The Heroes of Olympus B) The Son of Neptune B)

GreekRULES515 posted on Mar 09, 2011 at 09:05PM
My last forum was HORRIBLE you might not agree but that doesn't matter. Haha.... Anyways this is my REAL first forum of The Son of Neptune

Book 2 in The Lost Hero series by Rick Riorden who is mean to make us wait a year until it come out.

I don't have an actual schedule of posting and I'll try my best to not keep you waiting

Please ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also enjoy and accept spam but no chants of Post Post Post although that would be flattering!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer:I do not own any of the characters from Percy Jackson and The Heros of Olympus books (sadly) R.R. is the master mind Renya, Hazel, Gwen, Dakota, and Bobby are not mine ether but their parents (Godly) are mine to hold forever!
last edited on Mar 09, 2011 at 09:08PM

The Heroes of Olympus 98 replies

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over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Can't wait!
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Can't wait! I agree, why October! Why not July....oh wait...the books not done yet...but he should definetly give us a preview chapter! BTW I am so excited! And I hate when people spam too...I don't think I am 'cause I'm responding to what you said...anyway can't wait for your forum!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
I know the book is coming out in October but I think he is giving us a preview at the end of June.

Glad this one will be a lot better.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Can't wait for the chapter!!:)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Thanks for the headS up I'll be checking and can't wait!!!:)
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Wow, can't wait for your story!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Okay I'll wait .... Post soon !!:)
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I guess I lied i found time to post, somethings are italics (when Lupa talks) and bold but they don't show up on this and I don;t know how to make them come on the forum any one who knows how I'd be grateful if they told me how to put italics and bold here, because some people can do it. I hope you guys like this chapter, I don't know when i'll post next.
Also i'll put some comments in the chapter cause you might confused or something.

Chapter 1: Percy: Waking Up
My eyes opened to the dark night sky. I lay there looking at the stars, memorized by them. They sparkled like diamonds, but more... natural. I saw some constellations I recognized; Hercules, The Big Dipper, and even the Lynx. Wait, did I see a… girl with a bow running across the sky? Must be seeing things, but she looked familiar if that was possible. How could a star constellation move? Shaking the thought away I sat up and groaned my head killed, why? I have no idea. I looked around and realized I was in the middle of nowhere. I heard people talking and swords clanging, but I couldn’t see any swords or people for miles. I didn’t even see lights. I got up and spun around realizing the noise was coming right behind me not in front. No lights for sure, but I didn’t think that mattered because right in front of me was a great big wall. Big doesn’t describe this, it was humongous, red and scary looking. Even that doesn’t explain what I was seeing! My jaw had dropped and I could feel my eyes widen till they could widen no more. I saw an archway appear right in the middle of the wall. I jumped back startled by the sudden appearance. What the hell?! I rubbed my eyes and shook my head but it wouldn’t go away! I walked towards it and stopped immediately when a girl walked through. She looked about 11 and had long brown hair flowing in waves down her back. She had brown eyes and when she walked to me it was as if she knew me forever, no surprise look on her face when she saw me standing there wide eyed staring at the archway. Nothing.
“Hello Perseus, how are you?” She said.
“Wha—what?” I said.
“I said, Hello Perseus.” She said slowly as if I was a kindergartener.
“Um hello?”
“I thought you would have recognized me, who knows, Hera must have wiped every memory from your head.”
“What?” What the hell was she talking about? Hera was a GODDESS! She must have read my mind because she answered calmly as if she said this every day,
“Yes Hera is a goddess.”
I wanted to scream at her NO WAY {Exited emotion not mad ~Greek}, but instead “Yeah right, look girl whatever kind of joke this is, you better cut it out.” I expected her to get mad, she did something that made me even angrier, she smiled. How can a girl, tell me –a stranger to her- that Hera -a goddess- wiped my memory?
“Perseus I would love to tell you everything but alas I can’t.”
“Wait what?” Who says alas?
“You’re name is Perseus Jackson I will tell you that.” She continued as if my statement hadn’t mattered. Okay maybe not a statement but still…
“Okay what is going on?” I said.
“Don’t give up Perseus, the Gods believe in you.”
“What?” I blinked and she was gone. I ran to where she was standing, no footprints no scent of her ever being here. I wanted to sit right there, and wait for her to come back, but I knew she wouldn’t. I sighed and walked towards the archway maybe the people talking in there would answer my questions. Help me with my problems and who that girl was. I walked through the archway cautiously waiting for another person to come and tell me Hera wiped my mind, and of course that didn’t happen, someone hit me on the head -with who knows what- with a yell and everything went black.

