The Heroes of Olympus What Happens When Annabeth And Percy Finnaly Meet?

percyrulz posted on Mar 11, 2011 at 07:22AM
ok guys i have been waiting for a post in a simmilar forum i really cant wait more
PS comments are welcome but even if i dont recive any ill keep posting
all spam are allowed

The Heroes of Olympus 142 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 142

over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
I think your discription of the meeting table was great!-so organized and stuff.

Anyway love your story...

P.S. Please post soon...
over a year ago percyrulz said…
welcome thalis-great maybe if u contact hectae u ll get a coocie basket hectae is in welcoming commitee
over a year ago percyrulz said…
yay at last 50 comments
thaias-great for being the 50th comment
myth manic for beingthe 5ist comment
share the cake
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
I liked the last chapter. When are you posting the next?
over a year ago percyrulz said…
big smile
thank u ill post tommorow (indian time) as a gift (however unwanted) for the holi fest
over a year ago thalias-awsome said…
awsomeeeeeeeeeee chapter stayed up all night just reading it over and over
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Wow I'm the 51st person to comment-YAY!
over a year ago penguin098 said…
question: everyone read chapt one of this fanfic: link
This is what it says:

"We were twelve when I first met Percy. Percy just finished killing a Minotaur, without any training or a weapon. I was in charge of nursing him back to health. When Percy woke up a day later, I gave him a tour of the camp. Then it was the Capture the Flag Day. Percy was on my team, because he was staying with the Hermes cabin at that time. Percy was on border patrol next to the river. He was surround by five Ares kids and Clarisse. Clarisse push Percy into the river, his cuts healed and he was fighting better then Luke. Percy defeated Clarisse and then Poseidon claimed Percy as his son. The next day, Percy, Grover and I had to leave to find Zeus' master lightning bolt. Percy slays Medusa, Echidna, Chimera, and many more. Then he even defeated Ares and he was able to give Zeus back the master lightning bolt. He also found out that Luke was evil. And he did that with my brains, thank you very much." Annabeth said and everyone laughed. It was good to see everyone laugh, but Annabeth want to hear Percy laugh with her.

"Then we went to the Sea of Monster to get the gold fleece, to heal Thalia's tree rescues Grover from marrying a Cyclops, trust me, we still don't know how that even happened. Percy and I Saved Grover and got the real gold fleece. The gold fleece healed the poisoned, Thalia's tree. Then Percy and I won the chariot race." Annabeth said and she remembers that great memory. It made her sad, knowing she will be the only one to have those memories.

"A winter later, Grover called Percy, Thalia and I to help him protect two Demi-Gods, Nico and Bianca. I was kidnapped by the Dr. Thorn, who was a... That memory wasn't good. Percy never gave and he told me that his real goal was to save me and not Artemis, who was also kidnapped. I held the weight of the world because Luke tricked me. Then Artemis held it." Annabeth started playing with her strip of gray in her golden blonde hair.

"When Percy, Thalia, Grover, and Zoë came, Percy held the weight of the world and tricked Atlas into holding it again..."

"Wait; hold up, Percy tricked Atlas, a Titan?" Jason asked.

Part of Chapt 4 of this fanfic

We were twelve when I first met Percy. Percy just finished killing a Minotaur, without any training or a weapon. I was in charge of nursing him back to health. When Percy woke up a day later, I gave him a tour of the camp. Then it was the Capture the Flag Day. Percy was on my team, because he was staying with the Hermes cabin at that time. Percy was on border patrol next to the river. He was surround by five Ares kids and Clarisse. Clarisse push Percy into the river, his cuts healed and he was fighting better then Luke. Percy defeated Clarisse and then Poseidon claimed Percy as his son. The next day, Percy, Grover and I had to leave to find Zeus' master lightning bolt. Percy slays Medusa, Echidna, Chimera, and many more. Then he even defeated Ares and he was able to give Zeus back the master lightning bolt. He also found out that Luke was evil. And he did that with my brains, thank you very much." i countinued"Then we went to the Sea of Monsters, even though it was not our quest, to get the gold fleece, to heal Thalia's tree we rescued Grover from marrying a Cyclops, trust me, we still don't know how that even happened. Percy and I Saved Grover and got the real gold fleece. The gold fleece healed the poisoned, Thalia's tree. Then Percy and I won the chariot race." she smiled remembering that great memory. It made her sad, not knowing if she will be the only one to have those memories. i took a breath and continued "A winter later, Grover called Percy, Thalia and me to help him protect two Demi-Gods, Nico and Bianca. I was kidnapped by the Dr. Thorn, who was a manticore.Percy never gave up on me many thought i was dead but he didn't when there was a quest he was not one of the member but he sneaked out to save me and he told me that his real goal was to save me and not Artemis, who was also kidnapped. I held the weight of the world because Luke tricked me. Then Artemis held it." Annabeth started playing with her strip of gray in her golden blonde hair."When Percy, Thalia, Grover, and Zoë came faced many difficulties in the way ofcource, Percy held the weight of the sky and tricked Atlas into holding it again..."
"Wait; hold up, Percy tricked Atlas, a Titan?"Reyna interrupted

... see a simalarity? wait, no It's almost EXACTLY THE SAME... i don't want to sound mean, but that's called plagurism and it's illegal...and just plain rude, I'm sure it took the author a while to come up with that while you just highlighted right clicked and pasted, then you changed piper/leo/jason's name to reyna's... plz change/delet it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyrulz said…
penguin098 i did readd the chapter before but it was almost two or three months ago and maybe the description got stuck in my head but beleive me i have worked really hard on my chapter too it took me almoast two days to finish this chapter and if u plz see my chapter its longer there is more description aaannddddd
there are things in the chapter u mentioned that never really happened
for eg
"It was easy to do, Atlas want to prove that he was better than everyone else, so to prove how strong he was..."
it happened in hercules' case not percy's ok

"Yeah, you see, we were at the Triple G Ranch and so the owner could let us stay there for the night, Percy clean the stables using the river from the river.
it was not the case greyon was ready to let them pass but to SAVE NICO he fougt greyon
and river did not clean the stables again it was in hercules'case

and maybe our stories are same bcz i got the grammer and summary from wikipedia which i abriged ofcource
as for the totally simmilar sentences (somethings that are great it just gets stuck and comes out aas ones own veiws) i will delete those


ps if u want i can make a disclaimer giving all of that chapter's right to the author of the fanfic

ps if any one else thinks the chapter is still wrong i am ready to delete it or not have any summary at all it may take a long time bcz i would have to make neccasary changes in next chappie too
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyrulz said…
and thank u penguin098 i have been looking for that story since a long time i loved that fic beats any fic on fanpop
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
I think that your chapters are fine, and great apology!But no need to delete the chapter. Your hard work shouldn't be deleted. Btw please post! Your story is so good, one of my favourites on fanpop! Please don't delete it! Peace out!

-POJO45 :D
over a year ago penguin098 said…
yeah... i acept ur apology... but it is exactly the same... I just don't c how u cood even use the same grammar mistakes that she did, a disclaimer isn't nessisary, Let's just forget this whole thing happened k?
over a year ago thalias-awsome said…
when are you going to post again
over a year ago percyrulz said…
ill try to post by tommorrow i am having a major writer's block
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Okay, try your best to post!
over a year ago thalias-awsome said…
hope you got out of that writers block
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Hey! You are doing amazing just try your best! It is great so far! Oh and @Percyrulz I am Chairece indean and my great granmother is a Indean prencess.
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
penguin098 I loved that fan fic
over a year ago percykickbutts said…
big smile
not me. Wow, im surprised that so many pple from all around the world who think percy jackson is AWESOME!!!
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Of course alot of people think Percy Jackson is great. There are maybe thousands of people who like the series.

P.S.@percyrulz:When can you post again?
over a year ago percyrulz said…
guys i am really sorry
i won't be able to post for a long time
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
over a year ago noclue said…
y not
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
dude you're a cool writer.
over a year ago RiderOfTempest said…
I am. I m also french and german...
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
How long will you not be able to post?
I love your chapters, now I am sad.
over a year ago silverlocket said…
You are an amazing writer. I'm in love with this seris.
I agree with what some people said a few days ago about your grammer, but I still love reading them! What the people said about you suposedly copying the other persons story doesn't matter to me, you're still an incredible author and I can't wait for more.
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
When can you post again?

P.S. If I annoy you by repeating this question again and again you can tell me to say less often...
over a year ago percyrulz said…
guys im reallly reallly soooooooooooo sooorrryy
*gets on knees*
i am really sorry but it would be long before i could post again
and guys if any 1 of wants to write a chapter u are most welcome just a little thing it should be a competition in a arena ok most of the campers are going to participate even the greeks but the chosen ones should be all romans
ps annabeth has to be one of the seven but she i also going to take part in competition
over a year ago noclue said…
Y can't u post
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
yea and you are to good none of us can top you so please at least try pleaseeeeeeee?????????????????
over a year ago percyrulz said…
Chapter 9
Annabeth’s pov
After a long walk with Percy, where I was mainly answering his questions (and he had many-many questions) and a sweet kiss (I nearly floated to seventh sky at that point) I started towards my *ahem* new Minerva cabin ready to face the new cabinmates.

I entered the cabin and was met by a few steely glances, I just ignored them and kept on going and found my way blocked by a boy.

“Hi, I am Bobby, councilor of Minerva cabin. There’s your bed ready.” He said, pointing towards a single bed with white sheets.

“Thanks Bobby.” I said, and went to my bed. All my belongings were there at my bedside stool. My backpack, with my toiletries, clothes and my/Deadulus’ laptop.

I took out the laptop, booted it and started going through more of Deadulus’ works (I had not done this for a long time till now as I was busy with the construction of boat). I opened a file and started reading it, but actually I was thinking about the competition tomorrow.

*I have to go on that quest with percy, I won’t be able to manage if percy goes there without me. If something happened to him, if something hit him in his Achilles spot,what will I do.* Many such thoughts flooded my mind. *May be I could go with him if I took part in this competition*

I resolved to take part in the competition and win it.

i started thinking about what would i do to win that competition, what weapon i would use, what my statergy would be, and other small things.

With that I got to sleep.

guys this is just the first part of the chapter i would try to post rest don't know how long would it take.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
good chapter
over a year ago thalias-awsome said…
over a year ago mmdr10 said…
I love this story!!!!!!
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
big smile
Good job thank you for posting again!
over a year ago annabeth24 said…
percyrulz, i am indian too

great story!
over a year ago noclue said…
Good job
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
POST! This is really good!
over a year ago annabeth5800 said…
hey percyrulez i an new here and here is a cake 4 you super cool writing!!!
over a year ago Peracbeth2136 said…
when r u gonnna post again?? this is really good!
over a year ago Peracbeth2136 said…
Welcome to the Fanpop family annabeth5800! I hope u enjoy it here! :D
Here's a welcoming cake!!
over a year ago percyrulz said…
good news guys i am gonna post tommorow
over a year ago percysmile said…
Good because I just got here and I don't like to be left in the dark it's skary in there

over a year ago percysmile said…
It's tomorrow !!!!! That means chapter coming soon to fanpop
over a year ago percysmile said…
Uuuuh maby I missed the memo but its tomorrow and there is no chapter
over a year ago percyrulz said…

I’ve been working furiously on the revisions for The Son of Neptune. I’m through the third draft, which means it’s down to just a little fine-tuning before I send it to my editor. Again, it’s a long process getting a book published, so this doesn’t mean the book is finished early or ready to read. It has to go through several more drafts with my editor and copyeditor, then typesetting, et cetera, et cetera. But I’m confident the book will be out on time this October. When I have more details about the cover, sneak peeks, and all of that, I will let you know, but it will be a few more months.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percysmile said…
YES WE ARE GETTING THE SON OF NEPTUNE ON TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I still can't wait
over a year ago percysmile said…
When are u going to post
over a year ago percysmile said…
Sorry if I sound "post soon " all like but I'm ADHD if I'm not scrolling down the page I have to comment on ur awesome job and I did not comment before because I'm new but not I'm here and loving this story