The Heroes of Olympus Transported in time

blacktemplar posted on Apr 07, 2011 at 02:23PM
Title:Transported in time
Characters:Jason,Leo,Piper,Annabeth and the rest of camp,Percy and the rest of the romans.
OC:Ian McShane ,Daniel ,Elizabeth ,Tom,Derreck, Miranda.

Synopsis:In the heat of the Civil war Ian,Elizabeth and Miranda are sent behind enemy lines to sabotage the supply route of the romans.In the ambush Ian if heavily injured and orders the girls to retreat as he holds back the romans.Right before he dies he gets help from his grandfather The Titan Lord Kronos himself.On the other hand in modern day the Argo II is nearly finnished and the greeks are ready to sail to the roman camp but not before a mysterious and heavily injured boy appeares on Half-Blood Hill.A camper that holds tremendous power and is an old acquaintance of Chiron and the gods.

The Heroes of Olympus 5 replies

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over a year ago blacktemplar said…
Ian ducked behind a tree.The road seemed clear but the romans were tricky bastards and he didn't want to take chances with the mission. A mission which needed to be completed at all costs.Even death was acceptable.That's why thay didn't take any nectar or ambrosia.If they were captured (gods forbid) they would just give the enemies more supplies.And the greeks didn't want that.Chiron's orders were clear destroy the chariots that brought supplies at all costs.If one of them was injured to the point in which he or she would be useless in a fight kill him and continue.The romans got supplies every two weeks and if we you destroy these ones it would give us a great advantage over the enemy-the old centaur had said a few night ago while he was instructing them about their mission and the objectives.But Ian's thoughts were interrupted at the sound of hooves and the clanking of metal.He looked back to see if the girls were ready to execute the ambush.They nodded in agreement.

Elizabeth and Miranda were younger than him.They were 14 and he was 15.But the girls were very different.Elizabeth a daughter of Apollo had shoulder lenght blond hair and bright blue eyes..Her aim with the bow was perfect and her skill with the guitar unmatched.She was the soul of the camp.Always positive even in these times.And to him she was even more.Everyone knew of their relationship.Tha two demigods were in love and even the war couldn't stop them.They had taken their relationship to the next level.She was sleaping with him in the Zeus cabin.It wasn't as serious as sex but being together was enough.And their fathers didn't mind.Miranda was a daughet of Poseidon.With her always messy black hair and seagreen eyes she completely opposite to him or Elizabeth.She was always serious and thinking things trough.Gods she thinks as much if not more than the children of Athena.

The sound of the chariot approached so they took their positions.Elizabeth was already aiming an arrow.One of the fiery ones-Ian thought.The arrow looked like the tip was on fire.The teuth when the arrow touched it's target it unleashed an inormous ammount of heat.Enough heat to melt armour and weapons and to give pretty serious burns.Ian had experienced it first hand.Miranda had her trident and and Ian had his spear whirlwind or ανεμοστρόβιλος in ancient greek.But to the boy's surprise the chariot with the supplies wasn't what he expacted.He expected the normal chariot insted the romans were using the ones that were made by the humans.Completely coated in metal the three chariots were huge and had roofs(Ian sees three stage-coaches)This wasn't going according to plan but then again nothing ever went according to plan.

He heard the noise of an arrow going past his ear and the fist of the three chariots exploted in a giant ball of fire.Nice-he thought as he raised his spear gathered the electricity around his hand shot a lightning bolt at the second one.The force of the impact turned it around and it too was consumed in a giant ball of fire.The third one shot upwards as a geyser of water erupted below it and landed on it's roof.

You two stay here while i go and check for survivors-Ian said to the girls.They noded and Elizabeth alredy had another arrown ready.This time it was a normal one with the tip made of celestial bronze.Before going on the road Ian looked around to make shure there weren't any romans close by.After his scan he walked out of his position and cheked the first of the chariots.It was reeking.Fighting the smell he tried to look inside.For the brief moment in which his eyes stopped on the inside of the chariot he was two burning bodies and supplies.The horses that were pulling the chariot were burning too.Probably got caught in the explosion-he thought to himself.The second one was in the same condition.And the third one was full of water so he didn't open it.Ian turned around with the intention of returning to his friends but before he made even two steps pain exploted on the right side of his neck.Immediately putting his hand to prevent the bleeding the boy found out that it was abig and a deep cut.Then he noticed his attackers.Two kids in armour but before he got a goog look at them they both fell to the ground with arrows sticking out of their heds.

