The Heroes of Olympus The Daughters Of Iris

Alex13126 posted on Apr 04, 2011 at 12:51AM
Its Alex here. So I came up with this story with a little help from my friends who made their own characters. They were a of big help.

Rating:YA 13+
Type: Fantasy,drama,friendship,I'm hoping for humor or sarcasm,maybe romance.
Synopsis:The giant war is heating up and one of the goddesses goes missing! It's up to two twin daughters of Iris who are nothing alike to save the day. But how can they save the world when they cant even be in a room for five minutes without fighting?
Characters: Lily Brown,Leah Brown,Ricky Bale,Gabriella Johnson, Erin Swift, Austin Smith
Disclaimer: Sorry! Last time I checked I was a girl and NOT Rick Riordan...All his characters belong 100% to him
A/N:I gave my friends a list of gods and goddesses so if a main character is diffrent parent wise then you know who to blame. They picked the main characters expect for Leah And Lily i made them :)Thx for reading!

last edited on Jun 14, 2011 at 09:30PM

The Heroes of Olympus 52 replies

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over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Sounds cool!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…

The Olympians were all gathered around in the throne room. All the thrones were full expect for one.
-Whats the meaning of this? said a dark haired woman with intense gray eyes.
-Calm down Athena, a man with black hair exactly like the woman's said.
-I'm afraid it's horrible news that even lord Zeus is terrified of,a woman wearing a gold dress and jewelry said.
-Yes, yes Hera. Zeus stood up. It has come to my attention that Demeter is missing.
-WHAT?!?!? A lady with black hair and pale skin shrieked. Where is she?!?!
-We dont know that Persephone, Zeus replied gravely.
-Well whats wrong with that? said a man with black curly hair. I could've been directing that camp I hate so much right now. Anyway I'm glad the old bat is gone.
-Dionysus, without Demeter the plants will wither and die! Nobody will be able to plant anything ever again! Persephone cried.
-The giant war is growing, Hera said thoughtfully. They kidnapped Demeter just like they did to me.
-They might want the crops to die so more demigods will die maybe? a man with blonde hair and a cocky smile said uninterested.
-Or worse Apollo, a man with sea green eyes murmured.
-Well I agree with Dionysus. I'm glad the old loon is gone. She wont be screaming at me "why I kidnapped her daughter" or "why wont I eat more cereal?" said a pale man with oily skin.
-Don't worry Persephone, Athena replied with a look of pity in her eyes. I have picked three demigods who I believe would do the best job. Athena looked over at a blonde woman in a rainbow dress.
-I expect that your two daughters are ready Iris?
-They are, Iris nodded.
-Who's the other? Persephone jumped out of her throne.
Athena looked thoughtful. She then looked at Artemis and disappointment clouded her eyes. The look was gone in an instant afterwards.
-That is not for you to know, Athena snapped.
-What about my mother?!?! Persephone screamed.
-We will find her, Athena said the look of pity returning on her face.
-Does nobody care enough to find her right now? For all we know she could be sucked up by the Earth! With a shriek she stomped off to the balcony and looked into the city.
-Oh mother, Persephone whispered. Where are you?
Tears started to stream down her cheek.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was really good!!!!! cant wait for more
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I'm hoping to post more soon. I got PSSA's here. I'm about to scream if I have to write another thing. My thumb is red and starting to swell too. I might post chapter 1 tom if I dont go insane. Btw we got to go outside after the test and I really did scream. Also i broke a pencil in half cuz i was so agitated. (DUDE WHO SNIFFLES DURING THE ENTIRE TEST STOP IT!!!!)
-Alex :)
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…

I like it! Hehe I like how the positions have changed. You're writing now I and am stalking it! Haha! No but seriously keep going!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I didn't go insane yet!

