The Heroes of Olympus The DemiTitans

zeuskid777 posted on Mar 14, 2011 at 06:05PM
Sean - son of Atlas
Johnny - son of Ouranos
Adrian - son of Hyperion
Brianna - daughter of Oceanus
Abigail - daughter of Aphrodite
Jaqueline (Jacky)- daughter of Gaea
last edited on Apr 19, 2011 at 11:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 30 replies

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over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
Chapter I

I guess school wasnt meant for us cause we never lasted more than a year.

It was a hot summer afternoon,I was getting ready to go to the pool.
Everything here on San Antonio was hot especially every summer it was a practical desert.When I got to the pool I saw my best friend Adrian getting bullied,my fists clenched so hard they cracked.
I walked over to nwhere he was being bullied.
"Leave him alone"I said
"what are you gonna do about it"they teased
My anger got the better of me and I pushed him in the pool.
"your turn now"I taunted
As soon as I said it they turned and ran like a pack of goats.
"you should learn self defense"I told Adrian
"why should i,i got my best friend as bodyguard"he said
I looked at the pool,there at the bottom was sea serpent no way too big.A sea monster
"Sea serpent"I yelled
A million darted toward the bottom as one.They panicked.
The lifeguard came down and from her tag her name was Brianna
"why are you scaring these people you are so in tr......"
Her voice was stopped when the monster snapped his jaws at us.
"ahhh"she screamed and suddenly a tidal wave rose and hit the giant sea serpent with so much force it shook the ground.
When the smoke cleared the monster was still standing.Its yellow eyes full with hatred.
I remembered greek class in mythology this monster was THE TROJAN SEA MONSTER.Before I could run the monster slithered its tail around my friend and squeezed
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Keep postin........

U happy I commented:)
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I just noticed, u didn't say what the guys name was...
over a year ago wisegurl said…
big smile
Wait I Looked at the top and found out:)

Btw spamming is fun;) hope u dont mind
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Nice! Post soon! (:
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
Chapter 2

My friends were getting squeezed to death.Brianna was turning pale,Adrian was turning blood red.

The monster opened its jaws aiming at me.An blur of silver whizzed past my ear and hit the monster's jaws.Where the monster was,there was dust now.My friends gasped hugging they're ribs.
"What was that?!"Adrian asked
A voice behind me said "The Trojan sea monster"
"huh"I turned and found a girl about 15 with a silver tiara and leather jacket,her eyes electric blue.
"Who are you"we asked at once
"Thalia Grace,come on before it reforms"she said
We changed clothes grabbed our backpacks and left.
She led us to a silver chariot which was junked.Thalia cursed "um you mind were just 11" Adrian said.Suddenly the shadows started bubbling .A kid walked "Thalia you have been taking for ever Jason is worried"he said "Nico tell him not to worry and th....."
"woof" A black dog the size of a tank walked out of the shadows "Calm down Mrs.O Leary" the boy turned and smiled "Anybody for a dog ride".We looked each other and nodded,before long we were on top of the dog."Camp half blood"Thalia said.The dog started running toward the shadows.Even though it only lasted a few seconds the trip was horrible.We felt our faces peel off,strange noises and darkness.We got to the entrance of a camp.A blonde boy came running "Thalia thank the gods you are here,Chiron wants to see the new demigods".
Oh oh
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
wow that's really good! post soon!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
Awsome!!!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
Chapter 3

Our morning hadn't really gone well especially since we were almost squeezed to death and now a person named chiron wanted to see us I was more nervous than when I got sent to the principals office.
"Who is Chiron"I asked Thalia turned and said.
"The camp activities director"
"But was is he"I asked
"Thats for me to know and for you to find out"
I gulped the way she said it he probably wasnt human.
We arrived at a big house with a man in a wheel chair he frowned when he spotted us.
"hi my names Chiron please come in"
When we came in a man with hair so black it looked purple in Hawaiian shirt and shorts.
"New arrogant heroes"he said lazily "grover please come in"
A boy or at least i thought he was came in.He had curly hair and a wispy beard he had furry legs
"Half donkey?" Brianna asked
He smiled and said "you sound exactly like Percy" he took a step forward took a deep breath and frowned "you guys smell more powerful than the children of Zeus.
He walked toward us each and sniffed "This girl smells like the ocean not like Percy"
He walked toward Sean "He smells strong and endurance more than Ares"
Next was me "He smells like fire and light,like Iris and Hephaestus.
Chiron looked agitated "Send her to cabin 3"
He looked at Sean "you go to cabin 5"
me last "you go to the Apollo"
"you guys should get weapons and practice tonight is Capture The Flag"He got off his wheelchair and ended up being halfhorse.I felt so surprised I fainted.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
Chapter 4

I headed over to Cabin 3,it was a low building with greek columns.I went in and found a messy bunk and orange shirt.:"Yes im not the only one here"I muttered "um you are alone here" another girl's voice.I turned and found a girl standing at the entrance she had blonde hair and gray eyes"who are you" she asked "Im Brianna" I answered
"Im Annabeth Chase,why are you here?" she asked
"Chiron said so"
"Today is capture the flag you might as well get a weapon,follow me."
I followed her to a little warehouse that looked like a greenhouse
we went inside.
"Choose a weapon"Annabeth said
There was a shining silver bow and arrow quiver.
"Can I get that one"she said"its like Thalia's"
"go ahead try it"she said
I grabbed it and it ended up really heavy
"never mind" i said as i put it down
I looked around and found a really nice sword,I grabbed it and surprisingly It was comfortable
"slap the heart engraved in the handle"she ordered
I slapped it and it turned to a heart bracelet
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Great story! Children more powerful than demigods!

Please post soon...
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Awesome chappies! Oooh. Capture the flag may be exciting. :D Post soon.
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…

I went to cabin 5.It was red with barbed wire in the ceiling.
"who are you"a teen about 15 asked
"nobody now let me pass"i said getting angry
"what if i dont let you"he taunted
I pushed him with out much power but he went flying 5 feet into the fountain with butt sticking up.A girl called "apollo this kid needs vacine.A kid came with a shot in his hand and said
"this wont hurt" as he reached to put the shot in his butt.Poke
"ahhhh" the boy called "mommy help i hate shots"
The whole cabin howled with laughter so much it made microphones sound like whispers.
"Ill get you Clarisse"he said as he stumbled toward the restroom.
"So where do i put my stuff"i asked the girl named Clarisse
"there" she pointed to an empty bunk "thanks" i said
I parked my stuff.
"come here" Clarisse "lets get you a weapon"
She led me to a warehouse behind Cabin 6.
"choose your weapon" she announced
I looked over everything.Until I finally found a 4 foot spear black with a silver tip.
"I choose this"I said,pointing to the spear
"Grab it we gotta get you ready for capture the flag"
I grabbed it and left wondering what is capture the flag.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
good job! post soon, this is going great.
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
chapter 6

Once I saw the horse man, I passed out it was just way too much for me to handle.I dreamt I was being chased by a huge horse man trying to stab me.I woke up in the porch at the big house I was going to get up until a girl said
"dont get up you are too weak"
"I weak" I pretended to laugh "soy mucho macho"
She cracked a smile and handed me a cup.I drank about half until she took it away.
"My names Abigail Johson ,Whats your?"
"Adrian Lightspeed"
"Well if you are feeling better,lets get you to your cabin.
I tried to get up but I suddenly felt dizzy and fell back on the chair.
"or not"she said
I laid back and slept again.When I woke up I found the man with purple hair and Hawaiian shirt again.
"Well its about time you woke Andrew ive been babysitting you all day"
"Say what?"
The girl named Abigail came in and whispered in his ear.He looked surprised and disappeared.
"What did you tell him"I asked
"They found new wine"she said casually "come on lets get you to your cabin"
My cabin was golden like the sun.I went inside parked my stuff.A guy came up to me.
"Who are you?" he asked
"Adrian Lightspeed"
"Im Will Solace come on lets get u ready"
Soon I was in armor and a knife on my back.
Will Solace stood up and yelled "Lets go for capture the flag"
The campers yelled

The fights are awesome
we are possums
we will win
or eventually grow fins

they chanted.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii­iii­ice­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­lov­e the chapter!
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
Chapter 7

Our CTF armor was freakin heavy and the the shield was 1 foot smaller than me.
"okay, heroes we got new demigods Adrian,Sean and Brianna they need a new team"
I was put in the blue team along with Adrian, and Brianna went on the red team.
"Okay you" she pointed to me "and Abigail shall stay as defenders"Annabeth said
"Adrian and me as attacker"she said
The conch horn blew and the battle started.Everything was raging except us in the middle of the woods.
"so,you ready"
She turned then winced and collapsed.A red team dude stabbed her.
He turned and smiled.
"oops I hit your girlfriend"he chuckled
I dropped my spear and walked toward him.Anger roared in my ears I forced my palm out and he flew back and hit the tree and collapsed.
"what the....."
A flaming kid went running here.He saw me and smiled and charged I forced my palm again but he only staggered back.Suddenly Adrian appeared.He was brighter and in more flames than the other kid.He ran at extreme speed around the other flaming kid.Adrian slashed wildly and suddenly stopped.He poked the flaming boys sleeve and set him on fire.He screamed and winced as he ran off.
"Thanks for saving me" I said
Annabeth came running in the distance.Suddenly the creek raised slowly.Brianna came walking out of the water her sword ready.
"Hi Annabeth sorry but Im gonna win.
She pointed at Annabeth and the creek followed and crashed on Annabeth.I forced my palm and she went flying to a tree and crashed.
I felt dizzy and tired.The last thing I heared was the conch horn.I fainted.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
wow, awesome demigod powers
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
chapter 8

I was sent flying into a tree by some invisible force.Could camp get more fun?I woke up at the porch of the big house.I turned to my left and saw Sean lying in a bed, on my right the boy who was inflamed he was awake but was fidgeting with metal parts.Chiron walked in, I faked I was asleep to hear what he was going to say.
"Leo,I thought you were immune to flames" Chiron said
"I know but when I was set in fire,my flame immune powers failed,but it was more like light radiation than flames"Leo answered
"Hope you get better"said Chiron as he left.
I felt guilty I didn't extinguish the flames since he was in my team.Thalia walked in.
"Leo you okay?" she asked
"So you do care about me"He answered
"Sheesh Leo are you ever serious"
"It depends."
"Hope you get better"
"Wait how about a kiss!"
Thalia ignored him and left.I fell asleep again.I dreamt of Sean being tortured by a giant.
"You maybe Atlas' son but even you can't hurt me".A blur of light surrounded the giant the giant stomped and slammed the blur.When the light died there was a broken form of Adrian.
"Hyperion's kid huh? well good bye."
He threw Adrian into the dark sky.He then turned to me.
"Another two more huh?"
I turned and saw a girl standing with a knife.Her clothes were shredded and dirty.
"A daughter of Oceanus and Aphrodite,I will show you little mercy because you are girls.How about a Hide N Seek,you hide I seek!"
He chased after them,he grabbed us and squeezed.
"lucky for you I will kill you fast."
He opened his mouth to eat us.
"hey Brianna its okay"
I woke up and saw Annabeth.
"bad dream?"
I nodded
I told her my dream,when I was finished she bit her lip.
"I have to tell Chiron,it might be important"she left inside the big house.
"Whats up"
I turned and saw Adrian sitting at the porch.
"how did you get there?"
"didnt you see me running in front of you?"He asked curiously
"Watch this"
He got up and got ready to run.A second later he was at the stables
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…

I went to the beach hoping to impress girls with my newfound powers.
I found a huge dog on the beach instead,I charged at super speed.
Nico appeared out of the shadows and took out his sword.
"Back off, Im taking care of Mrs.O Leary"He stated
"Ooops you should at least give her a collar to recognize her" I said
"Your right be right back"
He disappeared into the shadows again.10 minutes later he came back with a bed size collar.
"I will get the Hephaestus kids to make the tag"He said and left
I turned to see him leave.
"Adrian watch out!"
I turned and found a huge chunk of rock hurling toward me.I ran as fast as I could and in seconds I was at the big house.I saw a 11 year old kid flying in midair.He had blue eyes and black hair,his shirt and pants almost completely ripped.
"Jason come here" I heard Thalia yell
The blond kid who was probably Jason flew out of a huge marble building.He looked up and blasted up.
A stone column rose out of the ground, a girl about 11 rose up,her brown hair blowing in the wind.She moved her hands pointing to Jason.Another chunk of rock flew straight at Jason.Jason raised his sword and yelled.A blast of lightning fell through the rock on the flying boy he seemed stunned but still okay.Sean came running in back of me.
"Whats going on?"
"I do not know"
This time a chunk of rock hit Jason he lost his balance and fell.
"Let me try" Sean said
He forced his palm out.An invisible force struck the column and the flying boy they both fell down hard.We walked down toward the collapsing.
They both looked unconscious, Jason staggered to the site.
"Who are they?"
We brought them to the big house.Chiron had Grover sniff.
He smelled the boy and turned pale
"He smells stronger than Zeus"
He sniffed the girl, he got paler.
"She smells more like the wild than Pan!"
Chiron stiffened and said
"We are sure that these new kids are dangerous we must train them".
We argued,it wasnt we werent nice its just we almost got killed by them if it wasnt for Sean we would still be under attack.
The new kids woke up and looked around.
"Hi Im Jaqueline and this is Johnny" she gestured to him"we thought we were going to get attacked by the flying boy and we panicked, sorry"
"It is okay but you must not try anything else" Chiron said "But for now we must train you."
"Nico you want to train her to control land"Chiron asked
Nico nodded
"And Jason will you train Johnny here"
Jason nodded
"Well everything is settled so lets get training."
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
big smile
Awesomee! :)
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
Hey man just started reading your story today, it's really amazing and it has very good originality which is very rare to find around here with all the fan-fics floating around here. Definitely keep making more though this is an extremely good story and I hope to see plenty more.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
niiice cant wait 4 the next chapter!
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
Ok zeuskid i am posting! first off where the heck is percy i miss my bf! are u going off the lost hero or TLO? second i love your character they are intriguing as well as the story.(sorry using big words but im a daughter of athena what can i say?) i love how unique the story is and there should b some romance or something cuz its lacking in that area. other than that all i can say is amazing and keep writing!
~~~~~~Love, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
before son of neptune and after lost hero
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…
:) hope u like it
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Its's amazing!! :)
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
ya its amazing cant wait for ur next post! *hint hint*
lov ya, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago zeuskid777 said…

I was surprised at how friendly these people were, but honestly i hadn't had a happy time in like 3 weeks. Me and Jacky were watching Godzilla at an old theater. As soon as Godzilla turned to the viewers, it came off the screen! Me and Jacky made a run for it as it destroyed most of France. Soon we found our powers when i managed to jump almost as far up as the stratosphere soon i managed to control it. Jacky on the other hand had mastered hers almost immediately she was tired and exhausted and Godzilla had found us. She cried and yelled..
"get away"
Suddenly a fissure occured and Godzilla sunk there in the edge of the united kingdom.
So we traveled all the way to the US and landed on the long island forum. As soon as we saw the blades we panicked and attacked.
But that was all behind us. Jason noticed me getting lost in thought.
"you ok" he asked
"Sure just a little creeped out "
A ran into a huge piece of wood.
I looked up and saw a huge mast and ghostly red flames.
"That's the argo 2"