My eyes opened to bright sunshine coming through the curtains. I remembered last night and sat up quickly. Someone lightly pushed me back down saying,
“Calm down.”
I sat up again ignoring the comment and turned to the voice, it was a girl who looked like she was 15 or 16, she beautiful in a un-dramatic way. She had brown curly hair that reached her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She smiled at me and said,
“Nice to see you awake, you’ve been out for a day.”
“Who are you? Where am I?”
“I am Gwen daughter of Apollo and you are in the infirmary.” She answered.
“Daughter of Apollo?” I said. She opened her mouth to answer, but closed it immediately.
“What?” I asked. But I could feel someone was coming, I heard a whisper in the air soft, but firm.
Hello Perseus, I have wanted to talk to you for awhile.
“Where?” I said a little too loudly I waved my hands around to feel an invisible person but instead hit Gwen in the eye. Gwen swore, shushed me and got up. The curtain got pushed open and in walked a white she-wolf. She had dark yellow eyes and looked like she wanted to eat me. Her fur was silver, just plain old silver.
“Um…” I said completely freaking out when I saw Gwen bow.
Don’t be scared after all I’m just a wolf. Can wolves smile, because this one just did? I could tell by looking at her eyes that she didn’t know why I was here ether.
“Who—who are you?” I stuttered.
Lupa goddess of wolves, and who are you she looked amused by my confusion when she asked this. I didn’t realize that I had no idea who I was except my name which the girl and Lupa said many times. From all the stuff that had happened yesterday I had no idea how I got there. Who was I? I knew I was Perseus Jackson, the kid with a dorky name. And gods and goddesses? What kind of joke is this?
This is not a joke Perseus, not at all. This is all very real no matter how much you don’t want to believe it.
“Um….” I couldn’t even make a sentence! The wolf, I mean Lupa turned to Gwen and thought or said I don’t know which, please show him around and explain to him about gods and goddesses, the usual. I saw Gwen scrunch her eyebrows and say,
“He is much too old to be…” She was stopped mid-sentence from Lupa steady stare which even I knew meant Shut up and go. Gwen sighed and nodded she turned towards me and replied with no emotion in her voice, “Come on Perseus time to show you around.”
I got up and said, “Percy, call me Percy and where are we?”
“I’ll explain while I show you around.” She said, than she bowed to Lupa and walked out the curtain. I stood there frozen. Should I go? I mean the last time I decided to take a chance I wound up here with my head hurting more than last night. Lupa nodded towards the curtain I bowed quickly and ran out the infirmary I wanted to get far away from that wolf but I stopped in my tracks. My jaw had dropped, not only was it sunny it was beautiful. Right in front of me was an arena a Roman Arena like where gladiators fought. It was big and brown there were four entry’s but I only saw two. It was and red archway like the one in the wall I walked through before getting ambushed. I saw inside, kids of all ages with swords and bows and shields, I had no idea what they were called but they made you not want to get the person holding it mad. They were all wearing armor, red and silver armor to be exact.
“That is the Coliseum where all the demi-gods practice fighting.” Gwen said pointing to the big red Arena which was called coliseum, but Gwen something that caught my attention more.
“Oh right let’s sit down than I’ll show you around.” We walked to the bench and began what I knew was going to be a LONG talk

“Wow. So Gods and Goddesses are still alive, science isn’t real, but Roman mythology is.” I repeated.
Gwen nodded and said, “Yep you got it. Faster than others actually, most kids never listen saying take me home or try to attack us.”
“Yeah newbie’s never know how to fight at first-because they’re six and under-so they always, no matter what, get pummeled to the ground. Well with an exception to the Mars kids.”
“You mean Ares.”
“No that’s the Greek term.”
“Yes Greek, before there were Roman Gods and demi-gods there used to be Greek Gods with Greek demi-gods. Then the Roman people took over or something I don’t remember exactly Lupa never talks about this but that changed Greek Gods to Roman Gods and now they’re Roman demi-gods. Most of the Greek demi-gods were killed in the war and others died after, or from being attacked by monsters. There are no more Greek demi-gods now because there are no Greek Gods existing.” She explained confusing her-self more than me.
“Well what’s the difference between Greek Gods and Roman Gods?”
“Roman Gods are tougher more serious and war-like while Greeks are weak, okay maybe not Ares but still…”
“Sorry you should ask Dakota more about this stuff she’s the daughter of Minerva.”
“Minerva?” Who was Minerva? I mean I knew Zeus, Poseidon, and the others but not Minerva.

