The Heroes of Olympus The Girl With The Moonlight Streak. (Fan Fic)

Artemis_8 posted on Mar 10, 2011 at 11:47AM
Hi guys, this is my first time trying to write, so please don't be too harsh, but still tell me if I need to change something or maybe add something, a bit of critisism is healthy (:

Title: The Girl With The Moonlight Streak.

Rating: T because I swear and I'm Paranoid...

Type:Humor/sadness/Friendship/Hardship/Ad­ven­tur­e/a tad of romance?

Disclaimer:This fan fiction was written around the stories of Camp Halfblood, created by Rick Riordan, the creator of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series. I don't own any of the charactors, apart from Sallie Ajia, Mikayla Steel, Roxxanna Dye and Cassandra Dye (Bear with me, I don't really have a plot and I'm just going where this story's gunna take me and may add new charactors)

Sypnosis: Roxxanna Dye is 18 when she finds out she's a halfblood... Did I meantion she was supposed to never have been born? No, not a child of the big 3, but her MOTHER, swore to never fall inlove. The earth is still restless after the 2nd giant war. If nothing's done soon, it could mean the end of the halfbloods, and even the gods.

A/N: I hope you guys like it! :P

By the way, I alow spam! As long as there's not to much, I'm happy! :D
last edited on Jul 07, 2011 at 08:00AM

The Heroes of Olympus 20 replies

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over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
The Girl With the Moonlight Streak.

Chapter 1: We run from the bullman.
Roxxanna's PoV

“Hurry!” “Ahhh.” I turned to see her fall, I helped her up and we kept running. I guess I should explain. My name’s Roxxanna (Lea) Dye. I’m 18 and I’ve been on the run from Authorities since I was about 10. But, cause I am so incredibly smart, I managed too ‘earn’ some money and book a flight from Australia to NYC at the age of 12, but that’s not really the important part. Anyways, I was living on the streets, when one day I ran into this chick, we started talking and now we’re best friends. (She’s the one who tripped by the way, her name’s Sal Ajia).

See this is where it goes from weird, to bizarre, to just plain impossible. Me and Sal were camping out at Long Island, sitting at the fire and eating marshmallows, when this big as bull dude comes out of nowhere and starts screaming at us (do bulls scream?). The night before all this, I had this dream telling me to go to Long Island, where I’d find a flaming dude, a flying dude, a dude that had water on is finger tips, a dude that looked like he was trying to summon the dead, a chick with blonde hair and startling and intelligent, grey eyes and a girl with brown hair and eyes that I couldn’t figure out the colour of, who looked Cherokee, but her features looked familiar. At the time I had no idea what it meant but now I figured there was something special about it, considering we were screaming our heads off and running from a bull dude that was like 7 feet tall and only had I loincloth on (Which would've been funny if he wasn't trying to kill us). Ok anyways, so we were running yea? We burst through the forest. “Come on, just a little further!” ROOOAR!!

He’d figured out we weren’t there anymore I guessed. We ran about 2 miles up the road, though how that… thing, never caught up I had no idea. I could see the hill and the pine tree from my dream. We staggered up the hill, through waist high grass. Gee, these guys need to buy a lawn mower or something. I thought to myself. As we reached half way up, ROOOAR!! Another roar of fury. We were just passed the tree when I looked back, he was starting up the hill. As soon as we got to the top, we raced down the hill on a sprint.

We got to this big 4 story blue house, banging on the door, fear in out eyes. When the door opened there was this guy on a white horse. Then I realized that from the waist down he was the horse. Sal and I just looked at each other, eyes the size of golf balls, then back at Mr. Horseman. “Can I help you?” We both said something seriously intelligent like “Uhhh..” Horse dude just sighed. “I suppose you'd better come in and explain what happened after you get over your shock that I’m a centaur.” Centaur… Yea, I could live with that… Maybe. He led us into this living room with a roaring fire and two white couches facing each other separated by a beautiful oak coffee table between them.