Chapter 1

I was sitting in my room watching the new Law and Order SVU. The episode ended and I looked around my room for the remote.
My room was bright blue with a sun painted in the corner. My carpet was sort of a greenish color like grass. Basically my room looked like a springtime meadow. My twin sister Leah was in the room beside mine. I knew she was in it because i could hear music coming through the walls. A song she liked must have came on because a moment later the music sounded like it was on full blast. No doubt she probably did turn it up the whole way.
I sighed and went through the door that connects my room to hers.
-Turn it down! I yelled.
Leah and her best friend Erin were sitting on two purple beanbags.
Leah had golden blond hair like mine expect hers is choppy and uneven. She also had orange-yellow eyes while I have blue eyes. Erin, Leah's best friend, has longish urban hair and bright golden eyes. They were texting apparently. They didn't even look up when i yelled.
-Told you it would make her mad, Leah shouted to Erin.
-I thought we were texting each other not talking, Erin shouted back.
What? They were texting each other? I walked over to Leah's radio and unplugged it.
-We were kinda listening to that! Leah said standing up.
-You shouldn't be texting someone who's right beside you!
-It's not like I have to pay for it. I have unlimited texting, she said shoving her phone in my face.
-Yes but Dad has to pay for you to have unlimited texting!
-At least I save Dad money on haircuts.
-You cut your own hair! I snapped.
-Exactly. I dont need a professional to do my hair like someone I know. AKA you! "Oh look at me! I'm Lily Brown and I need a professional to do my hair because I'm so perfect!" Leah said in a high pitched voice.
I felt my face growing red. I do not sound like that! I growled.
I heard snickering and turned to see Erin recording the whole thing on her iPhone.
-What are you doing!?!? I shrieked.
-This is hilarious, Erin giggled.
I was about to say something else when something small hit me in the back. When i turned around Leah was holding a Nerf dart gun.
-You hit me with a Nerf dart? I screamed.
-Well it wasn't a real bullet or else you would be dead right now, she said simply.
-She could be a ghost, Lee, Erin said still holding her iPhone.
-But then the dart would've gone through her, Leah protested.
-True, Erin replied.
-You are so so, I started to say.
-So what? Leah interrupted. She raised an eyebrow.
-Irritating! I left her room and slammed the door.
-And cut! a voice said inside.
-I hate you! I screamed through the door.
-Love you too sis!
-Nice one Lee. Too bad the camera's off.
I stomped away from the door and jumped on my bed. I put my face in my pillow. A moment later the loud music started again. I screamed into my pillow. From the other room i heard laughing and what sounded like high fives. I sighed.
Why did I have to have a twin? Why me?

Hope you like it!
-Alex :)

Lily and Leah technically except with orange eyes and choppy hair
last edited over a year ago
I didn't go insane yet!
Chapter 1

I was sitting in my room watching the new Law and Order
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Aw poor lily. I'm there with u cuz I'm a twin too lily, hang in there! :)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I'm so so sorry! I forget all about this! Too much homework. But I will NOT abandon this story. I swear on the Styx!! I made it extra special just for you guys!

Daughters of Iris
Chapter 2

Leah flung paint onto her wall.
-Wola! A masterpiece! Lee said in a French accent.
I nodded. Guilt hung inside of me.
- We shouldn't of been so hard on your sister.
Lee shrugged. She'll get over it. She always does.
That didn't make me feel any better. Every time I come over Lee and Lily are fighting. Poor Mr. Brown has to work all day and comes home to his two teenage daughters fighting.
-What do you think of that new kid Austin? Lee interrupted my thoughts.
I wrinkled my noise. Yeah weird huh? A teenager that isn't boy crazy. Honestly to me boys are all idiots. Expect my dad of course. He says I get that from my mom. I don't even remember my mom. She died when I was about 2. Dad has pictures of her funeral. Her name was Ally. Dad never told me her last name. In fact all he told me about her was that I was a lot like her.
-You know what I think of boys, I answered.
Lee rolled her eyes, Well he has a basketball game today and I'm going to go cheer him on.
-Have fun with that I'm gonna go to my tree house.
-LEAH! a voice called from the kitchen.
-Hey dad's home, Lee smiled.
We both walked outside to kitchen where Lily was standing beside her dad. She had a smug smile on her face. Lee yawned and started eating the Pizza Hut pizza her dad had brought home.
-Young lady what did you do to your sister now? Mr. Brown asked.
-Daddy, Lily was annoying me, Lee stuck out her bottom lip.
He rolled his eyes. Your grounded for the night.
Lee shrugged and went to her room. A second later I heard a window slam.
-I think someone just climbed out the window, Lily sighed., We really need to cut that tree down or else she's gonna keep doing this.
-I think I'll be going, I said as I left their little apartment. I walk down the halls towards the elevator. As I went passed this one apartment I heard at least two women weeping. I didn't know what that meant. Well it could mean anything since Manhattan is so weird. I looked at the Id name below the room number. It said Sally Blofis. Haha blowfish.
A vision swept into my mind. A dark haired women was in a far corner of a cage. Flowers curled weakly around her. Her face mixed with emotions. Dark silver wolves guarded her jail. She spat at her guards. I think it was something about cereal. The wolves just looked at her and snarled. A dark figured in the shadows waved his hand. The women then screamed and passed out.
I screamed and fell to the ground. One of the women inside the apartment came out. She had long curly blonde hair and intense grey eyes. She looked about my age maybe, a year older. Her eyes were red but she quickly wiped her eyes and helped me back to my feet.
-What's wrong did something happen? The blonde quickly asked.
-No I'm fine I just fell, I lied.
She didn't look convinced but she nodded. but she nodded. My name is Annabeth Chase.
-Erin Swift.
-If your sure your fine then I'll be going, she turned around and left towards the elevator. I followed her but didn't see anything. It was like she just vanished! I shook my head and stepped into the elevator.
I was in my tree house. Pictures were everywhere. Most of them were of my friends. Some were of me as a little girl. And some special ones were of my mom.
One was me as a little girl in my mom's arms. Her long aurban hair was in a ponytail. Her silver eyes glowed. A big smile plastered on her face. I had my arms around my mom's neck. A smile as big as hers was on my face. I realized my dad was right. I did look like my mom. A second picture of me was holding a miniature bow and arrow set. A little quiver on my back. My mom beside me with her own bow and quiver filled with arrows. She was looking at me with so much pride on her face. My dad with his around my mom's waist. Then the last one was me and my dad at my mom's funeral. My dad was crying. Something he almost never did. I was in his arms crying too. My mom's coffin was bright silver. My dad said she died from a bear attack and she had lost way too much blood.
My eyes watered thinking about her. I looked into a mirror and gasped. My eyes which were usually this golden color were bright silver like the full moon outside. I started sweating. Something growled outside. Not this dog growl it was something more.....horrible. Without thinking I grabbed my mom's bow and quiver and jumped out of the tree house to confront the beast.

I hoped you guys liked it! Please comment below and tell me if you have any suggestions for characters or anything else. :)

Erin Swift with her new silver eyes
last edited over a year ago
I'm so so sorry! I forget all about this! Too much homework. But I will NOT abandon this story. I swe
over a year ago Alex13126 said…

Chapter 3

My new eye color was the least of my worries. Right now there was this beast and I'm charging in with my mom's old bow and arrows. Okay I may be an okay archer but I can't kill an animal! That's everything I'm against! I'm a vegetarian! I would never ever hurt a living thing!
Ignoring the thoughts that something was about to kill me I jumped out of my tree house. I hit the ground with a soft thud. The ground was wet from the rain that happened earlier this afternoon. Wet mud stuck to my converse.
I heard the howl again. It was closer this time. I swear I could feel the ground thumping as it got closer. The hair on my arms stood up and I shivered. The cool breeze swept my bangs into my eyes making it hard to see. My instincts took over as I notched an arrow into my bow and raised it. Tears stinging as the thought that I might accidently shoot an innocent animal.
-If its gonna kill you, you have to shoot it, I chided myself.
The thumps almost made me fall over. The growl so loud it could scare a mountain lion back to its cave. The beast finally came into view. It was at least as big as a monster truck, maybe even bigger. Its black fur dark as midnight. Huge, needle like teeth met my gaze. It looked like a huge dog, and my heart plummeted. It looked kind of sweet, and cute if you ignore the feral look on its face. I hesitated, and that's all the thing needed.
It growled in my face and almost snapped my neck. Thankfully I jumped back in time. I turned around and started running. The ground was thumping again so I'm guessing the beast was still on my tail. I ran even faster. Thanks to my luck though I ran into a branch and fell to the ground. The beast caught up to me and gave me a menacing look. The beast grabbed its teeth onto my leg and lifted my up into the air.
Pain shot up my leg. I let out a loud wail. My mom's old bow and arrows fell to the ground. I was completely defenseless. The thing shook its head, leaving me feeling dizzy. My head was spinning. I wanted this to be over. I didn't want to die like my mom died, but maybe if I do die I'll be able to see her again. Sure my dad will be upset that I'm gone but I'll get to see my mother again. I thought of Leah and all my other friends.
-No, I thought, I won't die today!
I kicked its nose. It growled but it only made it more angry. The thing held onto my leg tighter making my leg bleed. I howled in pain. Somehow I knew I couldn't beat this thing. I closed my eyes. Hoping for a fast, painless death.
Suddenly a blur a silver came into my vision. The beast howled and flung me into a tree. My head hit the base of the tree. I almost passed out. I willed myself not to go into a coma. The next thing I knew the beast turned into dark gold dust. When the blur of pain and red was gone I could see a group of girls. They all had silvery parkas and jeans on. One was wearing a silver circlet. Her spiky black hair almost hidden under her hood. All the girls had a bow and a quiver full of bright silver arrows.
One girl caught my eye. She looked younger than the rest, but when she caught my gaze she transformed into a full grown woman. Her aurban hair glowed in the moonlight. Her bright silver eyes twinkled. Her gaze was concerned. She said something to one of the girl. The girl rushed over to me and handed me something that looked like a brownie. I took it and gave it a big bite. It tasted like my dad's apple pie. I let out a sigh of relief. The pain almost gone.
My gaze rested upon the strange woman again. She seemed familiar. I narrowed my eyes in thought. I couldn't put my finger on it but I know her. The light bulb clicked over my head. I stared up at her in wonder. How could it be her? She died so many years ago. She should be in heaven by now.
-Mom? I asked in wonder.
She let out a little smile, Rest my child. We will be at camp soon. I can promise you that.
She picked me up and started carrying me to a silver chariot pulled with what I think were reindeer. The rest of the girls stared at her in puzzlement. My mom rolled her silver eyes and said something to the rest of the girls.
-But my lady, the punk girl with the silver circlet said.
-Hush Thalia. Let the girl sleep, my mom whispered.
I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation. I laid my head against my mother's chest and fell into a silent sleep.

Erin's Mom that isnt much of a secret

Chapter 3

My new eye color was the least of my worries. Right now there was
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Lol I knew at the end of the 2nd chapter. I'm writing a story (you've read it) about a daughter of Artemis, too, so I know how to identify one:D
Also, my name's Leah. But that character sounds like she's annoying lol :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Wow your good! I have a friend that's just like leah whenever i say i hate you she says love ya too!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Its been awhile since you've posted! Where u been? But awesome!! I <3 stories about artemis kids! Idk why, its just cool...
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Can't a girl get her reports done in peace? Lolz jk. Heres the next chapter. Hope you enjoy and sorry I took so long :)