“Um the Greek equivalent is… it starts with an A! Um…Athena?”
“Oh yeah Athena, Goddess of wisdom I know her. Why didn’t you just say that?”
I received a deadly glare in return. We sat in silence taking up the view. I can’t even describe what I saw the grass was greener than the sea the sky was bright with no clouds it seemed like a great day. Around me kids were walking around in armor laughing, talking and tackling each other. I saw some toddlers playing tag with baby wolves (No idea why). I didn’t see any other buildings so this place must have been big. After a while I said,
“Okay let’s go, I mean weren’t you giving me a tour.”
She glared and nodded and was about to get up when I heard a growl behind me, Gwen jumped and turned around she yelped and walked backwards slowly looking at something behind me. I saw a tall shadow with horns but before I could get up and see what it was exactly I felt myself getting picked up. I looked down and saw that I was 10 ft. off the ground held by a furry hand, claw thing. I wanted to turn my head around to see what had picked me up, but I was frozen, I hadn’t even tried to wiggle my way out. Gwen said something but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying, the next thing I know I’m flying in the air towards a tree.
{Think I should make it a cliffhanger? Nah I’m not THAT mean I’m not done yet :P ~Greeks}
I hit the tree with a thud and crumpled to the ground. Gwen screamed, “PERCY!” I got up groaned and finally saw what had thrown me. It was a gigantic bull-man. It looked like a football player, a really angry looking football player with an axe. The axe had two sides and was shaped in the last letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega. The top half of his body was all fur, fuzzy brown fur. It had horns on the top of his head and beady little eyes. His nose was pinkish red it looked wet. I felt as if my brain had melted and then I heard whisper enter my brain not like Lupas, soft and firm but a panicky voice. His sight and hearing are terrible, he goes by smell. But he’ll figure out where we are soon. Just as fast as it came it went away. I ran to Gwen she gaped at me for a second wondering how I was alive and then shook her head realizing we were still being attacked. I looked at the bull-man and instinctively reached into my pocket and pulled out a pen. Gwen looked at it yelled,
“You can’t write on him stupid!”
“I don’t know it’s an instinct?” I clicked the pen and yelped while Gwen jumped a foot above ground. The pen had turned into a big silver sword. It shimmered and it looked like a golden light surrounded it. I shrugged getting over my 1 second heart-attack. Gwen pulled out a bow but Lupa came and said or thought, STOP! Let Percy do it, we need to know his power, he needs to earn his respect here. We need to know what he is capable of. Gwen nodded and backed up, some kids had gathered round noticing me for the first time today, murmuring filled my ear. I didn’t know why they were murmuring, but it wasn’t nice things. I saw the bull-man charge at me I quickly moved to the right and he slammed into the tree I was thrown into, Karma. I saw that he had both horns stuck in the tree I ran to him and stabbed his back when my sword didn’t go through his hide I finally saw –now that I was close up- that he had armor on. Great advantage, I saw his everything was covered except his head. I backed up a bit and charged at him, I kicked off the ground so hard it felt like I flying in a good way not being thrown way. I landed on his back, he howled and was moving so much I stumbled and almost fell, and I raised my sword above my head and slammed down. He howled in pain and dissolved into golden dust. His axe went with him I fell to the ground in the cool way, the way when good guys jump from the building in the movie. Except this wasn’t a movie, sadly. I was breathing hard and really wanted to take a nap, but I knew that won’t happen. Gwen ran to me saying,
“You are a newbie! How could you do that? That was a Minotaur, no new comers could have down that… What’s happening to the dust?”
I looked at the dust and swore in Greek, the dust particles were moving together, and fast.
“What did you just say?” Gwen asked suspiciously.
“This is not the time to ask what I said!” Lupa walked forward and—thought,
Percy is right we will deal with that later right now we need to get rid of this dust. Or we’ll have another Minotaur in about… 10 seconds.
Gwen and I nodded while some kid came with brooms to pick the golden dust up, not what I would think of, but it was effective. Some kids helped the kid take the dust away because he was young. Lupa closed her eyes and the next thing I know there’s a women in front of me. I practically fainted, but gratefully I didn’t. She had straight light blonde hair with silver streaks in it falling to the middle of her back the silver was the color of her fur in wolf form. She was wearing and long sleeve silver top with a white skirt touching the ground her skin was paler than the moon. Her eyes were the same dangerous yellow, she looked like a ghost who could turn into a wolf anytime and kill you. Oh my god I realized something Lupa is a werewolf!

“Not a werewolf, a goddess young hero.” Lupa said smiling. Her voice sounded exactly the way it did when she was a wolf and sending thoughts to me like telepathy.
“There will be a Consul Meeting in “The Room” in five minutes.” Lupa called out. Then to me, “Come with me Percy we will talk for five minutes while the leaders come to “The Room”.”
“Where will we be going, and what’s “The Room”?”
“We will be going to “The Room” now, and you will see what it is when we get there.” Suddenly she started walking to my right, I ran after her pushing through the crowd of children. When I caught up with her we walked in silence to whatever this “Room” was. Even though Hazel was nice and tried to make this feel like “Home”, I felt awkward and revealed. Like everyone could read my thoughts, my mind. I had no idea who I was, or where I am from so it’s not like I can just leave. This is not my home.
I don’t belong here.

That is the end I know it’s short, sorry. The next chapter is called
Chapter 2: Percy:”The Room”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I'll post as soon as I can PLZ comment
over a year ago _wolfie_ said…
big smile
it was brill!!! can't wait to rread more!! :D
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Wow great job! And not short ok? I always say that on my forum, like, sry its so short, but apparently we r among tbe few people who write long chappies.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome great start !! Loved it!!!!!:)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
"The room" so creepy

Please post soon.
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
It's really good. It just bothered me that Percy clicked his pen, he didn't uncap it. Post again soon!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I know and it's a bronze sword not silver


over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Oh I made a mistake SORRY PPL but i don't fell like fixing it haha

also my mean mean mom grounded me from using the laptop on weekdays this week so I'll not be posting anytime soon so.... SORRY but at least you know what the name of the chapter is haha... not enough
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
It's okay but post as soon as your not grounded anymore !:)
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Hope that's soon
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Im super DUPER sorry guys i'll be posting next week two TWO chappies to make up for this week
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Ok that works, can't wait for them!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Okay can't wait either!!!!:)
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Specifically when?
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
When can you post again?

Please post soon...
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
SUNDAY two chappies next chapter you know the name "The Room" Percy's POV i have a question if you answer fast I'll do a preview of chapter 2

HOW do I do BOLD and ITALICS on my forum?

PLZ ANSWER IF YOU KNOW and you'll get a preview immediately (well when I see the answer then yes immediately)

over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
You know I'll post one chappie tomorrow and one on Sunday I feel bad for making you wait I hav school so you'll have to wait a little bit

Question is still there
over a year ago PersesJr said…
ok but plz post soon.
over a year ago Percabeth98 said…
great story!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Aww man no one answred and I don't know :(
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
I posted now HURRAY!!! I got 100 fans today so this is also celebrating that. Now first things first NO ONE answered my question which makes me sad, if you know answer please
Q:HOW do I make things in Bold or Italics
A: ...

Also when Lupa talks to Percy in her mind it's italics any memory is in bold and italics (Percy's memory mostly) and dreams are in italics the chapter names are also in Bold. Until I know how to make it bold you are on your own. Thanks for all the comments I hope you like my chapter.

Chapter 2: Percy:”The Room”

When we reached the building my jaw had reached the ground. The building was big and white. It had a rim of golden around it, when I looked closely I saw that they were words in some language, I think it was Latin. It had columns around it and a staircase to the doors; they were French Doors, very fancy. Lupa and I walked up the stairs and Lupa opened the doors. Inside was just as good as the outside. There was a silver table in the middle of the room, with about 10-14 chairs around it. They were all golden chairs. The windows were covered in peach curtains which let the light seep through the darkened room. At the front was a map on the wall showing all of United States. It was dull it looked as if it was off. Lupa went past me and towards the map, while I looked up at the chandelier made out of diamonds. Lupa must of presses a button, because I heard a click; I looked to the map that had brightened. It showed some points which at first I thought were major cities, but were really showing spots like entrances to the Underworld, and Olympus. Pretty much demi-gods places, they even showed Medusa’s Place which I strangely remember being there. I’m really bad at geography so I don’t know where this Medusa place is, maybe Indiana? Lupa sits down and waves me over, I sit across from her.
“Well Percy, do you know anything about Gods and Goddesses?”
“Yeah I remember everything but my actual life only like learning about Greek Gods and important famous stories, like Hercules.”
“Uh huh…but Percy this is a Roman Camp, not Greek, I swore not to talk about this so I can’t tell you more than that you don’t belong here. I thought they were lying but they weren’t.” She said shaking her head muttering to herself. I knew I didn’t belong here and if Lupa says this that means I’m trouble to this camp.
“Who lied to you? What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Nothing, but please don’t say any Greek Gods names by accident, don’t ask who any God is, younger ones who are 5 and blow even know who they are, and not from learning. They are born with the knowledge if you ask who Minerva or Jupiter is they will know you don’t fit in, especially if you say a Greek God name. Demi-gods have grown up learning that Greeks are horrible people and their Gods are horrible. If you defend or say anything good about them, the children here will try to attack you. This is a tough place Percy, I hope you know that.”
“Okay but what about this Greek business Hazel tried to tell me but didn’t explain right.”
“This is not the time or place you should ask Dakota after you get used to here. She is an expert on the history of Rome and Greece.”
If I do get used to this place, I mean these people fight for fun it’s like an army camp for 3 and older. I hate hurting people so I don’t think I can hurt demi-gods. Lupa smiles, a sad smile and I can’t help but feel sad, I don’t even know if I have a mom. The door flies open and in walks the demi-gods.

They all sit down in the chairs and I realize now all the chairs are filled, they glare at me so I know I must be sitting in someone’s chair. I stand up but Lupa says,
“Sit down Percy, Jason won’t mind.” The minute she says Jason the atmosphere goes dull even sun goes behind the clouds, and all the kids at the table go pale. One girl buries her head in her arms. She had blonde hair the flowed in waves down her back, and pale skin that glowed in the darkness. The guy next to her whispered something in her ear, and she lifted her head as if it was hardest thing she’d ever done. She had stormy gray eyes, really dark gray eyes; I don’t even think its gray maybe black. She reminded me of someone, someone I liked…a lot. Lupa said,
“Well begin Gwen, I will be outside.”
“What? You’re always with us during our meeting!” A girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, said shocked she must have been Gwen. See I’m smart I already know 2 people in this camp.
“I know, but…I know” She said smiling and then she walked out.
“Well um…” Gwen said.
“Wait everyone this is Percy Jackson he showed up at camp yesterday but got knocked out by Lia.” Hazel said pointing at me.
“Oh! Hi Percy, I’m not usually sure why you’re here since only the Counsels should be here and you’re a newbie.” Gwen said.

“Gwen your a meanie…Percy that’s Gwen Daughter of Ceres, Jason and…” she stopped abruptly and again the room turned sad, the guys who had whispered in the girls’ ear before quickly said,
“Hi Percy! I’m Bobby Son of Mercury, don’t sit next to me or you’ll never see that cool pen of yours again.” He said grinning he had red hair and blue eyes.
“Hey I’m Dakota Daughter of Vulcan.” A quiet girl I hadn’t notice till now said, she was right across from me at the table so it felt pretty awkward when I jumped from my seat when she said that. I sat down, blushing and saw her jet black her, so black it looked purple, she had dark blue eyes, so dark they looked violet. She had peachy skin and cuts all over her face and right arm. Her left arm was in a sling I was about to ask what happened when Gwen elbowed me hard.
“OW!” Gwen said, and I saw a bruise appear on her arm.
“What the hell!?” I said. Hazel got up pulled a knife out and came towards me; I fell out of my seat from trying to get away from him.
“What are you doing?” I said cautiously. While she walked to me slowly as if I was her prey and could not get away.
“Just seeing something, if I’m right you would be so cool!” Then she stabbed me in the arm, but I didn’t moan in pain or yelp or even jump and faint, (which would be girly) I sat on the floor not feeling a thing. While the whole table gaped at the bent up knife in Hazel’s hand.
“I think you’re invincible!” Bobby said laughing at Hazels knife, she glared while the girl next to Bobby said, “You mean he bears the Curse of Achilles, dumby.” The girl was quiet and had a sad tone in her voice she looked at me curiously like I might do another trick.
“Wow!” Bobby said rolling his eyes.
“Wait does this mean I’m invincible?” I asked.
“Yep.” Dakota said. AWESOME! I’m invincible maybe I can fly. No one can hurt me, right?
“So I’ll never die?”
“No, not exactly, in the myth, Achilles died because of his ankle, his weak spot I guess, but we don’t know where your Achilles spot is so…” The girl said quietly again looking at her hands.
Um, what’s your name?” I asked.
She looked up with her stormy gray eyes and said, “Renya, Renya Lamhert daughter of Minerva.”
“Oh, okay.” I said blushing again, shouldn’t have asked. She said it in such way that I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Another guy next to me said,
“Hi, I’m Captain Ryan son of Venus!” He had ashy blonde hair and bright green eyes. I shook his hand. When everyone else introduced themselves (Lia Daughter of Mars, Jane Daughter of Pluto she looked scary, Simon Son of Trivia,and Michael Son of Sors,) Gwen said,
"Okay let's get back to the reason we're here Hazel sit down and Percy get off the floor and sit down.”
“Why isn’t there anyone else here?” I asked.
“Because we are the most awesome people here.” Bobby said inclining his head.
“Shut up, Percy we are head of Legions.”Jane said.
“Cool how many Legions?”
“There’s nine.” She said.
“Yeah, but there’s only eight of you guys.” I snorted immediately regretting it, when Renya sighed and said,
“We know.”
“Sorry.” I said.
“Legions are groups in the Camp Gwen and… put demi-gods over the age 9 in Legions based on their skill.” Lia said.
“Okay? Still don’t get it.”
“Whatever!” Hazel said impatiently, “We’re here to talk about that Minotaur and how you beat it so quickly, quicker than anyone, AND how you did it alone.”
“Well, I dunno. But I remembered something from my past; I heard a voice, a panicky voice. She said “His sight and hearing are terrible, he goes by smell. But he’ll figure out where we are soon”, but I don’t know who it is.”
“That means you’ve fought it before.” Dakota said, “Do you remember anything else?”
“I don’t know anything from my past except my name because some girl said it and those things about the Minotaur.” I said shrugging.
“What girl?” Renya asked.
“Um well when I was outside of the red wall a girl with brown eyes and brown hair came out she looked like a shepherd and about 10 or 11…” I looked at them to see if they knew her, but they all looked confused and Dakota shook her head.
“What did she say?” Dakota asked.
“Well something about Hera taking my memory and how the Gods are with me and my name Percy Jackson. I don’t know remember exactly since I got knocked out, but I do remember her vanishing.”
“She must have been a Goddess, but don’t you mean Juno?” Gwen asked.
“No, she said Hera, I kept asking her what she meant but she didn’t answer.”
“Well that’s weird you know what’s weirder that you showed up here two days after Jason disappeared.” Bobby said probably without thinking. The good thing was no one paid attention to the name Jason, maybe they were ignoring it.
“He’s right you showing up right after…um and then you defeat a Minotaur?” Gwen said. They were all trying to avoid the name Jason. This was so frustrating!
“Also you don’t remember anything and you talked to a Goddess. While the Gods and Goddesses never visit camp, because some people not going to Olympus when they can.” Hazel said the last part angry.
“Well I’m sorry they’ve gone silent.” Gwen said glaring. Hazel must have been talking about her.
“You’re in charge of Legion 2 so you SHOULD be sorry.” Hazel said standing up.
“Well if you think how to be in charge of my Legion why don’t you tell us what to do.” Gwen stood up now to.
“Maybe I will.”
“Stop guys this is not the time.” Dakota said quietly.
“Why you should be angry to, you’re house is cursed.” Hazel said.
“SHUT UP!” Dakota roared pulling out her sword and standing up. Bobby gasped and stared at my head no above my head. Hazel, Dakota and Gwen and everyone else fallowed his gaze while Renya murmured, “Great.”
“Bobby go call Lupa please.” Gwen said. Bobby got up and went to get Lupa, after a few minutes of staring Lupa came in and said, “Well what happened?”
“He’s—he’s the son of…” Dakota stuttered.
“Huh?” I asked, but of course no one paid me any attention.
“He’s the son of Neptune.” Hazel said. I was about to ask who Neptune was when Lupa stopped me with her eyes. I felt frozen to the spot. In my mind I heard her calm voice, Poseidon is Neptune, remember what I said. I nodded and Bobby said,
“Do you have any clothes?”
I shook my head and said, “Only this and a pen.”
“Okay let’s go to your new house son of Neptune.” He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and fallowed him out the door. When the door closed I could still hear Gwen, Hazel, and Dakota making up while Lupa and the others speaking in hushed tones.
“You look at your shirt lately; I think it might be where you came from.” Bobby said.
“I looked down and saw my orange t-shirt and jeans, something was written on the t-shirt which I couldn’t read for two reasons. One, I have dyslexia and two it’s upside down.
“Can’t read it.”
“Yep.” He stopped in front of a building. It was a one floor building with white columns on either side of the door. It was a cream building with shell designs all around the rim. When I went up, I realized Bobby wasn’t with me; I looked behind me and saw him standing where he was before,
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked.
“It’s against the rules for me to come since I’m not the Son of Neptune I can’t go in I could knock on the door but not come in. Sorry.” He smiled and walked away to some other building. I opened the door and looked around, the walls were blue, and there were two bunk beds. It smelled like the ocean and the floor looked like sand, there was a fountain in the corner. It was clean the beds were made at least. There was a cabinet to my right and a bathroom door to my left. Next to the cabinet was a closet and next each bed (top and bottom) was a marble shelf gleaming in the room. The cabinet and bed stand were marble too. I sat on the bottom left bed and my but sank into the mattress. Aah. I sat there thinking: Who was Jason? What’s so great about him? Where am I from? Were people sad about me being gone like they were about Jason’s disappearance? Were people searching? Did have parents or friends or even a home? I sighed and put my head on the pillow I hadn’t realized I was so tired till now, I fell asleep immediately. And had the weirdest dream.

Okay next chapter is coming on Sunday called Chapter 3: Athena/Minerva: My dad disagrees…
I know this chappie was a little short....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thalias-awsome said…
over a year ago PJORulz said…
big smile
Cool but can i just ask why did he get claimed twice jason didnt get claimed twice??? but really good chapter and i cant wait til sunday
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
IDK because it felt necessary plus the book is call son of NEPTUNE and Lupa doesn't want people knowing he's Greek because Romans are meaner than Greek IDK......
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
They're not meaner more into dicsipline and they don't like Greeks...

Anyway,LOVE that chapter! Can't wait 'till Sunday!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awwweeeessssspoommmeee can't wait for next chapter!!!:) post soon!!:)
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Wait! I think I have an answer to your question, maybe you can do it in Microsoft Word and Copy&Paste?-I do that sometimes...

P.S. Can't wait for your chapter!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
hurry and post plz
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
im so sorry i was forced to go to church grrr ill post a preveiw tomarow and the full chap tuesday
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I was forced to go to church too and can't wait for the preview and the chapter!!!!:)
over a year ago Csk214 said…
big smile
Hurry up. You take a long time to write your chapters but it's worth it.
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Great story! Can't wait for the next chappie, but a bit of waiting won't kill us... Too much :D
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Really good! But I tried the microsoft thing, and all the things in italics became regular words soooooooooooo
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Hello people of Fanpop!!!!!!!!!!!

I have finally found the time to edit and now post my third chapter!!! *Crowd applauds* I know this may be short but it'll be my only short chapter (it's 3 pages) haha sorry!!

@mythmaniac that's not right I've tried that but thanks answering
@Everyone thanks for comments and please PLEASE my question still stands: How do I do bold and italics on my forum?
Now for what you've all been waiting for *Drum beat*

Chapter 3: Athena/Minerva: My dad disagrees…

I decided to roam around the Olympus Gardens today. I was so bored, everybody was. Hermes especially, since he couldn’t do his job now. I went to my favorite garden; usually you would have thought that my favorite was the unique jungle flowers. It wasn’t, my favorite was the simpler garden. Sunflowers, tulips, roses, lilies, and dandelions were everywhere, when I immerged from the white gate. The colors were nothing compared to the smells that filled my nose. No bugs flew around here since it was Olympus Garden and those bugs never could up here (Thank Goodness). I picked up a purple lily and stuck it in my hair, which only Aphrodite would do, but now who cares? I looked at the scenery of the city. Since this garden was near the edge I could see the whole entire city of New York. My daughter Annabeth was designing the city, it was beautiful but still some damage from the second Titan War was there. She had not been designing as well since Percy disappeared. I was still not onboard for their relationship but to see her heart broken made me want Percy with her, which was unusual. A dove flew in, I knew it was Aphrodite. She changed into her human form; she was beautiful I had to admit that. She had red lipstick on, dark eyeliner her eyes changed colors so fast that I couldn’t figure out what they were. Her black hair was in a long black braid down her back and her tanned skin screamed “No beach!” I used to laugh at her with her obsession with looks, and how she covered makeup all over her face that soon it wasn’t her face. She looked truly pretty when she had no make-up on just her face, but that was never going to happen.
“Hello Athena.” She said formally.
“Hello Aphrodite.” I said just as formal.
“Zeus has called a meeting you better come.” She said, when I nodded she changed into a dove and flew away. Everybody wasn’t hyper and happy actually ever since we found out about son and Percy losing their memories we got even sadder. Zeus was reaching the limit soon Gods were going to fight him and we’d have two wars on our hands, one against Zeus and one against Gaea. Not good since we have to work together not against each other. I took my time coming to the palace. When I opened the door all heads turned to me. I bowed to Zeus and went to my throne. When I sat down Zeus started,
“Well I’ve sent Artemis down to check up on the demi-gods, both sides. She said that Jason Grace, my son has made his way to Camp Half-Blood as well as Leo and Piper. Also she went to, Roman’s Academy, where Percy son of Poseidon has made his way into.”
“Great.” Ares said.
“Not great my son has lost his memory because of Hera!” Poseidon said.
“Well Hera is gone and we have no idea where she is.” Zeus says.
“Let’s stop please, we shall not fight.” I said.
Zeus cleared his throat and spoke again, “We have also been informed by Chiron that Jason, Piper and Leo will go on a quest to save Hera, we also have been informed by Chiron that their oracle, Rachel thinks they might be part of the seven.”
“Seven? From the prophecy?” Apollo says. He had sunglasses and ear buds in his ears but he still was listening. He never listened so this news must have been bad, or really important, or both. Apollo is the most relaxed, let-loose party God I have ever met. So I didn’t know he’d actually be serious even when it came to this, even though we were stuck in this place he still seemed to be calm which angered me so much. He didn’t get sad or bored or even serious when we found Hera was gone so now he was serious?
“Well this means we should stop being silent and help them!” I said.
“No Athena, we shall not. Being silent might lull Gaea back to sleep.” Said Zeus, “If we do anything it might let her wake faster.”
“Father, forgive me but I disagree as the Goddess of Wisdom, that would not be the greatest idea. We help we can bring down the giants, it is the only way.
“It is not the only way Athena! If these so called demi-gods can bring down Kronos they can bring down giants. I am ashamed to say this but we needed their help. Just to bring down my father we needed their help, which I will not stand for! Don’t you see they have shamed us, I don’t need that to happen again!” Zeus finished breathing heavily to the shocked silence in the room. Zeus never, ever had shouted at me seeing that I was most helpful in wars. I couldn’t believe that ether he got mad but not at me…
“Brother,” said Poseidon “we have been away from our children for too long. Hermes is dying; Ares is picking fights with satyrs! We all are not ashamed from the help of demi-gods, but you. Our children helped us and we repay them by being silent and by letting them suffer. This is not right; if you are our King you should act like one.”
“Well actually some satyrs are pretty good.” Ares mumbled looking a little ashamed.
Zeus stood up and roared, “I will NOT stand for this, we will be silent and that is FINAL!” Then he stormed out of the palace, Poseidon stands up to fallow him but I stood up and said, “Wait he’s more mad at you than at me, I will go.”
He nodded and said, “Be careful we don’t want our master strategic to be hurt.” I smiled and walked out after Zeus. I found him scolding some satyrs about not doing their job and about how they should stop fighting Ares.
“Zeus…Zeus! Come here.” I said. He turned towards me his jaw all loose and walked towards me and sat down.
“Zeus what’s wrong?” I ask him.
“Why doesn’t anyone agree with me, I’m the King they should agree with me,” Zeus says suddenly he doesn’t sound whiny or sad more mad and annoyed. He keeps blabbering on about something when I stop him, “These are our children and children help us while we help them. What’s so hard about being helped Zeus?”
“I am a God for god sakes - no pun intended- I don’t need help.” He said.
“Gods need help its human nature to need help. Kronos needed help from a demi-god to start that war. Plus he is a little more powerful then you so you shouldn’t be mad about needing help.” I say.
“Athena I know you’re the Goddess of Wisdom, but I am right. This plan to be silent is the only way to lull Gaea back to sleep.” He said changing the subject. He sounded nervous, really nervous for a God that is.
“It is not, Father you have to believe when I say this but we HAVE to help them defeat the giants or we’ll lose. They will destroy us. It won’t lull Gaea to sleep if we’re silent, nothing will stop her, and she is GAEA!” I say loudly startling a few nymphs. Won’t he get it? Why won’t he get that he’s wrong? Is he that stubborn? He’s been not listening to anyone! He just doesn’t want to admit that he’s wrong! I obviously don’t say this to his face, I’d be destroyed. If only someone wiser was the King. I’ve never questioned Zeus’s power, but now I wonder… Is he a great ruler? He might be powerful but… is he wise? I don’t need power, I’m a Goddess! I don’t need any more power, but if I’m in charge maybe we’ll be able to beat the giants. I’m not stupid to think that we can beat Gaea and the giants, we’ve been weakened by Typhon there’s no way we could beat her. Even if we had the help of the demi-gods both sides it’ll be hard. Zeus is being stubborn I think we should just betray him. What’s the point we’ll die if we don’t. For the first time, I’ve felt like I’ve met the real Zeus the real God who created me during battle.
“Zeus you have to listen to me, we NEED the help of the demi-gods.” I say, “I’m not afraid or ashamed to say this none of the other Gods are afraid to say this ether! Only you are, YOU the bravest God who cut Kronos into tiny little pieces are afraid to say, I NEED THE HELP OF DEMI-GODS!” I yell the last part out to the world for everyone to hear. Zeus is silent for a minute and then says,
“I shall think about it…but…” He shook his head and stood up walking away from me and everyone else. I sat there and watched the nymphs still startled fixed things up. Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled… but he deserved it! He hasn’t listened, ever! He doesn’t want to admit he needs help. I now know his fatal flaw, admitting some ones right, giving in to people. Admitting he needs help.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chappie and btw Zues does need help from the demigods why does he not understand and loved the chappie post soon!!:))))
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
big smile
Aren't the gods too proud? Chiron said that the gods hate needing demigods, much more admitting that they have made a mistake. I can't remember who but someone said that something much more serious must happen before Zeus admits he committed a mistake.

Anyway, I like that chapter, saying his Fatal Flaw-Brilliant!
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
big smile
Wow, great chapter. Why won't Zeus listen? Geez Zeus, if you don't get help with this war, YOU. WILL. DIE! Get that through your thick skull!

Anyways, post soon! (:
over a year ago underwater said…
I hated it :@
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
That is absolutely true-No!Absolutely positively true,Artemis_8!

When can you post again?

@Everybody: Happy April Fools- hee hee hee...
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I don't get it Psalm wht do i do? because I tried it and i don't think it worked I am SO confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY FOOLS DAY i tried to fool my band teacher he tricked me back so i felt pretty stupid haha...

(I said my instrument was "broken" he got all serious when i told him april fools he said yeah that hapenned to me many years ago so haha jokes on u) IKR never saw that coming
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Chapter4[/b]:Percy:Training in Hell

THANK YOU SO MUCH PSALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it WORKED i shall give you props after i finish typing on this also that is the name of the next chappie I'll post ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago