The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune. :)

psalm1003 posted on Feb 23, 2011 at 01:24AM
Ok so as most fans of RR and HoO know, the next book will be called the son of neptune. I want to write it as I think it will turn out and then see what happens. Feel free to comment.
I will be posting often possibly evrry other day or so.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of vthe characters except those I made up myself. Everything else belongs to Rick Riordan

Posting soon!
last edited on Mar 16, 2011 at 01:59AM

The Heroes of Olympus 369 replies

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over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok here's chapter
number one:

I looked around, sensing something was wrong. There were no sounds but those of my own heart. Silently I drew my knife, from its sheath, and crept around a corner of the dark hallway . I looked forward, a feeling of dread washing over me and leaving me unable to do anything but stand and watch as i saw a teen around my age standing alone at the end of one corridor. I tried to tell him to hide, but my lips would nto move. I was aware of people coming, but I was stuck where I was. Brandishing spears and swords that were unlike those at Camp Half-blood they approached him.

*Reyna I don't think he's been tested by Lupa yet.* said a voice. the lead girl ignored it and kept going. They surrounded him and began leading him away just as my lips were able to form one word.


I sat up suddenly, sweat engulfing me.

*Annabeth?* said a small voice next to me.

I jumped a little then relaxed when I saw that it was one of my half-sisters, Fiona. Her gray eyes dupllicating my own, and her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. I sighed and pulled my sheets off. My blonde hair- which was streaked with gray- was sticking up in funny places so I smoothed it down with my hand.

*Another dream about him?* she asked sympathetically. I nodded glumly. Trying to calm my nerves.

This was no nightmare. I knew in my gut that that dream represented truth. I also knew Percy was still out there, with people unknown to him and in unknown surroundings. I took a deep but shaky breath, and continued my conversation with Fiona.

*They all just feel so real, like I could reach out my hand and pull him back.* I pondered it for awhile.

*This was different though. The people felt so real. Like the Reyna person...*

I could have sworn that I had heard that name somewhere before. After thinking for a bit I realized that Fiona was still there waiting for me to say more. I thought about asking her, but decided against it. I would talk to Chiron later.
One thing was for sure though. Some one had beaten me to Percy, and some one was going to have an angry daughter of Athena on their hands.
I knew that I would not be able to go to sleep now, considering what I had just gone through. I took out some of my blueprints for Olympus, trying to put together an image for every Olympian in their statues. I was in the middle of Aphrodite, trying to decide whether she wanted her hair up or down or however she wore it, when Fiona came over again.

*Why dont you ask Piper? I'm sure that she would be able to tell you what to design on her mom so that she's satisfied.* she said knowingly.

I pulled out a yellow post-it note and wrote myself a little reminder to talk to my friend Piper mclean who was in charge of the Aphrodite cabin. I stuck it in my section of the corkboard on the wall. I gazed at a different note up there. It was from last summer before we had left camp:

"Hey wisegirl have a great time at your school! Don't fall in love with another dude ok? Hopefully we will both stay out of trouble this year! ;)
Signed, seaweed brain

I sighed again. It seemed like that was all I ever did since Percy disappeared. How could I be designing little statues when he could be in danger? The fates it seemed were making an extra effort on making me feel like a loser. Then I noticed Fiona staring curiously at me, so I gave her a questioning look. She tapped her chin and said
*He's not like, dead or anything right?* I ran my hand through my hair and said,

*I don't know, but I wish I did. You know how I feel about not knowing something right?*

*Annabeth, we all know it bothers you, but I know we will find him. What's more, is maybe he hasn't forgotten you, maybe he's looking for you.* she looked at me for a second like she wanted to make sure I was listening,

*all i can say, is, we know where he is right, and if other demigods are there too, then he is fine. All that we can do now is work on the boat, and sit tight.* I gave her a weak smile and said,

*I hope ur right.*

*Hey we're Athena's kids. We have to be right. There isn't another choice.* I chuckled half-heartedly, then spent some tiime going through my drawings. Nothing stood out to me as somethung to get my mind off of Percy. After a while, I fell asleep on the desk. No dreams came to me, but I was thoughtful when we went to breakfast. Sleeping helps you think, just ask Clovis.

Later on I led my cabin to the dining pavilion where the nymphs handed out platters of french toast, and magical goblets that served whatever drink we wanted as long as it was non-alcoholic. I asked for orange juice in my cup, then walked over to the braziers with everyone else. When it was my turn I said,

*Mom, please help me find Percy, and give me some wisdom and answers. I'm sorry that you don't approve of our relationship but...* there was nothing else I could think of saying, so I sat back down and ate my food.