Chapter 4

I screamed as Austin scored again for his team. Okay I know I should be grounded but when do I ever follow the rules? The buzzer rang off. The cheerleaders immediately went over to Austin and his team. I rolled my eyes. I really hated those girly girls who attached themselves to boys and wear tons of makeup. I looked around and frowned. Erin usually meets me here after the games. She would never in a million years ditch me. I knew something was wrong. I ran off outside.
As soon as I stepped I heard a growl. I turned around and almost regretted it. A huge black beast with glowing red eyes stood there. Its teeth bared in a snarl. Oh I was so not in the mood for this! It stepped closer and growled in my face. I growled right back. The beast seemed confused for a second. Then it regained control and charged. I grabbed some rocks and threw them at his eye. Suddenly it exploded into gold dust. Austin stood there with a bow and a quiver full of arrows like the ones Erin uses. Another girl stood beside him with the same bow and quiver full of arrows. She had his salt and pepper hair. Both of their eyes were a golden color.
"Well looks like you just experienced your first monster attack," Austin smiled.
"Who's the chick?" I asked.
"I'm Kayla or better known as Austin's little sister." Kayla glared at me with her golden eyes.
A scream shot through the air. It only took me a second to recognize it. Panic shot through me.
"Lily!!" I screamed. I ran until I saw her. Another beast stood in front of her. She was frozen were she was. She must of came to bring me back home. I stole Austin's bow and arrows and aimed for the monster. I silently thanked Erin for teaching me how to use one years ago. I notched an arrow in the bow and let go. It hit the monster in the belly. The monster turned into gold dust and exploded. Lilly ran over to me and held on to me tightly. She cried into my shoulder. I stroked her hair and held her tightly. Austin whistled and a chariot appeared. Lily widened her eyes but said nothing. I wasn't that surprised since we just saw two monsters today.
"Follow me," Austin whispered. He hopped into the chariot. Kayla went in after him. They both helped me and Lily in. Lily sat beside me, unmoving. Austin sat up front. Two horses with wings neighed.
"Those are pegasus aren't they?" Lily said quietly. Austin nodded. Kayla looked at her in surprise.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To camp," was all he said.
"I'm not going without Erin." I started to stand up but Kayla held me down.
"She's safe I can promise you that."
I rolled my eyes. I won't believe it until I see it. Kayla shot me a cold look. I stuck out my tongue at her.
"Your infuriating!" Kayla muttered.
I snorted, "Why thank you."
Austin sighed in exasperation, "Can't you all shut up for just a few more minutes?"
"Nope," I smirked at Kayla.
I glanced up at the sky. The moon was shining. The sky was a dark blue color. The sky suddenly turned purple. I gasped. Kayla turned around and looked up at the sky to see what I was looking at. She gasped and nudged Austin on the arm. He looked at her annoyed but looked up at the sky. His eyes widened. He spoke in a hushed whisper to Kayla.
The rest of the chariot ride was silent. The sky went back to its dark blue color. Lily ruffled the end of her yellow dress. She was still in a state of shock.
"We're here," Austin turned back at us. I looked down below. It was amazing! Dozens of cabins were lined up. Each different colors and shapes. A beautiful lake was below us. There was a big patch of forest and a strawberry field. I couldn't believe this! It was just...amazing!! The chariot suddenly went out of control. We all lurched forward.
"What's happening?!?" Lily screeched.
"I don't know!!" Austin screamed back.
Lilly held on to me. I really hope dying isn't as bad as people say it is. The chariot got back on course. Austin sent Kayla a weird look. She shrugged in return.
Something tells me this isn't an ordinary camp....

last edited over a year ago
Can't a girl get her reports done in peace? Lolz jk. Heres the next chapter. Hope you enjoy and sorry
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Austin is HOT XD
Great job!!!!
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Awesome, so Austin and Kayla children of Apollo i think. And how are you spelling lily/lilly
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Okay I cant decide whose POV you want the next chapter to be in?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
^ Do Erin's again *begs*
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
POQ? you mean POV? Lily/Lilly or Erin. we haven't had a Lily/Lilly chapter in a while....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^^^Sorry my teacher was yapping all about tht today....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
that was TOTTLAY AWESOME plzzzz post soon
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Sorry that I'm such a procrastinator :(

Chapter 5

My head was spinning. I tried to sit up but fell back onto my pillow. I didn't know where I was. It looked like I was in some kind of hospital. A girl sat in a chair maybe about 6 feet away. She has long black hair that flowed gracefully down her back. Bright pink eyes stared back at me. She sighed and handed me a drink. I'm not sure what kind of hospital would give me an orange drink, or have 16 year olds as nurses. Carefully I held the drink in my hands as if it were about to explode. The girl sighed in annoyance.
"It's not gonna kill you for Zeus's sakes!!" Thunder boomed in the distance. "If I wanted to kill you don't you think I would have done it in your sleep?"
Had to admit she did have a point. That doesn't mean I trust her though. I took a sip of the drink. It tasted like blueberry pie. The girl took the drink away when I was about halfway done.
"If you drink too much you could burn up," she said after my weak protests. I felt better, more energized. I tried get out of my bed. At first I fell but a vine came out of nowhere and wrapped around my waist, pulling me back up again. Astonished I looked up at the girl. Her hands closed into a fist and the vines withered away.
"What....who are you?" I croaked.
"My name's Ricky. My mother is Persephone the Greek goddess of springtime."
"Isn't Ricky a boy's name?" Her pink eyes flashed. The window broke with blue flowers curling around it. Ricky sighed. The flowers curled away from the window.
"Just because my mother is the springtime goddess doesn't mean I'm a girly girl. She's also the queen of the Underworld you know."
"The Underworld?" I gasped. Ricky rolled her pink eyes.
"The Underworld is a place where people go when they die," she said slowly as if she were talking to a little kid. "Hades runs the Underworld. My mother is his wife. The gods and goddesses are real. You're a demigod which means you're a half human, half god."
"But I had two parents. My mother died when I was really young. I went to her funeral!!" Reality finally sank in. My mother was alive. She really was a goddess. My dad would never lie to me though. We told each other everything.
"So how did you get here? We found you by the Artemis cabin early this morning. Nobody knew nothing about you or how you got here. So what's you name newbie?"
"Erin and I would like it if you wouldn't call me a newbie." Ricky shrugged like she really didn't care. Well this keeps getting better and better doesn't it?
"Wait are Leah and Lily here?" I asked panicked.
Ricky looked surprised. "They arrived earlier today. Don't worry they're in safe hands. One of them tried to skewer the Ares kids. Not the smartest move for her first day."
I smiled to myself. Typical Lee. Always making trouble.
"Can I go outside?" My silver eyes pleading.
"Sure you can handle it?"
"I attacked a monster I think I can handle wherever we are."
She smiled showing off bright white teeth. "Suit yourself."
I leaned on her shoulder until my feet got used to walking again. She winked at me and opened the door. What I saw was magnificent. There was cabins lined around in a square. A beautiful lake with water so clear. Bright blue skies. In other words it was like heaven.
"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." Ricky said stepping out into the open.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
YAY ERIN!!!!! ;D

Ooh, I never thought of pink eyes for a daughter of Persephone! When I imagined one, I always thought of her with forget-me-not blue eyes. But I like the pink eyes thing! :)

Great, excellent, and spectacular! :)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Pink for flowers^^^ Thx a bunchers
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
@Alex - yeah, got it ;D Froget-me-nots are blue flowers. That's why I imagined it, I guess.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Great haha Lee/leah attacking an ares kid
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
^^^Her real name is Leah. Erin just calls her Lee
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Got it and is it Lily or Lilly
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Lily like the flower. She has the softer side which is how I thought of Lily.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Lily with one L like my name!
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Gods,how come i didn't see this until now?
I think pink eyes would be a little creepy don't you?
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Lol you're fine XD
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Chapter 6

Camp Half-Blood was...well...amazing. I'm not sure how else to put it. Leah however could care less about the scenery. We were only here for a day now and she started at least 4 fights. 1 of them with me and the others with some tough looking kids. Our tour guide Gabriella had to break up the fights every time. They obliged maybe because they were scared of her. I couldn't blame them either.
Gabriella had long curly brown hair that went down to her waist. She almost always put her hair into a braid from what I heard. Fierce gray eyes peered out from her glasses. A sword was sheathed at her side. Most of the kids here had weapons for some reason. Not sure why a summer camp would need weapons. I knew they weren't fake because I saw some kids dueling. One of them accidently cut a gash in the other one's leg. Wasn't the prettiest sight. Gabriella just kept walking as if nothing happened.
"What kind of crazy summer camp is this?!?!" I thought to myself.
"Hey what's that Gabby," Leah pointed to what looked like a climbing wall.
Gabriella sighed in annoyance. "First of all my name is not Gabby. Second that's the rock climbing wall."
Leah yawned. Obviously she wasn't impressed. "It's just a climbing wall? With all the stuff I've seen you only have a climbing wall? What it doesn't have deadly spikes in it?"
"Well it does spew lava."
I looked at her in shock. "You would climb that with lava running down it?!?"
She shrugged. "Why wouldn't I?"
"It's dangerous! You could get killed!!"
"Half of the stuff here could get us killed!!" Leah yelled.
"Won't deny that." For the first time since we got here I saw Gabriella smile. It suited her. She almost never smiled. When Leah tried to ask her why she never smiled Gabriella only gave her a death glare.
"So why are we here exactly?" I asked Gabriella. She bit her bottom lip. She guided us to what she called "The Big House". A man in a wheel chair was gathered around a group of campers . They looked like they were playing a card game. I almost fainted when I saw that the "campers" had horns on their heads and goat legs. Leah grinned. I don't understand her sometimes. Wait make that most of the time.
"Chiron?" Gabriella tapped the man in the wheelchair on the shoulder. He looked up at her with ancient eyes. They looked thousands of years old.
"Ah here's the new campers. You must be Lily and Leah. My name is Chiron and I will be your activity director." He stepped out of his wheelchair. I gasped when his legs disappeared. Now a horse man stood in front of me.
Something racked in my brain from what I learned a few years ago in Greek Mythology class.
"So you're not a guy in a wheelchair but a horseman?" Leah still didn't look that surprised.
"No he's a centaur. The same Chiron from Greek Mythology. He taught all those Greek heroes like Hercules. But that's impossible!!" I stared wide-eyed at Chiron. He only chuckled.
"Nobody told me why we're here yet." Leah kicked a volleyball that stopped at her foot. It hit one of the girls playing in the face. Leah started laughing. I smacked her arm.
"That's not funny you could have seriously injured her!"
She shrugged. "Serves her right for wearing enough make up to blind a panda."
"Never thought I'd see the day when Aphrodite girls started playing sports. Piper has been some influence on them." Gabriella murmured.
Leah turned to Chiron. "So horseman nobody told us why we're here yet."
Chiron didn't look annoyed like most people would have been talking to Leah. Instead he gestured with his hand for us to follow. He walked, I mean galloped, into the big house. Leah turned to Gabriella and raised her eyebrow. Sighing she followed him in. Gabriella turned to me.
"Is she always infuriating?"
I smiled. "You have no idea."

Sorry if it sucked :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…

It was amazing ;D
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
IO didn't suck it was good
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
what do you mean it suck that was AWESOME!!!!! hahahahahahahaha a girl got hite in the face i was laughing my head off!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Thx you guys are awesome!! :D
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
u r AWESOME (if we can't spam am sorry)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I know I'm awesome *pretends to be smug* LOL jk! I say that all the time XD
Youre the awesome one, Alex! :D
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
THIS FORUM IS FUGGIN AWESOME I LOVE IT POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!! I really like Leah she seems like a cool friend to have!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Sorry for the long wait I'll have the next chapter up this week :D

Chapter 7

Ricky led me to what looked like a tool shed.
"What would we need in a tool shed? I love nature but I don't see why we would need anything in there."
She looked at me with her pink eyes. Gotta admit it's kind of freaky how they're pink. "You need a weapon if you want to survive."
"But what about the bow and arrows my mother gave me?"
"We didn't see anything when we found you at the Artemis cabin."
"Oh." My heart sank to my toes. What would my mom say if I told her I lost her favorite bow?
"Remember your mom is a goddess." A voice chided in my mind.
"No my mom died a long time ago." I thought back irritably. A part of me did want to believe that. That my mom was a goddess. That I could actually see her again. Even if she was a goddess we would never be a real family again. She would outlive me and my dad eventually. That made me a bit depressed.
I zoned out as Ricky showed me some weapons I might like. Finally I agreed on a dark silver bow and a quiver full of arrows. It wasn't like my mom's but it was close enough.
"Hello Earth to Erin! HELLO!!" Ricky said annoyed.
"What?" I jumped.
She smacked her hand to her forehead. "I said do you wanna practice archery with the Apollo kids?"
She had me at the word archery. Ricky raised her eyebrow. "Be warned. Apollo kids are very competitive." She rolled her eyes and added. "Showoffs."
Grinning I followed Ricky to where some kids were shooting targets. "I bet I could take them down."
Ricky snorted and went over to one of the guys. He put his hand up then shot 3 targets. Each hit the center. The guy looked my way and smirked. I rolled my eyes to show I wasn't very impressed. He called his half-brothers over. Ricky went over to talk to the guy. They started talking. Ricky moved her hands in an agitated way as if she were starting to get irritated. The Apollo boys seemed to be enjoying her irritation.
"You know what! I bet you a week's worth of dishes that Erin could beat you in archery!"
I gasped. The boy sneered. "Like she could beat me."
Ricky pulled me away. "That kid is Eric. He's almost as good as Will but I think you can take him. Sure he's had years of training-"
"I don't remember saying I wanted to compete against him." I cut her off.
She smiled innocently. "I remember you saying that you could take them down."
"I wasn't being serious!"
"Sure you weren't."
The Apollo kids set up the targets. Eric and I took our spots. Eric went first. Effortlessly he sent all three arrows into the center. Turning to me he smirked. Dark brown hair falling into his eyes.
Nervously I pulled the string back, aiming for the center. A crowd started gathering. Ricky looked at me with pleading pink eyes. Apollo kids were patting Eric on the back. I gulped.
Closing my eyes, I let go of the string. Everyone watched as the arrows flew forward.

last edited over a year ago
Sorry for the long wait I'll have the next chapter up this week :D

Chapter 7

Ricky led me to w
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
(sorry caps lock)
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
OMG! What is going to happen plzzzz plzzzzz pweeeezzzzzzzz post sooon plzzzzzz! that was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.... AWESOME
oooo and when i found this pic it made me think if you
hope you like it
OMG! What is going to happen plzzzz plzzzzz pweeeezzzzzzzz post sooon plzzzzzz! that was A-W-E-S-O-M-
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Awh thx a bunch the beagle is cute!! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
AW cute beagle!
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
See creepy pink eyes! creepy! Oh, whats gonna happen with the arrows?
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
hahahahaha i so agree with u Athenabeth!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Chapter 8

During the video I fell asleep. Really all it did was explain how I was a demigod and that I have special powers no normal kids have blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh also monsters could attack us at any time. The people who made this video have obviously never dealt with high school. I would rather fight monsters all day than sit in a boring class room with stuck up snobs. Lily gently poked me in the arm.
"Leah wake up. Leah come on wake up! LEAH!" She poked me harder in the arm.
"Go away." I murmured, shooing her away with my hand.
"Humph. I guess you can't come to the training area with Gabriella then."
Excited I jumped out of my chair. Lily rolled her eyes. I stuck out my tongue as I ran out of the Big House.
"Wait up!" Lily called out.
"Try and catch up little sis!"
Her sapphire eyes flashed. "You don't know who's older."
I smirked. "I think I remember that it was me."
"We were newborns!"
"People don't remember things when they were first born!"
"Well apparently I can!" I crossed my arms over my chest. Lily glared daggers at me. Gabriella walked up. She raised her eyebrow when she saw us giving each other hostile looks.
"I can't believe you!" Lily shrieked, ignoring the fact Gabriella was here now.
"I don't even want to know." Gabriella sighed. "Just follow me before I have to clean up blood." She walked away before we could say anything. Lily shot me another dirty look then followed Gabriella.
"Kiss up." I thought to myself. As I followed a few feet behind I noticed a large crowd gathering. "Hey what's going on over there?"
Gabriella knitted her eyebrows together in concentration. "I'm not sure exactly."
"Maybe we should check it out." Lily suggested.
"I don't think that's a good-" Too late. I was already running towards the huge crowd. People gave me looks as I smacked them out of the way. Finally I could see what was happening. A guy with black hair smirked. Boys crowded around him yelling taunts at the girl who was notching her bow. The girl looked familiar. Her bright aurban hair gleamed in the sunlight. My eyes widened when I saw who it was.
Taking a deep breath she pulled the bow's string back. The boys continued to throw taunts at her. She ignored them. Erin closed her eyes then let go of the string. The arrows flew forward in a blur. Everyone held their breath.
The first two arrows hit the center. The third hit the outside. Erin's face fell. Some of the crowd hauled the guy up on their shoulders. A girl with creepy pink eyes stomped her foot in rage. Erin walked up to the target. Carefully she plucked off one of the arrows. She frowned as if something bothered her. The pink eye girl went up to her. Erin whispered something in the girl's ear. Her eyes narrowed in fury. She flicked her hand up in the air. A vine came out of nowhere and wrapped around the guy's waist. I stared in shock as she flicked her hand again. The vine threw the kid to the ground off of everyone's shoulders. He spat in the girl's face.
"Ricky! What the Hades was that for?"
Ricky who I guess was the pink eyed girl said, "Oh I think you know what that was for. Nobody tries to cheat me into doing their chores."
Everyone was silent.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
OOOOhh how did he cheat? leah seems.....annoying