from inside, and I heard the sheets being roughly throne back. I gasped, and rushed back to the porch.

" She's awake!". I shouted, smiling. Chiron and Mr. D stand up from there pinicol game, and Anna jumped down from sitting on a railing.

"Come on! knowing Robie, she won't be in that room forever!" Anna shouted, running to catch up with me. It was true. Robie was naturally curiose, and that combined with ADHD, we had barley two minutes before we found her in the attic or in the Oricals cave.

As we neared the door, we heard someone breathing heavy. I assumed it was Robbie, since she had just woken up from casting a spell equal to a 30 minune flat dash( for beginners any way; I asked Chiron). We all walked in, and saw Robie was standing on the bead head board, her muscles tence. I breathed a sigh of relief and when to help Anna drag her down. She looked good for someone who had just woken up, like she alwase did. Robbie was actually really pretty, with smooth red hair that had a bronze glow, shining blue eyes, and a tall,Thin figure.

When she saw Chiron and Anna, her eyes widened with shock. She stammered about how Chiron is part horse and how Anna is part goat, and so how figured it out that that's why Anna had a 'leg disease' and got to wear pants, not skirts. We walked out of the infirmary, Chiron talking kindly to Robbie, like he did to me, explaining how Camp Half-Blood worked, and introducing her to Mr.D.

" Why do people call you Mr.D? is that the initial for the last name you don't like or something?" Robbie asked, staring confused at him. mr.D stiffened, and stared her in the eye.

" You know, some names are best left unsaid." Mr.D had a warning in his voice, and Robbie nodded like she understood. Then she looked around camp, and gasped.

Wow this place really is pretty. What's the purple-ish thing around it?" Robbie turned to us as we looked out at camp, then at her, shocked. Only Chiron didn't seem, surprised.

" Child, what is it exactly you see?" He asked calmly.

" Like, this huge purple dome around the entire camp." Robbie waved her hands around in a wide circle.

"Robie, what are you talking abou-"I started, but Chiron cut me off.

"I think I might have an idea who your parent is.....but first, let's show you around camp!"

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Looking good. I'm luving ur story.
over a year ago Avery09 said…
i really like i! keep posting!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Chapter 5
Can my life get any more interesting?

So it turns out that the dude on the horse is Chiron, as in the Chiron who live a thousand years ago. And Mr. D is a god. I know right? I have gone from a normal ( not that much) to a half-blood in two days. It turns out I was out for an entire day. My head was spinning when Chiron explained all this, Anna chiming in occasionally.

"So, your saying that the Greek gods are real, and that my Mom was one?" Chiron nodded. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. " No, that's not true. My mom was a historian that specialized in ancient Greece and the stone age, she live in Greece and wrote books that were about magic and wicken wiches and Myths. She and my Dad stayed in the same hotel, that's how they met, and then they had me. they got a house in a a nice neborhood in Greece, but the house next door caught on fire and so did there's, and my Mom when missing....." I trailed off, looking deperatly between Anna and Tia, waiting for someone to jump out with cameras and shout ' physic'. but no one did.

" Robin, I know this must be hard for you, but make a connection between that. Your parents met in Greece, they lived in Greece, you were even born in Greece! " Chiron exclaimed. It did make sence, but part of me didn't want to believe him.

" I need to call my Dad, tell him wear I am and that Im okay before he freaks out." I stated flatly.

Chiron nodded and led me to his office, wear he let me use his phone. he walked out, and I dialed my home phone.

" hello?" A nervous voice on the other end said. it was dad.

"Dad! You are so not going to believe what happened In the past two days!" I exclaimed.

"Robbie, is that you? Oh my god, I was getting really worried! I got home from Chicago late last night, and I was so tired that I just assumed you were in bed or at a friends house. But then this morning, about twenty minutes ago, I noticed a huge burn mark in the living room next to your bedroom door! And you were no wear to be found!" I could hear relief floding his voice, but then it was replaced by more worry. " So, were are you now?"

"I'm at this place called camp half-blood. The burn mark is from me casting a spell or something and transporting Tia,Anna, and me here. Then I got super tired and passed out. I woke up about half an hour ago. Dad, they think that the the Greek gods are real, and that Mom was one of them. I have a feeling that there right and I should believe them, but I don't know if I want to. Was mom really a goddess? And answer me truthfully.". I waited.

" Well, Robbie, she was. I was hoping it wouldn't ever come to this, that you could just lead a normal life, have a normal family, but I guess not. You have to believe that place, train and be strong. Find out who your mom is, and maby one day you could meet her. I'm sorry honey, but it's the truth.". He sighed.

"O-okay, dad. I'm not supposed to be on the phone for too long, so I have to go. bye." I hung up. Now all of me new this was true, and I couldn't tell what I was up posed to be feeling. Scared, sad, grateful I found this place, happy, exited. Right then, I was all five.

I walked out to the porch, and looked at Chiron.

" I guess I'm ready." I said, and let Chiron show me around the camp.

over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome chapter!!!!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Chapter 6
I get claimed

Camp was a lot different than I expected. I thought it would jut be a place wear half-bloods live to avoid monsters, only leaving rarely to see friends and family, that it would be like a Peacfull Greek town. But I was way of. There's a sword arena, stables, archery, a volcanic rock wall, a dinning pavilion, cabins, and a forest filled with monsters. Chiron told me that the your grouped in cabins by who your goddly parent is, and since we didn't know mine, I would have to stay in the Hermes cabin until I was claimed.

"When do I get claimed?" We were standing in the little clearing wear all the cabins faced.

" Well, since your already 13, it should be soon. Probably 1 to 6 days. Not to long.". Chiron was gassing at each cabin thoughtfully, as if trying to see which one I fit in to. Then he sighed. " let's move you in to the Hermes cabin then!". Cabin 11 looked like a normal camp cabin, well, one that was in good condition then abandoned for twenty years. On the door was a gold caduceus, and kids talking and shouting was coming from inside. Chiron stepped onto the porch and opened the door. As soon as he did, the voices hushed. Inside there were about 7 bunks, only about three without a person on the top or bottom. When every one saw Chiron, the all stood up and bowed resectfully. Chiron didn't go in, he was to tall, but he pushed me inside.

"Campers, this is Robin Simton." I never did figure out how he knew my last name, guess it's just one of those things he just knows by magic( *cough*Anna and Tia *cough*). " She'll be staying with you until she is determined.".

I blushed. " Hi". Then Chiron said he had archery to go to, had left me in the hands of a pair of twins who identified them self as Conner and Travis Stoll.

"So, you'll be bunking here with Andrea." Conner ( i think) motioned towards a bunk with a blonde girl sitting on the bottom bed.

" Do you mind if I have the bottom bed?". The girl,Andrea, asked nervously." I get vertigo easily." I nodded, and climbed up with the spare sleeping bag and backpack with some clothes Chiron had given me. There was an orange shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of tennis shoes, and a pillow. It was free time now, so I spent most of it getting to know the kids from cabin 11. I really liked Samy, a girl who had the top bunk text to mine. She had just gotten hear three days before I did, so when we lined up to go to dinner, we were the last ones.

Diner is in, of coarse, those huge pavilions you see in a Greek architecture book. It had no roof, only white marble pillars for walls, and it was really big. I sat with the Hermes table, next to Samy. I noticed that Tia was sitting with a bunch of kids who looked a lot like her. They all had light colored hair, bright blue eyes, and they were all tall and thin. Samy noticed me staring, and told me that was the Apollo cabin. It did make sence, Tia was a singer, Apollo was a god of music. I wondered who my mom was. She could be Demeter, or Aphrodite, or Athena( not really, all her kids were blond and really smart, and I was average). I did feal my gaze constantly over one table, wear there were 5 guy and 3 girls. They all had red hair, or a red tint to dark brown hair. Like me. I noticed that they all had twigs in small leather straps on there fore arm. Wait, not twigs, wands. They each had a wand, and they were all different, even the stapes were personalized. That was so cool.

Chiron gave a toast to the Gods, then everyone started to get up. I followed, and brought my plate. People were dropping in there biggest piece of fruit, or jusiest piece of stake.

"Its a tradition. People giving offerings to the gods."I heard a voice next to my ear. I turned my head to see Samy gazing at the fire. She had dirty blonde hair, shining blue-green eyes, and a line of freckles across her nose. "Go on, it's your turn.". She gently pushed me forward, and I scraped in a peice of strawberry and watermelon, my two favorites.

' please, who ever you are, send some kind of signal, claiming me.'I murmured. Then I went back towards my table and began to eat. After dinner, Chiron led us all to the amphitheater, were the Apollo cabin led a sing along. It was going fine, but unfortunately, the Hermes cabin sits right next to the Ares cabin. It started out when one of the Ares campers started throughing insults. I could tell the other campers were barley anouyed by this, but I was a lot more.

" I heard she fell from the sky on a ball of fire, that she can use Anceint Greek spells without thinking.". One camper looked over to me. " You think your just so great, don't you? Well, get it out of your mind, because you are a nothing compared to anyone here. Your Mom probably doesn't even care were you are, or that your alive or not. Your just from a family of losers." The Ares cabin started laughing, and I felt anger trobbing through me. I think Samy tried to calm me down, but it was no use.

" Bring it!" I heard myself shout in a voice so scary, even I was shocked. I felt myself stand up, fist clenched,when a huge wave of fire blasted from the fire up to the sky. When the wave ended, I was still standing there, but every one was looking at me weird. No, not at me, something above my head. I looked up just in time to see a circle pattern, like three L's all connected to a small circle inside a bigger one. I recognized it imeadiatly. It was a goddess's symbol.

" Hail, Robin Simton,"I heard Chiron say," daughter of Hectate."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
im just posting these chapters because I like the story plot and charecters, but I would like it if peole posted comments! there is five times as many vews on this thing than comments, so please commment!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
yea I hate that, no one comments on my story either.

I love your story, it's really interesting!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
chapter 7
i get a magical familly....... literally

When I woke up the next morning, I felt great. I did everything quicker than I would normally. I packed everything up, and said my goodbyes to samy and Andrea. When I walked out the door, Chiron was walking over to get me.

"ready?" he asked.

"Yep." we walked over to cabin 14,hectates cabin. It was acually kind of big, almost as big as cabin one, but it wasnt as white or neat. It had walls made out of gray stone with writing on it that I could read as easily as a you can read english, a black wood roof and porch that wraped half way around the sides. the black wood door had a gold picture of hectates symbol on it. just as Chiron was about to knock on the door, a boy a coulple years older than me wiped it open. He pointed his wand at chiron, but then relised who he was. the boy quickly put his wand away and bowed respectfully.

"Well, Eddie, here is your new sister, Robin Simton." Chiron pushed me forward. Eddie looked at me, then grinned.

"hey Robbin, welcome to cabin forteen." He pulled me inside, and I tried not to gasp. The room was a lot bigger inside than it looked on the out side. The floor were made of dark brown wood, but the roof was like it was the night sky. The constelations were brightest, but there wasnt a moon. There were gold chinese lanterns floating around the room, one by each bed. the beds were different then the cabin 11 bunkbeds, too. The beds were four post beds, with light, bawn sky blue mattres cover and pillows. there were wooden chests at the foot of each bed, each personalized. there were bathroom in the corner, two, one on each side. There were the 8 kids I saw at dinner sitting on there own bed, the girls on one side and boys on the other. When I walked in, they all turned and looked at me, smiling.

"guys, this is Robin Simton-" eddie started.

"Robbie. call me Robbie." I was still looking around and not really paying attention to what Eddie was saying. I woke up when a girl a year older than me with bright red hair, blue eyes, and a happy smile jumped up to meet me.

" hi, Robbie, Im Sarha. Youve met Eddie, our head consuler, Nelson, Tina, Brian, Tomsonn, Kelly, and Drake." She pointed to each person and I nodded. She sowed me to a bed that looked like the others, and Had its own trunk. I rubbed my tumb on it as I pased, and it changed. It begain to pait a picture of my name, in white letters, covered in moss and surouned my trees, with Robins around it. It looked like the Robins were moving, and very realilistic. I grinned, and wondered what other surprises I might get.

"now that you are an offical daughter of hectate, you need to get your tatoo."drake said, pulling out his wand.

"what? since when do I get a tatoo?" I stared at him wide-eyed.

"All children of hectate get one. either by the time they turn fifteen, or when they get claimed. your clamed, so you get a tatoo." Tina explained.

"It's sort of honnorary." Kelly said," We all have one. See?" she lifted up her arm and twisted it, so you could see the undeside of it. There, by her forarm, was hectates symbol tatooed in black ink, with her name writen in curseve on the top. "its hectates secret, so you have to sware on the river styx not to tell anyone or anything.

I sighed. " I sware on the river styx I wont tell anyone." Thunder rummbled, and i knew that Swering on the river styx was serious.

"Good." drake pointed his wand at me, and befor i could do anything, he said something in ancient greek, and I felt a slight burning on my arm. i looked down, and saw the same tatoo Kelly had tracing it self on my left arm. Above it, I saw my name writen in curseve. The tatoo stopped drawing, and the burning faded. Then, I heard the same voice I heard befor in my head.

'welcome to the world of the gods. This is a tatoo honoring you as a child of Hectate. use your powers well. be creative. be kind. be wise. be yourself. And above all, never,ever, forget the history and magic that runs through your veins.' When she stopped speaking, a spall glowing started on my bed. It was light grey and sparkly, and was only about half a foot long, and about three inches wide. when the glowing died, there was a wooden wand on my bed. It had a cloudy silver handel that was studded on the bottom with rubies, it was only one inch wide at the hilt, as soon as the wood started it grew thinner, and was about eight inches long. It was beutifull. i leaned forward and picked it up, tirling it in my hands.

"Did we also menton that you also get a wand?" Sarha said, grinning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
chapter 8
the most normal day of my half-blood life

I couldnt belive it. A wand! I had a wand! Tomsson, who was the best wand handler in the cabin, showed me how to handel it properly and how to cast a few spells. I was given a book of spells,( one of the few things every child of Hecate had, like a wand), for wand and free use only. Free use was when you didnt use your wand but chaneled your magic through your body. It worked for children of Hecate because we have magic in our blood( literally) but for a normal half-blkood or monster in was deadly. The amount of energy needed to even cast a simple spell would take all of it, so you would die. For a god, it was risky unless you had a gift or was a god of magic( like hecate). Thats why, in battle, most of my siblings would tant the monster and use hand spells, making the enemy want to seem stronger and use a bigger hand spell. Then BOOM, they were gonners unless they were children of Hecate. thats why there are only nine of us. Children of hecate are bigger and stronger that you think.

Anyway, that day was a lot of fun. When I finished my pouch for my wand, the conch horn sounded for Breackfast. I lined up behind Brian, how was acually really funny, all smiles. As we made our way to the dinning pavillion, I saw all the cabins walking. I saw Tia in the Apollo line, and she noticed me. I waved, and she waved back, just as smily as I was. i flashed her my wand, and I beamed when I saw her eyes winden. She waved again, and I turned back to talking with brian. breakfast whent normall, and so did archery, javlen class, pegasis riding(my favorite),and sword fighting. well, acually, in sword fighting, Eddie told me to flip my wand and wisper 'sword' in ancient greek. When my wand come back to my hand, it wasnr a wand anymore. It was a three foot sword with a wickedly sharp clestial bronze bronze blade with a hilt similar to my wand, only it had saphires studded on its hilt(my birthstone: september). AWSOME!

later that day was when things whent all half-blood-ish-y on me. i wa earing dinner, when this red head with bright green eyes rushed up. chiron stood up, looking alarmed.

"Rachel, whats going on?" Chiron stepped forward.

"Chiron, pro-" rachel dobeled over, and when she came up, her eyes were glowing- yes ACUALLY glowing- green and smoke coming out of her mouth. When she spoke, her voice sounded like five of her were speaking at once, and her voice sounded a million years old.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
a prophecy, can't wait to hear it!!!!
great chapter
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Chapter 9
Prophecies lead to quest's, quests lead to death........

"travel to the titan land
to find the other
unite to steal the prise,
and a daughter of magic will make the chouse."
At the last word, Rachels eyes rolled in her head and she passed out. Shoked murmers raced through the tables, but I knew one thing. When Rachel had said the last line, she had been looking




"Robbie? are you okay?" I saw tina lean forward. i turned to her.

" N-no. I'm not. S-she was looking at me. Right at me." My skin was tingiling. I felt fear and anger rising up inside of at the same time.

"no. she could have been looking at anyone." But she was soundinglike she was trying to convince her self.

"yes I'm sure."

"we have to go see chiron. NOW." She pulled me up and pulled me over to the big table.

"yes, gilrs? what is it?" Chiron asked when he saw us come over.

" I think Robie is the daughter of magic." Tina said breathlesly. Chiron paled and turned to me.

"WE need to have a camp meeting at the big house, then." Chiron stamed his foot and anounced the meeting.

(this chapter is short.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
please comment!!!!

over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
nice prophecy!!!!!!!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
sorry, but i wont be able to post soon because im grounded for something that i cant remenber................


over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I just read the whole story and IT'S AWESOME!
keep posting eve though we have to wait for a while:(
I can't wait for the meeting and to find out who Tina and Anna is.
Anna probably Athena
Tina maybe Apollo, Hermes, Ares, or Aphrodite (no idea)
continue posting, love it
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
wait, what?? NO, Tina is a daughter of hecate, and anna is a stayr.
sorry if that wasnt really clear..........

over a year ago Misty101 said…
sorry, but i cant seem to log into my account for some strange reason, so im just going to have to use my little sisters acount untill i can...... it sucks...

over a year ago princessofmagic said…
Heyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Soooooooo sorry I couldn't write door so long, but I can't log into my account and my sister will kill me if I post anything on her account, so I just created this new one. Any way...

Edits I can't really edit!!!!

Tia! Please, can you all pretend that I said she has blonde hair???????? Blonde hair and blue eyes......

I think that's it........ But yeah. Sorry I couldn't post sooner!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
Wow just read your whole story today and well it's...amazing! I really can't wait to see more (: