The Heroes of Olympus - Son of Neptune,

Quadnipples posted on Apr 03, 2011 at 02:46PM
You know what's gay, when you go to post something, then it doesn't go through. Yep, that's what happened here. And I can't be bothered trying to re-write what I wrote, so I'll basically summarise it into key points:

-I know theres heaps of fanfictions, but I need to let of some creative steam and I guess this will be my outlet for that in the weeks to come.
-I don't try and take any of this as my own work, I acknowledge ALL of Rick Riordan's work as his, and everything used here as simple inspiration. Or something like that.
-Not promising the best fanfic, but let's hope I'm not too generic with my perceptions of the second book in the Heroes of Olympus.
-Will keep a contents part here, and will update as new chapters are posts.

A/N - Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to review and constructively critique it *hint hint* :)

Chapter 1 -

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago Quadnipples said…
Chapter One
”PIECE OF CAKE,” Gamble muttered.
”When are they going to give us a challenge?”
Mmm’yeah, Perseus thought to himself. As tedious as this race was, it was really just a formality, as he had never lost a race since his arrival.
”Speaking of cake, do I get some apples after the race, sir?” Gamble inquired, a hint of hope in his voice. Or thoughts, it was always an unknown area, as Perseus could hear his pegasus, but his pegasus’ thoughts. It really confused him, so he didn’t look too deep into it as Gamble weaved through the air dodging a spear. That didn’t stop Perseus from knocking it out of the sky with Riptide, however.
“Yeah yeah, you’ll get your apples, as long as we continue our perfect record, just like every other month.” Perseus told Gamble, who whinnied at that, and picked up speed as he kicked through the air.
It was the final stretch in the Circe du Maxime course, and funnily enough, Perseus and Gamble were closing in on overtaking a pair, who seemed to be having trouble. As it was seen, the horse was shaking his neck, trying to remove his reins, but the rider opted to push to continue the race. How they managed almost two laps was beyond any fabrication of an idea; but they were new. First race.
That’s all it took, and Gamble instantly knew. He dived below the fellow pegasus and continued to gain metres on it. As they accelerated past the duo, Gamble quickly changed direction and shot upwards from under the pair and kicked as he passed the pegasus’ nose, frightening the horse, causing him to freak out even more which resulted in the rider tumbling from the horse. He was safe though, through the magic of the arena as he simply just floated casually to the ground easily landing on his two feet, the sound of horns ringing through his ears—music that accompanied a victor’s acknowledgement. However, there should’ve only been one horn, and the extra one was noticed by everyone in the arena. Riders, pegasus and spectators took note of the new sound, and they knew exactly what was happening. Perseus' victory and extension of his undefeated streak would be short-lived as he and Gamble quickly sped towards the beach, to meet a flying ship, with a dragon’s head sported as the mast, about to land within Castra Romulus’ sacred boundaries. Perseus was the first to arrive, eventually followed by a party of others, however they were only arrived in time to view Perseus pointing his sword straight at a crewmember’s chest. His chest, plated wrongly in a sense, with Greek armor.
“Name?” Perseus demanded, voice as stern as the boy with lightning blue eyes’ voice would be, if roles reversed.
“Grace. Jason Grace. Yours?” Jason answered, staring a hole into Perseus’ sea-green eyes.
“This isn’t your beach, thus that is not your privilege.” Perseus stated, returning Jason’s gaze.
The boys, or men, continued to lock their gaze, as the crowd around them, shipmembers and Castra Romulus members watched the two in disbelief, amazement and curiosity. Jason tried to move forward, but Perseus pointed his sword more directly at the middle of his chest, emphasising the ease to pierce the son of Jupiter’s heart.
“We’d advise you not to move, but there’s no fun in that.” Someone from Castra Romulus said.
A smile crept onto Perseus’ face, but his seriousness never left him. Right then though, a wolf entered the frame, and stared at Perseus. Perseus nodded, and lowered Riptide. He capped it as it transformed back into a pen as Jason didn’t seem to change, even if most people would be breathing a sigh of relief. Perseus nodded towards Jason as Jason then directed his attention towards the wolf, who was now standing to the side of the boys.
”A day before the Summer Solstice. Welcome back, lost hero.” The wolf said, or thought.
Faces in the Castra Romulus’ crowd began to light up, as it appeared some memories were coming back to them, and suddenly a LOT of things were beginning to make sense. Jason nodded towards the wolf, before she simply just stared at him, before leaving the beach, and returning to the woods from which it came. Howls were almost instantly heard, as Perseus questionably looked at Jason, not sure what to make of this apparent lost hero. Jason didn’t leave him much choices, however, as he extended his hand, locking eyes with Perseus yet again, his eyes full with respect.
“Apologies, I didn’t catch your name?” Jason said, with some smug in his voice.
Perseus looked at Jason’s hand, then back at Jason’s eyes. He scanned the people behind Jason, a girl with uneven hair, a boy with a tool belt and a girl with... well, enticing grey eyes, filled with something much more than the others’. There were others, but he returned his gaze to meet Jason’s, before obliging to take his hand, shaking it. Sparks from the touch flew, as a larger wave crashed along the beach, moving up the shoreline a few metres.
“Perseus Jackson. Welcome back, cousin.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG, that was totally AWESOME!!! it was different from other stories, and sooo good!! i LOVED it, cant wait for more!!
over a year ago blacktemplar said…
big smile
I agree with jas55jar.It's awesome.
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
That was really really good.
over a year ago goalies_rules said…
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
I agree, it's definitely different from all the others, and well written. I hope you post again soon!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I agree with everyone^^^^^^!!!amazing post soon!:)
over a year ago Quadnipples said…
A/N - Hey, thanks for the nice responses, they actually go a long way when you're a writer and you receive positive feedback, so thanks :)

Also, if you didn't get that Chapter One was in the future, (dropped subtle hints like when Lupa talked), then I just basically told you. The next chapter is waayyyy before Chapter One, and I guess we'll go from there. However, this won't be all in chronological order from now, as Perseus may have flashbacks *hint hint* etc.

Chapter Two
Perseus Jackson – Confused? Not as much as I am.
PERSEUS AWOKE, feeling the winter breeze, but everything was hazy. Lying down on grass, feeling as if the world was rested on his back keeping him down, he had a splitting headache and he was sure that his head was growing as it was just throbbing beyond belief or control. Mind was fuzzy. Picture was blurry. He rubbed his eyes as if that would help his cause, like it would just rub away everything and all would be revealed. No, it’s not that easy. Yeah, probably not. As he reopened his eyes and blinked as fast as he could, the colours started to form together to create images. Trees, a meadow, a run-down house and plenty of bushes. A forest. Wait, why was he in a forest? Questions for later, as now since his eyes were working, his ears adjusted too.
“Perseus!” Someone Perseus assumed he knew called. Apparently that was his name too, as there was no one else around. Hang on, when was there another person here?
Perseus looked over to the source of the voice, and saw a young teenage boy, around 16ish, without a shirt and in only jeans and no shoes either, slowly walking around in a circle, stalking (or being stalked by) an enormous dog. Or wolf. Oh well, it was some kind of canine, and it wasn’t as happy as it was pretty. Perseus had only seen his back, but the voice was familiar to him, unlike his age, last name, or life. Basically, his memory was non-existent.
“Don’t move, you know the plan, man.” The 16-year-old teenage boy reminded Perseus as he continued to move around in a circle with the dog. Mrs. O’Leary was a name Perseus wanted to call it, but he thought to himself, Why would I name it after like, a math teacher? Wait, why a math teacher? Are they similar? Huge, nasty and furious? Furious? This was getting nowhere. Perseus shook it out of his head-literally, before looking back up to his friend. Was he a friend?
“Quite soon, Per, you’ll know what to do.”
Perseus saw the boy’s face, and it hit him like a tidal wave. All the memories in San Francisco, the boys eating a burger as they gazed over the horizon of the golden gate bridge, so simple and peaceful, a memory that Perseus was sure to never leave him. Also, feeling depressed about something, who knew what, and Jacob-that was his name, he remembered now-convincing them to go fence jumping and jumping in as many pools as they could. It revitalised Perseus, the pool jumping, and it was a good feeling.
All these memories, and he was still yet to realise everything right in front of him. Like, why Jacob and a huge dog were circling each other... And why Jacob was holding a sword?! How did he not realise that before. I didn’t even know my name, I guess I should get used to being surprised, he thought to himself. However, we was quickly and abruptly brought back to reality when the dog pounced. He leapt at Jacob and Jacob quickly countered by side-stepping it and attempting to pierce the dog’s belly with his sword, but the dog somehow twisted in mid-air and Jacob missed. Jacob rolled out of the way, as the dog continued his assault and leaped once again, baring his pearly whites as they were slobbered with saliva. Oh, yum.
Jacob was a bit slower this time around, and the dog landed on all fours... on top of Jacob. It growled over Jacob, but it took too long as Jacob kicked the dog over his head as it flew behind Jacob, but as nimble as an enormous dog can be, it landed on all his fours. The dog turns to meet a standing Jacob, completely ready for anything. Perseus, still kind of not knowing anything that’s going on, assesses the situation and realises the body language in the two are very different. Dog’s confident. He thought to himself, as it was doing all the attacking and Jacob was just defending, as if to buy some time. Why would he do that? Perseus wondered, and he looked over to Jacob to see if an answer would be given, but all he got was a look that said “What are you doing? Why are you still lying there like an idiot? This is like, heaps important, man, and you’re just going to chill? Oh, that’s cool, we’ll find another way to save the world another day” Perseus shrugged, wondering how he got all that from a look and noticed some bushes behind Jacob rustling. He could see the eyes, Jacob couldn’t as his were focused on the dog. They were oddly red, like blood red, and full of hatred, anger and all that bad stuff. It slowly made it’s way out of the bushes, and Perseus knew what was happening. Without realising, he was sure he needed to aid his friend, and agreed it was a fair situation to avert from this ‘plan’ or whatever and he got up, running towards the bushes. Perseus reached into his pocket, and Jacob noticed him, a new look coming over his face and it read “Oh, what in the gods?” Jacob lowered his guard for a split second, and the dog’s coiled legs released so much force from under them, it took out the earth from underneath it and dirt got spat into Percseus’ eyes. This slowed his run, and he went to go wipe his eyes, taking out his hand from his pocket, but it wasn’t alone. Nope, it was accompanied by a pen and Perseus stood there, querying why he had taken out a pen?
“Arghh!” grunted Jacob, who was fighting off a dog that was sinking it’s teeth into his forearm.
He hit the dog’s nose with the hilt of his sword numerous times, but the dog clenched harder. Perseus quickly uncapped his pen, like he was going to draw the dog to death, or stab it and hope it dies slowly of ink poisoning. Yeah, but then Jacob and I would be long dead, lamented Perseus. Oh well, desperate men do desperate things, let’s hope this pen is sharp. And sharp it was. Gods, it wasn’t a pen anymore; it was a sword, confusing the already confused Perseus beyond our thoughts of possible confusion. Perseus didn’t think, he rolled with it-literally-and decided it’d be a good time to stab the dog in the side. Perseus thrusted as strong as his arm would let him, and the dog winced and with one final squeeze of his jaw, evaporated into gold dust. The downside? Jacob no longer had a left forearm. Jacob smiled, his eyes giving Perseus a reason to hope, before speaking.
“Oh, this is NOT how I planned to lose my arm, especially not today.”
Perseus’ mind wasn’t exactly cleared from this, but he didn’t have time to think, as Jacob collapsed, assumingly from the loss of blood, and Perseus dashed to his aid, and held Jacob in his arms.
“Dude, I just met you, you can’t leave me this soon.” Perseus told Jacob, it was almost an order.
“Just met? We’ve known each other for months, man.”
“What’s my last name, then?”
“Jackson. What’s this all about?”
“I don’t know, I don’t remember anything, except a few memories of us and like, that’s it.”
More blood was being spilled onto Perseus, but it went unnoticed as he decided it was more beneficial to focus on Jacob’s blue eyes as it slowly lost their vibrant glow to them.
“Well, I’m sorry I can’t be much more of a help, but I’m afraid my time is up, man.”
“Wait, you can’t die! I don’t know why, but it’s just not fair, to you or me!”
“It’s cool, everything happens for a reason.”
Jacob coughed, and probably for the final time, looked up at Perseus before speaking.
“Let me know when you find out, aye?”
He smiled his final smile, before closing his eyes, as if content with everything. At least that made one of them as a feeling Perseus would much rather get rid of crept into his chest and decided to slowly kill all the goodness in his heart, filling it up with devastation and a depressed sense of inadequacy.
“Rid of that feeling, hero.”
Perseus’ attention was drawn to the new voice, and his head turned to see a wolf-the wolf he saw in the bushes before-walking towards him. However, the eyes had changed, and were now yellow and golden.
“A plan to save the world, and you wanted to protect your friend, why’s that?”
“Um, how can you talk?” Perseus asked, ignoring the actual question.
“I’d advise you to answer what I say, but that’s just my advice.”
Perseus decided it was a good idea to take that advice.
“Oh, um, well, I-uh, mmm.. I don’t know much about anything, and I definitely didn’t know that we had a plan to save the world.”
“You did. You knew,”
Did he? Perseus reminisced back a couple of minutes, and realised he had felt the unbelievable pressure to save the world, like he had to hold up the sky.
“Yet, you chose to protect your friend, why is that?” The wolf pursued.
“I... I.. don’t know.” Perseus stammered like a dog-a regular one-would if it was asked why is it chasing that car.
“Think, hero. The best lessons are self-taught.” The wolf said as it began to walk away. Is walk the right word to be used here?
“But some things you can only learn from others.” Perseus countered.
“That’s true, you’re learning.” The wolf mused. Perseus frowned.
He had no idea what was going on, and the wolf was walking away from him. How rude. It wasn’t really, but Perseus called out to the wolf.
“Hey! Where are you going? You can’t just leave Jacob here?”
“Yes, I can. Only the strong survive. That, you should learn quickly. Make a choice.”
Oh, gods, what in whoever’s name is happening?! Perseus was faced with an impossible decision. Should he stay with his friend, who he barely knew, but knew well at the same time, if that wasn’t too confusing. Or, should he venture with this talking wolf who wasn’t making anything any easier. Oh man, oh man, oh man. Then, the wolf’s words rang through his mind. Only the strong survive. That, you should learn quickly. Perseus decided to leave Jacob, but prayed to whomever that all would be favourable to his friend. He followed the wolf, through the trees. A branch smacked him in the face, and his vision was blurred for just a second, but when it came back to fruition, he was met with an awesome view of a small town. He was on a hill looking down, but where was he?
“Castra Romulus.” The wolf told Perseus, as if reading his thoughts. Could he do that? Or she? It was talking, so right now, anything was possible.
“Wait, as in Remus and Romulus?” Perseus wondered. Things were starting to click.
“Yes. As I said, only the strong survive.”
“So... that would make you Loop.. Loopar?”
“Lupa, but yes.”
A small victory in winning some knowledge battle. Lupa walked down the hill towards the town, or Castra, and Perseus followed. He got this twisted feeling in his stomach, similar to one you get when your mum takes you into the ladies room when you’re a boy. Sure, it was cool because your mum was there, but you didn’t belong. Yeah, this was like that, except so much worse.

over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome!!! Hope u Post soooooooooonnn !!:))) poor Jacob :( but great chapter!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
I'm slightly, scratch that, i'm confused, Period. But I liked it. Just curious, why is your username Quadnipples? It's kinda odd. Keep going!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
^^yeah im sorta confused as well...but its a good story!!!!
over a year ago Quadnipples said…
'Sup kiddies :)

@TheMagicWord, I would be concerned if you weren't confused, because no one should really fully understand what I'm writing unless you were in my head :p but if you have questions about the story, don't be afraid to ask! And as for Quadnipples? Mmm'well, some things can't be explained :p

Chapter Three
Reyna Cruise – Questions, questions, questions.
Legion training, ugh. Reyna absolutely dreaded it, because well, it was training. It was monotonous and boring, despite the fact she was actually quite good. For a child of Venus, she was rather exceptional in the battling aspect of camp. She only had two siblings here in Castra Romulus, and with the reputation of Venus’ children only able to talk their way in to camp, Reyna’s lack of ability to charmspeak made her position at camp all the more impressive. Her siblings were already off, as the Second and Third Legion’s had their training times a bit earlier than the First, but no matter, it gave Reyna more time by herself, more time to think.
She was platting her hair into one long plat straight down from her head, reaching the start of her, well, butt, when she suddenly had a feeling. It was THAT feeling, that only came to her. She couldn’t explain it, but seeing as though Venus was the goddess of fertility, it sort of made sense for her to recognize whenever the camp adopted someone new. She quickly finished her plat, before putting on her armour, the distinct imperial gold of the First Legion shining in the sunlight. Don’t get the wrong picture however, the armour wasn’t completely covered in gold, just some places of it. Reyna rushed out the door, eager to meet the new arrival, when her best friend in Hazel spotted her. Hazel knew instantly what was happening, and changed course to follow Reyna, eventually catching up to Reyna’s quickened pace.
“My bet’s on Mercury.” Hazel informed Reyna as they continued to journey to the front entrance.
“Of course it is; I bet you’d love another sibling to boss around.”
“I think you’ve really messed up your idea on what exactly happens in the Mercury house.”
“No, I think you’ve done that for me.” Reyna retorted.
Not only was Hazel nothing like her siblings, but she was not really stereotypically classified as a daughter of Mercury. For one, she hated being a messenger. No one knows why, but Hazel would rather be the one giving or receiving the message, not the person in the middle. She also neglected to trade her belongings, but rather keep them and cherish them. Mercury was the messenger of the gods and the God of trading, so it wasn’t too hard to understand why no one understood Hazel.
“Mmm, probably. Oh wait, is that him?” Hazel asked, pointing to the direction of Lupa who was walking down the hill with a boy with dark hair. He was too far to make out any details, but he was wearing an orange shirt without sleeves-but it wasn’t a singlet or tank top, the sleeves were ripped off-and jeans with more rips to boot. Rips weren’t uncommon with newcomers, as everyone in Castra Romulus now had experienced the test, but even so these rips looked old, they weren’t done recently, at least not through the test he undertook. Hazel and Reyna reached Lupa and the kid as soon as they walked through the entrance, and they immediately knelt in front of Lupa showing respect.
“At ease, my heroes. Stand.” Lupa ordered.
Reyna and Hazel both stood and Reyna threw the newcomer a glance and noticed the uneasiness he probably felt, but that was simply textbook with everyone at the start.
“This is Perseus.” Lupa said.
With that, Lupa simply turned and exited through the entrance it came. It didn’t bother Hazel and Reyna as it happened almost all of the time, but Perseus looked as confused as a geography teacher given a calculator to write a poem. Not many people came to check him out; he was just another demigod who had passed the test, didn’t make him any different from any of the other people in here. But Hazel and Reyna had unofficially become the welcome wagon over the years much to the delight of every newcomer. People prior to that had to simply jump right into the deep end and just learn how to swim.
“So... you’re Perseus.” Hazel nodded towards Perseus, as if to make him agree with her. Strange.
“Um... yeah... I guess so?” Perseus said, obviously confused out of his mind. Reyna felt bad for the kid, all of them were there at one stage.
“Well, I’m Reyna.”
“And Hazel.”
“Why’d you ask that as a question?” Hazel wondered out loud.
“Um, I don’t know to be completely honest.” Perseus shrugged.
“Oh, kay, that’s great.”
“It is?”
“No.” Reyna said, chiming in.
A horn blew, signalling the end to the Second Legion’s training and the start to the First Legion’s. Reyna looked at Hazel, who shrugged and turned to leave.
“You talk to the kid before he goes into a corner and curls into a ball as he tries to understand everything, I’ll go to training and explain to Bobby why you’re not there.” Hazel said as she left.
“Thanks Hazel,” Reyna said, who then turned to look at Perseus.
“Come on,” Reyna said, ushering Perseus to follow her.
“Let’s hope you’re not too dim-witted.”
Reyna walked off, leaving Perseus no choice but to follow, and right about now, he was so riled up with questions he couldn’t even think of reasons as to why he shouldn’t follow her. He caught up to her and fell in by her side, and shot off the first question of many.
“So, where am I?”
“Castra Romulus”
“What’s that?”
“Camp for demi-gods.”
It appeared something clicked in the head of Perseus, but he continued to seek out answers.
“So like, um, what’s happening now?”
“Well, I’m taking you to consult the Oracle, so we can find out who your immortal parent is.”
“Oh ok, by the way, back there, does Lupa usually just leave like that?”
“Yeah, we don’t see her much except for whenever new people arrive, or for very special things.” Reyna told Perseus, who nodded in a sign of understanding. He was about to ask another question, but Reyna interjected in hers first.
“So, what was the test like?” Reyna asked.
But she wished she didn’t. It seemed like that those six words opened up six hundred wounds as Perseus suddenly became glum.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“No no, it’s cool, it’s just, my friend—Jacob, he got murdered by some huge dog animal type thing and Lupa sort-of made me leave him to die.”
This had been the case many times before, but sometimes people did have six hundred wounds that were opened up from the test, it was different on everyone, but Reyna was glad this wasn’t one of those depressing times, and she knew exactly how to handle the situation.
“Well, sorry to burst your bubble, kid, but Jacob? I don’t think he was real.” Reyna blatantly told Perseus. Perseus looked up in bewilderment, probably wondering how he’d managed to give off an “imaginary-friend” type of person vibe.
“I mean, the emotions and stuff were real, but that’s all Lupa wants. She generates this situations and things to find out whatever it is she wants to find out from people. If she’s satisfied, you live, if not, then well, not so lucky.”
“... Huh?” Perseus just dribbled out. Not literally, but the perplexity in his voice couldn’t of been contained, so it came out as mindless dribble. Yep, all one syllables of it.
“Oookay, let’s put it this way. There’s this thing—the mist—and it’s this sort of shroud that can change any perceptions you have on your surroundings. It can be woven by almost anyone if learnt and perfected, which not many people can do and even then only a select few can weave it so thickly it can eliminate and create people in someone’s life. Lupa can do that to a degree, but there’s others, like gods such as Juno, who wove the mist around Hercules to make him crazy enough to kill his own children. Anyway, ‘Jacob’ was a mere creation from the mist, he wasn’t real.”
Perseus looked stunned, but Reyna continued to make her way to the Oracle, which didn’t give Perseus much time to think. Boy, he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.
“Look, it’s better to just learn as you go. Soak it all in, think about it, try and make sense of it all then come back tomorrow a less confused person, which I hope is possible.”
“Um, alright then.” Perseus said tentatively before becoming silent for a few moments as they continued their way to the Oracle.
They continued to walk in silence until they reached their destination (which included travelling up a rugged rocky mountain area. By a ladder, of course). Reyna was already standing, waiting for Perseus to hurry up, and when he finally planted his two feet on top of solid ground, he was met with two sights. A cave, which wasn’t too inviting, and then a cabin right next to it which had a lyre above it’s door. Also, not to forget the giant statue next to the cabin which was of a very muscular male figure wearing nothing but a loin cloth to cover his private area. He was standing upright with a laurel wreath around his head, showcasing his ripped body as he held a bow in one hand and a case of arrows over the same shoulder. He held the tip of an arrow in his other hand as a snake was also down that same arm.
“Palatine Head.” Reyna stated.
“What?” Perseus asked.
“That’s where we are right now, the highest point in the whole Castra.”
“And home to the greatest demi-gods which spawned off the greatest god.” A new voice added.
Reyna looked towards the voice, and greeted him with a hearty smile.
“Hey Ronnie, what’s up?”
“Not much Rey, just got excused from Legion training when Hazel told everyone that there was a new guy, so I figured it’d be best if I came back here.” Ronnie explained. He then noticed Perseus, and addressed the person who seemed to be the only one wearing an orange shirt. What was with the purple?
“Yo, you must be Perseus?” Ronnie said, offering a hand.
“Yeah, I guess. It’s nice to meet you.” Perseus said, shaking Ronnie’s hand. Ronnie nodded as they let go and then gave Reyna a look.
“Yeah, hopefully. Anyway, I’m guessing you’re going to ask the oracle who’s this dude’s daddy is?”
“Yes, or mum. Just need your permission.” Reyna told him.
“Yeah, go right ahead, I’ll be inside.” Ronnie said, and with that, he nodded again towards Perseus, as if to say “good luck” and turned to enter his cabin.
“You need his permission to enter the cave?” Percseus inquired.
“Well, yeah. Apollo is the... ‘caretaker’, if you will, of the oracle of Delphi and Ronnie is the Legatus of Apollo, so it makes sense to seek for his permission before consulting the oracle.”
“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. But wait, why are we on a cliff?”
“Because it’s the highest point, which means it’s the place that gets the most sun. If you can’t work out anything from that, I’ll definitely rule out Minerva as your parent.”
“Enough questions, let’s go.”
Reyna and Perseus entered the cave, and then Reyna lead the way to the Oracle. They walked in silence, as Reyna let Perseus try and deal with everything by himself. She’d been nice enough as it was, but he really needed to learn how to survive on his own, and fast. Eventually, they made it to the resting place of the oracle, which was a blond boy with lightning-electrifying blue eyes and a little scar just above his upper lip. He smiled with a mouth worth a million dollars, and before Reyna could notice anything else, Perseus chimed in.
“So, what is meant to happen? Does green smoke come out and like, tell me my parent? I don’t even know if it’s my mum or dad...”
Reyna snapped back to reality. Whoa, that was weird...
“Oh yeah, um, what do you see?”
“Um, a cave, some rocks, that torch..” Perseus counted.
“No you imbecile, the oracle, what do you see as the oracle?” Reyna said, somewhat exasperated to a degree.
“Oh, whoa, is that Michael Phelps?” Perseus said surprised.
“Michael Phelps?” Reyna asked sceptically.
“Yeah, I think so... but he’s riding a horse.”
“Oh, gods...”
But before Reyna could continue or enlighten Perseus by why she meant, the boy with the scar above his lip, coughed a bit before evaporating into thin air, replacing him was green smoke which somehow had a voice.
An older father’s battle, the son must re-claim,
to meet the Giant in the domain he was slain.
Willed on through the gift of a rose,
an inevitable death right under a nose.
Unconsciously aiding hidden foes
that act to assist her to continue to doze.

A/N - Hoped you guys liked it! If you have any questions or any ways of improving my writing and story, don't be afraid to share it, I love getting responses :)
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG, that was awesome, micheal phelps riding a horse, funny!!!! great prophecy
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
^ that was halirious lol!! great chapter!!!:) post soon!!!!
over a year ago Quadnipples said…

I'm going to try and post as frequent as possible, as I want to finish this before the actual SoN comes out, so feedback would be greatly appreciated :) I don't know, it just motivates me to write more :p

Chapter 4
Reyna Cruise – A chapter that goes nowhere, except to under the sea.
REYNA STOOD THERE, trying to make sense of everything that was happening, as for the first time in a long time, she was overwhelmed by things.
“Um, Reyna...?” Perseus asked, about to gently shake Reyna out from her trance.
“Shh, I’m trying to think.” Reyna told Perseus.
“Oookay, I’ll just stand here conf—” Perseus started.
“Shoosh.” Reyna interrupted, trying to concentrate.
Perseus stood still, staring at something, while Reyna got everything in. Apparently, from what the kid said, he would most probably be a son of Neptune. But Neptune hasn’t had a child in *forever*, so why is he popping up now? Unless a horse and a really good swimmer can be associated to another god... But speaking of perceptions of the Oracle, why had Reyna’s been of that random guy she hadn’t seen before? No, she thought, Your brain can’t create a face, you would’ve *had* to have seen him before. But where? It wasn’t just a passing by, she had known him, or at least seen him a lot. He wasn’t famous, was he? Reyna legit had no idea where this had come from, and why the image had rattled her so much. She mentally made a note and put it aside for later in order to get to the next thing; a prophecy.
“I think, I need to call a Senate.” Reyna finally said.
“A senate? Because of the poem the green smoke, um, spoke..?” Perseus asked confused.
“Yes. A senate is a meeting between all Legatus to discuss certain matters that interest the camp. More relevant, the prophecy—or poem, as you like it—that was just given to us.”
Reyna stared at the ground for a second, before motioning Perseus to follow, as they exited the cave. When they reached the grass of Palatine Head’s surface, they also met the image of Ronnie sitting upon a rock, playing his guitar and singing in a very melodramatic voice.
“In time, you may come back, some live once more...or die once more...but in time, your time will be no more.” Ronnie sang, with a voice only a son of Apollo could have.
Ronnie noticed Reyna and Perseus now outside of the cave, and stopped playing as he got off the rock and walked over to them.
“Oh, sorry guys, how’d it all go? Do I have a new brother?”
“Nah, sorry Ronnie, but it all went good. In fact, I’m calling a Senate as of right now; call the rest of the Legatus’ would you?”
“Yeah, sure. Not too certain on Bobby liking this, right in the middle of the First Legion’s training--”
“The one you and I are supposed to be at?” Reyna inputted.
“But are not at due to good reasons, I mean, especially if you have to call a Senate right after visiting the Oracle.”
“Oh well, Bobby can like it or not, it doesn’t bother me. Just round everyone up, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay. See ya Reyna. You too Perseus.”
“Bye Ronnie.”
“Cya dude.”
With that, Ronnie walked to the right of the cabin and around a corner to who knows where. Reyna gave Perseus no time however, and went to climb down the ladder, not waiting for Perseus to catch on. Luckily, he did and was following Reyna down the ladder too. Eventually they got to the bottom, where Reyna noticed Perseus had a questioning look on his face.
“Hey Reyna, why didn’t you just tell everyone that a Senate was going to happen?”
“’Cause I’m showing you something.”
Reyna walked off in a direction that lead to the water’s edge, that wasn’t too far from Palatine Head. Reyna looked to Perseus, who, for the first time, looked comfortable and relaxed as he watched the easy tide wash up on the beach.
“Mmm, why are we here?” Perseus asked.
“Well, Perseus, this is your new home.” Reyna informed Perseus, who didn’t mind that idea.
“Gods know, somewhere down there.”
Reyna indicated the water and its deep blue shimmer it received courtesy of the Sun, and noticed how it reflected Perseus’ twinkle in his eye. It was soothing to see a new camper not all edgy about stuff.
“How can you *not* know?”
“Well, no one knows because no one has lived there in a while.”
“How longs a while?”
“Couple of decades.”
“That’s a while. Wait, why?”
“Oh, because Neptune and his brothers aren’t too fond of making children, and down there, is where all of his children live when they come to the Castra.”
“Neptune? He is...?”
“Your father. God of the sea, horses, earthquakes and whatever else.”
“Wait, does that make me...”
“Yep.” Reyna confirmed.
She let that sink in for a few seconds, but in case this son of Neptune was incredibly dense, she made sure he got the information he needed to get.
“Perseus Jackson. You are a son of Neptune, and as of right now, Legatus to... well, whatever you call your house or home or whatever.” Reyna told Perseus.
It seemed that he was in awe of this fact and how incredible it was to be a son of Neptune. At least, Reyna would have felt like that if she was a daughter of Neptune.
“Find your home, do what you have to do to settle in a get ready for the Senate. First one is always a doozy to take in.”
“Will do.” Perseus said with the first bit of enthusiasm all day.
It took them a while, but Reyna and Perseus shared a smile before Reyna walked off to her own cabin and Perseus slowly crept into the water. A huge grin came across his face and he dived underwater.

Chapter Five
Jason Grace - It’s a mystery.
IT HAD BEEN TWO MONTHS since the Argo II begun construction, and it was coming along nicely. Thanks to Leo’s toolbelt, the Hephaestus cabin was never out of tools. Add that to the overzealous, no-longer-cursed members of Cabin Nine as well as the mind of Athena’s kids, nothing is impossible.
Kind of.
There had been times when people needed rest, and it’d only be Leo left doing gods know what in there, but he too isn’t immune to sleep and thus would doze off occasionally. Nonetheless, when Leo would awaken, some tiny thing would be done to it that had no explanation of how it came to be. Leo always took credit for it, but for what it’s worth, Jason is still sort-of his best friend and confidant.
“Dude, my dad’s been at it again!” Leo exclaimed, interrupting Jason’s thoughts.
“Huh?” Jason just said blankly.
Jason was sitting in some remote corner of the beach, how in the hell did Leo find him? Especially since Jason’s a son of Jupiter, near the water isn’t a too common place for them.
“You know, the deformed guy who’s good at making things?” Leo explained.
“You mean you?”
“Ha-de-ha dude. But anyway, my old man has been at it again, and he’s making me look all pro in front of everyone.”
“And is that a bad thing?”
“It is when I can’t replicate what he does! Guess what he did.”
“I don’t know.”
“I really have no idea.”
“No, you have to guess or I’m not going.”
“Honestly, I know as much about boats as I do with chicks.”
“Well, he added in Annabeth’s jet propelled engines that work in both the air and in the sea, in case we ever need like, a fast getaway or something.”
“How’d he manage that?”
“I have no idea! That’s why I’m freaking out dude, he’s setting the bar so high you can’t even fly over it. But enough about the flying boat, what’s this about chicks, man?”
Leo was probably the closest thing Jason had to a confidant here at Camp Half-Blood, no one else really understood or listened like a friend. People were more concerned about how cool it was that he’s able to call lightning down and being able to fly; all the benefits of being a son of Jupiter, none of the downsides. Leo at least listened. He was a friend.
“Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just I don’t know what to feel right about now.”
“Reyna and Piper?”
“Mmm.” Jason murmured.
Over the last couple of months, it has been so confusing in that department for Jason. At first, he’d remembered Reyna’s name and her importance—but nothing else. He didn’t want to lead Piper on, but at the same time, he liked Piper and he couldn’t ignore her, could he? What’s the harm in just hanging out with a friend? Oh, there’s a lot of harm. As Jason spent more time with Piper, his feelings grew. But whenever his feelings grew, a memory of Jason and Reyna came back to him when he went to sleep that night. It was like a see-saw of relationships and Jason didn’t like it. Why couldn’t it be simple?
“Did you remember anything last night, bro?” Leo asked, now taking a seat next to Jason, as they both stared out into the horizon.
“Yeah. After I fell asleep, I had another memory.”Jason recounted.
“Location of Camp Caesar Salad?” Leo hoped. Jason never understood why, but Leo always seemed to like knowing things. It didn’t bother Jason that they were just making a boat with no intended course as of yet. Things would always work out, he remembered someone telling him that somewhere. It will work out, don’t worry Jason, a voice from his past said in his head. Jason would usually ask, How do you know? To which they’d respond, I don’t know; it’s a mystery. Bottom line, Jason had no idea of where they were going as of yet, but he’d always use that line to somewhat reassure uneasy campers, which was mainly Leo.
“Nah, about Reyna and I.” Jason told Leo.
Jason then went on to recount his dream about a time with Reyna. They were on Palatine Head, no one was around and Apollo’s kids were leading some Archery tournament. Anyway, Jason continued on about how Reyna kept asking him to try and do it—to fly—but Jason was also adamant about the possibility of falling to his death; it wasn’t a possibility that exactly enticed him. But Reyna looked at him in those ever-changing eyes of hers—
“Wait wait,” Leo interrupted. “She’s a daughter of Aphrodite too?”
“Um, Venus actually, I thought I’ve told you?” Jason answered.
“Uh, no you didn’t Mr. Gracie!” Leo said all excited for some reason. “Oh wow dude, do you realise who you’re losing sleep over? Two daughters of the god of love. Greek and Roman. Mono e mono.”
“Do you even know what that means?”
“No, but it seemed like the right time to use it. Anyway, carry on with your story.” Leo said as he calmed down now.
So, Jason regathered his dream, and went on. As he looked into her eyes, he was completely mesmerized by them. Jason was just about to say something, when Reyna quickly interjected what she was going to say; Just believe in yourself, Sparky.
“Oh this just keeps getting better.” Leo exclaimed.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Keep going.”
After Reyna said that though, she completely surprised Jason by pushing him off the cliff. Totally taken aback by this, Jason suddenly realised he was sort-of falling to his death, which is what he was always afraid of. He looked back up to Reyna who had a big smile on her face, a face that could tell anyone that they’re proud of them. Jason wondered how Reyna could’ve been proud of him; he’s falling to his death!
...Which is when he realised he was floating in mid air.
“So that’s how you learned to fly.”
“Well, to float actually, I guess. But that was the end of my dream, I woke up and now I’m here.”
“Rough dream.”
“Not really.” Jason disagreed.
“Probably not.” Leo agreed.
Jason looked at Leo who was fiddling with some bolts and some other things when a conch horn sounded.
“Dude, your stories take way too long.” Leo told Jason.
“I don’t ask you to come along.”
“Yeah, but I love story time.” Leo said sarcastically. Kind of.
“Too bad, we’ve got lunch man.” Jason said, getting up and wiping sand from his pants.
He offered Leo a hand, which he took, and helped him up. Leo brushed off all the sand too and the two boys made their ways to the dining pavilion. For lunch, obviously.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
I loved it, total awesomeness!!!
"dude, your stories thy way too long", yeah I liked that part!!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
awesome, love ur writing. ps. do they have claiming at the roman camp, percy shouldnt be re-claimed, but do they do it like that for all the campers?
over a year ago goalies_rules said…
big smile
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome I wonder I wonder who is Jason going to chose ??? Great chappie I <3 it !! Post soon:))
over a year ago Quadnipples said…
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of posts, but school started again so I had to deal with that, and haven't had time to post. But now, with things hopefully under control, I'll start to pump out the chapters every couple of days if all is well.

@MagicWord, When Reyna first saw Percy, he looked around 16, which is way passed the age of usual claiming. People will get claimed sometimes, or they'll get delivered to Lupa by their immortal parent. Also, Percy didn't remember anything, so he may have been claimed in the past, but Reyna didn't know. Anyway, Rome's Oracle is just a perception based on the immortal parent, so that was an easy way to find out their parent.

Chapter Six
Jason Grace –
LUNCH WENT AS PER USUAL. Jason sat isolated on Zeus’ table. He felt isolated, too. As Jason ate, he’d gaze over to all the tables. Ares, Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite... They all belonged here. They belonged to each of their tables. Jason didn’t, he was a son of Jupiter, a son of Rome. This was a Greek camp, and he’s sitting at a table for Zeus. As much as the same as he wanted it to be, it wasn’t. There’d always be a division between Greeks and Romans, Jason knew it in his heart.
“Campers!” Bellowed Chiron, stomping his hoof, interrupting Jason’s thoughts and everyone else’s conversation.
“In case you haven’t got the memo yet, Capture the flag from now on, will commence shortly after lunch, on this day, as during the night the traps are set in the forest and well, I can’t have my campers tripping them, as they are not for them to trip.” Chiron told everyone, who listened intently.
Despite the rowdiness of Hermes, the proud nature of Ares and self-absorbing attitudes of Aphrodite, Chiron could always get their attention.
“Currently, the Athena cabin still holds their flag, which will take their total to 38 weeks of holding the flag.”
Cheers came from the Athena cabin, and for a brief time, Annabeth looked sincerely happy. A brief time.
“And the other flag is currently held by the Hermes cabin, after their display last week to take it from the Ares cabin.”
Even louder cheers and huffs were heard from the Hermes table, and Connor and Travis Stoll both high fived like they won the Superbowl. Meanwhile, if looks could kill, well, Clarisse wouldn’t be someone you want to cross gazes with. Anyway, Chiron had a huge grin on his face, before he stamped his foot down again and dismissed us. Jason got up to let the nymphs do their stuff with the plates and leftovers, and he then walked back to my cabin to get his armour.
Then it hit him, hard.
Athena and Ares would be on the same page. That is NOT good. Also, the Athena cabin usually has a good relationship with the Apollo cabin, which would mean that... Oh man, that would suck.
Jason quickly grabbed his armour and headed over to where everyone was at, getting ready, and met Leo, who had his armour, and his toolbelt too.
“Dude, you’re with us, we need you,” Leo told Jason.
“Yeah, I know man, what’s the teams?” Jason asked.
“Athena, Ares, Apollo, Demeter and Hecate all made an alliance,” Leo said, before continuing.
“Which means the winning side has Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Iris and Hypnos.”
Jason’s side would have more people, but the other side only really needed Athena, Ares and Apollo. No offence to Demeter and Hecate, but none of their cabin members really warranted much attention. On the upside, Jason was with Leo and Piper.
Everyone was ready, and they took their stations in the forest. Hermes decided to make a replica of the flag, and make that more prominent with a lot more players surrounding it. Leo and his siblings quickly made some traps around the actual flag, and the only person that was guarding it, but not really guarding it was Jason. Fun fun. He never really enjoyed capture the flag, but the teams were so unevenly stacked, it was just wrong. Jason had a point to prove right now. He looked over, and saw the red feathers and all that. He drew his Gladius. Game on.

A/N - Sorry for the shortness, there'll be a lot more lengthier ones in the future, enjoy!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
great chapter !! really liked it cant wait till you post again:DDDD