“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. My name is Chiron, who are you?” He ask bringing in two cups of Milo with a marshmallow in them. One for me and one for Sal. I tried not to laugh at the fact he had curlers in his tail, which was hard. “I’m Roxxanna and this is Sal” I said pointing to her. Now, she’d never been the sharpest tool in the shed, so when she said “Dude!! Did you know your half a horse?!” I just shook my head. “Yes I do young lady. And the proper name is ‘Centaur’.” “You’ll have to excuse my friend, she the biggest idiot you’ll ever meet.” “Am not!” She protested. “Sure, sure, whatever you say, Einstein.” My voice full of sarcasm. “Now, what happened?” Chiron asked. So I told him everything including my dream. “ I see, well, you know all the greek gods my dear?” “Yea, what about them?” I asked “Well, they’re still around today and very much alive. What was the most common thing the gods did in the myths?” “Uhhh… They fell in love with mortals and had kid with them?” I asked. I’d always loved those myths and actually paid attention to them in class. See, the school Sal went to kind of adopted me so I could get a good education.
”Exactly. The proper term is for those children is ‘Demigods’ or ‘Halfbloods’. And you girls, are halfbloods, other wise you wouldn’t have been able to survive the minotaur, let alone get inside the camps boarders.”

I let that sink in. Could what he said be true? Could the greek gods still be alive? Could I possibly be a halfblood? But then again, I was talking to a centaur, I was ready to believe anything.

He explained the camp and rules and things we’d need to know to survive and what nectar and ambrosia was. Then it hit me. “Oh my gosh! You’re Chiron?! You’re the one who trained Hercules and Jason and all them?!” I almost shouted. “Yes I am, Roxxanna.” Impossible.. He was thousands of years old… He should be dead. But there I was, talking to Chiron, the centaur from all th old myths. I probably looked like a complete idiot, but I stared at him as if he’d just grown another head. “You girls must be exhausted. You’re welcome to sleep on the couches if you’d like, just so we don’t have to wake cabin 11 up” (Who he’d explained was the Hermes cabin, they took any one in who hadn’t been claimed by their godly parent yet). “Uhhh, thanks I guess..” I was just starting to get over my fit when there was a strange light coming from above us. I looked just above Sal's head, just in time to see a floating cat disappear in a gold and yellow light. “I believe, we just found out who your mother is Sal.” Chiron was the first to speak. “Really?! Who??” Sal’s always been hyper but this was just getting ridicules.

“Your mother is Hecate, the goddess of magic. She’s an Underworld goddess, so perhaps you should speak with Nico.” He said, half to himself. “Wait, is he that little dude I saw trying to summon the dead with Mac Donald’s?” At first I had laughed to myself at the idea he was trying to do that, but now… I was getting kinda scared “Yes that would’ve been him. He’s the only child of Lord Hades.” Chiron told me. Yea I was loosing it. “Sal, what did you put in my drink? I’m loosing my nut here.” “I didn’t put anything in it, I was just wondering the same thing.” “Wow, I think I’ve finally lost me marble.” “Same here” You lost yours ages ago. I thought to myself, though didn’t dare say it cause other wise I knew what was coming.

Bang, bang. “Come in,” The door flew open and the Cherokee girl from my dream came racing in. “Chiron… The… Minotaur...Hill… Fighting…” She said between breaths. “Calm down Piper, tell everyone who’s up there to get to their cabins immediately. Everyone needs to go back to sleep, its 4 in the morning. We’ll take care of our, ahhh.. Guest, tomorrow morning.” “Okay.” And she raced out the door. “That’s the chick from my dream!!” I exclaimed. “Yes. I believe I know exactly who was in your dream, my dear. Now, off to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you.” With that he got off his horse legs and walked away.

That, was the first time I slept at Camp-Half Blood.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Wow its really good for ur first time
And the chappies r long!!!! Could u make the dialog a little clearer, its hard to fgure out where it is
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Pretty good

Roxxanna daughter of Athena/Artemis I think or she is a child of the big three
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
big smile
Cool!!! Your story is great. Is this really your first time?!
I wonder who the godly parent of Roxxana is, is he/she a goddess or a god???
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
awesome story, i love it!!!!

i think Roxxanna's mother is Athena!!
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
When can you post?
Preety Please post soon!
over a year ago Amphitrite said…
big smile
Good job for your first time :) Try separating the dialogue from the rest of the content to make it easier to read. Also, if you're planning on using curse words you might want to change the content rating, especially if you're going to use them more frequently. :) Good job!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
I had a hard time moving everything around and making gaps ect. We find out who her godly parent is in chapter 2. I don't use swearing, only 'idiot', so I don't think that will be a big problem.
Thank you everyone for your feed back! (:
I promise I'll post when I finish writing it, editing and adding and all that. (And that may take a while.) *Thanks!* (:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyrulz said…
can u read and comment on my fic its called
what happens when percy and annabeth finnaly meet
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Yay! I'm the 100 to view this!