I went through everything easily. Archery? Easy. Javelin-throwing? Kids stuff. Even the climbing wall? Please.

During freetime I wandered around, trying to figure out a strategy or plan worthy of Athena to get me out of the mess I was in.

Remembering the reminder, I strolled over to the hot pink lace-curtained cabin that was Aphrodites. I tapped lightly on the door and was greeted by Lacey, one of Piper's nicer sisters. She probably knew that I was here for Piper, as she said,

*Piper is by her bed. KK?*

I nodded and walked over to where Piper sat polishing her mirror-like dagger, Katoptris, until I cleared my throat loudly to let her know I was here. She looked up at me and grinned saying,

*Hey Annabeth, what made you want to drop by?*

*Need help on one of your mom's statues if you don't mind* I said.

She stuck her dagger in its scabbard and stood up dusting her hands off. She motioned towards the door, and I led her to my cabin. She gasped when she stepped inside, and I realzed that I had never brought her in here.

After a quick tour I handed her my drawing. She gazed at it, then added some things, then wrote some ideas down on a sticky note. Silently she handed the note, and drawing back to me. I looked at it amazed at how life-like it now looked now.

*Piper I never realized you were an artist.* I said to her.

She smiled sheepishly and looked at the floor.

*Had a lot of time to practice with my dad gone.* she said.

I put the papers on the corkboard, and we sat there in silence, both of us unsure of what to do next.

This is Fiona
last edited over a year ago
Ok here's chapter 
number one:

I looked around, sensing something was wrong.  There were no sounds
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
lol........... you dont want an angry Annabeth, do you? ;)
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
big smile
THat was great! I loved how u started out with annabeths dream cant wait til u post again!!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Sry if its a little short. I was pressed for time wen I wuz writing it. I might add more details befor I post chapter two
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok I edited my first chapter so its not as short.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Plz reply cuz I'm wondering whether I should write more after this or not. Um open to any suggestions, comments, or things like that whether goood or bad so plz do so!!!!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
NO. don't stop. you're doing don't need any suggestions
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
PleAse don't stop.....
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
OK Here's chapter two! feel free to comment ok?

Chapter two




I jolted awake, lunging blindly out in front of me, as i leaped out of the chair i had been slumbering in.

*Whoa, like, don't kill me, considering I've been keeping you healthy these past couple of days.*

*Oh, sorry um...*

She chuckled,

*Reyna, that's my name. Daughter of Apollo at your service.*

Apollo, where had i heard that name i struggled to recall, a shrieking pain hit me at the base of my eyes. I froze in mid-thought, and concentrated on making my mind go blank.

*Whoa are you ok Percy?* Reyna asked me.

*How-how do you know my name?* I asked, still not willing to lower my sword, which apparently had appeared out of nowehere, and was about three feet of some sort of bronze.

*Yeahhhh, well you talk in your sleep so...Who's Annabeth? Ane Grover? And Tyson, and Rachel?*

I don't know why, but my cheeks flooded with warmth at the names Annabeth, and Rachel.

*I don't really know who they are.*

*What do you mean, you have to know who they are if you were talking about them in your sleep. Anyone who is mentioned in sleep has to be important to you.*

I shook my head trying to recall, but the pain behind my eyes came back, and i put the effort aside.

*So, Reyna, where exactly am i, and WHO am i?*

She chuckled,

*You are in The City, the home of demigods. As to who you are, you would be able to answer that better than me.*

She tapped her chin.

*You know, now that i think about it, Lupa asked me to bring you to her once you were conscious.*

I shrugged and got up. Reyna strolled out the dorr, her straight brown hair swinging behind her. Without another thought, i followed her close at her heels like a puppy would follow its master.

We walked through a majorly military-like set up. I couldn't look anywhere (other than at the sky) without seeing armor, weapons, or purple t-shirts with latin on them. Reyna exchanged some words with some kids. And i stood behind her with people passing me curious glances. We hurried along, leaving them and their questions far behind.c

Reyna entered a oom with no furniture but some chairs and a couch, and nothing else but a fireplace, which was not lit. She bowed to a silvery colored wolf which was lying leisurely on the couch.

*My lady, i have done as you requested.* The wolf nodded, and Reyna left.

I was alone but for the haunting blank stares of the half-bloods out there, my blank head and memories, and the intimidating stare of the ancient wolf.

After a couple of minutes I realized that she was waiting for me to do something.
I bowed awkwardly and then stood up again.

*You do not belong here child.* she said in a cold voice. *I cannot have you warping the minds of my troops, as we have just come back from the battle of Mount Othrys.

The name struck me, and for a second it seemed like I would remember, but then my old friend pain came and soiled the feeble attempt.

*um ok, but who are you, and who am I? You keep acting like you know me, but....*

The wolf sighed and suddenly began glowing. After it subsided, a woman with curly blonde hair, and silver slanted eyes stood before me.

*Lupa, empress, and leader of the city.*

This is Reyna
last edited over a year ago
OK Here's chapter two!  feel free to comment ok?

Chapter two




over a year ago POJO45 said…
love it!post!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Again sry its short, like with chapter one ill add more details to make it longer. Posting soon!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok, I have decided that I will try to post a chapter every other day, that way will have a day for editing and adding details.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok, here's my issue. I get a lot of people reading my forum, but then only like five people comment, give suggestions/opinions, or tell me if they like it. I think if ur going to read some ones forum, you should let them know what you think of it. And I'm talking to all of the people who just read peoples thing, then just leave like, ok cool moving on now. Ok u heard my mind
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
well, i think you have a very creative mid. happy?
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
I'm not yelling at u, the people on my wall r awsum, nah I wuz just a little pissed earlier cuz of something I'm good now, and I'm glad people read my thing, and I'm glad people comment. Sry if I seemed like I was mad at u.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Wait is Lupa actually the goddess of wolves?
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
dude thoose r NOT short infact tthere the longest chappies on this web that I ever read an I read all of them
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means you'll post tomarro!!!!!!!

( every other day, right?)
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Hopefully, although today might be an exception cuz I'm going out for a while. I will try to post tonight!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
yaaaaaaa. can't wait for you to post.

and it's ok about the thing you told us. you probably didn't try to sound mad you were just telling us something but it probably made it look like it
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Heehee chappies...funny word
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
KOk, so here's chapter three. Ill ad more details later, and as always, feel free to comment.

*Ok, bring in the timber for the mast!* I yelled to the campers.

The boat was almost done, just needed a few tweaks here and there, and we would be good.

*Leo! The wood is stuck under the tarp!*

I cursed silently, and made my way over to the wood pile. Nyssa was tugging on the tarp that kept the wood from getting stolen by dryads who would take it, theb store it up in their tree so we could not use it. I don't know what they did with it, but.....

I strolled over and put my hands on the tarp, pulling with all of my might. Nothng happened, much to my displeasure. My hands warmed up, and before I realized it, I had melted the section of the tarp my hands had been occupying.

*eh, I guess that works too.* I said.

Nyssa shrugged, and had the other campers help her tear the rest away. They gathered up the planks of wood, and as they passed by me, Nyssa leaned over and whispered to me,

*If there is any wood left leo, you are in charge of makng a new tarp.*

*I guess that's fair* I said grudgingly.

*Of course it is considering you were the one who wrecked it.*

*Well you guys tore it apart*

*But you-*

We were interrupted when some one came over and broke us up.

*guys, this is pointless, just work on the boat, and th both of you can make a new tarp.* exclaimed Katie Gardner, who was working on painting the side of the boat wuth her siblings.

*besides, you should both put that energy towards fnishng the boat, rather than arguing.*

Then she walked away.

*Why does she have to be so logical?* I said smling.

Nyssa chuckled, then took her load over to the boat to finish the mast.

We worked hard until dinnertime, and we gladly abandoned the strenuous work as many of us were sore with blisters, bruises and splinters.

I sat down at my table after putting some food in the brazier for my dad.

We ate in silence, no one really up to talking, as we were all wor out both physically and emotionally.

After the campfire late on, we trudged into our cabins, and pressed the buttons to get into our rooms under the cabin.

I was so tired, that I was asleep as soon as my head hit the Pillow.

The dreams of demigods. ugh if i could get rid of one aspect of demigod life, that would be it. It seems like all dreams have to be like a clue, or a future telling, or something unpleasant. After a long hard day, we get to go to bed to freaky omens. whoopee.

ok, so my dream.

I was like, on a canyon, with some wolf, and Jason, looking like he was really young. like, three years old or so. The wolf, looks at him, and somehow, i hear her voice too.

*Child, you must prove your worth to be accepted.* And then the two-year-old nods like he totally understanding what could be his death. I'm watching, as the wolf says,

*Give us a sign young hero, that you should be accepted, and are worthy of your father.*

The little boy gets a determined expression, then all of a sudden flies onto the air, hovering a few feet above the wolf, then he raises his hand, and lightning strikes the earth by the wolf. She flinches, but then nods.

*You will face many tests in the future, but you have passed this one. i present you with your weapon, forged by vulcan himself, but which is from your father.*

The ground shimmered, and a simple coin- which I somehow knew was a roman coin, called an aureas- appeared by Jason's feet. he picked it up like he wasn't sure what to do with it. He looked questioningly at the wolf,

*Its nice, but what can I do with a simple aureas?* the wolf chuckled, then said,

*do not underestimate gifts that appear meaningless.* she said. I was then aware of her sendng him an image of the coin being tossed into the air.

he shrugged, then flipped it and it became a golden sword. His eyes widened at the sight. He flipped it agan and it became the coin. He flipped it again and it was a lance. He pointed it towards the sky, as the wolf stepped into the shadows saying,

*Hail, the hero, Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter.*

Lightning struck, and i was swirled from my dream, into a blank sleep.

This is Jason when he's around two or three
last edited over a year ago
KOk, so here's chapter three.   Ill ad more details later, and as always, feel free to comment.

over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Eh that needs more detail, which I will be working in tomorrow
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
ok, I added details to chapter three, should be good now, chapter four will be posted either tomorrow, or monday. Posting soon!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Wow,awesome,amazing great,cool,nice,good,wonderful,love it,don't stop, cann't think of words,KEEP POSTING
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok, I will try to get chapter four in tomorrow.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
The only reason I'm not doing it now s because I want to figure out which pov s next. Maybe I will do like a sequence. Annabeth, percy, leo, piper, jason, then go back to the beginning. Sound good?
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
U know, now that I'm writing my own fanfic, m wondering if RR will have any of the same ideas as me...
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
was that leo's point of view?
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Yeah. Who else would be able to melt the tarp. But yeah I will add that detail right now. Ok most likely chapter four is coming tomorrow. I will post if anything changes.
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok, sry I was not able to post today, I didn't get home till late, but I have computers at chool tomorrow so I will try to post then!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok, here's chapter four.

btw i decided i will just do any pov for chapters, no specific order.

I was unsurprised at this revelation. I knew that the wolf woman had to me some one special, otheriwise, how was she able to like transform between two different life forms?

*OK, so can you answer my question of why i am here?* i asked

She muttered something to herself, but i caught a few of the words.


She looked at me with her ancient eyes, and said,

*Well, you are here because of Juno. I can say no more, because of an oath that is binding me. I swore on the River Styx i would not speak of it to anyone but the gods themselves. Anyway, I realize that the ocean is in your blood, but i had no idea Neptune broke his oath of no more offspring.*

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

*Even so, do you remember anything other than your name?*

I shook my head. She appeared to be mystified, but then her expression transformed to that knowing look again.

*I have to see what you are made of. For the time being though, i am sorry but we have to brand you.*

*Brand me?!*

She nodded, and i could just imagine a hot iron pressing down on my skin. I gulped at the thought.

*No, we do not brand you like a horse, we use magic.*

She began to hum an eerie tune, and i felt myself swaying to the music. Faster and faster she went, until, my arm began to sting. I wanted to itch it, or at least see what was happening, but i was held fast.

It seemed like hours had passed, before she finally stopped. I was able to move again, so i looked down at my arm. a line like on a barcode was singled out on my arm, as was the symbol of a trident, and my name in greek.

*Perseus.* I read. There was no last name.

Lupa looked confused.

*Why ia it in Greek unless...*

She trailed off, and looked at me with a glaring look.

*This is your identity. From now on, you will be called Perseus, your full name. There are no nicknames, and no confusion. Perseus though...*

*Um, thanks?*

*Do not thank me hero. Not until you are finished being tested first in the arena, then with me. Go now, to the Neptune cabin. Some one will be there in the morning to bring you to the Arena.*

*um where is the Neptune cabin exactly?* I asked.

She rolled her eyes, as if I was wasting her time.

*you will know. Trust me.*

Ok! Feel free to comment!

Lupa in human form
last edited over a year ago
Ok, here's chapter four.

btw i decided i will just do any pov for chapters, no specific order.

I w
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Wow! So good!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
thx I will be adding more detail today and tomorrow. Chapter five coming Thursday!
over a year ago blackjack-son said…
YES!I can't wait!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Possibly chappie five might b coming Wednesday.....possibly...
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
OK, heres chapter five! Feel free to comment!

Percys pov

*Hey, How'd it go?* Said Reyna.

*I mean, I see you're not dead and all, so now i can hear fomr you personally.*

*You mean that Lupa might have killed me?*

*Well, yeah. She has a tendancy to do that.*

I shuddered, glad that i was alive. Well, it would have been better if i could remember anything.

*Well, she didn't kill me, so i guess that I'm worth her time.*

*Maybe...Anyway, i am supposed to lead you to the Neptune cabin. Hey does this mean that Jupiter wasn't the only one to break his oath? Cuz ever since Jason was born,everyone's been all mad at him for breaking his oath.*


*So, are you sure you don't remember anything?*

*Look, if i did, i would tell you, since you seem to trust me, and you are really the only person here that I trust.*

She chuckled.

*Just because I'm nice doesn't mean you can trust me, or that i trust you, because i dont trust you. it would not be wise to trust a stranger, especially one with Greek on his arm.*

She gestured towards my new mark, and i examined it.

*You know, the marks are magic, so they are written in the language of that person's heritage, and the bar code is for how many years you've been here. Obviously, you have one line, even though you haven't even been here for a year

We walked slowly down the path, until we came to a white building, identical to the rest, but with a green curtain, with a trident stitched into it.

*Well, make yourself at home.*


*Oh, and my friend Bobby will be picking you up tomorrow for the judgement.*

*Oh. Judgement. Yippee.*

*Don't worry, you look like you have experience enough to pass.*


Reyna walked out, and i looked around, and all i saw was a statue with a dude in a toga and holding a trident. He was frowning down at the bunks, as if he was disapointed. I walked over to a bed at the end of the room, and sat down.

What was going on?

I felt like there was a big picture that I was missing. Like everyone else knew something I didn't.

I didn't realize the time was around nine, and I was weary.

I climbed into bed, and fell asleep.

I was dreaming. I was engaged in battle with a foe who I knew would beat me. My sword was in my hand. Then a girls voice called out to my opposer.

*Luke! I know you're not gone!*

The teen jolted, lke he had just been awakened. He said something, and I handed him a bronze knife. He plunged it into his shoulder, and howled.

Then, my dreams went blank, and my sleep was uneventful.

OK! Feel free to comment, chapter six is coming on saturday. Actually, maybe friday...more info later.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
oh, good chapter!!!!!!

over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok I will possibly be posting chapter six tonight!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
big smile
yes!! new cappie
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
OK here's chappter six

Pipers pov

The cool morning air brushed against my face as i stepped out of the Aphrodite cabin, with its forever stifling cloud of perffume.

*Hey Piper! Wait up!* Lacey called.

i turned back at my half-sister, and watched her jog over to me, until we were walking side by side.

*Hey Piper, um Mitchell just told everyone that he's doing haircuts, and styling, so in case you want to get yours done.*

I glanced at my hair, grimacing at the uneveness of it. Ever since i had been claimed as Sphrodites kid, i had been more conscious of how i looked. not enough to start wearing makeup daily, but enough.

*yeah maybe i will...*

*Are you okay? you seem upset.* Lacey asked, concerned.

*OHHHHH now i know. It's Jason isn't it?*I shrugged non-chalantly.

*I'm guessing that whole thing about him already having a girlfriend didn't sit well with you.*

I glared at her, but then sighed.

*I just sort of wish that we wouldn't go to the Roman camp, because if we do, then Jason will be reunited with all of his friends and stuff, including his girlfriend, and Annabeth will get Percy, and i, Aphrodite's daughter, will be standing there in the midst of it all, watching everyone fall in love.*

*Oh. Yeah, i guess i would feel the same way if i were in your shoes. But really, we are the ones who are supposed to do the dumping, not be getting dumped.*

*I wasn't dumped* I said defensively.

*I was just, replaced, because of another girl who was his girlfriend first.*

*It's ok sis. Come on let's go chenk on that boat.*

We walked over to where the boat was being built. The Cabin nine kids had wasted no time in starting it that morning.

Leo was shouting orders at everyone, and they were bustling around putting finishing touches on.

*Hey Leo need any help?*

He looked up from his blueprints and smiled, but then shook his head. Then he was thoughtful for a second, and said,

*Actually, can you get us some like food? We're starved.*


We got a whole big basketful of snacks and juice and stuff, and made our way back to the workers.

*Thanks!* everybody who we passed stuff out to said.

*Welcome!* we would say back.

Then, we heard a galloping, and saw Chiron coming, with Annabeth passed out on his back.

Ok! Chapter seven coming soon! feel free to comment though! (Sorry for the cliffhanger, but i have to add some suspense)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago POJO45 said…
OMG I love cliffhangers!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
oh my gods! what happened to annabeth
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Hey myth freak u changed ur profile pic. Nice pic!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I really really like ur chapters keep writing and post soon !!!!!:)
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Wonderful chapters. I would really like it if you would post soon.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Posting either tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Can't wait!!!!