Immediately Elizabeth ran to him and pushed his hand ro reveal the wound on his neck.Then she placed hers on top of it and closed her eyes.Even without nectar and ambrosia she was able to heal.It was a lot more painfull because your senses weren't being dulled by the food and drink of the gods but he clenched his teeth.Of course the Fates weren't going to allow him to be heales peacefully because at that moment a drakon appeared with a roman on top of it.The drakon had only two heads and it wasn't poisonous but it was extremely fast as Ian foud out when one of the heads went for Elizabeth.She had her back to the monster so he grabbed her by the waist and tried to fly them out of there.Unlucky gor Ian he saved her from the jaws of the beast but insted he got caught.The head cught the left side if his chest.Luckily for Ian the drakon's fang's hadn't reached his heart but his left lung was punctured both from the front and the back and if the drakon closed his mouth he was going to end up with a nice lump of meat.But instead the drakon hurled him towards a tree.He got the air knocked out of him when he crashed into the three With Elizabeth in his hands.The look she gave hi mwas of pure horror.He had never been injured this much.The head came for another round but Ina gathered his strenght and sommoned a lightning bolt chanlled it throuh him and shot it at the mouth.The drakon went down immediately.The monster may have had two heads but only one heart.

Ian coughed blood.The drakon's rider was dead and Miranda was running to them.Elizabeth once again went to work.Removing his armour and ripping his shirt she placed her hands on his chest and closed her eyes.His neck wound wasn't bleeding as heavely as before.But the pain he experienced when Elizabeth was heelin it an the pain he experienced now were two different things.This pain was as if the drakon had bitten him again at ten places at at the same time.He couldn't keep it ans sreamed in pain.Elizabeth was startled and she stopped her healing.But before she could start again she was pulled up by Miranda.Ian saw why.Down tha rad was a patrol of romans.Go-he said.The girls nodded even though there were thears in Elizabeth's eyes.

The romans saw him and made their way to the spot in which he was lying.This time there wasn't any way to escape.They were going to kill him on the spot or torture him for information.Of course he wasn't going to thell them anything.One of the romans aproached him.
Where are the others?-he asked.Ian thought that it was a boy by the voice but you couldn't be sure with the romans.Vis vission was already geeting messed because of the ammount of blood he had lost.
What others?-he asked.
Don't play dumb with me greek scum i know that there are others-the roman shouted.
I don't know what you're talking about-Ian said.
The roman growled the tossed something in the air.When he caught it it turned into a spear and he stabbed Ian in the lower left side of the stomach.The boy growled in pain.
The roman twisted his spear whle stile in the wound causing more pain and damage.
Where are-but he didn't finnish.
As if everything around Ian ecept him froze.

Quite in the pitifull state are we-asked a horrible voice that gave Ian the creeps.As if a thousad blades scrapind against each other.
Ian turned his head to the right and saw a man i golden armour.The armour was burning in golden falmes.
Who?-Ian croaked.
Can't figure that by yourself-the man asked.
At first ian thought that the man was Apollo but the voice wasn't the same and the god wasn't able to stop time around himself.
Kronos-Ian said.
Yes-the titan lord confirmed.Do you want to live-he asked the boy.
The catch-Ian asked with a low voice.Shit,he was starting to loose consciousness.
Why do i even bother to ask-Kronos said then he started to laugh and the flames became even biger and brighter.Ian felt that his body had left the ground and for a moment all he saw a were burning golden flames.Then he landed somewhere with a light tud.

How the hell did he got here-a voice asked.How didhe get these horrible wounds-at this point Ian wasn't able to recognise voices.They all sounded the same to him.
Doesn't matter-a voice said.Piper go get Chiron.
There's only one Chiron that i know and if it's the same one then that means that i'm at camp-Ian thought.
And Leo you go get the Apollo cabin-the voice continued.
The Apollo cabin.Does that mean that i would see Elizabeth-Ian thought.
Then he saw the face of a boy leaning over him.The boy had close-cropped blond hair,blue eyes and a scaer on his upper lip.Then Ian's eyelids closed.

That took forever to write.Post feedback.Love it/Hate it.Also to point things out i own nothing but the characters i made up:Ian McShane,Daniel,Elizabeth,Tom,Derreck,Miran­da and this is not affiliated with my son of Neptune fanfic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
whoa my gosh!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE it, it is amazing, an awesome idea for a story. you have a couple of spelling mistakes, but other than that it was perfect!!!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
I really love the plot, but it was difficult to read because of all the misspellings. Just reading over a chapter before you post can really help. A few more commas wouldn't hurt either. I am still looking forward to the next chapter.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
That was very creative!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Interesting. It's different from all the others, kinda.