By the way: Please finish writing it soon!
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Sorry I took so long guys. Had homework and was having some computer troubles.

Chapter 2: We Meet The Girl Who Should Have NEVER Been Born.
Leos POV

I was just about to walk into the forge. "Leo," I turned to see Chiron galloping towards me with a new girl on his back. She was pretty I have to admit. Her long black hair was wavy and let down so it went down to her waist. She had blue eyes and a sprinkle of freckles on her nose. She reminded me of Thalia so much it scared me, but she was almost as pale as Nico, (Which was really pale) like she hadn't seen the sun for too long. But unlike that little goth kid, she was seriously hyper, like she'd had one too many red bulls. He came to a hault. "Hey Chiron, whats up?" I asked. The girl jumped off his back and I realised there was another girl on his back. She was beautiful in the way the hunters of Artemis were. She radiated confidence, power and strength that would make a grown cyclops run or his mommy and make a hellhound look like a week old, toy poodle puppy. Her long, light brown hair had a streak of silver in it, was in a loose bun with two ringlets hanging down on either hside of her face. Her skin was olive but kissed by the sun. Her eyes looked like the colour actual hazelnuts. She looked nice enough but I could tell if you got on the wrong side of her she wouldn't hesitate to trample you. She was hot! She looked like she wouldn't give me the time of day.. Just my type!! Though I decided to keep my big mouth shut around her... I don't like being trampled...

"Leo, this is Sal Ajia," gesturing to Thalia no. 2, "And this is Roxxanna Dye." Clearly talking about the girl with the light hair, as she gracefully jumped off his back. "Hey, I'm Leo Valdez. Head counselor of the Hephaestus cabin. Determind or undetermind?" I asked. "Sal is a daughter of Hecate and Roxxanna is undetermind. I want you to show them around, then show Sal to her cabin and inform Lou Ellen that she has a new camper. I have to go teach archery." "Sure thing." And with that he trotted off, grabbing an arrow out of his quiver.

After I showed them where everything was, showed Sal her cabin and gave her to Lou (Gods she was a talker, Roxxanna had to keep stopping and tell her to shut her mouth. Then they'd start arguing and Roxxanna would just walk away. Had to do that like 20 times! Once when they were talking, Sal whispered something to Roxanna that made her blush. She caught me looking and her face became even redder. I found that funny.) Roxxanna suprised me by asking "So, you're the flame dude ehh?" Which I found strange 'cause I hadn't told them that. I figured Chiron must have told them or something. "Huh?" Was my most intelligent answer. She rolled her eyes which ment she obviously like me. "I mean you're the dude with the fire power..." She said it like it was the most obvious thing, which it probably was. "Oh, yea. I'm the only kid of Hephaestus who's resistant to fire. I held up my hand and summoned a white flame... Go with the hottest to show her how awesome I am. "Cool" "You know, your friend Sal looks like a daughter of Zeus I know. I'm surprised she's Hecate's kid and not Zeus's." Thunder rolled across the vally. "OKAY, okay, sorry. Geez. You gotta watch what you say unless you want a lightning bolt in your chest." I warned. She just laughed at me. Her laugh was graceful, it sounded like a bird singing. She definitly wasn't one of my siblings.

"Yo, Travis! Conner!" The 'twins' came racing over. "Hey Valdez. Whats up?" Travis asked. Good thing he was taller other wise we would've all been like 'Holy Styx! Which one is which?' "Roxxanna, this is Travis and Conner Stoll, head counselors for the Hermes cabin. Guys, this is Roxxanna, she's undetermind at the moment, so until we know more about her godly parent, she's staying in 11, but I've got a feeling she'll be claimed soon, just giving a heads up." I turned to face Roxxanna, she'd gone completely white. "Are you okay Rox? You look really pale." "Uhhh..." She was staring at Travis and Conner as if they'd just broken her heart. "I...I...I have to go." She pushed past Travis and Conner faster than I thought possible. "I'll see you guys later. I'd better go make sure she's okay."

I took off after her. She was fast I'll give her that and eventually I lost her. I'd looked all over for her when I saw her sitting on a sand dune. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Hey. You mind if I..?" "Hmm? Oh, sure I guess." She stared out into the ocean. I sat down next to her. I've never been good when it comes to organic life forms, so I did my best. I strated with the obvious. "You wanna talk about it?" She was quiet for ten minutes, then she spoke. "I had a twin sister, her name was Cassie, we were like best friends. One day we were home alone. We were upstairs mucking around. It had started to get hot and smokey, so we ran out of our room to see what was going on. Only to late did we find out that the bottom half of the house was on fire, with no way out. We ran through the hall that the stairs were attached to, me in front my sister a foot or so behind me. There was a window with this big tree we used to always sneak out of. "Over there!" I pointed to the window. The hall was more like a balcony, instead of a wall one side was railings, so you could see the other part of the house ablaze. The floor under Cassie collapsed and she yelped. I turned and grabbed her by the wrists. She was hanging over the ledge. "Take me to the railings!" I did what she said. She let got of my hands to grab thr railings. "You know I love you Roxxanna, don't you?" she asked."
Roxxanna was starting to get tears in hereyes. She continued.
"Yes. I love you too, now come on!" I screamed at her. "I can't, I'm slipping. I love you Roxxanna. Go! Remember you're never really alone. I'll be in your heart, for forever and always." "Cassie!" I screamed her name as she slipped from the top floor and into the burning pit. I had no time to greive for my sister and my bestfriend. I had to get out before it was too late. I hid a while to see if anything survived. My sisters charm bracelte and yin neckalace survived, that was it." She showed me a charm brcelet with a bow and arrow and Yin and Yang necklaces that were like those 'bff' ones girls always have on. "I ran away from home that day. I was 10 years old." Her voice choked out the last sentence. I put my arm around her and she cried into my shirt. I mean, this girl just told me something so deeply burried into her past you'd think it would be impossible to dig out and trusted me with it.

After a few minutes she pulled back. (To admit, I was a little disapointed. I could've sat there all night with her in my arms if it wasn't for the patrol harpies. Which reminded me...) "Thank you, Leo." She whispered. It was dark and her silver streak seamed to glow like pure moonlight. "Come on, the patrol harpies will be out soon. And trust me, you don't want to be out when they are." I helped her up and we walked back to the cabins, my hands burried deep in my pockets. That night my dream startled me.

I was in a burning house. I could see two girls arguing. One was kneeling and had tears in her eyes, the other was hanging by the railings. Then I saw her drop. The scenery cahnged. I was in a cavern. "Hello again, Leo Valdez." Said a womans voice. She stepedout of the shadows and I saw her. "Khione." I said through gritted teeth. She simply smiled her cold smile.
"I under stand that you'll have a quest soon and came to warn you that I'll be watching you all." "Knowing you, thats not all." I replied. I felt like punching her, but that would just be really stupid, even for me. "No. I also want to give you a quick look over of your past." And with that I saw all my worst memories. The machine shop fire. The cyclops' in Denver. Enceladus. Bad foster homes. Other thing I honestly don't want to mention. Worst of all, the giant war. Those memories still haunt all of us. We never talk about it. But seeing the lead up to it, it was just depressing. I was releved to wake up.... Almost "VALDEZ! WAKE UP!!"
"Ahh!! Ohhh, did you really have to do that Beauty Queen?" I'd hit my head on the top bunk and had a massive headache. "No, not really. Anyways, get up. Rachel wants to see you." "Fine. Now get out of my cabin!" "Shut up! We're trying to sleep!" There was some grumbling in agreement. Once she was gone I got up, got dressed and headed for the big house.

When I got there I got a bit of a shock to see Roxxanna talking to Nico. I only made out two words. 'Sister.' and 'Sorry.' Nico nodded and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. I had a feeling I knew what she was saying. Then I saw Jason, Annabeth and Percy. (Jason comes to stay sometimes or brings messages from the other camp. Even after we saved their sorry butts, they still don't like us much.. Thats cool with us though.. They're to uptight anyways, but some are okay) Uh oh. Was my only thought. I got a bigger shock when Rox was claimed. "Uhhh... Roxxanna.. I guess we know who your godly parent is... I've never seen that one before." Musn't get out much I thought to my self. "What do you mean?" She looked up and yelped. We all looked up to see a floating stag, surrounded by a silver aura. "Oh dear, that is not good, not good at all." Chiron looked like he wanted to be sick. I didn't know what he was on about. She wasn't in my cabin, yes! "Chiron, whats wrong? Who's her immortal-" "Artemis. She swore to never fall in love though, and to be an enternal maiden though... She thinks men are disgusting-" "Yes, I did swear that, and I've kept my word." We turned to see a woman in a hunters outfit. She was in her mid 20's.

"Lady Artemis." "Chiron. Hello Roxxanna." "Oh my gods, I can see the family resmblance." I mumbled "Shut up Valdez!" Piper yelled. "Uhhh... Who are you?" Roxxanna looked like she knew she was missing something but didn't know what.
"Roxxanna I am your mother. I swore to never fall in love and I've kept my word. I simply went the way of Athena." She explianed. Thats when the door flew open. "There you guys are! Oh no..." Rachels eyes rolled into the back of her head. Green smoke came from nowhere. She started to sway then collapsed. I caught her just in time and Annabeth hurried to get the Oracle of Delphi's 3 legged wooden stool. 2 minutes later (And Rachel was not getting any lighter thank you very much) she came back. (We keep a few spares around camp) I sat rachel on her stool just as she bagan to speak in the raspy voice of the spirit of Delphi.

'Child with fire, you must go to the pit,
set a flame, use all your wit.
Go with two friends to meet a foe,
a friend of charmspeak, where the hearth will grow.
Go with a friend with a broken heart,
and you shall fix the peices, of those apart.'

The green smoke turned into agiant snake, then dissapered into her mouth. There was a long silence while Annabeth helped rachel. I noticed that Aritemis had run out during the prophecy. Chiron was the first to speak. "Well Leo, you have a quest. We know you must go with Piper seeing as she can charmspeak, and we all know how well you and Drew get along, but who is the friend with a broken heart?" Chiron asked half to himself. "Uhhh, that'd be me." We all turned to stare at Roxxanna. She met my gaze withimpossibly sad eyes, and I understood. "It's Roxxanna. She needs to come with me and Pipe cleaner over here." I said gesturing to Piper. "I told you to stop calling me that Valdez!" She gets so angry when I call her that it's funny. Even Nico trys to hide his laughing... It doesn't work. Now even Roxxxanna was smirking!

See, I started calling her that when in arts and crafts I caugh ther with bits of pipe cleaners in her hair that Drew had decided to put in. Her exact words were "There, now you really do look like a dumpster queen." Clearly Piper wasn't as amused as Drew was 'cause faster than you could say Holy Hephaestus the blade of Katoptris was at Drews throat. I left after that,

"Well, seeing we know who's going with you, we'd better get you packing."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
100% sure daughter of artemis
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Omg, did that profecy just say that Leo and Piper will go out??!??!??!??!??!??! ' were the heart will grow...'.
Better not be.....
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
No, it's a bit confusing but it'll make sense eventualy. As if I would make them go out! That would be tragic!! They just can't! I can't make that happen!!
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Okaay. So this chappie really sucks 'cause it's short (I think... I don't know I'm adding stuff as I write) and I was half asleep and in the dark when I was trying to write it. This is before Leos prophercy by the way and it get's obvious that it is as well sooo... Yea.. Enjoy? I don't think you'll be able to enjoy THAT much but hey, I have hopes (: xD


Chapter 3:Lights, bangs, mosters, magic and curfew.
Sals POV

I woke up to a bang. "What the Hades was that?" I thought. Rox was still asleep so I snuck outside. It was still dark so I couldn't have slept that long, which really sucked. There was a light over by the cabins, it didn't seem natural. (Well I mean duhh Sal, look at it! It's freaking blue and makes the cabin look like it's glowing!) I decided to investigate.. More like go up to the cabin and ask what the Hades was going on. I went over to the 'glowing' cabin, being sneaky like a ninja, trying to make sure I wouldn't be eaten by patrol harpies. It looked real strange. The walls seemed to be moving and changing colours, with different scenes and pictures moving around on it. Obviously the Hecate cabin. I could hear kids talking inside. I knocked on the door and everything went quiet. The door opened so that I was face to face with a girl in the camps uniform. She had dark (And I mean dark.. almost balck) brown hair with eyes just as dark. She looked around then back at me.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Ahh, Yea. What are doing up at this ungodly hour, making things explode and making your cabin glow like New Yorks's just moved in?" I asked in one breath.
"You heared that? That was made so only Hecates children could hear it..." She trailed off
"Well, I was claimed a few hours ago. I had what looked like Cheshire cat from 'Alice in wonderland.' floating above my head." She nodded like it made sense. (Hey, maybe it did?) "You'd better come in. I'm Lou Ellen by the way." "Sal Ajia." I said, shaking her extended hand. This was so cool. I always wanted a brother or sister!

"Everyone, this is Sal. She's our new sister!" There were 4 guys- Troy 19, Zel 17, Rob 10 and Zane 13- and one other girl - Baylee 13- Zane and Baylee were twins, you could see itthrough their smiles and facial features. The only things that me and my siblings kids had incommon were the dark hair and eyes, though we managed to have differet hair colours almost. Baylee and Zane had hair so dark it was almost a deep shade of blue, Troy had oil-black hair that I swear was actualy moving like oil in water, Rob had dark blond hair and Zel was just like me! Once I'd met everyone she showed me around. It was awesome! Too much explianing, but forget broom sticks, warts, cauldorns, and funny out fits. That's just an insult to the childern of Hecate, and we WILL turn you into a squirrel or something like that if you say that infront of us. It's just offencive! I don't have a freaking wart on my nose! I have freckles! But there was a kitchen for potions. I mean, come on! What's magic without potions, wands and turning people into toads? And no, I haven't turned anyone into a toad... Yet.

"A lot of us use wands, but it helps to know hand and mind spells, along with how to make potions and stuff." she told me with a sudden fire in her eyes. "So, what happened and how'd you get here?" So I told her from when Mr. Bulldude started chasing us to when I heared the bang. "The minotaur? And you actualy ran from him without him catching up? And he's still on the camps border?" She asked in amazment. "Yea well, Roxxanna had said to run. When I got up I through a marshmallow at his head and it got stuck on his head, but that just seemed to make him angry. So I went with her idea and bolted." I told her. After she had revived from shock and her laughing fit at the fact I hit him between the eyes and he ate the marshmallow and started running around in circles(I don't think he's used to suger), she led me to a cupboard. It was ful of wands, vials and random stuff like jewlery, rods made of silver, bronze, gold or wood, and pens. She rummaged through some stuff and brought out a band thingy and a wand. "Mum gave this to me. Said to give it to a daughter of her's that would come to camp with a friend in the middle of the night. So, here." She grabbed my arm, put the band on it and gave me the wand.

She taught me how to do simple things like making things explode, making inanimate objects come to life (which is really funny if you use dolls apparently), levitating (which I tried on Lou), other awesome stuff and mind reading... Not really READING, more like a 'making-the-words-they're-thinking-pop-up-­abo­ve-­the­ir-­hea­d-s­o-t­hat­-on­ly-­the­-sp­ell­cas­ter­-ca­n-s­ee-­the­m' type thing. "Everyone knows that spell. We tend to know everything about each other because of it, sothere's no point in keeping secrets. But we respect each others privacy, so if it's a private matter, we'll just leave it." She told me. "Okay, well I'd better get back to the big house before Rox wakes up. I'll see you guys later!" "Bye!" They whispered as I snuck out. I turned a corner and bumped into someone.

Er... Make that three someones. We stared at each other, eyes wide. We were braking curfew, so I guess they were as suprised to see me as I was them. "I wont tell if you don't tell." I told them. They looked at each other. There were two guys and a girl, all about my age. The guys looked like twins in the dim light of the sun, just starting to peak over the horizen. "Deal. I'm Travis Stoll, this is Conner and this is Mikayla Steel." The tallest told me. "Sal Ajia. What's in the boxes?" I asked "A little suprise for the Hypnos cabin." Mikayla told me. "Pranks?" I said questionly. "Yep" They said in union. Chiron had warned us about the Hermes cabin, and how they're always doing pranks to everyone. I smiled remembering how bad I'd gotten Roxxanna and my dad. Good times. Now, even the smallest thing can inspire me for tricks, and boy, did I have a surprise for the Aphrodite cabin. Ohh, this was going to be fun! "I have an idea, but I'll need your help." "Sure, We'll help, but we have to go. Come by our cabin late on. Cabin 11." "Okay, bye!" I told them as I ran off to the big house.

I jumped on the sofa and played with my wand. I noticed an inscription on the side, Πιστός, Pistós, which I recognised was greek for Believer. I hid it as Roxxanna woke up. "Morning how'd you sleep?" I asked "Alright, but I had a weird dream. There was a guy who looked half bull, a horse dude and a floating cat." I heard a hooves, then Chiron was standing in the door way. "Good, you're awake. Come, I'll show you around." "I guess it wasn't a dream." she mumbled. I tried not to laugh. We followed him outside and I saw the camp for the first time(what! It was dark and we were sprinting at full speed!). The camp was beautiful, with greek style buildings and beautiful green feilds with satyrs making strawberries grow at a rate that wasn't possible. Kids were runing around with swords and daggers. The forest seemed to go on forever. But there was tention in the air, that unsettled me a bit. Chiron knelt on his knees, obviously wanting us to get on. I was infront, Lea behind me(that was Roxxannas nickname, why we tended to call her Lea and where the idea came from, we had no idea, I think it's her middle name or something, or maybe she just likes that name?). "Where are we going?" I asked Chiron. "To the forge." He said as if that cleared everything up.
After that I zoned out, secretly practicing the hacking spell. I tried it on Rox but her head was blocked for some reason. Chirons head was full of things he needed to do, so I left his. "Chiron!" We looked over to see a girl with blond hair running towards us. She had intelligent grey eyes and was athletic looking and was around our age. "Yes, Annabeth?" "I just got an iris message off Thalia, she and the hunters are going to be here in a few days or something like that. And you also need to go teach archery, Will feel out of a tree and broke his arm and the other Apollo kids are busy trying to put it back into place so they can bandage it." The girl, obvously named Annabeth said. "Very well, are you busy? I need someone to show Sal and Roxxanna around camp." "Sorry, I am. Percy and I are teaching some of the younger kids different techniques for swoard fighting." Chiron sighed, "Okay then. Carry on."

A few minutes later we came to a massive building, it was obviously a forge, I could tell because of all the metal clanging and smoke coming from the inside. There was a boy our age. He had curly black hair and looked like a latino santas elf. I jumped off Chirons back and hackd into his mind. I found out his name was Leo Valdez, he was a son of Hephaestus and was a fire user(whatever that was). I also found out he thought I looked like Thalia(who is this Thalia chick?), and thought Roxxanna was really pretty, but was going to keep his mouth shut. 'Smart move' I thought.
At school, pretty much all the guys(exept for a guy we hung out with named Teiler) would practically drool over her. She'd tell them to beat it, and when they didn't she'd punch or kick them in the face,(sometimes it was really funny) then they'd have to goto the nurses office to see if she had broken their noses. She'd always wear jeans and a random top, even when it was boiling hot and in winter, jeans, random top and a jacket that looked like it belonged to an eskimoe.

He showed us where the sword arena was where I saw Annabeth and a guy with black hair fighting. "That guy there," Leo said pointing to the guy fighting her, "Thats Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. He and Annabeth are going out. A few years ago, the titan, Kronos, tried to make a comeback. He lead the war and defeated him. Then, not long ago, Gaea, mother earth tried to kill the gods. We sailed to greece in a flying ship we built and-" "Hold up, did you just say you made a flying boat?" Roxxannas face was prcieless, though mine probably was too.
"Yea, anyway, we sailed to greece, headed for the original Mt. Olympus, defeated a hoard of monsters and the giants and lulled her back to sleep. You know how there's been a whole lot of earthquakes, tsunamis, land slides, volcanic eruptions annd tidal waves? That was because of Gaea waking. We were luck she hadn't fully woken up."
I could tell this was a touchy subject by how his tone of voice had changed. He showed us the archery rand and I saw Chiron teaching some kids to arch. We were going to the cannoe lake when I grabbed Roxxannnas arm. "Just thought I'd let you know, Leo thinks you really pretty." She became bright red. Leo turned to look at us and she went a deep scarlet. 'Funny,' I thought to my self. 'She never,(and I mean NEVER) blushes when she finds out someone likes her. She just rolls her eyes. Unless..' I chided myself for even begining to think that. As if! "How do you know?" I told her about my night in the Hecate cabin, but I din't tell her about my run in with Travis, Conner and Mikayla. I knew she wouldn't be happy I was plaing tricks on people, especially after I made everyone(including her) think that her hair was on fire and that the flames were a violent shade of purple when it was just holographic projectors. Finally we came to my cabin and I ran inside.
"Hey, Baylee. Where's Lou?"
"She's out in the woods practicing combat magic on monsters."
"Okay, well, tell her I'll see her later."
"Bye" She called as I raced out the door.

I ran into the circle of major gods cabins and stopped in my tracks when I saw Leo and Roxxanna talking to a couple of guys. I hid between cabin 12 and 11, why I hid, I have no idea. "What are you doing?" "Ahh!" I turned to see a guy my age . He had blond hair and his irises were violet. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," He said trying not to lausgh "It's cool." I told him "My names Pollux. My dad's the camp director, though he don't do much." "Sal. Wait... Your dad's Mr. D?" Chiron had told us who Mr. D was and what he looked like, so when he comes back to camp we'd know who he is. And he looked nothing like Pollux. "Yea, he is. Who's your-" "Hecate." I inturupted, pulling out Believer(well it already had a name, I couldn't rename it seeing it was from mom.). "Nice, know any spells yet?" I bet he regretted asking that, beacause I casted the levatation spell on him. "Whoa! Put me down!" "Okay." I ended the spell and he fell on his butt with an all mighty crash. I laughed and helped him up. "I have to go. See ya." "Bye" He said as I ran out. I knocked on the door and Travis answered. "Hey, come in." I saw Mikayla and Conner, other than that the cabin was empty. "Travis, was that you and Conner talking to Leo and Roxxanna?" I asked "Yea. She seemed pretty upset when she ran."
"Yea, she ran off."
"Thats not like her..." I trailed off.
Roxxanna is one of the srongest people I know, physicaly and emotionaly, until it comes to one thing...
I looked at Travis, then at Conner. "Are you guys twins?" "No, why?" Conner had a funny look on his face. "Because you're pretty damm close, no wonder she was so upset." "Why?" "Rox had a twin sister, her name was Cassie. She died in a house fire they were in. She blambs herself. I've told her over and over there was nothing she could do. For 8 years she's been beating herself up ubout it. You two would have reminded her of Cassie and herself." That ended the Roxxanna conversation. I told them what I wanted to do. When I'd finished they thought for a moment. "Well, you'll need our help finding a way in there with out getting seen, where to put your magic and to trigger the mirror and make-up." A cronch horn blew in the distance, how I knew it was a cronch, I have no idea. "It's time for diner, you'd better o to your cabin." "Alright, thanks for your help." I said as I raced out of the cabin. We headed up to the dining pavilion. After we'd given our burn offerings to the gods, I noticed that the Hephaestus cabin were a little edgy. They were a bunch of kids with huge muscles. The only way I could tell the difference between them and the children of Ares is because they wern't armed with daggers, sword and javilnes. After dinner I walked back to my cabin and collapsed on my bed and fell asleep instantly, not bothering to change my clothes, and had a blissful nights sleep without one dream or disturbance.

last edited over a year ago
Okaay. So this chappie really sucks 'cause it's short (I think... I don't know I'm adding stuff as I
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
OMG! I'm so upset! I just edited the 3rd chapter, fished it, went to publish it... AND IT DIDN'T SAVE! It took me hours to wright it all! I'm heartbroken! It was a good chapter too! Stupid me! :'(
Okay so, I realised why you thought I was going to make Piper and Leo go out @Magicgirl123, I meant to write HEARTH, not, HEART, hearth meaning home ect. 'Were the HEARTH will grow.' My bad. I'm still pretty upset though, I feel like crying. I put so much effort into that chappie :'(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG I loved your previos chapter!!!
it's so annoying when you lose a chapter, I know what it is like, soooo not fun. I'm sure when you rewrite the chapter it will be awesome even if it is not exactly what you wanted!!
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Ahh! Got the rest back up! Yay! (:
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
It's tuesday, tuesday! Gotta do a hop on tuesday! Write an essay, do ballet, then we'll see how much we weigh. Its tuseday tuesday, gotta do a hop on tuesday! Streatching out a rubber band, Girl Scout cookie in my hand. Baking a, baking a cake. Printing out, printing out Drake. Now it's time too watch Tv, my favourite show is on at three!
Holidays! Yaaaaay! Finally! Get to relax!(And of course read and write fanfics!) (I didn't get to sleep in today, had to go to my auntys wedding.. It was torture! I had to wear a DRESS! Ewww! I made a deal with her, I wear a dress for the ceramony then I can change into a shirt and jeans... I don't think anyone has gotten changed quicker then I did! Ha!)Anyways, I won't be posting for a while... OKAAY, a long while. It's a long story, but let's just say I'm not very happy with microsoft word. Anyway, I get my new mac book soon!... ish... And as soon as I get it, I'll type what I have stuck in my brain onto it, THEN, I'll be able to post. I know, it sucks. :( Awell. Happy holidaays! xD

over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
*sigh* I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooooooo sorry, guys. I've been EXTREMELY busy with my shitty friends and family, and worst of all the dreaded monster mortals call.... HOMEWORK!!!! D: I've thought about it, looked at it from different angles, and decided I'm not going to continue this story. I don't like where it's going, and until I can figure it out, it's goodbye to Roxxanna, Sal, Cassandra and other characters I would have loved to introduce. I'm sorry, but not even Charmspeak could make me change my mind... Sorry.

- Forever dying from the wait of books, Arty.