The Heroes of Olympus fanfic The child of Neptune (№2)

blacktemplar posted on Mar 17, 2011 at 12:19PM
I had started another Son of Neptune fanfic but i didn't like how it turned out.So i'll start from the beginnig hoping that my second atempt will be better than the first one.

Title:The child of Neptune
Characters:Percy,Annabeth,Jason,Piper,Leo­,Ch­iro­n and the rest of Camp-Half Blood.
OC characters:Bobby,Gwendolyn,Hazel,Dakota,Re­yna
OC:Samuel Hawke,Tomas Flint
Synopsis:Percy wakes up in the infirmary with no memory at all and a girl claiming to be his girlfriend.
*Note* English is not my native language so i might make spelling mistakes first chapter coming tonight.

The Heroes of Olympus 60 replies

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over a year ago POJO45 said…
yay!im the first to comment!hope it rocks!
over a year ago seeweedbrain said…
Hope it will be good
post soon
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Chapter I
Everything hurt.My head,my arms,my legs even my fingers and eyelids hurt.I tried to get up.Didn't work out that well 'cuz my body didn't even respond.I tried to think to remmember how i had gotten into this situation.Nothing came to my mind.Concentrate-i said to myself-there has to be something.Again nothing.Damn it-i cursed.Think seaweed brain.Woa.Seaweed bread.From where did i end up with that?Think think think-i was saying to myself.Percy Jackson-yes.If i was able to to scream i would have.That was probably my name.That was the good thing.Before i tried to remmember i had a feeling that there was an axe stuch in my head.Now i had the feeling that there was a cruise ship on top of it.I passed out.When i woke up again tha was gone.Well most of it.I opened my eyes and looked around.I was lying on a bed.The bed together with everything around it was made out of wood.Aboэe the doоr was a plate.On it was written infirmary room №2.There was also a window and a table in front of it.There was a chair left and right side of the table.I got up and walked over to the table.There was a note that said "Get better soon-love Gwendolyn". My gut told me i didn't and that i hadn't known a person called Gwendolyn.There was also a glass on the table filled with wath looked like orange juice.Oh,my gods-someone exclaimed-you're awake.I turned to the voice and i got tackle hugged.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
nice chapter.awesome
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Nice start can't wait for next chapter !!!:)
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Great story! Your English is not that bad either, but great, I can't wait!
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
i like it. you should put paragraphs in; it makes it easier four us readers to read it and not get lost in lines of writing. also when sombody sais somthing put quotation marks "hey" and if somthing is writen on somthing put these: 'Ps. your story is great'
and a space after a full stop.

your story (so far) has a good story line so keep writing!! don't keep me in suspence!! lol. <3
over a year ago thilahector said…
iloved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
It`s been a long week for me guys but i'll try to post a few chaps tommorrow.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz post!
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Nice chapter post soon or nobody will want to read it lol.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post plz
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Sorry for not posting but i had a slight writers block and school was a bitch(blame Athena/Minerva) for that.Anyway i need one of you guys to help me with some stuff aka prophecy's(i'm no good with skill rival's Apollo's)So yeah but to that someone who's gonna help me you'll know what happens in the book but please don't leak info.

Chapter II
You would think that it'll be nice to get hugged the moment you get out of bed.But not for me.I mean i didn't remmember squat and i was barely able to walk so it wasn't that pleasant. Whoa, whoa, whoa-I said feeling that i was going to fall on the floor.But the girl that hugged me was quick.She put my arm around her shoulders to help me stand on my feet.

Sorry I shoudn't have tackle-hugged you.I mean you just got out of bed.
Uh...Do i know you?
Well yes-she answered-we've been together since august last year.
Really-I asked puzzled.Then you can help me remmember.
Remmember what?
Everything.I mean i know me name but besides that nothing.
She looked me in the eyes and then sayd-that's imposible Percy.Ok.You're from but the she stopped.
Having problems?-I asked.
Don't be stupid your immortal is-that's not possible.There's no way for me to have forgotten unles.Oh no.
We have to see Lupa now.Come with me.
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Just a random thought guys.Maserati's emblem is a trident so do you think that the Maserati brothers could have been all children of Poseidon(poped up in my head)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Great chapter!!!:)))) hope u post soon and i cant answer ur question because I don't know sorry . Happy April fools !:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Chapter III
Wait a minute-I said and grabbed the girl by the wrist.For the first time i was able to get a good look at her face.She had shoulder lenght blond hair and stormy grey eyes.There were small freckles around and on her nose.She(the girl) was really really cute.
What do you want now?-she asked me in a tone that said you better have a nice explanation otherwise.
Tea and pancakes.-I said-What do you think?I want some fucking answers.
Fine,but i'll try to answer your questions on our way to the governor's villa.
Well start with that.
The villa?
The villa is the primary building around wich camp is biult.In it is the administration department in wich we register the new demigods.The head meatings are also in there.The villa has two inhabitants the immortal wolf goddes Lupa and our oracle Dakota.While i'm at it i guess i should explain about demigods.Demigods are the children of a mortal..
And a god-i finished.
You seem to know about the gods so what else do i need to explain? -she asked.
What about you?Who's your godly parent?
I'm Gwendolyn Cardigan daughter of Minerva.
Don't you mean Athena.The look she gave me that moment made me stop in my tracks.Her eyes were even more stormy now as if a there was a huricane in them.
Some people in here will kill you if you say that to their godly parents.
You see Percy this camp is for the children of the roman gods.When Rome conquered Greece the greek gods stopped existing.But unlike them when the Western Roman Empire was destroyed by the barbaric hordes the Roman gods just moved in the most powerfull country under different names.So they continued moving from country to country and now they are in Northern America.The Pantheon of the Roman Gods is above Empire Stait Building.
Her entire explanation sounded extremely wrong and messed up but i kept my tongue behind my teeth because i felt that she was going to kill me if i had tried to argue with her.Instead i asked her where exactly the camp situated.
It depends.
What do you mean?
To mortals the camp isn't there.When they look in our direction they see a valley with a small beach and the vast Pasific.If you're a demigod you see the City.If you want to be specific we're situated in Drakes Bay.But there is another entrance to camp.A magical one right outside the Caldecott Tunel.Anymore qustions?
Nothing comes to my mind-I lied her.I still had a million questions but the more i asked the more confused i got.And her answers made another million questions pop up in my head.I was hoping that this immortal wolf goddes Lupa would provide me with better answers.
Good 'cuz we're here.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Post feedbach guys!!!First few chaps are with Persy's pov but i'mm switch them up.I swear on the river Styx.
Chapter IV
The governors villa was a 2 story building with a porch and marble columns suporting a terrace.The columns were covered with ivy.
Come on don't stand around like a statue Percy-Gwendolyn said and literaly pushed me inside.
I wasn't able to take a good look around the floor because she was pushing me up the steps to the second one.There was a corridor to the right but we turned left.Therewas only one door on the left side of the second floor which was strange.Even stranger the door was guarded by two girls in full battle armour.One of them had red hair reaching mid back and blue eyes.The other one had shoulder lenght curly brown hair and emerald green eyes.I was pertty sure that i saw them twinkle when she saw me.
We need to speek to Lupa-said Gwendolyn.
Can't do it know-said the redheaded girl-she's already speeking with Jackson.
What?-I asked.
So you must be the third one that came with the other two?-the redhead asked me.
No, actualy i think that he came here by himslef-Gwendolyn said.
What do you mean?-the redhead asked.
Well at first i thought that he was my boyfriend but i think that it was because the mist is messing with me.I mean i know nothing about him besides the first name-Gwendolyn added.
You could be right-the girl with the brown hair said-then she snapped her fingers and i felt lihe a gust of wind had blown at me.
Oh my gods-Gwendolyn exclaimed.
What now-I asked irritated.The last time she said that she tried to hug me.Now i was expecting that she would kiss me.But instead she backed away.
But insted she barged inside the room with the other two girls following her.I decided to enter.And my jaw fell to the floor.Well not really but i was stearing at the peaople in the roo mwith my mouth open.Except for the girls there was also a wolf a boy in there.The wolf was humongous.As high sedan with grey fur and icy blue eyes.That wasn't the shoking part.The killer in this situation was the boy.
He was wearing blue jeans a purple t-shirt and he looked exactly like me.We had the same facial structure, the same seagreen eyes, the same look on his face that had always branded me a rebel, and the same black hair although his was unruly.All in all i was starring at another me.
over a year ago seeweedbrain said…
he has a brother...............NYC
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Wow I'm mean WOW ....... I did not expect that .. It was amazing ... Such a surprise and I'm dying to read the next chapter:)))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!! Post ASAP ( just have to say it again WOW!!:))
over a year ago thilahector said…
OMG I LOVED IT U CAUGHT ME OFF guard i can't believe it an

P.S. Lupa is wolf godess (girl)
over a year ago PersesJr said…
i hope that guy is an imposter.awesome chapter
over a year ago neptune4 said…
I love your story. Please post soon
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Post sooonnnn dying to find out wat happens next !!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG a brother!!!!! soooo cool
over a year ago jake-the-snake said…
so he has a brother he already has tyson. but he doesnt have a sister yet, think about it.
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Nooooooooo school is starting again from tomorrow the 11th.Yeah i know that i haven't posted in 5 days but i promise that i'll post tomorrow.Here's the name of the chapter
Chapter V:A relative teaches me how to fight a titan
I wanna hear your predictions
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Chapter V:A relative teaches me how to fight a titan
“There’s, there’s, there’s, I think I’m gonna faint” Gwendolyn said.
“Faint, if you’re gonna faint then what am I supposed to do? Roll over and die. I just found out that someone has cloned my boyfriend Gwendolyn. Someone has cloned Bobby.” The girl with the brown hair screamed.
“Take it easy Hazel. No one’s cloned me.” The guy (Bobby I remembered his name was) said.
“Then how do you explain him” Hazel said pointing to me.
“I have a name you know” I said to her but Gwen put a finger on her lips. I understood her.
Silence filled the room. We were just sitting there and staring at each other when the she wolf Lupa broke the silence.
“This is a very interesting situation indeed” she said while looking at us. Well more like me and Bobby. “Come here” she said and I realized that the wolf was talking. I wasn’t moving its lips but I was able to hear its voice in my head.
“Lupa’s right this is a very interesting and a mysterious situation indeed” Another voice said. I turned around and saw a girl with shoulder length blonde hair a sky blue eyes.
“I’m Dakota by the way” she said with a smile on her face while extending her arm to shake mine.
“Percy” I said. “Percy Jackson”
“What!” Bobby exclaimed.
“They have the same last name” The redhead said.
“Thank you for the obvious statement Captain Obvious” Hazel said.
“I know you’re upset Hazel but that doesn’t mean that you have to act like a bitch” Gwendolyn said “and if you don’t remember Reyna’s rank is superior that yours so if I was in your place I would watch my tongue.”
“Yeah but you aren’t Gwendolyn so why don’t you take your own advice and shut up.” Hazel said “now drop and thirty.”
And she did thirty push ups with such speed that most boys would’ve been jealous if they saw her.
“Now that that is out of the way” Lupa said “Percy, Bobby come here.” While pointing to a mirror with her left paw. And so we did. But my gut was telling me that I should not be here and I had the feeling that i was in danger.
“They’re exactly the same…” Gwen said.
“As if they’re twins.” Lupa finished.
“OK I need some answers and I need them now” Bobby said and I noticed in his voice that this entire situation had made him uneasy just like me.
“Do you remember anything?” Lupa asked me.
“Nothing” I said.
“So are they twins?” Dakota asked.
“As far as we can tell” Lupa answered her question.
“Sweet so who’s our immortal” Bobby asked me.
“He just told us that he doesn’t remember anything” Gwen said. ”How dumb can you get?”
“Watch it Cardigan. I have the highest rank here so pick you words well” he said to her.
“Shut up. You guys are giving me a migraine” I shouted.

They weren’t giving me a migraine but there was a strange buzzing in my head so I had to shut them up. It was as if someone had turned an old radio and was trying to find a channel. But then the buzzing subdued and I was able to make out voices and then a picture appeared before my eyes. You know when sometimes your entire life flashes before your eyes well this was like that but it wasn’t my life it was just a memory. It was like I was a third person seeing this from the outside.
“My father” a boy said. His armor was shredded and he looked like he was twelve.
“Poseidon” someone said "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."

Then poof I was back in the room of with Lupa and the rest.
“What happened?” Bobby asked “We thought that you were gonna puke.”
“Had a flashback” I said.
“About what?” Bobby asked.
“Godly parent”
“How many times do I have to tell…” but Gwen wasn’t able to finish her sentence When someone shouted my name.
“PERSEUS JACKSON” The voice was deep and belonged to a man.

We looked at each other and then ran outside. The view made me shiver. Twenty giants were walking in the middle of the street but compared to the man in front of them they looked like kids from pre-k. He was brutal. Tall and muscular, with light brown skin and dark hair. His eyes looked like they were made out of stone, his hands could snap a flagpole in half, and his shoulders were huge. He was in full battle armor and had a javelin in his hand.

“We meet again” He said.
“Percy do you know him” Lupa asked me.
He looked familiar like I had seen him before but I wasn’t able to remember. Curse my amnesia. Then it hit me he was Atlas.
“What do you want?” I asked him.
“We have a little score to settle” he said “A battle one-on-one. You and me.”
“And if I refuse”
“Then my “little” friends will have the pleasure to feast upon your buddies”
“Now” “I’m sure that Lupa won’t have a problem with us using the Coliseum”
“You don’t have to do this man. We can take them on.” Bobby said.
“Bobby he’s Atlas. He’s a titan we can’t take him on”
“So you’re gonna fight him”
“What happens if I win?” I asked.
“We will leave peacefully” Atlas said “And if I win you die”
“Don’t do…”
“Deal” I said cutting Bobby off.

Atlas smiled and then he did the madman laugh. When he stopped something flashed in his eyes. He lifted his javelin and threw it at me. It caught me right in the chest where my heart was but strangely enough it didn’t impale me. Though the blast sended me trough a door and I found myself lying on an arena. The floor was covered in sand but I wasn’t able to get a good look around because I had to defend myself from a charging Atlas. Somehow his javelin was back in his hands and he was way faster than he looked. Instinctively my hand went to the back pocket of my jeans and pulled out a pen. Without time to think I uncapped it and it grew onto a three foot sword made from celestial bronze. Don’t ask me how I knew that.

Atlas charged again. He tried to impale me from the right but I dodged to the left. Mistake number 1. He used that to his advantage, caught my left arm with his and threw me at the wall with such force that I could hear it crack. I fell to the ground upside down and I saw him charge again.
“Use your shield pipsqueak” A voice in my head said.
I immediately clicked on the red button on my watch and it expanded into a shield. I blocked his strike and rolled to the left.
“That’s it kid. Use your speed and maneuverability to your advantage. Go for his legs but don’t stop. If you stop you’re like a sitting duck.”
“Who are you” I asked well trought.
“I’m Mars the god of war now concentrate on the fight”

And so I did. When I rolled to the left I slashed at Atlas’ thigh. He growled in pain and I saw my chance. I stabbed his javelin hand in the shoulder and he growled again. I pressed my sword against the back of his head right at the spot where the atlas and the axis met. He dropped his javelin to the ground and laughed.
“You are a fool boy. You should never loose sight of your enemy”
“TURN AROUND” Mars shouted in my head but I was too slow.

Pain exploded in my back. Now it all made sense to me. I had bathed in the river Styx thus why I didn’t die when Atlas tried to impale me with his javelin. But now somehow someway someone had stabbed me in my Achilles heel.

My arms immediately went numb and I dropped my sword to the ground. My knees buckled beneath me and I fell. I fell sideways and I was still able to see what was going around me. Atlas was now up and had a crazy grin on his face. And then I noticed the one that had gotten me. It was Reyna. She had a pretty normal look on her face considering that she just killed me.

My vision went foggy and sound was buzzing in my ears. My eyelids started to become heavy and started closing. And then right before they were closed completely and image appeared in my head. A beautiful girl with blond hair and stormy grey eyes. She was laughing. I didn’t remember anything about her but I was regretting that I wasn’t able to see her before I died. Then everything turned black around me.
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
I'm a really cruel persom am I not.Post feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND don't kill me.'kay.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG Reyna, why did she stab Percy???? I was not expecting that!!!! Bobby, Percy , Bobby, Percy, OMG
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Omg omg omg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Percy and Bobby wow and nooooooooo Percy was stabbed in his Achilles spot ( he is going to die) reyna is going to pay !!! !!!!!!! !!!!! So much suspense !!!!!!! Post ASAP pleazzzzz I'm dying of curiosity!!!:)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Is e really going to die?!!?¿?¿
over a year ago PersesJr said…
percy and mars hate each other.but good chapter
over a year ago percysmile said…
No that's bad will he die please post I hate not knowing btw I'm new
over a year ago jake-the-snake said…
your a god writer i want read more post soon
over a year ago percysmile said…
big smile

^ what he said

-χαμόγελο Percy

(my new end. To my comment it says Percy smile in Greek )
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
@percysmile welcome to this forum.
@PersesJr they don't hate each other. Percy and Ares do.
@blakerose12 just read the chapter and you're gonna find out.

Chapter VI:Athena’s plan
I still wanted to kill someone when I went to bed in the Neptune cabin. The events from the day were still flashing before my eyes. How Hazel, Dakota and Gwendolyn were holding me back from jumping in the arena and slicing Reyna’s head. That double faced bitch. I didn’t give a damn about the fact that her mother if Victoria goddess of victory or the fact that she and Jason are going out. If I saw her right now I was pretty sure that I was going to rip her apart limb by limb and hang her head above the door of Jupiter’s cabin. But NO I didn’t get the chance to do any of it. Lupa was the first one to jump in the arena and in her human form she charged Atlas and Reyna. But she didn’t even get to them because the ground around them rose and engulfed them in cocoons made of dirt. They were gone in a second and they took my brother’s body with them.

I didn’t remember the rest of the day except me and Hazel kissing before I went to bed. I didn’t think that I would be able to sleep but boy I was wrong. I was dreaming the moment my head hit the pillow.

I saw two figures walking I a dark corridor. The only sources of light were torches that burned in green flames. Immediately I recognized them. Reyna and Atlas. The titan was holding my brother’s dead body over his shoulder as if it was a sack of potatoes or something. At the end of corridor Atlas opened a door and they entered inside. Inside was dim but I was able to make out an altar and a lady but she seemed to be rising strait from the ground. She was wearing a dress that seemed to be made from leaves all in different colors but they matched perfectly and her eyes were closed. Atlas closed the door after he and Reyna entered the room and surprisingly he put my brother’s body on the altar. The lady just looked at Percy (can you look at someone when you’re eyes are closed) and then turned to Reyna.

“You have done well daughter of Victoria” she said “You have my word. We will not touch Jason Grace.” So she did to protect Jason. Was she stupid? Jason never wanted protection much less if it costed the life of another demigod.
“Thank you my lady” Reyna said and then bowed “If I may ask what are you going to do with the body of the boy?”
The lady chuckled and then said “I have great plans for Perseus my dear but first” at that point she turned her head to the right and said “Thanatos”.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I looked around and saw a man in battle armor. His hair was jet black and his eyes sea green like mine. He had a trident in one hand.

“You’re my father” I said and he nodded. I would’ve been exited if it wasn’t for the fact that my brother had died right before my eyes today or maybe it was yesterday (I had no idea what time it was). Now I just resented my father for not helping Percy.
“What do you want?” I asked him. He just looked at me and then his image flashed.
“What the Pluto” I said.
“What the Hades should be the proper term for you to use” He said.
“What?” I asked.
“Never mind”
“So care to explain why you’re form is shimmering”
“I’m not really here and I don’t have much time so don’t ask questions”
“I kinda guessed that you aren’t here” I thought to myself but I didn’t say anything.

“As you saw today your brother was killed which created a major hole in Juno’s plan to bring together the two camps.”
“What” I asked “What plan, what two camps”
“Don’t interrupt me. I don’t have much time” he said “As you know you’re uncle Zeus has closed Olympus thus the fact why I wasn’t able to help your brother with his fight. Zeus closed the mountain because the second stage is coming. The earth is waking and together with it her sons the giants. Gaea plans to destroy us at our roots in Greece. But your uncle believes that if we reduce our contact with the mortals to minimum that will stop her. Complete and utter crap if you ask me. Anyway, the other gods including me have seen the treat and are trying to convince Zeus to open Olympus. With no success so far so your cousin Athena made a plan. We the other gods are giving you the task to come to New York and convince your uncle to open Olympus.”
“What” I exclaimed
“I don’t have time to explain right now but tomorrow go to Lupa and ask for the truth about the greek gods.
“Let me see if I got this right” I said “You want me to come to New York and talk to Jupiter..”
“to open the Pantheon...”
Mount Olympus
“Yup I’m definitely dreaming” I said.
“No you’re not” my father said “It might seem confusing right now but everything will make sense once you come to New York. Tomorrow go to the stables there you will find a pure black pegasus. His name is Blackjack. Talk to him and say that you have a quest and that you need two other pegasi. He’ll leave and in one week will return with Guido and Porkpie. On the same day that Blackjack returns two new campers will arrive at camp. Samuel Hawke son of Pluto and Amy Anderson daughter of Apollo. We want you to leave camp and come to New York. Do you understand?”
“Then we have no problem “
“What do you mean ‘no problem’ I didn’t understand half of the shit you told me”
But my father just snapped his fingers and I was already asleep before he disappeared.
over a year ago percysmile said…
Not cool but awesome post soon annabeth should come in percy's place
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Omg awesome chapter even though Percy is dead :( loved it though!!!! I wonder what will happen so much suspence can't wait till u post !!!:)))
over a year ago thilahector said…
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Hated it but it's good but hated it. U HaD TO KiLl PErCy! Why! By the way I'm somewhat new
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
On his twitter Riordan said that The son of Neptune will be releaced on the October the 4. Also i'll try to post two chapters tomorrow
over a year ago percysmile said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
yayyayya !!:DDD
over a year ago percabethlover1 said…
Oh please post soon I love it so much
over a year ago percabethlover1 said…
Will Percy come back to life at lease some what? (Please say yes)
over a year ago percysmile said…
What will they use Percy for??!!!???!!??!!!???!!??!!!???!!
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
You guys know what's stupid and annoying.NO? I'll tell you. It's stupid and annoying when you have finished your fanfic last night and then you save it and when you open it in the morning it doesn't want to open. I tried opening it 10 times and restarted my PC 2 times but i doesn't open. So right now i'm extremely pissed and I'm not in the mood to be retyping it again. So yeah i don't kmow when the next cahpter is going to be posted.
over a year ago thilahector said…
it's okay we will wait won't we???????
sorry about your fanfic.
over a year ago percabethlover1 said…
big smile
Yah it is definitely worth waiting for.
We will be loyal till the end!!! :)